CH 11 - Are stupid rumors really that stupid?
Floating in darkness with zero track of time or sense was one of the worst tortures Kai had ever faced in his life. How much ever he tried to move through the sea of unconsciousness, he never found an exit.
The only certainly he had found in this world of nothingness, was the subtle shifts to sub-consciousness every few....hours? Days? Weeks?! He no longer knew. And he wasn't exactly thrilled by the certainty either, not after the first one, the most recent one, had left him in a state of shock for.... He didn't know for how long. Could people experience shock when unconscious? Or was he in a come now? Or better yet, dead?
He sometimes thought he could here other voices, voices both of past and present, of dead and alive, of loved ones and hated, muttering and whispering from a far away place, although a tunnel separated them. And sometimes a few words did make sense, but he could not keep up with the happenings around him. This was one of those times.
"...ay strong, this will hurt. " But before he could even register the female's voice, a sharp pain was set in his chest. He could suddenly feel something quite large pushing painfully through his flesh, moving in deeper and deeper, as though someone was twisting a knife inside him. The pain intensified with every passing second, and every second seemed to stretch for minutes. I guess I did mention that I've been losing my sense of time, didn't I? Breathing became strained, before it seemed to have stopped when it came in contact with something of a similar material, sending a set of minor vibrations. He felt like clawing himself, anything to make the pain stop. But he could not make a physical contribution to the situation, whatsoever.
He felt a final tug before his body was rid of both the artificial intruders. The dents and cuts in his already torn out flesh, his clenched muscles, his tightened jaw seemed to sigh for a moment before the intensity of the injury hit him suddenly like crashing into a brick wall. He was sure to be battling to breath now. As though the previous pain wasn't enough, at least it came in stages. He mused dryly.
The high pain left as soon as it came. His body, as though he and it were any much different, takes a huge breath to compensate it's lack of oxygen in the last few minutes. And for the first time since God knew when, Kai seemed to have some semblance of control over himself, use his voice. Though he wasn't able to say some sense, Ihe lets out a loud groan as hundreds of whispers burst into the air, giving him an instant headache.
"...successful-will be awake by... "
"..beep, beep, beep.... "
"sir, shall I-
But before he could even grasp the entire contents of the conversation, he was once again tugged back into the realm of nothingness.
Tyson woke up late in the evening. The long nap had left him feeling fresh and only slightly sore from yesterday's lack of sleep. But most importantly, his appetite had returned. He quickly made his way to the kitchen to make himself something to eat. Without Ray's constant vigilance on his junk consumption, he made himself comfortable with a plate of sandwiches and three bowls of chips on the sofa. While lazily flicking through the television channels, he came across the sports news.
We are here today with the latest updates on the wild rumours going around about the Blade Breakers, and the supposed attack that took place during the recording for the Grand-Finale of the Japan's Talk Show. A Live Press Conference would commence shortly, with the chairman, Mr Dikenson along with the Blade Breakers from the BBA Headquarters. Over to the Live Telecast Team.
He glanced at the clock, feeling thrilled. Perfect timing. The PC was just starting.
The three boys sat together, behind a table, at the middle of a slightly raised stage. The table was slightly decorated with a tablecloth with small floral prints, three small vases with fresh red roses adorning it. Ray sat at the middle, adopting his stern pokerface, that usually came up when dealing with the media on serious issues.
Max and Kenny sat on either side of Ray, Max looking slightly nervous to Kenny looking like a bundle of nerves, biting away his nails until he realized that the live streaming had started. The setup showed a highly nervous Kenny biting his nails and on seeing the camera stops. Tyson's lips twitched at this. At least he didn't chicken out at the last moment, he thought, noting the improvement.
Then his eyes fell on Mr D, who was standing at the podium, behind the microphone. He had never seen the man, who was quite nearly as old as his grandpa, look so... old. The always enthusiastic chairman had dark bags under his eyes, and looked quite sick, suggesting he hadn't had the chance to rest either. He wiped his face with his handkerchief, though there were no sweat drops to start with, before starting in a rather grave voice after checking the speaker.
"Ahm, may I have your attention ladies and gentlemen." The murmurs immediately lessen. Mr D smiles awkwardly in gratitude before continuing. "Thank you. I am here to address the supposed death of Mr Hiwatari and the mishap that took place during the recording of the Japan's Talk Show. I would brief out the happenings and then if you have any doubts we could move on to have a word with the Blade Breakers. I hope you maintain the decorum of this occasion. "
"Mr Kai Hiwatari is not dead against the supposed allegations that have come up since yesterday. The events leading to the event starts from May 23, three days after the World Championship Finals. I got a call from the show asking me whether I would allow the World Champions to appear in the Finale, as all public appearances of the World Champions have to go through me. They had only one condition, that was to have all the team members present. I agreed to let them know the team's decision soon.
