
(Minho’s PoV)

I tried to do something to forget that I am alone again. Onew leader took Key on a date. Bleeh~ How does

Key can be in love in that disgusting, chicken-eater brat-leader? It’s too much annoying, I can’t help -.-

I was about to confess but I gave up. I didn’t

want Key to be mad at me, I didn’t want to lose my friend. So, if he chose Onew I tried to accept it. But it was hard.

They were dating since 3 years. Key thought

that is the right time to deepen that relationship. Unfortunately , Onew seemed to not see it. And so, Key was worried. I mean, I know everything, but sometimes I wish Key could be mute. I really don’t like hearing about every detail -.-

It’s disgusting…

Well, it’s not that I am jealous. I am glad Key is happy.

But, is he really happy in love with Onew? …







(Onew’s PoV)

We have a lot of practices before our

Tour de Europe, but it doesn’t

mean that I have to ignore Key. Although, I refused to meet with him 5 times lately -.-

It feels no good =.= ‘

I bet Key is really afraid and upset.

Maybe mad at me for not spending much time with him like I used to do.

I looked at the watch. Our order is missing.

“Excuse me for a moment” I told Key. He just nodded shortly.

I went to ask about our order.

“I am pretty unsatisfied. I ordered our meal half an hour ago. What’s wrong? Why so long, huh?!”I asked that waiter who took our order.

“It’s still in-progress. Please, wait patiently” he said.

I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to scold everyone who ruined that moment… But I didn’t do nothing. I didn’t want to make a scandal, accidentally and all of sudden. It was worse enough.

When I came back to mine and my boyfriend’s seat… he looked pretty pissed off. I gulped nervously before speak to him.

“When our order will be prepared?” Key asked boringly.


“You know what? I’ve been waited enough. I’m bored of waiting . I’ll take my leave now!” he screamed, highly pitched voice.

Everyone looked at us.

“Key! Wait-“

“Don’t follow me. I

want to back to my home!” Key cutted me off and pushed away of him.




I didn’t have idea what was wrong. It was the regular restaurant I usually was visiting with Key. It was

really good and nice place. With good food and by food I mean not only chicken…

Our order was late and missed. Key couldn’t wait any longer, me too… but does he really… think that I wanted our date to finish like that?!

But he blamed me -.- As if I was the reason.

Aish, what the hell is the reason ? What, who knows tell me. I’d love to know.

Damn~ And that time I wanted to tell Key something important, but he doesn’t want to talk to me, nor see me.

He even didn’t pick phone when I tried to call him -.-






(Taemin’s PoV)

I was having ‘the-cuddle-time’ with Jjong , when my phone started to vibrate.

“No matter who is it, don’t pick the phone up” I heard Jonghyun’s voice.

I looked at the screen and my eyes widened. It was Key’s ID.


“What ‘hmm …’

, Tae? Who is it?” my boyfriend asked.

“Just Key… but it’s weird he calls me. Didn’t he have a date with Onew? “ I asked a question to my boyfriend.

“It’s weird. “ he stated.

“Uhm, that’s why I don’t know, what to do” I explained.

I hesitated so long with picking the phone up, till the phone stopped ring-ding-dong. I came back to my right duty now- cuddle with Jjong~


(Jonghyun’s PoV)

I wonder why

did Key just call Taemin? Was it a good reason?

Wasn’t he on the date with our leader – Onew? What happened?

I thought it was a joke- that caller didn’t call second nor third time. Maybe it wasn’t really important at all?


(Key’s PoV)

It’s sucks. What’s the reason that Tae didn’t pick the phone?

It’s not that he’s my the only one friend, but being honest I did not like to disturb Jjong and if concern about Minho…it’s hard to tell him. I always describe him and coloring my meetings with Onew. What would I tell him this time?

Sorry, but it’s over of stories’ ? Although, Minho is good listener and my pretty details stays

where they should stay.

If I were him I would tell stop. It might be really hard to bear with,

hearing about every date, with every details, describe my feelings… But Minho… God, he was like angel. And by angel I mean real angel. Real angels are patient, never hurt you but protect, secure and save you , giving you feeling of never-endless care.





Before our so-called

Tour de Europe

we still had a lot of time, exactly ½ of month. What should I and the rest of Shinee do? Practices were almost done. Our five were discussing

about choreography and we’re agree to choose Jjong’s conception.

