The Fight to End it All Part 1

How to Train Your Pokémon

A/N: At first, I was going to write the entire final battle in one chapter on, but then I realized that not only will it take longer, but that I made the same mistake when I was writing my version of "How to Train Your Dragon" on It was one that I did not want to repeat. My hands can't take that much typing. Not that it helped much before. 

Well, let's just get on with the chapter. Roll it!

Bold italics- Pokémon speech 

Chapter 24

The Fight to End it All Part 1

Over at Cinnabar Island, all of the Trainers were setting up for the big attack. They were placing net launchers, locking and loading guns and pistols, and even setting traps everywhere along the ground. Dawn was with Gary and a couple of other Trainers, discussing their plan.

"Once we break open this mountain, it will be the biggest battle of our lives." Dawn said.

"And that's really saying something." Gary added in. "Considering what you have been through when you were younger."

Dawn bit back a nostalgic smile as she recalled some of her most exciting adventures from her youth. But what made them hurt was that for all of them, he was by her side. This time, he wasn't. She shook her head to get rid of the thoughts and headed over to the front of the entire group of battling Trainers. Now was not the time to get sentimental.

"Whatever happens here, it all ends today." She said. When she turned to face the mountain, everyone became silent. She then held up her arm, signaling the army to get ready to fire. Then, she let it down.

Bullets, lasers and rockets fired at the mountain, breaking rock, layer after layer. Soon, there was a giant hole in the side of the mountain. Deep inside, Dawn could hear alarms blaring, and then hordes of Pokémon came running or flying out. She could hear their cries of joy, and the adult Trainers made no move this time to capture any of them.

But then, there was a loud rumbling sound coming from inside the hole they blasted through. On the boat, Elysia was trying to break the containment unit she was trapped in, frightened. But no matter how hard she tried, there was not even a crack in the glass.

The rumbling got louder. Dawn slowly backed away from the perimeter of the hole. "Get back!" She ordered.

Everyone quickly obeyed, scared for their lives as to what was happening. Out of the hole rolling out was a large machine, along with a projection screen. Dawn's eyes zeroed in on the red flame symbol on the front of it, and her heart nearly stopped.

The screen then quickly flickered on, and an image of a red-haired turning white man wearing a worn old black and red uniform appeared. Dawn glared fiercely at him, her blue eyes turning up into balls of fire.

"Well, well, well." The man on the screen said. "If it isn't the majority of the Trainer faction. Now this is a marvelous surprise."

"Lysandre!" Dawn shouted, drawing his attention to her. "So you've finally crawled out of the Rattata hole you've been hiding in?"

"Ah, Mrs. Dawn Ketchum." Lysandre purred. "I must say, even after all these harsh years you've faced alone, your beauty is still as radiant as ever."

Dawn resisted the urge to growl and gag at the same time. "Flattery will get you nowhere. Now, you've have nowhere to hide this time."

"Oh, I agree." Lysandre said. "But if you think that you have the tables turned around this time, you are sorely mistaken." Dawn felt her brave demeanor slowly starting to crumble. "As you can see, this time, I have some leverage."

The screen flicked and split into two, each one showing what was inside a prison cell. But Dawn's eyes focused on the left side, and her heart began pounding and breaking at the same time when the man lying there peacefully asleep on a cot appeared, along with a Pikachu beside him. At first, the thought that it could be a trick went through her mind, but it was pushed away by the mere hope that it was actually true.

"You're alive." She whispered. She had hoped and prayed for so many years that he was alive, and now, her most fervent prayer had been answered. Murmurs through the Trainer army went through, steadily growing in volume until everyone was talking and pondering aloud if it was true. First, there was confusion among them, but then there was the hope that they had lost for so long.

The screen then flickered back to the image of Lysandre. "Yes." He admitted. "Your husband, Ash, and your Chief, is alive. Along with most of the other captives I've taken over the years."

Dawn's blood began boiling when she saw how exhausted Ash looked, and when he opened his eyes before the screen changed back, she saw that they've lost the confident and adventurous spark that she so loved, and it burned in her brain. "Release them!" She shouted.

"Ah, but that's not all that I caught." Lysandre continued.

The screen immediately changed again to show a security tape from the night before. The images of Mari, Aiden and the twins appeared in the center of the main hanger. But Mari and Aiden were the only ones whose faces were seen clearly by the camera. Her children then were showing flying out of the crater, with Aiden holding onto Mari.

