Chapter Forty Two: Fish And Chips
I stared at the lens like a deer caught in the headlights. The photographer scratched his head as he kept pressing the button to take the photo but nothing happened. No click, nothing. Just like when Stelle had tried to take my photo backstage. "That's funny," he mumbled.
"Not workin'?" Cliff asked. I looked at Stelle who set the broom down. Bon looked back and forth between us, working something out in his mind. That we had a secret. That we knew something. "This happened before, right?"
"Uh....kind of," I said. The photographer fiddled with his camera, cursing as much as I've ever heard a Canadian curse. "Must be a coincidence."
"Some coincidence," Bon said. Phil and Angus knew exactly what was going on.
"Must be too cute for the cameras to handle," Angus joked and I almost floated away.
"That's sure not it," the photographer mumbled and I looked at him in shock. Excuse me?? I agree completely but you don't say that shit out loud! "What the hell is the matter with this thing?"
"I think that's enough photos for the day," Cliff said standing up. "I gotta get goin' an' I'm sure the others wanna get some food before the show."
I stood up like lightning. I wouldn't let Cliff out of my sight before telling him. The others got themselves together while the photographer swore at his camera. Right as Cliff walked out the door I bolted out after him, leaving the rest in the dust. "Cliff, wait!" I called.
His long legs took him down the street a ways and I ran to keep up with him. Catching my breath, I had him stopped at a crosswalk. "Yeah?" he asked.
"I didn't...get a tell you..." I wheezed.
"Yeah?" he asked, crossing his arms. The light wind blew his long hair around and he fussed with it while I clutched a stitch in my side. The diet I'd been on while being here wasn't good for my shape. Running even a few paces knocked the wind out of me!
"I'm from....the future," I said. Right then a huge truck carrying tons of cans of Coca-Cola sped by, the horn blaring.
Cliff frowned. "Sorry, love, didn't catch that," he said. The traffic around us was heavy and intense. I took a deep breath and tried again.
"I said I'm from the future!" I nearly shouted. Of course, as luck would have it, some construction worker turned on his jackhammer and had at it. I almost started swearing myself. Cliff gently took my arm and led me down the sidewalk where traffic was lighter and people were scarce.
"Sorry about that," he said. "Gets busy here this time of day. What were ya' sayin'?" I waited a minute in case the world had anything else to do to interrupt me. Almost called the whole thing off, deeming the news unimportant.
"I'm from the future, Cliff," I finally said. He must have heard me loud and clear that time because he asked me to repeat it.
"What...?" he asked, not quite registering what I said.
"I'm from the year 2024," I said. "I time traveled to 1978 and it took me weeks to finally tell you." I toed the ground and hung my head. "I'm sorry." Cliff didn't say anything and that worried me. I peeked at him from behind my hair and saw him staring at me.
"Why would ya' say somethin' like that?" he asked. I wasn't quite sure how to answer him.
"'s the truth?" I said. "I didn't mean to keep a secret like this from everyone but-"
"Hold on, jus' a minute, jus' a minute," he said and I clammed up. "Are ya' pullin' my leg? One of the others put you up to this?"
"No!" I said. "Absolutely not, the others have nothing to do with this." Cliff put his hands on his hips and looked off toward town where more cars honked and people yelled. The man with the jackhammer finally quit and took a lunch break. "Stelle knows," I said. "And I told Phil and Angus."
"You jus' say you're from...the future?" he asked. "An' I'm not supposed to say how crazy that sounds? I'm supposed to believe you jus' like that?"
"No," I sighed, defeated. "Phil doesn't really believe me either. And I don't blame him. I mean, time travel isn't supposed to be possible."
"No, love, it isn't," he said. Looking at his watch, making sure soundcheck wasn't right around the corner, he nodded toward the busy street. "Maybe we ought to talk somewhere else."
A plate of fish and chips sat on the table in front of me. I wasn't much of a fish woman; the possibility of shellfish crossing with it wasn't something I wanted to risk as I was allergic to it. Cliff tucked in to his food and wiped his hands on the napkin. The place wasn't too busy but we kept our voices low all the same. "You're not really a journalist?" he asked. I shook my head.
"No," I said. "That was just an excuse to be around the band." Cliff gave me a sort of smile and shrugged.
"I dunno, love...a simple 'could I hang around' might have worked..." I rolled my eyes.
"Does that work with every woman who comes around?" I asked.
", not all of 'em...."
"Figures," I smirked. I couldn't imagine someone like me being allowed to hang around a famous band. I wasn't that cute, wasn't that nice or interesting....I didn't talk. I've said it before but it can't be stressed enough. "I'm sorry for not telling anyone sooner."
"Tellin' us what, that you're from the future?" Cliff asked. "How do ya' go about tellin' someone that?"
"'re saying you believe me?" I asked hopefully. Cliff munched down on a few fries and shrugged.
"I really don't know," he said. "I'd like to. You're a good kid, you're not crazy, you're not one to make stuff up...." I folded my hands together patiently. "You're not the type to look for attention."
"No," I agreed. Having Cliff at least consider the possibility that I was telling the truth made me feel a little better. My appetite even made an appearance and I took a French fry.
"An' what will ya' do when ya' get back home?" Cliff asked. "Ya' know....write a book or somethin'?"
"No!" I said and almost choked on my fry. "I wouldn't do that." Sure, I had my Wattpad fanfiction to think about but I'd never write an actual book to be published. "I wouldn't feel comfortable making any money off you guys."
"Hm. Well...thanks," Cliff said. "We appreciate it." After some refills on our drinks and finishing up our food, as well as giving my fish to Cliff, we continued our conversation. "So Phil an' Ang know?"
"Yeah," I said. "I told Phil yesterday...Angus read my notebook and caught on...." The task of telling Bon and Malcolm weighed heavy on my shoulders.
"An' how do ya' plan to tell the others?"
"I don't know," I groaned, resting my head against the table. "They won't believe me. I just know it."
"Nah, ya' don't know that," Cliff said.
"I do." Okay, so I had no clue. But it was better to prepare for the worst than to take things as they come, right? Right??? "You think they'll hate me?"
"Not at all," Cliff said. "The way I figure it, Bon will probably feel similar to me about it. Ya''s a lot to take in. Mal?" Cliff shrugged. "Guess there's no tellin' with Mal."
Just what I needed. My favorite member of the band sending me out on a rail.
Cliff patted me on the shoulder. "Give 'em time." Checking his watch, he stood from the table. "Soundcheck, love. You comin'?"
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