Ryder Kids

Rarity’s boutique was even more of a success. People were skeptical about her selling it at the same price she normally does, thinking it was a fake, but after she installed a fire pit outside her shop and would hang the outfits over it when someone was skeptical and they would come out perfectly fine, business began to boom.

With all of Sunset’s free time, she was the one typically buying food and taking care of the house, but she told them that her boss wanted her weekends so she went there every Friday, coming back Sunday. 

It was fun while she was there and she got to know lots of the workers and even played with the children. She felt a little guilty keeping this from her friends, but knew why it wasn’t the best idea to let them know.

Sunset and Ryder would hang out a lot. While Ryder never slacked their responsibilities, they seemed to enjoy Sunset’s company very much. They hung out a lot, both alone and with other people. Sometimes alone time would be interrupted by either someone needing Ryder, or adding someone in their hang out circle.

Sunset found she really liked their company. Even with others. Even when Ryder didn't notice her yet. Conversations slowly got more personal, especially when alone. She even convinced them to take their own advice at one point. That was an interesting day.

Sunset could tell the girls were getting very curious, but continued as she was. But when she mentioned her guilt and her friends suspicions, Ryder surprised her. 

"You can tell them."

Sunset sat up straighter, eyes wide. "What?"

Ryder shrugged. "They seem like good people. You trust them, they trust you, and I trust you. If you tell them what you've learned, I'm sure they'll be willing to give us a chance." Ryder paused before becoming flustered. "Dragons! Give dragons a chance! And the other RK's. Th- that's what I meant by us."

Not understanding why they reacted like that, Sunset merely nodded. "I'll see if an opportunity arises."

And arise an opportunity did. She was outright confronted. 

"What are you even doing when you leave every weekend?" Twilight asked, a little more demanding then she probably intended. "I looked at our finances and the only thing you put in is half of the profits Rarity pays you for the fabric. Yes, that is what we agreed on, but the only thing I can think of them needing you every weekend for is to help make fabric, and if they're not paying you for it, that's not right. You speak highly of you boss so I doubt they're getting free labor from you, because you know how to stand up to all that."

Sunset blushed. "I don't have the hand skills to do more than write legibility. They're not having me work a loom."

"Then what are you doing?" Applejack asked, raising her eyebrows. 

Blush still present, she laughed. "You know. Getting to know everyone."

"That's not the full truth," Applejack sing-songed. Sunset mentally cursed. They were all experimenting with their magic and, being the Element of Honesty, Applejack could see through a lie imediendly. Even if it was laced with truth. 

Sunset sighed.

"'You can tell them.'"

The memory fresh in mind, she looked at them seriously. "You might want to sit down for this."

While they all were confused, they compiled and gathered in the living room. Everyone sat except Sunset.

"While experimenting with my magic, Twilight can confirm, I found put I can show others my own memories. Including the ones I see from touching other people." Sunset extended her hand and it glowed, bringing all the girls into her memory. 

Dragon Ryder, Sunset, and two people they didn't recognize walked near a crowd, confidence in their strides as they began to speak in perfect sync.

(A/N: Basically the music video but with Ryder as Mal, Sunset as Eve, and you can use your imaginations for the boys. I might have actual characters and looks for them at one point, but not yet. The main lyric change you need to worry about is that VK (Villan Kid) and things similar is replaced with RK (Ryder Kid)

"From the North to the South
From the East to the West
Lost boys, lost girls
You all know you're the best

Hit the streets, it's your day
Turn it up, now's your chance
It's time to get up on your feet and dance

Anybody wanna be like us?
Everybody wanna be like us!
All the boys from Auradon
And the girls 'cause they know what's up
Your life could change today
Your life could change today
These streets named after us
Because we paved the way (c'mon)

Everyone come and take your shot
Now's the time, show 'em what you got (ah)
'Cause everyone is gonna get their chance
They said that being from the Isle was bad

Well, it's good to be bad
And we're proof of that
Used to be lost, now we're on the map
Used to steal stacks, now we're giving back
Remember that
It's good to be, bad
If you got pride
Raise your R's up high
Wave 'em wide, side to side
Feel the vibe
It's good to be bad

I wanna see you all rep your block
I wanna see you all rep your block
Show your pride, let me hear ya shout
We're from the Isle of the Lost! (Yes)
We're here to celebrate
We're here to elevate
If you're down, then make your move
But you best not hesitate
Come on!

