Chapter Forty Four: Holy Fu-

My hand hovered over Bon's door. All I had to do was knock. I glanced at the key in my hand, shining under the hallway lights. What was the point of bringing the key if I just knocked on his door and waited for him to let me in? What was the point of knocking if I had the key to open the door? General politeness, I supposed. My heart beat frantically in my chest. The last time I came here Bon almost attacked me with a lamp. That was reason enough to knock. 

But then why did Bon give me a key? I pressed my forehead against the door and sighed. Just get this over with. Let yourself in, find Bon, if he's awake, ask if you can talk. If he's asleep, let him sleep and write him a note. Then get the fuck out of there. I took a deep breath and placed the key in the hole. Turning it slowly, I twisted the knob and pushed the door open, giving a pitiful little knock as I did so. 

And dear God I wish I had knocked first. 

Bon was awake, all right. Every last inch of him. His shirt was replaced by a pair of hands and his own hands were tucked inside his company's blouse that had been unbuttoned. Bon pulled away from the obvious kiss he had been in the middle of and looked at me with a dazed expression. The woman he was with, hair a mess and lipstick smeared, looked ready to leap out the window. 

"I'm so fucking sorry," I said turning around and averting my gaze. I stumbled out of the door and made to close it. "I can come back another time."

"Here, wait," Bon said and I heard him stand from the couch. 

"That's okay, Bon, I'll leave-"

Bon followed me out the door, apologizing to the woman before closing it behind him. He stood in front of me in the hallway and I kept my eyes glued to the floor. Seeing Bon in such a way would forever be burned into my brain and I knew I wasn't sleeping tonight. "Did ya' wanna talk?"

"Well....yeah, I-good God," I muttered. I had taken a quick glance at him and immediately regretted it. 

"What's wrong?"

"Your zipper," I said, covering my face with my hands. Could I have done anything more embarrassing? First I walk in on Stelle and Janis and now this??? No one hated me more than I hated myself at that moment. 

Except maybe's Bon's guest.

Bon looked down at his jeans and giggled. "Ah, sorry about that," he said before fixing himself. I allowed myself a direct look in his eyes and saw nothing but mirth. "What's troublin' ya'?"

"I was just....hoping to have a small word with you but I can see you're busy-" I turned to leave again but Bon gently grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back. 

"I can spare a minute or two," he said. "Carol here's a friend of mine, came to visit."

"Quite the friend," I said. Bon laughed. "Really, Bon, it's not a problem."

"Ya' came all this way in your pajamas to have a talk an' ya' jus' wanna leave?" he asked. I could faintly smell a spot of perfume coming from him and I could guess it wasn't his. He stuck his hands in his pockets and shrugged. "The least ya' could do is stay the night."

"Stay the-" I looked around for anyone overhearing our awkward conversation. Luckily the hallway was empty. "Are you crazy or something?"

"Sure am," he grinned. "Can't jus' let a friend of mine wander the streets at this time of night, wouldn't be right, like." I looked toward the door where Carol was waiting within, ready to have Bon left, right, and center. And I certainly didn't want to be in the middle of that. "Look, you take the bedroom an' Carol an' I will keep things to the couch. Stay the night, we can talk in the mornin'."

At this point I really didn't want to make the trip back to Stelle's hotel at this late hour. It was scary enough getting here and I was exhausted. This might be my only chance to tell Bon the truth, anyway. I'd have to wait for Carol to leave unless I really did want her to leap out the window to get away from my blatant insanity. Bon would be sure to follow. "Wouldn't you two rather have the bedroom?"

"Go on an' have it," Bon said, reaching for the door. "The couch is big enough for us." Desperately blinking the image away I let Bon escort me back into the room where Carol had fixed herself up a little. She did up her blouse and was checking her lipstick in a compact mirror. "Hannah here's takin' the room tonight, she's had a bit of a rough evenin'."

Carol smiled at me politely but I knew she was probably peeved. I had just ruined her night with the lead singer of the most attractive rock and roll band in the world. Who wouldn't be pissed? "Oh, that's...too bad," she said.

"I'm so sorry," I mouthed to her, making my exit into Bon's bedroom. I went to close the door when I saw Bon standing there. 

"We'll uh....keep it down for ya'," he smiled. I forced a smile. 