About clothes: because it was our first European live concert , Taemin wondered if we should use coordi-noona’s conception, but it was rejected by our leader. And being honest I was agree with Tae. Did my boyfriend become angry because of that? Shuush~ ;w;


One week before concert


We tried our best so hard. Fortunately

we were done with everything in time. We did everything perfectly-perfect, and there was nothing to be mad at but maybe I missed something.

Hmm, I don’t care now. All I wanted was just that damned engaging-ring which I found on Japanese site. I thought, that… because Onew arranged a date, that he finally wanted to go further… but our relationship was slightly dying as hell.

And I mean it. What did happen

to our relationship ;w;

But Onew even didn’t try to take care and pay attention on me…

I was more than unhappy, when Taemin rejected me again.

Since when he became so addicted into his own dates- with Jjong? ;w; It was not fair at all >w<


(Onew’s PoV)

I couldn’t understand why Key was acting so weird. And all of sudden ;w; Did I do something

for him? Or… Is he still mad at me because of our latest date…

As I said him, it wasn’t my fault, but Key acted pretty pissed off… So damn great ! ! !

I wish I never take him on a date to that restaurant. I wish I could take time back…

but it’s obvious no one can, so me neither.

Sadly, I wanted to spend nice time with my boyfriend. Not so much, everyone was addicted in practicing before our so-called Tour de Europe . But that… accident in restaurant ruined everything whatever I had planned.

I had to pay for order anyway and even if I did not want, I paid for heaven’s sake…


(Jonghyun’s PoV)

Taemin was practicing really hard. He really was excited. Who wasn’t ? I was as well. Finally, it was our first live –European performace.

Tour de Europe

– seems like it’ll be great concert..

Will European fans appreciate our visit or no? Will they eagerly listen to our new songs or won’t?

Should we show them some fan-service? Did they deserve

to be spoiled like the rest?

There are only questions-no answers ; ( I really dislike it ;w;


(Taemin’s PoV)

2 days

before concert

Everyone looked like zombies :powerless and slow-minded. Were they even restless? They’re so… like lifeless marionettes ;w; Did something happen?

It’s obvious that yes…

I suddenly felt on the ground.Ou~ch~


annoying feeling between legs…

“1,2,3…Hop up~” a pair of

hand slided under my arms. I realized. That Jjong decided to


… Such a good boyfriend. But holy crap, it hurts as hell.

“Take a break, hmm?” he suggested.

“I…I think I need to go to the restroom” I whispered to his ear. Jjong looked at me worriedly…

“Do you need company?” he asked.

“I… I’ll go myself. Please, continue.” I told him and went out from the training room, slowly.

In the midst of way I felt down on the ground.

I found myself unconscious.


(Jonghyun’s Pov)

That sudden situation was so sad. Taemin was feeling good today, even yesterday. Nothing seemed to become worse than that. I immediately went to help… But a while later he lost conscious, when was walking. Aa~ish, what did happen? Everything’s fine, but Taemin’s health’s situation looked suspicious.

Was he poisoned by the chance? I don’t know what could make him feel worse…

Maybe he just over-worked himself? Even if he is

impossible elastic, he’s still a certain human, and my boyfriend.




I called the ambulance and after 10 minutes it arrived Taemin still was unconscious.

I left the training room and

texted my mates- just to let them know they can continue without me.




It was as long as never-endless times.

I just hope it was not something bad like cramps… this is if something like that exist in Taemin’s immune system…

I was worried about Taemin as hell…


(Narrator’s PoV)

The training without masterpiece moves of Taemin wasn’t the same.

“I think I’ll take a break, guys” Onew stated. “Would you like to join?”

“Yeah, I am less of energy” Key answered and linked arm with Minho’s arm,

taking him away of dancing trance. “Let’s go eat, Min~” he added.

Onew looked at him dumbfounded.

“Erm, I don’t think it’s the best idea” Minho said.

“Oh, c’mon. Who the hell said

I’ll go and order chickens. I have to get rid of them. “ Key declared.

“I’ve only chocolate

and m


sli bars…” Minho warned.

“Daebak~” Key literally

jumped of happiness. “Could I borrow them~?” he added.

“You can eat them, silly” Minho said and smiled warmly at Key.

“Uhm, Key…” Onew started but Key ignored him in pretty- Diva style. Minho looked apologetically at Onew, but Key didn’t feel like saying ‘sorry’ to his boyfriend.


