Chapter Twenty Two: Party

I shifted my weight from foot to foot as Stelle waited coolly. Both of us stood outside the hotel room door, waiting to be let in. Stelle was once again dressed to the nines in a short dress while I stuck with my t-shirt and jeans, bringing along my leather jacket. I held my notebook to my chest, tapping the back of it with my fingernails. The door opened and there stood a roadie. "Hey there," he said. "And what can I do for you two sheilas?"

"We're with the band," Stelle said holding up her camera. She nudged me and I held up my notebook like a child showing their mummy a drawing. The notebook was bulging with flyers and the newspaper. The roadie looked us over and stood aside. 

"Band's inside," he said. "Help yourselves." I could feel my cheeks burn. Right away I saw Phil sitting next to a friend. Stelle hopped over me and trotted up to him, plopping down right on the couch next to him. She waved me over and I took a timid seat next to them. 

"Stelle," Phil said nodding at her.

"Phil," she smiled, itching to take more photos. I had seen some of the ones she got developed the day before. The ones she had tossed to the floor. One was of the band onstage and another was of Phil sitting on a chair backstage. In the photograph he looked much like he did now. One foot crossed over his knee and his arms crossed. Tired from the two hour show they just played. 

"I uh...don't suppose you're on break today?" he asked us, looking at our things. 

"Course we are," Stelle said. "This is just for fun, right, Hannah?" I nodded and Phil smiled. "Where are the others?"

"Bon's out getting drinks," Phil said. He looked over his shoulder. "Ang's in the kitchen with Cliff an' fuck knows where Mal went."

"I saw him outside the hotel," Phil's friend said. "Dunno what he was doing." Phil shrugged and looked back at us. 

"So he's outside," Phil said. Stelle frowned.

"We didn't see him on our way up," Stelle said. "Maybe he took a walk." Right at that second the hotel room door slammed open and in walked Bon carrying a cooler in his arms, a box on top of the cooler, and a paper bag in his mouth. He tried announcing his presence but all we heard was muffled speech. Some guys came over to help him with his things and he took the paper bag out of his mouth. 

"Should last us a couple hours, eh?" he laughed. He stood around talking to his friends while Stelle talked with Phil and the other man. I sat there listening and watching and observing.

Like a fly on the wall. 

Some people appeared to be already drunk while others were still going strong. Bon being one of them. I noticed him glance ever so slightly at me and he smiled and winked, holding up the paper bag in his hands. 

You'd think there was a string bikini in there with the way he grinned. I gave him a big grin in response, not at all sure what he was so giddy about. But he turned back to his friends and carried on the conversation. I looked around the room and opened my notebook. There wasn't much to write. Just a lot of sweaty men and a few women. I looked around for the Glamour Girls. Surely Bon invited Hollywood at least. 

And at last I saw them. Cliff came out of the kitchen and they were very interested in him. I could see he was being polite, but very clearly dismissing any advances. He had a girlfriend after all. Trouble was right up against him, her arm touching his. He was all smiles. And he kept his hands in his pockets. 

Phil had mentioned both Cliff and Angus were in the kitchen. And since Cliff and the women were making their grand exit...Angus was alone...

And I was much too shy to go talk to him. 

I simply had to pretend I wasn't interested. Right? I couldn't make an obvious show of my affection. Nothing could come out of it anyway. Not to mention I was terribly drab. These men deserved someone exciting, someone social. Someone much friendlier than me. 


I heard cheering next to me and saw Stelle chugging her beer. She set the bottle down and beamed at her audience, still perfectly sober.

Someone like Stelle!

"Want some, Hannah?" a man asked. A tempting offer.

"No thanks," I said. I turned back to the kitchen and saw the Glamour Girls had left Cliff alone. Except Trouble who had started a friendly conversation. I felt a tap on my head and saw Bon standing over me holding his paper bag. 

"I couldn't leave ya' out of the fun," he said and he dropped the bag onto my lap. I frowned and opened it, seeing a hoard of tea bags inside. "Take care," he said winking. I watched him leave and head towards a record table. I narrowed my eyes and fought back a smile. 

