Chapter Thirty Eight: Yes, I'm From The Future
After giving me a hotel bathrobe to change into Angus got into some clean clothes and put on the kettle. We were back in his hotel room out of the hot sun and away from the crowd of people. Giving me a cup of tea and settling down with his own, Angus sighed. "Before ya' say anythin' else...." he said. "I wanna ask one question."
My heart raced. "Okay," I said. "What is it?"
Angus clasped his hands and looked at the floor. "Is it true?" he asked. "The...the stuff? 'Cause when I first read the notebook....ya' know, I figured it was jus' a story or somethin'." Just like I predicted. He thought I was writing a work of fiction. "An' then Stelle mentioned what you said to her...."
I took a deep breath in and a deep breath out. "Yes," I said. "It's true." I waited for Angus to say something but he just looked at the floor. Even now I wasn't sure he believed me. Was I going to have to prove it to him too? "I'm from the future." Angus looked rather pale.
"What....what year did you say? Stelle said some year but...."
"Oh," Angus said. He wouldn't even look at me. His tea just sat there on the coffee table next to a book. I knew things wouldn't be the same between me and these men. Once everyone found out they'd all see me differently. Maybe they'd want to keep their distance. There would be no more casual conversations, they'd only look at me and be reminded of the truth. How can you go on talking about the weather when one of you is from forty six years into the future? "That's...that's pretty far off." Angus sort of smiled.
"I'm a long way from home," I said. It sounded better when I worded it that way. It felt easier to comprehend and more realistic. Like I was really here just visiting.
"No kiddin'" Angus mumbled. He finally looked at me and looked almost....sad. I couldn't tell if he was sad for me or himself. "How did it happen?"
I explained to him about the winds that blew through my house and dropped me off in Australia 1978. It sounded ridiculous when I said it all out loud. But it was the truth and Angus deserved nothing less than the truth. I was tired of hiding it and I may as well rip the band-aid off. He stayed quiet the whole time and let me recount my story sans the Wattpad fanfiction part.
Nobody needed to know about that...
After I was finished he finally took up his tea and drank. "That's hard to believe," he said.
"I understand if you don't," I said.
"I didn't say that," he said. "It's jus' in the hell did it happen? Somethin' must have caused the wind." The best I could do was shrug.
"I'm just as clueless about it as anyone," I said. "I just thought it would be nice to see an AC/DC concert in the seventies I am."
"An' what about the journalism thing?" Angus asked. My palms got sweaty. "Was any of that true?"
I hung my head. "No," I said. "I'm not a real journalist." Angus sighed, leaned back on the couch, and put a hand over his eyes. I felt awful. "That's why I pretended to not remember the name of the magazine, that's why I said freelance and....everything."
"So we've been tellin' ya' stuff for nothin'?" he asked. "What are ya' gonna do with all that once ya' get back home? If ya' get back home?"
"I don't know!" I said. "I didn't mean to force my way into your lives and follow you around, I didn't mean to lie to everyone about who I was and I didn't even mean to come here!" If Angus Young was going to roast me alive, I wasn't going down without a fight. "I don't even know if I'll ever get back home so once you guys leave for your tour and Stelle goes to Germany I'm on my own."
That seemed to catch his attention. "Ya' got nowhere to stay?" he asked.
"No," I said. "If I did I wouldn't be mooching off you all." Angus focused on his tea and I focused on mine. It was hot and a little bitter despite the milk he poured in. Hot and bitter just like me at the moment. "I'm not going to run my mouth about my experiences and I'm especially not doing it for any money."
"That's a first," Angus said and I thought I saw him smile. "Ya' really don't want to brag about time travelin' an' meetin' the band? Stayin' in our hotel rooms?"
"As tempting as it is, no," I said. "I really don't want to make any kind of money off you guys." I lowered my voice and felt very shy. "You're important to me."
Angus patted my shoulder. "That means a lot, love," he said. Come on, now is no time to get the giggles! I busied myself with more tea. "I can tell ya' one thing....the band's grown used to havin' ya' around. You an' Stelle have been great company, ya' know?"
Okay, I admit, I smiled like an idiot when he said that. But my smile disappeared shortly after. "You and Stelle are the only ones who know," I said. "And Stelle asked me to prove it so she doesn't even believe me."
Angus nodded. "Well....I guess I'm the first then?"
My smile came back. And I couldn't help myself. I grabbed him for a hug. He was quicker to respond than either Bon or Malcolm were. He was probably used to being tackled by fans. Just like the other two he was warm and cozy. I could fall asleep right here. His hair was still a little wet from the pool and so was mine.
Now if I could just hug Phil and Cliff, I'd be set.
I let Angus go so it didn't look like I had any romantic feelings for him. Hugging him for too long might arouse suspicion. That's a secret I wasn't slipping to anyone. How would Angus even feel about that? Knowing that a twenty four year old woman had a thing for him when he was so much older?
And married?
I took my tea again and had a few more sips. It had cooled down and was a lot sweeter than before. Angus really was a top notch tea maker. "So uh....what's the future like?" Angus asked and I almost spit my tea back out. "Better? Worse?"
"Uh...." What could I say that wasn't too specific? "Honestly, kind of stinky," I said and Angus didn't like the sound of that. "Not horrible but....I mean, every time period has its good and bad things," I explained. Angus nodded. "It just feels like there's more bad than good."
"So....pretty much the same?"
"Suppose so," I said. "Maybe someone from 1978 would act just like I did if they suddenly showed up in 2024. Whereas I'm just used to it."
"What's your favorite part about the seventies?" Angus asked. It felt like I was the one being interviewed now. "Or Australia?"
