How To Train Your Dragon- From One World To Another, And Yet I'm Home
The Film 'How To Train Your Dragon', is Copyrighted by DreamWorks Animation and Distributed by Paramount Pictures. Directed by Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois and released on March 26, 2010
The DreamWorks 'Dragons' were directed by Dean Deblois and Chris Sanders and released in 2013- 2018. I only claim Copyright to my characters and some of the elements of the story that are of my own creation.
Chapter Soundtrack:
Olkaa kilttejä (Be Kind) ~ Johanna Kurkela.
Author Warning, Notes:
This symbol (*) and a number mean that there's something written about this particular paragraph in the Ending Author's Notes.
Hopefully, this chapter turned out well and hasn't crossed the 'ridiculous- line'. It's also the longest chapter since the Prologue, and I actually contemplated cutting the Chapter in half. But eventually, I decided I needed to give out something a little more upbeat towards the end of the Chapter.
*D*** means Diary Text and *ED** means End of Diary
*BOF*** means the Beginning of Flashback
*EOF*** means the End of Flashback
Chapter 5 Of Friendship Bonds and Relationship Secrets
''AIIIII! Mitä... perhanaa t- tuo nyt oli ( OWWWWW! What... the h- heck was that for)?'' I gasped out, falling back into my Finnish dialogue that I hadn't allowed to slip out in ages; only when I was angry, sad, upset or very annoyed at something or someone.
Hiccup could only roll his eyes at the sight of the grey-haired old woman furiously scribbling something into the dirt -ground with her gnarly, trusty staff.
'' Why would you hit me, Gothi?'' I finally managed to finally gripe out in the right language amidst the light chuckling coming from Snotlout, Astrid, Fishlegs, Ruffnut and Tuffnut were all gathered around the table. They were all acting as buffers to any younger children keen on venturing closer to see the awful scar left by the defeated, almost mountain-sized queen dragon responsible for every Dragon-raid Berk had to deal with for three centuries. And the tattoo that had lit up so suddenly inside the Great Hall.
Too often Stoick, Gobber, and Spitelout, who were patrolling the Great Hall as night set in further, were forced to 'shoo' off the gaggle of young kids that had too much curiosity. But the kids kept creeping back and trying to get closer as Gothi was brewing a new pot of her healing concoction.
And Tuffnut and Ruffnut uttering comments like,'' that really is a very cool looking scar! And the tattoo being run over by that scar makes the 'Mark of Odin' look even cooler,'', certainly weren't helpful in the least. Instead of keeping the kids away, they were drawing them in!
And by far the worst of the lot was the totally hyperactive, dark-haired young boy whose name was Gustave. He was very persistent and kept coming back to try and catch a glimpse of my wound despite being ushered away by the exasperated adults.
I could tell the adults in the Great Hall were all becoming increasingly annoyed by the Twins unhelpful comments about how 'great' my scar looked. So was I, in fact, knowing just how painful it was to get it cleaned, salved and bandaged.
'' She is saying you've earnt it for running outside in the freezing cold without a tunic and cloak. She is also very annoyed that because of your actions she's had to redo the entire cleansing potion in the pot as well as cleanse your wounds from the beginning to end,'' Gobber narrated with a sigh as the Village wise-woman and healer finished scribbling her sentence in the dirt.
'' In other words, its gonna be a long and painful time for me, and it will take a decade until the burn - medicine can be slathered onto the wound... Owww, Gothi!''
The healer had pressed on the scar a little more roughly than necessary. Clearly, she didn't appreciate my sarcasm.
'' S-saakelin saakeli (d- damn it)!'' I ground out between clenched teeth as I winced at the feel of Gothi's hands touching a particularly painful area.
''Hah, hah, hah! I'm serious, Ro, once you heal you should carry that scar fully exposed to the wind,'' Tuffnut spoke from where he was standing, looking all too amused at my current situation.
'' Yeah their totally awesome and suitably creepy,'' Ruffnut agreed, giving a laugh.
'' For the last time you two, I'm not about to walk around the village scaring little boys and girls with these scars. Perhaps I'll allow exposure along my lower arm and the back of my hand, but nothing more than that!'' I retorted loudly, and when I happened to glance around the Great Hall I could spot several relieved and approving smiles given in my direction from the many parents of small children.
