Dealing With Tamaki (Bring On the Emo Corner!)

It was abnormally cold when I next experienced anything worth mentioning. Before the cold was nothingness. The kind you associate with deep, deep slumber.

If only that had been my reason for falling under that dreadfully welcoming black shadow.

As feeling started to return to my numb limbs, familiar voices drifted in trough the bleak nothingness.

"She's not waking up!! Haruhi woke up so what's wrong with Micah?!"

"Mi-chan!! Wake up!! Usa-chan is worried! Takashi can't we do something?!"

"...I'm afraid not."

"Come on, my sweet daughter, open your precious eyes! Daddy wants to see this beautiful crimson and emerald orbs!"

If I could have scoffed while half in and half out of consciousness, I would have readily done so.

All at once, a jolt ran through my limp body and I jerked to the side, head turning towards the still-warm sand I was only just beginning to feel beneath me. My mouth fell open and I proceeded to hurl slimy sea water all over the pale grains.


"Not... much... fun on... my end... either," I croaked out, wiping at my mouth with the back of one grit-covered wrist. I spat once or twice to rid myself of the awful aftertaste. It only helped a bit, I'm sad to say.

My arms felt like undercooked spaghetti as I pushed myself up from the sand, only to fall back again under the weight of a tiny third-year.

"Mi-chan!" Honey cried, wrapping his skinny arms right around my neck. He nearly cut of my air for a moment there before he self corrected and loosened his stiff hold. Quite the intuitive teen he was. "You're alright, right?! You're not gonna pass out again?!"

I managed a smile despite feeling my lungs compress under the weight on my chest. "I think I'm good now, Honey," I assured him. However, because my chest ached already before Honey tackled me, I raised my head to glower at the Hosts still gathered around me. Save for Haruhi; she was wrapped in a sweatshirt (presumably Tamaki's), held in Mori's arms, and appeared to be in as much discomfort as I currently was.

"If one of you gave me mouth-to-mouth," I said icily, narrowing my eyes in a dangerous manner, "someone is going to die tonight."

Each one of them (apart from Mori and Kyouya) sweat dropped under my gaze, faces turning pale and sickly.

Honey, on the other hand, giggled as he pulled back to meet my eyes, which instantly softened upon seeing him. "I did it, Mi-chan! Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, but you really scared us!"

I blinked. "Oh. It was you, Honey. Well, alright then. No harm done."

At this, the Host Club chorused a shocked, "EHHHH?!?!"

Ignoring them, I cocked my head to the side, studying Honey's vibrant face. "You know CPR?" I wondered curiously.

He nodded, giggling, and I said, "Huh. Interesting."

"That's all you have to say?!"

I jumped, causing Honey to tumble off me, and fell back into the sand ungraciously. Tamaki was in my face, his eyes wide with disbelief. "Aren't you going to apologize?!"

"A-Apologize?!" My voice was high with surprise. "For getting thrown off a cliff and almost drowning?! I'll say thanks to whoever rescued me and Haruhi, but there is no way in hell I'm apologizing!"

"You're just like Haruhi!" Tamaki flung out his arms in exasperation, sending cold water droplets flying in all directions. "Why can't you see that it wasn't your place to help those girls alone? You may be bigger than Honey-sempai, but you don't have his expertise!"

Haruhi struggled in Mori's arms, twisting to see Tamaki better. "Why does it matter if we're girls?" she demanded. "Would you rather have had us let those guys do what they wanted?"

I climbed to my feet, unsteady but determined, and looked Tamaki right in the eye. In this battle of wills, I was not going to lose. "She's right," I said, doing my absolute best to stave off the shaking that was attempting to corrupt my legs. I'll admit, I wasn't quite right after that fall. Part of the reason I'd failed to notice that everyone except Honey, Mori, Tamaki, Haruhi and I had exited the beach. "Tamaki, waiting for you all would have taken too long. I wasn't going to sit back and watch while a poor, albeit misguided, girl got.... got rampaged by those idiots!"

