Home is calling

Hiccup fluttered his eyes open, trying to figure out what the pressure on his chest was. When he looked down, he saw that it was Raya who was putting pressure on him. She had apparently snuggled up to use his chest as some sort of makeshift pillow for the night. He seemed to be enjoying it, too, since he had an arm wrapped around her shoulder and was holding her close.

Raya hummed as she began to wake up. "Hey, you."

"Hey," Hiccup said, leaning down and pecking her forehead. "Did I wake you?"

"Slightly," Raya shrugged as she sat up. "I was already waking up but didn't feel like moving. I was comfortable."

"Oh, I'm glad my chest was a soft pillow for you." Hiccup said playfully.

"Ugh, if you two are gonna start doing this again, please at least have some decency to wait until I'm out of the room," Toothless asks of them. He sat up from his comfortable bedrock and strolled towards the door. "Or even going somewhere else."

Raya chuckled and watched the Night Fury leave. "Sorry, Toothless," she said.

"Yeah, sorry, Bud," Hiccup apologized to his best friend. Toothless pushed the door closed with his tail as he made his leave. "I think he's just jealous."

"Well, he can get himself a girlfriend and rub it in our faces afterward," Raya said as she moved closer and rolled herself on top of Hiccup. "I've got you all to myself."

Hiccup chuckled and blushed. "What if your dad walks in?"

"I'll take the blame," Raya promised, leaning down and kissing Hiccup on the lips.

Hiccup then leaned back and looked into her eyes. "I love you. More than anything."

"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, Hiccup," Raya agreed as she caressed his face. "I'm glad I found you out there."

"You mean when you punched me in the face?" Hiccup replied.

Raya slapped him for ruining the mood. "I was defending myself; for all I knew, you were going to attack me."

Hiccup nodded, recalling how defensive Raya had been when they first met. "I know, I'm just messing with you," he said.

Hiccup leaned in for another kiss and placed his hand on top of her head to deepen it and keep her there. As they were just enjoying each other's company, the thought occurred to each of them that they both had places to be. Hiccup needed to figure out how to propose to her, and Raya needed to find a perfect gift for him.

She thinks she might have thought of something just now. "Listen, I gotta go to Talon. I need to talk to Tong about the Gronckle Iron for my father."

"You want me to go with you?" Hiccup asked, even though he knew he needed to go, but he kept that to himself.

"No, I've got this," Raya said as she pecked him on the lips. "I'll see you soon."

Hiccup nodded as she got up. "That's okay, I'm sure I can go flying with Toothless."

He didn't want to tell her he was going to visit Bun to discuss the proposal. He wasn't exactly his first choice; Tong would have been the best option, but since Raya was going to see him, it wouldn't work out. The two of them went their separate ways, with Raya having to visit Tong, as he was the best person to craft such an important piece.

Raya quickly exited his room, giving him time to change. She raced past the staff, wanting to make it to her bedroom to change. She needed to get dressed and get to Cutter before Hiccup got the idea to follow.

When she raced to her room, she skidded to a halt and changed as fast as she could. Luckily, she had gotten into a habit of leaving her clothes out for the next day. Once she was dressed in her adventure attire - she didn't want to dirty some of her nicer clothes for this - and she made her way to the balcony.

Raya let out a little whistle to call out to her dragon, and she noticed Cutter was resting in the gardens. When she heard the whistle, Cutter got up and squawked as she flapped her wings and flew up towards the balcony. Upon landing, Raya gave her dragon a pet and scratched her favorite spot. The dragon purred as she leaned in for more scratches.

"Come on, girl," Raya said, unable to think of a better gift for the man she loved than to join herself with him. "Let's go see Tong about Hiccup's gift."

The Nadder squawked and flew off into the air as Raya smiled, pleased with how confident she felt in her decision. Unaware that Hiccup was just as certain of his decision to ask Raya to marry him. He wasn't sure when to pop the question; he hadn't even realized it was the day before his birthday. The thought had been on his mind so much. All he could think about was binding his life to Raya's forever.


Far off into the river of Kumandra, Boun was hard at work fixing up all of the dishes that would need days' worth of advance to get them right. He had his family out to keep the business booming.

"What do you think? Should I add some of the spices now, or should I bring some?" Boun asks Scorch.