But, alas, my words did nothing to deter the minds of the twins who seemed to be dead-set on getting me to proudly bear the battle scars in plain view of everyone in the Village.
'' But that's boring!' Tuffnut exclaimed which elicited a sigh of exasperation from Hiccup, Snotlout, Astrid, Fishlegs and myself.
'' Odin, anna mun kaikki kestää (Odin, give me the strength to bare),'' I thought as Gothi could only shake her head at the madness going around.
And I thought I heard Spitelout gripe out,'' Those knuckle-headed twins are beginning to wrangle my temper.''
'' Not like you don't most days, Spitelout. But yes, I quite agree!'' Stoick's loud retort was quite easy to decipher with my hearing.
I almost sniggered as I caught sight of, from the corner of my eye, the 'pinched' look on the older Jorgenson's face and the very amused grin on Gobber's lips. Then I groaned quietly as I felt more pain, but smiled when I felt a large hand hesitantly touch my palm. The callouses on the fingertips and palm were recognisable to me, and I grasped the hand firmly before Snotlout could pull it away.
'' Awww, thank's Snotlout, '' I thought inwardly, feeling touched by his concern as he solidified the touch.
'' I agree, brother, I'd walk around with the scars exposed no problem,'' Ruffnut agreed and eyed my arm.
'' Well I'm not either of you, Ruff! So quite pestering me on how I should bare my scars or I'll risk Gothi's wrath just to steal her staff so I can bestow such a beating on you that-...!'' ''
''Whoa, whoa, whoa! Ease up there, 'Ro!'' Hiccup exclaimed as he quickly shoved his palm over my mouth the second my temper surged.
'' There are little kids in the Great hall, Ronja,'' Fishleg's added as he glanced warily around at the adults who had perked up at my raised voice.
Astrid and Snotlout were chuckling lightly at me for having lost my temper over Ruffnut and Tuffnut constantly arguing my case on the matter of my scars. Many of family members with small children were shaking their heads with slight frowns on their faces and were muttering to their respective spouses.
'' I'll clobber your butts until you can't sit for a week afterwards, you guys'' I groaned out to the twins, clenching my teeth as my wounds stung under Gothi's ministrations.
If Snotlout and Astrid had been laughing before, now they were almost howling at my words. Hiccup huffed at the pair of them as their loudness drew annoyed looks from spouses of young kids. Gothi only shook her head at the Teen- madness going on around her. She was so calm!
Probably because she was far too used to having these sort of incidents happen in the past during the cold time of winter when everyone was cooped up into a crowded, small area for longer than three days. I simply focused on controlling my breathing as my wounds continued to sting.
'' Are you doing okay, 'Ro? '' Snotlout suddenly asked me and I quickly loosened my grip on his hand when I noticed the skin turning off- colour and slowly looked up into Snotlout's blue eyes.
'' I'm just really, really tired now, Snotlout. I wish I could just go to bed,'' I answered, my voice a quiet mutter.
'' Does it really hurt that bad, 'Ro? The way you keep moaning and groaning since the beginn...,'' Astrid began to say with a raised eyebrow but flinched away as Gothi paused in his ministrations, grunting sharply as she raised her staff scoldingly in the girl's direction.
'' Trust me, Astrid, it is very painful. But you wouldn't know that would you?! Because your not the one laying on top of the table being poked and prodded!'' I answered snappishly, giving Astrid a slight glare.
Snotlout shoot the flaxen-haired girl an annoyed huff and a glare of his own.'' That was a really stupid question, Astrid,'' he muttered tightly as the twins cackled at my answer, and shoved each other for reasons only they knew.
'' Yeah I would say looking at those wounds, and Gothi's reaction, that the most logical and sound observation is that it aches a fair bit,'' Fishlegs drawled at Astrid, rolling his green eyes.
I had to grin weakly at the hefty Teen's snappy answer. Snotlout uttered a snort of laughter that was echoed by Ruffnut and Tuffnut.
'' Yeah, ummm... I can imagine how you feel,'Ro. Really I do, and I feel for you on that account,'' Hiccup cut in quickly before Astrid could parry with her own retort.
'' Yeah, okay that was stupid of me. Sorry, Ronja,''Astrid admitted with a sigh, as she folded her arms against her chest.
