Chapter 16- Party Planning.....Sucks

It has been a long week. And only a week. About five days ago I arrived in Mobious, and now I'm training to fight, I have a heap of friends, and I have no real reason to go back to Earth. The party is in three days, and Silver and I still have to plan the whole thing and get the decorations. It sucks.

"Hey, are we going to start getting the party ready?" Silver asked.

"You know, that's not a bad idea." I stated.

"You think? We will have to buy some decorations, and the food. But besides that, the news should have spread by now." Silver nodded.

I smiled, "Mr Organized much?"

He blushed, turning a little red, "Um, yeah, i guess you could say that..."

I laughed, "Well, we better go shopping, the party is in three days."

"Yeah, we better." Silver sighed.

"What's up?"

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about..." He paused, "What your going to do when you go back to Earth? You don't really have a family, unless..."

"My dad." I moaned, "I never really liked him, we are always fighting, and last time I saw him... He said he never wanted to see me again."

"Oh, sorry." Silver apologized.

"It's okay, you didn't even know, so... We going shopping?" I asked.

He lightened up a bit, giving me a small smile, "Yep."

So after we got ready, Silver and I began walking to the Mall. Apparently it was all fixed, so we where going while nothing else happened. It was getting a little cold, which made no sence to me... it was summer when I left Earth, what was it here?

"Why is it so cold?" I shivered.

"It's nearly winter, but it only decided to get cold today." Silver went to put his arm around me, but stopped, blushing, then kept walking, "Do you have a jumper?"

"No, I guess I will need to get one while we are here." I gave him a confused look, which he ignored.

"I can get it for you. You won't have enough money yet. No money at all to be exact." Silver stated, I gave him a glare but agreed,

"Okay, if you wish."

It got colder, and I started to shiver more and more. I didn't know it would get THIS cold THIS easlily. I didn't even realize it, but I had moved closer to Silver, trying to get more warm.

Realizing, I stood back, "Sorry, it's just so cold" I rapped my arms around my chest.

"It's okay, I'm actually getting cold to." Silver admitted, "Want a hug?"

I nodded, lightly blushing. I gave him a hug, but we kept walking. I started blushing even more. He was so warm. God damn it...

When we got to the Mall, it was warm, so we let go, and walked o the clothes shop, to get me a jumper. We chose a green camoe one, just like my clothes, and a black one, for safe keeping's. Silver paid, and I slipped the camoe one on.

"Thanks." I said, feeling the warmth of the jumper.

"No problem, anything for a friend." Silver smiled, a small sign of blush, barley noticeable.

I smiled back, "Come on, lets get the decorations."

"Right." He nodded, "To the party store."

We walked to the other side of the Mall. It looked good as new, like as if nothing ever happened. We got to the store and had a look at some decorations. We had a lot to do.

"Hey what about this?" I asked, holding up coloured streamers.

"Yeah, and we can use... This." Silver held up a disco ball.

I laughed, "Defiantly."

We got a few other supplies and paid. Well, Silver paid, I just helped carry the stuff. As we walked out we ran into Blaze and Marine.

"Hey guys." Blaze greeted.

"Sup Blaze?" Silver nodded.

"What are you to doin'?" Marine asked.

"Oh, shopping for decorations, for the party." I stated.

"Rightio, can't wait ya know." Marine smiled

I smiled back, "Neither can I."

"Do you need help?" Blaze asked, looking at our full arms.

"Um, we should be fine, really." Silver explained.

"No no, please let us help. Anyway mate, what else are we going to do?" Marine placed her hands on her hips, "We can help."

After we sorted out who carried what, we set off home. Thanks to my jumper, I wasn't as cold as before, although, I can't say the same for Silver...

"M-M-Man, it;s r-really c-c-cold!" He shivered.

"Hold on." Blaze clicked her fingers, and a flame appeared, she walked next to him, so the flame would warm him up.

"Thanks." He stopped shivering, and I felt something inside, I'm not sure what, but it felt like..... I don't even know... Jealousy? meh, I passed it as just the weather getting to me...

"We nearly there mates?" Marine asked.

"Yeah, just around the corner." Silver told her.

I stayed silent, lost in thought, until I heard someone call my name,


I turned to see Silver looking at me, "What's up?"

"Oh, nothing, just lost in thought." I sighed.

"Oh, what you thinking about?"

"Just the party, and..... Home." I sighed again.

"You really miss it?" Blaze asked.

"Yeah..." I admitted.

"I do to." Blaze said, looking at me.

"You do?" I was surprised, Blaze wasn't one to..... Open up.

"Yeah, I just want to go back and see what's happening, but I can't." She looked at the ground as we walked, "Sometimes I get homesick."

"Really? I would have never known." I shook my head. "You must really miss your home."

"I do, but my home is here, with my friends, I love it here." She gave me a smile.

"We're here." Silver cut it, "Home sweet home."

After getting everything inside, Silver and I thanked Blaze and Marine, as they walked off.

"Psh, it was nothing." Marine waved her hand, "Any time."

"Bye guys, can't wait for the party!" Blaze called as she walked off.

After they disappeared, I just stared, lost in thought again. I didn't stop until Silver waved his hand in my face. I gave him a look, making him laugh, I liked making him laugh.

"So you wanna go inside?" He gestured to the door.

I gave him a smile, "Yeah..."

Sadly, before we could even move, I was swept off my feet, yay for me...

"Hey there, long time no see." I looked up to see the snot, giving me a grin, he had a black eye, which was my doing, it actually made me smile.

"What are you smiling at?" He asked.

"Your eye, that was a fun day." I stated.

He stopped running, "Really? It was painful for me, I got a black eye. Do you know how hard it is to pick up women with a black eye? It's really hard."

"Good. You don't deserve anyone anyway." I snickered.

