4: A Chance To Pull Through With Teamwork
A/N: Quick note the rangers have a HUD(head-up display) in their helmets
After the crushing defeat from the Power Rangers, in space Grimmel stared down at the planet if front of him. "I'll soon take over the planet Earth and no one, not even the Ranger's will stop me." Grimmel said in his low dark voice.
It was a normal day on Berk, birds chirping, people happily walking and driving around the city; the Berk Frontier on the other was a different story. Stoick called the Rangers to the command center giving them introduction to the threat they are facing. Eret showing the Rangers all on Grimmel team. "This is Johann. He's Grimmel's monster maker." Eret said showing a pic of Johann, Johann is a dark brown alien and beard tied into a twist knot who also has a long scar under his left eye. Leaving the rangers glued to the screen. "So he's the one who makes the things we fight." Heather stated. Eret nodded. "He also made two of Grimmel's lackeys. Now on the screen showed two brothers alien's. "This is the brothers, Viggo and Ryker." Viggo is a average sized alien with a burned scar on the side of his face and Ryker has a burly, muscular build compared to his brother. Hiccup lowly grumbled at the sight of Viggo but wanted the urge to kill the monster. Eret noticed this. "Hiccup you okay?" Eret asked breaking the attention to Hiccup as the other rangers looked at Hiccup and saw the look on his face. Hiccup didn't look at his team but said. "I'm fine." Astrid didn't see this side of Hiccup and it was weird & scary. "And I'm the Queen of England." Eret said sarcastically. "Hiccup doesn't like Viggo from the looks of it since he fought his yesterday." Heather said as Hiccup just stared at the picture of Viggo not looking at the other brother. Eret then swiped to the side now showing another on of the lackeys. "This is Krogan." Eret said showing the Rangers a picture of Krogan. Krogan looked almost humanoid compared to the other alien lackeys of Grimmel. "He the 3rd in command of Grimmel employed by Grimmel's second in command." Eret explained as he now swiped to show a bulky monster with a metal arm, almost but not quiet humanoid to Krogan. "Second-In-Command. Must be stronger compared to the other's." Astrid said looking at Drago. Eret nodded. Before he could show them a picture of Grimmel, Stoick walked in along with Toothless and saw the rangers and Eret. The Rangers along with Eret instantly saluted to the General. "Ease." Stoick said flatly. "Other than looking at the enemies have you gotten anything on the other four morphers?" Stoick asked. Hiccup and the other's looked Fishlegs since he was the one most experienced. Fishlegs nervously scratched the back of his neck and answered. "Not very good, I'm having trouble figuring out how to translate the text." Stoick smirked and looked at the bulky ranger. "That's why we have Toothless here to help." Soon the command center doors opened to Toothless. "Almost forgot he was here didn't you?" Stoick said staring at the rangers who looked at the ground except for Hiccup and Fishlegs. "Hiccup take Astrid, Heather & Snotlout to the city and scout around in case there is any trouble while Fishlegs and Toothless stay here to look at the Drakon archives to learn more about the morphers." Stoick ordered. Before the rangers were dismissed Snotlout raised his hand. "Uh why look at the archives when all we have to do is ask Toothless?" Snotlout asked. Stoick nodded along with Toothless. "Well because these morpher's were made hundreds of years before I was even born I don't really know about the morphers." Toothless said which made Fishlegs feel a bit down. "Not only that the archives are in Ancient Drakonian which is very difficult to learn, no one on my planet has spoke Ancient Drakonian in at least 200 years." Toothless stated. "Legends say that only the true Dragon Ranger will be able to understand the text." Toothless explained. The rangers listened as Toothless explained about the Language and Morphers. Stoick noticed the silence. "Well if any of you don't have any questions. Fishlegs take Toothless to look at the archives while the others will go scout the city." Stoick ordered. The Rangers, Toothless and Eret stayed silent. "Dismissed." Stoick stated walking away. Hiccup looked at the others and nodded. "You heard him lets go." Hiccup said walking out of the command center with Astrid, Snotlout and Heather following behind him leaving Fishlegs, Toothless and Eret in the command center. "Well lets get to those archives." Toothless said looking at the bulky rangers. Fishlegs nodded and lead him to the Archive room leaving Eret.