I nodded briefly at her before glancing down at my cousin's stump of a leg that was wrapped in bandages and winced for a whole nother reason. I was reminded just how often I'd sat beside the Healer's table holding my cousin's hand as he had tried to deal with the discomfort that came from Gothi's healing ministrations. In fact, it was an extremely painful experience for him. And those ministrations had to be done several times a day.
'' How's the leg doing at this time, Hiccup?'' I asked him sympathetically as Hiccup and Snotlout let go of my hands. It seemed Gothi was just about ready to add in the burn-salve, which was ten times less painful than the cleaning of the scars and burns.
'' It aches from the winter cold, and otherwise,'' Hiccup answered with a rueful smile and a shake of his shoulders. Toothless gave a low rumble and nudged his side comfortingly, before doing the same for me.
'' Yeah, 'ouch' for that, Hiccup,'' I agreed with a shaky laugh. I pulled my hand from around Snotlout's palm and petted Toothless's snout with my fingertips.
Then I involuntarily shivered as cold ointment was finally slathered onto my wounds. I knew from the feel of it that it was the burn medicine. The Dragon Queen's tail spike hadn't just cut my skin, but it had also burnt the deep lacerations shut with intense heat. And it probably had been the only reason why I hadn't bled to death before I'd realized just how serious my injuries truly had been. I could recall noticing the searing, burning pain for a second before my mind had been occupied by Hiccup and Toothless flying off to take on the Dragon Queen.
The dose of adrenaline had begun to ebb off and the agony had returned full force following the terrible seconds of not knowing if Hiccup had survived the fall and the joyous moment where the Villagers and I had discovered that both Hiccup and Toothless had lived through the battle.
I could still vividly recall the agonised gasp that had escaped my lips as I'd stumbled where I'd stood and finally slumped backwards into Snotlout who had been standing right behind me, his hands hovering protectively over my shoulders. He had instantly caught me and lifted me up bridal-style. The sound of his voice had sounded so distressed when he had called out for help and held me against his chest with surprising gentleness. I'd felt his quickened heartbeat and breath against my left ear when I'd laid there in his arms for that short moment it took for an adult to take control of the situation. I'd known then for sure that Snotlout cared for me, for real. I had almost protested when an adult had lifted me up into his or her arms, and it was all I could recall before unconsciousness had taken hold of me.
'' Back there at Helheim's Gate I'd actually started to see him as someone I could look up to as a possible life- companion, not only as a 'crush'. But with this latest stunt with my diary, he is going to have to prove to me that I can wholeheartedly see him as someone I could look up to as a life- companion,'' I thought ruefully before my thoughts were kicked back to the present when Fishlegs opened his mouth.
'' You know we were all extremely lucky there weren't any other serious injuries between us junior Vikings.'' He winced noticeably as he tried to avoid looking at my exposed, healing injuries.
'' Yeah, I hear ya Fishlegs. Afterall, I almost ended up falling off the queen dragon's back straight to my death,'' Snotlout agreed.
'' You weren't the only one in deep trouble there, Snotlout. I was almost crushed to death by its foot and Astrid nearly got swallowed by its maw,'' Fishlegs retorted, drawing an amused laugh from me and Hiccup at seeing him clashing verbally with the other boy.
'' Yeah, that was because you 'lost power on the Gronkle','' I snorted out without ill-intent at the reminder of what Fishlegs and the others had told me during the time Hiccup and I had been focused on helping Toothless.
'' But seriously, those shields were not really working on the queen now, were they? You knocked out your own dragons, Snotlout and Fishlegs. Maybe we should add that noise doesn't work on all dragons in 'The Book of Dragons','' I added, and my thoughtful look was instantly shared by almost every teen in our group.
The twins were still too busy cackling at me talking about Snotlout's, Fishlegs's and Astrid's moments of terror to pay attention to our ponderings until I finally decided to shut them off.
'' As for you two, what was the whole thing with you arguing in the middle of a battle? Snotlout was almost left a 'sitting duck' on the spines of the dragon queen, thanks to you bickering in the middle of a rescue mission.''
'' Add in the fact you could have attacked the queen if you had seen that my dragon was being pulled back into its gaping maw by its powerful inhalation instead of bickering,'' Astrid pointed out with a scowl.
This time it was Snotlout's turn to laugh as we scolded the twins. That was, until I was quick to point out his flaws, too.
'' And Snotlout, you should have been a bit more focused on your surroundings instead of trying to catch others attention,'' I scolded him with a slight smile.
