
"You can't be serious," Ned stared at his brother.

"And why is that?" Brandon Stark, Lord of Winterfell, grinned wolffishly, though there was a threat there as well as amusement. "Don't think I can handle leading my own army, little brother?"

"You know that's not what I mean," He frowned. "I just find it hard to understand why you would volunteer to take that rock in Blackwater Bay, over searching for your own sister,"

"Well seeing as searching for my sister ended up in being locked in a cell for well over a year last time, you'll likely do a better job at it than I," Brandon clearly saw the look on his face at that, for he made his tone less sharp when he spoke next. "You know how this works, Ned. You know how it appears - the Lord of Winterfell rotting under the Red Keep whilst his younger brother wins a rebellion for him and kills the prince. I need to have some part in this war, otherwise it will be held over my head for the rest of my life. You won the Trident. Now I shall take Dragonstone,"

Despite his wild recklessness, Brandon had spent his entire life being taught how to rule, and had clearly paid attention to some of the lessons their father gave him, at least. He was sharper and more shrewd than his reputation suggested. He did have a point, with this. The men currently respected Ned more than they respected him. That would undoubtedly change with time, however, of which there was plenty to work with once Lyanna was safe.

Brandon's captivity had led to him losing a considerably amount of body weight, leaving a lean and hungry look on his face, and a permanent glimmer of rage in his eyes. His brother was furious that he had watched their father be burnt alive. Furious that Ned got to fight against the Targaryens and kill Rhaegar. All while he had been helpless to do a thing.

"Fine," Ned said flatly. "I can't tell you what to do. But I won't be going with you - I'm taking a group south. All rumours are saying that Rhaegar came back from Dorne,"

"Good," Brandon's anger faded somewhat. "I'd have asked you to do that anyway. I hope you bring her back safe,"

"So do I," 

There was a pause.

"I wish I'd killed Rhaegar myself for what he's done to Lya," Brandon said lowly, somehow solemn and vicious at the same time. "I'd tear him limb from limb,"

"My sword to the neck will have to suffice," Ned said, hesitating. "Brandon, I know you think you've something to prove, but please don't go charging right in there on Dragonstone without thinking it through. Better to wait longer and win,"

His brother's rage immediately flared back up. 

"Do you think I'm an idiot?" He snarled. "Need I remind you that I have been raised for something like this my whole life?"

"No, because I have done it for nearly two years," Ned did not raise his voice, but his tone left no doubt of his rising temper, which took a lot. "This is exactly what I mean. Don't be a fool, and take some damned advice. If not from me, then any one of the lords. I know you, and I know you haven't learned a thing from marching into the Red Keep, demanding Rhaegar come out and die. If not for Lady Robarra, you would have been burning next to Father - "

That had been too far. 

"Oh, gods forbid Eddard Stark let me forget how his favourite whore saved me," Brandon was bearing down on him, still a few inches taller. Ned held his ground, glaring but not saying a word, despite the fact his brother deserved a punch for that. "And don't you dare speak of Father to me - I had to watch him die, Ned, watch him burn," His voice broke on the last sentence, but Ned's sympathy had vanished.

"Fine," He said coldly, ice to his brother's roaring, wolfblooded temper. "Pretend it was not your own actions that got you into this mess. I don't care. Just don't get yourself killed,"

To Brandon's clear surprise, for the first time it was Ned who turned on his heel and left. Unfortunately his own chambers were not even a refuge, however, for there was already someone in them.

"Oh, for gods sake," He stopped dead in the doorway, taking in Robarra, clearly dressed for travelling, in a plain riding habit and sturdy boots. 

"What's got you so cross? I haven't seen you this angry in years," She wore an unabashed grin, which did not fade at his pointed look. "You can't stop me going with you, Ned, you're not my husband yet. And if you were, I'd tell you to sod off,"

He was not in the mood to argue, not when it never got him anywhere. And honestly, her company would be welcome.