(Key’s PoV)

Tae looked pretty sick since few days, but he kept telling he was feeling

good. I did not

want to make him feel under pressure, so I stopped nagging him. But when

he felt unconscious a while ago, it was reason to worry again. I wished I would lost conscious, I’d literally die to see how Onew cares of me… But I already know he doesn’t. Was I… boring for him now? But fortunately, I had such a good friend like Minho.

I mean… I liked them all, but Jjong and

Tae were absent and I did not really feel like talk to him.

I felt like rubbish threw into trash-bin, with another… not nice things.

“Key~ Let me… I want to talk with you…”Onew hyung was so annoying >w< Did not I tell him properly? He had his chance but if he screwed it up I cannot help.




During this break me and Minho went on a rooftop.

It was nice place in every single day. I liked it, because I could spazz out and think properly.

“What are you thinking about?” Minho asked gently.

“It’s nothing, Minho” I answered. “Where is my choco bar *^* “

I teased him cutely.

“Here” he said and gave me a simple choco bar.

“Thank you~” I clapped in my hands and opened it. I started munching, piece by piece, slowly. Minho was eating as well, then he took a simple cartoon of wild-berry juice and started drink it.

“Nee, Min~” I cut the silence.


“Is there any difference between fans in Asia and in Europe?” I asked curiously.

“A little but it’s not big deal” he answered. “A little the same like in USA… but in Europe not everyone use

English” he added intelligently.

“Does it mean we have to… you know… study another language?”

I asked curiously yet worriedly.

“No, no. I don’t think it’s necessary. It’s enough if you’d say something cool like you always do” he stated.

… Whoah~ Ummm…^///^ Hehe… I don’t know what should I think. It was horrible nice…So nice, so cool…

;w; But did I deserve? I did not do something special, so maybe…

that’s why Onew… did not like me anymore…


(Minho’s PoV)

Key acted very weird. I wonder why. He blushed without any special reason… or he

just day-dreamed

for a while, reminding himself his happy…and I bet, he thought about his and Onew’s rated moments…

I tried to ignore jealousy in my heart, but he probably doesn’t know how much I try. Because I really wish for Key happiness and I like seeing him hyperactive and just… seeing Key happy makes me happy as well. That’s, I’m happy not jealous.

“…Min? Are you alright?” I heard Key’s voice. Was it my imagination or

it sounded… worried of me? No, no , no.

Impossible and unbelievable. Maybe it was

just and impulse of friendship. Nothing more than friendship . He wouldn’t cheat on Onew, they probably had small quarrel, but they’ll be back to each other…

“Min!” Key whined.

“Huh?... Oh,

sorry Key”

“Min ;w; ~”

Key was looking at me… sadly.

“Hey, what is that for? I am here, aren’t I? I’m sorry, I just… was eaten up by my thoughts.” I said. “ I am sorry again but I really listened” I added and pat his shoulder.

“Don’t do that again pabo! I thought you… you… “ Key started stuttering.

“Me ‘what’ ? “

“… Never mind. Just tell me your answer” he whined childishly.

I blinked confusedly.

“Aish, you didn’t listen ;w; “ he stated and looked away. Mad…

“Key? Would you like to repeat?” I challenged.

“Umm… I just… ugh… it’s stupid. “ he stuttered.

“Tell me.” I repeated as well.

“When… I mean… if we… in Europe…”

“Why do you stuttering? Is it something… umm…intimate?” I asked quietly, afraid a little.

“Depends…but if you think exploring the European

shopping- mails is intimate…”

“It’s totally normal” I cut his sentence off.

“What? Why did not you tell me at the beginning *~* “

“Tell you what, Key? “ I asked, confused again.

“C-Could you… C-Could I…”

“Don’t stutter, Key” I sighed. “It’s only me…it feels no good when you stutter during conversation with me. Or do I have something on my face?

Does my blouse is dirty or stinky?” I asked worriedly.

Key chuckled sheepishly.

“I’m sorry if this sounded umm… awkward” Key leaned closer to me. “You’re perfectly fine, Min. And your scent is kind of that scent I like feeling

“ he explained.

“Couldn’t you say it in normal way? “ I pouted. “It sounded really suspicious”.

“Mianhae, Min. S-so… a-are you…” he started stuttering again v.v

“’kay. But

first of all you’ve to exchange wons into euro “ I said.