'' And I know you won't like me saying this, but try taking a leaf out of how Astrid and Ronja handled things out there,'' Hiccup added, hands on his hips.
Snotlout glared at Hiccup for a moment until the auburn-haired boy raised his hands up in submission.
'' Well, that is, they handled themselves out there mostly without problems.''
The twins were being quiet for once and were looking at each other with thoughtful expressions for several moments. Until Ruffnut asked me bluntly,'' Why are you so 'hel' bent on stopping Tuff and I from fighting, anyway? Siblings bicker all the time.''
'' Yeah, I mean you were like that during Dragon- Training, as well!'' Tuffnut added with a raised eyebrow.
'' There's bickering and then there's constantly antagonising the other. Something like that could potentially cause a sibling rift that could go on for weeks, maybe even months. Ruff and Tuff, believe me, I know what a sibling rift is like.''
Ruff and Tuff shared quick, awkward glances before Tuffnut exclaimed,'' Ummm, yeah, we know about what happened between you and Sonja.''
'' But what I have failed to mention since getting to know you guys, months ago, is just how deep our sibling bonds were before the rift happened. You see, while we were still restitching those bonds I still managed to be woken up on that awful morning with a scary phantom feeling. I felt like I was being surrounded by intense heat and was choking on something lethal; except that it wasn't me who was feeling the heat and was choking to death,'' I pressed on undeterred.
A glint of growing realization flickered across the twins faces.
'' Loki's Tricks! W-was that T-twin intuition?'' Ruffnut exclaimed.
'' Ronja, we- were you and Sonja...,?'' Tuffnut stammered out.
I nodded with a solemn expression on my face.'' Sonja... was my twin sister,'' I admitted quietly.
A gasp filled with startlement and surprise rippled in the air as everyone around the Healer's table, as well as the nearby seated adults, were given knowledge of yet another secret of her past that Ronja had not admitted until now.
'' Loki's Tricks! I wasn't expecting to hear that from Ronja!'' Mr Thorston exclaimed with widened eyes as he shared a look with his wife. The two then shared a glance of wonder with the other parents who just nodded at the husband and wife who had become parents to not only one child thirteen years ago, but two children.
'' Odin's ghost, well that gives an entirely new perspective as to why the whole matter with her sister's death was so hard on her,'' Stoick exclaimed to Spitelout and Gobber as he ran a hand fretfully down his long red beard. The two other adults nodded with pinched expressions.
'' You never told me you were a twin, Ronja! I mean, you told me you had lost two family members in that accident, but you never mentioned that Sonja and you had such a close sibling bond,'' Hiccup stammered out.
'' I guess I have been a bit too closed- minded on my past if this is the reaction I get. Look, after what happened with Annuka and Elsa, I just wasn't too comfortable in talking to other people about Sonja and my mother,'' I muttered despondently.
'' Ronja, if you two were twins, what did Sonja look like when one compared you two to each other?'' Astrid asked in a hushed tone of voice.
'' Well, if I were to stare into a lake when its clear and unmoving, the mirror- image in the water would pass for Sonja's, as well,'' I answered meaningfully.
Astrid, Hiccup, Snotlout, Fishlegs and the twins all gasped out loud, again. Even Gothi seemed taken aback by my answer if her pausing momentarily in her ministration was any indication.
'' Y-you two were not only twins!? You were i-identical twins?!'' Ruffnut choked out, lifting a hand to her mouth in shock.
'' A-and now your sister i-is gone?! Oh, my Thor!'' Tuffnut stammered out, taking off his helmet and putting it on the table as he ran a shaky hand through his tousled blond locks.
'' Yeah, guys, she's... gone. Look, I- I know I shouldn't prompt you two, Ruff and Tuff, but I'm just gonna say it anyway; you two should cherish the sibling bonds you have each and every day because life can change in an instant. You can, of course, argue my case in this matter. But still, I plead with you to consider straying from being reckless with one another's lives or bicker irrationally all the time.''
I could hear Tuffnut mutter something unintelligible for a long moment as he got up to pace the floor with a deep frown on his face and Ruffnut slumped heavily on top the table beside me, her blue eyes looking suspiciously moist. Hiccup, Astrid, Fishlegs, Snotlout and I watched their reaction with some worry.
