Note: Deditated to : iVenus, for some good reasons, yet it'sfirst person who likes that story :)
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(Ji Ah PoV)
The place I was it was random school, But without unknown reason there were places looking like a gymnasium p/p
I don't know what I was doing in that place. All I knew was searching for escape door, to go outside, but whatever i chose, there was next door. There were a lot of people. In one room were boys, playing in a soccer. Did they have a practice?
In the next were boys playing in volleyball, in next –boys again , focusing on the
basketball, ... in next room were cheerleaders...there were rooms ‘genred’ of category. What a weird feeling. Where the heck I am?
Then, when I escaped last room I found a room with random, students sitting on a benches and there were bunch of kpop idols …
In the first room with them there were random, uninterested students plus
X-5, making a photo-shoot with a group of fans, then - U-kiss still with uninterested students. I came when they were done. I thought :
'hmm , should I come to Kevin?' but he already gone T^T
I decided to go into next room.
So, when I came into next room… THERE WAS SHINEE!!!!!!!
I made a step back, and blinked 'what's going on?' I thought to
myself, but anyway, I decided to go inside. Something made me thinking
'should I go and ask them?'. I was waiting till they were done with photo -session with theirs fans. They were about to go. I was stared at them for a long while, didn’t even think if they noticed me or not. And then I I noticed I am near Onew … He came to me, and I was staring at the ground, didn’t know what to say. It was awkward …
(Key’s PoV)
… I was observing it and I could see a huge similarity. Onew was walking to that girl like an ancient Greek, hmm… if I am not wrong it was Od…Odysseus? And that girl is like umm… Kirke? Well, but that girl is foreigner as well, and about her beauty I am not sure , what to think. So let’s just say she made Onew come to her because of being a fan. What else should make him to go to her? She couldn’t seduce him.
Oh, and… she looked…young but …
“Key ’umma’ , look what ahjumma did “ Taemin announced.
Ahjumma? Where? When did she come? I looked everywhere, but I could notice only fans.
“How long we have to wait for him?” I get impatient.
“Whoa~ Onew ‘appa’ came to talk with ahjumma. I didn’t know we are known here for European ahjummas.” Taemin became… annoying. I mean… his all talk about ahjumma were… harsh .
“For heaven sake, Minnie… where do you see ahjumma?” Minho asked him.
Taemin crossed his hands over his chest.
“Wait. You don’t… you didn’t talk about that umm…girl?” Minho pointed at that girl with who Onew talked.
“Ee? Is it that ahjumma, Minho?” I asked.
Minho was neutral till that moment. But when he got question from me he wasn’t really sure.
“Umm, Tae… You are mean, don’t you think? It’s a young girl, not ahjumma.” Jjong said.
“Where do you know she is not?” Taemin puffed his cheeks like a kid who didn’t get a candy. “She… I mean, mrs ahjumma …”he started but all he did was blushing.
“Aish, what do you think.” I patted his head gently.
“He probably mistake her with ahjumma because of her.. umm… chest” Minho explained.
I looked at that direction . Well, she really had…umm… I didn’t like that Onew went to her, but mistaking her with an ahjumma is a little too mean.
“Tsh, let’s go back “ I pleaded.
“Onew ‘appa’ asked to wait for him” Taemin reminded.
“As you noticed very well, he is busy” I answered. “With ahjumma.”
“Aigoo… Don’t be like that, Kibummie. Onew doesn’t want to do something stupid.” Minho stated. ”And you Taemin… Didn’t you know that…”
“Poor ahjumma…”Taemin whispered.
“For heaven’s sake, Taemin… Stop being mean. It’s not the best place to talk about that, so don’t provoke me. “ Minho said to him again.
(Minho’s PoV)
Really… does Taemin is stupid or does he only pretend? Why did he have to be mean and annoying in that moment? Is it because random girls touched him without his permission? But it’s not the reason to talk in mean way about unfamiliar person v.v We even don’t know her, she doesn’t know us, so what’s the problem?
I didn’t want to be a bad friend for him , I was agree to show for our fans that we aren’t aliens but they have to understand there is a distance between us… We didn’t give permission which says we can be touched by fans. But who gave Taemin rights to be mean? Didn’t he see girls in our country can have ummm… how to say it in light way? Bigger size? Oh, yeah. Something like that. Well, people are different, not everyone has to look like ‘S’ size.
