Chapter Fifty Nine: Talking It Over
Streetlights flashed past the windows, their glows intense in the dark night. A yawn escaped me and I pulled my jacket tighter around myself, my eyes fluttering shut. After spending a good long while in the dingy bathroom of the venue calming myself down after the day's wild events, I finally worked up the courage to face my friends again and enjoy what I could of the concert. Only recently did my exhaustion finally catch up with me and now I was on the tour bus home, about to fall asleep. "Ya' cold?" Bon asked.
I only shrugged. I still hadn't bucked up the nerve to look him in the eye too long but I let him sit next to me on the way back to the hotel; not daring to use the window as a pillow again considering what happened last time. But I wasn't too sure about the alternative. So, despite my fatigue, I sat up straight.
Bon stood from his seat, carefully making his way toward the back of the bus. He came back and wrapped a blanket from one of the beds around my shoulders. And I thought I was done with one of these. "There," he said.
"Thanks," I said and yawned again. We stopped at a light and the exhaust built up, giving the bus a very rugged and intoxicating smell. I wrinkled my nose.
"Tired?" Bon asked. Either Bon really could go days without sleeping or he was a good actor. He didn't sound the least bit tired. I was sure alcohol made a person sleepy and Bon had been drinking quite a lot of it. I also knew Bon could hold his liquor pretty well at this point and probably had no side effects. "Here, you can sleep until we get there."
At first I shook my head, trying not to give in to the temptation. But seconds later I surrendered to sleep's seduction, Bon letting his arm hang around my shoulders.
In and out of sleep I went. First I'd be off in dreamland when suddenly the driver took a turn or tripped over a pothole and I'd wake up, grumbling and muttering, and pulling the blanket up to cover my face. Someone took a seat in front of us and started up a conversation with Bon. I kept very still and listened to what I could. "Things alright back here?" Malcolm asked.
Of course.
"Sure," Bon said. "Gotta take these shoes off, like, the dogs are barkin'." I tried not to giggle in delirium, pulling the blanket closer over my face. "Happy to tour but I'm countin' down the days till Christmas."
"Goin' somewhere?" Malcolm asked.
"Straight to Mum's," Bon said. "Then I'm takin' time off for myself. Gonna live the hermit life for a few days." Malcolm agreed and I could detect a faint whiff of smoke. Honestly, it was better than whatever fumes built up at stoplights. What kind of gasoline did buses take, anyway?
Malcolm and Bon didn't seem to have anything to say in relevance to me so I attempted sleep again. I got so close when suddenly the bus went over a curb, rocking me from side to side. "Close one," Malcolm said. "Could tip over any second. Should have had you drive us home, eh?"
"I'd show him up," Bon said. "But I don't want him to lose his job."
"You're sweet," Malcolm said. "But I don't wanna lose my life."
As long as these two kept me out of the conversation, I wouldn't worry so much. Obviously should one of them accidentally divulge a secret smooch between him and I, I'd be embarrassed like hell but it wouldn't be the end of the world. And surely these men shared women back in the day, they were used to this kind of thing.
But I wasn't. And I wasn't sure I wanted to be. Being a groupie was fun but to what extent? At what point did I have to compromise my comfort for the sake of keeping the band entertained?
"I'll be gettin' the electricity looked at," Malcolm said. "Fuses blow out every time I sneeze an' I can't get shit done. Plugged my amp in an' nearly burnt the place down."
"Nice," Bon said. "That the whole flat or jus' your room?"
"It's my whole floor," Malcolm said. "I hear the neighbors up at all hours knockin' on doors an' askin' what the hell's goin' on." I heard him sigh and laugh a little. "Needless to say I might be movin' out soon."
Just as I was about to fall asleep, Bon and Malcolm having quieted down for a few minutes, I felt Bon shift in his seat and the blanket fell a bit, exposing my face. I mourned the loss of the warmth and kept my eyes shut tight. The blanket provided me with a comfort of not being seen. If they couldn't see me, they wouldn't think to talk about me. Now here I was, reminding both of them of various encounters.