"I appreciate that, Bon. Please do." Once he left I closed the door after him and locked it in case Bon or Carol should forget I was in here and in a moment of passion, stumble inside for the bed. Standing in the corner of the room was a fan, much like the one in Stelle's room. I plugged it in and turned it on. There. That should keep the sound out. It also kept the room an acceptable temperature as summer quickly approached. Making myself comfortable in Bon's bed, I settled down to sleep.

Until images of Bon and his zipper flashed in my mind and my eyes tore open again. 


Surprisingly, I managed to sleep the entire night. I wasn't woken up once by Bon or Carol and I sat up to stretch. The fan was still humming and I figured the drone was what kept me asleep. Turning it off I unlocked the bedroom door and pressed my ear against the wood. I heard voices but I didn't recognize any of them. The television must have been on. I figured Bon would still be asleep considering the night he probably had but I learned real quick not to ever assume Bon was asleep. Slowly pulling the door open, I peered outside. 

There was no mistaking Bon's hair on the other side of the couch as he watched tv. I looked around for any sign of Carol by means of a running shower or abandoned bra. Nothing. Bon heard me and turned around. "Did we keep you up any?" he asked. 

"No, I slept fine," I said, taking a seat on the couch next to him. "Is Carol still here?"

"She left about an hour ago," Bon said. He actually had a shirt on this morning albeit an unbuttoned one. He was drinking a Coke and there was a bowl of cereal on the coffee table. Well, a bowl of milk and one soggy corn flake, anyway. 

"I didn't expect you to be here," I said. "Or be awake."

"Yeah, been up since arse crack," he said, yawning. I held back a laugh, turning my attention to the tv. Some ultimate seventies show was playing where everyone and their dog was wearing wide lapels and platform shoes. I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. "Ya' hungry or anythin'?"

"No, I'm okay," I said. He stood up. 

"I'm havin' a piss then," he said and left for the bathroom. It was already warming up in the hotel room and Bon had his ceiling fan going just like Stelle did. I felt sort of bad just leaving her there. 

But not as bad as I felt for Carol. 

My leg bounced in anxiety as I figured out how to explain to Bon my secret. He knew I still wanted to talk to him I just wasn't sure how to bring it up. And how can I avoid telling him what happens to him in 1980? He's sure to ask. Maybe he'll demand to know where he is in my time and I'll be stuck in a corner. I could say I don't know exact details but that will only make me look like a liar. I heard the toilet flush and I froze up. Bon came back out, a bit of soap left on his hands. I kept my eyes straight on the tv as he took his place on the couch, wiping his hands on his jeans. "Somethin' wrong?" he asked. 

Was my nervous state that painfully obvious?

I folded my hands together and looked down at my lap. "I'm fine," I said. I felt the couch shift as Bon scooted a little closer to me. Carol's perfume lingered a little mixed in with fresh cologne. 

"We can have that talk now if ya' want," he said. I swallowed. 


We sat there in silence.

"Look, I'd love to start if I knew what we were talkin' about," Bon said, his voice quiet. "I'm not in trouble, am I?"

Trouble? Who said anything about being in trouble? How much do you know, Ronald? I snapped out of it and shook my head. "No, you're not in trouble." My heart clenched at the lie. 

"Are you in trouble?" he asked concerned. 

"No, no one's in trouble," I said. More stupid fucking tears pooled in my eyes and spilled out. I turned away from Bon and wiped them with my hand. 

"Don't look like it," Bon said. 

"Just another nightmare," I said, using the same excuse as last time. 

"Another one?"

"The same one," I said. "It was about you."

"Me?" I nodded and wiped the rest of the tears away. I had to use this as an excuse for why I always burst into tears around this man. The tv played in the background, an obnoxious laugh track going off after every crummy joke. Definitely not the right atmosphere. "Is that what you wanted to talk about?"

"No," I said. "I....have you ever had a secret?" I asked, sniffling. "A secret you needed to tell someone but you were too scared?"

Bon frowned. "Ya' mean like....breakin' your mum's vase or somethin'?"

"Or something," I said. Making sure my eyes were completely dry, I finally gave Bon my full attention. His eyes were full of concern and I wanted to turn away again. Gripping onto whatever last bit of courage I had, I spoke. "I have something to tell you."

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