“Min ;w; Where are you lookin’ at?” I heard Key’s whining. And with Key.. what should I think? Is he jealous? He acts like Penelope who waited patiently for her husband, and Taemin is like umm,…doesn’t matter. Penelope was patiently, she even rejected potential lovers, while her husband was on a trip. Key is not patiently, he looks ready for moving on, but at the same time is not really sure what to do …
“Don’t worry, I didn’t pass away accidentally, neither I didn’t spazz out” I explained for my friend.
“You looked at her ;w;” Key stared at me.
“Just to make sure she is not ahjumma.” I answered. “Plus, if she was ahjumma she wouldn’t want to call us “ I added.
“Umm, it makes sense” Key nodded, but Taemin was still unsatisfied.
… What’s wrong with them? I don’t understand my friends’ behaviour.
“Let’s go back, please” Key said.
“I am agree. I am getting sick looking at that picture. That weird ecchi noona steals Onew ’ appa’ “ Taemin made a new ‘nickname’ for her.
“As if it matter at all.” I sighed heavily.
“Umm, I don’t think she looks so ecchi.” Jjong said. “You cannot said it just because of…” he cut his sentence making a suggestive gesture around his chest. “She is not ahjumma, but she is not too sexy to call her ecchi. And I don’t think she is ahjumma. It’s just a girl” he explained.
… Wow, what an exploration. It’s obvious she isn’t ahjumma.
“Maybe he mistake her with a Winnie- The-Pooh?” Jjong’s words were…wow, strong.
It was like pretty hard joke. I chuckled.
Hmm, yeah, it was probably the most right description for her look, but still, she is a girl, a young girl, not ahjumma.
(Onew’s PoV)
I really didn’t know what I was doing. Impulse. That was the only one and logical explanation. I could hear my mates’ talk. It wasn’t nice. Who knows… maybe it is weird ahjumma who wanted to tease me? O.O Uhum, let’s see then.
She looked like a foreign girl, and probably she was. As I was walking toward her nearer, that I can state … Winnie the Pooh! It’s the only one name in my mind.
And then I heard a slight voice.
"Excuse me, I… ugh.. Could I take your time for a while?'
Is it was to me? And… English v.v
So it seems like I have to talk in a foreign language again?
I looked at her and stopped in good distance.
"Yeah. What's going on?" I asked in the language she used. Being honest I was curious, if my mates were still there so I turned my head to see. Then my members : Key, Jjong, Minho and Taemin looked impatiently at me. I sent them apologetically look, and laid glaze at my boyfriend. And, naturally.. he looked pretty pissed off v.v
"So.. what's going on?" I asked her again, because she didn’t answer.
She was stuttering .
"Er.. umm..erm..."
" Let's take a seat" I suggested and sat on a bench. "How may I help you?" I gave her another question, totally ignoring my group members’ impatience.
"Erm.. just...Could I get an autograph from you?" (she asked me stuttering…)
I chuckled and softly smiled
" yeah, sure"
She was searching for a notebook, when she realized she didn't have any notebook. It was too embarrassing, probably for her too. Then, she gave me a tissue. It was kind of weird for me, but hey, tissue is good to.
And so, I started sign that. I borrowed a notebook from a random student and put tissue on it. I noticed she turned herself to not looking at me. Hmm, weird. Normally fans are squealing, and trying to get some attentions. Fangirls… they would do everything to see my smile or a fan-service gesture toward them… but it was different this time.
Then, new impulse. I pulled her arm to make her look at me back.
"Is it okay? "I asked. It was still not finished . I was wondering if she really is interested or maybe, Key or Taemin were right. I tried my best, didn’t I? And all I got back was no attention … x.x
She avoided looking at me, but I could notice, she was pretty impressed by my little ‘Work of Art’
Why? Hmm ,just because I wrote my stage name 'Onew' on it (I used such a cute font size and Italic Type, and colored letters inside by light green , and brightly in blue shining pencil markers ).
She shook her head, like just she wanted to take away a thought how pretty I did.
"So… what's wrong?' I asked and looked concerned at her.
What did I want from her? Attention? Her behaviour was pretty obvious: she ignored my act. I decided to give her that autograph, I even tried to keep talk, even if it was a monologue for a long while. Maybe I believed I would receive a congratulations from her…
I looked a bit sad, maybe pathetic but who cares.
