
SYOCstuckStory: SYOCstuck
Category: Homestuck
Genre: OC
Author: shylone
Last updated: 11/28/2014
Words: 19654
Rating: T
Status: In Progress
Content: Chapter 1 to 17 of 17 chapters

Summary: 12 SYOC human characters enter into a new Sburb session. Much shit transpires.*Chapter 1*: Act 1 Part 1 - Female Double Reacharound

[A/N]: I think I'm going to stick to an update less, faster schedule. I think that works better for me.

A young girl stands in her bedroom. It just so happens that today, the 21ST OF DECEMBER, 2012, is of no significance to her in particular. It is NOT her birthday, nor is it any of her friends' birthdays. By the way, she already has a name, in case you we're wondering. But what is that name?


Your name is CAMI. As previously mentioned it is the 21ST, 4 days until the delightful holiday that is CHRISTMAS. This girl has many friends, and with them and others her age they will embark on glorious adventures of increasingly confusing complexity and mystery. But she does not know this.

Like any sane/alive person, you have some INTERESTS. Your main interest is GARDENING, although one cannot really garden considering it is WINTER in NEW JERSEY. So instead you spend most of your time on your LAPTOP, watching COP SHOWS of dubious quality and 90'S ANIME containing dubious dubbing.

You also like to play GAMES, more specifically INDIE RPGs, usually those made with RPGMAKER or the like. In fact, one such game is due to arrive shortly, as an early Christmas present for yourself. You plan to play this game with friends as well since from what you read it is a multiplayer experience.

You also like to talk with your FRIENDS online about these things and others via the chat client PESTERCHUM. Your chumhandle is verdurousFlorist and you talk "in an happy and excited way, usually with emoticons! :D"

You decide you've watched enough Sailor Moon for one day, because there are only so many egregiously long transformation sequences one can take. You decide to see if anyone is pestering you in the meantime. It seems someone is.

- xenoYeager[XY] began pestering verdurousFlorist[VF] –

XY: Heyy, anyyone there?

XY: Hello?

XY: Cami?

XY: Anyything interesting going on?

XY: Hm.

VF: oh hi!

VF: no, i'm here!

VF: :D

XY: So, do have the game yyet?

VF: no not yet :(

VF: its on its way i think :I

XY: I'm going to see if anyone else wants to playy, okayy?

VF: sure!

- xenoYeager[XY] ceased pestering verdurousFlorist[VF] -

You are now the other girl. What is her name?

Oops, not yet, never mind, we're back to Cami.

Your sister wants you to shovel the driveway so she can leave in her car for the day. She always wants you to do things like that. You, of course, don't mind, in part because you always try to be enthusiastic about things. The second reason is a bit more... abstract than that. After apply a HEAVY WINTER COAT and BOOTS and GLOVES and SNUGGLY HAT to your person, you exit your house and examine the yard.

While you are out, you decide to check the mailbox for the game you are presently waiting for. Predictably, it isn't here yet. You examine the rest of your yard and the neighborhood.

The streets are empty. Wind skims the voids keeping neighbors apart, as if signifying the fact that you may or may not be alone in this neighborhood.

One of the things about looking at something from the past: it's good to remember the historical context.

There had been magical girls, before this. They transformed into pretty clothes and done awesome stuff (that generally went humorously wrong).

And there were superhero shows. Some of them even had a token female character that wasn't a stay-at-home love interest.

And then there was Sailor Moon, in which the clumsy, awkward girl who has hopeless crushes on the cute, unattainable guy teams up with her BFFs to blow the living crap out of demons with their magical powers.

Nobody else had done this before.

It was groundbreaking.

Yes, you are certain someone famous said that. One hundred percent positive.


You have a feeling it's going to be a long day.

You really don't have time for this sort of tangential thinking. Just shovel the driveway already.

Time for that abstract part that was totally previously mentioned earlier.

Your modus is quite the strange thing. The LovesMeLovesMeNot modus works like when those girls a long time ago would go back and forth between "He loves me" and "He loves me not" until the flower ran out of petals and a decision would be reached.

Basically that, except whatever phrase she ended on would decide how the item would come out, normally or ejected at high velocity.

Of course, the modus WILL cooperate instead of flinging the item away into the frozen pond you are standing in front of that was totally mentioned earlier.

(This will happen and will be shocking and unexpected.)

Well, you don't have to mess with your sylladex in this case because you can simply pull it straight from your strife specibus instead!


You pull a gray metal shovel with a pink handle from thin air. Not really a snow shovel, but it'll work.

You set to work shoveling the driveway.

Now that's she's busy, let's NOW go back to the other girl.

Wait, no that's a scorpion. Zoom out. There we go. Sometimes we focus on the wrong-


Wait, I wasn't done. Oh whatever. What will you do?

You decide to EXAMINE your ROOM.

Your room isn't anything too special, but your walls are dominated by huge SHELVES, containing things representing your INTERESTS. Namely, comic books, sci-fi shows, and anime DVDs. Everyone likes anime. Except those who don't, but some of your friends do! Anyway, you also have a pet scorpion. His name is... well he doesn't have a name. He is just a scorpion.

You also use your computer quite a bit. By a bit, you mean a lot. Mainly to talk to your friends through Pesterchum or on forums or something. Your chumhandle is xenoYeager and you "talk veryy competentlyy, friendlyy, and savvilyy, except WHEN YYOU'RE ANGRYY."

You decide to cut to the chase and start asking around for people to play the new game you just received. Its CD case proudly displayed "SBURB OMEGA" in dark blue block text, with a strange blue cross-house logo behind it. You have a sneaking suspicion that you shouldn't open this case quite yet, because, for one, no one else has confirmed they even have it yet!

You decide to open PESTERCHUM. You have all the connections. ALL OF THEM. Although you don't quite know everyone on your chumroll, you suspect somehow you'll rope them all into the game somehow.

[X] sillyPromethean [SP]

[O] mathematicallyNeutral [MN]

[O] verdurousFlorist [VF]

[O] xenoYeager [XY](you)

[X] brightFantasy [BF]

[O] workerSlacking [WS]

[X] scienceFanatic [SF]

[X] classicallyModern [CM]

[O] mysticalBibliomaniac [MB]

[X] recalcitrantAgitator [RA]

[O] lawfulMyth [LM]

There was one more, but his chumhandle disappears from your list regularly. It's annoying.

In any case, 5 of your friends are online. You decide to pester one of your guy friends for a change.

- xenoYeager[XY] began pestering mathematicallyNeutral[MN] –

XY: Heyy

XY: Heyy

XY: Yyou there?


MN: Because some people are Doing other Things.

MN: And can't Answer a chat client Immediately.

XY: Okayy.

MN: So what's up?

XY: Want to playy a game?

MN: I am.

XY: Yyou are? With who?

MN: With a whole bunch of people.

MN: But I can guess we're not talking about the same Game.

XY: I'm talking about SBURB.

MN: Oh yeah, I saw that on Steam today,

MN: I thought about picking It up.

XY: Do it! We're all gonna playy together?

MN: Define "we".

XY: Cami, yyou, me, and whoever else we can get!

MN: I guess I'll get it. It is Christmas after all.

XY: Yyayy!

MN: Okay that instance of your Quirk was just egregious.

[A/N] And that 1300 word thing is Act 1, Part 1!

*Chapter 2*: Act 1 Part 2 - Insert Witty Title Here

[A/N]: Hello Everyone! That was quick! another chapter :D Enjoy! Thanks for all your awesome reviews!

Act 1 Part 2

You are now Cami.

Well that was a lot of shoveling.

You stash your shovel back into your strife deck and head back inside to your computer.

You decide to contact your other girl friend to see if she has her copy of the game yet.

- verdurousFlorist[VF] began pestering mysticalBibliomaniac[MB] –

VF: hey :D

MB: wut

VF: how are you? :)

MB: fine

VF: did you get your copy of the game yet?

MB: um I think so

MB: the cover isn't too exciting

MB: I probably could have drawn something better

VF: is it really that bad? :?

MB: its basically like someone spent about 5 seconds in Photoshop

MB: and was like done, epic, print.

VF: well what would you have done?

MB: idk, argh, who else got it?

VF: I asked Gwen, she doesn't have it yet, she said she'd ask around :P

MB: damnit she probably asked finn, and he's like "I'm in charge of this shit"

MB: nope sorry

MB: unconvinced

VF: that's a kind of mean :(

MB: that's the way he is

VF: not really

MB: I'm going to leave since there's really no point to this conversation anymore.

MB: but thanks for the offer

MB: :)

VF: :D

- verdurousFlorist[VF] ceased pestering mysticalBibliomaniac[MB] –

VF: :\

Well, since we're still on the topic, let's find out who this Finn boy is, alright?

We find ourselves in the city, in an apartment, in a bedroom. Our glasses-wearing hero is sitting at a computer, downloading a game which he will soon play with some amount of players, which you currently believe to be at least 3 others.


What will you do?

You decide to examine your room to determine interests. Like always.

Your room is very orderly. No posters are on your walls, because there is simply no room for such things. Your walls are completely covered in bookshelves. And by completely you mean you have one relatively normal-sized shelf next to your bed, which contains book on ARISTOLE, MODERN LAW, Your desk contains the relatively normal-powered Windows 7 computer.

Oh come on, throw us a bone here. Something please.

You decide to look an image someone has sent you. It is your rival, even though the rivalry is mostly on her side. You do not really understand why she hates you so much. Her sketched picture depicts you attacking her with a katana, whilst she defends herself with throwing stars. It is incredibly silly.

You do not own a katana.

You do, however own a rapier.


You remove the RAPIER from its spot in your strife deck and hold up the PEN for you to see.

This is very clearly a clicky-pen and not a katana.

While waiting for the game to download, you click the pen incessantly. This is taking forever.

After a few seconds, you find that clicking the pen gets boring and a little annoying very quickly, so you store the rapier back in your strife deck.

The download bar is chugging along slowly, so slowly, in fact, that you decide you want to know how long it is actually going to take, because 4 SECONDS REMAINING is clearly not accurate. You retrieve your TI-84 from your syalladex.

The nature of the MATH MODUS dictates that whenever a object is to be removed from it, a math problem directly proportional to its side and/or usefulness must be solved first.

You quickly determine that 574 X 231 is 132594.

You cannot beat Finn in a math-off. He is simply the best there is.

In fact you begin to wonder why you need this calculator.

You already determined that the download will take another 12 minutes.

You decide to talk to one of your friends in the meantime.

- mathematicallyNeutral[MN] began pestering workerSlacking[WS] –

MN: Hey

WS: Hey Finn

MN: I was wondering if you wanted to play a Game.

WS: Well this 'game' must be something I'd enjoy.

MN: Hm?

WS: You capitalized "game".

MN: Well yes I do sometimes capitalize Direct Objects when I'm making a point.

WS: example ^

MN: Yeah

WS: So whats it about?

MN: Excuse me?

WS: The game.

MN: Gwen told me we should all play it.

WS: Who is 'all'.

MN: lol, That's exactly what I said.

WS: probly not exactly but point taken

WS: but wait

WS: you agreed to this without even knowing what it is you're getting into?

MN: It is a Game.

MN: relax

WS: okay fine.

WS: Is there building?

MN: I think.

WS: Is there fighting

MN: I do believe there is PvE

WS: um

MN: Player versus Enviroment

WS: oh

WS: I meant player fighting

MN: PvP, not sure.

WS: okay fine whatever it'll be fun.

WS: where do I get it?

MN: the Download is taking forever

MN: I'll just send It to you after

MN: It'll go quicker that way.

WS: Sure.

MN: I got another drawing; she still hates me apparently

MN: What is it about you she likes?

WS: no idea.

WS: she and you are the same

WS: but opposite

MN: See I don't get that, you must know her better than I

MN: but that's weird cause I've known Her longer.

WS: its like

WS: you two do the same things

WS: but backwards

MN: You mean we have opposite ways of going about things, yeah I know.

WS: but the things themselves are usually similar

WS: does that make sense

MN: Kind of.

MN: I always thought that she liked you because She's the opposite of me

MN: And You're the opposite of me.

MN: So opposites attract?

MN: wait

WS: Explaination fail. Hehe

MN: You know what I mean.

WS: yeah.

WS: but then how are we friends.

MN: We must get along better cause we're both guys

WS: Yeah.

MN: wait

WS: um

MN: ...

WS: awkward.

MN: never mind

MN: I'll talk to you in a few minutes after the download's done, okay?

WS: uh sure yeah

- mathmaticallyNeutral[MN] ceased pestering workerSlacking[WS] -

That was a really strange conversation you just had, but anyway, the download percentage is at 43% and counting, what will you do?

You are now the omniscient viewpoint.

You decide to sneak a peek at some other characters, two we won't see for a long, long while.

Out, beyond all of certain space, there exists a space known as the Furthest Ring. We cannot possibly know what is going on in there, unless we have a character within, because of the Paradox Space's NATURE INHERENT.

Oh look, one such character is emerging out of it now. He is holding a large heavy book in his hands, which he retrieved earlier. Drifting along the Veil, he comes across a location of a sacred/illicit nature. He knows what to do, because he was directed to by his ACCOMPLICE.

The accomplice currently resides at a location much opposite, the center of Skaia, the BATTLEFIELD. Currently unprototyped, it sits, waiting for inevitability. The accomplice carries a device with him as well. A device that should not exist here. But it does. And which can certainly be put to good use now.

[A/N]: Well then. That was an exciting Part 2 to write! :D Thanks for all your support people! I now have all the characters I need! The next chapter might not come as quickly as this one did, but it will come regardless!

*Chapter 3*: Act 1 Part 3 - Totally Not Omniscient

[A/N]: Welcome to Part 3! Sorry I can't do an every day schedule, but that's kinda just too much! Enjoy!


And now we are a third girl. In Australia. Who are you?

Wait, we can't see her.

Let's try and examine your room to see if we can find you anywhere.

Um... There's a bookshelf with romance novels, but not TWILIGHT because fuck Twilight.

Um... your CAT is sitting on your keyboard in front of your computer, which is open in Photoshop. Luckily, your cat isn't sitting on your beloved SKETCHING TABLET, which you use to draw EVERYTHING.

Also there are some ORAGAMI SHURIKENS on your desk, because they are awesome.


And there's also a gigantic pile of STUFFED ANIMALS. Like a lot of stuffed animals. In fact so big a- OH MY GOD A PERSON JUST BURST OUT OF THAT. Oh, hi. There you are.


What will you do?

You decide to send that picture you made of you versus your rival to him, just to show him how awesome you can be. You will TELL IT TO HIS FACE.

But first you must move your cat out of the way.

Her name is NEPETA CATARIA, a species of plant otherwise known as catnip.

You like nerdy things such as these.

You see if anyone is online. Your chumhandle is "mysticalBibliomaniac"

You WERE going to see but it seems like someone is pestering you. Oh, hello. It seems that it's the island kid. Hm.

- sillyPromethean[SP] began pestering mysticalBibliomaniac[MB] –

MB: seriously waht

SP: How are you

MB: fine

MB: alright what did I do

SP: Hm?

MB: why are you talking to me

SP: I wanted to have a normal conversation.

MB: there is no such thing with you

SP: I guess you're right.

SP: My conversations are entirely word salads, non sequiturs, cassandra truths, and tangential nonsense.

MB: exactly

SP: That was sarcasm.

MB: I was serious.

SP: ...

MB: I didn't know you were capable of sarcasm.

SP: Being asleep helps.

MB: see that makes no sense

SP: It makes perfect sense.

MB: but only to you

SP: Exactly.

MB: are you going to get to your point

MB: you must have one

SP: Yes.

SP: Your conversation with Cami.

MB: how do you know about that

SP: I am omniscient.

MB: ..really? That wouldn't surprise me honestly.

SP: That was another joke.

MB: ...

SP: Should I just go back to being completely serious?

MB: probably

SP: Or a girl?

SP: :3

MB: please don't bring that up.

SP: I feel like it needs to be brought up.

MB: No, it doesn't. It really doesn't.

SP: Well I think it needs to be brought up!

- sillyPromethean[SP] made this a group memo -

- sillyPromethean[SP] added brightFantasy[BF] –


- sillyPromethean[SP] added recalcitrantAgitator[RA] –

- mysticalBibliomaniac[MB] banned sillyPromethean[SP] from this memo -

BF: ?

MB: sorry guys

RA: wait triiiiix

- mysticalBibliomaniac[MB] deleted the memo –

- mysticalBibliomaniac began pestering sillyPromethean[SP] –

MB: really?

SP: Yes.

MB: so what's your point?

SP: Hm?

MB: why did you contact me

SP: Oh. Yeah.

SP: You're going to play with us.

MB: okay! if it's really that big of a deal then I'll join. ugh.

SP: Great.

MB: Did you really have to bring up the gender thing?

MB: I'm really sorry about that.

SP: :3

- sillyPromethean[SP] ceased pestering mysticalBibliomaniac[MB] –

You put your face in between your hands. He's just going to hold that incident over your head forever, isn't he? Yeah. He didn't have to make that big a production out of the whole thing though. It looks like one of the people he added to the memo is still pestering you.

- recalcitrantAgitator[RA] began pestering mysticalBibliomaniac[MB] –

RA: triiiiiix

RA: what was that about

MB: ugghh.

MB: sorry about that.

MB: He's still holding the gender thing over my head.

RA: hehehehe well

RA: you WERE the one who confronted him over it

MB: yeah...

RA: you were the one who sent him the art of him with breasts on it.

MB: the picture he sent me looked like a girl! You even said so yourself!

RA: yeah, but I didn't shove it in his face

MB: can we drop this

MB: he was holding it over my head

MB: so I would feel guilty

MB: and play a game with them or something

RA: hmmm

RA: :3

MB: no a video game!

MB: Like some mmo something.

RA: ah

RA: oh I get it

MB: what?

RA: nothing˜

MB: wait, tell me!

RA: no hehe˜

- recalcitrantAgitator[RA] ceased pestering mysticalBibliomaniac[MB] –

I mean, we got a lot of conversation out of one of them, but who was that other girl, hm?

BF: ?

To find that out, we must jump across the globe the American Midwest.


