Chapter 6: Execution and Oversight

Once his dealers and footprints have been covered, (Y/N) (L/N) finally had the means to execute his plan without risk of his own weapon sources turning on him.

A black car drove right up to the tall concrete Police Citadel one afternoon, stopping at the checkpoint in a regular orderly fashion. One of the suited prison guards walked up to the driver's side, tapping it the driver opened it up to reveal himself tipping his hat towards the guard.

Driver: "Good day to you sir."

Guard: "Visitation hours have long passed son, I'm gonna have to turn you back around."

(Y/N): "We're paying a large fee for this one sir."

The passenger window right behind the driver's sunk down and a hand appeared, holding a wad of bills. Cigar smoke also escaped the car, the officer approached the other window whist brushing off the released smoke. Once the mist cleared he saw the face of Gothic Prime's Drug Emperor's son. Looking right back at him with his eyes emitting a cocky stare. The guard realized his mistake quickly, swallowed and took the wad of bills, stuffing them into one of his pockets.

Guard: "Take all the time you need Mr. (L/N)."

He tipped his hat to the younger boy.

(Y/N): "Much appreciated."

He nodded back. The guard entered the nearby shelter, pressing a few buttons as the gate opened into the prison. (Y/N)'s car entered as the gate closed behind it.

Opening the door and stepping out, (Y/N) adjusted his tie before he entered the prison. Once he did he stomped out his cigar right before he entered the building. A few guards noted his presence, as he passed by. None did anything about it, they knew if they messed with the son of the biggest drug distributor in the area they'd mess with the Mafia too. Messing with the Mafia wasn't anything they would want to do.

(Y/N) made his way to the maintenance room, looking all over the place. Before his eyes settled on a fire alarm, it would make sense for it to be here since this facility wouldn't want access of the alarm system to prisoners.

He pulled it, letting the ring rebound throughout the entire building. Dozens of officers fled their posts to wait for the fire department to arrive, they'd wait at the front since (Y/N) knew that was standard procedure. Meanwhile he had two trucks come from the rear end of the tower, where people would normally not gather if there was an emergency. Once he opened a back entrance to the dumpster site he let in his own men, whom were carrying crates loaded with the weapons he'd accumulated in the warehouse over the years.

Once he entered the prison once more he found the closest isolated cell and approached it. A man in black and white striped attire looked at the suited boy and his lackeys.

Man: "What do you want (L/N)?"

(Y/N): "There's something I want you to do."

(Y/N) boasted, holding up the prison key he was able to snatch from a guard and a rifle in his other hand. His Wiseguys behind him also holding up the crates full of weapons.

- Timeskip -

(Y/N) and his men quickly exited the prison soon after, a commotion on the other side of the tower ensued as multiple armed prisoners exited the building and held everyone up. Phase II 'Armament' is complete.

The man he conversed with earlier was a convicted terrorist, who was recently imprisoned. He decided to have him as his proxy, posing as the leader of an inmate uprising. He was offered a substantial fund in order to fulfill history's greatest role plays never seen. Now, all (Y/N) had to do was wait until said terrorist played things out exactly as he had specified.

Should Phase III 'Violent Uprising' be successful, he can begin distribution of his other weapons throughout various crime gangs under multiple pseudonyms. They'll destroy each other in a while, such to an extent of collateral damage that the police will be overrun and spent eventually. Which is where his next objective is set, the Mayor of Gothic Prime himself, where he will personally pull him out of his little office chair and denounce him as the incompetent leader he is, finally asserting himself as the Boy that took over a City. He will personally have his men 'deal' with the problems immediately, capturing criminals at a rate never before seen. Gothic Prime will become the home city of Crime itself. (Y/N)'s own little chessboard, he only imagined what kinds of revenue will come from running an entire city.

Suddenly, his phone rang. He opened it, placed it to his ear and listened intently.

(Y/N): "Yes?"

Elena: "There's a mole."

(Y/N): "What?! Who?"

Elena: "Someone ratted you and your plans out to your father, he and Albert are going to flee the city by train."

(Y/N): "How'd you deduce this?"

(Y/N) asked, Elena responded.

Elena: "Your father never leaves the city in the first place, so why would he just up and leave out of nowhere?"

(Y/N): "You didn't tell him didn't you?" 

He threateningly growled through the phone. Elena chuckled.

Elena: "If I had tattled on you (Y/N) would I have even been calling you right now? Come on don't accuse me of things like that. Trust is a mutual part of relationships anyways. I'll even tell you where he's stopping, I know the line he's taking and you and some men can intercept them ahead of time. He's taking the western line and headed to Lanzo Sanza city, there are about maybe 12 stations between Lanzo and Gothic, so you'll have to act fast.

(Y/N): "Excellent, have you done your part of Phase II?

Elena: "I've talked to Nooria on the phone about it and she asked her father, Mr. Vincent has agreed to join us under the condition that he works independently and he gives us 40% of his monthly revenue, Anne too, Mr Von Geistenherz has agreed to become subordinate to us and hand over 55% of his salt mine's production. He's always feared the drug cartel, Then I told my father about me and you, plus the plan."

(Y/N): "And?"

He asked again, eager for an answer.

Elena: "He's accepted our relationship, he has always seen you as a smart and responsible man, or boy. Since you're running for Mayor soon, he's also eager to join you."

(Y/N): "Thank you Elena, I wouldn't have been able to have done all of this without you. You played your part and you played it brilliantly, honey."

He smiled, sure of himself that Elena was grinning as well on the opposite end of the phone.

Elena: "Remind me again why you have to kill your father? He's running scared and you've already succeeded, come on back to my place and we'll celebrate."

she giggled a bit as he felt himself a bit bashful under her flirtatious tone.

(Y/N): "Sorry Dear, I'd love to. But, my father's a powerful man with many connections. He's always been a bit paranoid about his safety. I've no doubt at this he knows I'm going to try and... move up the totem pole of the (L/N) family a bit earlier than I'm supposed to, now that I hold the position of the Mayor of Gothic Prime."

Elena: "Fine then, Good luck sweetie."

He smiled as he turned off his flip phone, checking his pistol as well as his hidden pistol. Cracking his neck as he imagined what kinds of feats he'll achieve in his future life. But now he tapped his driver on the shoulder.

(Y/N): "Pedal to the metal, we're headed to the 3rd station on the Gothic Prime-Lanzo Sanza railway."

Driver: "Right you are boss."

He obeyed quickly, pushing their car to it's top speeds.

(Y/N): "Albert you little fucking snake, he must've found out about the whole thing by that one time he asked to use my phone to call his mother in order to have her pick him up, he also went to the washroom that time so he must've received a call from either Elena or one of the workers in the warehouse that might've tipped him off about something. Damn it, I have to move quickly if my father is able to make it to Lanzo Sanza he'll be in the Gonzales's Territory. Well Albert, I hope you're ready to face me again old 'friend', dishonorable rat.  Well it's no surprise you've run like a coward you've seen firsthand what I can do to the dishonorable."

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