Tamaki turned away in disgust, settling his arms across his bare chest. "Even in a situation like that, you have to consider the fact that you're a girl without any way to defend herself! You too Haruhi! You were just stupid!"

"I am anything but, Tamaki!" I muttered lowly, my shaking hands clenching into fists. "You're the stupid one if you don't get why we did what we did!"

"Yeah....?" Tamaki turned to stalk off, and my face went slack in surprise. This was how he chose to end things? WIth such bitter anger still thick in the air? Then he turned back, pointing an accusatory finger at Haruhi and I. "Then do whatever you want! I'm never talking to you again until you realize your mistake!"

I stood stock-still as Tamaki trudged up the beach, towards Nekozawa's mansion, sand thrown up in his wake with every step. The twins called out to him, watched him go, then turned around with sweat drops on their foreheads to ask, "Haruhi, Micah, why don't you just apologize? He looks like he wants to talk to you again."

Despite my trembling legs and equally shaky lower lip, I adamantly denied anything of the sort. "Not a chance," I said firmly, though on the inside my resolve was crumbling. I'd never given a thought to how I'd react to having the Host Club mad at me. It had never seemed possible before. And Tamaki seemed the least likely to have those sort of feelings towards me. Yet there he was, walking away, trying not to look back.

I hadn't realized how much I already depended on them.

Shaking my head, I rubbed my eyes with the heels of my palms, wiping off fast-forming tears and sloppy sand alike. I wouldn't be the first to give in. I was too stubborn, too proud, as it were. Tamaki would have to admit he was in the wrong. Or Haruhi. If she admitted it, I could reconsider my stance on the matter. But until then...


"Huh?" I looked down at Honey's worried face, unsurprised to find his large eyes wavering with unshed tears. My face fell. "I really am the idiot, aren't I?" I asked helplessly.

Honey took my hand and gave it a quick squeeze, smiling cutely. "Of course not, Mi-chan!" he said. "Tama-chan's just upset. He really didn't like seeing you and Haru-chan hurt! Me either...." He looked down for a moment, then back up me with another brilliant smile. Something had changed in his sparkling eyes, but I couldn't quite place it. "He just needs some time!"

"Time, huh?" I echoed, casting a wistful look up the beach. Tamaki had disappeared inside the mansion already. I swallowed thickly and looked to Haruhi. She frowned, obviously upset. Though I wasn't sure if it was purely because of Tamaki's accusations, or if she really felt awful after having sent him away like that. I sighed quietly. "C'mon then," I said waving my hand to signal Mori and Honey to follow. "They'll be waiting for us."

And thus, I took one step forward, and collapsed onto the sand again.

"Dammit!" I hissed through gritted teeth. The shock of hitting the water still hadn't worn off yet. I was unsurprised, but pissed all the same.

I muttered a feeble protest as Haruhi jumped down from Mori's arms, freeing him so I could be carried back to the mansion. Once again, he lifted me with ease into his insanely strong arms, and set off down the beach with Haruhi and Honey scampering along behind him.

My blush was expected, though I was slowly getting used to the troublesome heat that invaded my cheeks whenever I was in close proximity to any of the Hosts. It was, sadly, my new normal.

"Neko-kun, he hasn't stopped sulking and it's been forever. And this weather isn't really helping the matter."

"Sorry to disappoint, Micah, but I'm afraid the Black Magic Club doesn't have anything in stock at the moment to deal with the weather."

"Have anything for depressed idiots?"

Nekozawa chuckled as he moved along the hall, lighting candles that cast eerie light over the already shadowed walls. His mansion was dim, though I hadn't expected any less. But the clouded skies weren't helping either; outside was nearly as dark and gloomy as within.

"You could always curse him!" Nekozawa suggested enthusiastically as we walked, continuing on to where I could already hear the voices of my friends. "I have a spectacular one just up my sleeve..."