We find a girl asleep on her bed. What is her name?

We cannot name her because she is asleep? What will she do?

Well, continue to sleep, obviously. Unless she suddenly wakes up. Which is exactly what just happened. Now, what is her name again?


Tell us a little bit about yourself Asha, just like with every other intro thus far.

Your name is ASHA. You LOVE many things, such as ANIMALS, SLEEPING, COOKING, VIDEOGAMES, and SUMMERTIME. Your favorite animal is your DOG named Ralph. He's somewhere around here.

One of your favorite things to do is DREAM. In fact, you were having a dream just now! You won't admit it, but you were dreaming about one of your friends. He was nice and tucked you back into bed for you.

Wait, he's messaging you right now! You don't use Pesterchum very much, but when you do, you use the chumhandle "brightFantasy".

- sillyPromethean[SP] began pestering brightFantasy[BF] –

SP: You were sleepwalking again.

BF: H-how do you know about that?

SP: I am omniscient.

BF: um...

SP: I've been using that joke too much today.

BF: oh, okay!

SP: But seriously, I don't know if this much sleepwalking is good for you.

BF: But I don't sleepwalk! I-ive been in my bed this whole time.

SP: Yes you have.

BF: huh?

SP: Can you do me a favor and not sleep during today?

SP: You really don't need to. It's the daytime.

BF: but, why?

SP: Because today I... we will be busy, and I don't want to turn my back for an hour and have you be halfway to Derse or on the Battlefield.

BF: uhhh...

BF: okay?

SP: I'm going to go talk to Trix now.

BF: okay!

- sillyPromethean[SP] ceased pestering brightFantasy[BF] –

You now decide to attempt to knit, something you have been trying to do, but have failed spectacularly.

Even your deck modus is in on the thematic similarities.

Your CRISS-CROSS modus works a very strange and unique way. It interweaves many items together, causing it to eject more than the item you wanted.

By removing your KNITTING NEEDLES, you have also ejected some GUM, as well as a drawing a pegasus you did once. But you cannot beat your friend Trix in drawing. She is simply the best there is. To remove any further complications, you allocate your needles to your STRIFE SPECIBUS.


Okay, that was pretty straightforward. Wait someone else is contacting you in Pesterchum.

- sillyPromethean[SP] added brightFantasy[BF] to the memo –


- sillyPromethean[SP] added recalcitrantAgitator[RA] –

- mysticalBibliomaniac[MB] banned sillyPromethean[SP] from this memo -

BF: ?

MB: sorry guys

RA: wait triiiiix

- mysticalBibliomaniac[MB] deleted the memo –

What was that about? Oh, it looks like someone else is contacting you. It's like a party now.

- lawfulMyth[LM] began pestering brightFantasy[BF] –

LM: Hey Ash

BF: oh hi!

LM: I think Finn's dOing sOmething with multiplayer games again. It's lagging my internet.

BF: hm?

LM: We use the same internet cause we live in adjacent apartment blOcks. And my internet Only ever lags this much when Finn is dOing sOmething like multiplayer games.

BF: why would I know anything about that?

LM: idk

LM: just wOndering if yOu were invOlved.

BF: I mean... maybe.

LM: hmmm Okay.

LM: cya

[A/N]: And there we go! Hehe.

*Chapter 4*: Act 1 Part 4 - Shit Goes Down

[A/N]: Okay, I just realized what the problem with reviews is. I removed the first two "chapters", so everything was back-shifted two chapters, but the reviews staying where they were. So no one could review last chapter. Or this one. So instead of reviewing, which you can't do because technically you already did, you could PM me some feedback for this and last chapter. If you want.

You are now yet another girl. So many girls. The fifth girl, in fact.

You don't have time for introductions. You are overwhelmed with curiosity about a certain game that everyone else is playing. You decide to contact the person who seems to know too much.

...but of course there will be an intro because everyone else had one.

Let's name her!


Let's introduce her, putting on hold what she was doing but who cares because status quo.

Your name is LIZA. You love MANGA and ANIME, which seems to be a RECURRING THEME with your friends, but you love it to the extent of COSPLAY even though you are NOT VERY GOOD AT IT. You enjoy chatting with your friends on PESTERCHUM, your username being "lawfulMyth". You are an expert on HISTORY and especially MYTHOGLOGY. You also love your PUZZLE games.

Alright, now go go go go!

- lawfulMyth[LM] began pestering sillyPromethean[SP] –

LM: I need yOu tO tell me sOmething

SP: Uh huh. What?

LM: hOw dO yOu knOw sO much

SP: I can't tell you that.

LM: Why dO yOu need tO be all secritive abOut it?

SP: *secretive*

LM: dammit

SP: I don't need to justify myself to you.

LM: yes yOu dO.

SP: Why?

LM: yOu have fOresight

SP: Yes.

LM: yOu knOw everything that's gOing tO happen

SP: No.

LM: I dOn't believe yOu.

SP: I have an idea.

LM: what?

SP: One

SP: Word

SP: Challenge

SP: :P

LM: Okay, yOu're On.

LM: Why are we gOing to play this game?

SP: Safety.

LM: Why dO you knOw so much?

SP: Duty.

LM: Why is it sO important?

SP: ...

SP: Solution.

LM: dO yOu knOw why I cOntacted yOu just nOw?

SP: Curiosity.

LM: dO I play a rOle in this game?

SP: Yes.

LM: what is that rOle?

SP: ...

SP: ...

SP: Help.

LM: why must I help?

SP: Necessity.

LM: Why?

SP: Inevitability.

LM: Why?

SP: ...

SP: Natural.

LM: Explain.

SP: That's not a question, that's a command.

LM: yOu knOw what I mean!

SP: The whole point of One Word Challenge is for you to be asking QUESTIONS.

LM: And yOu answer

LM: in One wOrd.

SP: Yes.

SP: Now, this chat has been fun, but I need to go.

LM: wait!

LM: One mOre.

SP: Okay. ONE question.

LM: hOw can I, specifically, help?

SP: Interesting.

SP: That's not my answer.

LM: then what is?

SP: .

SP: .

SP: Wait.

LM: SeriOusly?

- sillyPromethean[SP] ceased pestering lawfulMyth[LM] –

Well, he was less helpful than he usually is. He only ever divulges information on his terms. His whole "One Word Challenge" crap is his funny way of telling the truth no matter what you ask, with the "truth" being as vague as possible.

Well, screw "Wait." That was his cop out answer.

You're going to find out how you can be helpful.

- lawfulMyth[LM] began pestering mysticalBibliomaniac[MB] –

LM: What dO yOu know abOut this game Finn is apparently playing?

MB: and Cami

LM: wait hOw many are playing this?

MB: no idea

MB: just that I'm being guilted into playing at some point

LM: hOw?

MB: the thing

MB: the not-girl incident

LM: hmmm, so he talking tO yOu tOO, huh?

MB: yeah

MB: go talk to Cami about it if you're so interested.

LM: sure.

- lawfulMyth[LM] ceased pestering mysticalBibliomaniac[MB] –

- lawfulMyth[LM] began pestering verdurousFlorist[VF] –

LM: Cami.

LM: stOp what yOu are dOing

VF: uh, okay?

VF: why?

LM: what are yOu dOing right nOw

VF: waiting for my copy of the game!

LM: you dOn't have it?

VF: I think Gwen does... you could ask her!

VF: oh wait, I hear my doorbell! :DDDDDD

VF: I'll be back!

LM: ...

LM: screw it grOup memo

- lawfulMyth[LM] made this a group memo –

- lawfulMyth[LM] added mysticalBibliomaniac[MB] –

MB: wait no not another memo

MB: these things always end up in the toilet

LM: relax

LM: we have impOrtant things tO discuss.

MB: like what

LM: the purpOse Of the game

MB: its to have fun

LM: I thOught yOu were dragged intO this

MB: that doesn't mean I can't has fun

LM: have

MB: have

VF: eeeeee! :DDDD

VF: it's here!

MB: okay

MB: first

MB: that hurt my ears and chat doesn't even have sound or anything like that

MB: second

LM: whO dO we knOw that is in On this?

VF: well Gwen asked me if I got the game, and I had!

MB: of course Gwen

MB: It all makes sense

LM: why?

MB: cause that's how Finn is in on it.

LM: i'm adding her.

MB: No!

- lawfulMyth[LM] added xenoYeager[XY] –

XY: Heyy.

MB: fdfhskdfh

MB: this chat is already big enough

MB: we don't need her here

VF: why not? :(

XY: Yyeah, why not?

LM: she needs to be

LM: anyone playing

MB: why

LM: because this game is important.

XY: Of course it is. We're all playying it.

MB: wait

MB: because you talking to his dorkness

MB: you think the world is going to end now

MB: or something

LM: maybe, I dOn't knOw!

MB: nope just no

LM: ?

- mysticalBibliomaniac[MB] deleted the memo –

What? Why can't anyone take you seriously?

You decide that's enough girl drama for one chapter, and switch perspectives.

To someone way more relaxed.

So relaxed in fact, that you're asleep. Dreaming. This time though, something's different. The purple room, and all that, are the same, but it's something else. Like you can't control yourself.

In fact, you try, but you don't move. You just stand there, in the middle of the room like an idiot.

It's like the dreams you used to have, before they went completely lucid and were just of this one single room, which is like your real room, exactly actually, except it's purple for some reason.

You tried to tell your friends about it once, but they didn't think much of it. They said that was interesting and didn't really follow up. Except one who always seemed to know what was going on in your head.

You begin walking to the window. And then flying out of it. Because that is perfectly normal. Seriously, it is.

Derse is always quiet. Like everyone's waiting for something. The six "dream towers", as you began thinking of them, on the moon of Derse were perfectly inactive, as always.

You once tried waking everyone up, but to no avail. It seems it doesn't work like that.

And so it became standard procedure to check all the towers every time you woke up here.

But no one ever did anything. Except one tower which was always empty. You always thought that was strange.

But none of that matters because you can't control yourself. You just begin floating up, up, and away from Derse, it slowly shrinking from view.

And then you woke up in a cold sweat in a pile of hay. Of course. You're in the barn.

Groaning, you pick up your pitchfork and stow it away.


Your bedroom is just above the barn. It displays your INTERESTS. It always does.

Actually, there isn't much up here, being above a BARN and all. Mainly it houses a few of your WOODEN BUILDING PROJECTS, all of which you made. You are so proud of them.

Two of your most favorite ones are your MODEL SAILBOAT, as well as your TOY ROBOT. You love them so much.

Oh, that's right, we still have to name you!


There we go.

Probably the only thing that isn't wood in your room is your COMPUTER.

On which it seems someone is messaging you.

Your chumhandle is workerSlacking and you don't really have a quirk because you think they are stupid.

- sillyPromethean[SP] began pestering workerSlacking[WS] –

SP: Why is it that I have to deal with all this nonsense at once

SP: There's like, a giant freaking BACKLOG of this crap

SP: So anyway, whenever you get this

SP: respond pls

SP: um...

WS: Yeah?

SP: Oh hey

WS: You're here about my dream aren't you

SP: Maybe

SP: Could you tell me what happened?

WS: You're asking me to tell you?

SP: Yeah?

WS: Then this must be serious

SP: Then tell me

WS: Well I floated off into the void

WS: Not much to talk about

WS: It wasn't me who did that

WS: Basically that

SP: Okay that's really bad.


SP: And you say you DID NOT do that?

WS: Yeah. Weird.

WS: But you must know why.

SP: No. I don't. That's the problem.

WS: How do you know when I dream?

SP: I don't.

WS: But you just contacted me as I was having the dream!

SP: A more accurate question would be

SP: How do I know WHERE you are going?

WS: So you're a dream-stalker.

SP: No.

WS: ...

WS: This is why people don't like you very much.

WS: You confuse us on all levels.

SP: Yeah.

SP: I know.

SP: That'll change today.

WS: See, what's that supposed to mean?

SP: I can't tell you.

SP: But I guess I can mark another Derse dream self as "good as dead".

WS: What?

SP: Do you remember WHERE you went?

SP: In your dream

WS: Up into the void. What?

SP: Exactly.

SP: And then what?

WS: I woke up.

SP: Exactly.

SP: I mean exactly like the first case.

WS: Hey, this wasn't MY FAULT!

SP: I know.

WS: Oh.

SP: I think I need to end this conversation for now.

SP: War is about to begin.

SP: And I don't want to be anywhere on the Battlefield when it does.

WS: "Battlefield" as a proper noun?

SP: Yeah?

WS: That just makes me more confused.

SP: Hopefully we can get your dream self back.

SP: Good Luck Thom!

- sillyPromethean[SP] ceased pestering workerSlacking[WS] –


You hope everything doesn't go to shit like you think it will.

[A/N]: Like I said, you can give me feedback by PM if you want for this and last chapter. I'll remove these notes after next chapter is posted.

*Chapter 5*: Act 1 Part 5 - Cami: Enter

[A/N]: Welcome to the End of Act! One! Well now you guys can actually review properly again, lol. Sorry about that! And sorry about this being so late, I was doing something all weekend!

EOA1 - Cami: Enter

You are now Cami again. You are looking at your computer screen having installing the game's CLIENT disk. Unbeknownst to you, there was supposed to be a SERVER disk, but you never got it. You will get one, but not until it your CLIENT needs it most. That is, when a meteor the size of Australia is about to hit the Earth. But, of course, you don't know this.

SBURB version 1.0.1


SBURB client is running.

A SBURB host user is attempting to connect with you.

Client has established connection with host.

Press [ENTER] when ready.

Hmm. It seems that the unknowably far-off future client player is contacting you.

- sillyPromethean[SP] began pestering verdurousFlorist[VF] –

SP: You're about to Enter, correct?

VF: hm?

SP: I mean you've established a game connection right?

VF: yeah, I'm about to press to enter key :D

SP: Good. With who?

VF: finn, I think.

SP: Okay. Good luck.

VF: :D

- sillyPromethean[SP] ceased pestering verdurousFlorist[VF] –

Your server player is contacting you now as well.

- mathematicallyNeutral[MN] began pestering verdurousFlorist[VF] –

MN: Our condescending friend reminds me not to be condescending

MN: What a hypocrite

VF: i dunno, he can be very helpful :)

MN: And I can't?

VF: no, you're helping right now!

MN: I would, but you still need to accept my connection

MN: Even though it's being kinda spotty for some reason

MN: Probably liza doing something

VF: oh, sorry!

You decide to press the Enter key in a manner which is entirely not a momentous and apocalyptic occasion.

MN: Well this is interesting

MN: I can see you

VF: how?

MN: The game window

VF: that's kinda creepy .

MN: Why?

VF: well, you can see what i'm doing...

MN: That may be the point

MN: There appears to be a way to interface with reality

VF: um O.O

MN: That's probably a dramatic way for me to put it

VF: like, what can you do?

MN: Pick something in your room.

VF: uh...

The first thing that comes to your mind is your Sailor Moon DvD case. Since Finn can apparently see you, you hold it up.

MN: That DVD?

VF: sure. :p

The DvD is wretched from your hand and begins flying around the room! You marvel at the novelty of it, however it gets old fast.

VF: this is incredibly silly!

MN: Yes, I suppose it is

MN: There's also a "Revise" button

Suddenly a corner of your room pops outward in a square fashion, copying wallpaper, carpet, and ceiling with it.

VF: um... that's a little cool...

MN: Well I think it's awesome

MN: Plus it gives us space for some of this stuff

VF: what stuff? :I

MN: This catalogue called the Paraphernalia Registry has some items in it

MN: Like this cruxtruder

The floor shook as a huge boxy device with a thin cylindrical top appeared.

VF: what does it do?

MN: No idea

VF: but you just named it

MN: Naming something doesn't mean I have any idea what it is

VF: hmm...

MN: From here I think I'm just supposed to deploy these things

MN: But you have to figure it out

MN: Cause all I can do is move stuff

VF: okay. :D

MN: I'm putting a thing called a "Totem Lathe" in your living room

VF: okay...

MN: And an Alchemiter out in your yard.

VF: it's cold out there

MN: Not really

VF: fine :3

MN: Oops

VF: what

MN: I think I crushed a squirrel

VF: why did you do that...

MN: I didn't do it on purpose!

VF: aww :(

MN: Well now there's a dead squirrel

The thing called a cruxtruder has a valve on it. You attempt to pull it, but it appears stuck!

VF: this thing is stuck!

MN: When it doubt, hit it

VF: what?

MN: Do you have something to hit it with?

VF: i have a shovel...

You remove the SHOVEL from your strife deck and hit the top of the cruxtruder with it. The top of the contraption popped off. A spazzy pink spherical orb appeared, flashing constantly.

VF: uh...

MN: Same "uh..."

MN: I have no idea what I'm looking at

MN: I feel like we're getting ahead of ourselves

VF: hm...

VF: i've got an idea!

MN: What?

- verdurousFlorist[VF] added sillyPromethean[SP] –

MN: Oh, that might work.

SP: I thought you guys could figure this out by yourselves,

SP: and didn't need me to hold your hand all the time.

VF: no, just what's the spazzy thing?

MN: Because this game is obviously bug-free

SP: Did it come out of the cruxtruder?

MN: Yes

VF: yeah!

SP: It's not a glitch.

SP: It's a Kernelsprite.

SP: Just make sure to prototype it once before entry and you'll be fine.

SP: Also, timer to meteor.

- sillyPromethean[SP] left the conversation –

VF: what does "timer to meteor" or "prototype" mean?

MN: No idea.

MN: But it might have to do with the Cruxtruder

MN: There's a timer now

He was right. There was a clock in yellow counting slowly down.




Cami looked out the window. Squinting, she could see a bright light in the sky.

VF: i think there's actually a meteor

VF: umm...

VF: finn?

VF: hellooo?

- mathematicallyNeutral[MN] is now an idle chum! –

Oh no. That's not good.

She looked back at the timer.




She approached the cruxtruder once more, pulling hard on the winch.

A piece of pink cruxite flew out, hit the ceiling, and rolled it onto the floor.

This is no time to waste!

She captchalogued it and ran downstairs and out the door to the Alchemiter.

The Kernelsprite followed her.

"Come on!" she yelled.