Scorch didn't seem to care, opening his eyes and moving his wing to cover them. Boun rolled his eyes and got to work, placing all of the ingredients into the cauldron to cook.

"Well, that's another dish done," Boun said as all he needed to do was get the others ready for the celebration. "Hiccup is going to love this."

Then Scorch suddenly got up and sniffed the air, sensing something approaching. Boun wondered what it was when he heard the familiar voice of the Night Fury. Quickly working, he jumped up and ran outside, closing the doors to the shop behind him. As he made his way outside, Scorch was quick to follow, watching Hiccup and Toothless descend to the ground.

"Hiccup!" Boun greeted him, trying to keep a calm face to not give away the surprise. "What brings you all the way out here to Tail?"

Hiccup chuckled as he got off of Toothless, letting the Night Fury run to play with Scorch. "What? Did you think I came all this way just to see my favorite chef in all of Kumandra?"

"You could," he said, "but I recognize that worried look on your face," Boun remembered that subtle look he had during their time with the Druun. "What is it?"

Hiccup chuckled and looked around at all the people who were happy to see him. "Is there anywhere more private where we can talk?"


Raya flew across the skies on Cutter, performing a series of aerial tricks for the enjoyment of it. She let out a cheer as Cutter performed a backflip, causing Raya to plummet to the ground. Cutter quickly flapped her wings and gave herself a boost to catch up with her rider.

Once Cutter got underneath Raya, she opened her wings and caught herself in the wind. Raya landed on her saddle and laughed as they flew closer to Spine. Ever since dragons had become more frequent and more people were beginning to train their own thanks to Hiccup's teachings, getting around between the five lands of Kumandra had never been easier.

When Raya landed outside of the gates, the guards standing outside bowed in respect as Raya gave a slight chuckle and waved at them. She then made her way inside and looked around to see that everyone was going about their daily lives. When she made her way over to the blacksmiths, where she believed she was more than likely to find Tong.

Tong was indeed in there and was working on a new version of Inferno. The current sword Hiccup had was a bland sword with the capability of igniting. This one that Tong was designing would have the blade coming out of a Night Fury-shaped head and even the handle had a dragon-scale look to it. Even the canister area for his Zippleback gas on the handle now had a Zippleback head design attached. Seemed he was currently working on the blade right now.

"The Inferno 3 looks like it's coming along nicely." Raya compliments as she strolled up to him.

"Ah, only the best for our friend," Tong promises with a hint of pride. He then walked around to cool down the iron. "What brings you all this way out here, Princess?"

"Well, I think I found the perfect gift to give to Hiccup for his birthday and thought you could help me," Raya explains as she followed him around.

"Ah, so, you wish to give him a weapon of your own design?" Tong surmised.

Raya chuckled as she walked past Steel, scratching her nose. "No, something a bit more... personal than that."

"What could be more personal than a weapon?" Tong wondered aloud, turning to notice the look on Raya's face. He chuckled, knowing exactly what she meant by personal. "Ah. I know that face."

"What?" Raya asks, wondering how she looks.

"You're thinking of proposing to our Dragon Conqueror?" Tong laughed as he gave her a playful punch. "I know that look because it was the same one I had before I proposed to... my dear Ceere." He looked over to his wife. "Ah. I'll never forget it."

Heather said, "I say it's about time." As she approached with a handful of broken weapons. She let out a sigh of exhaustion as she took it upon herself to fix every weapon she had broken. "You know, we need that Gronckle Iron. Just to keep me from destroying everything."

"I still want to try you out without that weapon," Raya dared Heather with a smug smile. "And what do you mean by 'about time'?"

Heather chuckled as she picked up a broken sword from the pile. "Come on, the two of you are like a match made in heaven when you found me."

"Well, we just met at the time," Raya muttered as she looked at Tong. She took out some papers from her pocket and showed them. 'But I did have some designs for the ring I wanted to add into an engagement ring for Hiccup."

"Anything for the two of you!" Tong promised as he looked over the designs. He saw that Raya had the ring surrounded by what looked like a dragon's claw, encircling the Dragon Gem. "Ah, a symbol of the two of you," he said.

"Think you can pull it off in a day?" Raya was worried since Hiccup's birthday was the next day.

"I'll finish my work on this sword, and then I'll get to work right away on the ring," Tong promises.

Heather nodded as she walked up to Raya. "How do you plan to pop the question?"