Back in space Grimmel still looked at the planet in anger. "I will take over Earth but till then I'll let the others terrorize you." Grimmel growled. It wasn't until second later when Johann came back with a monster. "My Lord." Grimmel heard Johann call. Grimmel turned to see Johann and the others behind a new monster. "May I present Stresstor." Stresstor was a monster that was bulky with sharp armor on his body but what stood out was his face. It was terrifying. "All you have to do is send me to down to Earth and those Ranger's will drop like fly's." Stresstor evilly chuckled. Grimmel glared at the monster. "Well then take a school of Drakobot's with you. If you fail me I'll have your head." Grimmel growled. With that Stresstor disappeared in flames to Earth.
Fishlegs and Toothless were in Fishlegs study looking at the archives looking into the morpher and more ranger power. Fishlegs turned to Toothless seeing him reading the ancient scroll he brought from his world. "Do you know any of the Ancient Drakonian language?" Fishlegs asked Toothless who was reading the scroll. "I'm a bit rusty but if I read more I could help you understand more of the language and the morphers." Toothless suggested. Fishlegs looked at Toothless. What type of Drakonian are you, if you don't mind me asking?" Fishlegs asked. "I've noticed that in these scrolls there's different types of Drakonian's such as, Skrill's, Whispering Death and many more." Toothless turned to the confused ranger and answered. "I come from the Night Fury Drakonian family." Toothless answered. Fishlegs looked away from his scroll and looked at the Drakonian. "Wait, Night Fury?" Fishlegs asked in disbelief. "Hiccup's zord is a Night Fury, isn't your Drakonian family nearly extinct?" Fishlegs asked. Toothless nodded in response. "Actually, I'm the last of my family." Toothless softy said. "Grimmel destroyed my family. My parents hid me as he had different foot soldiers at the time, Deathgrippers." Toothless started. Fishlegs looked at Toothless in confusion. "Deathgrippers? I've never heard of them." Fishlegs stated. Toothless nodded. "Deathgrippers are a monstrous foot soldiers with their protruding tusks, foreclaw like hand pincers, and poisonous venom. They traveling in packs like wild dogs, Deathgrippers enjoy hunting for prey and should be avoided at all costs." Toothless informed. "Grimmel sent them out and killed my family leaving me the last of my kind." Toothless said softer the before. "When got out about the morphers being found and Grimmel escaping, I came here to help you guys win this battle against him." Toothless said feeling a ping of anger inside. Toothless shook it off and went back to the scroll. Fishlegs noticed the silence and went back to reading the scroll as best as he could.
Hiccup and the other's walked around Berk still in the Berk Frontier uniforms walking around Berk. Hiccup and the other's looked around and saw as the civilians were all smiling and enjoying themselves. Heather noticed and smiled at the sight of the people's enjoyment. "This is what we fight for." Heather said looking at the civilians. The other rangers looked at what Heather saw and smiled at the sight. "No matter where and what we're doing this is what we need to save the world for." Hiccup said past other rangers. Hiccup kept walking leaving the other ranger's behind him. Snotlout still didn't like the fact of Hiccup being leader. "Hiccup being Red Ranger is a huge mistake." Snotlout said which pulled the attention of the girl's. "He's not strong enough for it and he's gonna get us killed." Snotlout whined making Astrid and Heather scoff at him. "Snotlout you being leader will get us killed, Hiccup has something you don't have." Astrid said turning away from Snotlout. "A heart that's pure and that see's what life should be like." Astrid continued. 'He's stronger than all of us combined. He has what it takes to be the Red Ranger, unlike you." Astrid said walking away leaving Snotlout and Heather. Heather shook her head and walked away following Hiccup and Astrid with Snotlout following behind her. As the unmorphed rangers continued there walk along the city their attention was broken by a blast that knocked them back. They looked up and saw Stresstor with a school of Drakobot's. "Your the Power Ranger?!" Stresstor said as the rangers sat up. "Your just kids." Stresstor added. Hiccup stood up with the other following his action. "We'll still take you on." Hiccup said as the other rangers stood beside him in a fighting stance. "Drakobot's attack!" Stresstor ordered as the Drakobot's ran to the rangers as they quickly went into the battle. Heather blocked an attack from the a Drakobot and quickly punched it in the chest, Heather spun around and swiftly kicked another in the gut. Snotlout sent a swift hard punch to the chest of a Drakobot, another Bot tried to attack Snotlout from behind but he sent a kick to the Drakobot sending it flying into the others. Astrid gracefully backflips away from the Drakobot's and stopped and sent a hard kick to the chest of a Drakobot, another Drakobot tried to punch her but she quickly blocked it and sent a devastating punch to the gut of the Drakobot.
