Chapter 7- I go Super and to a Different World
So we all sat there, in silence, waiting for the tests.
"Man, this is taking forever!" Sonic exclaimed.
My stomach grumbled, I was hungry, but I never knew I was THAT hungry,
"So who wants something to eat?" I asked.
"Oh oh oh, pick me pick me!" Ally's hand shot up, "I feel like, um what DO I feel like?"
"Well I feel like chillidogs." Sonic pointed out.
"Then let's have that, or just hotdogs if you don't like the chilli. No offence Sonic, but chilli and I DO NOT mix." I stated.
"Such a shame." Sonic shrugged his shoulders
"Okay, so hotdogs it is then?" Silver asked.
"Yep, can I please cook them?" I asked.
"Why not? You'll just need some help that's all." Knuckles said.
"Yeah, and honestly, I'm a bit of a chef myself, because I'm always cooking, right guys?" Silver stated.
"Yep." Sonic answered.
"Can't argue." Knuckles chuckled.
"He's like the master chef." Amy smiled.
"Yeah, he's OKAY." Shadow crossed his arms.
"Wait, you CAN cook?" Ally questioned.
"Um yeah, is that so strange?" Silver placed his hands on his hips.
"Oh, no, I just thought Amy would also be the chef." Ally replied.
"And I am, but only at my place." Amy winked at Silver, "I can't cook for EVERYONE."
"Okay, so do you guys wanna help me?" I asked.
"What, cook hotdogs? I'll pass on this one. Sorry Haven." Amy waved dismissively with one hand.
"Yeah, I can help." Silver nodded.
He helped me up and we both walked to the kitchen, I got all the ingredients out and he got all the utensils, it was amazing how he knew where everything was.
"So you've made these before?" He asked me.
"Um, yeah, a few times, but I've never made a chilidog."
"Just leave them to me." He smiled.
"Okay then, but I really would like to learn how." I stated.
"Maybe another time, when your legs are better."
"Yeah, I'm having a real hard time with believing they are injured, it doesn't feel like it, but I still can't walk as good as I use to. It makes me feel like a baby." I looked at the ground, then continued cooking.
"Yeah, that happens, I guess your lucky it wasn't worse." He told me.
"Yeah, I guess. Oh and uh thanks, for um, comforting me with the needle, I really hate those things." I thanked.
"Oh, uh, no problem, anything to help a friend who saved our lives." He gave me the thumbs up, his face turning a light pink.
"I thought that was Sonic's thing." I pointed out.
"He might act like it is, but honestly? I do it all the time." He shrugged.
We had just finished the hotdogs, and chilidogs, when Sonic ran into the kitchen,
"What took you guys so long? I'm starving!" He went to grab a chilidog.
"Ah ah ah, wait until we get out there." I help the plate above his head, a good thing I'm taller then him.
"Okay, fine, just hurry up." He ran back out into the lounge room.
"Ignore him, he can be quiet impatient at times." Silver said.
"Yeah, I noticed."
We walked out into the other room and put the plates down, then stood back. Everyone got either a hotdog or chilidog, and started eating.
"Here Haven, I got one for you." Ally walked over and handed me a hotdog.
"Thanks." I took it and started eating.
Silver took one to, "Man, these are really good, great job Haven." He gave me the thumbs up again, and I blushed a little.
"Thanks." I was thanking everyone tonight.
"Okay guys, I'm back with the tests, and you won't believe what I got." Tails walked into the room.
"Well? What did you get?" I asked, excited.
"Well it's not much, but, you have super speed, super hearing, super strength, and um really really good reflexes. I also noticed your good with bows?"
"Oh, um, yeah. Just a hobby." I rubbed my arm.
"So, that's it? That's a lot of super stuff." Knuckles confirmed.
"So I have super speed? Cool! And super strength? That's even better!" I wasn't a fast runner, and I wasn't that strong, but that all changed this morning.
"Can she use the power of Chaos? Like us three?" Shadow asked.
"Apparently, but she to needs all seven chaos emeralds."
I sat down, my eyes wide with surprise, and my mouth gaping open, "I can GO super?"
"Yep." Tails smiled.
"Wow, this day keeps getting better and better." I stared into space, not literally, but you know what I mean.
"That's so cool. Hey Tails, you still have the emeralds?" Sonic questioned the small fox.
"Um, yeah. Why?"
"Just keep them safe for us, until we need them." Sonic nodded to his best friend.
"Roger that Sonic." Tails agreed.
"Or, you could hold onto them for me, until I ask for them." Came a different voice.
"Egghead!" Sonic yelled.
"Don't call me that! My name is Eggman, Eggman!" The Doctor appeared in the room.
"What do you want?" Amy shouted, her hammer appearing in her hand, awesome.
"Nothing important, just the wolf girl will be all thanks." He gestured to me.
"Hey! That's not very nice, and what makes you think we would just hand her over like that?" Silver yelled at the doctor.
"Because, if you don't I will blow this house to smithereens, thanks to my robots surrounding your house right now."
Sonic yawned, "What robots?"
Everyone ran to the window, even Eggman, only to see smashed robot parts everywhere, covering our front lawn, and our backyard.
