What happened last night?

The wedding was yesterday

Laurence's POV:

I wake up  slowly in a days & it takes my eyes a moment to get used to the light. They do & I look around. 'Where am i?' I look to the door & see a pair of pants taken of, then a shirt not far from it. I follow the trail. I see another pair of pants & another shirt. My eyes widen when the fall on the other pair of pants I slowly look to my right & see Garroth laying on my arm. I lay back down & try to remember the events of last night. I stare at the sealing & the agents flashback & I watch it happen.


"You way say your vows."THey nod & Kim starts."Tatianna, ever since the day we met. I thought you were amazing. We've been together for almost 3 years know & I hope to spend the rest of my life with you." The priest turns to Tatianna."Now you." She nods."Kim.I've loved you for years & only know was I strong enough to do what i've been wanting to do for the past 4 years. I want to spend the rest of my life with you if you will have me by your side.""Do you Kimberlina Smith take Tatianna silver to be your lawfully wedded wife?""I do.""Do you Tatianna Silver take Kimberlina Smith to be your lawfully wedded hu-wife?""I do.""I pronounce you wife & wife. You may kiss the bride." They kiss passionately. The priest walks away & they comedown with him. (Zane was the priest btw I forgot to put him in XD) We all start dancing & look up to see who the DJ is. Its Vylad. Garroth & I slow dance so dose Aph & Aaron, Tatianna & Kim, Travis & Kaitlyn, & Dante & Vylad. We all dance to the song & have fun. Later after the party we go to Karaoke. We walk in & get a room."Hey Garroth?""Ya Laurence?""You & Zane should start!" They look at each other then back at me Garroth starts "Sure!"& Zane says at the same time "WHAT?!" Zane looks at him & shrugs. "Fine, but i'm picking the song." Garroth shugs."Fine! But not Barbie girl or the My little horsey theme song.""I won't." He looks through & find a song. & they start singing.


The song ends & everyone stares at them in amazement. I stand up & start clapping & they look at me smiling. Zane turns to Dante."You & Vylad are next. "N-n-n-n-n-n-no Zane I don't sing, you know this!"Dante turns to Vylad."Come on! Do it for me!""Dante, you know i'll do anything, but I don't sing." Dante nods."Fine. Then I guess i'm alone on this one.""Thanks Dante." dante walks up to the station & picks a song. He starts singing.


THe song ends & he walks down blushing. He looks to Vylad who was staring at him in amazement since he started not taking his eyes of him for a moment. We all clap & Dante walks over to Vylad & kisses him & Vylad kisses back. They seperate & Vylad points to Kaytlin."Your next!" Kaytlin stands up & walks over & picks a song. She points at Travis & he blushes."This is for you baib!" She starts singing.


The song ends & we all clap. She walks down to the blushing casanova & kisses him. He kisses back."Your up." He nods & heads up to the mic & picks a song still blushing. "right back at you." He starts singing.


He stops singing & starts crying. "That was beautiful!" Kaytlin runs up to him & hugs him tight & we all clap. Aph jumps in."aaron! sing what you sang to me!" He gets up & goes to the mic. He starts singing. ( I couldn't find just him singing so this will do right?)


He stops singing & we all start clapping & see that Aph & aaron are in tears. They run to each other & hug. We keep clapping."It's getting late gyes let's go home." We all nod & go home.

~end of flashback~

Garroth rolled over & my arm is free. I get up slowly & get my stuff together. I get drest fast & leave. I go downstairs & to the kitchen & find something normal for them, but would be weird for literally anyone else. I see Kim on the counter & Tatianna talking to her pack about something. I walk past them to the stove & start making eggs. "Sooooo." I turn around to face Kim. she smirks at me."Did you & Garroth have,Fun, last night?" I blush bright red & turn right back around."OW Garroth!""Faster!!" I start turning reader. I calm down enough to  talk. I turn around mad. "It's not like that! I just-""Hey Laurence." Garroth grabs me from behind & kisses my cheek. I blush more. Tatianna smerks at us & so dose Kim. I get a nose bleed when I see what Garroth is wareing & so does Kim & Tatianna. Garroth taps me on the head."Like what you see?" I blink & get reder & look up realising I was staring down at his boxers. I meet Garroth gase & he kisses me. I kiss back. We separate & I whisper in his ear."We need to um...Talk about last night later k?" I looks at me his smile fades into consern."What about?""u-um..." I turn still blushing. He turns my head towards him my chin in hand & tilts it up so our gase was linked & I try to look away still blushing."Look at me Laurence." I look at him & see his face change again this time into a smirk. "Can't we talk hear?" I get a nose bleed & hear Kim & Tatianna walk up the stairs giggling & squealing. I nod."Whats up Laurence?""I um...""Did you not have fun?""That's not it, I did but-" "is this about the cat. I swear he was not supposed to be there.""No it's not about the cat-Wait. What cat?" He blushes."n-nothing I guess I dreamt that." We laugh a little about a cat."Garroth, last night was um..." His eyes widen & he whispers in my ear."Th-that was your first time?" I nod. & we both blush."Well then....This just got Really awkward!" I laugh a little."Ya it did." I hear sizzling & smell something & turn around."MY EGGS!!!" I try to save my food, but it ends up stuck to the pan & we have to through not only the egg that we got off away, but the pan too. "Ya, im cooking from now on k?" I nod."agreed." We walk on the couch & watch netflix & snuggle for the rest of the day.

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