Chapter 9- Some Strange Introductions

"Hey, Haven, wake up." I opened my eyes, to see Silver smiling over me, "I finished making dinner, you hungry?"

 "Yeah, what's for dinner?"

"Oh, uh it's just fish, and chips..."

I sat up, "Yay, I love fish and chips!"

"Really?" Silver seemed surprised.

"Yeah." I gave him a hug, then noticed what I was doing and let go, blushing like mad, "Sorry, I just really needed a hug."

I had caught him bye surprise, "Oh, um, it-it's okay. I can totally understand." He gave me a hug anyway, it felt warm, and I liked it.

"Let's go eat dinner." I said, breaking the hug, and losing that heat. 

"Okay." We walked into the kitchen, and sat at the table, the fish smelled delicious and it looked REALLY good, I didn't know I was this hungry.

I started eating, and fell in love with it instantly, "Wow, this is amazing!" I exclaimed.

"You think so?"

"Yeah, Amy was right, you can cook."

I made him smile, and it gave me a warm feeling, yet I didn't really know what this feeling is, I had never felt it before.

"Well, thanks, I do try." We continued eating.

When we where done Silver grabbed the plates and washed them up, "You know I could help?"

He turned to me, "Na, it's okay, really."

"Are you sure? I mean, you are letting me stay in your house, I need to help you out somehow."

"You are, your keeping me company, see? I'm already done, it was only two plates."

I laughed, "Yeah, good point, but I want to help, as in around the house." 

"You don't need to, it's okay, I'm use to being alone, no use fighting it." Silver wasn't giving up, neither was I, I really wanted to help,

"Yeah, okay, but you should really take a break some day, and let me do SOMETHING, anything at least." I was begging to do chores, what has happened to me?

"Okay, but not tonight. Tonight we are just going to rest and sleep, maybe watch a non-scary movie and sleep. How does that sound?"

"Hm, okay, but what movie?" I don't know what movies they have here, maybe something more cooler or something like that, I really didn't know.

"Hm, I have a few movies, you can pick if you like." We walked back into the lounge room, and Silver walked over to a cupboard, they're all in here.

Then there was a knock at the door, "I will get it. You pick a movie." He walked over and opened the door, while I chose a movie. There was so many to choose from, and I just couldn't look through them all.

"Hey Haven? Someone wants to meet you!" Silver yelled to me, so I walked to the front door, only to be greeted by a purple cat, a white bat and a raccoon.

"Hey there, I'm Marine!" The raccoon greeted, putting her hand out, I shook it and introduced myself, "Hi, I'm Haven, and don't worry, you girls don't need to introduce yourselves, I already know you."

"That's what she said to us." Silver chuckled.

"Really? Okay Hun, then who am I?" The white bat asked.

"You name is Rouge, and your a treasure hunter, but your weakness is jewels."

"Oh, well, that is pretty much everything about me Hun, you do know us."

"Wait, what about me? What do you know about me?" The purple cat stood forward.

"Well, your name is Blaze and your the princess of another dimension, AND your power is pyrokenises. Instead of having the chaos emeralds, you had the soul emeralds and your first friend was Cream, Cream the Rabbit."

Blaze's eyes widened, "Okay then, so what do you know about Marine?"

"Oh, um I haven't learned much yet, but I was going to, all that I know is that your name is Marine and you are from Australia, which is where I'm from."

"Really? That is so cool, so whats it like there? I haven't been there in a long time!" Marine got really excited.

"Well, there are a lot of buildings and it's getting more and more dangerous at night, sadly as it is."

"Oh, well I knew it would happen some day."

I nodded my head, we where going to be great friends.

"Anyway that's all we really came here for, Amy told us about someone new and we had to meet you." Rouge told us.

"Oh, well I'm flattered to meet all of you, really." I explained.

"Yeah, well see you around Haven." All three girls walked off.

"So, you think anyone else will come over?" I turned to Silver.

"I'm not sure, but just be prepared, you never know." We walked back inside, "So have you chosen a movie yet?"

"I can't there are to many to choose from!"

"Really? Well my favorite is, um Pirates of the Caribbean."

"Oh my gosh, I love that movie, and the others to!" I exclaimed.

"Well, we are going to get along great then, aren't we?" He looked into my eyes, and I blushed a little.

"Yeah, we are."

We where just about to start the movie when there was another knock at the door.

