Chapter Twenty Three: Ang's Hotel Room
If I could spend the night in Bon's room, Malcolm's room, and Cliff's room, I could spend the night In Angus' room too. He was no different than any of them, they were all from the same band, they were all famous but still regular men.
So why was my heart beating a million times a minute?
I couldn't believe the night I was having! Bon Scott, a man who passed away before I was born, is here in person and I got to dance with him! And Angus Young was taking me out for some peace and his hotel room!
Okay, now the racing heart made sense.
It was dark inside. Angus flipped the switch and it was still dark. "Think the bulbs are burnin' out," he said closing the door behind us. "Hope it lasts till the end of the month."
His room looked just like the others I've seen. Nothing special. He headed for the kitchen and I stood there awkwardly, not knowing if I should follow him or not. There were a couple of books on the couch. I couldn't imagine reporters or suspicious pastors believing these men read at all. They were nothing but a group of Satanic rockstars who put spells over their audiences, right?
"Bit quieter in here, ain't it?" he asked. I decided I'd better follow him into the kitchen. He was pouring a glass of milk. "Want some?"
"No thanks," I said. I was too nervous for food or drink!
He put the bottle of milk back in the fridge and pulled out some bread and sandwich ingredients. "Ya' know it's not every night I bring a girl back," he said giving me a cheeky smile. "Kinda nervous."
"Me too," I said honestly. I had to stand firm. As big as my crush was on this guy, I had to resist. Politely refuse anything casual and not start anything up that we couldn't finish. I won't be any rockstar's fling!
As tempting as it was...
He started putting together a sandwich. He offered me one and I once again declined. My stomach was dancing with butterflies! The butterflies were dancing in my stomach! The dancing was stomaching in my butterflies!
"Mal was tellin' me about some bloke he met outside," he said licking mustard off a butter knife. "They uh...didn't really hit it off too well...kinda put him in a sour mood..."
"He seemed to cheer up once he got back," I said.
"Oh yeah, Mal likes a good get together with friends." He put the knife in the sink and started piling on the fillings. "I don't mind 'em. But I was gettin' hungry an' I wanted to apologize for scarin' you off."
"It's alright," I said. Come on, Hannah, don't let your time travel secret slip! I watched him make his creation and I had to admit it looked good. I was more of a spinach and turkey girl myself, though.
"You can have a seat if ya' want," he said. "Table or couch or wherever."
My aching body needed a rest. All this excitement was getting to me and I accepted his offer of taking the couch. I cradled my things in my arms and waited for him to come out of the kitchen. He did, holding his plate and glass of milk. I tried not to glance at him too much, fearing he might think I liked him. Which was ridiculous!
But I couldn't help sneaking one tiny glance and almost dropped all my shit on the floor. Angus was reaching into his mouth and just...pulled his teeth out....I couldn't believe it! I knew he had fake ones but I wasn't prepared to see just how fake they were!
He looked over at me and shrugged. "I'm gettin' 'em all replaced soon, may as well junk 'em up."
I found myself staring. He had real teeth in his mouth still but they were spaced out. He set the fake ones on a napkin and started eating his sandwich. I was utterly bewildered and enchanted. He caught me staring.
"Are ya' taken with my good looks?"
"I didn't know you were going to take them out," I said. He smiled.
"Well, it helps me eat better when they're out," he said. "They're jus' a little section, see..." He showed me his teeth, pointing to the missing ones. "It's worse up here. Little by little they come out an' I get these to fill 'em in." I stared at the fake teeth just sitting there on the napkin. Just sitting there! He just took them right out, no second thought! No questions asked! It was so cool! "Take care of your teeth, love, or you'll end up like me." He smiled like a jack-o'-lantern.
"I had ten teeth pulled," I said.
"Did ya'?" he asked.
"Two stubborn baby teeth, four wisdom teeth, and four premolars."
"Gruesome," he said eating. "Love love love the dentist..."
