"A group performance?" Taeyong repeated, raising his eyebrows and exchanging glances with Lisa. Namjoon nodded in confirmation.
"I've been thinking about it for a while," Namjoon continued, leaning back on the couch of his VIP rooms.
They had just closed up the club for the night and had all gathered in the room after Namjoon had announced a meeting. Taemin sat on the arm rest of the couch, next to Jimin who laid his sleepy head on his lap. The older didn't seem to mind and listened to Namjoon.
"And since Jimin had recently joined, I wanted him to not only experience a group performance but perhaps choreograph it." Namjoon glanced at Jimin whose eyes widened a bit in disbelief.
Pushing himself up from Taemin's lap, he shook his head. "I don't think I— I mean I'm not that great—"
"Oh please," Taemin rolled his eyes at the stammering mess Jimin was in. "I've seen you dance, not only here. And you're more than talented."
With flustered cheeks because of the compliment the older gave him, Jimin sunk low into the couch. "But I really don't think..."
"Then how about you and Taemin choreograph this performance?" Namjoon suggested, sending the two male's a knowing look.
"Huh?" Taemin now looked surprised. "Why, me too?"
"Because you both have excellent chemistry," Namjoon chuckled. "So I guess you two are in charge of the choreography. Remember, the group performance is in two weeks from now."
"Wait a minute," Jennie frowned. "This performance will be to celebrate the club's anniversary, isn't it?"
Namjoon smiled in confirmation.
"You think it'll be a good move?" Taemin questioned, repeating the move again for Jimin to see. The younger watched him, his eyes raking down Taemin's body.
They were in the club's dance studio, upstairs from the main area. It was technically a day off but Taemin and Jimin couldn't sit still. So here they were, figuring out moves to a song before they were to start teaching it to the others.
"Wait, what if you bent your knees a bit more and instead moved your hips...?" Coming up behind Taemin, Jimin reached out to touch the older's shoulders. "May I?"
Looking into Jimin's eyes through the mirror in front of them, Taemin nodded. He allowed the younger to slowly run his fingers from his shoulder to his wrist, twisting it into position so that now Taemin's palm grasped a handful of Jimin's lushest hair.
Jimin couldn't stop glancing at the mirror and their reflection, it made him feel a type of electricity and adrenaline.
"Your hips," Jimin moved closer to Taemin, his chest brushing against his back. "Bend your knees and move, side to side when the beat slows down."
Jimin pulled out the remote and replayed the song again. He placed his palm on Taemin's hipbone and moved it just as the drop begun. Jimin moved along with him, his free hand now on the other side of Taemin.
With Jimin is such close proximity, Taemin's breath became ragged, unable to concentrate due to feeling the younger's breath against the nape of his neck. If it was any other time, Taemin would've shoved Jimin away but not now. Not when his skin burnt underneath the clothing, where Jimin's hands laid, firmly.
Jimin nuzzled his nose against against Taemin's black hair, his hooded eyes staring at their reflection once again. Taemin felt his pants getting a bit tight for him and shifted, only to stop when he felt Jimin's soft lips ghost upon his nape.
"You smell sweet... Like a floral field..." Jimin murmured in his ear, his breath sending tingling sensations throughout the older's body.
"Hello! I heard y'all came to practice even on your day off!" A cheery voice exclaimed as the door to the dance studio was thrown open.
Jimin and Taemin jumped away from each other, faces as red as the colour of Yeji's hair, who sashayed into the room and dropped her things at a corner.
"Oh, are y'all here to join?" Taemin asked, wiping a drop of sweat that trickled down his temple. Definitely not from the dancing he's been doing.
"Yep!" Lisa nodded, following after Yeji and soon the others entered one by one.
They all went back to practicing and showing each other the moves but Jimin couldn't help but notice the strain in the older's pants and smirked to himself.
The rest of the two weeks went by with Taemin and Jimin subtly flirting with every chance they had gotten, whether alone or not. From sly touches to knowing glances, the dance studio kept building up with sexual tension.
On the night of the performance, Taemin began to feel anxious and couldn't stop fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. They still had a few minutes before they had to get on stage and Jimin, being the only one to notice the shift in Taemin's demeanor; approached him.
"Nervous?" Jimin questioned, handing a bottle of water to the older.
"Yeah," Taemin confessed, taking bottle from him and unscrewing the cap.
Jimin watched as the older threw back his head and gulped down half of the bottle's content. A single drop had missed his mouth and dripped down the man's chin and neck. Jimin stared as it rolled passed Taemin's Adam apple before turning his gaze away.