"nothing" she muttered and her cheeks turned on red color.
Did she just stutter again? ;w;
"Whoa~~ it's daebak," she complimented , but still, I didn't finish ^^;
I pinned her cheek between my middle and index fingers, then came back to sign.
Whoah, why did I do that again. Stupid impulse. Her cheeks.. chubby cheeks… It made ‘elastic’ sound…
She puffed her cheeks, and I chuckled. Didn’t she like it? ^^;
(Ji Ah PoV)
*Lol, what's going on? What's wrong with him?* I thought and sighed.
“Here” he said and handed me that tissue, signed now.
It had his name written in three languages: Korean, Japanese and Mandarin. My cheeks turned red again, even more. I didn’t know he would be so kind to do it. Plus, I never heard about him speaking mandarin…
“Ooh.. neh” I stuttered.
“Hmm, neh... Sorry, i missed my English name ^^;'” he said.
"It's alright ...and that? What is it?' I asked pointing at a fourth name written on a tissue.
"Oh, is not it your name?'
“hell yeah, but where did you find about it?” I said too loudly, he chuckled. I blinked confusedly. I don’t remember telling him my name, neither he shouldn’t know it, because I am not popular star. So, it was not normal at all. Did he become a stalker? But… for heaven’s sake, it’s Onew, right? He couldn’t do something stupid like that. Though, he made some mistakes, but, he is only a human.
I was about to put my tissue inside the pocket, and go, when he tugged on my arm.
"I got to go, k?' I said to him, but he shook his head. “No?” I guessed and he nodded.
I looked really pissed off, he demanded me to stay and sit there for a while.
Really, if he wouldn’t be Asian, and popular star, he would receive a hard slap in his face. I give no mercy for guys who touch me without my personal permission.
(Onew’s PoV)
“I just texted to Tae to let us stay there alone” I said and poked her puffed cheeks.
Wh-What is wrong with me? Okay, okay, stop Onew. You are just being nice toward that poor, weird fan-girl, she probably doesn’t believe it happens, though. Plus, she act totally.. weird. Well, doesn’t matter. Fans are always weird, no matter which nationality they are.
Yeah, that is. I just trying to be nice, and treat her as a normal fan, like I used to do many times in my career.
“A-about that.. that tissue...” the girl started in a while later. That stuttering.. do I look like hungry and angry wolfie ? =w=
Plus, it’s slowly annoying. ‘cause I try, don’t I? And she naturally treat me like ugh.. something bad.
Okay, Onew, you over-thinking. Maybe it’s time to stop it for a while…
"mmhm?' I asked.
"…" I paid attention only to hear no explanation? Pretty nice !
I am the one who try keep normal conversation, at least… fans are weird beasties. But that ‘circus – show’ now really annoys me. And someone like she, tries to ruin my ‘show’ which I practiced for almost 2 months? It can’t be, I won’t let her.
I noticed she tried to speak, but couldn't. I just guess that, don’t think that I can read in minds v.v
I then ruffled her hair. Next impulse. How much I do for her? She would never pay me back for it =w=
Geez, her hair … so soft. She would keep a place in contest for the best soft hair with Taemin. I wonder who would win, kekeke.
(Jonghyun’s PoV)
“Why they are together for so long? The usual time we focus on fans is 5 minutes, and she.. she took him for ever. “ Taemin whined. My poor boyfriend...*sigh* What can I do?
“Tsh, Let’s go to our room.” Key announced.
“We won’t wait for Onew?” Minho asked surprisingly.
“We can go, he sent me a message.” Taemin declared and showed us Onew’s intelligently message.
“Jeez, Tae. Aren’t you too… childish?” I pulled my boyfriend into my embrace and kissed his sweet pouts out from cheeks. He didn’t answer. So, we went to our room .
(Ji Ah PoV)
My cheeks turned red again x.x My poor cheeks are molested by him …
“Well, about that tissue.. why did you just..." I started to say , but I cut my own sentence, when i noticed he was too closer. My jaw was about to drop down, my lips was a little widened .. so he took his chance, he pulled his tongue out and tried to go inside mouth.