Her fetch modus was always a game of luck, but this time it seemed that luck was on her side. She was able to retrieve it without trouble.

She clamped the cruxite in what she assumed was its proper place.

The machine automatically extended a robotic arm, which scanned the dowel.

In a flash of light, a green cube with slightly beveled corners appeared.

What was she supposed to do with this? You couldn't get more generic if you tried!

The Kernelsprite seems unusally attracted to the dead squirrel on the ground.

Curious, she tried to make a connection, but nothing came to her head.

She picked up the squirrel and placed in the Kernelsprite.


She threw the cube into the frozen pond, making a hole in the ice.




She went back inside to the totem lathe. This had to be the key. Or, as it turned out, the key-maker. There was a place to fit in the dowel, as well as something else on the ground that Finn had apparently deployed. It looked like a captchalogue card with rectangular holes in it, the image of a pink apple half obscured. This looked more right...

There was a place for the card in the lathe. As soon as she slotted it in, the machine automatically carved the dowel into a totem. Running outside, she attempted to retrieve the totem from her inventory once again, it was instead thrown from her sylladex, out onto the frozen lake. No!




Somehow it stayed on the ice.

Looking up, the meteor was conspicuously close.

She tested the ice with her foot.

It broke under her weight. How would she get it now?




She had an idea. Retrieving her shovel she reached across the frozen surface with it, nudging it to her. She put her shovel away, then ran to the Alchemiter, wisely deciding to carry it instead of putting it in her unreliable inventory.




This time, instead of a green cube appearing, a pink tree grew in a half-second, dropping a pink apple and disappearing. She picked the apple up. Now what to do with THIS?




She glanced up, the meteor seeming on top of her now. What could she do? Well, might as well find out what this apple tastes like. She took a bite.


The house and ground around her began glowing pink.


The outside world around her faded as she and her house disappeared.


The meteor stuck the ground.


*Chapter 6*: Act 1 Intermission 1 - The Girl Chats

[A/N]: Hi guys, I know this is a little short, but I think I put a lot into it! :D

Act 1 Intermission 1: The Girl With The Chats

You sure seem like to want to know how Cami is doing, right? Welp, no, now were introducing a whole bunch of other people, hurray! One, two, three, go!

We are now the last girl. Who also happens to live in Australia. With no relation whatsoever to the previous. Girl. Anyway...

Who are you?

You attempt to type a silly name, but in the middle of all this she skewers the whole entry box with a knife and pins it to the wall! She simply does not have time for this bullshit.

Her name is JESS DONOVAN.

Your name is JESS. Examining your room reveals your INTERESTS.

Some of your POSTERS include promotions for the RSPCA, as well as a certain WITTY BLOND VAMPIRE HUNTER. Her KNIFE COLLECTION populates the room, embedded at various places in the wallpaper. You also have some pictures of your dog JETHRO, who is sleeping on your bed at the moment. Your COMPUTER is obviously the most important thing in the room, because it is simultaneously the most expensive and the most used. You use it to surf the INTERWEBS, as well as TAUNT your friends and BOTHER the people you don't like very much, namely BOYS. All SIX of them. NOW. You log on under the handle "recalcitrantAgitator[RA]" and get down to business.

- recalcitrantAgitator[RA] began pestering mathematicallyNeutral[MN] –

RA: hehe

RA: fiiiiinnn

RA: hehe

RA: ?

RA: where are you?!

- mathematicallyNeutral did not receive the past (5) messages –

Strange. It says he's online. Whatever. Next.

You jump to the next guy on your Chumroll, then realize something. There are only FIVE of them. Goddammit. He's gone from the Chumroll again. Whatever. Someone will be there eventually.

- recalcitrantAgitator[RA] began pestering sillyPromethean[SP] –

RA: heeyy

SP: You're first.

SP: By the way.

RA: um what?

SP: In the Derse subloop.

SP: First.

SP: Or, third chronologically overall.

SP: Or, seventh I guess, in the portal loop.

SP: That makes me think that you should be my server, but for whatever reason no.

RA: ~

SP: Were you calling to bother me?

RA: maybe~~

SP: Unsuccessful troll is unsuccessful.

- sillyPromethean[SP] ceased pestering recalcitrantAgitator[RA] –

Dammit! You thought he would be a freebee for this kind of thing! Argh! Come on!

- recalcitrantAgitator[RA] began pestering workerSlacking[WS] –

RA: Heeeyyyyy Thoooommm~~~

WS: Oh, hey.

RA: so what have you been dooooooinnnggg?

WS: Nothing, I just woke up.

RA: Oooo, what did you dream of?

WS: Derse, but this time was different.

RA: Derse?

WS: Yeah?

RA: How do you know about that?

WS: Remember when we all met a few years ago?

WS: I told you guys all about my dreams and the voices?
WS: But you all said I was crazy and I should ignore it.

WS: So I did.

WS: The voices.

WS: And they went away. Kind of.

WS: But Derse was always there. Until last night.

WS: I'm still thinking about it. Anyway, I need to go.

- workerSlacking[WS] ceased pestering recalcitrantAgitator[RA] –

You just realized what he did without he himself knowing. He changing the topic and left.

This is really starting to piss you off a little. He knew something about whatever Derse was. Everyone's evading you somehow.

Oh yes. THIS NEXT GUY. You know how to push his buttons. You have reading up on misconceptions. All of them.

- recalcitrantAgitator[RA] began pestering scienceFanatic[SF] –

RA: I have a question~

SF: Of course you do.

SF: Hopefully it's something inspired this time.

RA: Why doesn't the second law of thermodynamics prevent complex life from existing?

SF: Because the Earth isn't a closed system, and therefore not subject to the 2nd Law.

RA: But the 2nd Law says that everything says tends towards disorder~

SF: No, the 2nd Law is that the entropy of a closed system never decreases.

RA: But the earth is closed~

SF: No, it isn't. The sun exists. And meteors, and the rest of the universe.

RA: But it's still a closed system~

SF: Do you know what an closed system is?

RA: Yes~

SF: No, you don't.

RA: Yeah I do!

SF: No, a closed system is one which is physical and without external change of ANY KIND.

SF: So everything around the Earth affects it. So it's open, not closed.

RA: But entropy is still a thing~~

SF: Do you know what entropy is?

RA: Disorder~

SF: No, entropy is amount of information needed to specify the exact physical state of a system, given its thermodynamic specification. If I use the interpretation that statistical mechanics gives us.

SF: Or, more generally, it is the number of specific ways a thermodynamic system can be arranged.

RA: Oh~~~

RA: ~~~

RA: X|

SF: Yes, that is a good face to use.

SF: So, any other questions I have heard a thousand times?

RA: ~~~

- recalcitrantAgitator[RA] ceased pestering scienceFanatic[SF] –

Refutations aside, annoyance complete.

One more to go.

- recalcitrantAgitator[RA] began pestering classicallyModern[CM] –

CM: hm

RA: I have a question. hehe

CM: no need- I have the answer.

RA: You do?

CM: yes

CM: t1ck t0ck t1ck t0ck

RA: ~~~

RA: um, what?

CM: hmm yes

CM: oh wait

CM: oh that makes sense

CM: never mind

CM: what did you want to ask

RA: Everyone's been saying so many cryptic things!

RA: What do you mean?

CM: hm?

RA: CM: t1ck t0ck t1ck t0ck

CM: for some reason you're just

RA: Just, what?~

CM: oh i see

CM: never mind

CM: it wouldn't work because

CM: lucky

RA: What?!~

CM: or not

RA: What are you talking about?

CM: good luck thief

CM: t1ck t0ck

- classicallyModern[CM] ceased pestering recalcitrantAgitator[RA] –

Well he was even more creepy than usual.

You were about to see what else Jess was going to do but-


The four remaining characters silhouette's are blacked out, leaving only their current backgrounds.

- Some bedroom

- The Veil

- Zero-Prototyped Battlefield

- Furthest Ring/Some Bedroom

[A/N]: Leave your choice out of these four in your review! Unless the next chapter is already posted, then this note is irrelevant. (I just wanted to see what people wanted first, and crowdsourcing is always fun! :p)

*Chapter 7*: Act 2 Part 1 - Stable Time Loops: Uhh

[A/N]: Thank you all for reviewing, following, and favoriting! I don't think I've said that yet! But thanks! 3

Also, this story has 1000 views! (slow clap) Thanks for all you guys' support!

Act 2 Act 1

Stable Time Loops, Uhh.

Though majority vote, it is determined that we will travel to the Veil today!

Oh look it seems we are observing that character with the book! That big heavy ominous book which came with him out of the Furthest Ring which has absolutely some vague amount of relevance to the plot.

But it seems like we cannot be this person! We will be confined to a third-person perspective only for reasons that will become apparent in the future. What a shame.

But we can still observe him. At this point he sits on one of the Veil's meteors, the think volume in his hands. On its cover is written "Cheaty Tome." Great name, sarcasm intended. Opening it, he finds a note on the first page.

"Make sure to keep track of your stable time loops!," it says.

His eyes widen, reminded by the note.

He messes around with a sylladex with a nature of which we are unaware.

Finally he comes up with a white cuboid object with a geometric design on top. Setting it down, the design glows as holographic computer screens and keyboard flash into existence around him.

He navigates over to a Pesterchum window and begins using it.

- effervescentCameraman[EC] began pestering sillyPromethean[SP] –

EC: so basically whats

EC: the deal with time I

EC: mean with time

EC: loops like you

EC: know right ?

SP: Hm?

EC: I got your cheaty

EC: book for you

SP: Oh! really?

EC: yes really.

SP: Like, you have it with you?

EC: yes.

SP: um, where are you exactly?

EC: I thought you

EC: were like an

EC: all seeing eye

EC: or something

SP: Dude, there's a reason I can't see you.

SP: Remember?

EC: yeah yeah I'm just

EC: making fun

He navigates over to something else on the desktop, labeled "BEACON", and clicks it.

The meteor on which he sits begins to glow green, and slowly begins to fall towards Skaia.

SP: Got it.

EC: just go over

EC: it with me

EC: k

SP: Actually, I'm not sure.

SP: You'll have to figure that out for yourself.

SP: Sorry.

EC: that's a big help

SP: I just don't know! You're headed into the past!

EC: yeah yeah I get it

EC: im ready

EC: wish me luck

SP: Good luck, and see you soon.

The meteor continues to accelerate, heading towards Skaia. A fiery tail begins to erupt around the front of the giant rock, curling up past him. Through the flames, he was able to see a yellow epicycloid of a Skaia portal open.

And he entered.

Years in the past (but not many)...

We find a young(er) man in his room-

You know this drill already. This is the ninth time we've gone through this shit.

Name, please.


Window, please.

You glance out of the window. It is night. And snowy. So much snow. All the world's snow. On the northern outskirts of OSLO, way up at these 60 degrees of latitude, there is very definitely snow.

Describe self, please.

You enjoy MOVIES. A lot of movies, but certainly not all of them. Mainly ones of the SPIELBERG and KUBRICK variety. You also enjoy your fair share of LORE, having read many FANTASY NOVELS. You are also SKINNY AS SHIT, but that doesn't stop you from enjoying such things as WINTER SPORTS, mainly HOCKEY. You have a HOCKEY STICK attached to the wall. It is awesome. Hehe.

You APPEAR to have a fairly LACKLUSTER personality, mainly attributed by your APATHY APPARENT to most things. You suppose you would care deeply about your friends, even if they wouldn't be able to tell. If you HAD ANY, that is. You figure you could message these friends over some kind of APPLICATION, maybe SKYPE, or even PESTERCHUM, for instance. You might even go by the chumhandle "effervescentCameraman" or something not really in alignment with your true personality like that. But unfortunately, you don't.

Examine your computer! What is on it?

Not much, mostly video files you put there from your CAMCORDER.

What camcorder?

This CAMCORDER, attached to the computer via USB cable. It has clearly been here the whole time, why must I explain? Also, let's stop being so liberal with our fourth wall breaking.

You unplug your camcorder from your computer and captchalogue it.

There we go, safe and sound in the TRIVIA MODUS.

You decide you are going to record the METEOR SHOWER that'll be coming down tonight.

You go outside. It is quite cold, but frankly you could give less of a shit.

You decide to retrieve the CAMCORDER, which should be really easy considering it is the only thing in your sylladex at the moment. You must answer a question, the answer of which is an item in your sylladex. Which is why this will be very easy.

What item is a recording device, whose colloquial name is a portmanteau?

You retrieve the recorder and lie on your back in the snow, holding your camcorder up in the sky. It is very pretty out tonight. You see several meteors streaking across the sky. You think you see a strange yellow flash in the sky, but think nothing of it. Soon however, you realize one of the meteor is becoming uncomfortably big. Too big. Oh shit, it's heading right for you, isn't it? You try to run, but you cannot escape... the METEOR. You think you are so very dead.

And you are right. You are DEAD, consumed by the violent explosion of a meteor.

The next thing you remember is waking up in a yellow room. Strange. This is exactly like your room, but with the important exception that everything is tinted yellow.

Out of fear, you decide to quickly allocate FISTKIND before you realize that this is a copy of your room, and there is a much better weapon, and that it is attached to your wall.


Much better.

There is only one window, which you walk to. Gazing out almost gives you a heart attack. You realize this copy of your room is the top of a huge yellow tower, rooted in a small moon connected by a chain to an even larger yellow planet.

And if this wasn't enough, it seems you are surrounded by clouds, in which you can see many events, like video clips, playing in them. This is too much for you to take in.

Craning your head to look around, you can count five other yellow towers of identical design to yours. Atop one is another boy, staring up into the clouds.

Finally. Someone else in this madness.

Elis: Fast forward to present(?).

You never thought you would be thinking the phrase "I just rode a meteor that killed myself in the past." That's a weird thought on its own.

You suppose you have to kiss yourself now.

The thought squicks you out a bit obvious reasons.

But you have to do it.

You have to kiss the boy.


Okay, now that's out of the way, what next? You are reminded how cold your old house was. You still have the cheaty book, which you somehow are supposed to get halfway around the world. Um.

You house is surprisingly unscathed. Only the wall facing the explosion is blackened, but no structure seems to have been damaged. Except for the broken windows. Yeah.

You notice a flash out of the corner of your eye. You turn to figure out what it was.

You hear a bark. Oh. Now you see. Becquerel blends in with the snow to well.

"Are you here to take me around the world, boy?" you ask.

Instead of responding by talking (which would be REALLY strange) the omnipotent dog simply walks up to you and flashes. Suddenly you are standing on top of a cliff. Before you take in the surroundings, the first thing that hits you is the light and the warmth. Holy... wow. It is hot here.

You are on the edge of an cresent-shaped island. Around it there are two main features the stand out. One is a volcano, the other, a tower of similar design to the dream towers.

"Is that his house? Really?"

But the thing that really dominates your vision is the massive Frog Temple, which you have been told about numerous times, but this your first time seeing it in person. Twelve smalled towers surround one massive tower with steep steps, and a frog statue on top.

"Where are we going, exactly?"

In response, the dog teleports the two of you again. You can only assume that you are now inside the temple, because the walls around you are covered in pictograms. You stand in front of... what did he call it? Oh wait, YOU have the book now, you can just look it up.

Index... page 413... Ah! Here we go.


A lotus time capsule is, as the name would suggest, a device that can be used to temporarily store objects and persons outside of the current time stream and thus "send" them to the future. The top of the capsule resembles a pink lotus flower. The bottom appears to be made of stone, but it also features a time countdown and greatly resembles the Cruxtruder. Said countdown indicates how long it will take the capsule to bloom and release its contents back into the normal time stream. Usually the capsule seems to be located in the Frog Temple. Since the Frog Temple originates from the Medium the capsule can also be used to send its contents from a Sburb session to the host planet.

Hmmm. Oh! Now it makes sense! You attempt to find a way to set the time, but Bec simply barks at you. Hm? Is it already set? Okay...

With little alternative you prepare to jump into the capsule's seed, but you are reminded of something. You retrieve a blue-ink pen from your sylladex, and open the cheaty tome to the first page. Under the quote in type, you write

"Remember, there's a scared kid on Prospit who has no idea what the hell is going on. As far as he's concerned, he's dead. Assure him he's fine, then explain from there. He'll get it eventually."

Smiling, you close the book and place it on the floor.

"See you in two years, dude."

And you jump in.




[A/N]: And there we go! You can vote where we go next! (From the previous list, which I am too lazy to copypasta here.)

*Chapter 8*: Act 2 Part 2 - Male Double Reacharound

[A/N]: Snowpocolypse! No, why? (if you live in the American South you know what happened to me, lol)


Okay so we're going to go to SOME BEDROOM.

(Actually, we're going to both the BEDROOM and the BEDROOM/FURTHEST RING characters today, just because.)

It is time. We have come to an incredibly important point in the story.

It is time to initiate a fabled 2x Transition combo. Let us hope it works, because this is taking forever just to introduce all of these characters and then we can actually begin the story, argh. (angrish)

Firstly. This one. The one with science posters all over his room. He looks like a nerd. All of the esoteric formulae and shout-outs to popular sci-fi shows.


Oh, come on, even his chumhandle is "scienceFanatic", how do you earn credibility after knowing that? He will forever be an unredeemably pretentious-


He is poised at a desk opposite his computer, with chemical vials in his hands.

I wonder where this could be going...

Pouring both of them together into a cup, he creates a giant mushroom orange cloud.

And puts shades on in slow motion-


Moving on.

Secondly, this other one. See, look, this one's already wearing shades. That is how you automatically know someone is cool in a work of fiction. Shades. He is also holding a guitar.


Shades, guitar, what else do you need to know? He plugs a wire into his guitar, which is linked to an absurdly large speaker behind him.

I seriously am questioning the safety-

He plays one single chord. And the wall explodes behind him.


Back to the first guy.

Well that was stupid. In a poorly executed CSI: Miami reference, you burned a hole in your experimenting desk. And the floor. And the... never mind.

You turn to your WALL OF SCIFI, in hopes of finding something to read or watch. RENDEZVOUS WITH RAMA intrigues you a little, but not enough. You could watch a HILARIOUSLY BAD odd-numbered Star Trek movie, or a WONDEROUSLY GOOD even-numbered one. You come to the decision that none of the above interest you that much either. Hm. You turn to your COMPUTER.