I have a discussion with the team, where everyone but Kai gave their consent. After a few words with his team members, he finally agreed. The followings of the event were pleseant until the closure ceremony. When the last person to receive the gift hamper, Mr Tate was doing so, a loud sound was heard and the audience ran out of the studio. This caused a widespread commotion to the outside world.
As believed earlier, Kai was the target of the attackers, according to the investigations of the Police. Mr Hiwatari noticed the attackers but before he could take any action, he got himself hurt. He was immediately rushed to the hospital were he is being treated and is considered to be stable for the time being. Any updates on the following incident will be shortly certified.
Thank you. We may proceed to the Blade Breakers answering your questions now. "
"What is the severity of Mr Hiwatari's condition, Mr Kon?"
"He was hit in the chest cavity a few inches below his heart. I'll repeat myself, he was not hit in the heart. Thought he hadn't lost too much blood before arriving at the hospital, his left lung was malfunctioning during the time of arrival. He went through a surgery today morning which went on successfully..."
"Who do you think would attack Kai, Mr Tate? Any personal rivalry? Familial issue? Did he suspect an attack beforehand? Or do you think it was an attack on the Blade Breakers, the first target being him? "
"I-I 'm not sure on this topic, to be frank no one is. The Investigation Team is looking into this matter as we speak. They believe Kai might have a few answers and are waiting for his recovery. But I would like to make one thing clear.
We have never intentionally hurt anyone, and we are extremely sorry if we had done it unintentionally. We are peace loving guys. We excel at the sport by different means, like agility in terms of Ray, sleeth as in Kai and strength as in Tyson. All our rivalries with the other teams end in the beydish. Hence, we will not entertain any questions based on this hypothesis."
"Mr Saien (Chief's surname in Japanese version), Is there an angle of the champions' personal lives having a part in the investigation? "
"Um...the investigation is actually in its initial stages. Hence, nothing is sure about the event. But as much as we know that whatever my teammates have achieved in the last two years is completely based on their hard work and determination, we also need to remember that they have um-influential backgrounds to say the least, hence, they may or may not have a hand in this issue. "
"How were you hurt, Mr Tate? "
"Um- during the commotion, I was suddenly tackled to the side, and kind of had a - rough fall down the stage. That explains it I guess. "
"Is it true that Tyson and Kai are no longer on speaking terms?" a reporter asked, addressing the question to no one in particular.
"No. They are just conflicting personalities. They get into fights on perspectives, and that has saved the team and our lives a number of times, to be honest. They have worked together a number of times and are a really strong tag team if they have a will to cooperate. They know that the other person is as strong as they are, if not more. Hence, they eagerly await a battle with each other to stop the doubts they have on their OWN ABILITIES. Ultimately, they respect each other, if not care.. They were never on BAD TERMS. " Ray answered as though he had just been waiting for this question to be brought up.
But apparently, the reporter wasn't satisfied with the answer, "Where is Mr Granger then, Mr Dikenson ? He being the co-captain and the Reigning World Champion for God's sake should be the one address this issue, isn't it?" he demanded, turning his attention to the chairman.
"I um-the thing is.."
But Maxy was ready with the answer, "He is at his house, resting. He has been at the hospital since the very beginning, taking care of all the requirements, procedures all alone as we were stuck at the site of crime, helping the police. He also paid the majority of the bills in our absence.
He had barely slept in the last fifty hours, had barely eaten anything in a day and this surely says something to those who know his love for food and sleep.
He was with us till two in the afternoon waiting for Kai's OT's result. We had to literally gang up against him to persuade him to go home and take rest, because he's that possessive about his friends. So forget about his duties as the co-captain, he has done his responsibility as a wonderful, real friend. Hence, he is resting for the time being letting us take the reigns for sometime.
He has been a wonderful teammate who isn't cut out for formalities because he knows that he doesn't need to prove anything to a bunch of people who mean nothing in his life, and I am not targeting his admirers here..." He eyed the reporters. No one dared to object him.
"I think we... "
"Is it true that the Blade Breakers will split ways for the next World Championships?" another reporter shouted. All of them looked dumbfounded at this question, but Mr D covered up for them.
