"I am gasping for a drink, is that a Kir Royale?" Fiona grabbed a drink from a passing waiter and stood on the lawn next to David. "I am never, ever, ever being a bridesmaid ever again! Hardest day's work I have ever done! My face hurts from smiling in photos and if Paul puts his arm around me again I will break him in half and not in a good way!" Fiona was knackered from being on show and nice to everyone.
"Hey, slow down pretty lady, it's your cousin's big day. Dinner will be served soon, just the speeches to sit through and then a bit of dancing and a lot more romancing." David ran his hand down her back.
"Can you give me a cast iron guarantee on that?" she laughed leaning on him to soothe the ache in her feet.
"Like the pony express I always deliver." he bent down and kissed her gently, he released her and put his arm around her waist. "What do you make of Bill and Heather's big news?" He had a sneaking suspicion that she knew all about it before anyone else.
"I think it is all brilliant!" she beamed, "She is totally, mad about him and he feels the same. I best not get this dress messed up cos I will be wearing it again in about a month if Bill has his way."
"Really!" David's eyebrows shot up. He knew that Bill wanted to crack on with the wedding but he was amazed at how quickly things had progressed.
"Really, he was rabbiting on to Heather this morning about doing it all in time so that she is not showing in any pictures." she laughed realising he was taken aback by the news.
"Man, he is a dark horse at times! He said nothing about a wedding this morning at golf."
"I think he is a man who knows what he wants and doesn't want to miss the boat. Good on him I say. If Paul and I had done that I would have been divorced by now." she gave a small sigh and looked down at her feet, gathering her thoughts. David placed his finger under her chin and lifted her gaze to him.
"He is a raging idiot, as am I." he then dropped a long slow kiss on her which made her head swim, when she looked up she saw Karen, her Aunt and Heather all giving her knowing looks.
David looked perplexed, "Did I do something wrong?" he laughed, "They are all staring at you."
"Nope, not me, you!" she laughed, sipping her drink, "They all think you are some sort of sex god. I only managed to dodge the awful questions by being summoned by the hairdresser for this torture." she pointed to her hair, which was hairsprayed within an inch of its life in a Grecian style updo to match the buttercup Grecian style dress she had to wear.
"I like it, you look like you have escaped from a John Millais painting." he nudged her, "Are they going to ogle me all day." he pointed over to the group of women.
"Yes, yes they are, be careful, cos a couple of them might get a bit handsy later!" she made a grabbing motion towards his bottom.
"Ah, just as well that I am with you, so you can defend my honour!" he chuckled.
"Me? God no, I will be egging them on, getting them to try out the merchandise!" she smiled.
"Not. fair, you pimping me out like that. If I said that about you, you would give me a good kick in the shins." he retorted feigning mock indignation.
"Ah, you can't be a slut and then turn into a virgin when it suits you, David. You see, your reputation, via Heather and Bill has proceeded you." she finished the glass of bubbly, grabbed David to her and gave him a long deep passionate kiss. "See you at the dinner, I have shitty bridesmaid type nonsense to sort out." as she made to run off into the hotel David caught her hand and dragged her back to him.
He drew her close and whispered into her ear. "I will get to shag you in that dress? I mean any chance of a quick one now, cos that just got my motor running." It had. He was very very turned on indeed.
She whispered back, "I have exactly ten minutes before I need to be in line, shaking people's hands as they come in for dinner if you can be quick let's go!"
He lifted her up and threw her over his shoulder. "Quick and dirty I can promise you that!"
He set off at a sprint towards the hotel. Fiona laughed and settled down to enjoy the view of his arse as he charged through the hotel towards the lift in the foyer, where he sat her down and they both frantically pressed the lift buttons giggling hysterically as they did. As the lift finally opened Paul and Gillian barrelled out of the lift clearly having completed the task that David and Fiona were about to undertake.
"I hear you will be needed in ten minutes!" Paul laughed talking to Fiona.
"I need her now bud, so if you wouldn't mind!" David made way for them both to exit the lift. He pushed the button for the second floor and fished the key out of his pocket and a condom from his wallet as the doors closed. Fiona shimmied out of her knickers as David stood gawping at her.
"Saves time, don't mess my hair, or makeup." she laughed stuffing her pants into her tiny bridesmaid's handbag.