Key looked at me confused.

“What?” I asked taken aback a little.

“I thought I’d use wons “ Key said. I don’t know why, but it was cute and funny. I chuckled sheepishly.

“How wouldn’t you know that, while you go on a concert in Europe?”

“Stop laughing Min ;w; It’s not funny”

“It is ^^; “ I said, Key pouted childishly. “Would you like to go and

exchange the money? “ I asked and smiled gently.

“Right now?”

“Mhm. Or do you want to wait till we arrive at that European town?”

“But you said they don’t have our money…”

“Yeah, so it might

be a little problem “

“Then I am going to do an exchange right now.

Our bank is international, right?”

“I think so… But what with umm…Well, what with Onew?”

“Just go, please. You’re into that things so please, come with me~” Key whined childishly, ignoring my question about Onew.

I couldn’t reject Key’s offer. I was his friend at least and I was

glad I will can spend

free time with Key.





The night before flight


(Shinee’s apartment. 9:45 pm. Living room)

Key was really happy. I could notice it easily. He forgot about his previous problem. Exchanging money has been successful.

I didn’t want to ruin it right now.


(Taemin’s PoV)

I couldn’t believe in doctor’s words.

I had deep level of anaemia . It was like nightmare for me. I felt bad lately but I thought all because of cramps…

Unfortunately, it wasn’t

;w; What a shame, especially because Jjong really

tried his best, well in short he pleases me the best in world. Okay, so I wonder what’s wrong that it wasn’t cramp ;w;

It was

the last day before our flight. Everyone was sitting in living room.

“Oww, I’m so sorry. I thought I’m gonna be uncle” Key ‘umma’ said to me. I blushed, I bet I reminded strawberry.

“Fortunately it’s only anaemia” Jjong answered and sat next to me, giving me a mug with bubble tea.

Onew hyung choked into his mug.

“Are you freaking… kidding me?!” he snapped at me.

“It’s true…” I replied slowly.

“Aish, why didn’t you care about yourself?” Onew hyung whined.

“Because I want our first

Tour de Europe to be Perfection. Because I tried my best. Because I want our fans to melt down…” I snapped back.

“Everyone wants this, Taemin” Onew stated.

“There were a lot of practices, Jinki hyung. “ Jjong noticed. “And it might be a lot of stress. “ he added, and

I felt my cheeks became as red as strawberry, more than should be.

“Stress? Why? This is nothing to be stressed about” Onew hyung stated.

“I… heard European fans are louder , weirder and make you feel more stressed.” I explained. Onew hyung looked so dumbfounded.

“What the… who, the hell told you that shit?” he asked pretty pissed off.

I blinked,

hurted so pretty much. Who did tell me? Minho hyung, Key ‘umma’ and Jjong… if they all told me, I thought it’s more than 100% sure ;w;


(Minho’s PoV)

I didn’t know what the hell is wrong with Onew hyung.

Was he jealous? But why? About simple lunch with Key…?

If he thinks I am that kind of person , then it’s only his problem.

I don’t want to steal Key away of him ;w; Even if I’m pretty fall in love with him… but I won’t let him know that. Key belongs to Onew and that is the right.

But what the heck was wrong with him? Why did he react so…impulsive? Did I do something to him… couldn’t he tell me privately instead of telling in front of everyone?

“There’s no difference. Fans are fans.” Onew said. “ Instead of over-working yourself, you should’ve focus on the rest” he added.

Did he hear himself? What the hell he tells that shit?

Does he want to have a quarrel before our flight? ;w;

It’s disgusting, horrible… childish and selfish.

“Hyung, it’s no big deal. Please, don’t be mad” Taemin pleaded.

However, Onew didn’t want to give up.


(Key’s PoV)

“Mah boo, I demand you go and sleep” I told Taemin.

“I think the same. It’s not that I deny everything. I am really impressed by your skills… but it was dangerous. No one can replace you, Taemin “ Onew said. Tsch. Whatever.

I rolled my eyes. What the hell he is trying to do? It was just a while, when he yelled at him and he deny his own words now.

“But I have to pack my luggage…” Taemin explained.

“We are done with practices. You can go and take a rest” Onew repeated. “Everyone, thanks for today. Let’s take a nap before flight” he added. I don’t know what’s wrong with him.

I guess he is bipolar. I just did not notice it before.


