Chapter 21- Is it the End?
Hey MLM I’m back, sorry I took a while to update this, just making it more worse for all of you (I think) so right now? I can’t be bothered to go over it, just read on and find out what happens.
The pain was nearly gone, as I reached out to him. It’s not possible for him to be here, not after… Yeah, I’m defiantly dying. Great.
I had almost reached his hand when I heard a crash come from the left of me. I felt all these little bits of something on me, glass, I suppose. Silver stopped, and looked up, still with sadness in his eyes, but a hint of hope.
Something grabbed me as I was lifted off the floor and carried away. I was still trying to get to Silver, but I was being taken further and further away. Silver gave me a smile, nodding his head, and then faded away.
“It’s okay Haven, it’s okay.” I heard a familiar voice. It was distant, but familiar as I got my hearing back. I didn’t even know I had lost my hearing, so much has happened, but it was coming back.
I realized I was crying, from the pain, and the experience, both pretty intense. As I gained back my hearing, I tried to look around, not even caring who was holding me. I still didn’t know who, I haven’t fully looked at them yet, but he is blue… That’s a major hint, I think.
The stranger was carrying me to another room, I was already on high alert, but I still couldn’t move, it took me a while, but I FINALLY realized the stranger was Sonic, so I relaxed that little bit.
“Haven!” A yellow fox ran over, Tails….. I think, “Are you okay?”
I tried to move but was still in shock, plus since I’m dying, I didn’t really know…
“We need to find a way to help her.” Sonic said, “Mephiles was electrocuting her and draining her of her powers and life.”
Mephiles….. That name sent angry through my numb body, he was the one that killed Silver, and pretty much me as well. I wanted to fight him, but I still couldn’t move, I realized that I wasn’t just shocked, but I felt too weak to do anything.
“Come on, the Chaos Emeralds may be able to help!” Tails ran over to the group standing there, “Wait, where are Shadow and Manic?”
“Fighting Mephiles, they told me to get Haven out of there while they kept Mephiles busy.” Sonic explained, “They should be alright, I hope.”
When we finally got to the group, they surrounded me, and I tried my best to remember everyone, but it’s hard… I was feeling weaker by the second, and I was really tired. Why would Silver smile? I was dying, and I was taken away from him, I guess when I die, I will see him anyway. But I’m still confused.
The group was panicking, trying to get me to talk, to do anything… It was kind of sad, they cared but I couldn’t do anything to help them out.
“Guys! She’s okay, she is breathing right?” A red echidna stated, yelling at everyone, I was starting to wonder if I was dying, I didn’t feel like it. But I also doubted the echidna was right, I’m breathing yes, but for how long?
“Yeah, for now!” A white bat yelled, “How long will she last? We can’t let her die.”
“Enough!” A black hedgehog yelled, he had red highlights, and ruby eyes. He came into the room holding his arm, followed by a green hedgehog with a Mohawk like hairstyle, “Just get the emeralds and place them around her!” I take it that is Shadow, and the other is Manic, from what I heard just before.
“I was trying to tell them that.” Tails rolled his eyes, “But they weren’t listening.”
“I can tell.” Shadow grumbled, “Just place them around her and let them do their job.”
A pink hedgehog in a red dress walked up, carrying three gems, “I have three.” She was holding a purple gem, a green gem, and a light blue gem.
The red echidna held up two, “I have two.” He held up a clear gem and a dark blue gem.
“And I have one.” The white bat stated, holding up the beautiful red gem.
“Where is the other one?” Manic asked.
“Right here.” Came a voice, one that filled me with hate, I couldn’t see who it was, because I was lying on the ground, and everyone was standing in front of me, “I believe you need this?”
Everyone gasped, but I was still trying to see, finally he walked up to the group, and I got a glimpse of what he was holding, a yellow gem.
“Give it back Mephiles!” Sonic yelled.
“Why should I? I need it, and the other six to take over the world. I’m not giving you anything.”
I was still weak, but I somehow managed to say something, “Go to hell.”
Everyone looked at me, a little surprised, but happy I was talking, and I continued, “Why don’t you go and rule hell? That’s a better place for you. You’re not need here, and you never will be.” I didn’t really understand what I was saying, but I said it.
“Why Haven, your still alive, how surprising.” He laughed, not taking what I just said, “I don’t need to rule hell, that’s ruled by the devil. The question is why don’t you just go and visit it? Go and send the Devil a little hello for me.”
He started walking towards me, but Sonic and Shadow stood in his way,
“No, you aren’t going to do anything else to Haven.” Shadow stated, crossing his arms, “It’s bad enough we lost one of our best fighters, but this is a little too far.”
“Yeah, and I’m sick of you threatening my friends, Haven is right. Why don’t you go and rule Hell instead?” Sonic gave Mephiles the death glare.
“Because, I’m not dying like Haven.” Mephiles answered.
“Not yet anyway. Besides, what makes you think she will go to Hell? Haven has done nothing wrong, she isn’t evil, and she is defiantly not a sinner.” Shadow confirmed, “Like you.”
Mephiles took a step back, “It doesn’t matter, either way she goes… She is dying, and you guys are bickering about whether or not she will go to hell or not. Unbelievable.” He shook his head.
Sonic’s face showed guilt, Mephiles was right, they weren’t doing much to help me, all I could do was watch, after talking, I was even more weak, and slowly, oh so very slowly, there was darkness covering the corner of my eyes. So slowly.
Suddenly, Manic jumped on Mephiles’ back, reaching for the gem, “Guys! A little help?”
With that, Sonic and Shadow jumped on him to, Sonic punching Mephiles in the ribs, and Shadow kicking behind his legs, trying to trip him. It worked, but Manic still couldn’t reach the gem. Sonic swung his hand up and gave Mephiles a clean upper-cut, these guys must love using this move.
Mephiles fell back, landing on Manic, but still caught by surprise. The darkness on my eyes was getting bigger, and I could feel myself fading, my breathing picked up, I was scared.
“Hurry Sonic!” the pink hedgehog yelled, “Haven’s not going to last any longer.”
It didn’t really help, saying that, but I knew it was true, and I was terrified, I don’t know what’s beyond this world, is there a hell? A Heaven? I didn’t know, and that’s what scared me. Not knowing what would happen after this.
Shadow gave me a quick glance, then kicked Mephiles again, making him drop the gem. He grabbed it and ran over to us, “Keep him busy!” He yelled, making everyone jump, “Now!”
The group ran at Mephiles, to help Sonic and Manic, while Shadow placed the gems around me, the darkness nearly covering my eye sight. I could only just see him, but he was rushing, and fumbling, cursing that he was wasting time making mistakes.
“Hold on for a few more seconds, you can do it!” He yelled at me, but it was distant, and growing fainter. I blacked out, fading into nothing.
Muahahahahaha, am I evil? I think I am, what do you think? I don’t care, I’m evil and I know it! *dances* yep, well, I hope your enjoying these little cliffhangers, can you wait for the next chapter? Or do I need to update like, right now? Please tell me! And don’t kill me in the prosses, or you will never find out what happens.
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