How To Train Your Dragon- From One World To Another
The Film 'How To Train Your Dragon', is Copyrighted by DreamWorks Animation and Distributed by Paramount Pictures. Directed by Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois and released on March 26, 2010
The DreamWorks 'Dragons' were directed by Dean Deblois and Chris Sanders and released in 2013- 2018. I only claim Copyright to my characters and some of the elements of the story that are of my own creation.
Chapter Soundtrack(s):
Try Everything, extended- Zootopia Soundtrack
Author Warning, Notes:
This symbol (*) means that there's something written about this particular paragraph in the Ending Author's Notes.
Viewpoint Signs:
***MS*** (movie scene)
***EMS*** (end of movie scene)
***WPov.*** (watcher's point of view)
Chapter 21 What A Day Can Bring Forth
DEAR DIARY... [the volume was turned louder again to catch everyone's attention]
It has been an entire month since my mother's and sister's 'Send-off' and I've been studying really hard at school and at home.
Yeah, sure that means I've been picking up my pencil more often than I've picked up my weapons. I made a promise to my relations that I would focus on bettering myself in my academics, but nowadays my weapons HAVE been picking up a thin sprinkle of dust.
Figuratively speaking, that is, as all our weapons are being kept in the weapon-cabinet (in the car-garage) under lock and key. Oh, those old days when there used to be a hunting-gun hanging from the antlers of a shot animal inside my grandparents' bedroom. And I remember that sight well.
But nowadays there are rules to store any hunting, or other, weapons in locked cabinets.
I winced slightly at the huff that escaped Spitelout's lips before the uneasiness lifted slightly when Snotlout patted me on the leg assuringly.
I sniggered inwardly at the sound of Mrs Jorgenson smacking her husband again to halt his continuing chastisement about 'it being unbecoming to drop weapon training altogether'.
''Her mind is still in the process of grieving and accepting what's happened to his mother and sister. Sometimes these grieved emotions take a while to fade to a level where she can return to a normal life, my dear Spitelout.''
I relaxed slightly at Mrs Jorgensen's words and gave her a thankful look (I hadn't been looking forward to a tirade how important it was to train your body every day), which she acknowledged with a small wink and a smile.
Knock, knock, knock
Ronja looked up from her diary- book when she heard someone knocking on the door to her bedroom.
'' Come in!'' she called out, loudly enough to be overheard through the closed door.
Ronja slowly closed her diary and pushed it aside before reaching for the Biology school book she had been reading earlier.
Ronja's ears followed the sound of the door being opened and closed by the person entering the room even as her eyes stayed on the book's text.
She could hear the footsteps of the person walking towards the desk, and as soon as she had estimated that the person was close, Ronja closed her Biology book and turned to face the person who had stopped beside the desk, holding the sheath holding two throwing axes in his hands.
'' You haven't been practising your weapon training for quite some time, Ronja,'' Klaus stated in an offhand tone as he bounced the sheathed blades in his hands.
'' Is everything alright with you, physically? I'm aware you are still mentally hurting.''
'' I'm fine, dad. If you're asking why I haven't been training, it's just that I've been busy studying,'' Ronja murmured in answer, blinking her eyes with a slightly tired expression.
Her eyes still had shadows framing her eyes, but the shadows had dimmed to a lighter shade, and she looked a healthier weight than she had been a month ago before and during the 'Send-off'' of her mother and sister.
'' Ronja, I'm so proud of you for having done better at school, but I don't want you thinking that studying is all you should be doing. Yes, you made that promise to your mother and sister, but I'm sure they would very much like to see you doing something fun in your life, too. And I know weapon training, and game-playing gives you that feeling of content,'' Klaus chided gently as he sat the axe-sheath down on the desk on top Ronja's school-book In plain view of his daughter (before reaching into Ronja's open bookcase to pull out his daughter's chess- set and setting it down on the table as well)
Ronja stared at each of the items in turn with a thoughtful expression before running a finger along the intricate carvings on the wooden sheath.
'' You do know that just having a father makes me more content than weapon training or game-playing put together?!'' she implored softly.
Klaus nodded, putting his palms on top her daughter's shoulders.
Ronja gave a long sigh before saying:'' I know I should be training, but I'm afraid that if I were to start practising again I'd get too into it and begin neglecting my school studies. I don't want to repeat my mistakes, dad.''
'' You don't know what will happen unless you put those fears aside and see what will follow. The most important thing is trying to get over these fears of repeating one's mistakes. I don't want to see you giving up something I know you love to do.''
