Chapter Thirty: Janis and Joyce (and Bunny)
"That your friend?' Bon asked wincing at the sound.
"I'd better check on her," I said. I went back into the bedroom and collected my things, the vomiting even louder now. I was glad I put the bucket by her bed. I wasn't sure if Stelle's company would pay for new sheets or if the poor housekeeping would deal with it. Coming out of the bedroom with a very sick Bunny and a hanger I made to leave immediately but Bon grabbed his beer can and followed me.
"Might as well help," he said shrugging. "I've been in her shoes."
I nodded and we left his room behind, starting on the long trek back to Stelle's room. I wondered if Stelle was laying out a string of curses for not being able to get back into her bedroom or if she passed out somewhere and had no idea about Bunny's condition. I hoped neither of them would take their feelings out on me. I did what I had to do! As a fellow woman! I wasn't going to leave her to the dogs in that state!
We got back to Stelle's room a while later, the sounds on the baby monitor quieting down. I thought I heard some talking but I couldn't be sure. Stelle's door was closed and I knocked on it. Bon and I stood there waiting, looking at everything else but at each other. Finally it opened and I was surprised to see a woman with long black hair and doe like brown eyes. "Hi," she said. "Hannah, right?"
"Yeah," I said unsure about anything anymore. The woman took a glance at Bon who smiled at her.
"Stelle's inside, she said you might be coming," the woman said. "But she didn't say anything about you."
"That's too bad," Bon said grinning. "Estelle an' I are best mates."
"Is that Ronald I hear?" Someone's voice called from inside the room and Stelle appeared in a fluffy pink bathrobe. "Hannah! You're back! And you brought a friend."
"Your shirt is inside out, Bon," Stelle said as she waved us inside her room. It was empty and much quieter than last night. Relatively clean aside from a few empty cans and glitter from popped balloons. That glitter was never going away.
"Had some last minute plans with a bar," Bon said stepping over the mess. "Didn't have time to rent a suit." Stelle walked over to the couch and I was surprised again to see another woman with long black hair and large brown eyes. I looked at her then looked back at the woman who opened the door for us.
They looked exactly the same.
"This is Janis Lykoudis," Stelle said. "And that's her twin sister Joyce." I looked back and forth between them and knew it'd be a while before I would be able to tell them apart. But I'd make an effort. Janis seemed to have a slightly darker complexion than Joyce. "I was going to introduce you to them at the party but you vanished!"
"Don't worry Stelle, I took care of her," Bon said looking very pleased at the sight of the two new women. "Sorry I didn't come to your party....bit busy."
"That's alright, Bon, it probably wasn't wild enough for you." Stelle sat back down on the couch next to Janis and picked up a mug from the coffee table. It smelled like coffee. More retching came from Stelle's room and the monitor. I shut it off, cutting off the sudden, unflattering noise. "Someone has been throwing up in my room and I can't get the door open for the life of me!" Stelle sighed and put a hand to her head.
"It's Bunny," I said. "She got too drunk to stand last night so I locked her in there."
"Locked her in??" Stelle's eyes widened. Oh, sure when you put it like that, it sounds bad.
"I didn't want anyone hurting her!" I said in defense of everyone's concerned expressions aimed at me. "She's got a bucket in there, she's okay."
"Well the door locks from the inside and I've been stuck out here all night." She put her hand down and rested it on top of Janis'.
"Don't you have a key?" asked Joyce.
"If I did, it's probably in there with her," Stelle said.
"I've got a hanger," I said holding it up.
"Here," Bon said holding out his hand. I gave it to him and he started unfolding the bent wire. Soon it didn't look like a hanger anymore but a long hook. He went down the hall and knelt down by the bedroom doorknob, sticking the hanger in the keyhole. After fiddling around with it he tried the knob and pushed the door in. "You're all set, Stelle."
"Thanks, Bon," Stelle called from the couch. Bon tossed the broken hanger aside and went to stand by Joyce who seemed shy about his subtle attention. After a bit of groaning and scuffling, a hungover looking Bunny came stumbling out of the room holding the bucket to her chest.
"Hi, Stella," she mumbled.
"There you are, Bunny! Feeling alright?" Bunny gave Stelle her most smart ass looking face.
"I feel stunning, sugar, why do you ask?" she said, her wild red hair even wilder. Bon looked even more pleased at the sight of yet another attractive woman in his presence, but at least he had the decency to give her some air while she got settled. "Woke up and felt the most sick I've ever felt in my life. Thank God Almighty for this bucket." I smiled.
"I'm glad you're okay," Stelle said. "Though it wasn't much of a party without you." Bunny coughed into the bucket.
"Don't worry, it's still going in my stomach," she said making her way for the chaise lounge. Bon whistled a tune to himself and bounced up and down on his toes.
"Have somewhere to be, Bon?" Stelle asked.
"Jus' got a hot date with my bed, is all," he said. "But if there's nothin' I can do for you ladies here..."
"Go on, get out of here," Stelle said waving him away. "I've seen enough men last night to last me a week."
"Right then. I'll jus' get out of your way." Bon ruffled my hair and saw himself out the door. I could see Joyce looking a little flustered at the sight of a handsome celebrity. Stelle and Janis were perfectly comfortable on the couch, all snuggled up. Poor Bunny looked miserable on the lounge and groaned. And I stood there like an idiot.
"I'd say my party was a success, wouldn't you agree, Hannah?"
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