"Errr, curse you hedgehog!" Eggman pointed at Sonic, "Never mind that, I will just take her by force."
Suddenly a huge robot came crashing into the house, Eggman hopped inside it with an evil laugh," Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho ho! Now, the girl?" The robot grabbed me and lifted me up to Eggman. Holding a tight grip so I couldn't get out.
"Haven!" Ally yelled.
"It's okay, we'll save her." Sonic told Ally.
"Okay, and don't worry, if your not back by the time your mum comes home, I'll either make something up or tell her the truth, which ever come to mind first!" Ally yelled to me.
"Okay." was all I could say.
"Now, let's go to my lab." Eggman started walking off, in his robot still squeezing the life out of me.
"Let me go you egg shaped freak! Before I cut your mustache off!" I screamed, kicking the best I could.
"Kicking is worthless, it will do no good to your already injured legs!" Damn him for knowing.
"What do you need me for anyway?" I was trying to distract him, so I could at least be saved.
"Well, you see, when you took that hit this morning it had the power of Chaos in it. Amazingly it didn't kill you, but instead it changed your appearance and gave you special powers, I want to test it myself so I can use it to transform myself into something almost as strong." The mad scientist explained, "And with my already 300 IQ I will become the ultimate!"
"That's the worst plan I have ever heard from you, I thought it would be more, evil." I taunted him.
"Be quiet, it was only put together in a day, don't start judging my brilliance." He scolded.
"Hey, Egghead! Drop Haven now, or youl'll be sorry." I heard Sonic call out, yay I was being saved!
"What makes you think I would do that?" Eggman turned to face the blue hedgehog.
"Because unlike you, he has friends." Silver stood next to him, followed by Shadow. Everyone else standing behind them, ready for a fight.
"Thanks guys, I can't really breathe, it's kinda squishy." I told them.
"That's okay, soon you will be breathing in no time." Knuckles cracked his knuckles, ouch.
Then they charged, and Eggman let his grade down on me, great. I used my new strength and kicked the robots arm, freeing me, as I fell to the ground. I landed on my feet, and finally found out just how injured my legs really where.
"Ahhh!" I screamed as I fell over, landing on my butt.
"Haven!" Tails and Amy ran over, "You okay?"
"Yeah, and now I know just how bad my legs really are." I winched in pain.
"We can tell, that was a pretty big fall. Come on, we need to get you out of here." Amy helped me up.
"But where are we gonna go?" I asked.
"The warehouse." Knuckles ran over, panting, "Sonic, Shadow and Silver and distract Egghead while we run to the warehouse.
"Okay, do they know where we are going?" Tails asked.
"Yeah, they know, come on, we have to go now!" He started running off.
"Wait! What about Haven's legs?" Amy yelled.
"It's okay, lets see how fast I can run." I stood up by myself, "Lets go."
"Your sure you'll be fine?" Tails asked, a little worried.
"I'll be fine, come on." I started run, boy was I fast! It was all a blur as we ran to the building. The other ran after me and we got to our destination in no time flat.
"Quick, get inside!" Knuckles rushed us in. We hurried through the door and sat in the big room, my legs were aching but I felt great.
"Wow, I didn't know I was THAT fast." I said, shocked.
"Yeah, that's about as fast as Sonic!" Am exclaimed, panting.
"So how long do you think they will be?" Knuckles turned to Tails.
"I'm not sure, but I do know that they will come, unless they have been captured." Tails studied the door, waiting for it to open.
Then, like as if the door could hear Tails' plea, it opened and in came Sonic, Shadow and Silver, all panting.
"Haven, your okay!" Silver smiled
"Yeah, still breathing." I took a deep breath.
"Well, at least we know just how fast you can run." Shadow crossed his arms.
"Yeah, you where REALLY fast!" Sonic exclaimed.
I smiled, "Yeah, even I was surprised, I don't know my own strength or speed!"
"Well we can't stay long, we think Eggman was--" Sonic was cut off as a big explosion went off in the roof. Showing Eggman in his robot.
"You thought you could get rid of me that easy?" He yelled, rather angery.
"Protect Haven!" Shadow yelled.
"Okay Shadow." Amy nodded, followed be Tails.
"Hey Tails? We could really use those emeralds again." Sonic gestured to the yellow fox.
"Oh okay, here." Tails handed them over the the three hedgies.
"Why can't Haven help? She can use the power of Chaos to, right?" Silver asked.
"Yes, she can, but she is injured." Shadow explained.
"No, I'll be fine, I want to fight for my freedom to! Not just have three other people risk their lives for me, let me help!" I shot up.
"It's fine with me." Sonic shrugged.
"Same here." Silver agreed.
"Humph, fine." Shadow crossed his arms again.
All three walked over to me with the emeralds. I could sense their power, and it was strong!
"You ready?" Silver asked, excitement written all over his face.
"As ready as I'll ever be I guess." I stated.
"Good, here it goes." Sonic turned super first, his blue fur turning yellow and his emerald green eyes turning red. Shadow went next, his black fur turning yellow, just lighter than Sonic's, his eyes staying the same colour, red. Then it was Silver's turn, he turned an even brighter yellow, his eyes turning a dark orange.