Dawn's heart stopped again. Her worst fear had been realized.

"I had learned that your pretty little daughter is all grown-up now, and that she found this place, along with some of her comrades." Lysandre said. "Well, I wonder what would happen if you never saw her again, and see her and her father help me accomplish my master plan?"

Dawn had enough. "Over my dead body!" She screamed.

Lysandre gave her a chilling grin. "With pleasure." He said simply.

The screen went blank right before blasts of energy began firing at the Trainer faction. Everyone quickly activated their shields to protect themselves from the blasts, but their ships didn't have that defense. They had caught on fire, with Elysia still stuck onboard.

"Aw, schnitzel." She mumbled before she tried once more to break her glass cage.

"Why, that devious scumbag!" Gary cursed under his breath.

Dawn only gritted her teeth. This was what her children were trying to tell her earlier. They had uncovered the secret of the Pokémon compound, and that they were all completely unprepared for what really lied inside. The angry and heartbreaking tone in Mari's voice from earlier came back into her head, pounding harshly.

"These shields won't last forever, Dawn!" Gary said, snapping her out of her guilty thoughts. She looked ahead and saw that many of them were starting to flicker out because of the immense energy that they're blocking. Soon, they'll dissipate completely, leaving everyone defenseless. "What now?"

Dawn was silent, not sure what to do. The Trainer faction was where Lysandre wanted them, and he planned to crush them in one fell swoop. All they could do now was hope for a miracle.


Inside the volcano, in a highly advanced control room, Lysandre himself was watching the weakening Trainers with a sinister smile on his face.

"It won't be long now." He said.


The multiple blasts coming from the laser towers that were imbedded inside the volcano was starting to take its toll on the laser shields. They were getting weaker by each hit. Dawn and Gary knew that there was nothing they could do now.

Suddenly, there was a familiar rainbow-colored wave of energy firing at one of the lasers, destroying it. The other lasers stopped firing as everyone out and in the volcano looked to where it came from.

There were flying figures hovering in the cloudy sky, and then they all began flying around the island as commands were given.

"Luke, Evan, watch your backs!" A familiar voice commanded. "Move it, Jenna!"

It was the Ketchum kids and the Newton kids, and they all had wings! Dawn was a bit surprised that her children had all found potential partners so soon in life. Though she supposed that she shouldn't be so surprised. After all, she and Ash had found each other when they were about their age.

Aiden had blazing orange Mothim wings, Keira had oddly brown colored Dustox wings, and Jenna had sandy beige Vivillon wings.

But what was the most surprising to the faction was that there were Pokémon with them, and the same Pokémon from the arena. Luke, Aiden and Keira had Lucario, Espeon and Umbreon floating beside them respectively, with the use of Psychic. But Espeon was hovering because of her own Psychic, while Lucario and Umbreon were floating with the help of their new friends' psychic power from their wings.

Evan and Jenna had Piplup and Larvitar clinging onto their shoulders. Mari was the only one who didn't have a Pokémon partner, for hers was trapped on the ship.


From where he was, Lysandre stood up from his seat, eyes blazing. "What?!" He shouted.


"Let's move, gang!" Mari ordered. The Trainee teens flew up and over, trying to keep out of reach from the lasers.

"Every bit as stubborn and rash you and Ash ever were." Gary said, staring up at the Ketchum kids, specifically Mari. Dawn could nod as she watched with pride.

"Evan, Jenna, what have you got about this structure?" Mari asked.

Both of them pulled out a phone-like device and aimed the cameras at the volcano. Rays of red and white light scanned over them, until they stopped. They looked at the data they received.

"The entire island is basically a fortress." Evan said. "Laser towers all throughout the volcano, with the main structure inside the crater, with a floor that is resisting the magma levels."

"The main entrance is through the crater, but they'll expect us to fly through there." Jenna said. "It's basically a trap now."

"Is there another way in?" Luke asked.

Evan looked back at the scan. "There is!" He exclaimed. "Through there!" He pointed at one of the laser towers. "Take out that tower, and follow the tunnel behind it to an air vent. It'll then lead you to anywhere in the compound."

Mari nodded. "Got it!" She then began giving out orders. "Girls, hang back and help the grown-ups by destroying the laser towers. Luke, Evan, act as a diversion, and draw their fire toward you."

"Oh, so now we're cannon fodder?" Luke asked rhetorically.