"Fine. Come if you like. But this journey won't be travelling from castle to castle, nor inn to inn, and if you start complaining - "

"Don't say that like I'm some spoilt, prissy princess," She glared at him. "I've hunted with you since we were children, and kept up better than half the men. You won't hear a word of complaint from my mouth - I'll just be glad to get out of this vile, suffocating city,"

"What about your daughters?" He asked. "And Stannis. You did tell Stannis, didn't you? I'm not going to become the next Rhaegar,"

"Stannis ground his teeth and grumbled, but he knows he can't stop me," She shrugged. "He's too distracted with all this kinging business to argue - we're betrothed, so who cares if there are whispers of impropriety? As for the girls, they're under his tender care. I know he won't let anything happen to them, at least,"

"You're such a responsible mother,"

"I am, aren't I," 

Everyone had taken the news of Robarra and Ned's betrothal fairly well, all things considered. No one cared who a second son wed. As for Robarra, it was likely better than she wed below her station so that her husband wasn't too powerful to be a threat to the throne, and there was no risk of Ned raising an army to fight for her eldest daughter as queen. 

Despite calling her a whore earlier to spite Ned, Brandon did like Robarra and had mercilessly teased both of them. Well, mostly him. Robarra tended to give as good as she got, and any jokes rolled off her like water off a ducks back. Stannis did not seem to have any opinion on the matter save the annoyance he regarded most things that happened with. He did not protest, at least, though he did grind his teeth whenever his sister was in the vicinity. 

Ned got the impression that that was not an unusual occurrence. 

"I suppose Stannis insisted on you bringing guards with you?"

"Of course," She pulled a face. "Only four, though,"

"That brings us up to a dozen. They'd better be able to keep up,"

"We can leave them behind if they can't," She shrugged, then grinned. "Oh, I'm so glad I get to go! I've always wanted to see Dorne. Apparently handsome men bathe naked in the river, and the women get away with wearing next to nothing,"

"What kind of journey do you think we're going on?" He asked, amused despite himself, then paused. "I'm sure you're not supposed to say things like that to the man you're meant to marry,"

Robarra laughed and patted him on the arm.

"Don't worry - I won't get angry if you ogle the pretty girls,"


Unfortunately for his friend - no, his betrothed - their journey into Dorne was not going to involve any ogling, nor much fun at all. They found Lyanna in a wretched little tower in the Red Mountains of Dorne, guarded by three knights of the Kingsguard. Ned had wished to avoid a fight; Arthur Dayne, Oswell Whent and Gerold Hightower were good enough that the three of them alone posed a sizable threat to their party of twelve. Yet as the conversation progressed, it seemed as though things would escalate to violence no matter what.

It was here that Robarra's presence actually helped considerably. She was able to inform the three knights that her daughters were alive, that one would be queen one day, whilst Rhaella, Viserys and the child the dowager queen was pregnant with would be spared as well, once Dragonstone fell. She told them that Stannis had pardoned Barristan Selmy, and offered them a pardon as well, as they were just doing their duty. If they did not wish to serve him, they would be headed to the Wall, along with Jaime Lannister.

Ned was glad to be out of the city in the wake of that particularly controversial decision of Stannis'. They had first heard of the Kingslayer's fate in a tavern, and heard it so many times afterwards that there must be some truth to it. Jon Arryn had strongly advised against that decision before they left court, but Stannis was the most stubborn man alive, and would not be so easily persuaded from the dutiful course of action. Ned did not necessarily disagree with the decision, but knew that Tywin Lannister would now cause a lot of problems.

Robarra may not be able to fight in battle, but her sheer charm and charisma was weapon enough, turning former enemies into friends. Whilst the Kingsguard had been nothing but cold and hostile to Ned, soon Whent was laughing at Robarra's jokes, Dayne was smiling warmly and inquiring after her children, whilst Hightower had permitted them to enter the tower.

Ned, of course, was first up the stairs. The other men remained outside, as the tower was so small, and this of course was a private reunion.

Lyanna met him on the stairs, clearly having heard the conversation and hurried to meet him. She let out a sob when she saw him standing there, as he felt like doing at the sight of her, but did not race to hug him, drawing her arms over her very pregnant stomach.

"I'm sorry," Tears ran down his sister's face. "Ned, I'm so, so sorry. I heard about Father d-dying, and Brandon being locked away, heard that everyone was fighting. I begged him to let me go, but he wouldn't let me go, he wouldn't even let me write,"

The sight of his brave, wild sister crying like this made Ned force down any anger in him at the proof that Rhaegar had violated her, at the uproar this would cause. Wordlessly he climbed the remaining stairs to wrap his arms around Lyanna in a tight hug. She had grown an inch or two since he last saw her, he thought, as she sobbed against his chest, holding him like a lifeline. Gods, she's still only a child, only sixteen.