"I'll pass," I said, waving a hand dismissively. "But thanks anyway, Neko-kun." We shared a smile, his creepy and mysterious, mine a bit more subdued. He seemed to notice, but didn't comment on my lack of cheer, and we continued onward until at last we reached the living room where the others had gathered. Tamaki, of course, was seated in his emo corner, doom and gloom lines surrounding him along with his usual dark aura. The other Hosts, save for Haruhi, were playing a game they'd borrowed from Nekozawa, and I could tell they found the results.... unnerving.

While Nekozawa snuck off to scare Tamaki, I quietly made my over to the others to study their game board. For a moment, no one took in my approach, and I listened in on their ongoing conversation.

The twins were at it again.

"Tono," Hikaru said, that rather creepy unimpressed look settled firmly on his face, "didn't you say you were going to take a long walk along the wave crashing shore with Haruhi?"

"You even bought a white dress," his brother added, the same look of Hikaru's making me wince. "Why don't you just hurry up and go?"

And that's when Nekozawa popped up behind Tamaki. "Ho ho, it seems Tamaki-kun likes white dresses," he chuckled. "It's a splendid hobby..."

Tamaki screamed like a frightened little girl. I spared him a pitying glance then sat down next to Nekozawa, who had suddenly appeared on the couch after making sure Tamaki was unable to suppress his shivering.

"What the hell is up with this haunted mansion?!" Tamaki demanded hysterically, frantic and overdramatic tears exploding from his bright eyes. "And what the hell is up with this subtly unpleasant life game with all these oddly reealistic predictions?!"

"Realistic?" I frowned thoughtfully, peeking at the card Nekozawa had just drawn. It told him he would be struck by lightning after three minutes. Shrugging, I plucked up a card for myself out of curiosity.


I immediately shoved the card away, into the first place that crossed my mind. It happened to be most likely the stupidest hiding place imagineable, but I was unable to change the spot before Mori and Honey looked over at me with interest. I feigned a shaky smile and nodded as though nothing was wrong, and they hesitantly turned back to Tamaki and Nekozawa, who were putting on quite the.... interesting show.

I dropped my head into my hands, despairing, just as the lights were suddenly thrown on and Nekozawa let out an unsettling yelp and disappeared from the room. Before I could call out a worried, "Neko-kun!" Haruhi appeared in the room, sporting the most feminine thing I'd ever seen her wear. A very delicate dress with ruffled short sleeves and a cute bow at the base of the neckline.

"The main breaker was thrown," she said. "It's in the basement, so I turned it back on."

Most everyone was instantly infatuated by her girlish appearance, but I couldn't shake off the look of the bandages on her forehead and cheek. I subconsiously raised a hand to brush my fingers over the wrappings around my own temple. I'd been cleared by a doctor some time ago, but I still felt chills every time I relived the experience of falling off that cliff.

At least those boys had been escorted off the beach. I wouldn't have to worry over them anymore. And the girls were in a seperate hotel, so their lack of presence served to brighten my dull mood somewhat.

After the fan....boying was done, Kyouya got back on track with a simple question. "Are your wounds ok?" he asked Haruhi. Then, seeming to realize I was in the room, he asked the same of me. Neither one of us were able to answer, as Hikaru and Kaoru took up all of Haruhi's attention as they tried to beautify her further.

Tamaki, of course, attempted to step between them and his precious Princess, but she held out a warning finger. Tamaki's nosebleed dripped bright crimson onto the musty old rugs beneath our feet. He seemed to be enjoying her new look the most, though she'd said it was curtesy of her father, and most likely wouldn't appear again without prompting.

"Pervert maniac?" Kaoru guessed as he and Hikaru led Haruhi away from Tamaki.

"What kind of human...."

"Hmmmm, pervert...."