He was up to his old tricks...

I had to admit, the tea did look good. I suppose a cup to help me loosen up wouldn't hurt. I took the bag with me to the kitchen and kept my eyes away from the man sitting at the table smoking. There was a kettle on the stove and I filled it up. "What's in there?"

I turned around acting like I didn't know he was there. I was such a sly fox. "Tea," I said.

"Ya' don't say...." he said. I stared at the cloud of cigarette smoke above his head and got to thinking again. Would it harm me to be around it? I know the effects of smoking and second hand smoking and whatnot. Would being around these men do any lasting damage? But that wasn't fair! I adored these men, why couldn't I be around them just because they smoked? So what, I'm not allowed to sit next to them or hug them? I might get smoke on my clothes? They deserve hugs like anyone else, it's not fair!

Maybe whatever sent me here would prevent anything from hurting me. As long as I didn't go looking for trouble. Fuck it, I'm hugging these men. 

"Bon gave them to me," I said setting the bag on the table. Angus took it and looked through it. 

"Might have one meself. If that's alright with you, I mean."

"I don't mind," I smiled. He smiled back and I could have glowed. Was I glowing? I checked myself over and decided I wasn't. I took a seat at the table across from him and Angus tossed the paper bag in the middle of it. 

"So how's the writin' goin'?" he asked tapping my notebook. 

"Okay, I think," I said. "I'm hoping to get other things besides interviews written down."

"Oh really," he said. "Like what?"

I shrugged. "This party, I guess." He nodded.

"Well, don't come to me for that," he said. "I'm not first in line for parties, ya' know?"

"Neither am I," I said. 

"Well, you an' I will have our own fun," Angus said. 

Oh my...

He emptied the bag of tea onto the table until there was a pile of tea. He tossed the bag behind him with a big smile on his face. It landed on the floor with a thud. "I'll uh...pick it up later, ya' know," he said.

The kettle whistled and someone came bursting into the kitchen. "Ang?" he asked looking around. Angus turned around from where he sat at the table. "Oh, there you are. Mal's looking for you outside," the man said.

"Outside?" Angus asked. He looked over at me while I stood up to tend to the kettle. "Alright, I'm comin'." He gave me a polite smile before leaving with the roadie. I was alone yet again, making tea. I'd make a cup for Angus too but I wasn't sure exactly how he liked it. Tea brewing is an art, you know. I searched the fridge for some milk and poured it in my cup and sat down at the table. Some blues music was playing on the record player in the main room. I waited for my tea to cool and anticipated anyone coming into the kitchen. 

Guess there wasn't much of a party in here. Not much to write about either! I gathered my things and my tea and headed back to the living room.

And boy was this a party...

Someone who was about ten sheets to the wind was standing on the coffee table dancing to Little Richard. I didn't know who it was. But he was putting on quite a show. Bon stood with his back to the wall laughing and Cliff had taken a break from talking with Trouble to watch. Trouble was cheering him on. I stood there mouth agape at the man, who started kicking things off the table to make more room for him. Stelle had pulled Phil away from the couch and they were dancing in their own little spot in the room. Well, dancing as much as I've ever seen Phil dance...

I didn't know where to look! Someone was shaking a bottle of champagne and when it opened a huge fountain of the stuff came flowing out onto the floor. Everyone grabbed some glasses and tried catching it. Another group of people were passing around what looked to be a joint and the smell almost knocked me out, and a smaller set of friends stood by themselves talking and nursing their drinks. I hoped my tea would keep me awake, I didn't want to miss a thing! As soon as it was cooled down I took a few gulps. 

Bon saw me from across the room and I pulled my tea away from my face. But it was too late. He put on a mischievous grin and strutted over to me, weaving in and out of the crowd. He must have been drinking a long time but he was perfectly upright and aware. If maybe a little pink in the cheeks. "So, the tea to your standards?" he asked. 

It really was. I didn't see what brand it was but it surely wasn't that Lipton crap. "It's good," I said refraining from drinking any more in front of him. 