'' And what... what mistake did you make on that day Hiccup and Toothless killed the Dragon queen, Ronja? I'm pretty sure you weren't perfect out there, either!'' Ruffnut blurted out laconically.
I sighed inwardly, seeing the transparency in her attempting to turn the topic back to what it had been before I'd thrown in the news- bomb that I was a twin sibling without her twin. And I did welcome the change in topic wholeheartedly. I felt rather embarrassed and exposed at attempting to hand out good advice.
'' Oh, I forgot to watch my surroundings on that burning Viking Ship. And most importantly I forgot to duck up there in the sky and could have lost my entire arm because of said mistake,'' I offered with an uncertain, shaky laugh.
This finally drew a half-hearted laugh from Ruffnut and Tuffnut who had been so obviously affected by my revelations. In fact, all the teens seemed affected by the thought that there could have been two new girls on Berk. Two young sisters that looked like they could pass for one another. And my half-baked comment certainly hadn't been enough to wrench them all from their stupor. The other Teens looked like they were still trying to digest everything I'd said, especially the warning I'd issued to Ruffnut and Tuffnut.
'' Yes you did forget to watch your surroundings and 'duck'. You were lucky that the cost of it wasn't your whole arm,'' Chief Stoick's gruff voice suddenly spoke up.
Everyone looked up in surprise at the sudden approach of their chief, (and in Hiccup's case, his father). There were also the parents of the other teens standing just slightly behind him.
'' I wonder if they believe I'd gone a bit too far in my words earlier,'' I thought, inwardly wondering just how much they had overheard us. I almost flinched when I felt a large hand lowered on my shoulder and cautiously looked up when I felt the comforting squeeze.
But instead of my uncle's hand, like I'd first thought, it was Mr Thorston who was looking down at me. There wasn't much scold in his grey eyes. Mostly there was understanding and sympathy as he allowed the hand to linger for a moment longer before he pulled it away. I slowly turned my eyes to the left, as the table underneath me sagged slightly from an added weight and found Mrs Thorston to have sat down beside her daughter. Ruffnut had lent into her mother's side. And when I looked back to where the twins father was standing I found Tuffnut standing by his side with his bare shoulder touching the older Thorston's arm. Tuffnut wasn't looking in my direction, and neither were Hiccup, Astrid and Snotlout.
All seemed to be focused on the firepit kept alight in the middle of the Great Hall.
Contrite filled my chest and tightened around my heart.'' Look, I'm sorry I upset you two, but I honestly didn't mean to, Ruff and Tuff. I just... I...,'' I started to stammer but was immediately shut off by Tuffnut's gruff retort.
'' We know you gave us a warning of what could potentially happen to the Twin bond between Ruff and me! And you were probably going to say something like,'' I don't want either of you to lose the other' just now. So yeah, thanks a lot for the warning.''
I clammed down immediately at the barely hooded sarcasm in his response. Perhaps I had earned that response from Ruffnut and Tuffnut. But I honestly had no idea what I could say now to make things right between us again. This was the second time in one night that I had been the one responsible for bringing down other peoples moods. Though I hadn't meant to cause strife this time around.
I turned my head to face the opposite wall and focused on it as Gothi finally began to wrap up my arm with clean bandages. Then, after a few moments passed, I felt Gothi nudge me on the right armpit as if telling me to sit up. I held back any noise of discomfort as I put all my weight on the uninjured arm and pushed myself up. I kept my eyes fixed on the wall as the old woman started wrapping the white bandages partly over my chest to get to the slash marks on my shoulder.
'' Gothi is saying that you are done for tonight, Ronja. All she wants you to do now is to drink the regular potion she's brewed for you to prevent infection.'' Gobber finally spoke up, his voice even.
And indeed, Gothi had stopped wrapping bandages around me. I had apparently phased out for a moment there.
'' Thank you, Gothi,'' I murmured sincerely, turning to address the healer as she handed me a mug of foul- smelling concoction. I'd always loathed the taste of these brews, but it was better to just grin and bear it then risk an infection. Or risk Gothi giving me another 'whack' on the head with her staff.
She nodded with a slight smile on her lips, as I drank the potion as quickly as I could, grunting at the extremely bitter taste before swinging my feet over the side of the table. I handed Gothi her mug back and grabbed my diary and my overtunic, not bothering to put in on as I stood up with stiffness in my back and limbs.