Meanwhile Hiccup was in the middle of a battle with Stresstor, Hiccup hit Stresstor and immediately sent a tornado kick on Stresstor knocking him back. Stresstor growled at Hiccup. "How about I get my hits in!" Stresstor said holding his hand out sending out multiple energy blasts. Hiccup dodged the blasts by back flipping away from the them with ease but one blast hit Hiccup in the chest which sent him flying near the other rangers. "So easy." Stresstor said as the rangers stood back up glaring at their enemy. "I don't think so." Hiccup said. "Ready!" Hiccup yelled throwing his fist forward. The others followed throwing their forward along with him and called out. "Dragon Spirit, Dragon Power!" They called out and soon after that a red flame covered Hiccup and now his ranger suit, a blue flame covered Astrid now in her ranger suit, a black flame covered Snotlout who now stood in his ranger suit and a white flame covered Heather who stood in her ranger suit. The Rangers now stood in their fighting stance. Stresstor growled. "Suits or not I'll still destroy you!" Stresstor yelled firing a blast at the rangers but the rangers dodged it with ease and attacked Stresstor. Heather attempted to send a kick to the chest of Stresstor but blocked it and gave Heather a hard kick back, Snotlout sent a devastating punch to but Stresstor blocked it and blew Snotlout back with it's powerful beams, Astrid ran over to help but was hit by a blast from Stresstor sending her flying but luckily Hiccup caught her. "You okay?" Hiccup asked looked down at Astrid. Astrid realized she was in Hiccup's arms, Astrid quickly jumped out of Hiccup's arms and looked at Stresstor. "I'm fine." Stresstor evilly chuckled at the Rangers. "Not for long!" Stresstor then fired a stronger blast but Hiccup and Astrid quickly dodged it and called their weapons. "Dragon Sword!" Hiccup yelled out as his sword appeared in his hands. "Dragon Axe!" Astrid yelled out as her Axe appears. "Dragon Mace!" Snotlout yelled as his Mace appeared in his hands. "Dragon Whip!" Heather yelled out as her Whip appeared in her hand. Stresstor laughed at the rangers. "Those useless weapons won't help you one bit." Stresstor said as he fired an energy blast at the rangers, but they dodged the blast and attacked the monster. Heather wrapped her whip around Stresstor and Hiccup struck Stresstor with his sword but did very little damage as Stresstor broke free from Heather's whip and struck Hiccup and fired a strong blast at Astrid, Snotlout and Heather knocking them back. Hiccup immediately called Fishlegs through his morpher.
Fishlegs was walking around the Frontier taking a break from his reading until he almost got hit by a random object. He looked over to see two teens laugh. Male and Female. "Who are you?" Fishlegs asked to two teens. They both had long blonde hair. The male had long blonde dreads that ran down his back and the female with a braid running down her back. "We're the twins," the two said in sync. "I'm Ruffnut." The girl introduced. "And I'm Tuffnut." The boy introduced. Fishlegs nodded at the two. "I'm Fishlegs." The twins chuckled. "We know, your the yellow ranger." Ruffnut said. "We noticed that your here while the other ranger's are out there." Fishlegs looked at the twins and answered. "I was ordered to read some of the Drakon archives." Fishlegs stated. The twins looked at each other and laughed. "Classic bookworm ranger." Ruffnut said in between laughter. "Every ranger team had one." Tuffnut said. "From Billy Cranston to Nate Silva." Ruffnut stated. (Quick A/N: I know Ruff and Tuff are supposed to be the idiots of the group but I kinda want them to have some brain so they'll have their smarts here and there. And another) Fishlegs then gets a call from his morpher from Hiccup breathing heavily. "Fishlegs we need your help now!" Hiccup said from the morpher. Fishlegs ran out of the room and brought his morpher up. "Where are you?" Fishlegs asked. "Sector 9. We need you now." Hiccup called out from the morpher. Fishlegs ran out of HQ and threw his fist out. "Dragon Spirit, Dragon Power!" Then immediately morphed into the his ranger uniform.