Today's the day that you won't forget
The best to come ain't happened yet (ah)
Take a bow, it won't be your last
You're from the Isle if anybody asks (whoo)

It's good to be bad
And we're proof of that
Used to be lost, now we're on the map
Used to steal stacks, now we're giving back
Remember that
It's good to be
If you got pride
Raise your R's up high
Wave 'em wide, side to side
Feel the vibe
It's good to be bad

They can try to deny our style
But we were born this way
'Cause you can take the RK outta the Isle
But you can't take the Isle out the RK
If you wanna make it hype, not a moment to waste
Make it loud, make it live, make it jump to the bass
Make it what you want, but you'd better make your case
'Cause the Isle makes us and we're reppin' this place

So when I say "R", you say "K"
When I say "all", you say "day"
All day, all day
When I say "R", you say "K"
When I say "all", you say "day"
All day
Come on
It's good to be, bad

It's good to be bad
And we're proof of that
Used to be lost, now we're on the map
Used to steal stacks, now we're giving back
Remember that
It's good to be, bad
If you got pride
Raise your R's up high
Wave 'em wide, side to side
Feel the vibe
It's good to be, bad!"

Once they all recovered from their first experience seeing Sunset’s memories, reality sunk in. "Your boss is the Dragon Ryder!" 

Sunset smiled, blush making a return. "Yeah. They saved me from some people on a walk in the forest and recognized me as a friend of Rarity. So they offered me a job as the middle woman in getting the stuff to you as long as I agreed to the same things the other RK's do."

"RK's?" Fluttershy asked.

"Short for Rider Kids. It's what residents of the island call themselves. Unless they're under ten and they're call Rider Children or RC's."

"What are they like!" Twilight asked, excited. "Do you hang out with the Dragon Ryder often? What are some of their hobbies? Do you have a dragon?"

Sunset laughed. "I don't have one yet. The dragon chooses the Rider after all. We hang out every time I'm over there. Most of the time it’s with other people as well and every so often they get pulled away to fulfill responsibilities, but they're great company."

"What about when you're not looking?" Applejack said with crossed arms and a raised eyebrow. 

Sunset smiled and brought them into another memory. 

"Come on, give it back." Ryder was surrounded by children, kneeling on the same level as one of which they were talking to and holding their hand in a gentle 'Give to me' motion. Sunset was watching from around the corner.

"No!" The child said, bringing the object closer to her chest.

Ryder sighed, a slightly amused smile on their face. "If you gave me back my hair ribbon, I'll read you whatever story you want tomorrow." 

The girl's face lit up. "Yay!" She handed the black ribbon back. "I can finally know the ending to Into the Woods!"

Ryder stood as the girl left to play with something and, facing slightly away from where Sunset was, tied their rainbow hair back into a simple ponytail.

"Hey Sunset!"


The past version of Sunset startled and turned to see two people in their late teens. One girl and one boy each riding on the necks of a yellow-green zippleback. They each had dyed fresh green hair and looked to be twins.

Sunset calmed down upon seeing them, despite them being on a dragon. "Oh. Hey Tina. Hey Tom. Looking for Ryder?"

"Nah," the girl, Tina, said with a smirk. "Seems like finding you is a sure way to find them."

The two slipped off the Zippleback and scratched them before they flew off. "We're just on our way to the library," Tom said, placing a hand on his hip. "I'm looking for skin care tips. I've got a date tonight."

Tina smirked. "Yeah, he needs all the help he can get." The smirk grew. "After he sent a poem to their mom!"

Tom's face lit into a blush before imediendly calming down. "Please don’t tell people that!"

"You guys okay?"

Again startled, Sunset turned to see Ryder standing casually, thumb hanging on their pant pocket. "Oh! Ryder! Yeah, we're good. I was just looking for you and here you are." While memory Sunset didn't notice, a blush on Ryder’s cheeks poked through the bottom of their mask, but their body language remained relaxed as before.

Tina and Tom made eye contact before smirking identically. "Tom! You face!" Tina suddenly exclaimed, grabbing her brothers face. "It's exploding with horrific pustules!"

"Oh no," Tom said, lacking emotion and placing the back of his hand to his forehead before looking back at her. "Wait. Is it really?"

Tina began to pull him. "We've gotta get you ready or you'll be dumped!"

Tom began to panic. "What! I will!"

Tina sighed, close to a scoff. "Come on, Tom."

Sunset and Ryder simply looked at each other, confused. 

Sunset was humming to herself at night as she walked and saw Ryder in the distance. She couldn't hear what they were saying, but hung back. It looked personal after all.

