Allegations 'Investigation' | The Chandlers

First of all, before I start this part, I want to say thank you to everyone who has voted, commented or done anything else involving this story. Your response got me my first ever ranking, and I'm so grateful. So thank you, so much. ❤️

Okay, back to the main focus. So this section is going to be a little different. And definitely ... very, very long. Why is that? Well, because I'm doing something I've never really seen before – I'm discussing pretty much everything significantly associated with Michael's allegations. More specifically, the accusations surrounding the Chandlers. All the fun and games with Jordie, June and Evan.

So, without further skadoo (I know it's "ado" really. Just wanted to be different), let's get this 'investigation' started.

Started February 20, 2017.
Completed February 21, 2017.
Edited February 22, 2017.
Published December 24, 2017.


Picture this. It's 1992, and Michael Jackson has a lovely friend named Jordie Chandler. They talk on the phone all the time, and see each other a lot. Just like normal friends, right?

But Jordie's father, Evan, has other ideas.

Did I forget to mention Jordie is a child?

Anyway, during the times between May 28-30 1993, Michael spends Memorial Day Weekend at Evan Chandler's house with Jordie, as well as Evan's side of the family. In Ray Chandler's book (I don't know who that is, so don't ask me, lmao), it's claimed that by this time Evan starts to have "suspicions" that Michael sexually molested Jordan.

Lmao, thank you for that, Google.

So, eventually, Evan grows suspicious that his son is homosexual. Why? Is there any valid reason for this?

Haha, not really. Perhaps it's just because he wants an 'alibi' for his ridiculous claim of MJ being a Paedophile.

So he asks his ex – Jordie's mother June – about the possibility of their son being homosexual. She answers that it wouldn't even matter if that was the case.

Stupid Evan Chandler decides to interpret that in a ridiculous way, and the idea that Jordie sleeps with Michael forms in his small brain.

But hey – if anything good comes of this, at least he isn't the type to call Michael a woman. At least he knows he's a man.

A fine man, at that.

So the lovely Evan makes a lovely phone call, describing in a lovely way how he'd like to ruin Michael's name.

"This man is going to be humiliated beyond belief. He will not believe what is going to happen to him; beyond his worst nightmares. He will not sell one more record. If I go through with this, I win big time. I will get everything I want. They will be destroyed forever."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

So, this transcript is recorded, without Evan's knowledge.

Sorry, what was that? Did I say, "Without Evan's knowledge"? Yes, I think I did. Meaning ... he was talking freely about what he planned to do. He was recorded basically describing the lies he was planning to tell. That alone should be evidence that it's all for money.

I mean, did you hear the guy? He reckoned he could get "everything" he "wants".

So now, let's go to the crazy thing. Jordie is asked about these absurd allegations. The whole, "Jordie, did Mr Jackson touch you in bad places?" kind of thing.

Guess what Jordie says? Can you guess? You probably can.

He says no. Yes – he says no. He has never been touched inappropriately by Michael Joseph Jackson in any way, shape or form. There's no way. Not a chance in the world.

But let me tell you the most crazy part of all this. And let me just emphasise to you – it's super crazy.

One day, Jordie is in a dentist chair. He's under the influence of some sort of crazy gas – whether that be Nitrous Oxide, Sodium Amytal (the name of which I Googled), or something else. Point is, he's on some sort of gas.

Let's bring Evan back in, because we all love him, right?

Evan is thrown into the mix, and we find him asking Jordie whether Michael has touched him inappropriately at all.

Remember, kids – he's under the influence of some kind of gassy drug thing.

What does Jordie say?

He says yes! He says he's been touched by Michael Jackson!

Okay. Let that sink in for a moment. Jordie – who once vowed Michael was innocent – was now telling his father that he was mistreated by Michael Jackson.

Now, you could argue that in some cases, this wacky gas can make people enter their unconscious minds. After all, they have no idea what they're saying. If the person enters their unconscious mind, they are able to talk about "problems" and tell the "truth" about anything they're asked about.

But of course, that's not the case here.