Hiccup kicked Stresstor and capoeira flips away and Astrid slashed Stresstor. Stresstor growled and blasted the rangers away. The rangers landed on their back looking up at Stresstor. "Four out of five, the Master will be pleased." Stresstor evilly laughed out. Ready to put down a finish to the rangers a hammer came out of nowhere and hit Stresstor in the chest sending him flying. The rangers looked over and saw Fishlegs running towards the ranger. Fishlegs finally made his way to the rangers and picked up his hammer as the others. "Bout time you got here." Snotlout said standing up as the others followed. "I'm here now." Fishlegs said. "Now let's finish this." Hiccup said as he and the rangers readied their weapons. Snotlout hitting the Stresstor, Heather slashing at Stresstor, Fishlegs bashing Stresstor, Astrid cutting the Stresstor and finally Hiccup slicing the Stresstor. But Stresstor stood there unmarked. "What?!" The rangers said surprised. Stresstor laughed. "Now let me try." Stresstor then built up a energy blast and shot it at the Rangers. Hiccup got in front and took the blast hard, reverting back to his Berk uniform. "Hiccup?!" The rangers yelled and ran to him. "Next time you won't be so lucky." Stresstor then teleported away.
Back at HQ, Hiccup stood in front of Stoick who was angry. "I'm not even gonna ask what happened out there." Stoick then looked at Hiccup. "You put your self in front of the others to take that blast that could have killed you." Hiccup nodded. "Hofferson and Jorgenson dislike you yet you did that. How do you know if they would have done the same?" Stoick asked. Hiccup shook his head. "Sir that does not matter to me. I acted and took the hit for them." Stoick shook his head. "This isn't a game Hiccup! You can't just endanger yourself like that." Stoick yelled back. Hiccup was now furious. "But if it were civilians we'd have a different conversation!" Hiccup then angrily walked out. Stoick sighed and turned around to see Gobber and Valka. "Well that went better than expected." Gobber said attempting to break the silence. "He could have been killed." Stoick said to his wife and friend. Valka shook her head at her husband. "Many rangers have done that. Take the first pink Galactic Ranger." Gobber nodded. "She's right Stoick, Kendrix Morgan sacrificed herself to save her fellow rangers and the space rangers." Stoick nodded but objected. "The only difference is that we don't have anyone else to access the morpher." Goober then raised his voice. "Your doubting the boy Stoick, he knew what he did and the risk, they may be teenager's but they know what they're up against. Hell they're probably thanking the boy now." At least he was half true.
As Hiccup furiously made his way to his room he was stopped by Astrid. "Hiccup." She called out. Hiccup turned to see his second in command running after him. "Yes?" Hiccup said as she stopped right in front of him. "What were you thinking?!" Astrid exclaimed at the boy who was now fuming. "Not you too, I just had to listen to my dad yell at me for doing that. If your going to do the same don't bother." Hiccup said angrily which made her jump. "I understand what could have happened but I'd rather just leave it be, unless you have an idea to have enough power to destroy that monster don't talk to me." Hiccup then walks away leaving a very stunned Astrid.
Back in the rangers quarters Heather, Fishlegs and Snotlout were sitting down quietly. Until Snotlout broke it being an idiot. "Hiccup was pretty stupid for take the hit like that." That made Heather and Fishlegs give him an unsatisfied look. "Like you would have been any better in that situation." Fishlegs scoffed. Snotlout looked shocked. He never heard him talk like since Fishlegs was always friendly. "I didn't say that, I just said he was stupid for doing that, he could have gotten himself hurt." Snotlout said looking away. Heather shook her head. "I hate to agree with him but he's right. What if Hiccup got killed." This made Fishlegs look away from them. "And given the fact he did that I'm sure that the General is furious." Fishlegs said quietly. "He would have been killed but can any of us say that we would have did the same?" Snotlout snorted and decided to try to boost his ego to make himself seem cool. "I would have." That made Heather and Fishlegs glare at him. "No I wouldn't and neither of you would have either even Astrid." Snotlout corrected as the door opened for Astrid. "Even Astrid what?" She asked eyeing the ranger sitting next to Heather. "Wouldn't have jumped in front of that blast." Snotlout announced. Astrid merely nodded. "Where were you?" Heather asked as Astrid laid back looking defeated. "Who wants to bet she was trying to yell at Hiccup for getting in the way and she left him stunned." Snotlout said as he stood and went to mini fridge. Astrid just shook her head. "How wrong you are." She replied and made the other look at her in confusion. "He snapped. This is a much different Hiccup from earlier today." Astrid said looking away. "Leading 'us' into battle must be difficult for him." Heather said to the other. "Astrid your tend to be hot-headed, I try my best to pull around in a fight, Fishlegs is sometimes nervous and Snotlout...." Heather then looked at the heavily ego' d ranger. "He's just Snotlout." That made him frown. "Did he say anything when he snapped." Fishlegs asked. Astrid sighed as answered. "He said something about unless we have a way to have enough power to beat the monster don't talk to him." The others looked down in defeat. "He's right about that, we put in so much damage to that thing yet he took it like a mosquito bite." Heather stated. "But how and how are we going to get that much firepower to beat him." Fishlegs that for a moment until he remembered something from the ranger archives. "I think I have it." Fishlegs said as he stood up to leave the room. "What is it and where are you going?" Astrid asked making Fishlegs look back. "To get Hiccup he need to hear it to."