(Onew’s PoV)

Tomorrow at 6 am have to be our flight to Europe.

I am not stressed somehow, but worried of Taemin. I thought he got awkward c cramps… but it was only anaemia. Almost anorexia. Hmm, it’s hard to tell what’d be worse: if Taemin would get cramps or if Taemin has anaemia. In both situations he might fall down like no long time

ago in training room. There were a lot of rumours, telling by random people.

Fortunately , Tae did not

get bad results of examination –in short he was 100% healthy, not on the way to bare a kid – Was it even possible? ;w;


hyung, can we talk?” Taemin asked when everyone went to dorms.

“Hmm~” I hummed as a short reply. “What is it, Taeminnie?”

“A-About.. my anaemia”

“Okay? What about it?” I asked.

“I… I don’t know what did I do. Why did you get mad at me? Maybe would be better if I…umm… got annoying cramps?!” he whined.


“Should I get pregnant to deserve that treatment? It’s only anaemia, no anorexia, it’s no big deal at all… And – to your information hyung-you should sometimes gotta be more sociable toward people or reads international magazines…”

“Did you finish yet?” I cut his sentence off.

“It’s very rude and mean, Jinki hyung. You should be punished” he suggested… or was that a warning?

“We have a flight tomorrow” I repeated.

“Yeah. Well…Good night.” Taemin told and went to his dorm.

I didn’t want another quarrel… but it was. What was wrong with me? Why did I act like Santa Claus in mad mood?

Maybe there are my bipolar days… I don’t know. I really, really don’t know. But… I don’t want another quarrel, it’s enough… Key thinks about moving on? Probably he’d choose Minho ;w; I don’t wanna lose Key…


(Jonghyun’s PoV)

Taemin wasn’t really sick. There was nothing serious to be worried about. Why did I think Taemin will not be able to

work properly for 9months… Was I insane? We could not have our own kids… ;w; But Taemin has been scolded as if he got pregnant accidentally. I personally

think it would not be bad.

But it was only me and my shy thoughts.

My beloved boyfriend has been described with a deep level of anaemia – it meant his immune system wasn’t working normally. Suddenly, Taemin’s chance has been screwed up.

He overworked himself too much this time, and his fragile body said ‘stop’.

Taemin was eating rarely, he even avoided his special & favourite banana milk. I wonder, why did he do that? For who or what?

Taemin didn’t want to tell me what

did he talk about with Onew. I just hope Onew didn’t tell him bad words.

“Which shirt you’d like to pack?” I asked him when he came back.

“I probably

will not be able to fly tomorrow…” he murmured silently.

“Nonsense. You’re alright, aren’t you? You just lost control, that’s all.” I tried to make him feel better.

“I wanna cuddle now…” he stated.

“Let’s cuddle then” I nodded and pulled him into my embrace… But he looked sad.

“I am sure European fans will appreciate your presence” I

said and pecked my boyfriend’s cheek. I saw a blush which appeared on his cheek, it was cute…

“Don’t embarrass me…” he lightly hit my arm and crawled to his wardrobe. “What about that t-shirt with Pika-Pika?” he asked.

“It’d be perfect “ I stated.

“You think? I lose some weight…” Taemin challenged me.

“I very well knew what does he want…

“It’d look perfectly on you” I kept his ‘game-on-check’.

“Kyeopta~ ^3^” he smiled

cutely and wrapped arms around my neck and pecked my cheek.

“So… you think you can tell me now?” I asked.

“It doesn’t matter anymore. It seems like Onew had a quarrel with Key again” he guessed.

“Oh. How did you know that?”

“Intuition” he winked at me.

I helped him in packing clothes then we fell asleep, cuddling to each other.


(Narrator’s PoV)

The night passed by and without notice it, Shinee boys were on


way to airport.

“Hyung, I’m nervous” Taemin said to Key.

“Stress is good , but if you take a nap in airplane, it’ll be less stress on the scene” Key suggested.

“Did you ever hear about that country?” Taemin asked a new question.


“Let me guess~”

“Chill, Taeminnie. Even Onew hyung doesn’t know where are we going”

“Really? But still , I wanna a guessing game”

“Hmm, okay then”

“Is it English-language country?”

Key did not know it himself, so he looked for a simple tip from

any of his mates.

“Don’t ask me. I don’t have idea.” Minho said.

‘Me either.” Jjong stated.