Raya froze as she considered her own answer. "Uh...I'm trying to think of the best way to ask him. I don't really want to put him on the spot in the middle of the party."

"What if you pulled him away from the party?" Heather wonders. "You could get him alone and ask him there?"

Raya nodded in agreement. "That could work. But I still need to work on what to say."

"Hey, you don't need to think of what to say," Heather promised as she placed a shoulder around Raya. "You will know what to say when you get there."

"You think so?" Raya was a little worried about that idea.

"Come on, you guys know each other better than you know yourselves." Heather knew there was no suspense to know Hiccup would say yes. "Hiccup loves you, I have seen it, Tong has seen it, I am pretty sure Tuk Tuk could see it."

Raya was still nervous about the idea but grew a bit confident. "You're right."

Heather watched Raya race off as she whistled for Cutter to return to her. Raya needed to get back so that she could plan out what she needs tomorrow. She needed time to set up their home so she could get everyone there and surprise Hiccup with the ring. Tong was a fast worker, so that means that he should be able to get the ring done by tomorrow. Hopefully.


Boun and Hiccup made their way to the caverns where once upon a time Raya and Hiccup found the first piece of the Dragon Gem. It was far enough from the village where they could have some privacy.

"So, what was so secretive that we needed to get this far away?" Boun wonders as he got off of Scorch.

Hiccup sighed as he got off of Toothless to come up with how to explain it. He needed to tell it to both Boun and Toothless since even his dragon didn't know what he was planning. "Well, the thing is...I wanted to talk to both of you because I am going to ask Raya to marry me."

Toothless almost jumped when he overheard that and got immediately excited for his friend. "What?!"

"Oh, my god!" Boun jumped in shock. "What?!"

"Yeah." Hiccup chuckled as Toothless jumped on Hiccup almost to try and hug him, while his rider tried to get him off. "I plan to do it around my birthday. You know that's tomorrow?"

Boun almost busted out laughing but kept a cool face as he knew he needed to keep the charade. "Oh, really? Sorry, with the business booming, days have begun merging together for me."

"Nah, it's okay." Hiccup assured him, not knowing what Raya had planned for him. "I was just...should I do it somewhere more private, or do you think that I should do it?"

"Are you kidding me? That girl is crazy about you." Boun scoffed as he laid back on Scorch, who didn't mind the boy lying on him. "I am surprised it took you this long."

"Yeah, I have to agree." Boun agrees. "What took so long?"

"Well, in my defense, I have been working on trying to get Kumandra and the Archapeligo dragons to learn to live in coexistence." Hiccup explains what he had been doing for the past five years while also dating Raya. "But I have to guess you guys think it's a good idea."

"You two have practically been married for five years, man, I say it is about time to make it official," Toothless stated as he pushed Hiccup playfully with his head.

Hiccup chuckled as Boun approached. "So, did you get the ring?"

Hiccup nodded as he showed off the ring to them and both had to admit it looked amazing.

"Dragon Gem and a dragon claw." Boun comments on what he saw. "That is pretty cool."

"Perfect representation of the two of you," Toothless said as he licked Hiccup, causing him to groan.

"Gah!" Hiccup cried as he backed away, but Toothless only kept going as he then tackled Hiccup. "He's down! And he's ugly!"

Hiccup began throwing mock punches at the Night Fury and Toothless retaliated by making feline taps on Hiccup's head. "You think this could hold me?"

"Dragons and Vikings, enemies once more! Locked in combat to the bitter-" Hiccup was saying when Toothless dropped his large weight onto him, squeezing the air out of Hiccup. "Gah!"

Toothless started to groom Hiccup by licking his face and covering him in slobber.

"Gaaaaagh!" Hiccup cried out as he fought to get free and Boun couldn't resist laughing. "You know that doesn't wash out!"

"I know," said Toothless with a grin.

Hiccup finally managed to get on his feet and tried to shake as much saliva off as he could. Toothless began to laugh as he was obviously pleased with himself but stopped when Hiccup swung some of his salivae back at his dragon, causing him to start to lick himself clean.

"You useless reptile." Hiccup chuckled at his friend and wiped his hands on his suit.