"Australia's fun," I said. Let's be honest, the best stuff comes from Australia. AC/DC, Bluey, their accents.... "I'm not sure how I feel about the backwards seasons, though..."
"Hard to get used to, ya' know?" Angus said. "Phil's lived here his whole life but for the rest of us it's a bit of a change."
"My favorite part about the seventies...." I looked around Angus' hotel room. I saw the rotary phone and the color television. I saw the decor and the vintage cars driving around outside the window. "I love the look."
"The look?" Angus asked amused.
"The cars and the clothes and the way everything looks." I grinned. Angus gave me a funny look.
"What, ya' don't wear clothes in the future?" he asked and I laughed. "Ya' don't drive cars? Everyone has their own spaceship?" I laughed harder. "Jet packs or somethin'?"
"We have cars!" I said, wiping the tears from my eyes. "And we have clothes, they just don't look like the ones here. We have phones but they're so different. And television sets are different too."
"How's that?" Angus asked. He looked very curious about my knowledge of the future. Although I wondered how much he would believe before he started getting skeptical. I mean, come on. Who's gonna believe you can take photos with a phone?
"Phones are....a lot smaller," I said, keeping my details brief. "And televisions are bigger. Much bigger."
"Like a movie theater?" he asked. I nodded.
"There's no reason for them to be as big as they are," I said. "Every couple of years another model comes out that's even bigger and despite having one that already works, my family takes it down and puts up the bigger one." Angus laughed.
"Yeah, I kinda like the one I've got," he said. "Back home it's small but it works great, ya' know?"
"Exactly!" I said. Angus tapped his fingertips against the side of his mug.
"Now...I know I probably shouldn't ask about this," he said and I could feel my stomach drop. "But what about the band? Anythin' I should know about?"
No, Angus McKinnon, you shouldn't ask about that.
I raced to come up with something. I wasn't about to tell him one of his best friends died so horribly and that his closest brother would die after a long battle with chronic illness. I wouldn't tell him all the things that happened to Phil and all the shit the band went through. Just like with Stelle I had to come up with something that wasn't so gruesome but would keep him satisfied. "Uh...wives and children," I said. That was always a safe bet. Angus nodded, obviously not satisfied in the slightest.
"That's it?" he asked.
"That's an important life event!" I said.
"Sure it is, but anyone can get married an' have kids, ya' know?" Fuck, he had a point. That wasn't specific to this particular band. "I mean, if ya' think it's best not to tell me I understand-"
"Your band gets very famous," I said. Knowing good and well this band didn't really see worldwide fame until Back in Black came out, I knew that would catch his attention. "Everyone's a millionaire."
"Aw, I don't believe it for a second," he said with a playful smile. "I appreciate the high spirits, love, but I wanna keep my feet on the ground, ya' know?"
"It's true!" I said. He shook his head.
"Bit of fame's always welcome," he said. "We've got bills to pay an' children to feed accordin' to you. I could see us gettin' somewhere in a few years. But don't butter us up, love." I was shocked! He didn't believe it! I guess I could see he didn't want to get his hopes up. Maybe the idea of one day owning a million dollars and rolling in a pile of money in a mansion was too daunting. I certainly wouldn't want that hanging over my head. Imagine the expectations and pressure you'd feel to live up to that!
I myself would hate to be rich and famous. All that attention and all those rooms to clean? No thanks. I'll stick to being a financially stable nobody.
"Suit yourself," I said and finished my tea. Angus stood from the couch and got the guitar from his bedroom. He sat back down next to me and tuned it. Suddenly I was taken back to the first time I spent the night in his room.
"Ya' got a place to stay for the night?" he asked. I thought back to Stelle and how she probably needed some time alone. I thought about Bon's key in my pocket and decided I'd save it for emergencies so as not to intrude. And everyone else was busy.
"I guess not," I said.
"You can stick around here if ya' want," he said, plucking a few chords. "I don't mind."
I smiled and my face felt very warm. "Thanks," I said.
"An' uh...." He cleared his throat. "I'm real sorry for snoopin' around your notebook," he said. "I shouldn't have read anythin'."
"It's okay," I said yawning. Okay, so maybe what he did really wasn't okay. But in the end it all turned out okay. "Don't tell anyone else."
"I won't," he said.
Angus continued to play his guitar and I listened to him. Spending the afternoon in the hot sun started to take its toll and I could feel myself slipping away again.
Someone pounding on the door woke me up. At first I thought it was some very eager housekeeping but after Angus opened the door as quick as he could he stepped aside to let Stelle in. "Where is she?" I heard her ask.
I sat up on the couch and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I was still in the hotel bathrobe and Angus had left his guitar on the seat next to me. Stelle was feral. Her eyes were wide and her hair was wild. She headed straight for me and hauled me to my feet.
"I need to talk to you," she said, keeping her voice low.
"What about?" I asked, annoyed at having my slumber disturbed. Stelle looked at Angus who looked just as jarred and sleepy as I was. I wonder where he had spent the night. To think we shared the couch...
"I want to talk to you alone," she said. I could see there was something she was dying to talk about and it involved me. Suddenly I remembered it was November 26. In America, it was November 25. It was the big day.
Stelle saw the news. She found out.
"Uh, okay," I said looking around the room for my clothes.
"I put your things on the table," Angus said. "You can change in the bathroom."
"No, there's no time!" Stelle grabbed my things then grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door. "We're going back to my room, Angus, we'll see you later!"
"Good....bye?" Angus said watching Stelle drag me through the hotel hallway in my robe and bare feet. I took one last look at Angus.
"Thank you, Angus McKinnon!" I called, my voice echoing through the halls. I did my best to keep my robe closed and hurried to follow Stelle's retreating footsteps, leaving Angus behind.
What a man....
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