Ryder placed a hand on his shoulder, sad smile on their face as they spoke. The boy went forward quickly and brought them into a hug, one Ryder quickly returned. They continued to hug for a good minute before the boy pulled away and left.

It was then Sunset decided to get closer and make herself known. "Is he okay?"

"What did you hear?" Ryder asked, looking in the direction he left. Some sort of village floating on the water.

"Nothing. Just saw."

Ryder sighed. "He misses his family. Thinks that maybe his absence caused them to think about what they did and will treat him better now. I have no say in weather he stays. Forcing him to remain will go against the promise I made to every child here. However," they paused. "I'm still worried. There's a small chance his family changed, and even if they did, how long will it be till they fall back on old habits? The chance of him having a pain free childhood is very low if he goes back."

"Then why are you letting him?"

"I'm not a kidnapper, Sunset. Everyone here came willingly. If they want to go back, that's their choice. He can contact us with Terror Mail if he changes his mind or needs to get away for a while. I'll stay hidden and close just in case he was wrong."

Ryder turned to her. "You should get some sleep. You're going home tomorrow as well. We can drop you off on the way."

Sunset nodded and the two walked towards the mountain in the center of the island. "You'll tell me what happens?"

Ryder let out a dog whistle before nodding. "I won't give to many details, because that's his business, but I'll make sure to reassure you." The black dragon came over, happy like a puppy.

The group was brought out of the memories. "What happened to him?" Fluttershy asked, imediendly. 

"When I came back that weekend, they told me he came back to the isles. That's all I know." 

"Show us more!" Pinkie exclaimed, excited. 

Sunset backed up. "Like what?"

"Did they ever tell you things about their past?" Twilight asked, curious. 

Sunset rubbed her arm. "Yes, but it’s not really my place to say…"

"Come on," Applejack said with a smirk, as if convinced Ryder was evil. "Surely there's something you can show us."

Sunset grimaced. "Nothing too personal."

"Mind if I join you?"

Sunset, sitting on some makeshift bleachers, looked to see Ryder with a sly smile and a pop off the hip.

Sunset smiled, as a contrast to the frown she had earlier. "Sure."

"Sunset," Ryder sat. "I saw that frown before. "What's going on? Did participating in the game not go as well as you hoped?"

Sunset sighed. "I completely messed up. Whenever I go the ball, it would be stolen and if I somehow managed to shoot, I'd miss."

Ryder laughed. "Yeah. Basketball can be hard when you don't know what you're doing."

Sunset smirked. "With what happened earlier, I would think you don’t play."

Ryder blushed so prominently they could see it envelope all of their visible cheek. "Y- yeah. Did you know, before dragons came out of hiding, I was the basketball captain?"

"No way."

Ryder let out a soft laugh. "Yeah, but I wasn't always that good. My first hoop in a game scored a point for the opposite team." Sunset laughed at Ryder’s expense. "But I kept at it and got a lot better. Sure basketball might not be your thing, but we've got lots of other sports here you can try. You don't even need to do a sport if you don’t want to."

"I think the only sport I'll be good at is dragon racing. And that also depends on the kind of dragon that picks me."

The two shared a laugh.

They were alone in some kind of room, sitting on a bed, obviously hand crafted with how wonky it was. 

"Can you tell me about what your life was like before you became Ryder?"

Ryder’s muscles tensed all over. "What?"

Sunset quickly assured them. "Y- you don't need to! It's just, you know a lot about me and I was curious."

"I- it's fine," Ryder assured, still tense, but able to move. "I guess you could say I was an average teen, relatively speaking. Went to high school, played sports, had some friends, played music, I did a lot of things that an average teen would."

"You had friends?"

Their muscles tensed again. "Y- yeah. Best friends I could ask for."

Sunset paused. "You… don't need to answer, but do they know that you're… well…" she motioned up and down Ryder’s body.

Ryder gave a tense laugh with a blush. "No. They don't. I know you're gonna ask why, so here it goes. One day I disappeared. Some people said they saw me on the back of a dragon and I was assumed dead."

Sunset looked at them, sympathetic as they continued. 

"I did leave, but not entirely by choice. Toothless and I go way back to even before I left. He was discovered and was about to be killed, so I left to preserve his life. It broke my heart to leave my friends behind, but I knew I could unite with them one day while I wouldn’t be able to see Toothless again if he was dead. But when I left," a smile graced their lips. "It was almost liberating. I could finally be me, the real me, for the first time. And that's the person I want them to be friends with. Not who they thought I was, but who I am."