You had a quite AGGRAVATING conversation with one of your friends earlier, but you wish to have one more CONSTRUCTIVE.

- scienceFanatic[SF] began pestering mathematicallyNeutral[MN] –

SF: Hey.

MN: Yes?

SF: I was wondering what you were doing.

MN: Something you wouldn't Like, sorry.

SF: And what would that be?

MN: Guess.

SF: Why do you think I'm all-knowing? Wrong smartass.

MN: Yeah, you are the much more Cynical one.

SF: I'll take that with a grain of salt. Seriously what is it?

MN: A Game.

SF: What is that is so fascinating about video games?

MN: Well, they're Social, they're Interactive, and they're usually Fun.

MN: That sound Good to you?

SF: Whoa, calm down. I just wanted your opinion.

MN: If you actually Joined everyone sometimes then everyone would know you as the Social Smartass, or something.

SF: ...

MN: Wait that came out wrong.

SF: You forgot a comma.

MN: It doesn't matter.

SF: We already have a "Social Smartass".

SF: It's Elvere.

MN: Heh. Yeah.

MN: How about: Less-Of-A-Goddamn-Videogamephobe-Smartass

SF: Vidigamaphobic.

MN: Wait, there's a word for that?

SF: Yes, of course there is.

MN: Hm.

SF: Also there are too many hyphens for that nickname to catch on.

MN: I guess you're right?

SF: Wait, how are you having this conversation this quickly if you're playing a game?
MN: Well, not this SECOND, but Cami's still installing the client copy.

SF: Wait, how does that work?

MN: It's called multiplayer.

SF: Of course I know it is called multiplayer, I'm asking what do you do?

MN: No idea yet.

SF: And you're going to play it?

MN: Yeah?

SF: It could be a virus.

SF: It could like, blow up your house or something.

MN: Right, because all widely distributed games blow up people's houses.

SF: I'm just saying.

MN: Okay, got to go. Game on.

SF: Don't blow up.

- mathematicallyNeutral[MN] ceased pestering scienceFanatic[SF] –

And now we are the other guy again. Mars. Marshall. Mars. Mars, dammit.

You are Mars.

You have no idea why you just blew up your amplifier-wall in a pointless attempt to imitate Back To The Future. You'll probably make your neighbors mad over that.

You also take the shades off. Those are silly. You should probably put away your guitar. You've done enough with that today. You just "put it down" instead of captchaloging it, because you have not yet obtained a sylladex for whatever reason.

You wonder if your bad dreams are really getting to you. First you have a creepy conversation with one of your friends, and now you almost blow up the wall. You think you need to talk to someone about this, like, now.

- classicallyModern[CM] began pestering lawfulMyth[LM] –

CM: Liza

CM: Can I ask you something-

LM: Yeah sure, but dO it quickly

CM: Why?

LM: I am investigating seriOus business stuffs

CM: Oh, what's that?

LM: Sburb and what is up with it.

LM: You knOw anything abOut that

CM: Um, no sorry-

CM: Do you anyone else having bed dreams-

LM: nOpe

LM: I've gOt an idea thOugh

CM: What?

LM: talk tO Elvere abOut it

LM: because I need yOu tO dO sOmething as well

CM: Okay...

LM: cOuld yOu ask him abOut Sburb tOO

CM: I don't even know what you're talking about-

LM: I need tO knOw what the deal with this is

CM: sure, why not.

LM: thanks!

- lawfulMyth[LM] ceased pestering classicallyModern[CM] –

- classicallyModern[CM] began pestering sillyPromethean[SP] –

CM: Dude-

SP: Mars, this is the first time you've talked to me in a long while.

SP: This is important, isn't it?

CM: Are my dreams important?

SP: Yes, very.

SP: Especially considering your dreamself has been stuck in the Furthest Ring for weeks now.

SP: If it is still alive.

SP: What do you dream about?

CM: Whispering-

CM: it's hard to describe-

CM: It's almost like it's asking me something-

CM: Am I crazy? I don't think that's normal

SP: You are not crazy. At least, not yet.

CM: Not yet?!

SP: Anything specific?

CM: Well today when I woke up, I had a conversation with Jess

CM: And I was really creepy. I got a little scared-

CM: And-

CM: t1ck t0ck

SP: Hmm.

SP: I'm going to have to speculate.

CM: Uh, sure.

SP: I think the Horrorterrors are getting to you.

SP: This isn't good.

CM: What should I do?

SP: I think saying "Don't sleep" is an impossible request, so I'm not really sure.

CM: Does this have anything to do with Sburb?

SP: ...

SP: Wait, who told you about that?

CM: Liza.

SP: Oh, I get it now, she told you to talk to me, to get info from me.

CM: Well partly-

SP: And she told you that I might know something about your dreams

CM: Well you do! Just now!

SP: Can I talk to you later? I have to move out of the way of something.

CM: What?

- sillyPromethean[SP] ceased pestering classicallyModern[CM] –

Okay, so try not to fall asleep. That should be straightforward enough. Right?

Wrong. You fall asleep immediately and spontaneously.

Meanwhile in the Furthest Ring...

The connection stays and the corruption remains.

Severing the bond will prove less useful.

How do you know? Under our control, he could destroy the session on his own, before it even begins!

No. The Heroes of Space and Void remain vigilant. The Void remains suspended over the session. The influence of Space allows them to protect Skaia.

Exactly my point. If we sever the bond between player and dreamself then-

I understand, to view to session. But then we lose potential. A lot of potential.

But if the player is killed-

Too risky. A game of chance it becomes. The Hero of Light watches him. She could turn his death around.

How do you know?

I do not. But we cannot afford to take any risks. The Lord's Officer maintains an indirect influence over the session as well, through his deceptive conversation.

But even his omniscience is blinded by the Void!

Yes. And that is a good thing. But his guesses are better than any.

He maintains the advantage.

Especially though his contacts. He can talk to whom we cannot.


Same difference.

The bond remains. We send the dreamself back when Time is right.

When we need Time, or destruction thereof.

The dreamself is here, now. But he cannot possibly understand us.

He knows our will, our goals.

A pawn, yes. How quaint. For us to be using such a word.

t1ck t0ck, our pawn. For it is only a matter of Time.

[A/N]: That ending was kind of creepy. Review with your thoughts!

*Chapter 9*: Act 2 Part 3 - Even More

[A/N]: oh look another chapter the day after the previous one :D

Thanks for your reviews; they always help!


A Whole Lot More

Finally, we come to the end of the list.

The last of our twelve characters. Has it really taken us eleven thousand words to get here?

Damn. Well then, on with the story!

We find ourselves at the center of Skaia. And again we find an individual sitting there, at its center, on the Battlefield. The Battlefield at this point is still at its most basic, a three by three grid of squares, the White and Black Kings tower over in a stalemate.

Like our other Incipishere-bound character, we cannot be him at this particular moment!

Unlike the other, however, we can name him while not being him!


But like the other, we can observe him. Also like the other, he possesses a computer with HOLOGRAPHIC QUALITIES. As well as another, more interesting and specific gadget.

Its graphics glow with a dark blue hue, in contrast to the normal computer's bright yellow windows.

The gadget is a perfect live map of the Incipisphere, obtained from the Lotus Time Capsule. You found a captcha code for it in the Cheaty Tome, and you suspect you'll just alchemize it later to send back in time.

Our character is currently engaged in very many conversations, helping his teammates on this very important day. A LOT of conversation. But firstly he will talk to one of his fellow dreamers, Asha, about recent events on Prospit.

- sillyPromethean[SP] began pestering brightFantasy[BF] –

SP: You were sleepwalking again.

BF: H-how do you know about that?


SP: I'm going to go talk to Trix now.

BF: okay!

- sillyPromethean[SP] ceased pestering brightFantasy[BF] –

Meanwhile you suspect others may need convincing to join the game, you contact Trix just to make sure she will fall into her proper place in the subloop.

- sillyPromethean[SP] began pestering mysticalBibliomaniac[MB] –

MB: seriously waht

SP: How are you


MB: okay! if it's really that big of a deal then I'll join. ugh.

SP: Great.

MB: Did you really have to bring up the gender thing?

MB: I'm really sorry about that.

SP: :3

- sillyPromethean[SP] ceased pestering mysticalBibliomaniac[MB] –

It seems your ACCOMPLICE has returned from his exploration of the Furthest Ring at last. You don't have time to ask him of his travels, you know what needs to happen.

- effervescentCameraman[EC] began pestering sillyPromethean[SP] –

EC: so basically whats

EC: the deal with time I

EC: mean with time


EC: wish me luck

SP: Good luck, and see you soon.

- effervescentCameraman[EC] ceased pestering sillyPromethean[SP]

Elis' meteor appears on holomap in parallel with the real one, streaking Skaia-ward.

Meanwhile it seems Liza has an inquiry for you.

- lawfulMyth[LM] began pestering sillyPromethean[SP] –

LM: I need yOu tO tell me sOmething

SP: Uh huh. What?


SP: Wait.

LM: SeriOusly?

- sillyPromethean[SP] ceased pestering lawfulMyth[LM] –

Something catches your eye on your holomap. A small blinking dot labeled WS(D) begins moving from Derse's moon out away from Skaia. Oh no... you don't need another Derse dream self gone... you're starting to get a little frustrated over all this actually.

- sillyPromethean[SP] began pestering workerSlacking[WS] –

SP: Why is it that I have to deal with all this nonsense at once

SP: There's like, a giant freaking BACKLOG of this crap

SP: So anyway, whenever you get this

SP: respond pls

SP: um...

WS: Yeah?


SP: Hopefully we can get your dream self back.

SP: Good Luck Thom!

- sillyPromethean[SP] ceased pestering workerSlacking[WS] –

Hopefully Thom's situation is resolved quickly. You could have called Elis on it, but now he's back in time somewhen. Figures. Everything falls apart when you don't want it to. It's not like you've been preparing for this day for YEARS NOW.

Now that that's squared away, you sense that someone's about to Enter now. Cami's first up on entry procedure.

- sillyPromethean[SP] began pestering verdurousFlorist[VF] –

SP: You're about to Enter, correct?

VF: hm?


SP: Okay. Good luck.

VF: :D

- sillyPromethean[SP] ceased pestering verdurousFlorist[VF] –

Speaking of prepared, your first Derseloop player is contacting you, saving you the trouble.

- recalcitrantAgitator[RA] began pestering sillyPromethean[SP] –

RA: heeyy

SP: You're first.


RA: maybe~~

SP: Unsuccessful troll is unsuccessful.

- sillyPromethean[SP] ceased pestering recalcitrantAgitator[RA] –

Hm? Cami's called you back. Guess she's freaking out a little. Maybe a lot, actually.

- verdurousFlorist[VF] added sillyPromethean[SP] –

MN: Oh, that might work.

SP: I thought you guys could figure this out by yourselves,


SP: Just make sure to prototype it once before entry and you'll be fine.

SP: Also, timer to meteor.

- sillyPromethean[SP] left the conversation –

Okay, so, just calm down, everything is perfectly fine. Talk to Mars now.

- classicallyModern[CM] began pestering sillyPromethean[SP] –

CM: Dude-

SP: Mars, this is the first time you've talked to me in a long while.


SP: Can I talk to you later? I have to move out of the way of something.

CM: What?

- sillyPromethean[SP] ceased pestering classicallyModern[CM] –

You would stop and contemplate the strange simultaneity of Mars and Thom's interest in their dreams, but since Cami is Entering, you have to move. The Battlefield is changing, glowing white! Finally, your game begins!

But first, you have to captchalogue the items, which means messing with complex inventory management! Yay! Just what we need right now!

You employ the HASHMAP MODUS: SET TO C=1;V=2, similar to your friends MATH MODUS, but more canonical.


1+2+1+2+1+1+2+1+1+2+1 1+2+1+1+2+1+2+1

26 % 10 = 6

With TEN cards, it is placed in card 6.



10 % 10 = 0


1+1+2+2+1+1 1+2+1+2

14 % 10 = 4

However, because DETECT COLLISIONS is checked, this conflicts with

ANCIENT BOW (2+1+1+2+2+1+1 1+2+1) = 14 % 10 = 4

You cheat a little, changing the Y to a vowel.


1+1+2+2+1+2 1+2+1+2

14 % 10 = 5

You, of course, also have

IRRADIATED STEAKS (2+1+1+2+1+2+2+1+2+1+1 1+1+2+2+1) = 23 % 10 = 3

for Bec, because he loves them so much.

ARRAY MODUS CARD (2+1+1+2+1 1+2+1+2+1 1+2+1+1) = 19 % 10 = 9

for all those people who don't have a Fetch Modus yet.

ARROWS (2+1+1+2+1+1) = 8 % 10 = 8

because a bow needs arrows.

GRAPPLING HOOK (1+1+2+1+1+1+2+1+1 1+2+2+1) = 17 % 10 = 7

because you think it's awesome, also you use it quite a bit.

Anyways, your dreamself flies to get out of the way of the Battlefield as it glows white.

The entire board expands outwards, becoming populated by the two armies who still mostly look like chess pieces, beginning the battle of light and dark and breaking the eternal stalemate.

You take note of the squirrel-like attributes the pieces have acquired. You suspect that the features aren't very noticeable now, but that they will be later.

(reference "[S]WV?: Rise Up" for context if needed)

You suppose you could travel back to the White Queen's palace on Prospit for a much, much better example, but for right now you must answer an omniscient puppet.

- began pestering sillyPromethean[SP] –


SP: I don't need this right now, Scratch.

- sillyPromethean[SP] ceased pestering –

That won't do anything.

SP: I know. But I tried.

Why would you try if you knew you were wrong?

SP: In the hope I would be proven right.

A strange thing for you to say.

SP: No, that would be a strange thing for YOU to say.

SP: But of course that will never happen.

Quite right.

These are my parting words to you.

SP: Oh good. I don't have to put up with your bullshit anymore.

But only to you.

SP: I'm not letting you mess with this session.

And you've done everything in your power to stop me.

And I commend you.

But that won't stop me from talking.

And you know what happens when I talk, don't you?

SP: Don't get smart.

That was a rare instance of a genuine question, tainted by sarcasm.

Because while I do not know for absolute certainty, per se, I can deduce with a remarkable degree of accuracy.

SP: As you've shown to be able to do. And be wrong on multiple occasions.

It is a very novel experience, being wrong.

SP: For you.

Yes. Exactly.

SP: For you know absolutely nothing about this session and Earth.

You mean you intend to keep me from knowing as much as possible.

SP: Yes. Exactly.

But my influence remains. Even now.

SP: But this is your last conversation with me.

Yes. But it is not over.

SP: So what else before I tumut and leave?

Hee hee.

But I will say this.

One cannot stop what is already here.

SP: Mmmm. Uh huh. Go.

Such arrogance. Such like...

SP: Like what?


SP: Like what?!

- ceased pestering sillyPromethean[SP] –

Of course HE would be the one to tease you with information like that. But you force yourself to not let it bother you. Rule One: Do not trust Scratch. Rule Two: You do NOT trust Scratch.

Okay, okay, calm down. Everything will be okay. Breathe.

You quickly consult your HOLOMAP once more. One planet has appeared. LOSAH.

[A/N]: Next time on SYOCstuck, we finally get around to the freaking game after 13000 words.

Also, we will get to each kid in detail, more specifically around when each of them Enter. Their intros serve to contextualize them, not to give a full rundown.

*Chapter 10*: Act 2 Part 4 - Years In The Future

[A/N]: okay so this took a lot longer than usual. but it's okay. it's here. enjoy! Hopefully I didn't screw something up by accident.

EDIT: I screwed something up by accident and changed it. I knew it. Thanks scatteredPhilosopher.


Years in the Future

An unsealed lab welcome hot desert wind into its stagnant depths.

An EQUABLE NOMAD enters into the room. Your attention is immediately drawn to the most interesting thing in the room. A computer with twelve screens in a cross-like shape. One of the screens is on.

The SYLPH of HEART takes her place in the LAND OF SOUL AND HAZE.

The world around you fades into view, but that doesn't help much. The area beyond your yard is blocked by an impenetrable wall of fog. Great. You can't even tell where the sun is, but at least you aren't being crushed to death by meteor. That's always a plus.

The first thing that Cami notices is the kernelsprite acting a little more strange and spazzy.

The kernel divides. The two halves go their separate ways, leaving behind the remainder, which undergoes a transformation. It goes from a tiny object resembling the original squirrel, to a new totally pink form with stubby arms, tiny hands and ears, large eyes, and a poofy ghosty tail.

"Um, hello?" you ask.

There is no response.


For some reason you thought you heard "girl" in some periphery of your awareness, but you discard this thought as ridiculous.

you there. girl.

You feel like you are being addressed for whatever strange reason.

what is your name.

"I am Cami," you suddenly say. You think for a bit before throwing your arms up in the air. "I AM CAMI AND I AM NOT DEAD!", you say with elation.

yes it is good that you are not dead.

No more meteor bullshit. Time to figure out what is going on.

have we met cami.

You look around at the fog barrier. Nothing happens. However, wherever you are is warmer than before, and the snow will probably melt soon.

it is safe inside the house.

Yes, yes it is. You decide you should go inside your house before anything bad happens. The sprite stays outside

return to your quarters.

Yeah, that's probably a good idea too. You head upstairs to your room.

respond to your friend unit. it is likely worried.

You sit down at your computer and get down to business.

MN: Cami?

MN: Are you there?

MN: Please be there.

MN: ...


VF: oh hi!

MN: oh thank you

MN: I've been watching you intermittently because my internet is being strange.

VF: oh, well obviously I was, because you could see me! right?

MN: Yeah.

MN: (breathe)

MN: The reason I wasn't sure was because your neighborhood is razed.

VF: um, what?

MN: It's gone. Off the map.

VF: 0.0

MN: Yeah I heard about it like thirty seconds ago.

VF: But how could you know that fast?

MN: Tumblr.

VF: It's only been like five minutes at most!

MN: I know. Exactly my point.

VF: um, okay. :\

VF: but I haven't moved, at least, I don't think I have.