Here it goes, I thought as I felt a sudden surge of energy flood through me. It was like nothing I had ever felt before! And I loved it. My fur had turned a really bright yellow, like Silver's but more brighter, and my eyes turned an orange of some sorts to.
"Let's go!" Sonic shouted, flying up to the robot.
Shadow, Silver and I followed, something appearing in my hands, my bow! Then an arrow appeared all set up ready for me to fire.
"Nice." I heard Silver say next to me.
"I didn't think I would still have it." I shook my head.
"It's your number one weapon, right?" He asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"That explains it." He shot off and started attacking the robot.
"Oh I'm so scared." Eggman teased, "Not!"
Then I came up and shot my arrow at him, just missing him mustache, his face went pale.
"Ha, nice shot Haven!" Sonic yelled.
"But I didn't hit him!" I yelled back.
"That's okay, you did good for your first go, in your new form that is. Plus you scared him, look at his face!" Sonic pointed at the scientists face, laughing.
"Why you!" Eggman's robot shot it's hand out, punching Sonic, full blast. It's hand is as big as Sonic, so that's going to leave a BIG mark.
"Oof!" I heard Sonic land on the ground.
"Chaos Spear!" Shadow appeared and used his Chaos Spear on the robot. Pushing it back a few inches.
It went to hit Shadow, but froze, turning a turquoise green,
"Hold on Shadow!" Silver yelled, both his hands focused on the robot.
"Thanks." Shadow said hastily before attacking again.
My bow was still in my hand, and it had another arrow in it, Whoa, it reloads itself, awesome. I thought, Well let's use that to it's advantage. I shot my arrow into the robot's middle area, then another, and another.
"Whoo! Go Haven!" I heard Sonic yell, up and flying again. I kept shooting, until I couldn't shoot no more.
I started panting, "Will this robot ever stop?" I asked myself.
Eggman heard my question and saw I had stopped, his robot swinging it's arm up to me, "No, it will never stop until I say, or until it has been destroyed."
It punched me, smashing me into the ground, pain filling my vision, and my body.
"Haven!" Tails, Knuckles and Amy ran over to me.
"I'm alright." I sat up, pain everywhere.
"Are you sure? You look pretty beat up." Knuckles stated.
"Thanks Knux, I really needed that overview."
He simply shrugged, "No problem."
"Okay, Tails, can I use Chaos Control?" I asked.
"Um yeah, why?" He answered.
"Good, so I can get this robot out of here, before someone else walking bye is hurt."
Amy's eyes widened, "But Haven! You don't know your full power yet!"
"Well, let's find out." I flew up again, joining the other three.
"Oh good, your okay." Silver sighed, relieved.
"Guys, I have an idea." I told them, making sure Egghead didn't hear me.
"It's crazy, but we will have to try." Sonic said, agreeing with my plan.
"I'm in for it, I don't want anyone else getting hurt." Silver nodded his head.
"Let do this then." Shadow put his hand in between us, me following, then Silver, and last Sonic.
"Okay guys, get in position!" I yelled to the others. They all went around the robot, and rised their hands, I followed.
"Chaos Control!" We all shouted, creating a bright light, I closed my eyes, hoping the plan would work. When I opened them, we where outside, in plains of grass.
"It worked!" I jumped up, but fell again from the pain in my legs.
"Are you okay?" Silver ran to help me up.
"Yeah, just tired, and sore." I admitted.
"I honestly didn't think that would work." Shadow shook his head, "We're in Mobious."
My eyes widened, "Mobious?" I looked around, everything seemed green and happy, the sun was out and people where walking everywhere.
"Yep, home sweet home." Sonic stretched his legs.
"Wait, what about the others?" I asked.
"We're over here!" I heard Knuckles yell.
I turned to see Knuckles, Amy and Tails walking over to us.
"What happened to the robot?" Amy asked, puzzled.
"I don't know." Sonic shook his head, "Hopefully away from everyone, and destroyed."
"Oh, not yet!" Damn it. I turned to see the Doctor in his nearly destroyed robot.
I got up to fight, but Silver sat me down, "Wait here, Sonic will take care of this." He sat next to me.
"Okay then, poor Ally, I hope she is alright." I pulled out my phone, it had been smashed, the screen was cracked everywhere, and there was glass coming off it.
"I could fix that for you, so you can keep in touch." Tails walked over and sat on the other side of me.
"Really?" I turned to look at him.
"Yeah, it won't be hard." He put his hand out, and I gave it to him.
"Wait a sec, I'm not super anymore." I looked at my fur, it was silver again.
"Yeah, neither am I." Silver looked himself up and down, "I guess we are both pretty tired."
"Yeah." I agreed.
"Hey, I saw your bow before, that was pretty cool." Amy walked over.
"Yeah, and it can reload itself to. I'm amazed, and happy, it's my favorite weapon." It appeared in my hand, ready to be used.
"That's pretty cool.' Knuckles stated.
Sonic walked back, a little bruised, but nothing serious, "Well that was easy, come on, lets get Haven home."
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