Sunset placed a hand on theirs. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine. The reunion process is slow coming, especially with my reputation, but I'm sure it'll make faster progress soon." Ryder then seemed to notice their touching hands and lit up red, pulling it back, putting it against their chest as a way to be smooth. "The main thing I'm worried about is that I might accidentally bring up things I was angry about all those years ago." 

“That's what you’re worried about?”

“I know it sounds stupid…”

“Hey, I get it. My group of friends once fought. It got really bad at a time where unity was more important than ever.”

“When dragons started attacking?”

Sunset seemed to panic for a split second, unnoticed by Ryder. “Sure. Yeah. We did need to be united at that time.” She went back to business. “Eventually I had to point out that they were letting little things get to them and because they weren’t talking things out, it just kept building up.”

“You obviously noticed.”

The group was surprised when a soft blush made its way onto Sunset’s face. “I was new to the group at the time. I didn’t think it was my place to say. That whole experience taught us that if you don’t talk about things right from the start, the magic of friendship can turn into something else.”

Ryder looked away. If they could see their eyes, they wouldn’t be surprised to see a far away look in them. “Magic of Friendship you say?”


The two sat in silence before Sunset seemed to remember something.

“Hey. Once you said to Laila that she should rant about what her ex did to her with someone she trusted, and when she said she tried, you told her to pretend that person was her ex, letting them know beforehand.”

“Where are you going with this?”

Sunset smiled. “Pretend that I’m your friends. Rant to me. That way you can get everything off your chest before you reunite.”

“It’s not the same.”

“What?” Sunset challenged. “Think you’re above your own advice?”

“It’s not that…”

“It’s worth a try,” Sunset said, finality in her voice.

Ryder contemplated for a bit before turning to look at her. “Promise you’re okay with it?”

“I won’t be offended by anything you say. Promise.”

Ryder nodded, taking a deep breath before joining their hands together and beginning. “I am sick of you all trying to dictate who I should and shouldn’t be.” They were all surprised when they seemed to get a little emotional. “I already got that from my parents, and now my teachers, I don’t need it from you.”

The scene sped up so fast that the group couldn’t understand what was being said. Ryder even began to pace in front of Sunset as she sat on the bed, listening. Eventually, Ryder sat back on the bed in a huff and normal speed resumed.

“...Thank you. Sunset.”

“It’s not a problem…”

“No. Really. Thank you. Not very many people on the island would be willing to listen to me that long. I didn’t even expect to go for as long as I did. So, thank you.” They placed a hand on her shoulder. “My life has improved so much since you came here. I love all the people on this island, but it seems different with you. I always look forward to your visits even if they’re every week.”

Sunset smiled, oblivious to the blush just peeking from Ryder’s mask. “I… look forward to when I can come here too, Ryder.”

They smiled at each other before Ryder seemed to shake themself out of a trance. “It’s getting late.” They picked up one of the candles on the bedside table. “I’ll let you get some sleep.”

“You want me to walk you to your room?”

Ryder laughed. “I think I’ll be fine inside my own mountain. And if I’m not,” they drew a flaming sword the group would have gasped at if they weren’t viewing a memory, but past Sunset didn’t seem surprised at all. “I’ll still be fine… Goodnight, Sunset.”

“Goodnight, Ryder.”

Ryder left with the candle and Sunset blew out her own.

The memory ended and they saw Sunset buried in her hands, blushing madly. “That last one was way too personal but it just slipped in my head and then I couldn’t stop it so I tried to speed past the more personal things and thank Celestia that worked…”

“Don’t worry, Sunset,” Twilight said to stop her ramblings. “We’ll never mention anything from any of the memories you show us to anyone. Right girls?” Everyone, including Applejack, agreed. 

“Forgive this question Darling,” Rarity said with a rare look of myschif on her face, “But how does Ryder view romance?”

Sunset thought for a moment. “You want what they told the island when asked why they don’t have a partner, or what they told me when we were alone?”

“...Both,” Rarity said after some hesitation.


Masterpiece by Summer Luc

When he sees me Parody
(New lyrics posted once I have them, but it's the same basic jist)

"Wow," Applejack said once they were pulled from the memory. 

Rarity nodded. "At first I thought, 'Good for them,' but then what they told you… how much time was it between the second song and that deep conversation in your room?"

Sunset thought for a moment. "I think the song was about three weeks before. Maybe four."