In this case, Jordie had been asked these questions deliberately under the influence of the gassy-drug thing (I like that name for it), so that Evan could get the (incorrect) answers he so desired to receive!

So much so, that after Jordie has given this answer, Evan almost kills the kid with an over-the-top expression of love and appreciation.

Poor kid.

So, at least one valuable lesson came from this story.

Don't do drugs, kids. And don't let your dad hype you up on wacky gas.

Now, on a more serious note, let's get back to the story.

So, after all the phone calls and the homosexual accusations, Evan's attorney, Barry Rothman advises Evan to file a report for child abuse.

Bearing in mind, guys – this Barry has seen or heard no other evidence, other than his wonderful friend Evan's words!

So after this, guess what they go and do?

Yep. You guessed it. Money had to come into the equation at some point!

Evan and his adorable sidekick Barry make an 'agreement' with Michael's private investigator – some cool dude named Pellicano – that they have to receive $20 million to stop them from making these accusations public. This price also prevents Evan and Barry from going to the authorities.

So guess what our sweet little Michael does?

To paraphrase (because I don't know what was said, to be honest) – he says "Hell nah. Ain't paying that".

So, unsurprisingly, this annoys Evan endlessly. By now, he's also basically held Jordie in his home for over a month longer than he was supposed to, and takes his son to some guy named Dr Mathis Abrams.

Surely right now, you're thinking Jordie's a sweet boy who has done no wrong in all this. He just wanted to be buddies with Michael Jackson, right?

Wrong. His part comes now.

Jordie decides to describe "in detail", the allegations – for the first time. And guess what?

This triggers a criminal investigation!

So then, as a result of this, June – who was once against Evan's crazy allegations – is now siding with him.

But why?

No, it's not human nature. Sit down.

Because, "If Jordie has said it, it must be true".

Isn't that just ridiculous? I mean, disbelieving Evan in the first place was probably the smartest thing this gal did!

As a result of this, Michael decides he wants to drop out of or postpone the second leg of his Dangerous World Tour, because he realises how serious these allegations actually are.

But he goes off, touring outside the USA for a while. And so, search warrants choose this time to kindly go and search Michael's famous home Neverland, in order to try and find evidence of the accusations being true.

But guess what?

They found nothing that proved his guilt. And so, they desperately tried to get statements from other 'victims'.

Yeah, that clearly worked.

Without me even saying it, you know they found nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The end of the video clarifies that. They found nothing, man.


But I hope you paid attention to the rest of the video, too. Non-Moonwalkers, couldn't you see how much feeling he put into his answers? He wanted to clear everything up. He was hurting.

We've skipped ahead a little. Let's move back two years.

So, Michael now knows about the news which will shake him up for the rest of his life.

So, Michael hears about the accusations – or does he?

There have been rumours that he first hears about them when he's about to go on stage for a Dangerous Tour concert; there have been rumours he first hears about them during a rehearsal of The Way You Make Me Feel for the Dangerous Tour.

But where does he actually find out about the accusations?

Well, that would be ... kind of nowhere, really. The allegations kind of just dissolve into the whole friendship through Evan. It's difficult to explain.

Anywho, in late August 1993, Barry Rothman quits representing the Chandlers after Michael files extortion charges against him and Evan Chandler.

You go, King MJ! I applaud you.

Aww. Bye, Barry! We won't miss you.

Soooo, after this, there's a short while of irrelevant events (or ones which I don't really know or understand, admittedly).

Until September 14, 1993.

What happens on September 14, 1993?

Well, because Evan is too scaredy cat to do it himself, some dude called Larry Feldman files a lawsuit against Michael for "sexual battery, battery, seduction, wilful misconduct, intentional infliction of emotional distress, fraud and negligence".

I think you need to add "innocence, love, and a partridge in a pear tree" to the list, mate. It isn't quite long enough.

But at this time, Michael's still out touring the world. That is, until he has to cancel a show in Chile, along with several other dates due to "serious health problems".

Poor little mushroom. It makes my heart ache for him.

Anywho, on October 28, 1993, the police interview about 40-60 children; all of which claiming that they have never been touched inappropriately by Michael.