MN: If you didn't move then I'm talking to a dead person.

VF: oh. okay.

MN: You're somewhere else.

MN: I have no idea where.

VF: hmmm.

MN: I would have thought the sprite would do something but it being out in your yard being useless.

VF: maybe it needs something other than a dead squirrel ;)

MN: Yeah, a dead squirrel sprite doesn't seem all that useful.

You pick up the Sailor Moon DVD case.

MN: Uh, sure.

MN: I guess the sprite will become a personification of the anime? Plus maybe squirrels.

VF: yeah! Doesn't that seem like a good idea?

MN: I guess?

You call for the sprite, which you assume will listen to you. It does, but not in the way you expect. Instead of coming through the door, it phases right thorough the wall.

"Ah!" You tip backwards in your chair and fall over.

MN: Wow, pink ghost squirrel anime girl. Have fun with that.

VF: :#

You throw the DVD case at the SQUIRRELSPRITE. It combines, creating the SERENASPRITE.

Well, now it just looks like Sailor Moon, but with tiny arms. And hands.

And large eyes, but that's normal for anime. And squirrel ears. This isn't actually as weird as you thought it was going to be.

interrogate this silly girl.

CAMI: um, hello?


CAMI: okay I think that worked...

SERENASPRITE: Yes, it did!

CAMI: so, you're like a squirrel sailor scout or something...

SERENASPRITE: Oh, yeah. Something like that. I exist to help you on your journey through The Medium!

CAMI: um, okay... what is that exactly?

SERENASPRITE: It is where we are now! A realm that is a ring of pure void, dividing light and darkness. It turns in the thick of The Incipisphere, a place untouched by the flow of time in your universe.

CAMI: So, the game took me there? I'm in the computer or something?

SERENASPRITE: No, you are not inside a computer or software or anything like that! The game that brought you here was merely a mechanism that served as a gateway! Its routines in a way served to invoke this realm's instance, yet it stands independently of any physical machine, and somewhat paradoxically, always has!

CAMI: you don't really sound like Serena...

CAMI: I mean you do, but you don't.

SERENASPRITE: Well of course I sound smart. I'm just saying what is always said to a player.

CAMI: ...okay. I still don't really get it. I'm in a video game, but not really...
SERENASPRITE: I think it would be best if we started with the big picture!

CAMI: uh, sure.

SERENASPRITE: Above The Medium, beyond The Seven Gates, residing at the core of The Incipisphere is a place known as Skaia.

SERENASPRITE: Skaia exists as a dormant crucible of unlimited creative potential. What does this mean? That's what you need to figure out!

SERENASPRITE: Where a realm of such profound importance is concerned, forces of light will forever be defending it, while forces of darkness will just as annoyingly attack it! Just like with anything!

CAMI: mmm.

SERENASPRITE: And at the center of this realm whose fate is up in the air, these two forces are stuck on a stage, in eternal stalemate.

CAMI: eternal? that's a long time.

SERENASPRITE: Yes, they have done this forever... that is, until you showed up!


SERENASPRITE: Yes, you, Cami.

SERENASPRITE: Before you threw in the DVD, you may recall the Sprite's previous form, which resulted from its Kernel's "hatching".

SERENASPRITE: You see, this hatching occurs automatically when you arrive! The result is a pair of Kernels, one dark, one light, each carrying the informationthey were prototyped with before the hatch!

SERENASPRITE: One goes down, to a kingdom entrenched in darkness. The other, up, to a kingdom basking in light! Each comes to rest in an Orb atop a Spire, of which there are three others in kind. The Four Spires are situated above a throne, and these two thrones preside over the two respective Sovereign Powers!

SERENASPRITE: And once the Kernels are situated, that is when the game is afoot. The true war begins, light versus dark, good versus evil.

SERENASPRITE: And sadly, this is a war that the forces of light are always destined to lose, without exception!

a quest of futility, it is.

CAMI: okay, so what's the point if darkness always wins?

SERENASPRITE: For now, your objective is to proceed towards Skaia, and pass through The First Gate situated directly above your house, not even terribly far! The Gates will become progressively more difficult to reach, so you had better be ready!

CAMI: how am i supposed to get up there?


CAMI: ok, i think i get it now!

CAMI: so i guess the battle against good and evil is sort of irrelevant? well, i don't know, that all sounds kind of weird, but in any case, we build the house to get to these gates, and then after that we save earth from destruction!

SERENASPRITE: Oh no, I'm afraid not!

CAMI: huh?

SERENASPRITE: Your planet is done for, I'm sorry. There is nothing you can do about that!

i agree with the pink float girl about that.

CAMI: oh...

SERENASPRITE: Your purpose is so much more important than saving your planet, though!

CAMI: and that is?

SERENASPRITE: Hee hee hee.

Serena floats through the wall and out of the room.

Finn is messaging you again.

MN: This is a troubling development.

VF: yeah...

MN: I'm attempting to figure out Sburb's building mechanics.

MN: Also, I think there are monsters in your house.

VF: what?!

MN: I think you have to go kill them.

VF: but how do I do that?

MN: Think of it like a video game.

VF: but this isn't one! It's real!

MN: Yeah... You'll be okay. I'll watch you.

VF: okay.

Years in the future...

but not many...

A curious finger pokes at random keys, and hits escape.

It minimizes the girl and displays a history of all the commands you have entered.

You use the arrow keys to scroll up. So many commands. Hm? What's this? You have reached the top, but don't remember typing any of these commands.



















*Chapter 11*: Act 2 Part 5 - Organization Conversation

[A/N]: The American Southeast (me) is experiencing Snowpacalypse 2.0, but I'm still writing! Hahaha!


Organization Conversation

You are now Gwen again. You haven't been her for a while.

- xenoYeager[XY] began pestering mathematicallyNeutral[MN] –

XY: Finn.

MN: Yes?

XY: I see yyou. :D

MN: Okay, well I'm kind of in the middle of Something.

XY: I know. But what is it that you are doing?

MN: Figuring out Sburb's Controls for building, while encouraging strife between her and imps, to collect build grist to build up to one First Gate. And talking to You.

XY: That seems like a succinct wayy to put it.

MN: It is. Also, the world is ending.

XY: I heard. I'm going to create a memo for this. Organize stuff.

MN: Have fun.

XY: Also I connected to yyou.

MN: Well, good. I won't die of meteors then.

XY: :D

MN: You should probably do that memo thing. My shit can wait.

XY: Right.

- xenoYeager[XY] ceased pestering mathematicallyNeutral[MN] –

Wait a minute. That one. He finally shows back up on your Chumroll. Seriously, now of all times?

- xenoYeager[XY] began pestering effervescentCameraman[EC] –

XY: What is yyour DEAL?

EC: hm?

EC: wait gwen

EC: is that you

XY: Of course it's me!

XY: Remember when I tried to talk to yyou? Last week?

XY: But yyou don't even care! It's like yyour'e TRYYING to be byy yourself? Why?

EC: because it's

EC: like my whole myth

EC: arc or whatever bullshit

EC: lane calls it.

EC: two years ago I

EC: started, and now i'm

EC: done, ready to take

EC: shit on in this here

EC: ultimate destiny game

EC: universe whatever it is.

EC: honestly I would have

EC: figured that out yet

EC: but no, I'm no time player

EC: although I've done a lot

EC: of timey wimey stuff

EC: or whatever lane says the doctor

EC: calls it. you know your

EC: references get all weird

EC: when you time hop

EC: i'm frozen in 2010 or something

EC: but no now I'm in 2012. having

EC: already died once, woken up on

EC: Prospit, done a whole bunch of

EC: dream bubble furthest ring bullshit

EC: got a cheaty tome, went back in

EC: time, only to go forward again

EC: via lotus time capsule

EC: and now I'm here done see

EC: am I dragging this too much

EC: cause I could keep going with

EC: this. should i

EC: lane says no.

- sillyPromethean[SP] began pestering xenoYeager[XY] –

SP: Sorry.

SP: In short:

SP: Elis is back and is here.

SP: And will be your server player.

SP: making the Prospit loop nearly done with

SP: Me server-ing Asha server-ing Elis server-ing You server-ing Finn server-ing Cami.

SP: Also go make that memo.

SP: Then Jess will be set up for the first in the Derse loop.

SP: As a consequence of her personality and pushiness.

SP: Basically.

- sillyPromethean[SP] ceased pestering xenoYeager[XY] -

EC: also close your mouth

EC: I know this is kind of a lot to take in but.

EC: go make that memo while I set up your stuff.

EC: then go set up finn. okay? got it? good. go.

- effervescentCameraman[EC] ceased pestering xenoYeager[XY] –

You continue to stare at the screen for a little bit, overwhelmed by implications.

As Elis' explanation went on and on, your brain kept trying to disprove what they were saying. But for some reason... they are right.

Or maybe their sheer amount of info is just too much to NOT be wrong.

You better make that memo, like you were going to do anyway, but now even more.

You guess you don't need to include people that're already clued into this.


- xenoYeager[XY] added recalcitrantAgitator[RA] –

- xenoYeager[XY] added workerSlacking[WS] –

- xenoYeager[XY] added mysticalBibliomaniac[MB] -

- xenoYeager[XY] added classicallyModern[CM]–

- xenoYeager[XY] added lawfulMyth[LM] –

- xenoYeager[XY] added scienceFanatic[SF] –

XY: Guys this is very important!

XY: I am talking normally see?

XY: We all need to play Sburb!

MB: i am.

MB: I already got berated by lane over this, just call me when we're actually doing this.

- mysticalBibliomaniac[MB] left –

SF: I honestly don't see the point of this discussion either.

- scienceFanatic[SF] left –

XY: Guyys!

XY: I mean guys!

XY: This is serious!

RA: Yeah, where can we get it then?

RA: I want to start hehe.

XY: oh, um.

CM: I thought we were supposed to wait-

WS: yeah. shouldn't we get everyone in this.

RA: Come on guys, you aren't going to do follow someone's every word, are you?

XY: clickyy

XY: there

LM: Oh hey everyOne

LM: OOOO. this thing.

LM: this is sburb, right?

XY: Yyeah.

RA: Yes!

LM: yes, I agree that this is very impOrtant.

LM: why are Only fOur people here?

XY: Theyy left.

RA: People don't give a shit.

LM: are they scared?

XY: Theyy shouldn't be.

XY: This game will save us!

RA: From what?

LM: wait what.

CM: I have a bad feeling about this-

WS: Well pvp is something too.

RA: I will own all of you.

LM: Or I could just shoot you before you have the changes.


XY: Who has a copy of the game, right now?

XY: To enter, everyone needs a server player.

WS: I do.

RA: Thom, you're on me. Now.

CM: um what- no-

RA: Yes.

- recalcitrantAgitator[RA] left –

WS: she's calling me in a separate chat

- workerSlacking[WS] left –

LM: So this game is supOssed to save the wOrld?

XY: No. Just us. The world is alreadyy doomed as far as I am aware.

CM: But where does that leave us? Without Earth-

XY: I don't know...

LM: We'll find another Earth.

CM: What-

LM: Look, even if Earth is somehow destroyed, well find a way. If this game can save us, it WILL save us, and take us the whole nine yards.

XY: I guess that makes sense.

CM: I still don't like it-

LM: Of course. The damn EARTH is getting blOwn up.

LM: But we have to do this.

XY: Whyy?

CM: How are you so sure-

LM: Lane.

LM: He knOws tOO much.

LM: He has the answers.

XY: Well, yyes I know that too.

LM: wait. Mars.

CM: Yes-

LM: Weren't yOu suppOsed to tell me what yOu gOt Out Of Lane?

CM: I haven't talked to Lane-

LM: hmm...

LM: Well get On it!

CM: But I can't-

LM: Why nOt?

CM: Wait-

- classicallyModern[CM] left –

- classicallyModern[CM] joined –

CM: Hey, what's this about?

LM: ...

XY: yyou were just here.

CM: No-

CM: Sorry I fell asleep for a little while-

LM: So did YOU talk tO Lane?

CM: Yeah-

CM: You were right!

CM: He did know a lot about my dreams-

CM: He told me something about my dreamself-

CM: And the Furthest Ring and Horrorterrors-

CM: And told me to not sleep-

CM: But I kind of just did so um-

CM: Still trying to not sleep though!

CM: Yeah-

LM: hmm...

XY: I agree with the hmm...

CM: What?

XY: Liza, can I talk to yyou?

- xenoYeager[XY] closed memo -

*Chapter 12*: Act 2 Part 6 - Collab Among Us

[A/N]: So this is late. Basically I have multiple excuses.

1) Me getting Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, playing that

2) Pokemon movie marathon on Saturday (Lucario and the Mystery of Mew is the best)

3) TwitchPlaysPokemon (noticing a theme here) - even if you don't like Pokemon look up TPP. *mindblow*

So those are my excuses. Oh and check my profile and clicky the link I put in the ehehe (photoshop is awesome)



Collaboration Among Us

- xenoYeager[XY] began pestering lawfulMyth[LM] –

XY: Liza, I think this is bigger than we ever thought it was.

LM: ...

LM: yOu dOnt say

LM: we need answers

XY: But Lane won't talk.

LM: exactly.

- effervescentCameraman[EC] began pestering [XY] and [LM] –

EC: i'm really glad

EC: i remembered to

EC: do this its good

EC: that you reminded

EC: me

EC: well not on

EC: purpose you just

EC: jogged my brain

XY: Yyou again.

LM: um whO is this?

EC: I'm Elis.

XY: Yeah he's the one that keeps disappearing.

EC: you got

EC: that right

EC: ask me anything

EC: go

LM: wait, hOw did yOu knOw abOut this cOnversatiOn?

EC: okay just to

EC: make things

EC: clear this is


EC: time that

EC: you guys

EC: will be contacted

EC: by me anyway

EC: I mean future

EC: me

EC: I am future me

EC: wait

EC: yeah

XY: yyou're "future yyou"?

EC: yes

LM: hOw dOes that wOrk

EC: okay so casual

EC: spoilers aside

EC: basically

EC: a lot happened

EC: and

EC: wait

EC: disclaimer number one

EC: this is alpha me

EC: I stay alive

EC: so woop de doo

EC: second disclaimer

EC: i'm not the time player

EC: I can't time travel

EC: even though I've done

EC: it like a

EC: lot because

EC: Skaia portals and

EC: furthest ring geometry bullshit

EC: and no casual spoilers

EC: basically I'm more of a

EC: time player than our time

EC: player lol

EC: wait

EC: whoops almost did another

EC: casual spoiler there yes

XY: What is this about "casual spoilers"?

EC: I've been known

EC: to let things

EC: slip

EC: not even time shenanigans

EC: but other stuff

EC: wait

EC: oh no

LM: what?

EC: oh wait never mind.

EC: there's another ontological

EC: paradox whee

XY: Whyy is that one?

EC: because spoilers

EC: sorry can't

EC: tell

LM: well then why are yOu here

LM: if nOt tO tell us things

EC: I am

EC: just not those

EC: things

XY: Then what is yyour message?

EC: right

EC: Sburb and its purpose

EC: yeah?

XY: Yyeah!

LM: yes!

EC: Alright so

EC: yes

EC: earth is doomed

EC: so basically

EC: Sburb is how you make a new earth

EC: in a nutshell

LM: Why are we playing the game?

EC: the game itself

EC: is an ontological paradox

EC: yet it makes sense

EC: sort of

EC: the best advice i

EC: can give without

EC: spoilers is

EC: expect anything

EC: oh and don't trust

EC: doc scratch

XY: Who's that?

EC: white text guy

EC: basically just no

EC: don't do it

EC: doomed yous have fallen

EC: into his trap

EC: and none of them

EC: make it

EC: in fact those sessions fail

EC: usually

LM: dOOmed?

EC: oh yes

EC: doomed timelines

EC: are basically failed

EC: alternate timelines

XY: But yyou said yyou can't time travel

EC: right but I know a

EC: lot about the furthest

EC: ring

EC: usually all that is for

EC: the time player but

EC: spoilers

EC: so yeah

LM: sO hOw dO yOu knOw abOut them?

EC: dream bubbles

EC: which you don't

EC: set up so don't

EC: worry about that

EC: but

EC: it's basically like an

EC: afterlife that you can

EC: access

EC: yeah

EC: basically what

EC: I'm here to say

EC: is that

EC: you girls are awesome

EC: and right

EC: you are going

EC: to laugh at

EC: all our boy stupidity

XY: um, okayy?

LM: lOl

EC: heheh

EC: so keep at it

EC: also gwen

EC: whenever you get to

EC: your rock planet

EC: tell lane to send you

EC: the captcha code for

EC: the cheaty tome

XY: what's that?

EC: he'll know

EC: when he asks

EC: how you know

EC: just say his future

EC: self told you heh

EC: then && it with

EC: this code

EC: "tu8iPeu!"

EC: without the quotes

EC: obviously

EC: it's my holo computer

EC: which is actually

EC: one of lane's

EC: but whoop de doo

EC: okay

EC: so yeah

EC: it'll make more sense later but

EC: say hi to present me

EC: who may be in the past actually

EC: but is in the present again maybe?

EC: my existence is so strange

EC: bye

- effervescentCameraman[EC] left –

LM: sO that was a little weird

XY: Yyeah.

XY: He's right though, I think.

LM: you sure

LM: you saw what was up with mars

XY: hmm yyeah I guess

LM: and we know him even less than lane

XY: yyeah.

XY: But I still think he's right.

LM: yOu sure?

XY: Yyes.

LM: Okay.

XY: I need to go set up for Finn's entryy now.

LM: gOOd luck with that.

- xenoYeager[XY] began pestering lawfulMyth[LM] –

You are now Liza.

You get up from your computer and stretch. You've been on your computer for a while now.

You wonder when your dad will get home. He might be out on patrol or something. He is the law. The law being a police officer. Yeah, this isn't abnormal.

Something's going to happen, and you better damn well be prepared for it.

You retrieve your handgun from under your bed pillow.


Oh, yes. This will work. You feel much more comfortable having this as a weapon.

You got this from one of your dad's friends. But you never told him. Or your dad.

It occurs to you just now that you could search the internet for this.