I was like 'WTF' –it was too shocking to do something. I felt like I have been paralyzed . It was really, really uncomfortable, and I swear I’d slap him v.v
But, crap, he was Asian, and I couldn’t do nothing…
I tried to go away, push him away a little. But firstly I couldn't make any move and secondly, he wasn’t eager to stop. As if I was trying to seduce him like a weird psycho-fan… I am so-called Winnie-The-Pooh, and about seducing I know nothing, I don’t talk to boys, so how, the heck I would want to try it on him? Seducing and me… Psh, what a nonsense.
Was it really Onew who fans know from tv –show or music videos?
He acted like insane, cursed creature. There was no other explanation for that. Maybe, he was even poisoned painfully? Who knows.
Onew pulled his tongue inside my mouth. And for a while there was a fight for a dominance. I didn’t keep it, I let it happens, because I was still in a shock.
(Narrator’s PoV)
Shinee were waiting for their leader but without a result. Taemin drunk 3 cans of banana milk. The others were in shock.
“How could you think about drinking in that moment?” Key asked gently. He understood that Taemin was angry as him, but he didn’t expect his angriness to that high level.
“Minnie~ Let’s go outside” Jjong suggested.
“But.. But… what with Onew ‘appa’ ?” he asked dramatically.
“I guess he’s still alive, Minnie” Jjong tried to cool him down.
“I don’t believe.” He kicked slim, long vase with flower. It ended as a pieces on the wooden ground.
“Aish~ Does he have ADHD? You can be stars but don’t do a mess” they got a lecture from an unfamiliar man and he started to glare at Taemin.
“I am angry, okay?” he said.
“It’s not the reason to be mean , Taemin . say sorry for him” Minho lectured him gently.
“But I don’t wanna”
“Taemin. Stop to be annoying! ” Jonghyun raised his voice at his boyfriend and he helped for that men, raising the pieces of vase.
(Ji Ah PoV)
So well, he was kissing my lips yet and then held me his hand
“We should go and continue it private” he whispered and took my hand and I was staying on my feet. He took my hand and I was obedient toward him like a puppy. It’s effect of shock. Effect of a really huge shock. Normally I would do something bad…
Private? What did he mean by it? He.. No, no no.. he couldn’t mean it what was I thinking about.
But he did it. He opened the door and we escaped that room. There was the next place, it had a stairs and black coloured wooden door with Flowers on it...
“What the fuck is this?” I muttered. I thought I hadn’t been heard but I was. He seemed to be shocked after hearing my words. Great, great, great.
He pulled me up because it was high... I don’t know why, but I ended walking on that freaking upstairs. While I looked behind, he was walking upstairs as well…
Then I realised we were walking on the box-where usually people supports soccer-stars during matches.
And that door were just ‘attraction’… Was it for special ummm, sweet scene for idols?
(Key’s PoV)
I had the rights to act like that. I am not blind, and my poor eyes saw Onew who was cheating on me . And with who? With a Winnie-The-Pooh looking girl v.v
But Taemin’s behaviour was really …I even don’t know how I should call it.
“Aish, I can’t ” I whined frustrated.
“I suggest you to text Onew” Jonghyun said. “Me and Taemin have to go outside.” Jonghyun added, took Taemin’s hand in his and escaped our room which actually was staff room.
Finally. Congratulations, Jonghyun v.v Why didn’t you take Taemin before?
Though, his whines became quiet, and it was not whine anymore, because of Jonghyun’s great idea. I stayed with Minho alone.
“Erm, Key?” Minho started.
“Why are you like that? You don’t know if Onew really wanted to ruin that day.”
“Minho, please.. not here, not now.” I tried to end this topic immediately.
“But…but what if he had been fooled like you? Did you even let him explain?” Minho stayed stubborn.
I clenched my fist angrily, I was few inches away of punch Minho. I got mad. Because of that situation. Because of Taemin. Because of him… Even because of myself
(Narrator’s PoV)
*one hour later*
“… You’re kidding, right? How does it come you don’t know what is that town? Or maybe is it cottage?” Onew asked fan but she wasn’t eager to talk with him. “Aigooo… “ he sighed and hid his face in his hands . “You think it’s funny, huh? I feel like an alien.”
“Welcome at club. I feel like damn Alice in the Wonderland. “
He blinked, and looked at her.
“What are you talking about? Isn’t it a gym?”
“It is. Ermm… what is the town or street?”
And he said it. The girl collapsed in a shock. He didn’t know what was wrong with her, it was the very first time he met too much weird fan.