Robarra's loud, angry voice echoed from outside.

"You don't even have a midwife here? And you say she's eight moons pregnant - you utter fools, I thought you wanted this child to live? Or is Lady Lyanna so disposable that you'd cut the babe out of her with those big swords of yours?"

"Robarra's here," Ned said needlessly as Lyanna stepped away with a tearful chuckle. "She thought you might need some female company," He hesitated. "Don't worry about the babe. Or Stannis. He's to wed Cersei Lannister anyway. We'll bring you home. Well, Brandon will, once he's taken Dragonstone," 

"What about you?"

"I..." He broke off. "I'm betrothed to Robarra. We'll likely stay in Storm's End, after the wedding - her youngest brother is lord now, and he's only six,"

"So instead of House Baratheon getting me as Stannis' bride, you are to be Robarra's," His sister said with a hint of her old sly humour, and he had to smile. "I like that better,"

"I think everyone does. Stannis wouldn't know what to do with you," Though Cersei Lannister would likely be undoubtedly worse, at least she acted like a lady.

"Brandon won't, either," She said, rather more regretfully, prodding at her swollen stomach.

"Is there really no midwife here?" He asked, frowning. She shook her head, and he fought the urge to join Robarra in berating the Kingsguard. "Gods, Lya, you could have easily bled out here in this wretched tower, or died of childbed fever. What was Rhaegar thinking?"

"Some horseshit about a prophecy," Lyanna said gloomily as they went back down the stairs. "He's convinced the babe is a boy called Aegon, who will save the world from dying an icy death," She saw the look on his face. "I know. I only realised he was as insane as his father when it was too late," Her smile turned rather spiteful. "I've been praying for a girl, though if it's a boy I will name him the most common-sounding, un-Targaryen name I can think of. Pate, or Allan, or Jon,"

"Call him Jon," Ned advised, grimacing, as they emerged into the bright sunlight. The heat of the Red Mountains was merciless, particularly towards the Northmen who were used to the exact opposite.

"Lyanna," Robarra beamed, striding over to her. "Glad to see you alive,"

"I'm sorry," Ned's sister did not return the smile, shuffling her feet. "Truly sorry, my lady. I know he was your husband, your children's father, I did not mean - "

"Oh, enough of that," She waved away Lyanna's apology. "You've nothing to apologise for, and the man who does is dead and burned to ashes. Though I see he left you with a parting gift," She nodded at the girl's stomach. From another woman, that gesture would have appeared hostile. From Robarra, it was somehow sympathetic. 

"We should go," Ned said, addressing his men as well. "Before it gets too late. We're heading to Starfall - that must be the nearest keep from here," It was too risky to make the long journey to King's Landing with Lyanna so heavily pregnant. Starfall had to only be three or four days ride away, and they no doubt had a midwife. Well, a week at the slow and careful pace they would be taking. "Sers, will you be travelling with us or elsewhere?"

"We swore to protect Rhaegar's son," Hightower said. "And that is what we will continue to do,"

"We'll join you at Starfall," Arthur Dayne agreed. No doubt he would be glad to visit his family's seat.

They waited an hour or so for the Kingsguard to collect and distribute their supplies from the tower; fortunate, as the Northmen had been running low. 

"You'd better not be leading us to Starfall just to gawp at Ashara Dayne," Robarra sidled up next to him when everyone was distracted. "I saw you staring at her at Harrenhal," She was obviously joking, and Ned gave a short laugh.

"What would you do if I said yes?"

"Jump Ser Arthur's bones,"

"You replied to that far too quickly,"

"What can I say - he's a very attractive man,"

"And his sister is a very lovely lady. She's also not sworn to celibacy,"

Robarra laughed loudly at that. 

"As if the honourable Ned Stark would dare," She elbowed him, as he smiled. "Besides, she bedded Brandon at Harrenhal,"

"What did Brandon do at Harrenhal?" Lyanna had returned with a small pack of the few things she had with her. 

"The question you should be asking is who - "

"Enough," Ned shook his head. 

"Oh come on Ned, she's less of a maid than you are,"

He simply raised an eyebrow at that, and Robarra thankfully fell silent, though offered him a sly smirk.