"How's she doin'?" Malcolm asked, keeping his voice low. I felt Bon move a stray lock of hair away from my face. "She okay?"
"Yeah," Bon said after a minute. "Probably exhausted. Been a long day."
"Don't I fuckin' know it," Malcolm said. I could smell the smoke better now. The entire bus started to reek with it. How I managed to go this entire time without once getting sick from the cigarette smoke I'll never know. At least one thing was on my side. "She's stayin' with you, right?"
"Uh, yeah," Bon said. "Got all her stuff in a laundry bag in my room."
"Ya' better get her back quick as ya' can," Malcolm said. "Give her a real bed or somethin'."
"Course, Mal, anyone knows I can be a gentleman if I want to," Bon said and I could hear the smile in his voice.
"Mhm," Malcolm said. "That's you, Prince Charmin'." I could feel both of them staring at me and I really wanted to hide under the blanket again. "She's a good kid."
"Yeah," Bon said. He playfully messed my hair up. "Not bad at all."
After a hundred years the bus stopped with a screech and the doors slid open. Hustle and bustle hurried around us but Bon didn't move from his spot. I pretended to be asleep for just a few more minutes. The smell of diesel and smoke cleared out through the open doors and a draft came in. I shivered and felt Bon pull the blanket up to my chin.
He adjusted my position so I was leaning on the seat and he stood up. I heard footsteps come closer and Bon muttered for them to go ahead. After the footsteps faded away, Bon nudged my shoulder. "Hey, tiny dancer," he said. I pulled the blanket back over my head. "Come on, don't ya' want a real bed?"
I sure did. Relenting with a sigh, I pulled the blanket back down and made an attempt to stand. I was wobbly, as if the bus were still moving. Long trips always made me feel this way. Hence why I avoided them.
"Can ya' walk?" I nodded but tripped over the ridges on the bus floor and fell into Bon, the man stumbling backward and catching himself. I pulled away a bit, feeling my face flush. "Ya' better get your sea legs," he said. "Or bus legs." Supporting me with his arm he led me down the stairs of the bus, finally leaving these damn things behind. As much fun as I had with Bon and Angus the previous night, I wanted off this ride. "Thanks for the lift," he called to the driver and off we went.
It was warm outside. And still I shivered. I managed to smuggle the bus blanket with me without anyone noticing and I felt bad for having stolen two of these things. Anyone sleeping on these buses would have to pack their own or freeze. The soft glow of the streetlights kept me warm whenever we passed under one and I kept hoping another one would show up. Eventually there weren't any more. "Almost there," Bon said, opening the doors to the dimly lit lobby. Silver Bells was playing on the radio and faded away as Bon led me to the stairs. I glanced up at Bon who pointed at a sign hanging by the elevators. "Lift's out of service," he said. "Rotten luck, eh?" I wasn't sure how much fun Bon's one sided conversation was to him but figured he was only trying to keep me awake. "One step at a time."
After trudging up the millions of stairs, Bon practically carrying me under his arm like an American football, we made it to his room. Turning the key into the lock, Bon pushed the door open and helped me inside. I freed myself from his grasp and stumbled into the bedroom, Bon not stopping me. "Night, Hannah," he called after me.
I didn't bother closing the door and made straight for the bed. My face melted into the pillows as I collapsed face down on the mattress. Sweet fucking relief. How I missed this. Nothing in the world compared to a bed at this minute, especially one that didn't resemble a coffin. I rolled onto my side, hoping to catch a few winks. When sleep didn't come right away I sat up and stripped my jacket off, throwing it to the floor.
I'd change first, brush my teeth, then sleep.
My laundry bag was on the couch where I left it when I came here. Peering outside the bedroom I saw Bon sitting on the couch next to it, reading a book. There was a stack of books next to him, and I wondered if he planned on spending his night reading. They weren't small books either, they looked like something you'd find in a college library. Masking my surprise, I debated whether or not to grab my things while he was sitting there. Luckily the telephone rang and Bon set his book down to grab it, standing from the couch. "Yeah," he said, taking a few steps away from the couch. With his back turned, I could sneak up behind him and grab my bag without disturbing him.