"Nice music too, isn't it?" he said. He leaned in close to hear me over how loud it was. We watched the drunk man stumble off the table and land on the floor, passed out. "Ah ah, I got him!" Bon walked over to the man and picked him up off the ground over his shoulder and took him down the hall. He came back a minute later empty handed and stood by me again. "Let the poor bastard sleep it off," he said. His eyes landed on the now empty coffee table. "My my, the dance floor's open! For anyone to use it!" he yelled loud enough for anyone to hear. 

I smiled. I couldn't help it. "I know what you're trying to do, Bon," I said. "It's not working!" He sort of pouted but nudged me with his elbow. 

"Alright, then dance with me," he said. I stared at him. He didn't seem to be playing at anything but I couldn't be too sure. "Come on, you're a friend around here now. Unless you'd rather I danced with Phil over there."

I turned around to see Stelle dancing and Phil standing next to her, holding her camera. He must have been taking a break. I looked down at my arms full of things. Bon noticed it too.

"Here," he said and took my things from me. He walked over to Cliff who seemed to be successfully declining Trouble's advances much to her disappointment. I felt sort of bad but I admired Cliff for standing firm.

In a matter of speaking. Ahem.

"Here, Cliff, would you be a mate an' hold our friend's things for her for a minute?" Bon asked piling my notebook and cup of tea into Cliff's hands. 

"Uh...yeah, sure," Cliff said as Bon clapped him on the shoulder. He looked at Trouble and shrugged, both of them now watching us. I felt nervous and shy but Bon has a way of making his friends feel comfortable. I hadn't drank much tea and I wasn't sure how much I needed to let loose. 

Bon grabbed my hands and we didn't really do much. Just sort of played around where we stood. But it was fun. Much more tame and appealing than getting on the coffee table and reenacting a drunken Saturday Night Fever. Almost nobody paid any attention to us except Cliff and Trouble and I tried to ignore them. If Bon didn't mind acting silly with friends then I wouldn't either. 

The song was short and ended quickly. Bon let go of my hands and ruffled my hair. I went over to Cliff who smiled and handed me my things. "Thanks, Cliff," I said.

"No problem, kid," he said and waved me off. I couldn't help but notice the look Trouble was giving me. She just kind of...stared....I left as quick as I could. 

Already Bon was talking with a new group of people and opening up another drink. I supposed since Bon finally got his wish he'd lay off on the tricks. But also knowing Bon, he'd find something else. 

Angus finally came back with Malcolm and they split up at the door, Angus going into the kitchen and Malcolm being greeted by a whole mess of people. The other Glamour Girls circled around him too and introduced themselves. 

The man looked right at home. 

"Having fun yet?" Stelle yelled over the music. She was still dancing next to Phil. Her cheeks were very red. 

"I think so!" I yelled back. I wasn't sure if she heard me because she twirled around in a circle and danced away. I began to wonder if maybe we wouldn't end up staying in the room overnight. Which led me asking another question.

When people go to parties....and they drink a lot and maybe they pass out on their friend's couch and stay there until morning...did they brush their teeth beforehand? Knowing they might not leave until the next day, did they prepare and brush before they left? Or did they just not do it? 

I really wished I had done it. I'm a bit of a hygiene freak.

Finishing my tea I took my cup back to the kitchen and saw Angus pouring out his own cup. He looked up at me. "Sorry about that, love, Mal needed a word," he said. 

"That's alright," I said throwing my cup in the trash. Angus waited for the tea to cool for two seconds before taking a long drink. 

"Anyone pass out yet?" he asked.

"One guy did," I said. "Bon's letting him sleep it off."

"Yeah, Bon looks out for everyone," Angus said. "Once when I was uh...a little...buzzed..." Angus said looking at the floor. "We had a show the next day, ya' know, an' Bon made sure I was doin' alright." He drank more tea. "All the guys did, ya' know, but that's always been Bon's thing with people. He's good with 'em." We were quiet a moment before Angus spoke again. "Fuck if I ever get drunk again," he said. 

