The room was a gargantuan suite, with a sitting area and a huge four poster bed in a modern Edwardian style. Fiona noticed that her luggage had been delivered to the room. She looked from the luggage to David and then back to her luggage. She sighed and went to find the bathroom and began to run a bath. She was seething and tired. How did she have the energy to get through the next few days?
"Babe, do you want to talk?" David said quietly following her into the bathroom. he had never known Fiona so quiet.
"If you don't mind Boston, I am going to have a bath and just get the journey and that cowbag Gillian out of my brain!" Fiona also needed him out of the bathroom. If she took her clothes off in front of David, she knew what would happen.
"They are both assholes, don't let her get to you, you are worth a million times more than her. He doesn't know what he let go does he?" David wanted to wipe the smug look off of Paul's face so badly.
"Seems I am an easy woman to let go Boston." she sighed deeply, trying to keep the emotion out of her voice and not let her feelings explode out of her. Had David completely missed the point that he had done exactly the same?
"Ouch! That was a double hitter!" David winced as he said it, "I am going to leave you alone, the bubbly will be here soon. We have a couple of hours until we are needed for dinner so I am going to chill out on the bed. I will pour you a glass when you get out. By the way, there are two beds in the suite." David backed out of the bathroom with his hands up in a mock surrender gesture.
Fiona let out a groan of sheer frustration and sunk into the bath. She keened her ear to listen out for David watching the TV. When she was sure he couldn't hear she let herself go and began to cry. Fiona wasn't sure exactly why she was crying so hard. Was it David, Paul or the fact that she really hated Gillian, was it preparing for the lies she would have to tell about her and David, or the fact that Bill had confessed after the second attempt on their lives that day, that he was going to propose to Heather on Sunday after the wedding.
The real reason they were so late was, Bill had asked Fiona to help pick out a ring. She knew Heather's taste and it she found a beautiful diamond baguette ring that she knew Heather would love. Fiona was deeply happy for Heather, and knew that Bill was mad about her and would do anything to make her happy. However, it brought Fiona's current terrible romantic state back into full focus. It made the future in London even more difficult. Even if she moved out of Grove Road she would see David all the time as he was Bill's friend. She knew she had to execute fully the plan she had begun. It didn't mean she had to like her choices she just had to live with them.
Here she was, at her cousin's wedding, rubbing shoulders with her ex-fiancé and current bint. Accompanied by a man she still had a lot of feelings for, who had dumped her. She let the sobs subside and pulled herself together. She got out of the bath and wrapped herself in the thick bathrobe, placed a towel on her head and made to get through the remainder of the weekend with as much dignity as she could muster.
Hearing Fiona's sobs in the bathroom made David feel as though he was being stabbed in the gut. He had never felt so guilty in his entire life. He was relieved when the room service delivered the champagne. He changed into his shorts and t-shirt and watched a rerun of Cheers. He heard Fiona get out of the bath and he opened the champagne. It was then he heard the loud lovemaking from Gillian and Paul next door. He immediately turned up the television to cover the noise.
"Jeeesus David turn down the TV, people in Dundee will know what you are watching!" Fiona ran across the room and jumped on to the bed, "Bubbly please Boston!"
"Bath improved your mood?" David handed her the glass. He didn't want to tell her he could hear her sobbing.
"David turn that down!" She made to grab the remote, David stood on the bed to stop her getting it. Fiona put her glass down and made across the room to turn off the TV. As she did she then discovered the sound that he had been trying to conceal. She looked at David and burst out into gales of laughter. He joined her, they both giggled at the ridiculousness of the situation.
"I will put the TV on, will you please turn it down and then we can get a bit hammered. I am going to change into my shorts and t-shirt too." David adjusted the sound and then filled up both glasses. Fiona returned wearing her denim shorts and cut off t-shirt. It was clear that she had been working out, she was toned but had not lost any of her curves.
"Oh no fair Ninj! You know your ass looks great in that!" David let out a long frustrated groan. Fiona sat on the armchair facing the bed.
"Ah, only fair David, have you been getting more pre-shrunk t-shirts? I can see the outline of your moles on your tummy that one is so tight!" she sighed and looked towards the noises coming from next door. "You know, he could stay for hours if he wanted to, he once managed the whole of a massive attack album without coming."
"Not normal Ninj! You are so amazing I had to think about the Red Socks losing from about two minutes to stay any length of time with you!" Fiona threw a cushion from the armchair and it hit him in the chest, "I will give you two hours to stop that!"