The journey to Starfall took longer than it ordinarily would - at least a week - given their slow and careful pace. Ned was rather glad of the fact that Ser Arthur had accompanied them; it made negotiating with his brother, Lord Aster, to stay for at least a month far less like begging. 

He made use of the castle's ravens to send a message to King's Landing, informing Stannis of the situation, and a request for the new king to pass on the news to Brandon when he returned. 

It was lucky they had reached Lyanna when they did. They had not been in Starfall for a week before her labour pains started and she was rushed into the birthing chambers. Thankfully  the midwives were experienced and skilled, and both Lyanna and the babe - a boy she had vindictively named Jon - survived. 

Ned could have done without the knowledge that the birth was bad enough that it would likely have ended in both of their deaths without proper treatment, but the important thing was that his sister was alive, and recovering.

It was another three weeks before they could leave again.

 In that time, Ned and Robarra took advantage of the Godswood at Starfall - which was stunningly beautiful - to marry, and then the septon confirmed it. Neither was particularly concerned about a large ceremony; she had had one already, and he would despise one. They could have a celebration when they returned, if others wanted it.

When they left, Lyanna insisted that she was alright to ride alone, though her face was pale and pained for most of the journey and many times she was forced to sit behind Ned. Robarra insisted on taking turns having Jon strapped to her chest, particularly when the boy's mother looked ready to faint.

They returned to the Red Keep in good spirits, only to be told that Brandon Stark had succeeded in taking Dragonstone, capturing the remaining three Targaryens - Rhaella had survived giving birth to a daughter - but had taken a grievous wound storming the gates and had died the previous week.

Ned had only been allowed a few seconds to process that, trying to stop the wave of grief from overwhelming him as he had been besieged by people. Northmen, wondering what their orders were; he was Lord of Winterfell, it hit him suddenly. Jon Arryn, with his kind apologies and fatherly hand on the shoulder. Hoster Tully, with demands that he set aside his betrothal to Robarra and marry his daughter Catelyn in Brandon's place; the lord's face had twisted in anger and frustration when he informed him he had already married Robarra at Starfall.

The Targaryen children were brought back to King's Landing with their mother. Rhaella was clearly grieving for her son, but comforted by Viserys and Daenerys, along with her three granddaughters. She even made time to see little Jon, Rhaegar's bastard son, and was nothing but kind and apologetic to Lyanna.

Robarra and Ned had been planning on going to Storm's End, to act as regents for Renly, however this changed things. They would now be going to Winterfell, to be its lord and lady. Robarra offered that the dowager queen joined them; that way her children would have family with them, and she could get out of this cesspit of a city which had caused her so much misery her whole life. And away from Stannis. Rhaella accepted with a grateful smile, never mind that it meant living under the roof of the man who killed her son. She didn't seem to hold that against Ned, although she was definitely more distant with him than others.

Despite literally everyone advising him against it, one of Stannis' first acts as king had indeed been to dismiss Jaime Lannister from the Kingsguard and sentence him to the Wall for the crime of Kingslaying. Lord Tywin had been furious, and Stannis had certainly made himself an enemy, but seeing as the man's daughter was queen he could not do very much. 

After years of Ser Jaime being in the Kingsguard, Tywin seemed to realise that he had to marry again, and approached Lord Tully. Soon arrangements were being made for Catelyn to become Lady of Casterly Rock. Ned privately thought that position would suit her much better than being the Lady of Winterfell. Robarra would definitely fit in better amongst the Northmen.

"I'm glad we married at Starfall," She said to Ned when they were alone, now permitted to share a chamber. "Tywin would have definitely asked for my hand if not, and Stannis wouldn't have been able to say no,"

"I can't think of a worse match than you and Tywin Lannister," Ned grimaced. "Even Stannis and Cersei are better suited. You'd kill each other within the first year,"

"First week," She corrected with a dramatic shudder. "Although it might be worth it, just so Cersei has to call me Mother,"


Hope you liked the chapter, so sorry that I haven't updated in ages, I had very bad writer's block. Please comment what you think. We're nearing the end of this story now; it was always meant to be a fun little what-if, so I don't want to get too in depth into canon changes, but the epilogue will definitely be set around 298AC, the same time as AGOT. 

Thanks for reading!

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