"Really? Is that so?" He put me down, we where at a cliffs edge, great, just great.

"Yeah, with the way your always acting, your not one to 'settle down' so you don't deserve anyone." I crossed my arms, looking out over the cliff.

"Hey, can you fly?" He asked.

I turned to look at him, but it was to late, he pushed me. I fell backwards, over the edge, I knew I was a goner, I just knew it. Suddenly, I stopped, and I was glowing a turquoise green. I looked around, but I couldn't move, Silver's handiwork, for sure.

"Hey, what gives?" I heard Scourge yell out.

I was still looking around, when I saw Silver, hiding behind a tree, he was glowing, and he had his finger over his mouth. I nodded.

"Yes, I can fly!" I yelled, Silver lifted me up, "And I can use chaos powers, like Shadow. Right now, I'm angry, and your the one to blame." Silver placed me down, while Scourge turned white.

"N-N-No way. You can't be THAT powerful"

I smiled, "I'm not."

At that point, Silver stood out from behind the tree, and Scourge took a step back, "How?"

"It's simple, I followed you, then I hid." Silver shrugged.

"Now, leave us alone, we want to get something ready, and your not helping" I stated, crossing my arms again.

"No, I ain't backing down, without a fight." Scourge gave me an evil grin, "Or without her. She's pretty powerful you know, Egghead can use that power."

"No, Haven isn't going anywhere." Silver stood in front of me, "Not if I have anything to say about it."

I secretly started blushing, must be a thing, as Silver stood protecting me. I was just standing there, watching the two argue, about kidnapping me. Just plain weird.

Scourge was the first to move, he went to punch Silver in the face, but Silver froze him and slammed him into the tree. Scourge hit it with a loud thunk, but got back in the action just as quick. He punched at Silver again, but Silver ducked and tripped him up, making him fall on his back.

my bow appeared in my hand, I wanted to fight, but I had a feeling I should stay out of it. Scourge tripped Silver over and pinned him to the ground. On instinct I lept at him, throwing him off Silver and giving him a good punch in the ribs.

He was caught off guard, good, and he stumbled back, giving me enough time to kick him down, I held my bow up, arrow aiming at his throat.

"Haven stop!" Silver grabbed my arm, "Stop, let him go."

"Why?" I turned on him, "Why do I need to let him go?"

"Because, he doesn't deserve it." Silver shook his head, "He doesn't deserve it."

I lowered my bow, and gave Scourge a disgusted look, then turned back to Silver, "Let's go."

He agreed, "Okay."

We started walking, when a roar started behind us, then something zipped past me and slammed Silver into the ground, knocking him out.

"Weakling." Scourge smirked.

I growled, "What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing sweetheart, now come with me." He walked towards me, but I had already pounced on him, punching him in the face, probably another black eye.

He growled back, "You'll pay for that." He roared again, and turned purple, his eyes going black and red, like Sonic.EXE.

I took a step back, kind of scared, mainly because i knew how strong her was now. But something boiled inside of me, something dark, and dangerous. 

"W-what?" Scourge stopped, looking confused, and a bit worried.

I heard Silver moan behind me, and Scourge looked his way to. He smiled and, within a flash, was already picking him up, by the neck.

"Let's finish you off, then I can take, Haven with me." He started choking Silver, and something snapped. I guess you could say I blacked out, but I still saw what I was doing. I just couldn't control it, and it was mad, VERY mad.

I growled, louder than before, getting both hedgehog's attentions. Silver's eyes went wide, and Scourge's did to. I'm not sure why, but when I looked at my arms, I gasped on the inside.

My arms where darker than normal, not the light silver, like Silver's fur, it was gray, nearly black, but not, just a dark, dark grey. Pain shot through my body, like a thousand knives, stabbing me at once. I lunged at Scourge, making him drop Silver in the process, Silver gasping for breath.

I slammed him into the same tree as before, pinning him to the tree, "We asked you to leave us alone, no leave us alone!" My voice sounded raspy, and rash, like as if I had a sore throat.

"O-Okay, I will leave you alone! Just let me go!" He turned green again, his eyes turning back to their blue state.

I looked at Silver, his eyes where dim, not that full of life, but otherwise, okay. He gave me a smile, "I'm okay Haven, now let's go."

I looked at Scourge again, then growled, releasing him, "Fine." As I walked, I started to calm down, my fur going back to normal, "Are you okay?"

"What me? Yeah, I'm fine, just, a sore head." he rubbed his head, flinching when he touched a certain spot, 'What about you, that was something different. What was it?"

"I-I don't know, all I felt was anger, and a thousand knives stabbing me. It was weird, and scary." I rubbed the back of my head, "Do you know what it was?"

"Well, your fur changed, going darker, and you eyes..." He stopped, gazing off in the distance, "They turned red, and evil..."

I looked at the ground, "My dark form? Dark Haven?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

"Oh, is it powerful?"

"Um, well it's hard to stop, only the person's weakness, that touches their heart can turn them back, I think anyway."

"Oh, okay." we walked back in silence, nothing much to say after what just happened. And it was kind of awkward. When we got back, I just sat on the couch, staring at nothing... I was like that for the rest of the day... No planning, no eating, no nothing. I just sat on the couch. Until dinner.

"Hey, wanna watch another movie?" Silver asked, after we finished dinner, we had pizza, again? I can't really remember, I was tired.

"Yeah, why not?"

"What do you wanna watch?" He asked, washing up the dishes.

"Um, I was thinking Chucky... Do you have it?"

"Yeah, that's one of my favourites, but it is really scary.... You sure you wanna watch it?"

"I've never seen it." I admitted.

He gave me a smile, "Okay, we came watch it."

So that's what we did, and yes, it WAS scary. But I don't remember the ending.....

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