Chapter 27- Great Friends, and My New Home {Final}

I headed over to Sonic's house, that would be the more likely place for them to go. As I walked out, I looked behind me to see if Silver was there, he wasn't, he disappeared.

"Silver?" I looked inside.

"Hold on!" His voice trailed down the hall.

I sighed and waited for him, having no idea about what he is doing. Finally he came out, holding a towel and some painkillers.

"For the ears." He handed the items to me and I smiled,


He smiled in return, "No problem."

We walked to Sonic's house and when we got there, there was a lot of racket. Silver and I exchanged glances as I knocked on the door. Everything went silent. I opened the door and everyone was there, staring at us.

"Well finally." Someone muttered.

"Didn't know you where having a party guys, could have invited us." I placed my hands on my hips. Silver and Shadow both crossed their arms.

"Well we didn't know when you two where going to get here, so we decided to pull a surprise party." Knuckles explained.

"We have a little something to give you Haven." Sonic stated, standing to the side, "We thought it would be a nice present, for laughs."

I walked forward to see the axe Mephiles had created to kill you. It was clean and shining in it's three colours, black being the handle and the metal part, with silver and blue swirling markings up the handle and along the blade.

I picked it up, it was freezing cold, but light, "Wow guys, this is for... Me?"

"Why not? You have been such a great friend, saving our lives, sacrificing yourself, it was very heroic." Amy smiled as she pointed them out.

"Yeah Haven, your a hero!" Tails exclaimed, you smiled at being called a hero, by everyone here, it was a dream come true.

"Haven! Haven! Haven!" Sonic started cheering as he lifted me up, I was sitting on his shoulder while everyone cheered my name, and boy, was I smiling, it felt amazing to have such great friends.

I looked over to Silver to see him standing by himself, leaning against a wall, eyes closed, not like him. I stopped smiling as I saw him excluded from everyone, why wasn't he joining in?

Sonic noticed my sudden mood change as he put me down, "Okay everyone! Time to eat!"

"Finally!" Manic was the first in the kitchen, followed by everyone else, except Silver and I. I walked over to him and leaned next to him, he didn't budge.

"Hey." I poked his cheek.

He opened his eyes and smiled, "Yes?"

"What's up? Your not enjoying yourself?"

"How can I when I get looked at by everyone that wasn't there that night, they still think I'm a freak." He sighed. I thought about it and did notice a few people giving him looks while they chanted my name.

"Ignore them, they don't know the whole story, the others, they do, and that's what matters." I said, giving him a sideways look.

"And I have one more thing to ask, how did you bring me back?"

I stopped for a minute, not sure what to say, he might hate me for it, but he might not. But when I thought about it, when we died, in the letter it did say I love you, right? but it could have meant anything.

"I uh... I kissed you." I told him, "Twice..."

"Twice?" He looked at me.

"Yeah... Why?"

"I was just curious as to how you brought me back, that's all. Can I uh, speak with you outside?" he asked.

I nodded and walked out the front, he followed. The sun was setting, it had been a big day, for all of us, but it was still a beautiful sun set. I sat on an unusually big rock, and Silver stood next to me, rubbing his head, as if not knowing what to say.

"Uh, Haven, I need to ask you something, a-and tell you... Something." He stuttered.

I smiled at his shyness, it was cute, but what was more cute was his blushing, he was as red as knuckles could ever be.

"I'm listening." I stated looking at the sun set, "It's beautiful isn't it?"

"Y-yeah." he agreed, "It sure is, but, I know something even more so."

I looked at him in confusion. He simply stood there, shaking and turning redder by the second.

"Silver? Are you okay?"

"W-what? Yeah, I-I'm fine!" He stuttered again, "I-I just need t-to tell you s-something."

"Well tell me."

He took a deep breath, but whispered, "I-I love you." My super hearing only just picked it up, but I still heard him, and I was shocked.

"You what?"

"I love you." He said louder, without stuttering.

I smiled as I hugged him, "Same to you Silv."

He calmed down quiet a bit as he hugged me back. The sun was nearly gone when we pulled away and he stared at me, smiling.

"Take a photo it, lasts longer." I joked.

"I don't need one, if you say yes any way."

"Say yes to what?"

"Haven, will you go out with me?"

I nodded, and he only smiled more. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and started walking inside, the sun behind the mountains, leaving an orange-yellow glow.

I was stopped by someone grabbing my arm, I turned to see it was still Silver, blushing again. He pulled me into another hug, and kissed me. 

"Thank you." He whispered as we walked inside together.

When we got there, everyone was dancing to some music, the DJ being Manic of cause. Sonic saw us and smiled, whispering something to Manic, who laughed and nodded.

"Yo yo guys, lets have a slow dance!" He yelled out.

Silver and I both stared at Sonic, who only winked back, running into the kitchen when Amy found him. I giggled a bit when Sonic ran, he may be a hero, but he does have somethings he is scared of. The song started and I was dragged onto the dance floor with Silver.

We slow danced to the song, my head on his chest the whole time as we listened to the music, All of Me, nice. As I thought about it, I came to realize, this was my home. I looked up to see Ally dancing with Tails and laughed, yeah, this is where I belong, this is home.

Okay guys, another book finished! And I know, MUSHY!!! >.< I'm sowwy, but I love da mushiness! Romance is one of my best book subjects, don't judge. Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed it! I loved writting it for you guys, so please, just for this chapter, VOTE, COMMENT, THAT'S ABOUT IT OAO Haven out!!! <3

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