I shakily stumbled across the room towards the corner where Anca was patiently waiting for me. I couldn't help but feel disappointed that no one called back to me or came to walk by my side.
'' Well, apparently my socially impaired side reared its 'ugly head'. Either that or I'd been way too honest to everyone twice in one night and my newest revelation was clearly too much for everyone on top of everything else. Argh, olen täysi pöllöpää (Argh, I'm such a fool),'' I thought despairingly, keeping my eyes on Anca who growled warmly in welcome at my approach before turning more sombre when I practically slumped down beside her and hid my face into the scales at the back of her head where her jutting horns stood.
'' Why is it, that whenever I try to be there for my former friends in times of grief, I muck up? Or when I simply attempt to hand out advice so that some people don't have to deal with the kind of loss that I had to bare, I 'blow it'?! Big time!'' I thought ruefully as an almost inaudible chuckle escaped my lips.
I squeezed my eyelids shut and nuzzled my cheek in the smooth scales, smiling half-heartedly when Anca covered me with her wing and rumbled soothingly as my breath hitched ever so slightly in my chest. I could faintly hear voices speaking by the table I'd occupied some moments ago but I didn't really pay much attention to the words.
Then just as I was beginning to doze I heard several pairs of feet approaching the sleeping area occupied by Anca and me. Anca uttered a low growl at whoever was approaching and covered me with her tail-fin. She sounded a bit annoyed by the invasion of other humans.
'' Whoa! ''
I heard several immediate yelps from the teens who scrambled backwards from my dragon's vicinity. Wait, the Teens?
'' Easy there, girl, easy! We just want to sleep here, too.''
I slowly lifted my head up at the sound of Hiccup's voice and brushed my other arm over my tired eyes, yelping slightly when Anca removed her wing and tail from around me. Bemoaning my dragon's actions (the wing-tent had felt so warm and snuggly), I scrambled further up to straddle Anca's neck even as most of the other Teens made themselves comfortable against my dragon's side.
Toothless gave a peaceful warble at Anca and nudged her snout with his own before laying down on the ground beside her head. Hiccup carefully slid off Toothless's back and made himself comfortable against the Nightfury's side.
'' What the...,?! ''I yelped when Ruffnut and Tuffnut suddenly pulled me down from my chosen perch, onto the ground between the pair of them like I were some stuffed toy animal to be cuddled.
'' Ruff, Tuff, what do you think you are doing? Let go of me!'' I groaned out as their long lanky arms held me tighter between them and wouldn't let go even as I tried to wriggle free from their hold.
'' This is called the 'Thorston Sandwich', served warm,'' Tuffnut and Ruffnut exclaimed together
'' EWWW! '' Hiccup, Astrid, Snotlout and Fishlegs exclaimed as one with various expressions of disgust on their faces.
'' Oh, melko sairasta, kaverit (oh, that's pretty sick, my friends).'' I thought, uttering a disgusted harrumph as an answer.
''Oh, come on you two, let go!'' I then spoke out loud, feeling my eyelids drooping again even as I spoke. Whatever herbs Gothi had used in her healing salves and potion, it sure had the effect of making one feel sleepy.
'' Nuh-uh, this is your punishment,'' Ruffnut giggled out as she kept her hands tight around my waist.
'' Yeah, punished by the 'Nutt' family is so satisfying,'' Tuffnut added with a cackle.
'' Ja aina vain pahenee (and it gets worse),'' I thought, shutting my eyes for a moment as I fought back the urge to stick out my tongue.
The other teens didn't have such scruples.
'' Oh for the love of Thor, we didn't need to hear that! '' Hiccup groaned out, pushing himself into a sitting position with tiredness showing in his green eyes.
'' And you know what's even more satisfying?'' Snotlout growled out as he suddenly pounced on Tuffnut who yelped as the muscular teenager landed on his stomach and started prying his hands off my waist.
'' YOUR GIRL?!'' Astrid exclaimed in disbelief as she sat up, Fishlegs doing the same thing with an absolutely shocked expression on his face.
'' Who says she is your girl, Snotlout?'' Astrid continued, her voice nearly a screech as Snotlout and Tuffnut rioted around, trying to best the other.
