Dedicated to _arathi_v_ 💜
I do really appreciate your little reviews
Let me come in, Mr.Arrogant
"May I come in, Mr.Arora?" Kairav asks so politely that it's obvious his politeness isn't genuine.
"You are 10 minutes late on your first day, Sharma." Vikram schools his newly recruited secretary who almost rolls his eyes but controls the urge.
It's just the start. I will make you fire me sooner or later, you arrogant shit.
"My dog ate my shoe. So, I needed to look for another one. Now, I didn't grow up in the lap of luxury like you to have 100 pairs of shoes, Mr.Arora." Kairav replies, fighting an upcoming yawn.
Kairav wouldn't be here if Sanjay didn't drag him out of bed and make him get ready for work. He was ready to sleep till eternity.
"You don't have a dog, Sharma." Vikram deadpans, not loving the idea of arguing early in the morning.
"How did you-" He stops in his tracks when reality hits him. "- wait, I forgot that you know everything about me. Can you tell what color underwear I'm wearing? P.S. it's not red."
At this point, Vikram isn't sure if the kid is worth going through this trouble. He should just let one of his men torture him until he confesses. But then again, Vikram likes to act like a righteous man, not always though.
This kid is smart though or maybe the stalker was just lousy. In the end, he couldn't get any useful information about him. That doesn't stop him from hiring another one, a better one, he supposes.
Vikram rolls his eyes at the kid before throwing his infamous glare at the boy who isn't showing any sign of stopping his nonsense anytime soon.
"Go to the room on your left. You will find Naina there. She was my secretary. She will tell you how and what you will need to do." Vikram commands.
"Poor soul. Must have suffered a lot." Kairav mutters under his breath, sulking his way out of the office.
"Did you say anything, Sharma?"
"Yes." Kairav says in a matter of fact voice, waving his hand with sass.
Vikram tries his best to ignore the insolent kid and focus on his work. He has a lot in hand.
On the other hand, Kairav goes out of the room to find Naina, stacking some files.
"Hey, Miss. Naina?"
"Who are you?" Naina asks him, being confused as to why a kid would be in the office.
"The new secretary?"
A few files slip through her hand as the revelation shocks her to the very core and she isn't even kidding.
"Do you mean you are related to the new secretary?" The boy nods his head, making her release a sigh of relief.
"I mean I must be related to myself."
"What are you on? And who are you actually?"
"The new secretary, I told you before." There she goes again, gasping like she has seen a ghost.
"You? Is Mr.Arora out of his mind? What was he doing?" She asks particularly to no one.
Kairav is offended. What does she mean by that? But she is half right, Mr.Arora is out of his mind, of course.
"I will have you know that I'm the best at what I do." Kairav says with pride.
"Kid, it looks like you still go to school." Now it's Kairav's turn to gasp.
The audacity.
"Excuse you! I'm a college student." She shakes her head.
"How can you handle Mr.Arora's work? I can't believe he chose a college kid for the job when he fired many experienced people before."
It makes him feel giddy to know that he can be fired easily. He just needs to mess up his work and annoy Mr.Arora. If only he doesn't get killed before getting fired.
"Try me." He says to which she laughs a bit.
"What do you think a secretary does? Do you even know that?"
"Keep your boss' secrets a secret."
The whole room fills with her laughter. Her laugh can send immense vibration through your ears, it's that strong. However, it's not unpleasant at all. Naina seems like a fun person to be around.
"Oh God! You are adorable." She says pinching Kairav's cheeks.
"Hey, don't do that. I'm not some kid." He complains, she just nods her head while laughing.
"Now, this isn't an official list but I've been doing these things for Mr.Arora and maybe this is the reason why I haven't been fired yet." She says before retrieving a piece of paper.
"Why am I hired then?" He asks.
"Because I can't continue anymore. Kids and stuff." She says, handing him the paper.
"Ah, I see. Kids are annoying as shit. I don't know why people want kids." He mutters.
Only if Naina didn't have to leave, he wouldn't be in this situation! Kairav already hates kids but now he despises them.
Naina goes back to sorting files while Kairav goes through the list.
1.Bring him black coffee every morning ( plus cookies if you want to be on his good side)
Can't he use his own hand and bring it?
2.Sort out his emails and files.
Can't he read them? Is he illiterate or something?
3.Make his daily schedules.
Why? Am I his mom?
4. Talk to clients if he is busy and fix appointments at his order
I can fix an appointment for him with a mental hospital
5.Make sure he eats healthy foods and eats regularly.
Ehhhh. Am I his nanny?
6.Do not talk back to him ( unless you become close to Mr.Arora which will take time, believe me)
As if I'm gonna listen to his rubbish.
7.Do your work timely
I will take a nap.
"Is that it? The list is too short." Kairav speaks in a mocking tone.
"Well, the secret recipe doesn't require too many ingredients."
