Chapter Fifty Six: The Morning After

An alarm scared me awake. I shot up in bed and smacked my head on the one above me. "Ow!" I said, my vision still blurry. Only then did I remember where I was: in a stolen tour bus with Bon and Angus.

"What's goin' on?" Angus asked. Wrapping my blanket around my cold body I slipped out of the bunk bed and dropped to the floor, my feet freezing. Angus had quickly pulled a shirt and jeans on and followed me to the front of the bus where Bon had just vacated the driver's seat. 

"Don't worry guys, I got it," he said, cranking the doors open and hurrying outside. The alarm was even louder now and I looked out the windshield to see what happened. In front of the bus was a station wagon. The headlights were flashing on and off and the alarm was blaring loud enough to wake up the city. Angus groaned and rubbed a hand over his face. 

"It's too early for this, Bon," he muttered and left the bus. Reluctantly I followed him, greeted by the warm Sydney air. Already the sun was high and the sky was a brilliant blue. Bon was halfway through the station wagon's window, fiddling around with the controls. In a moment the blaring alarm stopped. Shimmying out with a smile on his face, he rubbed his hands together. 

"Good as new," he said.

"What else are we gettin' in trouble for?" Angus asked, examining the station wagon for dents and scratches. I couldn't see any, but I did notice one of the tour bus' mirrors was cracked. I could only imagine what kind of adventure Bon took us for while we slept. "Bon, you idiot, this is Randy's car!" Angus stood up straight, eyes wide in horror.

"Is it?" Bon asked calmly, his smile fading. 

"Who's Randy?" I asked. Angus sighed and ran his hands through his hair, circling the car for any more damage. 

"Friend of ours," Bon said. The wind blew his hair in his face and he didn't bother to fix it. "Got a nasty temper, that one."

"Wonderful," I groaned. 

"No, no, he's a great guy," Bon insisted. "He's jus' a bit...." Angus hurried back to our sides as a very large man came storming across the parking lot from a nearby building. I realized Bon had taken us back to the hotel we were staying at. The man was fully dressed in work boots and tattered jeans, a black t shirt stretched to full capacity. He huffed and puffed the whole way over to us, his face red. "I'll talk, you two get behind me."

"Bon," Angus said, trying to sound serious but breaking out into giggles. "Not a word out of you."

All three of us stood side by side as Randy approached his car, looking it over. "What the fuck's happened?" he asked after catching his breath. 

"I was jus' parkin', mate," Bon said, ignoring Angus' request. "Thought I could squeeze by."

"You hit my car with the fucking bus?" Randy asked, his voice rising. I thought his face couldn't get any redder but he proved me wrong. "Do you have eyes, or what?"

"Nothin's been done," Bon said and that hardly calmed Randy down. He began to pace, trying to come up with something real nasty to say but only stuttered and spit. Angus and Bon were trying real hard not to break out laughing at the sight but we were all nervous just the same. Especially me. I had never met this guy. He could pound all three of us into mush. "It's the bus that took the hit."

"You...! You....!" Randy couldn't even form the words to let Bon know what he was. Instead he just opened the car door and forced himself in the tiny vehicle, slamming the door behind him. 

"Lucky the window was open," Bon said. "I turned the alarm off for ya'."

Randy started his car up and started flicking switches. The wipers went on, scraping against dry glass. The radio started blasting Frank Sinatra while the headlights flashed on and off. Turning the car off, Randy opened the door and practically fell out, closing it behind him. 

"Everythin' alright?" Angus asked. I wrapped my blanket tighter around myself as Randy's face turned purple then all kinds of colors. It was mesmerizing. Without noticing them coming out of the hotel, we were suddenly surrounded by a lot of people, most of whom I recognized as roadies. Word must have gotten out that the missing tour bus was back. A few of them got on the one we took and looked angrily at Bon while Bon ignored them in favor of Randy's kaleidoscope face. I did notice, however, two other men coming to see the commotion. And one of them was walking like there was a fire on his trail.

"Where the hell were you three?" Malcolm's voice carried across the parking lot, Cliff catching up behind him. Bon didn't answer right away and Malcolm went to stand next to Angus who quietly explained everything. "Someone heard the bus' horn an' thought someone was stealin' it," Malcolm said. "Got there too late, we didn't know it was you!"