Hiccup laid in his bed and stared at the ceiling thinking to himself. It's like they think I'm fragile or something. Hiccup sat up and put his hair in his hands and sighed. Just when things were going well. His door soon opened for him to see the other rangers. "Unless you guys have a way to beat Stresstor I don't want to hear it." Hiccup said laying back down. "I do." Fishlegs said which made Hiccup look at him. "But well need to make another stop." Fishlegs said and walked away making the others follow and Hiccup trail behind and follow.
The soon went into Fishlegs room to see scrolls and papers scattered around. "You wanna destroy him by showing him you messy room." Snotlout said nonchalantly. Fishlegs then showed them a picture in one of the Ranger books that shows a cannon. "Ever since the beginning of the Ranger history they've been able to combine their weapons to make a Power Cannon of sorts. What if we have the same thing?" Fishlegs announced which made the rangers smile for a split second. "But who do we know that'll be able to make some weapon like that?" Astrid asked. It was quiet until a voice was heard from behind them. "Us." The rangers turned and saw the twins. "Aren't you the idiotic twins who hurt each other for fun?" Snotlout asked. The acted hurt by that. "That's a weird way to thank the ones who made your weapons." Tuffnut said which made them surprised. "We may be dumb but we have our moments." Ruffnut said. Tuffnut nodded. "And if you want that cannon I suggest you hurry we never know when this monster could come back." Tuff added. The rangers obliged and handed over their weapon. "We radio whenever their ready." Ruffnut said as she and her brother took off with the weapons. "Are we really letting those idiot twins make our weapons into a cannon?" Snotlout asked as if they were entrusting their lives on them. Fishlegs hesitantly nodded and replied. "I've read their file Snotlout, they were only 5 when they first made a blaster, they may be 'idiots' but even idiot have their moments." Snotlout shook his head and pouted. "Until their done what are we gonna do?" Snotlout asked. Astrid turned to Hiccup ready to ask him something but Hiccup walked away, Astrid was ready to follow him but she noticed the looks on his face, he was still upset about earlier and at the moment he need to let off the anger. And that he did.