"Alcohol makes me sick," I said. 

"Yeah, it does that sometimes." We were quiet. The kitchen wasn't exactly the picture of peace and tranquility with the loud music and cheers coming muffled through the door but it was good enough for us. "Our records have been gettin' golds lately so we're celebratin' a bit," Angus finally said. "Thought I might as well come join the fuss. Get free tea." He held up his cup. I had to admit, that was a perk. "What got you into our band anyway?"

What should I say? The truth, obviously. Out of all of them I really wanted to tell Angus the whole story. About the time travel and what I was really doing there and everything. But he wouldn't believe me. It was best I kept the story up for now. "My brother listens to you sometimes," I said. "And I got curious and bought Highw- Voltage." I coughed. "I bought High Voltage."

"You okay?" Angus said noticing my exaggerated cough. 

"I'm fine," I said. 

"So ya' bought High Voltage," Angus said. "An' what did ya' think? What's your favorite song?"

"Long Way to the Top was one of the songs that got my attention," I said pulling myself together. "So was TNT. But I think my favorite is Live Wire."

"You got the other record, right?" he asked. "Not the Australian one but the other one?"

"Yeah," I said. "While I'm here I'll try to find the Aussie one."

There was more cheering from outside and Angus pushed the kitchen door open to peek out. I was fascinated by how kitchens even had doors in this time period. He looked for a while and then came back letting the door swing shut. "Some bloke's got a woman kissin' him silly," he said going to pour more tea. "One of those women in that group we've seen around."

"The Glamour Girls?" I asked. 

"You know 'em?"

"I'm familiar," I said. 

"They were in here earlier tryin' to chat up me an' Cliff," Angus said sniffing. "Mostly Cliff, though, he's a good lookin' guy." Cliff really was a stud. "An' ya' know I was flattered. But groupies aren't really my...." He held his cup out. "...cup of tea." And he snickered. 

"I'm a groupie," I said a bit too quickly. 

"Are ya' now," he said. "Got a name?"

Here I was again faced with trying to think of a good name. Just like the name Gemini came flooding into my head, I immediately came up with something else. "...Belladonna?" I said more like a question. 

"Huh," Angus said. "Bit fancy." Belladonna was a toxic plant. And while I hoped I wasn't a toxic person by any means it sounded like a cool name to go by. Angus amazed me by finishing up his second cup and pouring a third. "I kinda like Hannah Ruth meself."

Oh my my my my my my my my.....

"I like Angus McKinnon too," I said. He stared at me and I realized my mistake.

"How did ya' know that was my middle name?" he asked. My heart raced and my palms grew sweaty. Uh, internet?

"Lucky guess," I said before hurrying out of the kitchen. I felt so rude for leaving like that but I knew he wouldn't believe me! He would have demanded to know where I pulled that name from. 

"Wait!" I heard him call after me but I didn't stop. I weaved through the people and had no clue where I was going. I could have hid in the bedroom down the hall but I knew it was already occupied. Stelle was missing and I didn't want to follow her around all night like a puppy. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see Angus had caught up with me. Without a word he gently took my arm and escorted me out of the room taking his tea with us. It was quieter in the hallway and he let go of my arm and started walking. 

"Didn't mean to chase ya' away," he said. "Ya' saw my name in a magazine or somethin', right? Or ya' heard from someone like about my birthday?" I could have said that but I didn't want him to think I was some creep who snooped around for their personal information. 

"Yeah," I said. "Magazine, I think."

"Yeah, those guys get a lot of little things like that. Ya' know, height an' weight an' all that. I don't know why they don't just' come out an' ask our social securities," he said and I smiled. "I should have guessed the journalist would know that."

He brought me to an elevator and we stepped in. I didn't know where he was taking me but I wasn't afraid. Just maybe nervous that the most handsome man in the world wasn't disgusted by my company and even ran after me to talk. 

We stepped off the elevator and he pulled a key out of his pocket. And we stopped right at his hotel room door. 

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