"I will get it, you wanna come with?" Silver asked.

"Yeah, okay." I stood up and followed him to the front door. Silver opened it and there was two rabbits, a crocodile, a chameleon and a bee, I knew them all.

"Hello Miss, my name is Cream." The small bunny told me.

"Hello Cream, my name is Haven, it's nice to meet you." I said sweetly to her, I stood up again, "Hi, I'm Haven, I'm from Earth."

"Yes darling, we know, Amy told us all about you. My name is Vanilla, and that is Vector, Espio and Charmy." She gestured to the other three standing there silently.

I giggled, "Yes, I already know all of you, a lot about all of you."

"Yeah, Miss Amy told us that, right mama?" Cream turned to look at her mum.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Haven." Vector stood forward and shook my hand.

"Yes, it is an honor." Espio nodded.

"Yay! I can make a new friend!" Charmy cheered.

Cream was very kind, and very very polite, "See mama? Amy told us she was pretty." I kinda blushed at the fact of being called pretty.

"Well, we have to go, it's already late and you probably need your rest." Vector explained.

"Yes dear, we will see you around, good bye." Vanilla and Cream left, then Vector and Silver struck a conversation, and Charmy was trying to annoy Silver, cute.

"So, you like it here?" Espio asked me, his eyes closed.

"Yeah, it's amazing, I have already made new friends, and its a really beautiful place." I told him, looking at the sky.

He nodded his head, "And you miss home?"

"How did you know?"

"I could see it in you eyes when you looked at the sky, it's okay, I would to."

"YOU would feel homesick?" I turned to face him surprised.

"Yes, everyone would feel homesick at least once in their life, it's natural for someone to feel like that." He stated, like as if he was wise, and I guess he sort of was, he defiantly sounded like he was.

"Come on Espio." Vector called.

"We will have to catch up some time." Espio told me, "You seem very interested in what I have to say."

"Oh, right, I'd love to catch up some time." I gave him a smile and he returned it, "See ya round Espio, bye Charmy, bye Vector!" I waved then walked inside.

"That should be it, no more visits." Silver walked into the lounge room.

I sat on the couch, "Yeah, they are all lovely people, I'm glad I'm there friend."

"Yeah, and you where really hitting it off with Espio, he hardly ever talks, but it was like he has known you for a while." Silver explained.

"What, you think I like him? I mean, he isn't a bad person, but no I don't have any crush on him, we are just........ How do you put it?" I was trying to find the word.

"Interested in what you each have to say? He seems wise enough, I can't blame you. But for him to 'want to catch up' that's pretty big." He said 'want to catch up' like it was a bad thing.

"So, why do you make it seem like a bad thing?" I asked.

"What? No, I was just saying.... never mind." He smiled, "You can really twist someones words, you know that?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty good at that stuff, and I'm good at putting up a fight."

"Yep, I know that."

"So..... We gonna watch this movie?" I turned to the TV

"Oh, right." He pressed play, and it started, I loved the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, they are funny, and adventurous. Just what I liked, and a teeny tiny, very small bit of horror, yep just what I like.

I don't remember watching the ending, because I fell asleep, leaning on Silver. It had been a very tiring day, and meeting people will always tire me out. It was a sweet sleep, not dreaming of anything, but.... It was interrupted by a huge explosion, great.

I woke up started, Silver did to, we both fell asleep on the couch. He looked around to figure out where the noise was coming from, but relaxed, it was just the movie. It must have been on repeat.

I laughed, "Oops, it was a bit to loud."

"Yeah, I thought someone was actually trying to break in or something." He chuckled.

"Yeah." I laid back, wide awake now, "Great, now I'm not tired."

"Really? You where pretty tired before, falling asleep on me and everything."

"Right, sorry about that." I blushed again, it was my favorite thing to do today.

"It's okay, I don't mind, you fell asleep, you couldn't help that."

"Thanks Silver." I got that feeling again, in my chest, a nice warm feeling.

"No problem, hey, you should at least try to sleep, and if you want, you can sleep out here for your first night."

"Okay, I'm pretty comfy here anyway." I smiled, "Couches are my favorite place to sleep."

"Mine to." He smiled at me again.

"Why do we so much in common?" I asked.

"Beats me, I just know I'm really tired." He yawned.

"Well, don't let me keep you up." I told him, laying back, I closed my eyes and again, fell asleep instantly. Tonight had been a really big night.

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