And as they were rolling around, locked in the brawl, Tuffnut's flailing fist accidentally jostled my left shoulder. The pain had been rather unexpected and I found myself drawing in a sharp gasp and wrapping my own arms tightly around the female Thorston. I could hear her utter a slightly surprised chuckle as I shut my eyes tightly and rested my cheek against Ruffnut's shoulder. I could feel her rest her own cheek against the top of my head as I breathed through the discomfort.
Ruffnut smelt of stinky fish-oil, leather and metal, but currently, I couldn't care less that she had a fishy- smell. The way she was holding me was bringing back memories of times I'd felt unwell and had sought comfort from my sister. And those moments in our lives when Sonja and I had simply slept beside each other at a time when we had been practically attached at the hip. Sleeping beside Sonja had always been calming and comforting to me and I was surprised that it could feel even remotely the same with Ruffnut. But it did!
I could hear Hiccup and Fishlegs fall into warm chuckles as they sat close by, and there were also a few 'AWW' exclamations from the female adults standing by Gothi's table. Apparently, to the mothers of the Teens, my position had ended up looking rather adorable. The sounds of the tousle still going on between Snotlout and Tuffnut had me slowly turn so I could peek at what was happening, the side of my head brushing against Ruffnut's shoulder. And just as I'd turned, Snotlout planted his fist into Tuffnut's face.
'' Ow, ow, OW, I'm hurt! I'm very much hurt!''
I couldn't help but burst out laughing, Ruffnut immediately ' following- suit', at Tuffnut's catch-phrase from our 'Dragon-training' days at the 'Village arena'.
'' And it's gonna hurt even more if I find you touching my girl like that again!'' Snotlout retorted, shaking the lighter-built boy from the shoulders.
'' Again, HOW and when had Ronja become your girl, Snotlout?'' Astrid screeched out.
'' Alright, that's ENOUGH! Both of you stop this instant!'' Stoick cut in sharply, stomping into the midst of the squabbling teens and resolutely grabbed the two boys by their tunic-collars and pulled them up, prying them away from each other.
'' You are all going straight to bed, right NOW!''
I found myself laughing even louder when our Chief resolutely dropped the two boys none too gently on the ground on either side of Fishlegs who didn't look too happy to be sandwiched between Snotlout and Tuffnut. Tuffnut himself was grumbling about wanting to sleep near his sister, but he stopped complaining as my uncle giving him another of his infamous warning glares. Hiccup and I shared amused glances, both our eyes dancing with mirth as Stoick gestured for Astrid to stand up (which she did immediately), and led her to sit down in the area behind me that Tuffnut had vacated.
'' Alright but seriously, since when have you been Snotlout's girl? I mean, during Dragon Training he was always flirting and showering me with praises.'' Astrid asked me, touching my bare shoulder to catch my attention.
I uttered a soft sigh as I sat up slightly with Ruffnut's arms still around my waist and turned to face the flaxen-haired girl.'' The reason was that he, in fact, had been trying to get a rise out of me through flirting with you, Astrid. He admitted it to me one day when he and I found ourselves standing together on a cliff overlooking the ocean.''
Astrid looked visibly stumped like she hadn't expected to hear that sort of an explanation as to why Snotlout hadn't been running after me during the days in the 'Village Arena'.
'' Snotlout had concocted a plan to get me to show and vocally admit I was jealous of him giving attention to you, Astrid. And yeah, though I didn't outright show it, I admit I was jealous of him flirting with you.''
Astrid choked on her own spit and there was the sound of someone spitting out a mouthful of mead and someone else could be heard choking on something. These were followed by the sound of someone else pounding the choking person hard on the back.
'' Snotlout and I have been together since the day a few weeks following me having woken up. Once I'd healed substantially from the strain of my own injuries I went for a walk away from the Village. Snotlout came looking for me and we found ourselves standing together on a cliff overlooking the ocean. We talked over our most critical differences and allowed each other to give one another a new chance. Although, with the diary incident he is going to have to make it up to me, again.''
Astrid, Ruffnut, Hiccup, Fishlegs and Tuffnut were glancing from me to the Jorgenson boy in outright shock, but there were the beginnings of grins touching their lips, too.
''Oh my Thor! My little boy has a girlfriend?! Snotlout, you better not mess things up with her from now on!''
I laughed quietly despite my cheeks blushing in embarrassment at the sound of Snotlout's mother verbally celebrating the unexpected news. And Snotlout...
