Friend or Foe

-Can also be titled, Any Dream Will Do-

Rainbow was sitting alone in Applejack’s corn field, smiling as they had the wind in their hair. As they cast their eyes around the field, six distinct corn stalks, against the winds command, bowed her way. They couldn’t say why, but the first thought they had to describe how the stalks were acting was, ‘worship.’

Following the six stalks, the rest soon followed. Rainbow felt surprised yet pleased as the stalks bowed, but that was when she woke up.

“There’s no way that was a normal dream,” Rainbow said out loud to themself before getting out of bed and grabbing their sketchbook with a pencil they always kept on their desk. If anyone found out that they like to draw and had an appreciation of art, they would probably think they were replaced by someone. Though, they did have other secrets. Such as their gender identity and true pronouns. However, one that they never told nor plans to tell anyone is their ability to interpret others dreams.

They quickly drew the basic sketch of the dream, adding enough that they’ll be able to remember everything about it. The picture depicted them standing in a field, looking at her back. The original six corn stalks were already bowing while the rest were close to joining. Lines representing wind showed that the stalks weren’t bowing due to wind direction.

As everything but the details that will complete the drawing was done, they leaned back to look at the drawing.

‘Okay,’ Rainbow thought ‘Does this mean something, or is it just a dream? Didn’t feel like one, but how would I know? I can’t interpret my own dreams.’ 

They sighed and stood up. Today was the finals in the dragon training competition and they, along with Adagio Siren, were the finalists. However, Rainbow knew they shouldn’t be there. After all, they befriended the dragons in the arena. Making sure their friends, both dragon and human, didn’t get hurt was what made it so they got to this point.

Resigning themself, and hoping they didn’t win the prize of being able to kill a dragon in front of the whole town, they got ready for the day. Not like they’d ever be able to even harm one on purpose.

Two teens were in the ring, one with a soul of a dragon, the other was previously a siren from Equestria. The Groncle that Rainbow knew was named Yuttra flew around as Rainbow hid behind a barrier. 

Adagio sumersalted next to them then grabbed their shirt. "Stay out of my way, I'm winning this."

Rainbow put their hands up, "Please. By all means," they said with all seriousness.

Adagio ran behind a different barrier then sumersalted to another before charging at the Gronckle. Only to find it was on the floor in bliss with a sheepishly grinning Rainbow next to it.

Adagio threw her axe to the ground in a rage as Yuttra was put back in her cage. "Thanks for the dragon nip princess!"

Rainbow shot her a small smile before the doors were closed, knowing they’d probably never be able to stop the dragons from calling them ‘princess.’ They grew close to the dragons over the training with whispered conversations, but they had yet to meet the Monstrous Nightmare.

"Well, I'm gonna go—" 

"Not so fast," Coach Walsh stopped them. "It's time to choose the winner."

Rainbow sighed as they were taken before Mayor Mair, who was sporting a scar on her right arm and face. 

Coach put a hand over Adagio's head and Mayor Mair shook hers. When he put his hand over Rainbow’s head, Mayor Mair smiled and nodded.

Cheers went through the crowd as Rainbow's friends went to congratulate them. Squealing about how “Cool she looked out there” and “You totally deserve this!” 

Rainbow didn't seem too thrilled. "Yeah. Wow. I'm so—"

"Screwed!" Rainbow yelled in frustration as they entered the cove. They made sure to go there as soon as their friends managed to stop partying. With Pinkie Pie, that was a long time. "There is no feasible way that I can do this! Come on bud! I need your hel—"

"Who's your bud?"

Rainbow let out a startled noise and saw The three former sirens on an elevated rock slab glaring at the sky blue skinned person. "G- girls! I-I."

"Cut the chit chat," Adagio commanded, hopping down the other two following suit. "Nobody just gets as good as you do. Especially you when it comes to animals. Now start talking. Are you training with someone?"

"Um, training someone?"

"Better not have to do with what's in the large purse." Aria said motioning to the leather strap sticking out of their Messenger bag.

"W-well, I'm just." That's when the trio looked up and their eyes widened. Rainbow suddenly became aware of a big force looming behind them.

"Dash! Dragon!" Sonata yelled and pulled Rainbow away from Toothless.

"Don't touch her!" Toothless roared as the trio got out their weapons.

Rainbow ran to him. "Dash!" Adagio shouted, "Get away from it!"

"You just scared him," Rainbow said casually as they calmed him down.