“Uhm.. so…Do you.. ugh…know something?” Key asked Onew.

“If I tell, it’ll not be the guessing” Onew replied.

“Ugh… Just say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ “ Key nagged him.

“Fine! I do know something…”

“Omo *Q* What is it, hyung?” Taemin asked Onew.

“It’s not English-language country” Onew replied.

“Where did you find that?” Key asked shockingly. “Was it ‘Wikipedia’ site?” Key said then burst out of laugh.

“I did not search for it on-line” Onew answered shortly before he plugged the mini-ear-phones to his ears and he could listen to his playlist of songs.






In the airplane


Onew was reading European magazine, Jjong was sleeping, Taemin was talking with Key and Minho was making a cross-word about popular films and actors.

“You look sleepy, Tae” Key noticed.

“Ye-Yeah, I was about to tell you I am going to take a nap” Taemin nodded.

“It’d be the best idea, Tae”

Key squealed as a crazy fan-girl.

“Good night “ Onew and Minho told him.

Tae had fallen asleep soon. Minho felt sleepy as well.

It was such a long trip, so it was obvious that they need to rest.




(Onew’s PoV)

After some hours we were there, in one of European country. What was

the name of it…

Well, it doesn’t matter.

Even our managers had a lot of problems with pronunciation :c

It would not be look good in my CV but well… life is brutal and full of unwanted surprises…

And I still want bring Key’s love back. I hope that I’ll have a chance even if I totally don’t know, what that weird country would offer.


(Taemin’s PoV)

“Wake up, baby. Our flight is done” I heard.

I had very fluffy dream. Who, the hell was too stupid to waking me up?

I slowly opened my eyes and I saw Jjong’s eyes looking straight and deep in mine… ^



“Where’s Key ’umma’? “I asked childishly.

“Here, baby Taeminnie. Muah~” I got a

kiss on forehead from Key. “

Did you sleep well?”


“Good. Are you ready to step down on a new ground?” he asked daringly.

“Of course, I am.” I answered. I stretched my back, stood up from my seat and went after Key.

Our luggage were waiting in new airport.

Most of people there weren’t Asians, I knew that since the beginning… but those glares were making me scared as hell ;w;

I clung to my ‘oppa’ arm. He paid me his beautiful smile which only he can send.

Me, Jjong and Minho were sitting on a metallic bench and waiting for Key-umma and Onew: they were talking with people who carried our luggage from airplane.

They were talking in English. Even if Onew wasn’t professional speaker he was better in English than me. Key-umma was at the most highest level if concern about talk in English….the sad fact I noticed was that Key-umma was pretty pissed off. Is it because of Onew? No,

probably bythat woman in front of


She was stuttering in English and Key was gently towards her, but I realized she was lame at English… So the question is ‘ What the hell is she doing here?’

“Thank you, miss” Key said to her but , surprisingly, all she said back was ‘f*ck you’… Do they all so vulgar like she? I hope that no…

Onew and Key came to us.

“Here is the address of our hotel” our lovely leader said. “We have 15 minutes of way from her, let’s go” he announced.

“Yeah, let’s go kids” Key said.

… Kids?;w; I feel unloved…


(Key’s PoV)

That was unqualified woman and talk with her was really big mistake. I don’t think she was stressed, because before us she talked perfectly to foreigners in English. Me and Onew have been treated as aliens… from Mars or Jupiter. Tsh… I can’t judge but I felt like she just has been told to treat us.. so bad.

“Pretty great. We didn’t start our live performance and we swamped into a shitty scandal!” I burnt out when we were on the way.

No one answered. Am I only the one who felt… so weird?

I mean… I don’t

wanna ask for

white wine, red carpet and black limousine.

I’m not stupid Hollywood-star, I don’t need that: I am just unsatisfied. I don’t want nothing else except some respect.. But it seems I plead for a miracle.

Our hotel was small. It was called Duet.

The price was high, I checked it on the net , but it was the only one hotel here.

“Hyung, why couldn’t we stay in that big town? Here is not even a subway or airport” Taemin pouted.

“It’s a cottage” Onew said.

“It’s not funny at all” Taemin pouted more.

“It’s kind of true. It’s something between small town and big cottage” I answered.

“It’s weird” Taemin stated.

“I am agree but we could not reject , our manager arranged it…”

“It’s pretty odd town” Minho said. “Is it really good place?”