(Minho’s PoV)
It was noon. We needed to come back to our hotel, pack our staff and come back to another town, wait in the airport for our flight. It was one of a kind weird live performances we ever had. We spent the whole day , plus the night and today morning with random fans, boys, girls and even older people … wasn’t it too long? It was like bad, long dream. I don’t know, what to think. I have a mess in a head because of what Onew did. He was spending the whole 30 minutes with one, weird fan, who… probably is insane or has amnesia. She even don’t know where she is. Maybe she was not living here? Who knows…
“Check her wallet” Key suggested and I slapped him in his hand so hard.
“Could you shout up for a while? We trying to check what is wrong, okay?” I said seriously. I had enough of his so-called Diva-style-show.
Key rolled his eyes, and looked at me furiously, and purred like angry cat. I didn’t care. I tried to find it on my own, it was kinda fascinating. Maybe I would find the same what made Onew talking with her for almost 30 minutes ?
“Why we have taken her with us?” asked Taemin, when we were in our hotel-room.
We were observing her, she tried to go away, but we have to know some things.
“Yah! Should we call a police? That ahjumma try to run away!” Taemin whined excitedly.
“For the thousand time: She ISN’T ahjumma! Look at her!” I patted his head energetically, and zoomed-on his head to hers.
(Ji Ah PoV)
Aish! What the heck is he doing? Are they normal? ? ?
“Yah! Yah! Yah!” I whined and tried to push him away. Of course, in gently way.
I clung to the wall and pouted.
“Are you alright?” I heard a voice. Hmm, my mind doesn’t work properly. I realized it was that boy, who gaped at me for a little while. “Ahjumma?”
Who? Where? Where is ahjumma? I looked at my shoes.
“Yah! Ahjumma~ I’m sorry” he said and put his hands on my shoulders and started rocking me back and fore.
“Aish, what are you doing, boy? I am alive.” I answered and clung to wall more. I looked fascinating at the escape door… there were just two or five inches from me…
“Tsh, Look what did you do to her. She is mad” Jonghyun said to him. I avoided looking at them but… I stared at each of them. Onew, Key, Minho and then ,Jonghyun.. so I suppose that kawaii boy in front of me is Taemin…?
“Whoaa… it’s the best dream ever but I have to go” I said and was about to go when I felt a pair of hands around my waist.
“Geez, you wanna die in that young age?” I sighed.
“With pleasure.. but not now.” I heard. My eyes followed at that holy direction : door.
I sighed, shook off that person’s hands of my waist and looked at them. And what? Near me was… yeah, that’s right. Leader =w=
“u..ugh…What the hell.. is it… kidnapping?” I muttered.
Then I realized I am talking to them in my native language, and they look at me as I am an alien or so.
“Ugh, erm… I mean… fuck this shit, I don’t have time.” I said in English, annoyed as hell.
“Yah. Stop being like that and listen, ahjumma. “ I heard Key’s voice. Wow, his English… *.*
I kept being mute for a while. At least, I didn’t want to make them pass away just because of my treatment for them.
(Onew’s PoV)
Was she insane or had amnesia? And..omg. What a fluffie person. I had some questions to ask her. I bet my mates as well. We couldn’t let her go . She spoke in another language, but it doesn’t matter, it sounded weird and I don’t wanna know it . But these words in English she said… it was so mean. Even more than mean. I am lame at English, but I haven’t problems with my ears yet. She definitely said something very vulgar v.v
“Chill down, and listen erm…you” I said to her, realizing I don’t know her name. She glared at me shockingly. Oh, yeah. I wrote her name on that tissue… but where the hell did I know she is named like that?
“Song Ji Ah” she answered shortly. It was Korean name, but she was foreigner.
“Wow, Ahjumma said a joke” Taemin said and started laughing like crazy.
“Hmm… let’s just say it” Key stated and looked at me. He went to me, and wrapped arm around my neck. Whoah~ I missed that.
“For your heaven’s sake: stop glaring and seducing my boyfriend, …hmm…Ji Ah” he named her that name she said us.
Wait, wait, wait….what? Did she… seduce me?
“Are you stupid, Key-sshi? How am I supposed to seduce?” that girl answered.
“ Key-sshi ?” asked Taemin. “So…she isn’t ahjumma?”