You pull up Google and type in simply "m-e-t-e-o" before it autofill-suggests the following

meteor impact alerts

meteor impact new jersey

nasa reports meteor impacts

You fill in "nasa reports meteor impacts" and click the first link taking you to their website.

You read the official news report.

...meteor impact Paterson, New Jersey...

...destroys neighborhood...

...several more spotted...




Blah blah blah. Well then, it's official.

You decide to see if anything's going on with Finn.

Looking out the window, you see his apartment building directly across from yours.

Being very close, they share an internet connection. Both of your apartments exist on the top floors of your respective buildings. You knew him for a while before you started chatting online. He would sometimes try to hit your window with paper airplanes. Heh.

Looking now, nothing really seems to have changed.

Wait, there's something appearing outside... is that a toilet?

Yep, there it goes, falling down to street level. Someone's not going to be very happy.

And there's another thing, which you don't recognize, being lowered by some invisible hand onto his roof. Some kind of weird machine. It's probably a game construct, if anything. You decide that anything weird you hear or see from now on is part of the game. It's probably a safe assumption. You look up, expecting to see a meteor, but there isn't one.

You realize that there will probably be one when you enter, and one for Finn probably would have killed you before you could participate. It might also be a safe assumption that everyone in your Chumroll will be playing. Great.

All of the sudden Finn's apartment floor starts glowing purple, then vanishes. Well, more incriminating evidence. You ready your gun. The game is real.

[A/N]: Next chapter: Two entries. Yessssssss.

*Chapter 13*: Act 2 Part 7 - Finn and Jess: Enter

[A/N]: Sorry, I've had a busy week! But here we are! I just realized that this is the second most reviewed Homestuck fanfiction with an "OC" tag! Thank you guys! And for 2000 views as well!


Finn + Jess: Enter

You are now Cami.

You are currently up several newly made makeshift stories of your house.

They aren't even stories, really. More like a series of platforms connected by improvised ladders, stairs, and columns.


You can't take any of these monsters seriously. Black skinned(shelled?) with large adorable eyes tiny ears. Their teeth were apparently all originally sharpened triangles, but now a pair of giant buck teeth were also there.

"Haa!" You swing the shovel at two of them. This is fairly straightforward. Hit until dead.

After about five seconds of mashing, they both dissolve into grist.

- mathematicallyNeutral[MN] began pestering verdurousFlorist[VF] -

MN: It looks like I'm going to have to leave you for a while.

MN: Gwen's going to set up my entry soon, and I'll be busy with that.

MN: You there?

VF: yeah! got it :D

MN: I'm putting something else in your room. It's called a "Punch Designix".

MN: Try messing around with that while I'm gone.

VF: sure! sounds awesome!

MN: Okay. See you.

- mathematicallyNeutral[MN] ceased pestering verdurousFlorist[VF] –

You can't deny that you aren't having any fun with this, because that's obviously not true.

You descend the several sets of stairs and ladders to get back to your actual house.

The fog surrounding your house has dissipated somewhat. Up above, the fog is gone completely, revealing a big black void except a small blue orb directly above. The only other thing you can see is a floating pink pattern you take to be the "First Gate" Serenasprite talked about. Speaking of her, she floated off below the fog some time ago. Oh well, you'll probably run into her sooner or later.

The fog has lowered around your house somewhat, revealing that it is actually on a pillar of rock high above the ground, which you cannot see. Because of the aforementioned fog.

You re-enter your bedroom. Sure enough, there is a strange new thing in your bedroom. It looks kind of like a piano, but with some slots and a weird keyboard.


There is a tiny diagram on it as well.

It seems to indicate that you flip a captchalogue card over.


Predictably, you spend an inordinate amount of time on this.

You are now Finn. In the past slightly.

- xenoYeager[XY] began pestering mathematicallyNeutral[MN] –

XY: Readyy?

MN: Yes. Cami's progressing well, I believe. I built her all the way up to her First Gate.

XY: what's that?

MN: A game Thing.

XY: Okayy.

MN: See how it all works?

MN: Use the Deploy Tool to put stuff down.

XY: Yyeah, I know. calm yyourself. hehe.

MN: I think I have an idea of what to prototype.

XY: Oh yyeah?

Finn goes and takes two books off of his shelf. Nicomachean Ethics and Prior Analytics.

MN: Here, these.

XY: But... whyy?

MN: It might have an effect on the enemies I come across.

MN: I need at least one Prototyping before entry, and one after. I think.

XY: Okayy...

MN: So I use the ethics book before and the analytics book after.

XY: But that kind seems, I don't know... boring?

MN: It's practical.

XY: Fine.



You are now Jess.

You believe it is time to allocate a strife Specibus.

What will you use?

The many knives around the room answer.


Your dog, Jethro, is sleeping next to your bed now.


- recalcitrantAgitator[RA] began pestering workerSlacking[WS] –

RA: Thoooom~~

WS: I think im figuring this out correctly...

Your bed starts to float up off the ground.

RA: Thom put that down!

WS: Sorry.

WS: Could you remove all the knives from your walls? They're kind off in the way.

RA: Okay~~

You gather up all the knives into your strife deck.

Suddenly, a strange thin device appears flat against your wall.

WS: That's a "Totem Lathe". Here comes a "Cruxtruder".

A bulky squarish device pops into existence next to your bed. You realize what was there before.


WS: What?


WS: What? I put down the Cruxtruder thing.


WS: oh...


The cruxtruder didn't move. Instead the bed sprang off the ground and few into it, removing its top. The bed returned to its original position. Breaking the top off revealed a dark blue spazzy thing and the tip of a blue crystal cylinder.


Thom didn't respond. The cruxtruder moved off into the corner, reliving your dead dog.

WS: im sorry

WS: im sorry

WS: im sorry

WS: im sorry

WS: im sorry

WS: im sorry

WS: im sorry

WS: im sorry

WS: im sorry

The blue flashing sphere still floated in front of her. It almost seemed... attracted.

WS: im sorry

WS: im sorry

WS: im sorry

WS: im sorry

RA: Thom.

WS: im sorry

WS: im sorry

WS: Yes..?

RA: Put my dog in the blue orb.

Jethro dead body floated from your arms into the kernel.

With a blue flash of light, he was absorbed.


Finn slotted the punched captchalogue card into the Totem Lathe.

Then he fitting the purple cruxite dowel into it.

Running out of the room, he ran out of his apartment and up the stairs to where the Alchemiter was waiting. The once-prototyped kernelsprite followed him.

XY: Yyou sure this is it?

MN: Yeah, I think so.

XY: Okayy.

Placing the dowel onto the Alchemiter's special spot, it began scanning.


Jess' countdown kept ticking.




WS: I think the cruxtruder's timer is something serious.


WS: Look, I'm sorry.

RA: Can we just focus?

WS: Sorry.


Finn picked up the cruxite item that had just spawned.

XY: A hammer?

MN: Well, Cami's was an apple, and she bit into it.

XY: So yyou just... use the hammer?

MN: Um.


The Alchemiter is outside. You place the blue carved totem onto it.

A blue cruxite bone spawns.

WS: It's a bone.

RA: So what do I do with it?

WS: How am I supposed to know?

ARGH! You have had it!

You lift your knee up and break the bone across your knee.

Your house begins to glow blue.

"Hey! Wait for me!" You run back inside.


The floor beneath you begins to glow purple after you slam the hammer.

The city around you disappears.


You are now Lane. In your dream tower on Prospit. Time to wake up. You get in your bed, placing the holo computer down. The dream version. The real one has always existed on Earth, of course, but this dream copy in you dream bedroom is perfectly functional.

You go to sleep.

Meanwhile, the computer attempts to alert you to two new planets' appearance.


[A/N]: I really would like to hear any in-depth feedback you guys have to offer. What you think so far, how it is now, or suggestions for anything in the future (although i've planned out a lot already, I might be screwing something up).

Anything! :D

*Chapter 14*: Authorpause

Author: Be the not-author. Hello Audience. This is UNSPECIFIED FRIEND, the not-author. The author is Red, of course. So basically I'm using his account to post this message here... Which is basically saying that Red cannot attend to the story right now. Or his Fanfiction account at all. His absence may or may not be permanent. He said I could continue it, and I have a USB with a whole bunch of files on it. But I don't know. This story's gone kind of far, only being here for two months. I don't really have anything else to say. Yeah.

*Chapter 15*: Act 2 Intermission 1: Gate Mechanics

Act 2 Intermission 1:

Gate Mechanics Speculation [A/N]: It's funny that I have time for this but not for the real story. Don't worry! I'm not dead, and neither is the story. I am just busy! (and writing full Homestuck plots are complex and difficult as all hell) Alright so, in reality, Hussie has never fully defined Sburb's 7 Gates' mechanics; we only have speculation. Here is mine, and this is how it will apply within this story.

For my example, I will refer to the players in a server-client chain by P#. P1, P2, etc.

Or, if you want, equivalent players in Homestuck canon:

Canon Beta Kids:

John – P1

Rose – P2

Dave – P3

Jade – P4

Canon Alpha Kids:

Jane – P1

Dirk – P2

Jake – P3 (although entered fourth, still third by looking at B2 Incipisphere map)

Roxy – P4 (although entered third, still fourth by looking at B2 Incipisphere map)

SYOCstuck Kids (so far):

Cami – P1 (entered first)

Finn – P2 (entered third, still second in gate sequence)

Gwen – P3

Elis – P4

Asha – P5

Lane – P6

Jess – P7 (entered second, still seventh in gate sequence)

Thom – P8

Trix – P9

? – P10

? – P11

? – P12

So, for hypothetical sake, a P1 is flying around for whatever reason. Here are my rules.

-P1 flying through their Gate 1 finds themselves in their land.

-ANY player going through PX's Gate 1 goes to PX's land.

-P1 flying through their Gate 2 finds themselves coming out of P2's Gate 2.

-ANY player going through PX's Gate 2 comes out of P(X+1)'s Gate 2.

-P1 flying through their Gate 7 finds themselves in their denizen's palace.

-ANY player going through PX'S Gate 7 goes to PX's denizen's palace.

(Note: In Dave: Accelerate it displays GATE 5. This is interpreted by me as the 5th gate the first player (John) would normally travel through, the game having gone normally. John's Gate 1 and Gate 2 to Rose's Gate 2, then Rose's Gate 1 and Gate 2, to Dave's Gate 2, then through Dave's Gate Dave the would later become Davesprite goes through this gate from his house to LOHAC in the alternate future. Gate 5.)

All right, so those rules are mostly rooted in canon.

Here is where speculation come in.

-P1 flying through their Gate 3 takes them to P2's land.

-PX going through their Gate 3 take them to P(X+1)'s land.

-P1 flying through their Gate 4 takes them to P3's Gate 4.

-PX going through their Gate 4 take them to P(X+2)'s Gate 4.

-P1 flying through their Gate 5 takes them to P3's land. (like Dave: Accelerate as well)

-PX going through their Gate 5 take them to P(X+2)'s land.

-P1 flying through their Gate 6 takes them to P4's Gate 6.

-PX going through their Gate 3 take them to P(X+3)'s Gate 6.

I don't think that's too confusing. Right? Right.

[A/N]: You guys should see my plotting doc. I could cover whiteboards with the timelines/location tracking. Not dead! Also, what, if anything, do you think is going to happen for 4/13/14?

Story: Just another Homestuck story
Category: Homestuck
Genre: Adventure/Poetry
Author: FallenAngel7777
Last updated: 05/06/2014
Words: 8571
Rating: T
Status: In Progress
Content: Chapter 1 to 2 of 2 chapters

Summary: This a continuation of the story by my friend LonePone13

*Chapter 1*: Chapter 5 Sibling Rivalry

Be Aric. Prepare for the fight against your denizen.

I walk down the stone steps to my denizen's layer. I figure if I can beat my denizen then the rest will be easy. My two favorite bows are strapped to my back.

The Scattershot can fire up to four arrows at once. Its the shotgun of bows. The other one is the Shocker. This one is explosive.

A pair of gloves covers my hand, and two battle axes hang on each hip.

I finally reach my denizen's layer.

"The Page of Life has arrived" It growls at me. It gets up on all four legs, and towers over me. "You have a choice to make. Fight me, and take your bounty, or go and rescue your friends. But first, listen to my advice"

"Even now, as you stand here, two members of your session plot against you all. The two components of paradox space, Time and Space, have turned against you. They plot to dispose of all those who survive the Black King fight, and take the ultimate reward for themselves"

Time and Space? Tyler and Monty are our time and space players. Could they be plotting against us? Tyler I can believe, but I'm not sure about Monty.

"You are the Hero of Life. You can use your life powers to save your friends"

"Enough!" I shout up at it. "You talk only to confuse me!" I pull out both of my axes. I charge the Denizen, at attempt to slash at its legs.

It sidesteps my attack, and casually hits me with a leg. I go flying, and hit the stone wall.

Something inside me cracks.

"So your decision is death" it growls.

I pick myself up off the floor, and ready myself to attack again.

"Foolish boy. You should have god tiered before you thought of challenging me"

The beast raises one of it's massive feet, and moves to crush me.

I try to roll out of the way. When my face faces up again, I can see the massive, padded paw, less than a foot away. I hardly have time to say shit, and worry about what the session will be like without me.

Aric's splattered remains, become Tyler. Aric's splattered remains cannot become Tyler, as they are just splattered remains, and have no interests besides slowly rotting. Co-Author, become Tyler. the Co-Author refuses. He will not be a wimpy Page of Time. He will smack The Author upside the head, however. Fine. Co-Author, assault The Author.


I, the Co-Author, glare at my counterpart. My double bladed ax is in my hand. I feel the rage bubble up within me, giving me a massive amount of energy.

I, The Author, glare at my counterpart. I have my claymore in my right hand, and my rapier in my left. I feel the connection between me and all of space, each and every universe, and the massive amount of power.

We rush at each other, weapons raised.

I, The Author, shout, and my voice reverberates through all of space.

I, the Co-Author, shout, and my voice echoes through all the anger and hatred that ever had existed and ever will exist.

We clash, a flurry of blows being exchanged. The Co-Author swings his ax at The Authors neck, but The Author dodges it.

The Author smacks the Co-Author with the flat of his blade.

*the Co-Author smacks The Author* *'What the fuck are you doing?'* *The Author rubs his head* *'Writing!'* *the Co-Author raises his hand as if to bitch slap The Author* *The Author cringes* *'Okay, okay. No more meta stories'* *The Author adjusts his taped nerdy glasses, and continues writing*

Be Tyler.

You are now Tyler. Your username is I/AM/OP, abbreviated as OP. You love playing games such as clash of clans. You would call yourself a natural leader, but others would call you power hungry. You are currently talking to Monty.

PB: So, you want to help me with something?

OP: What is this something?

PB: An assassination.

OP: Ooh! Who?

PB: Anthony. I've got my reasons.

OP: hypothetically speaking...

PB: Yes? If it's something you want kept secret, I won't tell the others.

OP: What if we were to let the majority of the session die, and keep the new universe to the two of us?

PB: I've been thinking something along those lines. But how can I trust you not to stab me in the back as soon as we get there?

OP: Just gonna have to trust me.

Become Monty. Explore your world as you talk.

OP: Just gonna have to trust me.

I walk up a hill. According to Lea, my quest bed is somewhere in this area. I have no clue how she got that information.

PB: Anyways, have you god tiered yet?

OP: I'm looking for my bed. You?

PB: Same here. Lea told me it's somewhere in this general vicinity.

OP: About Lea...

PB: No, we're not gonna try and find a way to assassinate her too. You gotta have some control over that. Anyways, she's a nice person, erm, Troll, and she's helped me a lot.

OP: That's what I was gonna talk about. You were pretty quick to jump to her defense.

PB: Fuck you.

OP: You tried to do that to Kory.

PB: Wjatever.

PB: Whatever.*

OP: Lel. I'm kidding.

PB: Lel?

OP: Whatever. So when we gonna do this?

PB: Soon...

OP: *Insert ninja here* Soon...

OP: For real, though, we're just knocking him around, right?

PB: Yeah. I couldn't murder someone. And were just gonna has a coupe on the session, and put ourselves as the heads.

OP: Alright. Good. So, about you and Lea...

PB: Really?

OP: Knowing a desperate guy like you, I thought you'd be willing.

PB: I'm not desperate!

OP: Well, seeing as how Bailey has effectively left you for Anthony...

PB: Me and Lea are just friends.

OP: Alright, maybe I got you wrong. Is Cantus who you're gunning for

PB: I'm not a homosexual!

OP: Alright, John.

OP: I beg to differ.

PB: Give me proof.

OP: You tried getting in Kory's pants.

PB: That was a story!

OP: That you wrote while tired, which by an odd twist of human psychology means that's what you want.

OP: Whatever.

Another message pops up before me.

PB: I'm gonna go. Lea just sent me a message.

OP: Point proven.

PB: Fuck off.

I switch chats.

PB: Hey!

DA: heyyou sound excited

PB: Just glad to hear from my friend.

DA: friendanother one of your human allegiances

PB: Haha. It's not an oath

or anything. It's just two people who like being around each other.

DA: humans are so weird

PB: You wanna talk about weird, look at your social organization.

DA: You humans can only grasp half of the quadrants well

PB: Hey, I understand kismesitude pretty well. Romantic hate.

DA: I see

MU: (Hey, Monty!)

PB: Cantus! I see you're using a more readable quirk.

PB: So, how's it going with changing the timeline?

DA: Pretty wellThe underlings are attacking more ferociously, but I'm able to hold them off for now

MU: (We killed the black king! Now were going to assassinate the queen)

DA: Monty, do you think you could come to my universe and save me once you start realizing your potential?

PB: I could try. But isn't space incredibly unstable in-between the universes? Full of worm holes and gravitational anomalies?

MU: (And time is unstable as well)

PB: How can time be unstable?

DA: it doesn't flow in a linear fashion

PB: To hell with it. I'll probably just use my space powers, and ride a giant asteroid, going through random universes till I find yours.

DA: I cant wait to see you!

MU: (Do you think you could find this version of the session too?)

PB: I'll see if I find you

DA: Oh!I have a gift for you, Monty

PB: Hm?