“Yeah, it is” I said. “Is it…

Onew? “ I asked our leader.

Our leader nodded his head slowly.

“We can always call manager-hyung…” he suggested.” But I bet he is so freaking busy now. Better not disturb him.”

Occasionally, I have to be agree with my boyfriend.

We didn’t break up yet, but thinking about Onew brings me pain back… So better , if I focus on something else.


(Jonghyun’s PoV)

It was a huge surprise. We actually have been fooled by our manager, we didn’t really know what we should think about that place…

Why do we have to

suffer the hell lately?

I noticed a pair who was kissing each other.

Boy and girl. Some steps later me and the rest noticed two more pairs. How many pairs walk today and make out in public? It’s… disgusting.


(Taemin’s PoV)

My hyungs remained silence. I didn’t

want to stop the silence. I wasn’t sure what am I doing here. It is too odd and too weird town or cottage.

“Here we’re. Our hotel

Duet “ I heard an information from Key. That hotel was small… it looked like regular restaurant…

*2,5 hours later*

Onew hyung explained me some facts about this town.

It didn’t

calm me down, I was scared. First time in my life people made me feeling like alien…

We got one medium-size room, there were only 2 beds and one sofa, one wardrobe, one small bed table, small table

and mini-balcony…. Great, just great.

Manager-hyung, where the hell did you send us? v.v

*1 hour later ; 19. 50 pm.*

I knew it wasn’t too late, but I kinda was tired. I fell asleep really fast.

“Good night, Taeminnie” I heard and got a ‘good-night-kiss’ on my pinky-rose lips. I could recognize it: it was my pretty beloved boyfriend, who kissed me.


(Jonghyun’s PoV)

I could understand Taemin’s situation. I feel sorry, but all I can do is supporting, comforting him and make him avoid stressing situations. Poor boyfriend. How could I let him enter in that irrational yet stressing ‘world of anaemia’ ? Why didn’t I notice? Maybe, because Taemin kept telling us, he is feeling pretty well…

“Where and when is our concert? “ I heard Key’s voice.

“Tomorrow at 6 pm.” Onew answered his question. “And where? Manager gave me full schedule with a map… but I don’t understand that.”

“Why can’t you understand. Show me it” Key told him.

I sat near them to see it:

√Schedule of concerts√

In Europe

1st day-Poland

Date: 20 June

Place: gymnasium (

at Lubelska street

)<-photoshoot, mini-concert

LDK<- concert

… And blah-blah-blah. Manager’s note to us were…crazy. I don’t know why, but I have a feeling it’ll be the worse concert we ever have to perform.

Why couldn’t we skip that country? I looked at our leader, wanting any answer, but he said : “Sorry, I cannot say” , and it sounded suspicious.

“Could we explore that town?” Minho suggested.

“I bet Taemin would be eager to see it too” Onew stated.

“Hmm. I guess so. Let’s go, we need sleep” Key added.

Did they… solve their problem out?

It’s really nice to see they can talk normally to each other…

Nice change after that morning arguments.

“Onew…” I heard Key’s voice in the late night.


“I miss you. Why did you that to me.”

Eh? What was that? So.. they are still on cold war?

Fortunately, I didn’t hear their next words- I finally fell asleep

laying next to my boyfriend.


(Minho’s PoV)

I heard Key’s words, but I tried to sleep. It has been ended

successfully. But I couldn’t sleep. I had the worse sleepless night ever…


(Narrator’s PoV)

Shine never had a

huge problem as this.

Exploring this town has been denied immediately.

“Hyung-nim~” Taemin whined and ran, ended up clinging to Onew. Jjong only chuckled.

“Minnie baby, stop running away~” random fans whined, some of them tapped Taemin’s skinny cheek.

“Shut up! I don’t even know who let you come there. Our concert starts later” Onew said furiously.

It took him almost 1/5 hour to tell a guide to take fans away of them. That man couldn’t understand, because he didn’t know English. With a huge help of one of local ‘translators’ he could make Onew’s wish real.

“And you, Jonghyun shouldn’t let…” Onew started, trying to calm Taemin down.

“It’s not the first time when it happens”

Jjong answered.

“Minnie~ It’s alright.” Onew cooed and hugged Taemin.

“What a cute kid. Is he your younger brother?” that


asked curiously.

“No, actually he is my friend and bad-mate” Onew replied professionally in English, Taemin sobbed in Onew’s t-shirt.