Well, isn't that funny?

No. Not really. Because he didn't.

That's until they interview the son of Michael's former maid. He's basically persuaded to make some crazy story up about Michael, and it goes a little something along the lines of:

Michael Jackson touched me inappropriately during tickles.

Okay. I'll just let you take that in, for a moment. Just read that a couple of times. Let it simmer.

Tickles? Tickles? That's the best story you can come up with, little one? Granted, it's pretty good for a kid, but ... let's put it into perspective.

The kid is thirteen.

Last time I checked, thirteen-year-olds are too "cool" to be seen with their mothers, let alone be tickled by an adult they're close to. Or even tickled at all. It's just not really seen as a ... teenager kind of thing, really.

Is it?

Anyway, continuing on.

In November of 1993, Michael is forced to cancel his remaining concert dates after his concerts in Mexico, due to a dependency on painkillers.

Poor man was in a lot of pain. Cut him some slack.

But hey, let's look at this as a member of the mass media, shall we?

Role play time!

Hm ... Michael Jackson has been accused of child molestation or God knows what. He's got a drug addiction. Haha ... but does he really?

Or, is he trying to run away from the police?

The typical mind of a paparazzi member, guys! They always have to hold something against Michael. Michael could be donating to charity, and they'd still probably say he did it to attention seek.


So after Michael goes to ... some place in Europe (aye my place) for rehabilitation, his doctor, named Dr Beachamp Colclough (I'm loving that name right there) dismisses any kind of rumour that Michael is in Europe to hide from the law.

Good old Beachamp Colclough. Just wish you had a simpler name to be honest. Lmao.

Alright, let's skip to November 22! Some of Michael's bodyguards – five, to be precise – file a lawsuit against Michael, claiming that they were fired by him.

And why were they fired?

They claimed that he fired them because they "knew too much" about Michael's "Paedophilia".

But the part that gets me, is that they told the police – during a deposition – that Michael never touched anybody!

Um ... stick to one story, would ya, guys?

Anyway, on November 26 (can you tell I'm Googling all the dates?), the police steal Michael's medical records to investigate them.

By mid-December, sweet Michael is back in the States!

But the trouble is far from over. Very, very far from over.

On December 20, Michael is subjected to a strip search.

Now, I'm going to go a little off tangent here, because I feel extremely strongly about this strip search.

Personally, I think it's absolutely disgusting that they did this to Michael. I mean, of course, they had to do it in order to investigate the case. They can't just drop the investigation because it's Michael Jackson.

But that isn't the point. The point is, they did it in a way which was unacceptable. They humiliated him; dehumanised him. It was something that would haunt him for the rest of his life.

They forced him to be photographed. They took pictures of his genitalia and body.

Now, can you imagine how terrible it must have been, to have gone through that?

No, seriously. Just picture it in your head. How disgusting it is, imagining that happening to you.

Now, non-Moonwalkers (not that there are any reading this), imagine someone who means the world to you. Imagine them going through that.

It hurts, doesn't it?

So after this strip search, Michael ran crying from the room. He was crying, wearing his brown robe, barely able to talk through his sobs. He was humiliated; embarrassed; treated awfully.

And he begged them never to do anything like that, ever again.

"Don't ever, ever do that to me again!" he shouted to them, running out the room, placing his robe on quickly.

It's not difficult to imagine how he would have been feeling.

So that brings me to December 22 (my birthday), 1993. This is probably something that every Moonwalker has seen, or at least heard about.

The speech Michael made on TV, in which he declared his innocence, as well as describing the awful events he'd been facing in the past few months.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

You can see the pain in his eyes and expression, guys. It's the most obvious pain he's ever been in, on camera.

How could people possibly think he was guilty of all that stuff? It beats me.

Then, the new year comes. It's January, 1994.

And what a better start to the year, than being given a tough multiple-choice question to decide on?

Well, that's what Michael Jackson got.

He was forced to either provide the strip search photos taken on December 20, 1993, or submit to a second strip search. And who forced this decision upon him?