“I might look like one, but I am not too old” she said. “Can I go now?”
What did she say? She look like Ahjumma? She is really insane then –w-
“Ecchi noona…” Taemin appeared in front of her again, calling her a weird nickname. Great, just great. What she would think about Shinee after it? ;w;
“E-eer.. I am not noona.” She said and made a step nearer that damned door.
Then Taemin made something weird: sent her his aegyo.. and she has been frozen like ice-figure. Taemin pinned her cheeks and he giggled happily then he smiled at her.
The girl massaged her cheek and pouted . Heh, she maybe wasn’t Asian like we , but her pout was cute ;-;
“Taeminnie~” Jonghyun called his boyfriend. “Stop seduce her. “
“I didn’t try to seduce ecchi noona. Hey, guys…. She has fluffy cheeks.” He announced.
I mentally facepalmed myself. What an exploration, Taemin-Einstein T^T
“Ugh, sorry.. he just… “ Minho tried to said something to her, but he didn’t finish.
“Neh, neh. So now, can I go?”
“NO!” we all whined at her.
(Jonghyun’s PoV)
So, she ended up sitting with us on a sofa. Key near Onew, Taemin near me, and Minho between me and that… Ji Ah. I personally don’t know what is the reason why we wanted her to stay. She really looked like Winnie-the-Pooh, but I didn’t dare to make a skin-contact like Taemin did. He was giggling at her, doing his aegyo… what did he want from her.
“Aigooo… where with these hands, hm?” I took his hands away, because he was about to poke her and play with her hair….like a little kid.
“Yah, yah, better take him away, or else, he will end up like Onew.” Key stated, hugging to Onew’s chest.
On the one side it was so childish. But on the other- I could understand why does Key act like that. He was jealous and wanted to protect his boyfriend from her.
“Ugh… as if I was interested. I don’t care about stealing someone’s boyfriend. Better . I am happy, proud single.” She declared. Single, huh? I don’t believe –w-
“It doesn’t matter, what did you do to Onew?” Key attacked her with next question.
“Key ‘umma’~” Taemin whined. Woah, what did he think this time?
“Neh, Minnie?”
“I have decided.”
“Uhum, yeah? What is it?” everyone with me , asked.
“Let’s adopt ahjumma! “
I couldn’t bear with it. Adopt her? I laughed, and the others did the same.
“Taemin-sshi, as you said, I am ahjumma so you cannot adopt me” she said back. Great response.
“So, how old are you?” I asked. I don’t know why, but that question escaped my mouth.
“Hmm… 19 years old” she said and grinned. Whoah… her teeth look like vampire-ish teeth T^T Is she human? Taemin probably noticed it and he looked at me. But then he giggled and put a finger and slide on her vampire-ish looking teeth.
(Onew’s PoV)
Oh now is just great. I thought it was already worse but now is the worse situation.
“Taemin-ah! Stop doing it, right now!” I scolded him.
“But.. Ecchi noona…”
“Stop calling her in that way. She introduced herself, didn’t she? Call her Ji Ah if you want” I said. “And you, Jonghyun , you shouldn’t let him doing that. The same for you, Minho. You’re sitting next to her, and you let him doing it >< “ I lectured my mates.
“I was making sure she is real.” Taemin said and blinked innocently.
“I don’t care, stop scolding him. Who are you, his mom?” I heard from her and she glared at me. “Could someone tell me, what the hell I am doing here?” she added.
“We need to talk” Key said shortly. He pointed his index finger at that girl. “And you have to answer every question. Get it?”
She nodded her head.
“First of all: who are you?” Key asked.
“A girl named Song Ji Ah.” She answered.
“But you are not Korean”
“Er, no, but it’s my official Korean name.”
“What’s your real name then?”
‘”Aish, Key…” I tried to stop him, but he only glared at me.
“Erm, it’s really weird name” she spoke.
“I don’t care, I have to know”
“Ekhm.. well… My name is Cel”
(Minho’s PoV)
I didn’t really care about that situation, I was neutral though. I didn’t think she is bad, but I didn’t think she was good at the same time.
“So… I guess I can go now” she stated than asked a question. I don’t mind her sitting next to me, I didn’t want but I also didn’t make a scene because of that.
“I have to.. think about it” Key stated.
“Mou~ Doushite? T^T” she said unhappy.