But...why was I so afraid to face him?
Manifesting any skills I had in the realm of quiet and sneaky, I crept up to the couch and grabbed my bag, my arm aching from the weight of it. I wondered how much of this I would still have after I went back home or if I got to keep any of it at all. It was Stelle's money, after all, I didn't want it to go to waste. But it wasn't really my decision, was it?
I didn't listen to a word Bon said over the phone as I hurried away to the bedroom. Rummaging through my tangled pile of clothes I found the toothbrush Cliff gave me and the toothpaste Malcolm gave me. Grabbing an oversized shirt and fresh underwear, I slipped away into the bathroom. Just like the first time I came in here, the lights didn't work. There was a flashlight sitting on the toilet tank that Bon must have found in a cupboard. Flicking it on I blinked from the blinding light and stood it upright, letting the light bounce off the ceiling and cover the room.
The lighting did jack shit to help my washed out complexion. There was some acne on my forehead that hadn't been there before. Normally I got breakouts when my cycle was about to start. So far I hadn't gotten anything that insinuated it was coming and I prayed it would stay that way. No way Bon had anything in here to help with that.
Brushing my teeth, I checked everything over to make sure the weeks of ditching my retainer still hadn't messed anything up. I'd hate for the 'spell to break', so to speak. Seeing everything as it should be, and no new hair growth anywhere, I changed my clothes and carried my things with me back to the bedroom.
Bon hadn't hung up the phone and his soft voice carried across the hall. Tossing my things in the bag, deciding to organize it all later, I crawled under the covers and curled into a ball. Not even a second later I was asleep.
I turned over in bed, my bare legs skimming the sheets. Stretching my arms as far as I could I slowly sat up and looked around the room for a clock. There was a tiny one on the wall but I couldn't see it even without blurry vision. There was a hint of light outside the curtain and I pulled it back to see the sky changing to a pale shade of blue. A couple birds flew by, some of them chirping and twittering their morning song. It couldn't have been any later than five.
After tossing and turning in bed for a few minutes I figured out there was no way I was getting back to sleep just now. Pulling myself out of bed, I wrapped the blanket we stole around my body and walked to the door, stopping just once.
Am I
Peering around the corner I heard water running and the smell of food was stronger. I was taken by surprise to see Bon at the sink, sleeves rolled up, washing dishes. He looked up at me once before focusing on his task. "Jus' gettin' up?" he asked.
"The sun is barely up," I told him, hardly believing that he looked so refreshed. "How long have you been awake?"
"All night," he smiled, keeping his voice quiet. We were the only two in the room, there was no need. I opened my mouth to say something but he waved me off. "Don't worry, I'm fine. Ninety nine percent sober, one hundred percent me." He rinsed his plate from soap and grabbed a towel. "Not even tired."
"Wh-I...." I stammered, wondering how on earth he could be so....bright eyed and bushy tailed. "How?" I asked.
He shrugged and grabbed a glass that used to have orange juice in it. He tossed it in the soapy water and got to work. "Used to it, honey," he said. "Sometimes a friend calls you up or ya' get busy writin' or chattin' up a woman..." I put on a smartass expression and he laughed. "I've been busy, that's all."
"I always feel sick if I don't get enough sleep," I said, hoping I wouldn't start feeling it. "Like, 'about to puke' sick."
"You're not....about to, are ya'?" Bon asked. I shook my head. "Good. Jus' did some laundry." He nodded at the kettle behind him, sitting on the stove. "Want any tea? Had a bit myself with a splash o' somethin' here an' there."
"Sure," I said, not wanting Bon's trouble to go to waste. Food didn't sound appealing despite the delicious smell still in the room. Bon must have just finished eating. He dried his hands off before grabbing a small floral cup from a cabinet above him and poured out the tea. He didn't pour any milk in it and I didn't care. I wasn't sure how much I was up to drinking anyway. "Thanks."