The noise from next door was getting louder, the headboard was banging like a Barn door in a gale. David began to bounce up and down on the bed causing the headboard to bang back. He made a groaning noise and signalled for Fiona to join him on the bed and copy.
Fiona complied, moaning in response to David's groans and she began to bounce on the bed with David. David grabbed the headboard behind him and began to bang it against the wall. Fiona knelt next to him and banged the wall harder until they both signalled each other to stop.
They lay breathing hard next to each other giggling. David turned on to his side to face Fiona and she turned over, facing him. Neither of them was sure how it started, however, five seconds later they were kissing one another as if their lives depended on it.
"God I want you." she whispered in his ear, "This is wrong. God help me if you are not inside me in thirty seconds I am going to spontaneously combust." She meant it. All the emotions, all that energy meant that she needed an outlet.
"Fiona, your wish is my command." David pulled her closer to him. She wanted him. He thought he would spontaneously erupt joy.
They stripped each other, kissing parts of the bodies they longed for. Fiona grabbed a condom from her handbag and threw it at David. She helped him roll it on and hastily lowered herself on to him. Recalling the last time they had been together. It was exactly like this. Sheer want and need combined. He grabbed the back of her hair and pulled her head back and began to nuzzle her throat.
"Oh my God you feel amazing!" Fiona's eyes were dark with lust. She grabbed his head and looked at him as she rode him harder moving towards her orgasm. Needing and wanting him to take her to the place she had missed for six months.
"Come for me Fiona, let me see you orgasm for me, babe." He thought she hadn't been with anyone else since he was last with her. He wanted her to have that feeling as quickly as he could give it to her.
Fiona's orgasm came faster and harder than she expected. The intensity of her thrusts drove David to his. They lay beside each other in silence. David took Fiona's hand a kissed it gently, placing it over his heart which was still leaping out of his chest.
Fiona contented, slipped into a nap and awoke with the phone ringing and David in the shower. She answered the phone it was a reminder from reception to meet for drinks. She lept out of bed and called to David that they were running late.
"You get ready Fiona, I will meet you down there," David shouted over the shower.
Fiona placed her hair in a clip, put on her makeup and got out her Nicole Farhi dress, light blue which buttoned up the front and clung to her curves and finished just above her knees. She put a pair of kitten heels on and grabbed her small clutch bag.
Heather was sitting next to Bill on one of the lounge couches. They were deep in conversation when Fiona approached. Heather whispered into Bill's ear and he got up and made way for Fiona.
"What can I get you to drink lovely lady?" Bill smiled at Fiona.
"Gin and Slim for me please," Fiona responded. She looked around the room and it was packed with friends and family. As soon as Bill came back with her drink she would have to mingle.
"You have a PCG. " Heather smirked. Fiona did. She looked like a different person from the one that had gone to the room two hours ago.
"A what?" Fiona was not at all sure what Heather had said. Her was mind was elsewhere.
"PCG or JFL you take your pick," Heather smirked.
"Explanation please!" Fiona laughed.
"She means a Post Coital Glow or a Just Fucked Look." Bill handed Fiona her drink, "She is right though, you do."
"You two are fishing aren't you?" Fiona regarded them with narrow eyes.
"Nope, I was chatting to Gillian who says you two were at it like rabbits all evening." Heather laughed. Gillian could not wait to tell Heather about Fiona and the noises coming from her room.
"Ah, there is a story to that." Fiona chuckled and explained the headboard banging and jumping on the bed, she left out the actual jumping of each other's' bones.
"Good one Fi. She is out there telling everyone what a stud muffin you have landed. A rich American Doctor, she is nearly eating her head with jealousy." Heather wiggled her eyebrows and looked over to where Gillian was holding court with her friends.
"Who told them he was rich?" Fiona was astonished. David hated anyone knowing his background.
"I did!" Bill chipped in, "Told them he was absolutely loaded and hung like a horse to boot!" Bill had been clearly egged on by Heather.
"Poor Gillian!" Fiona laughed, "Though you need to lay it on a bit more, I won't be happy until the bitch is as humiliated as I was." Fiona meant it. She hated Gillian with a passion.
Fiona looked around the room and saw David, he grinned and waved. He was dressed in a dark blue suit with a white shirt and light blue tie. He motioned he was going to the bar and Fiona pointed to her drink. Every woman in the room noticed him and a low murmur went out around the wedding party.