Getting horny right before a performance was not a good idea considering he had to concentrate.
"I'm actually surprised," Jimin continued after Taemin lowered the bottle. "I thought since you've done a lot of performances, you'd be fine."
"Just because one has experience doesn't mean that the nervousness when performing the act disappears." Taemin stated, shoving the water bottle into Jimin's chest.
Jimin smirked at the older's comment and placed the water bottle down. "So are you suggesting, that if we ever slept together, I'll continuously make you nervous whenever we do it?"
Taemin's eyes widened at Jimin's remark, his cheeks flushing pink. He was about to stutter something out but only managed to part his lips before Hwasa entered the room.
"Alright everyone, it's time to get on stage!" She announced, earning a lot of replies in return.
Jimin turned back to Taemin as they walked out. "Good luck, Princess."
Scoffing, Taemin dared to move his face towards the younger. Their noses barely brushing as they breathed in each other and deeply looked in his eyes. "Fuck a Princess, I'm a King."
Everyone had clicked their glasses of beer together, followed by giggles and congratulations. The performance for the club's anniversary was a success. Not only did people waste their money on them but as Hwasa said while waving her phone, 'This masterpiece was definitely the best performance ever! Wait until I play this at everyone's wedding!'
It's been a good hour since the closure of the club and everyone was gathered around the bar area, celebrating and enjoying their time as they indulged in the free alcohol that Namjoon sponsored.
"You two, that was really a magnificent choreography!" Jiwoo praised the two by coming up behind them and slapping their backs so hard that Jimin nearly cough up his tequila.
"I didn't know you were going to be here." Jimin confessed, knowing full well that Jiwoo wasn't feeling well the day before.
"Oh please," The girl rolled her eyes. "Once unnie told me that it was going to be today, I nearly overdose on the amount of medication I took, just to get out of bed."
"Jiwoo," Jimin exclaimed, eyes widening. "That's dangerous—"
"Pfft, I'm glad I did it," Jiwoo nodded to herself, glancing at Taemin who stood besides Jimin. "Otherwise I would've missed that intense chemistry you both shared on stage."
With a sly smile, Jiwoo decided to turn around and stalk off towards an energic Lisa. Not allowing the two of them to protest against her opinion. Taemin cleared his throat and gulped down the rest of his whiskey on ice.
"I think I'll head home first." Taemin told everyone, getting up and shrugging on his jacket.
"Oh? You're leaving, already?" Hwasa said, looking at Taemin before side glancing at Jimin. "Why don't you wait a bit for Jimin to finish so he can drive you since he had less to drink? You can take my car."
Taemin began to shake his head. "No need to, I can just call an Ube—"
"I'll give you company." Jimin stated, reaching for his own jacket and sliding it on.
It was too late for Taemin to protest because the younger had already made it to the exit. Rolling his eyes, he followed behind him and out into the cold frigid night air.
"What's the use of coming with me?" Taemin began, his droopy like eyes straining on Jimin's back as he finally made it to his side on the pavement. "You can go back inside. It's only an Uber."
Jimin didn't reply to the older immediately and instead stuffed his phone away --on which he had already called an Uber-- and turned to face Taemin.
"I would've done just that, if you were anybody else." Jimin replied, taking a step closer to Taemin. With his high heeled loafers on, Jimin was able to be the same height as the older.
"Anybody else..." Taemin repeated, his eyes trailing from Jimin's eyes to the boys plump and moist lips. He felt his heart begin to thump faster after feeling the younger's peppermint and tequila breath on his face. "Then what do you suppose I am that makes me so different?"
"You," Jimin began, only to be cut off by their approaching Uber driver. "Are a pretty boy. My pretty boy."
And with that comment, Jimin twisted around on his heels and opened the car's door. Gesturing Taemin to get inside first. They decided to go to Taemin's place to drop him off before Jimin took to same Uber to his place.
The car ride was quiet but Taemin couldn't help by constantly glancing at Jimin who sat besides him. He eyed the boy and as the streets lights moved against Jimin's skin, let alone enhance the sharpness of his jawline. He was truly alluring, especially in those black tight pants, satin black shirt and a leather jacket; Taemin felt as if he was going to do something drastic if the driver didn't make it fast to his complex.
Jimin had noticed the staring from the older and slightly smirked. As the Uber came close to Taemin's place, Jimin stayed to pay the driver meanwhile Taemin bid his goodbye and got out. Jimin jumped out the car afterwards, surprising the older since the Uber began to drive away.