Hiccup was in the training room punching a punching bag for about the last 30 minutes lashing his anger out on the bag. From afar he was watched by Astrid, Snotlout and Heather. Hiccup punched the bag repeatedly not breaking a sweat all of the past had hit Hiccup, the names he was called when he was younger, the failures he's had in life, the stress he's in, the pain he's lived with and his last encounter with Stresstor. From afar the 3 rangers watched in awe as their leader sent out his anger on a bag. "Damn didn't know Hiccup had it in him." Snotlout said as he in utter shock. Hiccup then sent on last heavy roundhouse kick to the punching bag sending it to the floor spilling sand all over the place. "You guys gonna stay over there?" Hiccup said from afar as he stopped hitting the bag. The others soon slowly walked over and stopped in front of the bag that was now on the floor. "What did the bag do to you?" Snotlout asked like an idiot making the others facepalm. Hiccup sighed heavily. "Nothing just peachy." Hiccup said as he wiped the sweat off his face. "That's a lie Hiccup." Astrid said as Hiccup threw the towel away. "Huh....less than a month ago two of you didn't like me, now your more worried that I could have died." Hiccup spoke out. "What I did I did because it was a gut feeling. I took a hit for my team." At this point Astrid, Snotlout and Heather were shocked by this. "Sometimes I just wish I had what you guys have." Hiccup said softly sitting down on the ground looking down with is hair covering his face. Astrid now utterly confused asked. "What do you mean?" Hiccup once again sighed and replied. "Astrid you have strength and speed on your side. Heather is opportunist, keeps her head up, optimistic, perceptive and is able to think her way out of trouble. Fishlegs is not only the smartest of all of us but pull's through when the time is needed. Snotlout not only may be arrogant and have a high ass ego but he can fight and pull's through." Hiccup explained leaving the other's including Snotlout, stunned for words. "I try and try to do something to help you guy's but.....I just don't know." Hiccup moaned out running his hands through his hair. "Hiccup you're wrong. You're intelligent, determined, strategist, have good observational skills, protective ." Astrid stated. "That shows great aptitude at being a leader Hiccup. Something that none of us have." Hiccup looked at Heather and Snotlout who nodded back at him. Hiccup smiled. It was at that moment alarms went off and Fishlegs voice came from their morphers. "Stresstor is back and he's in the plaza." Hiccup looked back at the other rangers and motioned for them to follow.
Stresstor wreaked havoc on the plaza destroying things in his way. "Make way for when Lord Grimmel reigns the earth!" Stresstor yells as he blast at people thankfully not hitting them. "No one can stop me!" Stresstor gloated but was soon hit by blast knocking him on his feet. "Are you sure about that?" Hiccup's voice called out. Stresstor looked over and saw the morphed ranger ready for round 2 of their battle. "You couldn't beat me last time what makes you think you can beat me again?" Stresstor rejoiced. "Teamwork." The rangers replied. "How long till the twin will be able to get our weapons to us?" Astrid asked. Hiccup looked over to his teammate. "Hopefully soon." Hiccup then looked back at Stresstor and readied himself with the other rangers. "Here goes nothing." With that the rangers charged at Stresstor and attacked. Hiccup, Snotlout and Fishlegs sending rapid hits at Stresstor and Astrid and Heather who send kicks at the monster but with his armor they were merely just scratches to him. "We need our weapon's!" Snotlout yelled out backing away from Stresstor but was slashed across the chest by him ready to finish him, Hiccup grabbed his arm while Fishlegs grabbed the other as the girls ran over and kicked Stresstor in the chest sending him across the plaza.
"Hey!" Two voices yelled out. The rangers brought their attention and saw the twins running with their weapons. "We got it down and have Eret sending you the plans to you HUD." The rangers then grabbed their weapons and heard a message on the morpher. "Ranger's I'm sending you the battle plans for the Dragon Cannon now." With that the rangers saw on the HUD a cannon with all their weapons." Hiccup smirked at the cannon. "Lets do this guy." Hiccup announced. Stresstor chose a bad time to recover. "What now?!"
Snotlout threw up his mace. "Dragon Mace."
Heather with her whip. "Dragon Whip."
Fishlegs with his hammer. "Dragon Hammer."
Astrid with her axe. "Dragon Axe."
And finally Hiccup with his sword. "Dragon Sword."
With all the weapons in the air the weapons united into a cannon. (Work with me here I'm making it up as I go.) Snotlout's Mace and Fishlegs Hammer as a handle on the side, Astrid's Axe in the center, Heathers Whip in the center and Hiccup's sword as the cherry on the top. Stresstor now scared tries to back away. "They never told me about this." The rangers now placed themselves near their weapons and readied them. "They feed off you Dragon energy." Ruffnut yelled out. "So advise yourselves to use them otherwise you won't be able use it. " Tuffnut added. Hiccup and the others nodded and focused their energy on the weapon. (Just saying now it would most likely look like a damn handcapped crossbow.) Hiccup drew his sword back as the rangers called out their attack. "DRAGON BLAST!" The rangers cried out as their energy hit the sword and launched itself toward Stresstor landing a direct blow. Stresstor groaned out in pain. "This isn't over!" Stresstor yelled out as he toppled over and exploded. With the battle over the twins ran over and celebrated. "You guys did it!" They yelled out in joy but soon their voice was drowned out.