"I think we have reached the end of the QUESTIONING ROUND and believe that you no longer has any inquiries RELATED TO THE INCIDENT. Hence, I adjourn this Press Conference, Thank You. "Mr D leaves the arena with Rai, Max and Kenny closely following.
The anchor comes again. I turned off the TV to get my thoughts aligned.
Tyson had never felt more grateful for having such good friends, than he did today. He had never heard Ray praising him, who passed out praises just as less frequently as Kai. He had never seen Maxy getting so assertive, so sure about his answer.
But why were they dumbfounded at the last question? he thought before dismissing it thinking 'Maybe coz they weren't expecting such a stupid rumor to surface in the first place!!
The press conference was a success as long as he was conserned. They had successfully deleted Hillary from the incident. They had changed the story a bit, though he didn't know why, it wasn't bothering him much. He just thought of checking it out with Maxy later.
After completing his snacks-come-dinner, he thought of checking it up with Hillary.
Even after ringing her house several times, no one received it. Tyson started worrying at this, but then made up his mind that she might have been asleep still. On glancing the clock, which read eight pm, he decided that it wasn't too late to go and check on her himself.
On the other hand, it felt like ages since he last saw her mom, though it had only been a fortnight ago.
Tyson tried tidying up a bit, tried taming his hair just to please her mom, who had threatened to cut off his long hair if he didn't take good care of it. He was quite sure that she was just joking, but one could never be too sure of a judge's statement.
Finally putting up his cap on, on locking the numerous doors and windows of the dojo, he headed out to The Tachibana Residence, completely oblivious that it was going to be one of the worst evenings of his life.
"Hey! You there? You had kind of blanked out. " Suzie whispered, or tried whispering, for she was way loud as she couldn't suppress the excitement in her voice. This excited chatter did arouse Hillary from her thoughts. She tried for a smile,"Hi, I'm fine. How are you?"
"I'm good. First, let's discuss the positive news. I heard your mum's out of danger now, congratulations!! You cleared all the bills I heard. Did you inform your friends?" she asked in one breath.
Hillary had no idea how her newest friend could avoid the elephant in the room, Kai in this case, both figuratively and literally, but her lively chatter had been the silver lining of her past few days and she was going to be grateful for that.
"Yeah... The operation took place in the afternoon. They say she'll be up within a week. And hell, I completely forgot to thank you for sending the ambulance. Thank you so so much. I really don't know how I'd have survived the last few days without your company." she said, sounding as sincere as she could.
And just like every other time she had expressed her gratitude, she dismissed it with just as much cheer. "What are friends are for, if not to get their shirt soaked in tears and snot of their crying friends?! " she would joke, fully aware of my embarrassment. Hillary was quite sure of there not being any snot, but she had soaked Suzie's shirt in tears, late one night. "And while talking about friends, you didn't inform your friends, did you?" she asked casually, but there was a hint of disappointment somewhere there.
And if there was one thing Hillary didn't want to become, it was being a disappointed to somebody, to be honest, anybody. This directed Hillary to justify herself. "I swear I went to the studio just to do that Suz , but then this happened," she said gesturing at Kai "-and everything has been going downhill since then. They are worried about him, I can't add another burden on their shoulders... "
Suzie sighted, "You don't have to justify your actions to me Hill, I'm just a nobody."
"No, you're not." Hillary indignantly shot back, but Suzie continued with just a brief smile in response. "But they are your friends girl. They have all the right to be worried about you and your family. And your crush from what I gather,"
"No he isn't." Hillary shot back a second time, just as she could feel the blood rushing into her cheeks. A raised eyebrow accompanied by smirk was the response she received this time, but thankfully, Suzie didn't press further. "-is a family friend of sorts, isn't he? He looks up to your parents, doesn't he? Loves your mom more than he loves you, doesn't he? Then, doesn't he deserve to know this? Don't you trust him to be willing to be by your side at this difficult phase?"
"Stop making me feel guiltier than I already am. But I told you..." Hillary moaned, covering her eyes with her palms.
"And that was over four days ago, isn't it? Why do I keep getting these vibes that you don't want them to know? That you don't want to open up, that you don't think they are your friends? " she cut in suddenly.
Hillary was caught off guard at this. Spluttering, she defended her friends. "Of course they are my best friends and I trust them with my life."
"I'm afraid your actions say otherwise. Anyway, I came here for another reason. Did you say you paid all the bills?"