"They are all trying to work out who he is with." Heather laughed, "Wait until someone asks Gillian, let's watch."
Fiona and Heather watched as a pretty blond girl stood next to Gillian and pointed to David. Gillian then pointed to Fiona as the blond girl's mouth gaped and Fiona and Heather waved back at both of them.
"You are creating quite the stir with Captain America there." Fiona took in a deep breath and tuned to face Paul who was looking his normal flawless self in a black collarless shirt and slim trousers.
"Some people are easily impressed Paul." she smiled, "You look great, as always I may add."
"You too, I like you in blue, shows off your eyes, though in that dress, I can imagine all of you without your clothes on." He smiled lazily at her, "Your bum looks great, always one of your best features."
"I remember you really liking my bum, how do you cope with Gillian as she has no bum whatsoever, it's like her back and legs just meet up?" Fiona made a point of looking for Gillian's non-existent arse.
Paul leant in conspiratorily, "Yup, no bum or tits, but she is filthy in the sack which makes up for it."
Fiona nearly choked on her drink laughing at Paul. "I forgot how funny and cutting you can be Paul." He was. he had a dry sarcastic sense of humour that made Fiona laugh to her core. It was one of the reasons they got together in the first place.
"Yeah, he is really hilarious with me too." Gillian interjected, "What are you two laughing at?" She took Paul's hand and placed it around her waist as thought to lay claim on him.
"Nothing, just reminiscing about old times Gillian, you two have a great night." Fiona smiled at the both, noticing David walk across the room towards her.
"Babe, we are getting called for dinner. Hi Paul, Gillian, can I steal my girl back." David kissed Fiona on the top of her head and led her to the dinner table.
"Are we going to talk about what happened tonight?" David whispered lowly into Fiona's ear.
"No, let's just be, not talk, at least for the next couple of days." she squeezed David's hand and he nodded his approval.
Fiona and David were sat with Gordon's family for dinner and had a great evening. David's heart swelled watching Fiona's interactions , she cuddled and played with all of the children, talked with her relatives. He wondered for the first time in his life about his own children. He wanted children and he definitely wanted them with Fiona.
After dinner, Fiona took David by the hand and introduced him to her Aunt and Uncle. Her Uncle Robert was a tall slim redheaded man in his early fifties, her aunt was a pretty dark long haired woman with freckles and a warm smile.
"You must be very proud of your daughter tonight sir, she looks amazing." David shook Robert's hand.
"Ah which one are you referring to son?" his eyes twinkled, "Karen or Fiona."
"I was referring to Karen sir, however, I will include Fiona, she is very special to me," David said as sincerely as he felt. She was very special.
"..And to me son, be careful with that girl, she has been through enough in her short life, she tries to keep trouble away from us. I can honestly say she has never brought myself or Helen a day of trouble only joy. She thinks I don't know what that shameless prick did to her.." he smiled across the room towards Paul and he returned the smile to David, "only Helen told me not to gut the bastard with my fishing knife."
"I can hold him down for you and between us, we could do some damage if you like."David offered gamely.
"Maybe after tomorrow son, I have father of the bride stuff to do." Robert's eyes twinkled.
"I am happy to help with anything you need." David would happily string the bastard up.
"Might take you up on that!" Robert patted his arm and crossed the room to speak to other relatives.
David looked for Fiona and found her talking to her Aunt and Cousin Karen. Fiona looked up and smiled at David.
"Ladies, this is David my boyfriend, you met earlier, we have a big day tomorrow and it is bad luck for the groom to see you before the wedding so I suggest we all go to bed." she kissed them both and walked to lobby with David, his arm around her shoulders.
"Fiona," he said gaining her full attention. He spun he round to look at him. She was as beautiful as he had ever seen her tonight. He saw his future in her. He needed to find a way back to where they were.
"Yes." she looked up at him. The next phase of her plan was going to be complete hell to execute but she knew now after the afternoon in bed she was going to have to see it through.
"Can I make love to you tonight? I want to let you know how much you mean to me." David meant it. Perhaps their bodies could use a language to heal the rift that he had created.
"Yes, I would like that very much." Fiona managed to speak. The two parts of her were vying for air space. The sensible brain part said yes, get as much as she could now, she could never trust him again. Her heart in the other hand was celebrating and wanted to lie in this man's arms for ever.