"Aren't you going home?" Taemin questioned, briskly walking into the building and to the floor of his apartment.
"So that means you're not going to invite me in for tea and biscuits?" Jimin questioned in a playful, hurt tone.
Taemin didn't reply and instead swayed a bit in the elevator as it took them up. Being in the bright light of the building, Jimin noticed the older's flushed cheeks from all the alcohol and smiled to himself. Taemin looked good when he was in a daze with pink cheeks.
Stumbling into his apartment, Taemin turned around and stopped Jimin in the hallway whose been trailing silently behind him. "What do you really want? I know you didn't come for a tour of my flat."
Jimin smirked before taking quick steps to Taemin, the older stumbling backwards until his back had hit his white walls. Jimin reached out and gripped the older's hip to steady him and said in close proximity to his ear.
"I merely wished to spend more time with you, is that such a bad thing?" Jimin questioned in a husked manner, sending tingles down the older's body.
"No, but—"
"Taemin," Jimin cut him off, with a serious tone. He stared at the older, as if assessing the emotions that swirled within his eyes. "Can I kiss you?"
"W-what?" Taemin barely whispered out, not believing his own ears.
"I asked," Jimin began again, inching close enough for his lips to brush against Taemin's as he spoke. "If I can kiss you?"
Taemin felt his head get light and wasn't able to think about anything logical except for the urge to jump on Jimin and breath every inch of the boy in. Taemin's skin felt like it was on fire again, where Jimin held him on the hip. Same as the day in the dance studio, Taemin wanted nothing more than to fall into Jimin's arms.
"Plea-" Taemin whispered back to Jimin, his approval, but the younger was one step ahead and pressed his plump lips against Taemin's.
They both felt themselves melt in each other's arms. Jimin's hand that was on his hip, now sneaked behind Taemin to press against his lower back, creating a beautiful arch in the man's back. His free hand had trailed up Taemin's side, burning a line of fiery passion, before it rested against the older's cheek.
Taemin's arms were hooked around Jimin's neck, pulling him further and further into him until their chests were pressed up together. He had never been kissed this intensely, with so much overflowing passion that he thought he could be drunk all over again just from kissing the younger's addictive lips.
When Jimin pulled back for air, Taemin was the one who bent forward for another deep and blissful kiss. Jimin's arms had slid away from their original positions but the next thing Taemin knew, was a pair of strong hands that squeezed his thighs before picking him up by them.
This left Taemin to break the kiss to gasp. He had never been picked up like this before, especially midst a kiss. Jimin pecked the corner of Taemin's mouth, letting him wrap his legs around his waist before Jimin could dive in for another ferocious kiss.
Taemin felt himself lose himself with each passing second he was in Jimin's arms as they both feasted on each other's lips. Breaking the kiss, Jimin began to sink his lips lower. Away from the older's mouth but instead, down his neck.
"J-jimin..." Taemin whined out, panting heavily while his hand grasped the muscle on Jimin's shoulder and other other rampaged itself through his now messy, silken hair.
"Pretty boy, where's your room?" Jimin questioned, his voice deep and husky from the excessive energy he's been using.
"D-down the hall," Taemin began. "The second door."
That was all Jimin needed before he carried the older with ease and paced into the room. Placing Taemin's back down, against the bed, Jimin didn't waste a second in unbuttoning the older's shirt, all the while not breaking a kiss. He left Taemin's navy blue shirt open before backing away.
Jimin stayed inbetween the elder's legs and took this moment to not only catch his breath but admire the way Taemin looked right now. Reaching out a hand, Jimin dragged his fingers from Taemin's forehead. Pushing away his messy hair that fell against his closed eyes. He trailed down the man's nose until he touched Taemin's lips that was left slightly agape.
Swollen and pink from their exchanged fiery kisses. Taemin's cheeks were now red, a darker shade compared to that of when he's drunk. Dragging his fingers further downwards, Jimin travelled to his chin and down the beautiful slope of his neck until his decadent collarbones.
"Jimin," Taemin gasped as he felt the younger's fingers leave butterfly kisses along his chest and stomach. "P-please, just do it."
With a steady hand, Jimin flattened down his palm against Taemin's solid and smooth marble stomach. He bent down until their noses touched and hummed. Jimin basked in the way Taemin's breath hitched and body shuddered, underneath him.
"What do you want me to do, pretty boy?" Jimin teased, lowering himself down to kiss Taemin's collarbones.
"Fuck me."
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