Ronja looked at her father for a moment before smiling, the smile growing wider when Klaus leaned over to hug her caringly around the shoulders and lean his chin on top her head.
'' And mind you, I do need a sparring partner again, Ronja.''
A loud, delighted laugh escaped the girl's lips as she reached up to grip her father's hand on her shoulder.
'' Oh, alright dad, but be prepared for a long training regimen early tomorrow morning that includes a morning run. Thankfully today is Friday so we can have Saturday and Sunday mornings solely dedicated to weapon-practice. I really do need to sharpen my body back to what it was, for if I were a weapon, I'd be rusted all over.''
Her father gave a booming, amused laugh and suddenly scooped his daughter up in his arms.
Everyone in the theatre, including me, laughed out loud at the undignified high pitched squeal that erupted from my younger- self's lips when my dad's fingers had found their way to my ribs, and the immediate giggling fit that followed when said digits tickled me mercilessly
'' AWW!'' Astrid and Ruffnut exclaimed in unison, smiles on their faces despite the remnants of tears in the corner of their eyes.
Even Tuffnut, Fishlegs and Snotlout were grinning like fools at the scene of my younger self-squirming around in my father's arms as he 'tortured' my ribs.
'' You looked so cute, there,'' Fishlegs even gushed with half-dried tears noticeable in the corners of his eyes.
'' Watch it there, Fishlegs! You don't want to fight me in my regard for her!'' Snotlout exclaimed with a warning look in his blue eyes as he glanced at the pudgy, blond Viking who immediately looked a bit panicked.
Snotlout then abruptly turned around where he sat with a smile to his lips.
'' But he is right, you do look very cute there!''
The twins and Astrid uttered loud snorts of laughter. Hiccup and my uncle could be heard stifling their chuckles at the sappy -expression on the young Jorgenson's face.
I blushed for the umpteenth time, despite laughing inwardly when Mrs Jorgenson uttered the familiar gushing- squeal I was almost used to hearing everytime his son showed the soft side of him.
Astrid, Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Hiccup all stifled another bout of sniggers.
Even some of the nearby adults could be heard sniggering in their seats whilst my father just sighed as he pressed the bridge of his nose between two fingers.
And Spitelout's groan was clear in its meaning. He wasn't impressed by the sappy tone in his son's voice.
I frowned inwardly. There was nothing wrong with showing such emotions, but Spitelout seemed to think it was a great crime for his son to be showing everyone that he did, indeed, have a soft side to him.
But it seemed that part of Snotlout slipped out whenever he wanted to show his regards to me. And really, even though he had repeated Fishleg's words it didn't take away from the warm compliment.
I felt my father's hand on my shoulder and then his breath near my ear as he whispered:'' Snotlout really seems to have high regards towards you; he likes you. But remember what I told earlier. You really cannot get too far into a relationship with him or anyone else. Not until we know what is going to come of us after we have seen everything Odin sent us here to witness.''
''Yes, father, I remember,'' I sighed once he had stopped whispering in my ear.
Yes, of course, I knew and remembered that particular topic of conversation. I wasn't angry at my father for protecting me, anymore, I found myself feeling like I wasn't in control of my own life anymore. And I was deeply unnerved that Odin had brought us all here without consulting us. It was proof of how deeply he had been in control of our lives of late.
And as long as it was uncertain as to what was the place where my father and I would end up in after everything was shown and discussed, I wouldn't be in control of my own decisions. Or even afterwards, until Odin released his 'leash of control' over our lives.
'' Okay, guys, I gotta say...,''
My attention snapped back to Astrid when I heard her speak. She looked thoughtful.
'' I'm intrigued by the fact that I now have a better understanding as to why you said those words to us in the Great Hall that day of our first lesson with Gobber.''
'' Yeah, I said those words about the dragon- manual because of me still agonising over my past actions towards Sonja and my own unwillingness to study until I made myself more focused on the importance of studying. But I do apologise if I have made you feel I was overbearing with my thoughts of making you guys see the good in honing one's mental side of battle-readiness. Knowing your opponent's weakness is an asset in battle...''
'' IF we were STILL fighting dragons at this current time, of course!'' I added quickly upon being given nasty -looks by courtesy of Anca, Toothless, Hookfang, Stormfly, Meatlug, Barf and Belch.
'' Right, sorry guys!'' I almost squealed at the hissing that escaped their maws and swallowed a bit nervously, looking from one dragon to the next until they finally stopped looking at me so intensely.