That night, Namaari sat in her cell, crying silently. She looked at her shoulder where Sharpshot would sit and was wondering what was going to become of her friend. She wished now more than ever that she had never left her home. Her people were in danger. All of Kumandra was in danger. She had to get out somehow. She had to warn her kingdom and the other kingdoms too. She needed to warn them all that a war was coming, in case they were to shoot down Sharpshot. They are using him to track down her land, and with the passing of the last few days, there is a chance that they were gaining on her land.

Namaari heard the horn outside. Her heart rate accelerated. They were reaching her home. At her home. She became scared. She had to get out somehow. She looked at her chains and wondered how she was going to get out of there.

Astrid and the chiefs all sprinted up the stairs to the top deck and there before was a beautiful land, flourishing in green. It was Kumandra. And beyond that place laid the five kingdoms and the havens of dragons. This was it. It was about another day's worth of sailing to actually reach the island, but they reached the land.

"We've made it," said Alvin proudly.

"At last," said Drago as he approached the end of his boat, recalling what went down. "I've searched years for this place." Then he looked up towards Sharpshot who was still leading the way. "And all it took was one Terror." Then he raised his staff and one of his men shot the Terror out of the sky, sending Sharpshot falling into the ocean. "Bring the prisoner forward."

"Have the twins brought up the prisoner," Stoick asks of his men.


At Stoick's request, Gobber sent Ruffnut and Tuffnut to the cellar to fetch Namaari in hopes that she would lead them to her land. The twins marched down and found her waiting for them silently, her head still turned away from them. Ruffnut, armed with a ring of keys, unlocked the cell door and Tuffnut entered with a pair of manacles.

Ruffnut locked the door, getting Tuffnut to look confused, and then jumped at the door. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Let me out of here!"

"She's locking us in so we won't try to escape, you moron!" Namaari said, glaring at him. It seemed they were the Ruff and Tuff twins Hiccup had told her about. "Man! You are even more stupid than you look!"

Ruffnut couldn't help but snicker at her comments. Tuffnut looked offended by his sister. "Really? You're taking her side?"

"What can I say, she sees a dumb boy when she sees one," Ruffnut scoffed with a smile.

"Wait, that's the boy?" Namaari had to admit that she thought the one in the cell with her was the girl. "Oh, wow, it's seriously hard to tell you two apart."

"What?" Tuffnut asked as he looked over himself. "No, it is not. I am clearly more masculine!"

"You are not!" Ruffnut said. "I am!"

"Are not!" Tuffnut proclaimed.

"Are too!" Ruffnut proclaimed back.

As the pair continued arguing, Namaari suddenly burst into peals of laughter. They stared at her in confusion.

"What's so funny?" Ruffnut demanded.

"I just find it so funny that you guys are arguing over the dumbest of things. But..." Namarri then looked over towards Ruffnut. "It seems that Ruffnut is the favorite twin."

Tuffnut glared at her. "What? Why?"

"Why else would she have been given the most important responsibility? She has the key to my cell, meaning I'll never be able to escape. It seems like she's the one keeping me prisoner here while you are stuck in here with me." Namarri figured if they were as dumb as they looked, she could trick them into getting the keys.

Tuffnut gasped, then glared at Ruffnut. "That is so unfair! I'm the older twin!"

"By about five minutes," Ruffnut scoffed as she leaned against the cell, crossing her arms.

Tuffnut charged at the cell door with his helmet in hand and slammed into the bars. "I should have the keys! I should have that job!"

"Well, if you want it, you're gonna need to get it," Ruffnut jeered from behind the bars. "You're locked in."

"Well then, come in here and fight me," Tuffnut dared as he shook the bars.

"It's on!" Ruffnut dared, as she decided to go for it.

Impulsively, Ruffnut opened the cell door and jumped at Tuffnut. They wrestled, pulled each other's chairs, and bit at each other.

"How do you like that?" Ruffnut shouted.

"You fight like a girl!" Tuffnut cried as he fought his sister.

"So do you!" Ruffnut cried as she slammed her brother onto the wooden floor.

During the skirmish, the hoop of keys that Ruff carried on her belt slipped off, and Namaari, with the pointed end of her spear, reached over and pulled them towards her. She undid her chains, freeing herself with a sigh of relief to be free.

She stood over the wrestling twins and they looked at her, shocked. "Some guards you are," she mocked, getting the twins to stop fighting and look towards her. They realized that they had been tricked and quickly got up as Namaari rubbed her wrists. "And by the way, I met children better skilled at fighting than the two of you."