Nobody likes you, Larry Feldman.

So then, if we fast forward to January 25, we arrive at the out-of-court settlement reached between Michael and the Chandlers.

The famous payment, guys. This has received a lot of controversy.

Many haters like to use the argument that this payment was "hush money", for some reason. They don't stop to think that it could simply be to avoid the false accusations from remaining in place – you know, like it was actually intended for?

Nah. But let me give you this scenario.

You're a parent of a child, who you adore with every fibre of your being. Nothing and nobody can change how much you love your son or daughter.

Let's say that one day, you find out they've been sexually assaulted by a person of high status, high income and high popularity. Seems crazy, doesn't it?

Now let me ask you a question.

What would you do, if you were in that situation?

Would you:

A) Make sure they were sent to prison, and the key thrown away forever.

B) Take a large sum of money, and forget the allegations ever existed.

I think we all know that option A is the one any sane person would go for. But hey, what did the Chandlers do?

They went for option B!

Guys, it's all about the money. Entirely about the money. The Chandlers got paid to be assholes, when you think about it logically.

Positive reinforcement. The beginning of the chain reaction of 'victims'. They all saw what false allegations earns you, and decided to go for it themselves. It's a selfish, selfish world we live in, fellas.

Anyway, moving on.

On May 7, 1996, Evan filed a lawsuit against Michael, his first wife Lisa Marie Presley, ABC Capitol Cities Broadcasting and some others for "breaching the Confidentiality Agreement of the 1994 settlement". Evan demanded more than $60 million from Michael and a record deal so that he could release a musical album about the alleged sexual molestation of his son.

But the funniest part about it? And I genuinely chuckled at this.

The lawsuit got thrown out of court in 2000.

Ha, sucker.

And now, Moonwalkers, we come to the good part of the story.

Michael was acquitted of the charges entirely on June 13, 2005, due to a lack of evidence that he actually molested anybody.

But with that happy part said and done, we now come to the most difficult part of the story.

On June 25, 2009, the world was turned upside down, and changed forever.

Michael Jackson had died.

The news shook the world; nothing would ever be the same again.

It seemed music had died in just a day.

But that isn't the only point. The part of this which haunts me – and has haunted me for as long as I can remember – is that despite what he went through, he still had to endure pain until the very last moment.

He was only free of the accusations for four small years. That's not a long time at all.

He suffered for twelve years, over the same thing. Just let that sink in for a moment.

An innocent man had been forced to suffer through so much. Vitiligo; rumours about his sexuality; the Pepsi accident; the media-nickname "Jacko", and it's longer variant "Wacko Jacko"; the drug addiction; the allegations ...

And even his death.

He wasn't ready to die. He had so many things he hadn't done yet. So many dreams he needed to fulfil concerning his career. He wanted to act more; create a classical album; see his children grow up and achieve as much as he did.

He even said, "The best is yet to come".

And before I get back to my point, I'd like to take a moment to raise awareness to Michael that we all love him, and miss him so badly.

Michael, you mean the world to us all. Hope you're resting easy, King.

But of course, this section isn't related to Michael's death.

It's related to the allegations. Specifically, Jordie and Evan's allegations.

Let's end this on a neutral note.

On November 5, 2009 – less than five months after Michael's passing – Evan Chandler was living alone. And so, he committed suicide.

He shot himself in the head.

And the bittersweet part, is that no friends, old family members or ex-lovers attended his funeral.

He killed himself due to the guilt of Michael passing away.

He finally saw what he had done.

He'd contributed to the deterioration of the King of Pop, and that lead to his eventual death.

That's something to feel bad about, really. That's a tough pill to swallow.

But even without Evan, the accusations continue. It's not really fair at all. He's gone, now. He can't defend himself.

But I know he's happier, now. He's in a better place. No-one can hurt him, now.

He even said it himself.

So I'd like to end this here. It's undecided as to whether I'll do a part dedicated to the other accusations. I probably won't, because I've done a lot of work on this part.

Peace, Moonwalkers, and a very merry Christmas to you all. ✌🏻️

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