They all could hear fans’ squeals -.-‘ Even if they were locked just in the next room… it was still annoying.

“By the way, guys… Would you do me a favour?”

“Hmm, what is it?” Onew asked gently, still comforting Taemin.

“Can I ask you for an autograph?”

“Neh?~ From who?” Onew pushed another

question, wondering who of them should sign it.

“Just shut up and sign” Key came and said. He pulled out a piece of paper from his personal notebook.




That man was pretty

thankful for their kindness, and they were just reassuring that poor man. They thought it has to be for that man’s kid, but it was actually for him.

“Wow. I really didn’t know it happens in Europe” Jjong stated.

He was pretty surprised- because of what just happened.

“Sure thing. But it happened. Life is full of joy and surprises” Key said, comforting his ‘baby’-Taemin.

“Baby~ Are you alright now?” Jjong asked his boyfriend and he gently laid a look on Taemin’s face.

“I was… scared. Those creepers made me like this” Tae answered, enjoying the fact Key ’umma’, Onew ‘appa’ and his boyfriend-Jjong-cared of him.

“Mianhaeyo. I did not know they will… too scary.” Jjong said in a low voice.

But Taemin shook his head and leaned to kiss his boyfriend’s cheek.

Key’ umma’ smiled at that picture, Minho stayed silent and neutral.




During the break they were having a ‘draft’ singing-practicing before their show. They had 6 hour. Except last practice

they had two breaks for lunch.

“I can’t believe we’re here! It’s worse than Siberia =.=’ “ Onew sighed, eating his light meal.

“Hmm…sorry, hyung. But I like it. These dumplings are so damn hot” Taemin announced happily.

“Aish, hyung. People look at you and let me tell you: you make them creep out” Key answered, eating his dumplings.

“But.. But…”

“ I guess not only you feel like alien right now Jinki, but try to ignore it” Key continued, without even looking at Onew.


(Key’s PoV)

I guess I couldn’t help myself. He had to stop it- it was really annoying. I mean… I just feel sorry, I don’t want these poor random people to spazz out. I’m just upset

because we barely can understand people there. Our ‘translator’ had to order our meal in that bar- he also helped us with paying for it…

Did I give up if concern about Onew? Yes and no.

Well, I’ll see soon, but for now I don’t wanna talk with him.




(Narrator’s PoV)


just started having a photoshoot with fans.

They just sang 10 of theirs songs. And they

were having long photoshoot after concert till the morning.

Each session was with around 20 random fans. From unknown reason they were not only from current town, but… from the others European countries.

“Hyung~ It’s weird “Taemin said to Jjong and he couldn’t do nothing except caressing his cheeks while the photoshoot session with fans was in-progress. Fans squealed – most of them thought that

JongTae-show was planned fan-service.


very long time Taemin was bored. But photoshoot wasn’t done yet.


(Taemin’s PoV)

I had enough. These fans were too loud, annoying… I really

wished for finish of that ‘funny show’.

“Okay, it’s all for now. Thanks for coming” Onew hyung told the fans. The photographer seemed to be pretty surprised but he gave up after he saw Onew’s look at him in an angry mood. Whoah~ Woo-woo. Onew hyung.. ‘o’ I’m glad you cut this shit-show.

Then I noticed something. Something really bad and weird. Key almost collapsed in Minho’s arms – Onew has been called by someone.

“Hmm, wait guys, I’ll check it” he


“Hyung, it look dangerous” Minho stated.

“I know. I’d like to know what made Key collapsed. “ he added. Mmm~ So cute…

So, did they come back to each other or no?

What’s true?

“Wait. Where do you know she calls us?” Jonghyun asked.

“I don’t know. I just… want to check” he stated.

“Alright then. Be careful, hyung” me, Jjong and Minho wished him. Key ‘umma’ has been

‘woken up’.

“Min~ Where is he going?” Key asked Minho.

“To check somebody” I answered intelligently.

I noticed Key’s worried look, looked on Onew’s presence.

“Key ‘umma’, we can wait, right?” I asked and hugged him. Key just nodded and hugged me back.

“Besides, that was… nice experience” he muttered.

“Did you feel vibrations in your tummy? Me too ^.^” I giggled and my hyungs chuckled.

- - - 

Here's Part One ^^; If no one will not like it, I won't be sad:') But if someone will like  subscribe and commenting are welcomed~

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