Dedicated to Earth2222 💜
It was a dull day with all the tiredness
Until she came along with hands full of positiveness :)
Kairav finally knows why his brother looked so bothered since that day when Mr.Arora visited Karan's restaurant. The reason is sitting in front of him, shoving food in his mouth like he hasn't been eating well for a few days which is bullshit if you ask him. Kairav glares at the man while stabbing his own food with the spoon.
His maternal uncle is a man who has no self-respect. He likes to leech on others and feels no remorse about it. Despite being in perfect health, he doesn't work at all. Well, why will he when he can phone his nieces and nephews and ask for money, not ask though, he demands money as if he had any right to do so.
Sanjay, being the soft hearted person he is, gives in to the man's demand every time no matter how bothered he is by it. He just can't find the strength to say no, that too to a person who is his mother's elder brother. It's another thing that the man was nowhere to be found when Sanjay needed some money to send Kairav to school, when he needed help to bring some food home. Sanjay is kind but Kairav isn't. That's why he has added extra salt and spice in his uncle's food which is sitting at the corner of his plate. Kairav is waiting for the man to just take a bite.
Kairav coughs to cover up his laugh as the man starts making ridiculous faces after taking a bite.
"What happened?" Sanjay asks, concerned about the man.
"Here, mama ji. Have some water." Kairav says innocently, handing a glass to his almost dying uncle.
It takes every fiber of his being to control himself from laughing out loud when his mama just screams like he has seen a ghost. Well, not a ghost exactly. A cockroach? Sure. He almost drank it with the water that Kairav gave him.
The thing is, Kairav knew there was an insect inside the steel glass. He saw it in the morning but he was too lazy to throw away the water. It's now night and he is glad he didn't throw it away. Because someone did really deserve that for worrying his brother.
"Oh my God! A cockroach! Mama ji, we should take you to a doctor. What if the cockroach laid an egg and you drank it!" Kairav advices, feigning innocence.
For the first time in forever, Sanjay is glad that Kairav is a brat. He really didn't want the man in his home but because of his upbringing of respecting elders, he couldn't tell him to go home and stop bothering him for money. That man somehow learnt about Kairav's new job in a big company so he is here to claim his share. Sanjay won't, of course, give his hard earned money to this man.
"Mama ji, sorry. I don't know how the cockroach came into the glass." Sanjay apologizes, finding it hard to control his laughter.
Kairav has scared the man so badly that he refuses to drink water and eventually stops eating. And finally he takes his leave, promising to bother them, well, visit them later.
"You shouldn't have done that." Kairav rolls his eyes.
"Considering that you haven't taken off your slippers yet, I can guarantee you have also enjoyed it. I've seen you laughing as well." Kairav smirks, blowing air on his fingertips.
The whole room then fills with the laughter of the older and younger Sharma, not being able to control themselves anymore.
The D-Day has arrived. Vikram is attending the party like he promised Priya before. Well, he had no other choices. Because of the blackmailer, he has almost lost his sparks and connection to his work. He needs to build some connections and get acquainted with some business associates to crack a deal or two.
However, instead of enjoying the party, he is seen to be worried. It's been days and he hasn't found out about the blackmailer. Just two more days are left in his hand yet he got nothing that could work in his favor. Along with worry, he is feeling an overwhelming amount of annoyance right now.
As his personal secretary, Kairav is supposed to attend the party with him. But there is no sign of the boy. It's been long enough. He will really have to teach him a thing or two about time management.
He huffs in annoyance, looking at the boy running through the crowd to get to him.
"You took long enough, Sharma."
The boy raises his hand to tell Vikram to shut his mouth while he pants like he has just ran a marathon. According to him, it's more than a marathon.
"I'm sorry that I don't have big cars like you, Mr.Arora. I had to swim through seven oceans to get there." He says while panting.
Vikram holds himself back from talking back. It's useless at this point. This boy always has something to say back and Vikram doesn't have the stamina to argue with a teenager right now. Serves him right for hiring him as his personal secretary.
"Behave yourself, Sharma. It's an important business party. Your tongue can get my reputation in trouble." Vikram warns nonetheless.
"You are enough for that but do let me know if you need some help." Kairav gives him a closed mouth and mocking smile.