The female Lucario beside him floating grunted in indignation. At least, to everyone else except Luke, for he and Mari were the only ones who could understand her at the moment. "Hey, I can call the dirty insults, not you!" He said.

The Lucario grunted a question to him. "Because unlike you, I can control my tongue!" She grunted something to him again. "Say that again!" He exclaimed angrily.

"Just do what I told you!" Mari shouted in exasperation, ending the argument between Luke and his new Lucario. She then resumed her orders. "Aiden, you get in that tunnel and free the captives."

"What about you?" Aiden asked.

"I'm getting Elysia back." She said with determination before heading towards the boats. "I'll join you as soon as I have her!"

"We'll cover you, Aiden." Evan said, and he and the others started to head to the laser towers. "Use Bubble Beam!" He ordered his Piplup on his shoulder.

His new Piplup obeyed the command, and he jumped off his shoulder briefly to fire a powerful stream of water bubbles to one of the towers, causing damage to the rock.

"Fire!" Lysandre ordered from his control room. The lasers fired at Evan, who easily evaded them as he flipped and danced through the air.

Luke and his Lucario came to another tower. "Aura Sphere!" He commanded.

The female Lucario obeyed and formed an orb of light blue energy in between her paws. Once it was of a good size, she threw it at the tower, causing some pretty good damage.

Keira and Jenna had arrived above the Trainer faction side of the battlefield, where lasers were about to be fired again and destroy their shield defenses.

"Let's use Stone Edge!" Jenna ordered to her Larvitar.

The little Rock type obeyed her and jumped off her shoulder. Large pointed stones formed around his small body, and then were fired in the direction of the incoming lasers, colliding with them and exploding on contact.

"Shadow Ball, let's go!" Keira commanded her Umbreon.

The Dark type Pokémon quickly formed a ghostly purple ball of energy and fired it at another one of the towers. But even with all the attacks, most of them were actually withstanding them.

"I hope this will at least buy them some time!" Jenna said.


Mari was scouring the ships from above, searching for Elysia and staying above the flames. Soon, she heard her cry out her name.

"Mari!" The raven-haired girl looked down and saw her friend trapped in her glass cage on a fiery ship. She swooped around and carefully landed on deck, her wings retreating back into her back.

"It's all right, Ely!" She said. "I'm here! Hold on!" She found a discarded crowbar nearby and started to hit the orb casing in an effort to break it apart.


Meanwhile, during the blasts from the others, Aiden and his Espeon flew in the opening Evan found and entered the dome of the volcano. Once they were out, they saw that the automatic doors had been locked.

"Psybeam, and bust open the doors!" Aiden ordered.

The purple jewel on the Psychic type's forehead began to glow brightly. Then, she fired a rainbow-colored beam of light and power at the steel doors. The blast knocked them down.

Aiden whistled, impressed. "You've got to teach me how to do that."

His Espeon just purred at him, and then gestured to follow her. 


In his hiding spot, one of his men came up to Lysandre. "Sir, we have a security breach!" He exclaimed.

Lysandre clenched his fist. That girl is smarter than she looked, sending one of her comrades to infiltrate his compound while most of his manpower were focused outside.

"Send more men to the source of the problem inside." He ordered. "And send a probe out. I want to finish off that girl."


Aiden and Espeon quickly made it to the prison level. The boy pushed a big button, and two by two, the cell doors began to open.

"Hurry, let's get out of here!" He shouted to the now free captives, both human and Pokémon. No one argued with him and they all began to run out towards the main hangar.

Ash and Ritchie, with Pikachu and Sparky on their shoulders, came up to him. "Dad!" Aiden exclaimed, hugging his father.

Ritchie smiled. "I hate to cut this reunion short, my son, but first we gotta get out of here before Lysandre sends the entire cavalry."

Aiden nodded. "Right, so let's go."

"Hang on a second." Ash said before they could. "How exactly did you get wings?"

"Mari saved me back in the Arena in Pallet Town." Aiden quickly explained. "We guessed it must've been a similar thing when you saved her mom."

Ash bit his lip, and then glanced over nervously at Ritchie, who had a similar expression on his face. "Well, there's a little more to that." The raven-haired man said, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. He hadn't seen his daughter since she was a toddler, and now, she already found-?

There was a loud crash coming from the end of the hall. "Let's save that conversation for when all this is over." Ritchie suggested.

"I second that." Pikachu said.

"Let's scram." Ash said.

"But what about Lysandre?" Aiden asked.