DA: Hold on, I'm going to send it to you through a portal

A blue portal opens up on the ground in front of me. A pair of blue headphones pop out of it, and land softly on the ground. I pick them up, and look them over.

They resemble a pair of Monster DNAs, although the ear cups are a little more stylized. They're double layered cushioned. I pull of my hood. My HUD turns off, and I blink a few times, adjusting. I slip the headphones on, and all the outside noise is silenced.

I pull my newly made iPod out, and plug it into the headphone jack. I pull up one of my favorite songs.

The sound quality is amazing. The bass seems to rock my head, but the highs still come through clearly. There's no buzzing from the headphones.

I take them off, and pull on the hood. My HUD reboots, and I pull open my chat.

PB: Those are amazing!

MU: (my headphones are amazing, ain't they?)

PB: Yeah. Thanks Lea.

DA: No probI'm not a big music lover, so I never had any need if themAnd something tells me you should have them

Victoria just invited me to a group chat labeled 'Important!'.

PB: Well, thanks, but I gotta go. I think something happened.

I switch chats again.

PY: Alright, I'm going to start with a roll call to make sure everyones here.

PY: Tyler?

OP: Here.

PY: Kory?

MS: Yo

PY: Scotty?

GT: Here.

PY: Anthony?

QE: Here.

PY: Monty?

PB: Eeyup.

PY: Bailey?

MP: Here.

PY: Kody?

IS: Right here.

PY: Tess?

RB: Here.

PY: Sam?

SJ: What's wrong?

PY: Alright.

MS: What about Aric?

QE: Yeah, aren't we missing someone?

PB: Did something happen?

PY: Aric was killed fighting his denizen.

MP: Oh damn.

RB: Did he god tier yet?

PY: No.

PY: That's why I called you all here.

TP: So your first pl/\yer h/\s died.

PB: Another troll?

PY: You know who he is?

PB: Not specifically. But I know his kind.

TP: H/\r h/\r. This boy is sm/\rt. Possibly sm/\ter th/

th/\h rest of y/\.

PB: No, I've just been talking to people from your session.

TP: Boy, /\h w/\s in /\ single pl/\yer session.

PB: I didn't know that was possible.

TP: It is possible.

PB: Hold on.

MuzicUnderground added to chat.

DualApocolypse added to chat.

MU: (holy shit this is a lot of humans)

DA: Montyare these your friends?

PB: Yup.

TP: Who /\re these trolls? St/\te yer business in my universe!

DA: Watch it

MU: (hey bro, that ain't cool)

TP: Do not call me 'bro', insolent br/\t.

DA: damnhe's crabby

MP: *backs away*

TP: You! D/\, st/\te your full usern/\me and full n/\me!

DA: you first

TP: I /\m the Comm/

der! I /\m your superior! You will obey me! Wh/\t is your blood color?

DA: My username is DualApocolypse, similar to an old acquaintance's username. But my name is Lea. My blood color is none of your damn business.

TP: Le/\? Wh/\t kind of /\ n/\me is th/\t? Give me your double six letter n/\me!

MU: You best back the fuck down right now.

TP: You d/\re speak to me that way?

TP: /\re you in c/\hoots with The Signless?

MU: Who?

TP: D/\mn P/\r/\dox sp/\ce. You must be f/\r from his time period. You, MU, st/\te your inform/\tion!

MU: MuzicUnderground. Full name is Cantus Umculo. Rust blood.

TP: Rust blood? Rust blood! How d/\re you, /\ lowly rust blood, /\ct this way. If I w/\s there, I would te/\ch you /\ lesson or two.

MU: Damn. Stop coming on so strong with the kismesitude.

TP: This is genuine h/\te. You, Le/\, I command that you give me your blood color!

DualPersona added to chat.

AutumnsFlower added to chat.

DP: NoW What'S GoinG ON.

AF: pErUrO?

TP: St/\te your n/\mes and blood colors.

DP: PerurO. OrchiD. UnlesS YouR OnE OF ThE AquatiC TrollS, OR A SubbjugulatoR, I SuggesT YoU BacK ThE FucK DowN.

TP: I /\pologize, Sir. You, AF, wh/\t is your blood color?

AF: grEEn.

TP: Lime green?

AF: nO. whY dO YOU cArE sO mUch AbOUt blOOd cOlOr. YOU shOUdn't bE bOssIng ArOUnd the lOwEr blOOds, YOU shOUld bE hElpIng thEm.

TP: I see. Your pl/

et, is it c/\lled Beforus?

DP: YeS. WhY?

TP: Hm. I see. Well, I'm off.

TentaclePorn has left the chat.

DP: TentaclePorn? SoundS LikE SomeonE I KnoW.

AF: gEEz, hE sOUndEd lIkE sUch A dOUchE.

PB: Hey, I'm always up for chatting with new people, but who the fuck are you?

DP: JusT FriendS WitH LeA And CantuS.

MP: Ah. More trolls.

AF: YOU sAy thAt As If YOU ArEn't OnE.

PY: We're not.

AF: hOw Odd. thEn whAt ArE YOU?

GT: Humans...

DA: They're hornless trolls, basically. With pink skin.

RB: So you have horns and your skin isn't pink?

MU: Yup. My horns are like giant downward curving fish hooks. Every troll's horns are different. And every troll has grey skin.

PB: So what was this about blood color?

MU: What do you mean?

RB: Don't you all have red blood?

DA: No. We have the hemospectrum. The top, the ruling class, is purple. The lowest blood color is rust.

MU: I'm a rust blood!

DA: Yes. Red blood is a mutant blood color, and even lower on the hemospectrum then rust blood.

PY: Well, you know, we technically have two blood colors. Oxygenated blood is bright red, and de-oxygenated blood is more a dark purple.

DP: FascinatinG. EacH AnD EverY OnE OF YoU IS AN OutcasT, AN OutsideR, YeT EacH AnD EverY OnE OF YoU HaS ThE RighT TO BE RespecteD. OR FeareD, DependinG ON YouR StylE.

MP: This is all very interesting, but I have stuff to do.

Nor/mlp/erson has left the chat.

RB: Same here.

RedheadedBandit left the chat.

PB: Yeah. I'm finding my quest bed.

XinXhisXshadowX has left the chat.

I log out of the chat.

Monty, Be Kory

Me and my little brother Kody walk along in my world. We're supposedly looking for my quest bed. Monty has been rambling on about how important these are, but I don't necessarily get why. Neither does Kody

Kody has been acting strange towards me lately. I can't place it, something just seems off about him.

A stiff silence develops between us.

"Sooooo..." I break the silence.

"What?" he snaps back at me.

"How you doin', brother?"

"Fine". All his answers are snappy and short.

"No you ain't, brother. I've known you long enough to know when you are all down feelin'"

We walk alongside a cliff.

Kory, be Kody.

We walk alongside a cliff. Now's my chance to be rid of this I'm imbecile once and for all.

I kick a rock under his foot. He trips over it, and I push him while he's flailing his arms. He tumbles over the edge.

I pull my coin out from my pocket, and flip it. It lands heads up, and it grows and grows, until I'm holding a full length buster sword, like the one from Kory's much beloved Final Fantasy game.

I use to think that game, and my brother, were cool. Now I know better.

I look over the edge, seeing if Kory's still alive.

The fucker isn't only alive, but survived unscratched.

"Hey, I found my quest bed!" he shouts up at me.

I slide down the cliff, going slowly, and land next to him. He walks around the purple slab of stone, eyeing it inquisitively.

Kody, be another character.

You are now a new character.

You sit in your room on Earth.

It is suggested that you take inventory of your room.

You have your new, fast computer in one corner of the room. Man, you love this computer. A window looks out over a city. It's night, and the neon glow seeps into your room. A rainbow of neon colors lights up your otherwise lightless room. The window is open, so the ambient noise of cars and people seep in.

You bed lays underneath this window. A door opposite of the window leads to the rest of the apartment.

It is suggested that you observe what is on your walls...

You look up from your awesome computer. Oh yes. Those posters.

The most prominent detail is the masculine Hoofbeast, err, you mean horse. The most prominent detail of the horse is it's massive member.

It is suggested that you stop being the new character. The new character has some seriously messed up problems, and he should be saved for a time when a new plot device is desperately needed.

New guy, be Kory.

I walk around the stone slab. Monty described what it should look like. Four large pillars at the corners, and that purple symbol that vaguely looks like a face.

I stop, my little brother behind me.

I sharp pain erupts in the middle of my chest. I look down, and see Kody's large buster sword protruding from my chest.

"Oh look" I say, nonchalantly. "I've been impaled"

I slip off the sword, and land on my quest bed. The purple becomes more of a deeeeeeeelicious t8sting red.

I don't hate my little brother. I'm just confused.

My last sentence comes out as I choke on blood. "I love you... My brother..."


*Chapter 2*: Chapter 6 Regrets

DEAD, be Kody.

I look down at my brothers corpse. I had thought I hated him.

Now as I look at his body bleeding out, I'm filled with grief. I had thought he hated me and only wanted glory or his girlfriend, but his last words, his dying words shook me.

'I love you... My brother...' He had said. Now that I think about it he had his girlfriend bring me into the game and the first thing he did was come to my world to make sure I was ok.

He had done everything to protect me and in return I had killed him. I felt like a monster. I formed a new idea. I would force the time and space players to create the scratch and bring him back.

He was all I had and I thought I could do this without him, but now that he is dead with his blood on my sword, I find that I can't.

I sit by his body and sob. I will find a way to right what I have done. I will make amends...

Kody, be your deceased brother.

You cannot be Kory because he is DEAD.

DEAD, be Monty.

I look around me. Me and the majority of the session are walking around on Kory's world, looking for him and his brother.

I notice how Bailey and Anthony are rather close together.

"I gotta go" I say to no one in particular.

I turn around, and leave the group. I don't think anyone noticed my absence. I head back to my planet.

I make it back to my house. Forrest is in the kitchen, cooking for him and Impy.

Impy has finally settled on a single look, instead of constantly changing. A red and blue suit, that deadmau5 smile, long pikachu ears, cat whiskers and a long cat tail. He's even more adorable then when he was un-prototyped.

Forrest looks at me. One look, and he knows something is up.

"What's wrong, Monty?" he quietly asks.

"I'll tell you later. I'm gonna sleep. Might as well kill off some Dersites"

"Alright". He points at the stove. "Steaks for you when you wake up"

"Thanks man" I walk over to him, and give him a fist bump.

I walk to my room, and fall into my massive inflatable orange bed. Specially alchemized.

I fall asleep on LOFAS.

I wake up on Derse.

Jack Noir is by me. He gets up and points a knife at me.

"No, Jack. No"

He puts the knife down.

I check my armaments. The Dasher is on my right hip. It's a cyan blue sword, with light pink detailing on the hilt. A tricolored lightning bolt hangs on a keychain from the hilt. Two stylized wings act as hand guards, protecting my hands. It's a long, thin blade, with a small amount of back sweep at the end of the blade, giving it a hooked appearance. Just holding at it makes me feel twenty percent cooler.

On my thigh I have a pistol. I alchemized a pistol-kind strife modus. It's not that fancy of a pistol, just there to give me a little extra firepower.

My other sword, the Nightmare, is on my left hip. It's a long, black thick blade. The handle has dark blue detailing. A crescent moon is etched onto the handle.

Jack walks up to me, his knife still in his hand. "We gon go stab somebody?" He asks in his peculiar voice.

"Oh yes, Jack. We gon stab lots of people. Follow me"

The two of us walk down a hall, towards the Black Queen's chambers.

"Hey, buddy. I get the Ring off her finger, right? The Ring of twelve fold?"

I hesitate. "Yeah. I don't see why its such a big deal. It's just a Ring"

We stop before her doors. Two guards stand watch.

He walks up to the one guards, and stabs him before he can react. I decapitate the other with my Nightmare.

We step past the bodies, and walk into the main chamber. Another guard, this one heavily armored, steps before us. On gut reaction I swing at him with the Nightmare. I unsheath my other sword, incase my first blow can't incapacitate him.

The blade shatters on contact with the armor. The top half of the blade explodes into fragments, and I'm left holding the hilt with half of a blade. My HUD shows a notification.

/Strife change.

/ 1/2 Sword Modus equipped.

/ Sword Modus equipped.

/ 2X Sword modus equipped

/ No major changes.

/ Continuing with regular functions.

I stab with my right hand sword. I hit his knee, crippling him. I kick out his right knee, making him fall. He's at eye level with me now. I stab him in the stomach with my shattered sword. I let go of the sword, and it stays in him. I pull my pistol from it's holster, and unload the clip right into his face.

I pull my sword out of him, and he falls in a pool of blood. I reload my pistol.

"Hey Jack. Let's check for a pulse"

"Heh?" He doesn't seem shocked by my brutality.

I turn my gun on the dead guard. I keep firing until his rib cage shatters, and I see his heart.

"No pulse. I proclaim him dead"

"Eheh. He's killed dead" Jack agrees.

We advance further into the room. A guard rounds the corner. I start to rush the guard, but Jack throws one of his many knifes. It plunges straight into his neck. The guard collapses with a wet gurgle.

"Nice shot" I compliment him.

"Don't make me angry" He responds.

I chuckle, and engage another one of the guard. I bash the flat edge of the broken Nightmare against his face, stunning him for a few moments. I pull back, and stab him in the mouth with my other sword. "Taste the Rainbow, beyotch!" I shout at him. He falls back, dead.

I throw the Nightmare like a spear, impaling one of the other guards. I hear one approach from behind me. I turn to face it, but he falls to his knees, a knife protruding from his neck. I pull out my pistol, and finish him off. I turn and empty the clip into five more guards.

I run forward, and free the broken Nightmare from the dead guard. I rush another guard, and stab him in the neck with both swords at once.

And just like that, all fifteen of the guards lay dead at our feet. Jack's an efficient fighter.

"You fight like a berserker, boy"

"What do you mean?"

"Throwin dat sword, the dual stabbing. Berserker if I've ever seen one. But your sloppy too. Gotta have more control while you be fighten all o' them". I grunt. "You hurt?" He asks.

"Not a scratch" I tell him.


We advance towards the throne room. A guard comes from a hidden passageway. I behead him without blinking an eye.

We stop before the throne room. I look at him, then kick open the door.

The Black Queen stands before us.

She's tall, the fusion of all our prototyping. Pikachu ears, deadmau5 grin. She's wearing the Slender suit. Even with the deadmau5 grin, her face vaguely resembles Adam Levine. Her forearms are covered in something resembling Master Chief's armor suit. She has a long cat tail. A pair of headphones, representing my iPod prototyping is around her neck. And many other characteristics from Deadpool, Venom, spiderman, deadmau5, WOW and Pokemon. The Ring of twelve fold is on her finger.

Jack points to the Ring. I nod. I pull out my pistol, and look down the sights, aiming for the finger. I squeeze the trigger, sending a bullet flying right at the Ring.

Time seems to slow down. I can somehow feel the path of the bullet, and I can feel the power to alter its trajectory. I nudge it slightly to the left, keeping it on track. With a spurt of blood, the finger is obliterated. The Ring flies towards Jack. The Black Queen looks like any other Dersite.

Jack goes for the Ring, and I go for the Queen. I stab at her with the Dasher, but she blocks it with her forearm.

I follow up with a backhand slice, and I score a hit on her leg.

I realize that without the Ring, she's powerless.

I feint with the broken Nightmare, and plunge the Dasher into her chest.

She claws at the blade for a moment, then slides off the end of it, and falls to the ground at my feet.

I slice off her head, and captchalogue it. I can use it against the Dersites, demoralize them. If possible.

I turn to look at Jack. He now resembles the Black Queen. He points one of his knives at me. I know I made a mistake.

Jack leaps at me, aiming the knife right at my chest. I can't get either of my swords in the right position to block in time. I might be very dead soon.

I just feel the tip of the blade enter my chest, when I captchalogue him.

I hold the card in my hands. A small picture of Jack is on it. I turn it over, and the code is there.

I debate what to do with him. I could just flat out destroy the card, killing him. I could save it, until I'm a higher level. Or I could punch him, and alchemize things with him. That would be some interesting stuff.

I pocket the card, deciding to keep him.

I head back to where all the Dersite dreamers are. I fly to the planet's core. Five others are sleeping here. I lay on the ground before the only entrance. If anyone wanted in, they'd have to go through me. I fall asleep on Derse.

I wake up on Planet of Frogs and Shadows.

I walk to my upgraded alchemizing tools. I put in Jack's card, and the card for the broken Nightmare. Using the conditional and, I preview my alchemy. I just want to make sure I won't make another Jack.

A new sword, in a holograph, sits on the pad. It takes a lot of grist, but I've got literal tons of it. The sword's name is Broken Dreams. Kinda fits with the fact that it's still a broken sword made from Nightmare. I fully alchemize it.

It's fully black now, and the only concession to vanity on it is the crescent moon etched onto the blade, instead of the handle.

I pick the newly made sword up off the pad. For being half a sword, it's weight is still similar to a full sword. A take a few practice swings with it, getting a feel for it.

I notice theres a small button near where my thumb rests. I push it.

The second half of the sword slides out from the jagged end of the first half, making it whole. It must be spring loaded, as it came out pretty quickly. But the balance feels a little off. Too much weight towards the end. I push the button again, and it slides back into the first half.

I holster it on my left hip. I pull out my Dasher, thinking of upgrading it also. I replace the broken Nightmare card with the Dasher. I preview the alchemy using the conditional or.

It gives me a preview of the Shadowbolt. It looks similar to the original sword, but has a much higher attack. And it's black, with yellow on the handle. The tricolored lightning bolt is still hanging from a keychain. I alchemize it, and I then captchalogue it. I captchalogue the Broken Dreams as well, and insert both of them into the machine. I take out the Jack Noir card. The resulting weapon takes millions of different types of grist. I can't afford it, despite my impressive amount of grist.

I take them both out, and re-equip them. I go through my sylladex, going through all my interesting items.

I have a the Black Queen's head that I got earlier. For some reason I captcha logged my subwoofer. I got a can of shaving cream. A regular sword. My Xbox. A pistol from Halo that I acquired through a funky bit of alchemy. I got a miniature Tardis on a necklace. And a copy of Xcom Enemy Unknown for Xbox.