"We scared him!" Sonada shouted, surprised they would even suggest such a thing.

"Who are these kin killers." Toothless snarled as Rainbow got between the two.

"I believe some introductions are in order." Rainbow started, trying to lighten the mood. "Toothless, this is Adagio, Aria, and Sonada," they pointed to each of the respective people as they stated their name. "Girls, Toothless."

"Why is he named Toothless?" Sonada curiously asked, looking at his snarling teeth.

"Well, it's a long story—" during the moment they were distracted, the other two pulled Sonada and they began to run in the direction of the village. "Du du dum. We're dead," Rainbow stated in a matter of fact tone as Toothless tried to sneak away. "And where do you think you're going?"

The trio ran through the forest, feet pounding against the green and brown floor when Adagio was swept off her feet by Toothless. "Meet us at the cove!" Rainbow yelled to the other two before dropping Adagio in a tall tree.

"Adagio, we need to talk."

"Get me down this instant!"

"I will," Rainbow promised. "But you need to trust me." Rainbow extended their hand for her to take.

Adagio looked at them and the dragon before pulling herself on the branch. When she touched Toothless to get on the saddle behind Rainbow, he growled. "Don't touch him. He doesn't trust you yet. Saddle only," Rainbow translated.

Adagio rolled her eyes before using the saddle to boost herself behind Rainbow, still on the saddle. "Now get me down from here."

Rainbow nodded. "Toothless. Down. Slowly."

Toothless rolled his eyes and a determined expression came on his face, but all Rainbow noticed was the opening wings. “See, nothing to be afraid of. We’ll just go back to the cove, and talk this out.”

At that moment, Toothless shot into the sky at full speed causing Adagio to scream in fear.

“Um, Toothless. We want her to like us.” Toothless ignored her and began to do tricks. “And now we’re spinning. Thank you for nothing, you useless reptile.” 

Toothless just got more crazy till Adagio hugged Rainbow tighter. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything. Just get me off this thing.”

Rainbow seemed surprised while Toothless smiled in his own own as if he's gotten exactly what he wanted. As soon as the apology was spoken with sensarity, he leveled out and began to glide with a breathtaking view of the ocean horizon. They continued to glide over, and even through the ocean. Every sight was beautiful. Adagio found she couldn’t keep her mouth closed as she stared at what they were passing, eyes wide with wonder. After a few minutes, they went back to the cove where Aria and Sonata were waiting.

The trio hugged and Adagio spoke of her experience leaving the other two to talk. “You just wanted her to apologise. Didn’t you?”

“Maybe. But afterwards I made sure to get her back on our side. If she was on our side to begin with.”

“Thanks bud,” Rainbow smiled as they scratched his neck.

“Wait,” Aria said, noticing the exchange. “Can you understand dragons?” that caught the others attention and they looked to them for an answer.

Rainbow sighed. “Yes. I still want to keep it a secret though. I still don’t know exactly why I can while Flutters can’t, but I’m glad I can. Because it helped me realize that everything we know about dragons is wrong. They’re intelligent creatures whose soul reflects my own. I became good friends with the dragon training dragons via whispered conversations and stopped the fight before either side got hurt by using different techniques I found while hanging out with this guy.”

“But what are you going to do?” Sonada asked as Rainbow sat down. “The entire village is expecting you to kill that dragon.”

Rainbow looked down as Adagio spoke up. “And don’t tell me you befriended the Monstrous Nightmare. Cause that’s the one you’re facing and we haven’t gone against it before. It doesn't know you.”

Rainbow sat for a while in complete silence before shouting in a voice full of stress and fear, "I DON'T KNOW!!!" and flopping on the floor.

The time to face the Monstrous Nightmare was here. Rainbow paced by the gate taking deep breaths as Mayor Mair spoke.

"A few years ago, we had no experience with dragons. If we did not adjust as fast as we did, I dare say we would not be here. However, the dragons coming did cause this young woman to reach a potential not even she could have dreamed of. Dragon whispering. This way she has with the beasts is remarkable and we hope for her to learn what she's doing to affect the dragons this way, as to make us more effective than ever before."


"Ahh!" Rainbow screamed and looked behind them, to see the Dazzlings. They let out a sigh of relief, "Girls, you startled me!"

"Sorry. You ready?" Aria asked.

I sighed, "Do I have a choice? I just hope that both the Nightmare and the people will listen to me. The Nightmare because my life depends on it, and the others cause everyone else's lives depend on it."