'' You sometimes tend to talk like a strategist gamer, Ronja, but not everyone has that sort of mind-frame to better oneself through reading as you do. Besides, it was unfortunate circumstances that made you change into that frame-of-mind,'' my father scolded lightly, his voice kind as he comfortingly squeezed my shoulder.
'' Well, kind of tried to divert the twins and Snotlout to see my point of view, as I didn't want a disaster to finally change their views in that matter. Not when an impending disaster was so ardently shoved in my face during each training day,'' I muttered in a barely audible voice just as Astrid broke in with a triumphant expression to her face...
'' That's what I said to Ronja when she first made that speech about the importance of reading. I didn't take her words with welcome arms that day.''
'' Ha! It was more along the lines of you threatening me, Astrid. Your words, I believe, were: I'm letting you off the hook this time, but don't try to instil your beliefs onto us again or I swear I'll kick your ass, Ronja!''
'' Well...,'' Astrid muttered, looking embarrassed, and even more so when I added:
'' And you had your axe a bit too near my neck to be comfortable.''
'' Well I didn't think too highly of you back then,'' Astrid muttered, glancing uneasily at my father who was looking at the pair of us with a raised eyebrow.
'' That feeling was very much mutual, Astrid, '' I sighed out before grimacing when Ruffnut broke into the conversation.
'' And then Ronja said:'' I'll fight back if you become physical with your threat, Astrid!'' Ruffnut said with a cackle that was seconded by her brother.
'' Don't forget:'' but I'll take your words to heart,'' Fishlegs added.
Snotlout scowled at Astrid, along with Anca who gave a low growl deep in her throat.
Stormfly shifted to shield Astrid with her wings and uttered a challenging growl at Anca who immediately bared her teeth at the blue Nadder.
It was very much like they were telling each other to: '' Back off'!
'' Easy, easy there, Anca! No need to cause trouble,'' I soothed my dragon with a scratch under her chin.
Thankfully, both Dragons eased up on their want to start fighting (dragon-style), and we teens all breathed out a sigh of relief.
'' We've had acrimony towards each other, Astrid, but we have all changed during these past months, though, and despite some setbacks recently I'm thankful we no longer see each other as more than just allies,'' I told Astrid with a genuine smile.
Astrid returned the smile as she stood up and walked over to give me a hand-clasp that I happily returned.
Astrid was about to say something in return, when amplified volume from the speakers distracted us all, and made us jump...
Ronja was gasping between giggles as she squirmed in her father's arms like a slippery eel in a net.
'' T-that t-tickles d-dad! HAHAHA! STOP!'' she cried out between breathless laughter.
Klaus, at last, stopped 'torturing' his daughter and just hugged her close as she took in deep, calming breaths.
'' I love you, Ronja. And I just want you to be happy in life, again,'' Klaus murmured as he rested his forehead against the top of his daughter's head.
'' I love you too, dad, and I will try to let my fears of making mistakes dictate what I should do in life,'' Ronja assured with a beaming smile as she hugged her father for a long moment.
For a while, neither spoke up, until...
'' We should go downstairs, now. The dinner I've been cooking will soon be ready.''
'' What have you been making this time, dad?'' Ronja asked with a wide smile.
'' Your favorite homemade hamburgers, crispy potatoes and salad with raw cauliflower and salad-dressing (that you just love for some reason).
Ronja giggled at the slight drawl in her father's voice.
'' For drinks, we have Coca-Cola for you and beer for me. And we will have homemade ice-cream for dessert, which we shall have sitting on the sofa and watching movies until it's time for us to head to bed. Trust me, you've earned a bit of lounging around after studying so hard during the weeks,'' Klaus added with a wink.
'' Oh, thanks, dad,'' Ronja exclaimed with a wide grin to her lips as her father started carrying her out the door and across the upstairs hall towards the stairs.
As they descended the stairs Ronja pulled herself into a more upright position and circled her arms around her father's neck.
Klaus chuckled lightly as she pressed her cheek against his own. He made her giggle again by nuzzling his daughter gently, his beard giving her a scratchy tickle.
'' Hopefully, things are slowly returning back to normal, after today. I was worried I'd have a bigger confrontation over getting her to start weapon training, again, '' Klaus thought joyfully as he made his way towards the dining room.
End of Chapter 19
Author Note(s):
Constructive Criticism is always welcomed by me, the Author!
And a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, imaginativeMind29! :)
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