I took my tea to the couch and curled up, taking notice of all the books Bon left scattered about. Along with some hefty books on the floor were some comic books on the cushion next to me.
"What are you reading?" I asked, scanning the titles. I couldn't read the loopy writing from where I sat but the comics were obviously Superman.
"Oh, same ol' stuff," Bon said. "Most of it isn't mine. Found some books lyin' around the place. Some I borrowed off Ang, some from Cliff." I recognized the covers of a couple from the first time I stayed the night. There were more now, and I wondered where he found the time to read it all. Like he said, you got to make the time. "Ang's got a book from me he hasn't returned."
I sipped the tea that was now lukewarm. It was bitter and I set the cup down on the coffee table. Bon had a mug himself when he took a seat on a chair across the living space. Snuggling further into my blanket, I debated whether or not to bring up what happened between us. Talking it over with Malcolm had proved productive. Would it be the same with Bon? Or would it only make me feel worse? Had I misunderstood something? Maybe Bon didn't feel anything for me and kissed all his friends on the mouth.
Yeah. That's it.
"Bon?" I said, waiting for him to look up at me. His gaze was directed at something on the floor. He didn't look away.
I didn't know what to say. I found myself tongue tied. At least Malcolm had been the one to bring it up last time. Maybe we should talk about....I don't mean to turn you understand why it couldn't work... I sighed. "Never mind."
It was my turn to look at the floor. From my peripherals I could see Bon leave his chair and push a few books aside to sit next to me. I glanced up at him and he took a drink from his mug. "I'm not bothered," he said. I stayed quiet, waiting for him to explain. "Is what it is, ya' know?"
I tried to remember exactly what Malcolm told me when I admitted I didn't feel the same way. But I wanted to make sure Bon and I were on the same page before continuing. "What is?"
"Ya' think I've never been turned down before?" he asked, smiling wide as ever. "I'm flattered ya' think so."
"That's not-" I sighed, trying not to smile too much. This was serious business. "I never meant to come here and stir anything up. Every last one of you I consider to be a good friend of mine."
"That so?" Bon asked. He patted my knee which was hidden under the blanket. "I think I can speak for the band an' say you're a friend." My heart swelled. This was more than I could have dreamed of. As a teenager just discovering this band back in high school I would have killed for something like this to happen. And now it was. And I couldn't do anything but hold in a fangirl squeal. "Been a rare pleasure havin' ya' with us."
Straightening up and putting on my calmest voice, I said, "Thank you," and quickly covered my face again with the blanket so I wouldn't burst out into giggles. Instead of giggles though, a yawn escaped.
"You ought to get back to bed," Bon said. "I've seen possums get better sleep."
"What about you?" I asked. Bon stood up from the couch and I stood up with him in case he tried to leave.
"I'm meetin' up with a friend in an hour or two," he said, checking his watch. "Figured ya'd rather stay here an' sleep." He wasn't wrong about that. And it still amazed me how he could go from one place to the next without so much as a nap.
What was that he put in his tea?
"No hard feelings?" I asked, feeling a wave of drowsiness wash over me. If i didn't get to the bedroom soon I'd probably collapse on the living room floor.
"Course not," Bon said, lifting me to my toes. With a friendly kiss on the cheek he set me down and I dropped back down onto the couch, curling up and falling asleep.
The hotel room was empty when I woke up. By now warm sunlight poured through the window. Heavy traffic droned outside along with some construction and people yelling. I stood from the couch and stretched, feeling a little more refreshed than before. Still not hungry I forgot about food and went straight to the bedroom where my bag was. Pushing aside all the clothes I grabbed my Wonder Woman notebook and pen and returned to the living room.
On the coffee table was a book I hadn't noticed before. It looked like a work of nonfiction. On the well worn cover was a note with scribbly handwriting.
Back in a flash, hon
Well, it was considerate of him to leave the note. I sat criss cross on the couch and opened up the notebook, careful to not let anything fall out of it. Starting on a fresh new page, I began to write.
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