Ten Years Later

Sunset sighed as she looked out the house window, down at the streets below. Cars drove wherever they were going as she sat with a sketchbook on her lap. She flipped through it to see the multitude of dragon drawings. 

At first they were what you’d expect, considering the near constant dragon attacks that were happening with a sprinkling of other art including that of the group of friends. However, it changed. Instead showing dragons in a positive light, or falling victim to human hands. She, nor any of her friends could understand why Rainbow seemed to view dragons in such a way.

Sunset heard who she knew would be Twilight come through the door and it closed behind her. The six girls, after the dragon attacks mysteriously stopped a couple years following Rainbow being announced dead, got a large house together. It comfortably housed them all with a couple guest rooms and with six incomes, they were living well. That is, six incomes till recently.

Twilight walked into the room Sunset sat, looking out the window, and stopped, surprised. “Sunset! You’re home early. What’s up?”

Sunset sighed, bracing herself. “I was at the office, and they told me that I’m not needed anymore. I’m gonna need to find a new job before our savings run out.”

Twilight nodded, sitting next to her. “That’s alright Sunset. We all can cover it for now and I doubt we’ll need to dig into our food storage or savings. You’re really talented, have a high education, and know a lot of people. If push comes to shove, you can always work with Applejack at her farm or Rarity at the boutique.”

Sunset laughed. “You’re right. Thanks. I’ll start job hunting tomorrow. To be honest, as long as it’s not fast food or retail, I’m good.”

“That’s the spirit!” That was when Twilight looked down and saw Rainbow’s sketchbook on her lap, open to a page with her playing with a dragon that looked exactly like the one who carried her off. Twilight sighed. “I know it’s hard, but she wouldn’t want you feeling this way. It’s been more than ten years and I know she wouldn’t want you to be in this much pain.”

Sunset nodded. “I know. I just… wish we could have some closure.”

Twilight looked at the drawing, closed the book, and went to put it away. “Come on,” She extended her hand to Sunset. “Let’s get started on dinner. I was thinking of a vegetable cheese fry with cupcakes for dessert.”

Sunset let out half a laugh and nodded, taking the hand to help her stand up. “Yeah. Let’s do that.”

The news was running in the background as the two girls worked on dinner, Rarity and Fluttershy talking.

“In other news, yet another case of kidnapping was confirmed to have a bracelet made of black dragon scales on the scene. It was on top of a letter placed under the blanket stating that this teen was leaving with the infamous ‘Dragon Ryder’ to get away from his abusive parents. The abuse is currently being looked into with more than just the letter written in this boy's handwriting as proof. More on that tonight at ten.”

Applejack, coming in for the last part of the announcement, sighed at it. “That Isle of the Lost gets bigger every day. Will that Dragon Ryder ever stop?”

“To be fair,” Fluttershy said, “They only ever take neglected, abused, or homeless children, and adults who need help getting back on their feet.”

“She’s right,” Twilight supplied. “As far as we know, everyone who was brought fell under those categories and are allowed to leave at any time. I just want to know how they control all those dragons and where they get the money they use to buy everything. They can’t be robbing banks. The amount of robberies haven’t increased since they began to take part in trade.”

“I kinda want to know why they use so much natural oils and lye,” Pinkie Pie said, popping out of nowhere. The other didn’t bat an eye at this.

“Those are things you can use to make soap, Pinkie,” Applejack informed as she sat at the table. 

“We’re almost done with dinner,” Sunset said, taking the vegetables out of the pan. “Don’t any of you think it’s strange that everyone knows so much, yet so little about this island? The things the inhabitants buy are on the news, but how they get money, how dragons fit into all of this, and who Dragon Ryder really is is a total mystery.”

“I suppose you’re right,” Rarity said, sitting at the table soon to be joined by the rest of them. “I just wish I could get my hands on some of that special fabric that’s being talked so much about.”

“The fireproof stuff?” Applejack asked. “The fabric that can’t be dyed and requires a special laundry detergent?”

Rarity nodded. “Precisely. Wait. How did…”

“You’re always talking about it,” Applejack said, rolling her eyes.

“Um right. Anyway, it’s been around since we were Sophomores in College and yet only certain distributors carry it on the condition they only give it to certain businesses. All the known distributors are actually getting them from different distributors so no one knows how to get it without someone reaching out to you. How much could it possibly be worth to be sold at double the price?”

“Don’t know Rarity,” Twilight said, being the first to dig in. None of the girls realized the eyes that were watching them. Listening to their every word. “Maybe one day you’ll be able to have access to it?”

The eyes left, climbing a shadow and flying away.


Sunset decided to take a break from her job finding and take a stroll in the woods that occupied most of the nearby park. No better way to unwind in her opinion. It was about thirty minutes and she was deep in the woods and heard a noise.

She turned around, putting a hand on her dagger just in case. One thing that the dragon attacks benefited humanity with was making carrying a weapon common. So much for that, the dagger was taken away and she found herself surrounded by a bunch of strange men.