And then, before the twins could react, she sent a flying kick into Tuffnut's face, causing him to twirl before falling to the ground. Ruffnut was at least a little smarter; she managed to grab a weapon before charging toward Namaari with a battleaxe. However, even that wasn't enough as Namaari ducked to avoid the first swing, and Ruffnut impaled the axe into the wall and struggled to pull it free.

That gave Namaari an opening to then swing and knock her out cold, watching as Ruffnut fell and landed beside her brother. Namaari sighed as she rubbed her arms and felt she was out of practice from fighting; having not done much in the past five years. She pulled her black cloak over them, covering their bodies before exiting her cell and locking the door behind her.

Namarri thanked the unconscious twins. "Thanks for your help."

She sneaked through the interior of the giant ship, keeping very quiet to avoid alerting any of the guards. She made her way around the vessel until she finally found the storage room where she recovered her sword and supplies. Now all she needed was a way out and a way to rescue Sharpshot if they had done anything to him. Was there any chance of finding a rowboat? No. She could easily be captured again.

Just then, she heard sounds resembling banging metal coming from below.

Namaari wondered what that was as she then made her way down to try and find out where the noise was coming from. When she made her way down there, she found what she recalled were Dragon Traps. She froze as she recalled these were almost more advanced cages than the ones the Dragon Trappers used. When she wondered how it worked, she cranked the wheel to try and open the cage. When she did so, she found a Monstrous Nightmare trapped inside.

"Oh, gods," Namaari said in shock.

The Monstrous Nightmare snarled at the intruder as Namiari made her way into the cage and lowered herself down. Slowly she approached the dragon, remembering how Hiccup had done it in the Berk cage. Slowly she placed her hand up, and the Monstrous Nightmare only snarled as Namiari approached.

"Shh," Namarri whispered. "It's okay. I am not here to hurt you."

The Monstrous Nightmare seemed to believe her as he saw how calmly and peacefully the girl approached him. When she got close enough, the Monstrous Nightmare allowed her to touch his snout and earn his trust.

"What do you say we get the hell out of here?" Namaari asks him. "I have friends that need me."


As they prepared to take the rowboats to try and gain a head start on the island, Stoick called his Vikings together for a meeting to decide who would go ahead of the others. He had already appointed Astrid to lead the away team.

"Good luck, Astrid," Stoick told the young girl.

"I will make you proud, Chief," Astrid promised.

Stoick nodded and then looked at Fishlegs. "Fishlegs, would you like to join Astrid in scouting this land?"

"Yes, sir. I mean, Chief." Fishlegs saluted nervously. "Who else will be coming along?"

Astrid was afraid to tell him who else was coming. "I'm afraid that Dagur has appointed himself to come with us," she said.

"What?" Fishlegs asks in terror.

That's when Dagur appeared right behind Fishlegs. "Scared of me, Guppylegs?"

Fishlegs let out a shriek of terror and fear as he ran and even hid behind Astrid. "Leave Fishlegs alone," she said as she marched over and poked a finger at Dagur's chest. "Just because you're the chief, it doesn't give you the right to torment us. If Oswald were here, he'd put you in your place."

"Why, you little..." Dagur paused when Stoick marched closer to him.

He was bigger and older than Dagur. He wouldn't mind beating him up if he so much as touched a hair on Astrid.

"I'm coming along!" boasted the obnoxious Snotlout, appearing out of nowhere.

"Absolutely not, Snotlout," objected Astrid. "You are incapable of stealth."

Snotlout let out a gasp and held his heart. "I am insulted," he said, then leaned over to Dagur. "What does 'incapable' mean?"

"Chief! Astrid!" Gobber cried as he ran onto the scene.

What's wrong, Gobber? asked Astrid.

"It's the prisoner! She's escaped!" Gobber exclaimed, letting out a gasp for air.

"What?" Stoick bellowed.

They marched below decks and gathered back in the large council room. Drago, Dagur, and Alvin were already there and had hauled Tuffnut and Ruffnut forward by their shirt necks and pushed them towards the red-faced Berkian chief.

"How did this happen?" Stoick asks them both in anger.

"She tricked us," Tuffnut simply answered, hanging his head in shame.

"She tricked us into fighting each other," Ruffnut admitted, deeply ashamed of herself and more terrified of their chief's wrath.