“Excuse me miss?” Key asked again.
“What again?”
“What did you exactly do to Onew? Why did he act… as if he was under any… spell?
“Key, chill down. She just asked for an autograph” our leader said.
“But why you?” Key asked him then locked his glaze at her again.
“Firstly no one of you made a sign like being eager to go , and secondly: aren’t we supposed to make our fans happy?” Onew stated.
“We always try our best, we didn’t have to fly to that weird town” Taemin stated as well and he winked happily at ‘ahjumma’.
~ ~ ~
We somehow ended up walking on the way with her to her house. Key got an idea and we had to listen to him. That girl looked so pissed off by our presence, I can tell I could understand her. But what else I could do?
I wasn’t a fan of having an argument, so there was no other way, like only listen to Key’s idea…
Taemin was of course excited, and he teased her never-endlessly. Although, Jonghyun tried to chill him down, but Taemin was like hyperactive little kid, and he even didn’t want to listen me, which was worse…but whatever.
After 10 minutes we arrived at the right direction. It was simple , grey medium-high block with a beautician’s commercial-board.
“Whoa~ beautician” Key clapped in his hands.
“Erm.. sorry to tell you but she moved out 10 years ago” that girl explained.
“No, no it can’t be… then why does that board is still there?”
“Aish, stop whining, you wanna people to call for a police? And believe me, they can do that. “ that fan said and she stick his tongue out at Key, and he… shouted himself up.
“So, ahjumma you live here?” Taemin asked.
I had enough, I put a hand to cover his mouth.
She looked at him confused.
“Wait, so.. you don’t understand him?” Key intelligently asked.
“Just because I know simple words, doesn’t mean I can talk. So I neither don’t understand him. I just can tell he is kawaii.. you know… he squeals like a really cute, adorable..” Taemin’s eyes became sparkling.
“Did ahjumma just call me ‘kawaii’? “ he said and looked at me.
“Stop fantasying around” I patted my saeng’ head. I couldn’t understand her fully, just a little. “And for the never-endless time tell you : it‘s not ahjumma” I repeated.
“Yah, where are you going?” Key stopped her. Then I noticed, she was gonna put a key to that door. “You didn’t show us your home”
She dropped down her keys.
(Jonghyun’s PoV)
No, moan. It can’t be again. Did she collapse again? I sighed before I decided to do something. I just raised her keys up from the ground and checked on her, but she was alright.
“Here” I handed her keys and she muttered something which sounded like ‘Thanks’.
Did she feel forced? I didn’t want thankies back. I looked at Taeminnie, he seemed to be finally chilled down. But how long it will be happen?
“We are gonna visit ahjumma’s home?”
… Couldn’t he stay calm for a little longer? That fan is gonna think we are not normal or something like that.
“I don’t think it’s the best idea. And even if it was our hometown we don’t go without invitation, do we?” I reminded. I especially said it to my boyfriend and Key.
“I am agree with Jjong. We didn’t fly here to mess around. “ Onew replied for my small ‘appeal’. Thank you, fellow *~*
“It has been decided.” Key stated.
“No, it wasn’t. Look at her. She is about to spazz out because of your stupid idea.” I came with new way to chill him down.
“I don’t care, she has to do it.” Key was really stubborn and.. rude.
(Ji Ah PoV)
I tried to send that information straight to my mind, but it was impossible. Then , it happened. I lost attention so I dropped my keys. And Jonghyun handed me it back… I looked at each of them. They were trying to chill down Key and Taemin, it looked kinda funny.
~ ~ ~
They ended up where Key want to.
“Your wish came true” I chuckled and grinned at him.
“Oh, God.. Asians again?” my mom seemed so disappointed. “Erm, I mean… say hello”
“Mom says ‘hello’ “ I replied them, put my shoes off of my feet and walked to my room. I peeked back to see they were staying on the hallway.
“Now , you can go, right?” I asked them.
Everything got complicated when mom asked me to welcome them properly.
“What?” she asked suspiciously, while giving me glass with a gooseberry-blueberry flavoured juice.
“Nothing” I answered, grinning widely and hid myself in my room, closing door behind myself. In the same time I took a sip of juice… pretty sweet and sour .
- - - - - - - - - -
End of part 2. If it still sad, i amsorry, but it includes sad parts, not only bb's love or fictional fan-meeting with Shinee.
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