'' Ai ai ai, mother, please don't speak anymore,'' he moaned out as he slumped against Toothless's side. His own face was flaming in embarrassment.
And did I hear incorrectly, or were Anca and Toothless and both laughing at us?! They were! They actually were finding this whole thing hilarious! And the other teens soon chimed in on the chorus of the dragons vocal amusement.
I patted Astrid on the shoulder, shaking my head slightly at the still rather stumped expression on her face before managing to pull away from Ruffnut's grasp. I then stood up and walked straight over to where Snotlout sat beside Fishlegs. I stifled a giggle when I noticed the stunned expression on my uncle's face, as well as on Gobber's and the other parents of the teens. Excluding Snotlout's mother's, of course, as she looked ecstatic more than shocked.
'' So all in all, we've been getting to know each other for a few months at least, '' I continued loudly, running a hand lazily over Snotlout's arm as I crouched in beside him. I gave him a quick smile when he ever so gently ran his thumb over my cheek.
'' We have just been keeping it to ourselves until now, obviously,'' he spoke up, finishing my sentence before cringing slightly when I cave him a sickly sweet expression with a hint of warning mixed into it.
'' Oh yes, mister. But like I told Astrid, you have a lot of making up to do for that stunt you pulled with the others. I didn't appreciate it much, you know.''
Snotlout hurriedly nodded at me. '' Yes, yes, of course, Ronja,'' he stammered out immediately and my expression waned to a softer, more sincere smile.
'' Well now, Spitelout, she is perfect in keeping our son in line! I for one am compliant with this union. Oh, don't look at me like that, Spitelout, or even think to argue otherwise,'' Mrs Jorgenson almost sang out in the background.
Snotlout and I cringed at the sound of his mother speaking these words to her husband, and again when Spitelout said,'' well, dear, as long as Ronja keeps up with her dagger throwing, sword-wielding, axe throwing and archery skills, I'll start thinking of her as a very real candidate in marriage for my son.''
I shared a small, pained smirk with Snotlout as the large, dark-haired man gritted his teeth and grunted when an uproariously laughing Gobber slapped him on the back.
(*1)'' If I could do all that perfectly, I'd be a 'damn' person of perfection in Viking times,'' I murmured which had Snotlout give a snort of amusement.
'' Don't take his words to heart, Ronja, none of us has managed to win his definition of a perfect Viking,'' Snotlout murmured into my ear.
I smiled, shivering slightly at the feel of his lips brushing ever so softly against my cheek.
''HAH, HAH, HAH!''
We both jumped apart as Gobber gave a roar of mirth.
'' Well, that is something I didn't see coming from those two teens. Not one bit!'' the two-limbed Viking chuckled out with mirth.
'' Oh Odin, help me to deal with these people,'' I sighed inwardly before addressing Gobber.
'' Hey Gobber, mind whipping up a few of those throwing axes for me at the beginning of spring? I'm not one for a full sized axe even though I can throw one at a target.''
'' I'll put them on your work- tab, then,'' Gobber called out, still laughing at the news of Snotlout and I being boyfriend and girlfriend.
I nodded resolutely at the blond-haired adult, knowing I would have a quite a few chores coming in spring to pay for the amount of work Gobber would be putting on creating those weapons for me.
'' I said enough! Every teen Viking to bed, right NOW! You can continue these... discussions tomorrow morning,'' Stoick exclaimed, throwing his meaty hands up in the air and throwing me an exasperated glance before pointing one hand at the sleeping area between Ruffnut and Astrid.
Grinning sheepishly, I hugged Snotlout quickly and bade him goodnight; he hugged me back gently before letting go and allowing me to stand up and make my way to where Ruffnut and Astrid sat. I really didn't want to make my uncle anymore impatient. He already looked annoyed, with his arms held together against his chest. Sitting down with the two girls, I smiled faintly when Ruffnut circled her arms around me again on her own volition and Astrid rested a hand on my back in a sisterly way.
I leaned my head back against my dragon's warm scales, sighing tiredly, and allowed myself to drift off into a much needed deep sleep.
End of Chapter 5
Author Note:
(*1) Your old comment was very insightful, there, BastitEclipse! I just had to use that sentence in the text, heh heh heh. Hope you don't mind?!
And no, Astrid isn't going gay for Ronja. I meant to show them as just friends and fellow Dragon Riders.
P.S. Constructive criticism is always welcomed by the Author
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