Grimmel slammed his armrest on his chair in anger. "He was right about one thing. It's not over yet. Johann!" Grimmel yelled out. Johann walked over and to Grimmel as he was called. "Yes Milord?" Grimmel glared at Johann. "Activate the Mega Regenerator."
Before the Rangers got a change to celebrate with the twins they heard a familiar voice but this time louder and him being bigger. "I told you it wasn't over." Stresstor was back. Hiccup then looked at the twin. "Go back to base, this will get ugly." The twin's maybe dumb at time but with a 100ft monster over the city they knew what. "Time to show him more teamwork guys." Hiccup said as the others stood right beside him and shouted aloud. "Dragon Spirits Arise." With that their zord's flown in. Hiccup's Night Fury Zord, Astrid's Deadly Nadder, Fishlegs Gronkle and Heather's Razorwhip. The ranger's then shouted out again. "Zord's combine!" They yelled out as their zord shifted and combined together in the Megazord. "A glow up and a dress change won't stop me ranger's" Stresstor yelled out charging at the ranger's. "Okay guy's teamwork hasn't failed us yet, lets keep going." Hiccup stated. Heather smiled and pumped her fist at that sentence. "Your lead Hiccup." Stresstor finally made it's way to the Zord and stuck it with his claws causing little damage as the ranger's retaliated and delivered a devastating blow to Stresstor's back launching him away. Now was their chance. Hiccup looked down at Heather. "Now!" Hiccup yelled out. Heather followed the command. "Razor Sword!" Heather called out as the Zord took out a Sword and slashed at Stresstor. "Your turn Snotlout!" Snotlout smirked and cracked his knuckles. "Now were talking, watch this." Snotlout boasted out. "Wing Blast!" The wing then blasted Stresstor away from the Rangers. "Fishlegs your up." Fishlegs smile and yelled out. "Power Bludgeon!" With Fishlegs Dragon Spirit Zord being a Gronkle, their armor is stronger than most dragons have. With the armor of Megazord on the arms, chest and back. Fishlegs controlled the zord and backhanded Stresstor. "Astrid!" Astrid was already ready and stuck her hand out which controlled a part of the zord. "Let get him with a Spine Shot." With that, Spine Shot of the Nadder zord shot out of the hand and hit Stresstor hard. The other ranger now looked at Hiccup and Hiccup already knew what needed to be done. "Alright lets hit him with a Plasma Blast." And with that the Night Fury zord shot out a powerful blast which damaged Stresstor hard. Now weak he was defenseless. "I will not go down like this." Stresstor pouted. The rangers took notice and stuck their hands out all together and yelled our. "Dragon Fire Blas!" With that cry they channeled their energy and sent out a powerful blast and hit Stresstor destroying him instantly. "Together We Stand." Hiccup said quietly.
Grimmel cried out in anger which shook his palace in place. "I will not lose to these Teenagers!" Drago walked over to his leader and knelled. "The time for them to lose will come soon Milord." Grimmel glared at Drago. "It better happen soon!"
The Ranger and the Twin sat in the common room celebrating their last victory. "I can't believe it actually worked." Fishlegs said in a surprised tone at the twin's. The twin smirked and looked at the geeky ranger. "Same here." Ruffnut said aloud. "Who knew that a sword, axe, hammer, mace and whip would create a cannon that powerful." Tuffnut then had a crazy idea. With the blast of what imagine what we could create with our own stuff." Tuffnut said in amazement. Wanna blow some stuff up sis?" Tuffnut asked. Ruffnut smiled. "Oh no." Hiccup said as he realized the twins leaving to do their own mission. Astrid smiled at what he noticed. "They have their moment's." Astrid said smiling at the twins as they finally left. "That they do." A voice said. The rangers turned and saw Toothless standing in the doorway. "What's going on Toothless?" Snotlout greeted. "Want a drink?" Snotlout asked holding up a soda. Toothless shook his head. "I'm not sure how Earth drink could take on a Drakonian system but to hell with it." He said as he walked over. "This may end badly." Heather said looking at the soda while the others watched. Toothless opened the can and took a drink with the ranger's having a concerned look. "This taste's delicious what is it?" Hiccup smiled. "What we human's call Dr. Pepper." Toothless then chugged it. "Well I'd love to meet this Dr. Pepper to thank him for having a drink that take's well to Drakonian's." With that all the rangers could do is laugh.
No I'm not sponsored by Dr. Pepper but I'd love to be
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