"Well good luck!" Sonata said with a hug. "We'll be waiting right here for after you succeed."

Rainbow gave them all a ghost of a smile, "You girls really have changed."

"Well sush, don't tell anyone," Aria said sarcastically. "If people find out we've gone good then we'll need to show up to birthday parties, visit people in hospitals, and help people move. No, it's disgusting."

The group laughed at her sarcasm, knowing no one would expect them to do all that… all the time. "Thanks girls. Maybe after this whole mess is over I can convince the others to give you a second chance."

"We'd like that," Sonada said, causing a laugh to be shared between them. "But in all seriousness, we're rooting for you."

Rainbow nodded and seemed to contemplate something before saying, “Also, I wanted you three to know, I’m non-bionary.” 

The ex siren's eyes went wide. “You trust us enough to tell us that?” Adagio asked.

Rainbow shrugged. “I figured at least someone should know.”

While the trio let the fact they were told a secret Rainbow’s family and closest friends didn’t know, their name began to be chanted. They took a deep breath as the gates opened. "No regrets," They told themself as they stepped out and was immediately awestruck. The seats were filled with standing room only with some right up against the chains. The only place with room to move was the VIP area with Mayor Mair, their best friends, and their parents.

Rainbow, when looking at their parents, could see overwhelming pride as they smiled down at them, but Rainbow could only look away in shame. Pride was something you felt when you or someone you love did something awesome. Or at least, what you saw as awesome. If they knew what they actually did, that emotion would be nowhere to be seen. All they could hope was that the emotion would remain when they showed the town that they were wrong about dragons.

They selected a shield and after some slight hesitation, a small dagger. There were confused noises at their weapon choice, but they ignored it. "I'm ready," They said with confidence, fear disappeared as the door opened. "You tamed a Night Fury. You can tame a Nightmare," they told themself right before the Nightmare burst out, body a flame.

He tried desperately to find a way out, but soon found there was none. He then noticed Rainbow and the features his ring mates described.

"So," he said, falling to Rainbow’s level, "You're supposed to be our supposed princess. Yet you train to be a kin killer."

"Don't worry," They said, throwing the dagger aside. They took a look at the town's crest on the borrowed shield. "I'm not one of them." They threw the shield to the ground earning gasps from the crowd.

"What's she doing!"

"She's not armed."

"Is she crazy?"

"Listen!" Rainbow shouted to everyone, causing them to go quiet. "Dragons aren't what we think they are. And I'm gonna prove it."

"Princess," The Nightmare said with gratitude in his voice.

"It's ok," Rainbow told him, "I'm not gonna hurt you." The two got closer and closer.

"Stop the fight," The stadium heard Rainbow’s dad order.

"No! I need you to see this." They were so close to touching his snout.

"I said stop the fight!" Dad shouted while making a loud bang on nearby metal.

The sound scared the Nightmare and he nipped forward, almost taking Rainbow’s hand off. The startled dragon roared as he lit himself a flame so Rainbow ran, afraid for their life. 

The Dazzlings, bless their reformed souls, helped them narrowly escape being singed from the fireballs thrown every witch way. Soon, the gate was opened and the other three got to safety. However, Rainbow wasn't so lucky and got trapped under his claws. 

The Nightmare wasn't saying anything with his eyes in slits, as if in a trance. Right before he was about to speak, Rainbow heard a voice they never felt so glad to hear.

"Leave them alone!" A plasma blast shot into the ring, knocking the Nightmare off Rainbow as a shadow entered a newly made hole. The ring was filled with a thick cloud of particles, no sight able to penetrate the thick cloud.

When it cleared, the crowd was shocked to see a black dragon who could only be a Night Fury standing in a protective stance in front of Rainbow. He roared at the Nightmare causing him to back into the wall. "I'm sorry. I was startled."

Toothless seemed to forgive him and Rainbow ran to his face, "Toothless, you need to get out of here. They'll kill you!"

He looked them dead in the eye, and said, "Not without you, comrad."

All around there were shouts of "Dragon!" And "Kill it!" Rainbow knew they only had one option.

They nodded.

Not wasting a moment, Toothless flung them on his back. "Toothless, the other dragons! Hurry!"

Alright! Let's go! For those of you coming from the other fic, next chapter is when things start to change. I might pull scenes from it for flashbacks or story telling, but for now, it's all completely new. Thanks for reading, and don't forget to wear your seat belt.

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