Tuffnut blurted out, "She opened the gate and dropped the keys!" He wanted to put the blame more on her than himself.

"You know I can't back down from a challenge," Ruffnut said, putting the blame back on her brother.

"You both had one job!" Stoick screamed in anger. "And now, thanks to you, she's got away."

"Sir!" A hunter came charging into the room. "Drago! Sir!" he screamed out.

"What?!" hissed Drago impatiently.

"The prisoner has been spotted below decks," he explained.

"What?!" bellowed Drago. "How is this possible?!"

The hunter whispered in fear. "She got past us."

"What's below decks?" Astrid asks.

Before anyone could answer, there was an explosion, and they quickly ran back up to the top of the ship to watch in horror as people screamed and panicked. Namaari kept the Monstrous Nightmare from lighting up, considering she didn't want to scorch herself. Not to mention that the Monstrous Nightmare would be easily shot down if they could see her. Every time they fired at where the Monstrous Nightmare had just fired, he then flew around with Namaari's help to avoid their attacks.

After creating enough smoke to obscure their escape, Namarri led the Monstrous Nightmare into the sky and released a screech to summon Sharpshot. When she heard a whimper and a smaller version of the call, she realized that he had been injured. Immediately, she flew down and found Sharpshot struggling to stay afloat in the water. She quickly rescued him and cradled him in her arms.

"I got you, buddy," Namaari promised as she cradled him to warm him up. She then looked back at the ships that were approaching and knew that this wasn't the end. This was the beginning. "We gotta go home. Hang on, buddy. We're going home."

With that, the Monstrous Nightmare flew off into the darkness to make its way toward Kumandra to warn them of the approaching war. They needed to get back and warn them that a war was approaching. They needed to be prepared.

Drago snarled as he watched his men try to put out the fires that Namaari had left behind. "We move now," he ordered, snarling and knowing that the land would soon know that they were coming. "Girl, you will take the men on the boats and go now!"

"What?" Fishlegs and Astrid whined.

They couldn't take these teenage bullies with them; they didn't even care that Dagur was a chief. They knew he was only really coming along so that he could prove he was a better warrior than Astrid. And Snotlout thought that if he could do a really good job on this mission, then maybe she would finally see him as worthy of being the next chief of Berk.

"It is done," Drago slammed his metal staff with a hook on the end onto the wood, silencing them. "You will all set off now. And you two..." He pointed his weapon at the twins. "...you will spend a week cleaning up the armory for your failure. Fail me again and you'll be bait for dragons when we slaughter them."

"No," Stoick objected as he came between Drago and the twins. "Knuckleheads they may be, they are still Berkians."

"Yeah!" cheered Tuffnut. "The chief likes us."

With no choice, Astrid went to her quarters and gathered her items. Her axe was sharpened and a satchel was prepared with water and food. She walked back up to the top deck where Fishlegs, Dagur, and Snotlout awaited her.

Fishlegs and Snotlout were armed with hammers and Dagur had his sword and a short double axe strapped to his back and they all had bags stuffed with supplies. They were escorted to a short boat where the chiefs awaited to bid their good luck. There were so men with them too.

"Good luck," bid Stoick. He walked over and hugged Astrid tightly; she hugged him back. "Lead them well, Astrid,"

"Wait? She's leading?!" complained Dagur.

"You had better be on your best behavior," Stoick warned Dagur and Snotlout.

"Will do chief," Snotlout answered, pale with fright.

"And you..." Stoick pointed at Dagur. "You may be chief of your people... but if you so much as come back without any of them..."

He didn't need to finish. Dagur wasn't the slightest bit frightened, unlike before.

The four boarded the rowboat. Taking one last glance at their fellow Berkian and Stoick, Astrid smiled reassuringly to her family before she and her team were lowered down into the boat. Snotlout and Dagur rowed them to shore. The chiefs watched as the away party sailed towards the shores of the new land where every dragon in the world lived.

What none of them noticed was the Cloudjumper and his rider were flying right above their heads and watching the Nightmare escape. "Follow her, Cloudjumper. She will lead us to the Dragon Conqueror."

The dragon complied as he flew off and made his way toward the island of Kumandra. Following the Nightmare as Namaari were making their way towards Fang.


Raya returned home as Hiccup had already come back and made his way back to his room. She wasn't aware that he had planned to propose to her when the day was done tomorrow, not knowing that Raya had been planning a celebration for him.