I let him eat for a bit. He drank his milk rather quickly, having barely enough to wash down the last bite of his sandwich. After he was finished he set his things aside and leaned back on the couch, closing his eyes. We sat there together in the silence. Angus, me, and his teeth. I kept sneaking peeks at them.
I'm sorry, I was still so fascinated.
"I don't mean to bore ya'." I snapped out of my trance and looked at Angus whose eyes were still closed. "If ya' wanna head back to the party you can."
"I'm not bored," I said.
"Ya' sure? You'd rather watch me eat a sandwich than have fun?"
"I'm having plenty of fun right here," I insisted. I saw him smile.
"If ya' say so."
It was true! I was sitting next to Angus McKinnon! A groupie's dream doesn't get any better than that! And we were comfortable sitting in silence! We didn't need to fill it up with verbal nonsense! This was fantastic!
There was some scuffling upstairs and I looked at the ceiling. It sounded like someone was moving furniture around. With terrific force.
Angus sighed. "I'll be happy to leave this room," he said. "A couple days back someone else was stayin' above me, ya' know? They were quiet an' all. Then this guy moves in an' redecorates all day."
I felt bad for laughing but Angus didn't seem to mind. The scraping continued and I got the giggles. Chairs moved from one end of the room to the other, back and forth. Angus started laughing and then we started laughing at each other. Every time we thought it would stop and we caught our breath it would start back up again and that got us laughing harder than before. It was a silly thing, sure. But it tickled us.
Finally it stopped. Angus gave thanks and took his dishes back to the kitchen. While he was in there I took a look at some of the books next to me on the couch. I can't remember the titles now, but they looked like the kind of books I usually read. Long ones written a good while ago. Oh, don't make me fall for him harder than I already have!
He came back and grabbed his teeth, sticking them back in. I was thankful my teeth never got that bad. They were rough when I was younger, that was for sure. But braces helped. I felt my teeth with my tongue making absolutely sure none of them had started moving. That they were still straight.
"Got somethin' stuck in there?" Angus asked.
"Nope," I said quickly, feeling a little embarrassed.
"Ya' sure ya' don't want somethin' to eat?" I just knew if I ate something my nerves would bring it back up. Angus was a calming presence to be around. But try telling that to my anxiety ridden brain.
"I'm alright," I said.
"If ya' say so," Angus said with a silly grin. We really could have had our own talk show, we were oozing so much witty banter. "Ya' mind if I play a bit? Guitar, I mean?"
"Sure," I said. He stood up from the couch and went into the bedroom where he came back with a cherry red Gibson SG. I couldn't believe it....a real SG in the flesh....or, wood...
He sat down next to me and tried tuning it the best he could when it wasn't plugged in. He had to listen extra carefully due to how quiet the strings were. "Wanna play when I can," he said. "Keeps me in practice, ya' know?" He played a bit, only a few chords at a time. "An' it's fun."
I set my notebook aside and listened to him play. I had no clue which chord was which and I couldn't tell if he was playing a song or just playing at random. He didn't mind me watching. At one point he showed off a little and started plucking the neck with one hand. I rubbed away the imaginary pain in my wrists.
The guitar really did look like it had devil horns. It was such a small guitar, it was so cute! The man playing it looked awfully cute too. He kept his head down and focused on his playing much like Malcolm had. Those two had something special. What they didn't say in words they could say in music. And each understood the other. There would never be two musicians like them ever again.
I rested my head against the couch and closed my eyes. I felt so wide awake I didn't think I'd ever fall asleep. Then again, Blind Guardian could put me to sleep. But I wouldn't let that happen. I wasn't wasting an opportunity to spend as much time with Angus as possible. And I could say the same for the rest of the band too. How many people can say they did what I did? I needed to be grateful for every second I was here and appreciate it. I couldn't take a single moment for granted. I'd stay awake.
Think again, bitch...
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