Step Eight: Always Be Prepared For The Player
Butch would rather think of happy memories instead of being in Math class, he doesn't think that you need math for a basketball career. He just wanted to play, get rich, have a hot wife, and be an idol for millions of people. Butch wanted to release his own shoes, he wanted to have millions of people scream his name whenever he walked out of places.
That what he wanted, nothing else. Butch wanted that, he wanted to be the face of America. But he hates having other people tell him what do, being the second oldest he was stuck. With his oldest brother, Brick, telling him what to do and say, while he had to watch out for his youngest brother, Boomer, every time they went out.
"Butch, if you don't pay attention how are you gonna pay for your taxes?" His friend, Mitch, asked as Butch scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Easy, just pay people." Butch replied as gave him a 'duh' look. "Don't all celebrities do that?" He asked as Mitch shrugged.
"The ones who can't do anything for themselves," He said with monotone voice.
"THen it looks like I'm the ones who can't do anything for themselves. I'll even hire someone to fed me if I have too, besides that's the life. Whenever I get famous, I ain't gonna do nothing but play basketball!" Butch exclaimed as Mitch rolled his eyes as he shoko his head.
"I'll be watching whenever you crash and burn," He said with a chuckle as Butch punched his arm.
"Come on dude! Be there for me, besides I was going to give your own car but now. I'm not so sure." Butch said as Mitch glanced towards him with a blank look.
"A car from the sixties doesn't count as a gift, dude." Mitch replied as Butch laughed and shook his head.
"Mr. Jojo, Mr. Mitchelson, would you please be quiet. Your talking is going to distract from people who want to learn," The teacher snap as the two boys looked at each other and began to laugh.
"And who wants to learn this?" Butch asked as some people snickered and others glared towards him.
The two boys was sent outside, and they headed towards the coffee shop. As mentioned before, Butch hates math so this was actually good for him. Butch is a coffee addict, he loves anything with coffee, so he was thanking the teacher who kicked him out the classroom. They ordered their drinks then headed towards the tables, talking about their upcoming game.
If you wondering how Mitch and Butch became friends, it was from the same girl they was dating. Turns out whenever the girl tried to pull the heartbreaker trick on them, they broke up with her at the same time, then ran out. Which they ended punching each other, because they wanted to date the girl themselves, then after two bloody noses, one sprained wrist, and curse words flowing from their mouths, came a hot tempered friendship.
With them being similar, having anger issues and wanting to same careers, they just hung out and played girls. Butch knew that one small thing could make them fight again, but he was risking for his nose to be broken again, and Mitch was risking having his wrist sprained again. So they wanted to stay away from the drama, and drink their coffees, and going out to college parties.
Which was something that they both loved doing.
Buttercup sighed as she shoved her books in her bag and growled whenever her bag ripped. She let out a string of curse words as she walked out the classroom. With it being her last period, she was choosing to spend the day in her dorm, binge watching South Park, but she wanted some coffee before listening to Kyle and Cartman bicker about something stupid.
She sighed as she walked inside the coffee shop, she pulled out her phone and popped off the case and pulled out a ten dollar bill. Buttercup waited in line as she looked at the items, not noticing the two people behind her. She ordered her smoothie, and waited towards the corner, and put her money back. She texted Blossom, to see if they had any food left, and felt an arm snake around her waist.
She looked up and saw Butch standing there, with his signature smirk. Buttercup smiled as she looked down towards his hand, which was on her hip, and turned back towards her phone, seeing that Blossom said that they didn't have any. She groaned as she looked towards the cashier and ordered some food, and about to pop out her money but Butch paid for it, making Buttercup looked towards him.
"I think the word is thank you," Butch retorted as he leaned against the counter as Buttercup laughed and rolled her eyes.
Step Eight: Always Be Prepared For The Player
"I think that you paid for it on your own free will," She replied while crossing her arms as he chuckled. "Besides my food and drink is here, so I'll talk to you later." Buttercup said as she grabbed her food and walked out, hearing Butch follow behind her.
"Wait," Butch said as he grabbed her elbow, Buttercup gulped as she turned around, with a fake smile. "I think your eyes are really pretty, like I'm digging them." Butch said as he leaned down towards her lips as Buttercup pulled away, trying to ignore the blush creeping on her cheeks.
"I like my eyes too, besides who doesn't like green eyes?" She asked as she walked away, leaving Butch standing there smirking as he shook his in amusement.
Heyyo Cocos!!!!!!!!
What we thinks???? Butch?? Buttercup??? Mitch and Butch being friends??? Wells your thoughts??? Also I haven't been pdating because I was at a friends house all weekend, but don't worries I'm backs!!!!!! So your thoughts???
Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!
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