Vikram has this uncontrollable urge to smack his head but he holds himself back. This boy is really teaching him a new level of patience. To keep himself sane, Vikram walks ahead inside the hall room with Kairav following behind him, already sulking because of the exhaustion.
"Veer!" Vikram calls to gain his brother's attention who is busy talking to someone.
"Bhaiya!" The said boy legit throws himself into Vikram's arms.
"I'm so happy you are here." Veer says, still not breaking the hug.
"Am I invisible here?" Kairav mumbles to himself, feeling awkward witnessing the reunion of the brothers.
"I'm happy as well. I missed you so much." Vikram replies, a genuine smile taking over his face.
"Ehh…. He shouldn't really smile so bright. It's creepy." Kairav comments to himself, thankfully it doesn't reach his boss' ears.
"I was afraid you won't show up today." Veer whispers, finally breaking the hug.
Vikram ruffles his hair before answering, "How could I miss it? My brother is hosting the party!"
"Who is this young man?" Veer asks, finally noticing Kairav.
Kairav flashes a bright smile for finally having some attention. However, his boss snatches that away with his next comment.
"No one important."
"Actually, I'm the most important person in his company who sorts out his files and gives him updates on his own schedule. I'm Kairav Sharma." Kairav forwards his head for a handshake.
Veer smiles back at the kid for his boldness and gladly shakes his hand while Vikram just rolls his eyes.
"You seem like a funny kid." Veer compliments.
"I won't thank you as you just stated a fact. But I'm glad you know how to appreciate my talent."
"Where is Priya?" Vikram asks, ignoring these two.
"She is in the main hallway, talking to some business partners."
"Alright. I have some work with her. Excuse me for a second." Vikram utters, already making an exit.
"So, your name is Veer?" Veer nods his head.
"Are you really his brother?" Veer raises his eyebrow at that.
"Do you have any doubt?" Kairav nods his head.
"You two are polar opposite!" Veer laughs a bit at that.
Kairav clicks his fingers together as he remembers something, "So, you are the one who makes those delicious foods? I swear they are so yummy!" Kairav rants happily while Veer smiles at the boy.
"Bhaiya shared food with you? He is always so possessive over home-made food."
"Really? I couldn't tell." Kairav replies, sarcasm dripping from his tone.
"But, he is a kind boss, isn't he?" Kairav laughs but nods his head.
"The kindest."
"For your information, you are here for work not for chatting." Vikram appears suddenly out of nowhere.
"For your information, you are the one who left me here." Kairav retorts, feeling sour at his boss' appearance.
Veer just stands there and watches his brother trying his best to control his emotion but his clenched jaw gives it away. It's fun seeing Vikram all worked up. The kid is doing a good job at pushing Vikram's buttons and Veer is here for it.
"Veer, Priya is looking for you." And with that Veer excuses himself.
"Did you practice the names and informations of the businessmen I sent you yesterday?" Vikram asks, hoping the boy won't mess it up.
It's such a tedious job to remember all those unnecessary names. He has better things to work on. That is why he sent Kairav a thick file yesterday to memorize.
"Yes!" Kairav replies confidently.
"Let's go then.I have to meet some of them." Kairav finds himself following his boss once again.
Sanjay wasn't there today to tie his shoe laces and he didn't have the stamina to do it properly. So what now? He trips over his shoelaces and in an attempt to save himself from falling down, he grabs the coat of his boss from behind, almost yanking it away.
"Help, Mr.Jerk!"
Kairav heaves a sigh of relief when he finally regains his control over the momentum and saves himself from embarrassing himself. However, his boss' perfectly ironed suit is now all wrinkled because he grabbed it quite hard. And he called him Mr.Jerk. oops.
"Look where you are going, Sharma." Vikram glares at the boy before walking ahead.
Kairav is lucky that they are in public or else Vikram would really finish him off today. His patience has never run so thin before!
Vikram looks back when he realizes the boy isn't walking behind him anymore.
"What is it now, Sharma?"
"Can you help me with my shoelaces please, Mr.Arora? I don't know how to do it. But you don't want me to fall again, do you? What will people say if they learn your secretary is falling again and again!" Kairav pouts.
Vikram will deal with the kid later. But now, he agrees to tie the shoelaces. Because yeah, he doesn't want that boy to create trouble for him. He drags Kairav to a corner and kneels before him to tie the laces.