Hillary, who was already at her wit's end, was glad for the change of topic. "Yeah, I did, but why do you ask? Don't tell me that the hospital has changed its mind or something for the financial support!" she questioned worriedly.
"No, silly. They aren't that heartless. Yesterday a young man came and asked me to give this to you." She said, handing Hillary a blank check. "Wouldn't say his name, nor would he show his face. Just came, gave it and left. When I asked what I should tell you, he said something about a hypocrite..." she explained.
Hillary suddenly felt wide awake.
One of them knew... and she had a very good idea of who it could be. Hillary's gaze involuntarily turned to the person who withstood a bullet barely twenty-four hours ago, before checking the signature.
It just confirmed her suspicions. The check was signed by the name, Kai Hiwatari, in a stylish sophisticated signature. Unfounded anger and frustration made their way into her mind as Hillary angrily demanded. "Why didn't you tell me earlier!"
"Have you even checked your phone?" She retorted back. "fifty-eight miss calls. Who calls someone fifty-eight times if they didn't think it was serious. I didn't know where your house was to come there. And I thought you actually listened to the doc for once and stayed away from the hospital!"
She was right. She knew nothing about me outside the hospital. Venting out her frustration on her was unacceptable."I'm sorry." Hillary immediately apologised, her head hanging low.
Suzie's anger seemed to have vanished in an instant too. She flashed me an encouraging smile, but before she could reply a low groan was heard in the room. Both of their attention shifted to Kai, who seemed to have started gaining consciousness. Hillary felt quite guilty for having raised her voice and disturbing Kai from what she gathered was recovering sleep. She made her way the the bed and kneeled down, such that she was in eye level to the half-awake patient. Mustering up a smile, she asked softly,"Kai, you awake? How are you feeling?"
"Have been better." he slurred slightly. Hillary suddenly felt overwhelmed when she heard his voice, however weak it sounded, as for sometime thought of never listening to the voice had filled her with dread. After blinking away the tears that threatened to fall down for her over sarcastic acquaintice, she continued, "I'll get the doc on rounds, he wanted to see you as soon as you woke up." she said hurriedly as she pulled out Suzie, who looked like was in a trance on seeing Kai awake.
Hillary couldn't keep the smile off her face as she left the room. The long list of mishaps, or more like nightmares, she had been facing since the beginning of the month, seemed to be finally coming to an end. She felt invincible and Hillary was not letting anything ruin that day for her.
She informs Suzie to bring the police officers waiting in the parking lot before spilling ways. I find the doctor, just as he was locking his door. She tells him Kai is awake and in her excitement, she never notice the evil gleam in his eyes, nor the smirk which was quickly hidden. His voice sounded a bit off too, but Hillary notices none of these as she had already turned back, retracing the path back to the room, a small skip in her feet.
Just as she sat down on a chair just outside Kai's room, a message beeped into Hillary's inbox. It was a message from Tyson.
"Where r u" it read. Hillary didn't think too much into it and instantly replied. "hospital " Just as she was about to flip her phone off, Tyson texted her back. Surely took a lot of time to type one word, didn't you? She thought absentmindedly before seeing the said word.
Family ?
Hillary frowned upon this. Hillary had lived through the whole ordeal alone and didn't find the slightest need to worry him about it anymore, not after it was all over, not after she knew her mother was out of danger. On the other hand, it was strange that he was asking about her family all of a sudden, maybe the talk at the breakfast somehow contributed. Then I remember, this was Tyson she was talking about. Of course he of all the people was weird.
"Out of station." She carefully replied.
To subdue her guilt, she reminded herself. Not the complete truth, true..... But it wasn't wholly a lie either. Dad was really out of station.
Then Hillary noticed that the Doctor was yet to turn on the lights. Dusk had passed a long time ago, and there was no way he could make out his surroundings clearly. He must be new here and may have not found the switch, I tell myself, before deciding to help him out inside. But before that she quickly messaged Tyson.
"Talk to you later. You know what, Kai's awake."
"Do you need any help doctor? The light switch is next to the table." she cheerfully said, her eyes straining themselves to see in the dark. But when I could, the whole world seemed to have come to a standstill.
The doctor, or the supposed doctor, had a long knife raised just above Kai's chest. Kai's eyes were wide open and for the first time Hillary could see a small hint of fear in them. The attacker also strains his eyes due to the sudden light and on seeing me, recognition flashed on his face, breaking into a mocking grin.
"Ahh, Hillary dear. We finally meet......face-to-face." said the attacker in a voice that was nightmarishly familiar.
Words: 3898
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