He kissed her gently and led her to the lift. They continued to kiss until they reached the floor and then they kissed outside the door. He opened the door and gently picked her up and took her to the bed where he lay her down. He turned off the lights and opened the curtains for them to see the stars and full moon which lit up the room.
He took off his jacket, tie, shoes and undid his shirt. He took off her heels and slid his hand up her thigh until he found the top of her stocking and then rolled it down kissing each part of bare skin he exposed. He did the same on the other leg, all the time listening to the small gasps that escaped from her. He drew himself up to her face and began to kiss around her face, neck and throat. Her gasps of pleasure drew him onwards. He undid the buttons on her dress to reveal her porcelain skin, he nipped and sucked her flesh until he exposed her bra.
He continued to kiss her stomach, undoing each button until he completely undid her dress and took it off her. He took off his shirt and trousers, looked down at her lying in her blue underwear, the colour contrasting sharply with her pale skin. He sighed in anticipation of the pleasure he was about to feel. He pushed her legs apart and lay on top of her. She let out a sigh as his skin touched hers, it felt as though pulses of electricity were passing between them. She ran her fingers down his bare back and he shuddered at her touch.
He turned her over and kissed her neck to the base of her spine. He gently nibbled on her buttocks and kissed down her leg and then back to the top of the other one. He rolled her on to her back and kissed her stomach, moving down towards her pants. She grabbed his head and he inhaled her smell deeply as if trying to remember every taste, smell and contour of her body.
He slid her pants down and licked her clitoris gently, nuzzling deeper, pushing her thighs apart in order to bury himself deeper in her. He knew from her moans that he was moving her closer to her orgasm. With his other hand he pulled her hips closer to him and then very gently inserted his fingers inside her, he felt for her G-spot and massaged with his finger and his thumb played with her clitoris. He drew himself up to her and watched as the waves of her orgasm hit her, he felt her body clench as pulses generated around his fingers.
He waited until her waves passed and she had recovered from her orgasm. He smiled at her and nudged her head to the side as he kissed her throat. Her hands found his erection and she gently gripped him and placed her thumb on the end of his cock, he let out a groan and shimmied out of his boxer shorts and he sought the condom from the bedside cabinet handing it to her. She rolled the condom on to him gently and lay back on the bed. She looked beautiful in the moonlight, her skin glowing white, her gold hair spilled across the bed.
He took off her bra and gently sucked her nipple as she let out a deep moan, she grabbed his penis and gently guided it inside her. They faced each other wordlessly as he gently moved inside her. She closed her eyes and buried herself in his shoulder as the waves of pleasure hit her. He elicited sounds from her. There were no words, just gasps and moans when he took her near to the place they both wanted to be. He moved down and nudged her and she opened her eyes as they kept watching each other, she cupped his face in her hands and kissed him lightly as she saw the look change on his face.
He pulled her hips to his and he moved on to his back, she took both of his hands in hers and lowered herself on to him, slowly and deeply, each thrust making them both groan, she felt the waves start in her pelvis and work to her throat and back again. The waves of her orgasm drew gasps from him as he neared his orgasm inside her. She was not sure where the tears came from but they spilled down her face as he came inside her.
He lay next to her stroking her hair kissing her tears away for a while after they had gained their composure.
"Are you ok?" he whispered. He meant was everything right between them. Had they come back to the point where he left her. When he stupidly got on the plane and his temporary insanity over Grace set in.
"That was beautiful." she managed between sobs, "So beautiful, I didn't know it could be so, intense." She was torn. Her heart was winning the battle of will she wanted to stay here, with him, in his arms for ever.
"I love you, I want you to feel like this all of the time." he said drawing her to him, "Do you love me?" He needed to know. He did love her. He loved every magnificent part of her.
The tears ran down her face, "Oh you have no idea do you?" she managed a smile, "I fell in love with you the first time I met you, I have just been fighting it until now." Fiona had no idea that her heart had taken temporary management of her mouth.
"Thank God because I feel the same." he laughed, wiping the tears with his thumb and gently kissing her, "Let's stay like this for ever shall we?"
They both drifted to sleep in each other's arms dreaming the dreams that lovers do when they have no plans to do otherwise.
David happy that he had bridged the gap back to her.
Fiona torn that she let him back in.
So should Fiona get over herself?
Why did David wait until now to tell Fiona how he felt?
Vote and comment away!!
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