Chapter 23- Everything is back to Normal... Sort of

I pulled away. I hope this works, it has to. I sat there, waiting for him to move, but he didn't, it didn't work. I laid my head on his crimson chest and started crying, not just for him, but for my mother as well, and everything that has happened. It's all my fault.

"Haven?" Someone walked up to me, sitting next to me and giving me a hug.

I didn't hug back, "What?"

"I think we should go, before Mephiles wakes up."

I looked up to see who was talking to me, it was Sonic. I shook my head, "He said to follow your subconscious. He said it would work, but it didn't."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

I sighed, "It doesn't matter, but I'm not leaving."

"But, it's not safe here." Amy stated.

"I don't care." I shook my head and laid it down again, "I'm not leaving."

I heard Sonic walk back to the group, but I didn't move, and I wasn't going to. I felt something inside, snapped in two, and I hated the feeling. I hugged the limp form in front of me, as I cried for him.

"Why didn't it work?" I asked myself.

I laid him down and kissed him again, "Goodbye, Silver the Hedgehog." I stood up, and started walking to the group. But I stopped, as I heard a strangled breath behind me, and a few gasps from the group.

I turned around, to see Silver sitting up, gasping for breath. I ran back to him, tears of joy in my eyes as I gave him a hug. He was a little surprised, but he hugged back, and that something inside wasn't broken anymore.

"What happened?" He asked, his eyes wide, "I'm suppose to be dead!" He started crying, his shoulders shaking and his breathing frantic.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, it's okay, your here, and that's all that matters." I gave him a reassuring hug, "It's alright." For some reason, I knew what he was feeling, I mean, yeah, I died and came back to life, but I was given a second chance, he wasn't, but I knew what he felt.

"I just..." He broke out into more tears as he hugged me.

I heard someone walk over, this time, I looked up and it was Amy. She gave me a small smile then knelt down and hugged Silver as well. Soon others where joining, as the group gave Silver a hug, I slipped out, and walked to the one standing by himself. Shadow of cause.

"Wanna join the hug fest?" I asked.

"It's not really my thing." He nodded.

"Fine, no hugs for you." I crossed my arms as everyone welcomed Silver back from the dead.

"I don't really care, but what I do care about, is the fact that you two died, and you came back, then brought him back. How?" He turned to me.

"Er.." I thought about it, he might think I'm crazy, "It's hard to explain, but as I died, I was given another chance, and with that chance, I was giving a new power, to heal."

"But, how did you bring Silver back? Yeah I get that you can heal, but bring back the dead? It's not possible." He shook his head.

I smiled, "Well, when I was given this new power, someone told me that the first thing I do with it, well, my conscience would know, and it did."

Silver was still crying, but he had a smile on his face, and it made me happy. Everyone started to stand up, and Sonic helped him to stand. I walked back over to him, and helped him to walk, as did Sonic.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I-I think, just a little t-taken back." He stuttered.

"It's all good Silver, you'll be fine in no time." Sonic stated, giving him a smile.

"I-I hope." He looked at the ground, is eyes weren't as bright as normal, but I guess that happens when you just came back to life, right? I mean, he still had blood all over his chest, and a big scare across it, but I might be able to help with that, right?

We where about to leave when we heard something move behind us.

"What? How are you still alive?" I turned to see Mephiles.

"Get back Haven, Silver. We got this." Sonic smirked.

On que, everyone stood in front of us, Sonic, Shadow, Manic, Amy, Espio, everyone. Silver fell over and I caught him, crouching down so we where hidden behind the wall of friends. Everyone looked determined to keep us safe, and I smiled at the thought.

"H-Haven?" Silver looked at me.

"Yeah Silver?"

"Do you think this will stain?" He asked, smiling.

I smiled back, "No, I hope it doesn't."

He nods, "Same, I like white more than red."

I nodded back, "I agree."

Mephiles was now standing up, slowly walking towards us, but I wasn't scared, I was relieved, to be alive, and to see Silver so happy, after dying, I wonder what side effect it will have though, there must be one.

"How are they still alive?" Mephiles asked again.

"We don't know, just some miracle I guess." Tails admitted.

I gave Silver a knowing smile as he chuckled, "Yeah, a Miracle."

"Well, they won't be alive for long, not when I'm here." Mephiles confirmed.

"Well then, lets get rid of you." Shadow grumbled, "Again."

Tails looked back at me, "You should use your chaos control to get out of here, don't worry, we will be fine."

I nodded in return and looked t Silver, grabbing his arm, "Ya ready?"

"Yeah, I guess." He replied.

I nodded and closes my eyes, "Chaos, Control!"

A white light surrounded us until we where outside Silver's house. It was day light, and there was someone standing out the front of the house.

"Hey guys, it's Haven and Silver!" Vector shouted inside.

A few people came running out, like Cream and Charmy, Sonia, and Blaze, Marine and Rouge. They all gave me a smile, but gasped when they saw Silver. he looked at the ground, his ears folded back.

"What's wrong?" I asked, placing my hand on his back.

"I must look like a zombie." He sighed, "I died, and they may not have been there, but they know, look at their faces."