"It's alright. I forgive you. You don't have to touch my feet." Vikram ignores his rant and gets done with his job.
"Don't create any scene now, Sharma. Or else I will really do something bad." Kairav nods his head, finally feeling scared.
Vikram starts to walk again. This time Kairav follows him like an obedient child. He wants to eat those delicious free food because he gets killed by Mr.Arora.
Vikram finally stops in front of a man who screams of richness. Even his shiny bald head looks rich enough. Kairav wants to know the secret behind it. What recipe should he follow to look rich enough? Because right now he looks like a homeless person. However, he racks through his brain to remember all the information he read about the bald man in front of him.
He is the bald one. B for Bald, B for Birla. So, it's Mr.Himesh Birla. Now, H for Himesh, H for hospital. The owner of City Hospital!"
Before Vikram goes to shake his hand with the man, Kairav whispers every bit of information to him.
While Vikram indulges himself with different conversations with different businessmen, Kairav finds himself hungry. All the fragrances are assaulting his nostrils and mocking him at the same time. He is bored out of his mind!
He won't notice if I make an escape route and run away, will he?
True to his thoughts, he makes a quiet exit, leaving his boss alone with all those boring men. Food comes first. He can handle Mr.Jerk later.
"Wow! Rich people are having a blast, aren't they?" He says to himself before his mouth waters, looking at the continental buffet in front of him.
He wishes he could sneak in some food for his older brother. It's not like that they get to eat such good food everyday! However, he stuffs his mouth, not caring about anything in the world, not even about Mr.Jerk's wrath that he will face soon.
After stuffing his stomach with different kinds of heavy food, he goes towards the drink section to grab something. He takes a random one, thinking it to be a light beer. He couldn't be any more wrong because he takes a strong shot of alcohol, followed by another one and then the last and third one. As his alcohol tolerance is close to zero, he ends up feeling tipsy in mere seconds. After gulping down enough drinks that he can actually tolerate, he sets out on an adventure, not really knowing where his feet are taking him. On his way, he bumps with someone which causes him to glare at the person who decided to be an obstacle! However, his glare turns into a smile when he casts his gaze at the man.
"Karan bhaiya!" Kairav calls but the man runs away without even sparing him a glance which upsets the boy very much.
"What are you doing here, Sharma?" Vikram asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Did…did you invite Karan bhaiya too? You should have….. told me before! I could drag Sanjay bhaiya with me as well." Kairav slurs.
"Wait, are you drunk, Sharma?!" Kairav shakes his head.
"No." He hiccups, "I'm Kairav Sharma not drunk Sharma. Now, answer me."
Vikram shouldn't have brought the kid here. He had to handle all those men himself. What was the benefit of bringing him here? Nothing at all.
"And why would I invite this Karan bhaiya of yours?" Vikram asks through gritted teeth.
"You guys are business partners now. That's why."
"Stop asking these useless questions. I have so many people to meet but my good-for-nothing secretary is drunk. Isn't it just great?"
"It's not useless! I just saw Karan bhaiya. But he didn't even look at me. I'm so upset with him." Kairav pouts.
It takes a few seconds for Vikram to put two and two together. Karan can't be here. He has some people following Karan and right now Karan is at home. That means only one thing.
"Where did you see him?" Vikram asks desperately, holding Kairav's arm.
"Left?" And with that Vikram runs towards the left.
"What's wrong with everyone today? Why are they running away from me? Am I that scary?" Kairav frowns.
But he doesn't get to be upset for long as he feels an urgent need to relieve himself. So, he continues his adventure. Only this time it is to find a toilet. He curses under his breath finding almost all the doors locked.
"Fucking finally." He says when a door finally opens inward.
With his timid steps, he walks into the room, swaying in his way as the alcohol has finally started to kick in with full force.
"Hiiiiiii!" He mutters, finding Veer in that room.
"It…. It wasn't me! I d-didn't kill her." Veer mumbles, looking terrified to the core.
A/N: It's one of my favourite chapters of this book actually. Did you guys like it?
Anyway, that cockroach thing really happened with me. I was feeling too lazy to even through it away and my mother almost drank it. She beat the shit out of me for not throwing the water away and for not telling her before ;-;
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