Just a random pile of things.

On a whim, I put the regular sword in with the Xbox. I get...

The Techno-sword!

It's just a sword with a green and black color scheme...

I abscond from making cool swords. I randomly throw in the Halo pistol and my subwoofer. A futuristic looking gun with a speaker on the muzzle is my result. The name if it is the Bass Cannon.

I smile. I take this, and replace it with my normal pistol.

Impy walks in the room at this moment. Feeling like a mad scientist, I captchalogue Impy.

I insert Impy, Jack Noir, the Black Queen's head, Broken Dreams, the shaving cream, and the Tardis into the machine, filling all six card slots.

It takes one tenth of my grist horde, but I hit alchemize.

A mega-Impy stands on the pad. On it's finger is Jack's Ring, which has prototyped Impy. He has the un-prototyped Black Queen's head. In his left hand he holds a massive can of shaving cream, and his right hand is holding the Broken Dreams.

The Behemoth stares at me, and then takes off the Ring of Twelve Fold.

Mega-Impy de-prototypes, becoming Impy Noir, a more adorable and cuddly version of Jack, with the Black Queen's head.

I pick up the Ring. I release Alpha Impy from his card, and hand him the Ring. I instruct him to put it on. He does, but nothing happens. I take the Ring back, and pocket it.

I look for Impy Noir. He's found a black fedora I had laying around, and is wearing it. He's also acquired an eyepatch. He digs around, looking for something. He pulls a knife out of somewhere, and gets a shifty look in his eyes.

He notices me watching, and stows the knife in a pocket. "Eheh. Sorry, master" he says. His voice is similar to Jack's, but more... Adorable.

I look at Alpha Jack's card. He's back to being just normal Jack. I give the Ring back to Impy Noir, and tell him to attack Jack Noir if he starts to strife with me. I release Jack from his card.

He pops out, normal and not prototyped. And very confused looking. "Hey. Where's my Ring?". He spots Impy Noir. "Holy mother of the Courtyard Droll"

"Impy Noir, Jack Noir. Jack Noir, Impy Noir. Impy 2.0 has your Ring. I seemingly prototyped it out of you"

"Eh. So what now"

I take the Ring back from Impy Noir. Jack watches in fascination.

I take my Tardis necklace, and take the Tardis off the chain. I slip the Ring on the chain, then put it around my neck. "You work for me again, Jack"

My Sprite appears. It's black.

"Master, you must be careful when you alchemize with living things. You might make an abomination"

"I'm mostly done with it now. So, what would happen if I forcibly prototyped you by alchemizing a third item into you?"

My Sprite crackles, and turns orange.

"Boy, that is highly inadvisable. I would turn into a black hole, and transport this entire planet into another universe"


I look at my three minions. Impy, Impy Noir, and Jack. I should make Impy more powerful somehow. But I can't think of what. A thought crosses my mind. Alchemize me and him together. I'd need a third party to do it, however.

I dismiss the idea as insane. But it comes back, determined to be tested. What's the worst that can happen? A seriously mentally damaged person, a horrible mutation. That kind of stuff. The sane part of me dismisses it. But still, it's such a fascinating idea I can't let go of it.

I push it to the back of my mind, deciding to pursue it later.

I make a copy of the Shadowbolt, and give it to Impy after I shrink it to his size. He looks satisfied.

I tell all three to follow me.

"Boy!" my Sprite calls. It sparks for a moment, then turns black. "Master"

It turns orange again. "We decided to give you this" it holds out a necklace with a charm at it.

It turns back to black. "We will come if you wish, as long as you wear this"

Orange again. "We wish for you to have it"

It reverts to black, and holds it out.

I take it, and look at the charm. It's an ornate swirling design, to complex for the eye to follow. I look back up at my Sprite. She's orange again. "Thank you"

"Don't die, boy"

"Master, we would hate it if you died"

I slip the charm around my neck, and tuck both it and the chain with the Ring on it under my shirt.

Me and my followers set out. I go to find Kory.

Monty, be Scotty. Scotty, dream on Prospit. Watch the clouds.

I lay on my back, on top of my tower's roof, watching the visions in the clouds. One goes by showing the future of our fight against the Black King.

"Hey" Victoria says as she flies over to me.


"Cloud gazing?"

"Yeah. Pretty cool"

"You seen anything odd in them lately?"

Another cloud drifts by, this one a stormy gray. The clouds have been getting darker and darker recently. "Just the usual. Random bits and pieces. This place is just so chill, though, I can hardly focus"

I see Victoria nod at the corner of her vision. She stops flying, and stands on the roof by me. Her face is pointed to the clouds. "Like that gray one there" she says, pointing.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"My Sprite says that all the clouds are supposed to be white"

"Probably nothing bad. So what did you prototype with?"

"My cat. I haven't prototypes twice yet"

Another large cloud floats by. This one is white, and shows us something.

"Hey, check that out" I say.

Monty and a Dersite stand before the Black Queen. Monty pulls out a pistol, and shoots at the Queen. He misses, and the Queen lunges forward, stabbing him with a hidden blade.

The vision from the cloud stops.

"See?" Victoria asks.

"That's just a possibility. That probably didn't happen"

Another cloud with another vision floats by.

Monty, an Imp, some odd cross between a Dersite and an Imp, and the Dersite from the previous vision are walking in a dark forest. Soon, they come to a stop before a slab of stone with a swirly pattern on it. Four pillars rise from the corners. Monty says something to the Dersite. The Dersite smiles, laughs, and then stabs Monty. He falls onto the slab, his blood turning the stone a dark red.

The vision fades.

"What was that?" I ask.

"His quest bed. He God Tiered" Victoria informs me.

A third cloud comes by. Monty and Tyler are shown.

Monty and Tyler sit at a table, deep in a heated discussion. Monty is in his black hoodie, but now it's a pullover, and the swirly symbol is on it. The familiar Dersite is with them. The Dersite stabs a knife into the table, making a point. A picture comes into view. Anthony is on that picture.

That cloud leaves, and another takes it's place.

Monty and Anthony are walking and talking. Monty is gesturing with his hands a lot. Anthony has his hands in his pockets. Monty seems angry, and Anthony seems defensive. It quickly becomes a fist fight. Bailey enters, and breaks it up. Monty starts gesturing between Anthony and Bailey, then storms off. Bailey and Anthony remain, and talk. They gesture in the direction Monty left.

It changes.

Monty is holding two swords, a broken black one in his left, and a white one fused with a pistol in his right.

Anthony is holding a long, tricolored sword.

After a quick but scalding sword fight, Monty points the gun sword at him, and fires. The first round hits Anthony on the shoulder, halting his advance. The second hits him in the chest, knocking him back a bit. There isn't as much blood as I expected. The third tears through his sword arm.

Monty advances towards Anthony, drops his black sword, and grabs Anthony around the neck. He lifts him up, and then stabs him through the heart. Anthony silently screams. Monty slowly pulls the blade out, drops the body, and walks away.

The cloud floats away.

"See?" Victoria asks me. "We should do something"

"No, predestination and all that. By telling him, we'll give him the idea" I say.

A new cloud comes near, bearing a new vision.

Someone new is walking towards Monty. Someone in the garbs of a Lord of Space. I don't know this person. They're not from our session.

Monty turns around, shock written across his face from seeing this person.

The two hug, which lasts for several moments. They pull apart, then smile. The Lord of Space points at someone dressed as a Muse of Time.

Monty and the Muse shake hands. The three talk, and then Monty points up above them.

The vision shifts.

Monty, the Lord, and the Muse are all on an asteroid. A second, larger asteroid is 'parked' near them. The vision zooms in.

Monty, the Lord, and the Muse are talking to a new group. There's a Knight of Time, wearing a pair of Aviator shades, and a Seer of Light. The Knight says something, and they all nod.

A troll enters the scene. A gut feeling tells me this troll is Lea. Next to her is another troll with short, stubby horns, and the Cancer zodiac on his shirt.

A troll dressed like a hipster in purple enters the scene. Monty and the purple troll smile, and walk over to each other, talking animatedly.

The scene changes again. Monty, Lea, the familiar Dersite, Impy, the Lord, and the Muse, along with a few others, walk along in a desert. Far ahead, a group of twelve people are walking towards them.

I get a closer look at the group of twelve. Its us. Our session's players. Albeit older. There's Anthony. And Aric. And me. And, oddly, there's Monty, although he looks different, subtly. And Aaron, all of us as adults. I'm confused.

The cloud leaves.

"That one I'm confused about" I say.

"I don't get it either. Who where all those people?" Victoria asks.

"And why did it seemingly focus on Monty?"

A new cloud appears. At first I think this one is another black storm cloud, but then I see it's actually a vision. It's a massive black hole.

"What?" I ask.

"I have no clue" Victoria replies.

Bailey shows up. "What's going on?"

"Cloud gazing. Wanna join?"

Bailey looks up at the latest one. "Black hole?" she offers.

"That's what I'm guessing" I answer.

The cloud moves, giving way to a new cloud, with a new vision.

Month is fighting Anthony again. Their swords lock, and then Monty pulls back, absconding from the fight.

It switches.

All of the surviving session cheers as the Black King falls to the ground, dead. No one died, amazingly.

The clouds roll away, showing us Skaia.

"What did that all mean?" Victoria asks.

"I didn't understand. I saw bits and pieces as I came here, but I can't make heads or tails out of it" Bailey says.

"Neither can I" I agree.

Scotty, be Monty.

I walk through Kory's land, looking for Kory. I spot the four pillars of his quest bed far up ahead. Me, Impy, Impy Noir, and Jack head towards it. Jack twirls a knife around his we get close enough, I see Kory's dead body on the stone slab. Kody is walking away, then sees me. He walks towards me, playing with a coin in his hands.

I brandish my swords, knowing he killed Kory. He flips the coin, catches it in air, and it grows into a large club.

I rush at him, feinting with the Shadowbolt. He moves to block with his club, and I swing at him with a backhand, just barely missing.

Kory rises up off his bed, his arms slack. There's a flash, and he's alive again. He's dressed in a purple outfit. I smile, he's god tiered.

While I'm distracted, Kody bonks me solidly on the head. My vision becomes fuzzy. I twirl both my swords, and slash at him with both. I miss because he jumps back. I lunge forward with the Broken Dreams directed right at him. He drops his club, which becomes a coin again, and pulls a short but wide sword out. I realize it's too late to avoid it.

Kory has disappeared.

Kody looks at his brother with disbelief. I think I spot joy in his eyes but i'm unsure.

I push the button on the sword, extending it to it's full length. I stab Kody as he stabs me. His sword enters right above my belly button. It's a mortal wound, but it won't kill me right away. I got Kody right through the heart. With his last gasp of energy, he reaches for the coin. I pick up the coin, wanting it as a trophy.


I limp back towards the gate to my planet. Halfway there, I collapse. Impy Noir picks me up. "Go home" I tell him.

I slip in and out of consciousness as we travel. I'm vaguely aware of going through the gate.

I tell him how to get to my quest bed.

I can see it up ahead. My quest bed. Impy Noir rushes towards it, and my posse follows us.

Impy Noir sets me on the ground at my direction. I pull myself up onto the stone slab. I sit on the foot of the slab.

I can't wait for the wound to finish me. It hurts.

I wait for Jack to catch up to me. "Jack"


"I need you to stab me. Through the heart. It needs to kill me"

"Eheheh. Can do"

I sit on the foot of the black stone slab. I gesture for Jack to do it now. He takes a few steps forward. Something flashes in his hand, and a blade appears in his hand.

I gasp as I feel the ice cold steel split my skin, tear through my lung, and lodge in my heart.

"Impy. Impy Noir. Protect me. Don't let Jack take the Ring off of me"

I cough once, then fall back on the slab. DEAD.

DEAD, be Bailey.

MP: So what were you asking about?

AF: YOUr cOnsOrts.

MP: What are those?

AF: thEy'rE thE nEUtrAl bEIngs On YOur planEt.

MP: The only 'beings' on this planet are the underlings, the imps.

AF: Odd. AnOthEr OddIty Of YOUr sEssIOn. whAt Is YOUr fIrst gUArdIAn?

MP: ?

AF: thE thIng thAt hAs gOd-lIke pOwErs. thEy'rE In All UnIvErsEs mEAnt tO hAvE A sbUrb sEssIOn. If YOUr UnIvErsE dOEsn't hAvE OnE...

PB: Then we were never meant to have a session?

AF: I'm sUrE thErE's A rEAsOn. And AbOUt YOUr sprItEs.

MP: They're a *little* bipolar.

AF: mOrE thAn A lIttlE. And thEy dOn't sEEm tO wIllIng tO hElp, As If thEy rEsEnt bEIng AlIvE. mOrE rEAsOn thAt YOUr sEssIOn wAs nEvEr mEAnt tO ExIst.

MP: What about your session?

AF: It's gOIng pErfEctlY. wE dEfEAtEd thE blAck rOYAltY wIth thE hElp Of AltErnAtE lEA.

MP: So what's going to happen to Lea? Will she die?

AF: I'm nOt sUrE.

Bailey, be Lea.

The new Denizens lumber across the desert towards me. The Denizen of Time, Hephaestus, and the Denizen of Time, Echidna.

I stand tall. All my weapons are sheathed.

Hephaestus speaks. "You know the consequence for saving your session"

Echidna finishes. "You have to leave"

They both move as if to flank me. I unholster a sword and a shield, preparing to defend myself, if need be. I know it's a slim chance of winning against two Denizens versus me.

Space bends in front of me, and then tears. A group of people are standing where the tear was. A Muse of Time, and a Lord of Space. Hoods cover their faces. The Muse faces Echidna, and the Lord faces Hephaestus.

The Lord raises a large gun, something along the lines of a cross between a minigun, a canon, and a laser sniper rifle. The muse raises a sword that glows.

"What is this?" The Denizens chorus.

Space ripples again. Jack Noir, prototyped, steps out. He faces Echidna.

"This is spatially incorrect" Hephaestus says.

Space ripples again. A Prince of Space appears, and faces Echidna.

"These time lines where not meant to cross" She says.

Reality bends. A Prince of Time appears, along with a Rogue of Life.

The Prince faces Hephaestus, and the Rogue faces me.

She, the Rogue, speaks. "You got a new lease in life. You're not dying today. Come along?" She gestures behind her, and the space-time fabric ripples again, fracturing this reality.

I walk towards it. "What do I do?" I ask.

"Just walk to the middle of the ripples. No matter what your senses tell you, keep walking. We have fixed a wormhole between that exact location and our base. All you gotta do is reach the center, and you'll jump"

I nod, and walk forward. I reach the center.

And I come out the other side, in a lab of some sort. There's various cannibalized machines, including many appearifiers and sendificators, all made into one massive machine. All in all, it resembles something from some scifi.

The Lord of Space walks towards me.

"Oh great" he says. "Antony got the temporal coordinates wrong. "Sorry, mate. Looks like your preceding your own rescue. I'm the last to go through the gate. Anyways, stay in this room. We should be back soon"

He walks through the portal. With a static flash, he's gone. I wait a few seconds.

The group of five appears in a flash. The Rogue walks up to me. "There's someone you have to meet" she says. "Follow me"

All I can think of is 'What happens when Monty gets to my planet, only to find me gone?'

Now, let's check up on the relatively normal session. Be Victoria. You are now Victoria.

You have a sword through your chest. And your sword is in someone elses neck.

Whoops. My bad, I may have skipped too far ahead. Be Monty.

You are now Monty.

And that's it for today's episode! Please stay tuned for this commercial break!

Brought to you by: U No Poo! Why are you worrying about You-Know-Who, when you should be worrying about You No Poo! The constipation sensation that's gripping the nation! Get yours today at Fred and George's joke shop!

Sponsored By: Your local garbage disposal company! Who else will take all that useless shit off your hands? We'll throw it all in a big pile, where it will take up a large plot of land, slowly degrade, and pollute the Earth! Who needs recycling?

Are you feeling hungry? When's the last time you ate, you fat tub of lard? Ten minutes? Twenty? Either way, it's been way too long. Get you fat ass into Mcdonalds NOW! We have complementary heart health screening, as we know you'll need it after eating our food. At least we're not Burger King!

Also by: Politicians! Who else w-I-ll enforce their own mora-L- views on the popu-L-ace? After all, we have to have someone telling Us that weed kills people, abortion is a -M-oral sin, and that you can't fr-I-ck frack with whoever you want. And then have the balls to take your gu-N-s so you can't shoot the thanksgiving turkey, forcing you to buy -A- turkey from the nearest Sams Club. A-T-ter all, gotta feed capitalist Amer-I-ca!

A special thanks to that creepy guy in your window. Remember, Creepypasta is what keeps you up at night.

And finally, by hoodies. They're big, warm, comfortable. Who doesn't love them? Buy some today.

Thank you for staying tuned for that commercial break. Now back to your regular programming.

Monty, revive on LOFAS.

I hover off my quest bed a few meters. I'm in a pair of embarrassing black shorts, and my black god tier space hoodie.

Jack, Impy Noir, and Impy watch me from below. Jack points a finger at my shorts and starts to laugh, but I cut him off with a raised eyebrow.

"Head home" I tell them. "I'll catch up in a bit"

I wait until they're out of sight. I check to make sure I still have the ring on me. I do. I use the charm my sprite gave me to summon her.

She appears with a small poof. "Yes?" she's a dark orange, not quite black. Hopefully she's stabilized.

I hesitate. I forgot why I summoned her here. "Is Forrest home?"


"Let's go home"

The two of us fly over the top of the trees towards my house.

I fly in through my window. I take of these disgusting shorts, and pull on a pair of pants. I pull the hoodie off, and look at it. Just a basic black pullover. I hate pullovers. I put the space hoodie card and my hoodputer card in my mega alchemizer. I alchemize using the conditional or.

I get the space hoodie, still as a pullover, with an extended hood. I alchemize again using conditional and.

Now my hoodputer just has a space symbol on it. That's how I wanted it.

I sip it up, and pull the hood down. The HUD boots up.

/God tier initializing.

/Page of Space

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