Rarity’s smirk returned and she stopped asking questions. 

Twilight asked one though. "Can we meet them?"

Sunset thought for a moment. "I'll ask, but you should know, there is one condition that everyone who stepps on the island needs to agree on. Never attack a dragon first."

"What!" The outrage was unanimous. 

Sunset winced. "Just let me explain…"

"If I see a dragon I'm gonna k-"

Sunset pulled them into her memories. 

"Ryder!" Sunset called out in a forested part of the island. "Ryd-" she froze, seeing a large black dragon, sprawled out in the grass, wings wrapped around themself. "T- Toothless! Hey! Buddy," Sunset did seem nervous, but she didn't grab the dagger on her waist. "Have you seen Ryder?"

The black dragon, Toothless, cood before unwrapping their wings to show Ryder, mask armor and all, asleep in his grasp.

"Right," Sunset said, much quieter than before. "I guess I can see how that's... comfortable. I'll leave you to it."

Toothless cood again, almost sounding like a purr, and wrapped his wings more tightly as Sunset left the two alone. 

Sunset sat with a group of teens, a couple they recognized as Tina and Tom. Their words couldn't be heard and they figured it's because Sunset wasn't paying attention. There were a few dragons playing nearby. It looked almost like play fighting, but they seemed to be having fun. 

The words of the nearby people seemed to quiet even more when a smaller than average Terrible Terror crawled on Sunset’s lap. She seemed surprised at first, but he began to curl up so she cautiously placed her hand on him. When the dragon didn't stop her, she began to pet and the dragon cood before beginning to purr. 

Sunset smiled at the dragon before tuning back into the conversation, still petting the dragon. 

Sunset showed them more memories of Dragons and Humans existing in harmony, and even a few cases of Ryder taming a wild dragon or seven. When it ended, there was a solemn feeling in the room.

"Alright," Applejack said. "We won't attack unless they attack us."

Sunset smiled. "That's all they expect. The only other two, you could say, laws of the Isle are, Don’t infringe on others property, and do all you've agreed to do. I don’t think you'll be let on the island right away, but I'll talk to them." 

"They want to what?" 

"Meet you," Sunset confirmed. The two were in the main dining hall, eating together. "I told them the rules of the island and they agreed to follow them, or you can come to our house. They don't care."

Ryder thought for a moment before sighing. “I’m not sure if I want them all on the island at once, but hanging around your house will spell disaster for you and your friends if I’m spotted.”

“I can see what you mean with the last thing, but why can’t they come here? I trust them."

"And I trust you, Sunset. I trust you enough that I can find myself to trust your friends with the truth of the island and the fabric if it means you’re comfortable. But that doesn’t mean I trust them compleatly. I trust that you trust them, but I can’t trust them yet and if I can’t trust them, I can’t trust you. So you’re just gonna have to trust me.” They paused as if they just heard themself. “Trust me that logic drags.”

Sunset sighed. “I get it. Second hand trust can only go so far, but how can you learn whether or not you can really trust them if you don’t meet with them to form your own opinion?”

‘That’s not it.’ Sunset had to avoid reacting. With no element of loyalty their powers were all wack which is why they began to experiment with them in the first place. Sunset could now, completely out of her control, listen in on people’s thoughts. ‘I do trust them, especially you, but I’m not ready yet. After you all are able to consider yourselves RK’s it’s only a matter of time. I care about you too much to risk ruining your life by being seen with you off the island.’

“Ryder?” Sunset asked, not sure what to think about what she heard.

Ryder shook out of their thoughts, picking up their empty plate and standing. “I’ll think on it. I know I was busy all morning, but there’s more things I need to do. We can hang out later. For now, can we avoid this topic? I’ll let you know when I decide on a course of action even if it means sending a letter instead of in person.”

Sunset nodded with an understanding smile so they bid farewell. As Ryder walked away, one more thought made its way over to her. ‘Not sure if it would be more beneficial to be alone or with Toothless after prying him from his girlfriend. Which one is more likely for me to avoid a panic attack?’

Whoo! These are all the chapters I have written... yeah... here's the thing. I'm stuck in the next one. They met Ryder and I got all the introductions out of the way but it's really short and I don't know what else they can talk about, so here's where you come in.

What questions should the girls ask Ryder and vice versa? Seriously, I need help. I'm stuck. Also, the CMC's will make an appearance and see Ryder. What questions do you want to see them ask?

Thank you for whatever help you can give and don’t forget to wear your seat belt.

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