“What do you want?!” she demanded, not sure if she wanted to know the answer. 


Before anyone could react, a black tail smacked a portion of the group down. Surprised, the group turned to see a person with rainbow hair, but skin completely covered. They wore a navy blue shirt with armor and decorated with a light blue spiral, ending in their mid chest. But the most noticeable, the mask none could ever forget. The one who led the Isle of the Lost and commander of dragons, including the one behind them. 

(A/N: Cover but with a leather mouth piece they use for riding and leather gloves)

“The Dragon Ryder,” Sunset whispered, not sure if she should be in awe at being able to see them in person, or terrified.

“Now, what do you boys think you’re doing to this beautiful young person?”

A brave one spoke saying, “Mind your—” 

The dragon growled, shushing the group even further. “You have the right idea Toothless,” Dragon Ryder said, the whole group able to tell they were smirking under their mask. “After all, what other use is there for a group of jerks who think they can take advantage of any person they come across?”

Fearing the worst, everyone but Sunset, Dragon Ryder, and… Evidently the dragon’s name is Toothless, ran for their lives.

Dragon Ryder chuckled. “Works every time.” They picked up the knife the group dropped before returning it to Sunset, handle first. “I believe this is yours. Are you alright Mx?”

Sunset shakily took the knife. “Y- you’re the Dragon Ryder!”

They shrugged. “Ryder’s fine. Are you alright?”

“Um. Yes.”

“Good. Now, what brings you out here all alone? Even armed, it's dangerous for a pretty person like you.”

Noticing that Ryder took care to not use any gender titles, she said, “Female pronouns are fine. I was just taking a break from my job hunt.” She didn’t know why, but something about Ryder made her want to trust them.

Ryder studied her face. “You look familiar. Are you the friend of the girl who owns the boutique near main street? Rarity?”

“I- um, Rarity’s my friend, yes. I’m Sunset. How did you know her name?”

“You walk in and she introduces herself,” Ryder said with a shrug. Sunset nodded, able to understand the logic. “Either way, since you know the owner of that place, why not I offer you a job?”


Ryder smirked, and climbed onto their dragon. “You’ll have a lot of free time. There’s just one thing.” They looked at her through the slits in their mask. “The same thing everyone I bring to my island needs to agree on. Never attack a dragon first.”

“What! Are you kidding! What if they attack me?! Scratch that, they will attack me!”

Ryder seemed to roll their eyes. “If that was the case, Toothless here would have already attacked you.” They scratched Toothless’ neck and he warbled, happy. Sunset could swear she saw a smile on his face. “Dragons won’t attack unless they either feel threatened, or are ordered to by an alfa. They’re actually very passive. Admittedly some aren’t so that's why it's ‘don't attack first’ rather than ‘never attack.’”

Sunset scoffed. “Then how do you explain all the attacks that happened nine years ago and even more years before that?”

“The queen was corrupt and greedy, ordering them to steal food to satisfy her fill,” Ryder explained without sparing a thought. “If they didn’t they would be eaten themselves. Don’t worry, the Queen is taken care of.”

Sunset thought for a moment. “So when the dragons stopped attacking…”

Ryder nodded.

Sunset hesitated, looking at Ryder’s hand. “What would this entail?”

“I’ll make sure you’re back before dinner,” Ryder assured her. “The rest can be explained there. You won’t have a time limit to give me an answer. With this, you can help your friend out a lot. Her generous heart is just the kind of person that I can help to help the world, but through you.”

Still hesitant, she began to reach for her hand, but Ryder pirked up as if they heard something and quickly left, leaving Sunset behind.

“Sunset?” Said girl looked to see Fluttershy. “What are you doing out here?”

“Just going on a walk,” Sunset replied, not wanting to reveal too much. “Wait. What are you doing here?”

“Well, you wouldn't have happened to see a white bunny running this way, right?”

That night, Sunset couldn't sleep as she gazed out of her window, thinking about her experience with the Dragon Ryder and what would have happened if the bunny didn’t escape. 

She was surprised when a shadow began to hover in front of the window. She backed up upon realizing it was a Terrible Terror. How was the dragon alarm not going off? Then again, it was only one and tiny.

The Terror grabed the walls so they wouldn’t need to keep flying and waved a leg to show that an envelope was attached.

Remembering Ryder’s words, Sunset opened the window and the tiny dragon perched on the sill holding out the envelope tied leg. As soon as the message was removed, they flew away.

Curious, Sunset opened it immediately.

“To, Sunset

Me and Toothless will meet you at the same place you met us today at noon tomorrow. We’ll show you the island and what this new job will imply. Be prepared to meet lots of people. You’ll be back before dinner. If anyone asks, you’re at a job interview. 

See you tomorrow,

    Dragon Ryder.”

Sunset read the short note a few more times before hiding it and laying in bed. Big day tomorrow.

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