"I think snatchin' it was a last minute idea," Angus said, keeping an eye on Randy. "They were already in there when I grabbed my smokes."

"Ya' have fun?" Malcolm asked. 

Angus shrugged. "Yeah, yeah, sure." I caught Angus' eye and we both started giggling, remembering our previous adventures. 

"The bus is trashed," Cliff said. "Who was drivin'?"

"Bon," Angus and I said together. At the mention of his name, Bon looked over his shoulder at us and smiled, quickly turning back to Randy. After some deep breathing and a quick check of his pulse, his face had returned to its normal color. 

"You're a stinker, Bon," Randy said, almost like a parent. I wondered how much older than us he really was. "You're lucky it was my car and not some mob boss."

"So we're alright?" Bon asked, giving Randy the largest puppy dog eyes I've ever seen. I swear, sometimes Bon's eyes could put me to shame. 

"Yeah, forget about it," Randy said. "No harm done, the car looks alright. It's that bus of yours you ought to worry about." I turned around to see the roadies looking it over, one of them gently adjusting the cracked mirror. With a pop the mirror fell off the bus and shattered on the ground. "Yeesh. Need a good mechanic to fix that."

"Ya' know any?" Bon asked, crossing his arms. Randy scratched the back of his neck and looked off toward town. "Doesn't have to be cheap."

"There's one on Hillton Avenue," Randy said. "I don't know if they take buses or not."

"Worth a try," Bon said. "Better than nothin', right, Ang?" Bon flashed his teeth at Angus who was busy lighting up another cigarette, handing one to Malcolm. 

"Almost called the police on you, Bon," Malcolm said. "Didn't figure it was you until we found ya' missin'."

"Should have come with us, Mal," Bon said. "You like fireworks."

"You doin' alright, Hannah?" Malcolm asked concerned. "Bon didn't kidnap you, or..."

"No," I said. "No, I'm fine." The breeze brushed my ears and I shivered. A couple roadies came up to us, annoyed and frustrated. 

"We'll have to take it in," one said. "Front and back's messed up." Bon nodded, sticking his hands in his pockets and looking at the ground. "You're a maniac, Bon."

"We're alive," Bon said, gesturing at Angus and I. "That's gotta count for somethin'."

"If the mechanic down the road won't take it in we'll try Hillton," the other roadie said. He held the broken mirror in his hand, glass rattling around inside the husk. "Payment's gonna be hell."

"I'll help," Bon said. "I'm not too broke."

"Can ya' drive it all that way?" Cliff asked. "Ya' won't get pulled over for it?"

"If we do we'll explain what happened," the man holding the mirror said. "I'm sure the cops 'round here all know who Bon is by now." Bon and Angus started giggling again, Malcolm smiling wide. "If it breaks down on the way, we'll call a tow."

"Guess I'd better get out of here," Randy said. "If you don't need me for anything..."

"Thanks a lot, Randy," Bon said. "You're a gem." Randy finally smiled and I knew at once he really was a good guy. 

"You're a bigger one, Bon," Randy said and headed back toward the hotel. The roadies clambered onto the beat up bus while Cliff and Angus followed Randy toward the hotel.

"Ya' sure you're alright?" Malcolm asked, lowering his voice. "I can tell Bon off for ya'."

I laughed and that got Bon's attention. "It's alright, I'm fine. I had fun." 

"See, Mal? Fun. That's a word you haven't heard yet," Bon said. Malcolm stuck his tongue out and inched away from us.

"If all's fine out here I'm goin' back to bed," he said. "Had a nice dream goin'."

"See ya', Mal," Bon said, waving him off. Another breeze picked up and I shivered again. If it was so sunny and warm out then why was I so cold? I pulled the blanket tighter and felt a sliver of bare skin.

Oh no....

Carefully I looked down my blanket and realized I was in nothing but a bra and underwear. I had completely forgotten my clothes were back on the bus with all the commotion going on. Swearing internally, I turned around to snatch my clothes off the bus before anyone noticed my predicament. But the bus wasn't there.

It was driving away, rumbling down the street. 

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