"Who's gonna get a nosebleed looking at a stubborn brat like her?!" Tamaki's brave words were a little unnecessary; you could cleary see he was gushing blood despite his efforts to staunch it with a towel hastily held to his nose. "I just bumped it a little! My nose...."

Honey suddenly chopped at his neck, and Tamaki went down, lying on the floor in a puddle of his own blood.

I sweat dropped.

"Ah? It's not stopping? And I hit the back of his neck..." Honey was disappointed.

Kyouya only offered his cheap smile as help to the perverted blonde. "That's a prime example of a mistaken first aid. Karate style no less...."

"Hey!" I jumped at the sound of Kaoru's voice as he suddenly popped up from behind the couch I was seated on. "How come tono didn't say anything about Micah's clothes? She looks like a girl, and nowhere near as cheesy as when she's in her uniform."

As a result of his words, every eye in the room was turned on me. Even Tamaki looked up from his puddle of blood with wide eyes. I shifted uncomfortably under their searching gazes, regretting my choice of a new outfit. It wasn't anything special; only a black sweater over my emerald blouse and a short black skirt.

The skirt was an especially horrid idea. How many times had I called them perverts and meant each syllable?

"CUUUUUUUUTE~!" Honey squealed, throwing his hands up in delight. "Mi-chan looks great! Why don't you dress like this during the Host Club?"

"Eh... you all scare me...."

"Eh?" Kaoru leaned in close, eyes squinted as he peered at me. I swallowed uncomfortably. "Do we make you nervous, Micah?"

I ground out my answer through clenched teeth: "Not at all."

He smirked wickedly and pinched my crimson cheek. "So cuuuuute! Hikaru needs to see this!" He dashed out of the room, hollering after his brother who, as far as I knew, was still with Haruhi. I sighed in exasperation as soon as he was completely gone.

"Not. A. Word," I warned the remaining Hosts. Honey and Mori nodded dutifully, while Tamaki settled back in his emo corner, which had since grown oddly cheery-looking mushrooms that he poked and prodded at uncaringly. Kyouya smirked slightly, and I curled my lip up in a snarl.

"These clothes rather suit you," was all he said before he too exited the room, saying something about dinner held being soon over his shoulder.

I opened my mouth to respond, though my mind was blank. Excuse me? Had the cold-blooded Prince of Hell just complimented me? All that escaped my lips was a stupefied, "Huh....?"

Honey and Mori exchanged a look, while Tamaki still sat with his back to us, sniffling every so often. After a moment of blank panic, I shook myself and managed to rise to my feet. "I suspect Kyouya will be irked if we're late to dinner, and I wanna check on Neko-kun, so I'll just go then."

I was heartbeats from exiting the room when I remembered the card I'd snuck up my sleeve. However, I only noticed because it slipped from my sweater sleeve and spiraled down to the ground. My back went stiff as I felt two pairs of curious eyes turn to me, resting on my back briefly before drifting to the where the card lay. I swooped down in an instant to grab it but my fingers snatched for it too late.

I straighened to find Honey peering at the small white card in his hands, Mori reading over his shoulder. Damn they were fast.

"Mi-chan, did you draw this from our game?" Honey asked, looking over at me with wide eyes.

I chuckled uneasily. "Y-Yeah, stupid huh? That game was pretty weird."

"You're nervous," Mori stated, lifting his eyes from the card to meet my own. 

"Not a bit," I answered confidently. A cocky smirk played at my lips as I swiped the card from Honey and deftly tore it in two. "I must have just grabbed it by accident. Really, no need to worry. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm afraid Nekozawa might've locked himself up in his Magic Chamber." At their quizzical stares, I sighed and added, "It's his bedroom. I really.... I don't know why he is what he is."

With that, I spun on my heel and strolled away, putting a jovial bounce in my step to hide my racing heart. Damn that card. It put me on edge during an already annoyingly tense evening. I just hoped it wouldn't come up again.

But this is my life we're talking about. Just like with the Hosts, unwanted things always come back to haunt me.



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