"Against the wall in the hall it is then!" he grabbed her hand and quickly opened the door and pressed her against the wall, undoing his trousers and pants simultaneously rolling on a condom. Fiona hitched up her dress and wrapped her legs around his waist as he entered her with haste. They both gasped at the sudden release of anticipation.
Ten minutes later Fiona quickly joined the Wedding Line and took her place in between Heather and Paul. She had a sudden realisation that she hadn't put her knickers back on in the rush. She stood blushing and trying to stifle a laugh as the first guests arrived to take their places for dinner.
A hundred guests are a lot of people to make small talk with knickerless and it was over half an hour before David and Bill, who were last into the reception made their way to them. Bill nodded to Paul, smirked at Fiona and then planted a kiss on Heather's hand before chuckling with the Best Man.
"Paul," David nodded to him, he moved over to Fiona and he whispered to her, "It has taken two whisky's to get my heart rate back to normal after that." he grinned at her, Fiona motioned for him to come closer.
"I haven't put my knickers back on." she blushed. David nearly fell over laughing, looking from her bag to her and back to her bag several times.
"What is so funny?" Paul and Heather asked in unison. David looked at them both shrugged and moved on to talk to the Best Man further up the line. Fiona whispered to Heather the reason for David's outburst.
"Me neither!" she laughed, "Twice this afternoon, once before the photographs, in here before they had set up behind the DJ booth and the other before this in our room. It's like he has to make sure that the baby is definitely in me." Fiona and Heather giggled and waited for the signal from the hotel's Wedding Co-ordinator for them both to be released back to their places for dinner and the speeches. Paul eyed them both suspiciously.
"Oh we weren't laughing at you, you total wanker, if we were, we would just point at you and tell everyone what a total walking scumbag arsehole you are with a bint for a girlfriend." Heather spat the words at him. "Now fuck off, cos both of us are having a bloody great day and you are the human equivalent of having someone piss on your chips."
Paul took a deep breath, backed away and made for the bar as the nod came that they had been released from duties.
"Heather!" Fiona said astonished, "where did that come from?"
"Oh, it came from the depth of my soul that did! He thinks that all is forgiven, he is a total twat. He was playing golf today with Gordon and James the Best Man. He told them both that if he clicked his fingers you would come back in a heartbeat."
"Did he indeed!" Fiona laughed, "well it shows that he never truly understood me did he?" Fiona gave Paul the filthiest look she could muster.
Fiona took Heather's hand and led her to their table, where David and Bill were chatting away madly to Gordon's brothers and their girlfriends. Throughout dinner Fiona could feel Paul's eyes on her, every time she looked up he would change his gaze. She tried to ignore Paul and concentrate on the speeches from her Uncle and Gordon.
When the speeches finished Fiona excused herself and made for the toilet. She steadied herself in the mirror. She saw Gillian stood behind her in her reflection. Gillian stood behind her and made to talk to her. Fiona held up her hand.
"Honestly Gillian, I don't think that you and I have anything to say to each other do we?" Fiona was not in the mood at all for Gillian.
Gillian's eyes filled, she spun Fiona round and took her by her shoulders, "He is still in love with you, you know that don't you?" Gillian looked desperate.
"No," Fiona let out a sigh and shook her head, "No I did not, I am not terribly sure this is a good time to discuss this."
"He has not taken his eyes off of you all day since we got here, he has been haunted by you. When you were in London, I could take his mind off of you, but here, now, with that man with you, it's driving him insane." Gillian's eyes were full of tears. She looked demented.
"Ah, so it's because I am with someone else?" Fiona sighed, took Gillian's hand from her shoulders, looked at her square in the eyes, " I will NEVER, EVER go back to him, NEVER, I can't be betrayed like that, I just can't, I am not strong enough." It was the truth.
"That is where I think you are wrong, you see, when Gordon told him about you going back to the yank after he shagged someone else, it gave him, I don't know, hope.."
Fiona stood rock still and felt sick to her core, " I am not back with anyone, please don't anyone presume to know my thoughts and feelings."
Fiona walked slowly back from the toilets. Her conversation with Gillian on replay in her head. So that was the thoughts of the collective? She was a woman who was a cuckold. She was a walkover. Little did any of them know. Any of them.
So what has Fiona got planned?
Why is Gillian so worked up?
Vote and comment awayxxx
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