I looked at them, and they where in shock, pure shock, and a little bit of fear.

"What?" I asked them, a little annoyed that they would be scared at Silver.

"Did he die?" Charmy asked, flying upside down.

I heard Silver sigh again, "Yes... I did."

"Then, how are you here?" The little bee asked again.

"Uh, Charmy, leave them alone, they have er... Obviously been through uh, a lot." Vector snatched the bee out of the air.

"No, it's okay, can you tell them Haven?" Silver turned to me.

"Oh, um... Well, you see, I died as well, and I got a second chance, plus a new power. I was able to bring Silver back to life, but this is the only time. I can still heal, just not resurrect anymore." I explained.

Now, their faced where even more terrified, so I sighed as well. As Silver and I walked towards the house, some even backed away, or went home. Vector took Cream with him, so he could drop her off to Vanilla, and Sonia said she would walk.

Amazingly, the house was clean, and nothing was broken or missing.

"So, do you want to go for the first shower?" I turned to Silver.

"Uh, yeah, okay." He disappeared down the hall, and not soon after, the water was running. I turned the TV on, and watched the news, checking my phone, I smiled at the text I got from Ally.

Hey girrrl how was the party?

I replied, It was good, but I got caught and died, so did Silver :( But I got an awesome new power BD   

I put my phone down, and not a minute later, I got another message,


I smiled, YESSSS Im fine, and so is Silver ;P  

There was a knock on the door, so I went to open it, and saw Sonic, Tails, Shadow, Amy, Espio and Manic, the lot standing there, smiling.

"Hey Haven, how are things?" Amy asked.

"There okay, everyone was still here when we returned, but left soon after when I told them we both died." I sighed, "Silver is in the shower."

"Well Haven, we have a little surprise for you, actually, two. Since you have no real reason to go back to earth, why don't you stay here? I can build you a house." Tails offered.

My eyes widened and I smiled, "You serious? I would love to stay here! But, what's the other surprise?"

"This." he stood to the side, revealing a girl about my age, she was a two tailed fox, just like Tails, and she looked familiar in some way.

"Ally?" I gasped.

She nodded, "Sure is Haven."

I ran over to her, giving her a hug, "I missed you so much! How did you get here?"

"Well, you should talk to Tails, he is the one that did it." She let go of me, and I looked at the little fox,

"Thank you Tails, how did you do it?"

"Oh er, I had help from Sonic and Shadow, they went super and we went to earth to pick Ally up. Her parents where fine with it, they actually took it really really well." Tails scratched the back if his head, "So, you will stay?"

I gave him a hug, "Yes, I will stay."

The group nodded and went home, I welcomed Ally inside Silver's house, completely forgetting he was in the shower.

"Wanna watch some TV?" I asked, "I will show you the house later, but for now, I need to rest."

"Yeah, sure. What channels do ya got?" She sat on the couch.

At that moment, Silver walked out, wearing only a towel around his waist, and his fur still a little wet. Ally giggled at him while my face burned up. he looked up and stopped Ally giggling on the couch, he stared at her for a while, then ran into his room.

"So, is he always like that?" She asked through giggles.

"No, that's the first time." I smirked, almost laughing.

He came out again, fully dry this time and joined us on the couch, his scare slightly visible through his chest fur.

"Wow, Haven wasn't kidding when she said you died." Ally observed. I stopped smirking as I saw Silver sighing.

"Ally, why don't you go look around the house?" I asked.

"Uh why?" She turned to me.

I gave her a look and the smiled, "Oh okay, sure, be right back." And she disappeared down the hall.

I looked at Silver, "Do you want me to heal it?"

"Heal what?"

"The scare."

He looked at me, "You could heal this?"

I shrugged, "It's worth a try." I moved in front of him, placing my hand on his chest, I closed my eyes. I had never really healed before, so it might be weird, but soon I can feel something inside of me, coming to life.

I stopped and pulled away, the scare was gone, there was no trace of it left. Silver and I stared in amazement.

"Wow, it actually worked." he touched his chest, making sure the scare was gone, he stood up, "It worked!"

I smiled, but I felt a little tired, "Yeah, and now I'm tired."

"Must be a side effect. But if it is, then what was the side effect when you brought me back to life?" Silver stood there, deep in thought.

I closed me eyes, and suddenly, they where open again, but this time, through someone else's eyes. I was staring at me, and my eyes where closed,

"Hey Haven?" I seemed to ask. I sounded like... No way!

I returned back to my body, and opened my eyes. Silver was looking at me,

"Are you alright?"

I shook my head, "Silver, the side effect, we're linked."

WOOP WOOP O3O what's up peeps? OoO Ohhhhhh Haven and Silver are linked. And Ally is in town! Woo Hoo, well, I hope you enjoyed. I need to give a MASSIVE thanks to Vampire Academy for the idea of Silver and haven being linked, you should really read that series, the best! I felt like I was repeating myself and that, well, this isn't my best chapter, its like REAL LATE so yeah, give me a break, and no, it's not the last chapter, well... Haven out!

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