"Let's flush him out, and then we'll have that coward right where we want him." Ritchie said.

Ash and Aiden nodded, mutely agreeing with the plan. Then they, along with their Pokémon, began to run out of the prison level and up to the main hangar.


Back outside, the others were still diverting the laser fire away from their faction and to them and their Pokémon partners.

"Use Whirlpool!" Evan commanded his Piplup.

With a loud chirp, the little Water type summoned a giant swirling funnel of water above his head. He then threw it with all his might and it demolished another laser tower.

"Dragon Pulse, let's go!" Luke ordered his Lucario.

The Fighting-Steel type began forming an orb of light purple and blue energy between her palms. Then, she thrust it forward, creating a beam of energy and it made contact with the last laser tower, destroying the top of it.

On the ground, the girls were taking out men, helping the other Trainers battle. "Use Stone Edge!" Jenna shouted to her Larvitar. The little Rock type had giant boulders forming around his body, and then he launched them at some men, eventually trapping them in one place.

"Now it's our turn!" Keira said. "Use Dark Pulse!"

The Dark type had purple and black energy forming in its mouth, and then fired it as a beam of energy with purple rings. It hit the ground near some of the goons' feet, stopping them in their tracks.

"How many times can a Pokémon use Stone Edge?" Keira asked her sister.

"Five times." Jenna answered. "And we already used it twice."

"Mari better get back here fast." Keira muttered, looking back towards the ships.


Meanwhile, the girl in question was having a difficult time trying to open Elysia's cage. "Come on!" She exclaimed angrily.

Through the struggling, she didn't noticed a floating robot probe hovering near the ship. From its camera, Lysandre smirked. "Bring the ship down." He ordered simply.

The probe then harshly knocked down the beam of an already smoldering ship and knocked it onto the deck where Mari and Elysia were. Both females screamed at the burning beam that began to bring the ship down with it.

Mari grabbed Elysia's case and began to run to the end of the ship in an effort to escape. But the ship was rapidly breaking and sinking into the ocean. Mari had her wings appear and began to fly away. But the smoke was really thick and was making it hard to breathe.

Mari coughed harshly as she blindly looked for a way out of the smoke. But the fumes were very heavy, and her breathing became harder and harder. But she still held on tight to Elysia's containment case. Finally, spots were appearing in her vision, and she began to plummet out of the air and down towards the sea.

"Mari, wake up! Please!" Elysia pleaded, trying to wake up her friend. But the raven-haired girl was already unconscious.

Suddenly, an orb of golden light appeared around them both, keeping them from falling.

Elysia looked at it in wonderment. "What the?" She said.

Then, the orb pulled them out of the smoke and towards the shore, where Dawn was standing, psychically pulling the golden orb towards her. Even though Elysia was grateful, she'll still be cautious.

Once her daughter and her Pikachu were back on the ground, Dawn made the orb disappear and ran to them.

"Mari!" She cried out, gently shaking her daughter. "Are you okay?"

Mari began coughing harshly again to expel the smoke from her lungs, and her eyes slowly opened. "M-Mom?" She whispered.

Dawn exhaled with relief and pulled her daughter into a tight hug. "Oh, sweetie." She whispered. "I'm sorry. For everything."

Mari was a little confused by that, but then returned the hug just as tight. "Me too, Mom." She said. "If things were different, Pokémon wouldn't be our enemies."

"They never were." Dawn said, breaking the hug. "But now, we need them to help us once again."

"Well, I've got my partner." Mari said, looking over at Elysia. The Pikachu smiled and pumped a fist in determination from in her cage.

Dawn slightly chuckled. "Just like your father." She said, and then helped Mari stand back up. "And now, it's your turn to be a hero."

Mari nodded. "You can count on it, Mom." She said. Then she turned to her Pokémon partner still in the glass orb. "Uh, one small problem."

Dawn smiled. "Allow me." She said. She waved her hand over the containment unit, and it vanished. Elysia was now free, shaking her fur.

"The cage was conjured from your power?" Mari asked. "It looked like normal to me."

"That's one of the little tricks I have up my sleeve." Dawn answered before fully facing her daughter. "Now, go."

Mari nodded again and held out her arm towards her partner. "Let's go, Elysia."

"You got it!" The female Pikachu said, and jumped onto her Trainee's shoulder as she took off into the air.

A/N: That's Part One! Until Part Two, I'll see y'all! Please leave a comment about what you think. They are highly appreciated.

Got to fly! ;)

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