"Let's see if that recipe of yours works."
"Well, I will be gone by today. So, ask away if you need to know something because after that you are on your own."
Kairav is literally following around Naina as she paces around the room to get her things.
"I have a question. A very serious one actually." Kairav says, rather seriously.
"Yeah. Go ahead."
"Is he like that from birth? I mean an arrogant jerk?"
Naina looks at him like he has grown horns or something. She opens her mouth to say something but then closes it like a guppy fish.
"I mean he is very stressed these days so he seems grumpy. But trust me, he is the best boss you can ever find." Naina assures.
That Kairav knows. That man is obsessed with some video, the reason why he is so stressed out.
"Ok, I'm believing your words." Kairav says, not actually believing her words.
After a while Naina takes her leave so finding nothing else to do, Kairav goes to Mr.Arora's office.
"Again, may I come in?"
"I believe Naina has explained everything to you." Vikram utters without even sparing a glance to Kairav.
"Hmm." The boy huffs.
"Black coffee." Vikram simply says as if Kairav is supposed to know what he means.
"My favorite is cold coffee as you already know." Kairav replies.
Vikram just gives him a look of disappointment before going, "I mean get me a cup of black coffee."
"Can I get you a cup of venom instead?" Kairav whispers to himself.
But Vikram gets to hear it as well.
"Did you say something? "
"Yes and if you have ears then find it out." Kairav snaps before going to look for a cup of coffee.
He is really pushing my buttons. He won't survive long, not here and not in this world.
Unknown to his boss' feeling for him, he paces around like a lost puppy. Who told Mr.Arora to build such a big office where no one can be seen even in a far distance. There's no sign of Naina either. He decides to walk ahead in search of someone who can tell him where the coffee machine is.
"Excuse me, where is the coffee machine?" Kairav finally finds an employee.
"Go left then right then again right then again left and again right." Kairav never felt this strong urge of smacking someone's head.
"How about you become my human GPS?" Kairav asks the guy with a smile.
"A-ahhh, o-ok" the guy seems surprised but agrees anyway.
"Here you go."
"Thanks, man." The man nods his head in acknowledgement before walking away.
"I will make you a black black coffee." Kairav smiles to himself as he executes his master plan.
He pours extra coffee beans to make the coffee even more bitter.
"I hope you will like it." Kairav takes the cup and walks towards Mr.Arora's office.
Oh, he didn't forget to grab some cookies. There's literally a jar of cookies beside the machine. You will be wrong if you think the cookies are for Vikram because Kairav devors them while walking.
"Come in." Kairav hears as soon as he stands before the door.
His hearing sense must be very sharp. Kairav should be careful while muttering stuff in front of him.
"Here it is." Kairav flashes a bright smile which Vikram successfully ignores.
Kairav stands there to witness Vikram's reaction after the first sip but it never comes. He frowns.
"Why are you still standing here?" Kairav shakes his head and goes away.
He's sure the coffee is blacker than a devil's soul. How is this man sipping on it like it's nothing?
Well, Naina must have forgotten to add that their boss actually prefers that kind of coffee.
"There are some files on your desk. Sort them out in alphabetical order and I want them done within 2 hours and give me a report about updates. You will find the rest of the information on your desktop. Naina has organized it beautifully."
Kairav's eyes widened seeing a whole lot of files on the desk. How can he finish all these within 2 hours?
"Get to work, Sharma." Vikram smirks seeing Kairav's stressed face.
I will make you pay fucking idiot.
Kairav gets to work but he's too slow to Vikram's liking.The man is watching Kairav's every action like a hawk. But he gets annoyed when the boy takes bathroom breaks every few minutes.
"What's wrong with you?"
Nothing! I just like to waste my shit in the bathroom, not on your files.
"Upset stomach." Kairav replies in a duh tone.
"Why? Didn't you take your stomach on a date yesterday?"
Kairav makes a gagging sound at his terrible dad joke.
"That is shittier than my actual shit." He comments while Vikram rolls his eyes.
"Sit and do your work, Sharma." Vikram orders when Kairav stands up to go to the bathroom once again.
"Don't I have bathroom privileges now?" Kairav complains.
"You do but after you complete your job."
Kairav goes back to his desk, not wanting to anger him even more. That man can be seriously scary when he wants to be.
"Yes." Vikram says on the phone, being careful of Kairav but the boy seems more interested in his nails than in overhearing Vikram's conversation.
"Mr.Arora, I think you've got the wrong information. Mr.Agarwal wasn't even married let alone a son. He didn't even adopt anyone." Vikram's jaw almost drops at the revelation.
But how can that be possible? Mr.Agarwal himself told him about his son. Was it an illegitimate child?
"Are you totally sure? He told me himself."
"I've never been wrong with my information, Mr.Arora." The man replies, confidence dripping from his voice.
"Cheers to your newly found freedom." Karan says, forcing Sanjay to drink with him.