"Okay, Boun is bringing over the food," Raya said as she went over the list of things they needed. "Tong is working on bringing all the gifts; Noi and her mother said they would arrive on Yin and Yang."

Yin and Yang were the Zippleback Dragon that they rescued from Berk five years ago. It seems that the Zippleback took a liking to the young girl, and has become a great help for the family, as well as helping them get around.

"Ugh, am I forgetting something?" asked Raya as she tried to make sure she had everything. "Sisu is working on the entertainment with her siblings."

Benja chuckled when he saw how much work his daughter was putting into making everything perfect. "Dewdrop, you need to relax a little," he said as he placed his hand on her shoulder. "Everything is going to be fine." Then he leaned over and gave her a peck on the head. "Hiccup will be so happy to see how much you care about him."

"I know." Raya wined as she sighed. "I just want everything to be perfect. Because..." She never really talked over her plans with her dad. "I...I was thinking of proposing to him."

Benja was shocked when he heard that and almost let out a small chuckle when he saw that both of them had the same idea. "I should have known that you were ready for the next step."

Raya explained, "I just thought that it would be the best way to show Hiccup how I feel about him." She blushed a little. "And I do love him enough to want to marry him."

Benja smiled as he pulled his daughter into a hug. He had missed five years of her life, and he couldn't be more proud of her after everything that she had accomplished.

While that was going on, Toothless was awakened by the shuffling and preparations going on outside the bedroom. Toothless wasn't sure what was happening as he heard talking and looked out to see Sisu talking to her siblings.

Toothless whispered, "What is going on?" and looked over at Hiccup, who was fast asleep.

Deciding to just leave him to sleep, he spreads his wings as he leaped from the balcony and flew down to the ground. When he did, he kept to the bushes to try and sneak his way toward them.

"Thanks, guys, I'm sure Hiccup is going to love this," Sisu said to her siblings.

"After everything that he has done to bring us back, we owe him this much," Jagan nodded proudly.

"It is a nice way to celebrate the birth of the boy who saved and brought the five lands together," Pranee said with pride. "We will see you tomorrow."

Sisu waved her siblings off as Tong flew in and landed outside the castle on Steel. "Ah, majestic Water Dragon," she said.

"Hey, Tong." Sisu greeted him as she made her way over to him. "So, did you get the...special gift?"

Tong chuckled as he reached into his pocket. "If you are referring to the Princess' personal request, then of course I have."

"Ooh, let me see it!" Sisu jumped in excitement.

Tong chuckled as he pulled out the small box containing the ring and showed it to Sisu. Toothless was shocked when he realized that it seemed Raya had the same idea that Hiccup had.

"Ooh, Hiccup is going to love this," Sisu said as Tong hid the ring again.

"I'm off to show it to the princess now, I will leave you be," Tong said as he walked off and Steel followed him.

Sisu smiled and was about to walk away when she heard rustling in the bushes. "Who's there?" Toothless tried to stay hidden, but it seemed that Sisu could see him. "Toothless?"

Toothless emerged from the bushes and shrugged. "Hey."

"Uh, how much of that did you hear?" Sisu wonders.

"Enough to hear Raya wants to marry Hiccup," Toothless confessed as he walked over to her. "Want to hear something interesting? Hiccup was planning to do the same."

Sisu almost jumped when she heard that news. "What?!"

Toothless laughed at her reaction and walked around her. "Yeah, it seems like those two have begun reading each other's minds," he said.

Sisu then watched as Toothless sat down and looked up at the sky. She walked over to him and sat beside him. "What do you think about it?"

Toothless sighed; he was okay with the idea, but...he just felt alone. "I am happy for him, of course, I am. But..." He looked up at the sky and saw the dragons and their mates flying up there. "I just wish that I had someone in my life like he does."

Scribbler caressed his head over Toothless's, trying to soothe him and comfort her friend. "Well, whatever happens, just know that you will always have me."

"For better or worse," Toothless scoffed, happy with the reminder.

Toothless then moved in closer and began rubbing his head against Sisu. As they did this, a certain someone watched the scene. Raya smiled and thought that perhaps something special might indeed blossom between Sisu and Toothless. However, there was no way she could focus on that right now, so she left the two dragons to have their moment.

Tomorrow was going to be a big day; they just weren't aware of how big it would turn out to be.

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