Zane's POV
I kissed him. I finally kissed him. He protected me today and I am great full. Wait... OMI what did I just do?

After a minute of us kissing I pulled away and jumped off of him and sat in the bed next to him.

'Why'd you stop I was enjoying that side of you Zane?'Travis asked me flirtatiously.

'I-I'm sorry I don't know w-what came over me'I replied.

'Zane it's ok I have wanted to kiss you since I started to develop feelings for you but I never had the guts... but I'm glad I finally got to kiss you' Travis said reassuringly.

'I know but it was unlike me and the likelihood is that nothing will ever come of us but I just wanted you to know how I feel and--' I began to say but, mid sentence, I was pulled into another kiss, this time it was Travis who kissed me.

Travis' POV
After Zane kissed me and he started saying those things I knew I needed to let him know that I wanted us to go somewhere, I love him and I want him to know.

I kissed him, he slowly melted into the kiss pulling me closer to him. Once again I pulled away and just stared into Zane's baby blue eye. I smiled lightly

'Can I stay in here with you tonight Zane?' I asked flirtatiously.

'Y-yeah of course' he said smiling.

Zane's POV
I woke up the next morning and saw Travis sleeping next to me. I began to freak out hoping we hadn't done anything. I pulled up the covers to see me and him were both fully clothed.

I sighed and began thinking to myself. 'Am I in love with Travis? I think I am but how do I know? Did we do anything last night? Are we together?' I thought. The last thought stuck with me for a bit. I'm pretty sure by now everyone knows I'm gay except my parents but if I got into a relationship with a guy I would have to tell them and I know that Garroth and Vylad haven't told them because they fear of what father will do. He was never abusive but if he found out all three of his sons were gay? I was afraid of what he might do.

I felt a shift in the bed next to me and I saw Travis open his eyes and smile at me

'Morning' he said sleepily, still smiling.

'G-good morning, h-how did you sleep?' I asked him nervously.

I don't get like this around him normally but I have a feeling that I don't understand

what is this feeling?

'Great because I was next to you' he said still smiling.

I just smiled back at him. We stared into each others eyes not caring about the rest of the world.

'A-are you hungry?' I said finally breaking the silence.

'Yeah sure do you want to go make breakfast?' He asked me.

'Yeah sure' I replied.

We got out of bed and went downstairs. I began making some breakfast when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

Travis' POV
I saw Zane was in the kitchen and had already started cooking breakfast while I was in the bathroom. I crept up behind him and pulled him into a hug. He turned around and hugged me back, we stood there in our embrace.

We let go of each other, finishes breakfast and then sat down on the couch.

'Zane?'I said finally.

'Yeah?' he asked me.

'I wanted to ask you if m-maybe you wanted t-to go out today....w-with me?' I said.

'Ha I'm usually the one that can't stop stuttering' he said in a joking way.

'Yeah I guess you are so what do you say? We don't have to make it a date if you don't want to but I would love to hang out with you today... just us' I said hoping that he would say yes.

'Of course Travis it's a....d-date' he said stuttering the last word, a blush covered his cheeks. I was so happy he said yes.

'Great well I'm going to go home and change for later I'll come over around 5?'I said.

'Sounds great' he replied smiling.

I arrived home and Dante, Vylad, Laurence and Garroth ran up to me looking very worried.

'Where in the name of Irene have you been Travis?!' Dante asked me so fast I could barely understand what he was saying.

'Woah woah guys chill I'm fine ok?' I said in a calm voice walking into my room, but of course they weren't going to let me off the hook that easy so they followed close after me, they pushed me on to the couch and sat down next to me.

'Where have you been all night Travis?' Laurence asked again.

I knew that if I said that I was at Zane's Garroth and Vylad would probably kill me and they would all start assuming things, but I had no choice.

'Fine I know your not going to leave me alone so...I was at Zane's' I said calmly.

'WHAT?!' They all shouted in unison.

'I'm sorry... you were WHERE?!' Garroth asked.

'I was at Zane's house' I said again calmly.

'B-but he doesn't have a spare bed did you sleep on the couch?' Vylad asked a bit more calmly than his eldest brother

'N-no I didn't sleep on the couch... I slept in Zane's bed.... with him' I said.

I saw an anger appear on Garroth's face that scared me to my core. I didn't know what to do so I jumped up and hid in the closet.

'Travis it's fine Garroth and I know that you like Zane a lot and as long as you make him happy I'm ok with you two being together' Vylad said softly into the closet.

I came out, slowly shutting the door behind me
'W-we aren't together yet guys I just... look we got back to his place last night and I asked if I could stay over he said yes and I started making my way to the couch when-'

'When what?' A rather calmer Garroth asked.

'Zane he... he kissed me' I said walking back over to the couch.

'What that's so unlike him' Vylad said.

"So what does this mean now Travis are you going to date my brother?' Garroth asked.

This question took me aback a bit. I wanted to date Zane I love him more than anything but how do I ask him? When do I know he is ready?

'Y-yes I hope so I don't know when I'm going to ask yet but I will soon' I said back the all of the guys.

After an hour of them questioning me I got dressed and looked at my watch.


Time to go pick up Zane for our date I hope it goes well...

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