"Stop it. We've drunk enough. That idiot will be home soon. If he sees us drinking, he will ask for a drink too." Sanjay says, keeping his glass full of beer on the tea table.
"Don't be a spoilsport. You just regained your freedom!" Karan says, giving the glass back to Sanjay.
"But I thought you liked Nia." Karan snorts.
"Only a person as blind as you can like her." Sanjay rolls his eyes.
He was feeling really bad about the break up but now his younger brother and best friend are making him realize it wasn't a bad decision at all. Of course it wasn't. She was basically verbally abusing his brother. She is lucky he didn't sue her for that.
They keep themselves busy talking about different stuff until Kairav comes home.
"Can I also have a beer!" He literally jumps with excitement as he runs inside, not even taking his socks off.
"Take those off or else I'm gonna cut off your legs." Sanjay scolds the boy.
Kairav huffs but takes off his socks finally, letting his brother and his best friend breathe freely.
"Now, give me a bottle." Sanjay glares at his little brother.
"Or maybe a little shot?" Sanjay keeps glaring at him.
"What? I'm of age now, bhai." Kairav complains, giving Karan puppy eyes.
He knows exactly where to strike.
"Come on, now. Let the boy live." Karan says to his best friend, throwing a wink at Kairav.
"Thank you, bhai." Kairav hugs Karan before taking his glass.
"Just 2 sips. I will kill you if you take more than that." Sanjay threatens.
His brother is such a lightweight. He will be over clouds even after drinking a little bottle of simple beer. He doesn't have the stamina to deal with a drunk Kairav.
Kairav goes away from his brother's reach and literally sits on Karen's lap. Karan is the chill one out of them two. He is sure Karan will come to his rescue no matter what.
"Why are you two drinking suddenly though?" Kairav asks, taking a sip.
"Because you can finally play the role of a cupid and set your brother with someone good this time." Karan and Kairav share a hearty laugh.
"That calls for another can of beer!" Kairav yells in excitement.
"Don't make me choke you till death." Sanjay grits his teeth, being a little bit tipsy himself.
"Bhai, practice this kink of yours with your girlfriend. I'm not into incest." Kairav literally flies away from Karen's lap as Sanjay takes his slipper that was laying beside him.
"Not the slipper please." Kairav says, pouting his lips.
Sanjay huffs before sitting down, "Don't talk about stupid stuff like this again or else I will cut off your tongue."
"Ask your best friend when he became a butcher from a chef? He keeps talking about cutting me off." Kairav says, nudging Karen's shoulder.
Sanjay ignores him.
"Anyway, do you still have that card of the lawyer with you? I need to talk to him." Sanjay nods his head to Karan before taking his wallet from his pocket.
Some cards and photocards fall from his wallet as his half drunk self is struggling to find the card of the lawyer.
Kairav picks them up, being curious as usual.
"Aww, you have my baby picture in your wallet, bhaiya." Kairav cooes, looking at his bhai.
Sanjay glares at him while the younger one laughs but his laugh is short lived as his eyes fall on the next chapter.
"Manav bhaiya." Kairav whispers, looking at the picture of the little boy.
Both Sanjay and Karan snap their heads at Kairav listening to him.
Shit! Sanjay forgot that he has his older brother's baby picture in his wallet as well.
Kairav feels bad wondering how it would feel to have Manav with them. He never got to see his older brother. Manav went missing long before Kairav was born.
Even Sanjay doesn't remember his brother. He was just one when Manav went missing and never came back. He wonders if Manav is still alive in any corner of the world.
"I wish he was here. He could boss you around like you do to me." Kairav tries to joke but his voice betrays him.
"Kairav." Sanjay calls but Kairav feels himself being lost looking at the photo.
"I'm fine, bhaiya." He assures his bhaiya.
"I don't remember him as well but mom always said he was the calmest and most decent child she has raised. I was a pain in the ass when I was kid." Sanjay smiles, recalling the memory.
His mother wailed like a baby every night for his older brother. While his father was also in pain, he couldn't tolerate her being so miserable. And it created arguments, arguments that led to quarreling. His mother told him everything was fine, they were the happiest couple but everything changed after Manav's disappearance. At last, she took her last breath while grieving over her missing child, leaving Kairav's responsibility on Sanjay's shoulder because his father also died 2 months after his mother's death. He was shot to death by a robber.
"You still are." Kairav and Karan speak simultaneously.
Sanjay ignores them and gulps down a glass of beer.
A/N: Let me share something with you guys
How's the cover? I'm planning on writing a cliche story with 4 baddie gangsters turning softie for a boy they soon consider as their little brother :) Yup, definitely the clichiest shit I've even thought of.
I will probably publish it soon ^-^
What do you guys think about it?
Ik I'm publishing too many stories but my hands itche and stories keep circling around my head 😭💀
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