Chapter 15- Mephiles! And the Worst News Ever.....
I don't remember much after I passed out, all that fighting was tiring. I opened my eyes, I was in a room. I panicked and sat up, wait, this room is familiar. I looked at the clock besides the bed, 1:47am, great. I stood up and walked out of the room.
When I reached the hall it finally clicked, that was Silver's room, he had giving it up for me because I had done the same thing when we where on Earth. The sad truth was, I wasn't tired, so I decided to go for a walk.
I slipped out of the house, careful not to wake Silver up, it was way to early anyway. And I started walking, it's been a while since I have been able to walk alone, and it's just what I need.
After a while of walking I stopped and sat on a rock, just enjoying the silence and the senery of the night, until something started to appear, it was all this dark smoke, and it built up a bit until it fully disappeared revealing a hedgehog that looked just like Shadow, except his stripes where a grey colour, and he had no mouth, I knew who it was.
"Hello Haven, I've been waiting."
I was caught of guard, "How do you know my name?"
"I have been watching, ever since you came here, and I have been wanting to talk to you, my name is Mephiles, Mephiles the Dark."
"Yeah yeah, I know who you are, and no, I don't want to talk, I just want to be alone."
"Why are you out here? This late at night?"
"I could ask you the same thing." I crossed my arms.
"I have been meaning to talk to you." He gave me a bow, "But I have already said that now, haven't I?"
"Just leave me alone." I turned to face the other way.
"Please, I just want to talk." Mephiles tried to stand in front of me, but I turned around again.
"And I said I want to be left alone. Now go away."
"Not until you talk to me."
"I am right now, now go away."
"Playing hard to get hey?"
Suddenly I had the urge to face Mephiles, and I did, I didn't want to, it was against my will. He was making me, and it was making me angry
"Will you leave me alone!" I shouted.
"Why? You where alone before, don't you want to talk to anyone?"
"No, it's to early anyway, I was just taking this time to think, a lot has happened in three days."
"But for Earth, three weeks."
I sighed, three weeks on Earth, my mother must be back by now, Mephiles was right, it had been three weeks and I do miss home, what is my mother thinking? Is she even home yet? I didn't know, but I want to find out.
Mephiles took my silence as an advantage, "I'm sure your wondering what has happened on Earth? What is your mother doing now?"
Damn him, "Yeah actually, I would like to know."
If he had a mouth, I'm sure he would be smiling, "Well, it's not good."
I gave him a smile, "Is that all your gonna tell me? Or do we have to talk first?"
"No, that's all I will tell you. It's true though, you do play hard to get, see ya soon."
I rolled my eyes as he disappeared, what a moron, tells me my mum isn't doing good then leaves, nice. I sighed and decided to walk home. I sighed as I got to the door, I walked in and went back to Silver's room, best not be to obvious I was out tonight. I fell asleep instantly.
"Haven, hey Haven." I woke with a start, sitting straight up in bed, "Hey easy, Tails just came by, he has something to tell you." It was Silver, but, he looked worried, and a bit sad.
"What is it?" I was now awake, awear of Silver's mood.
"Haven, I'm so sorry." He closed his eyes.
"What? What is it?"
"You better go talk to Tails."
I got out of bed, worried, what did Tails have to say? I walked into the lounge room to see Tails sitting on the couch, looking worried and sad, like Silver.
"Hey Tails." I walked over, catching his attention.
"Oh, uh hey.... Haven." He looked down.
"You wanted to tell me something?" I asked.
"Yeah, um. I think I should just show you." He turned the TV on, "I had set it up so you can watch what Earth is watching, then I found this..."
I watched the TV as he changed it to the news, there had been a car crash, a taxi with a truck, the news reporter saying there where no survivors. But when it showed who was in the crash, I cried, and ran outside.
"Wait, Haven!" I heard Tails call out.
I didn't stop, I ran until I couldn't run no more, why was the world so cruel? I sat down, tears streaming down my face, now I knew.... I will never see my mum again, I wouldn't have to think about her worrying about me. I kept crying, I never even got to say good bye.
I heard someone walking up to me, but I didn't turn around, nor did I care. The person came and sat next to me, pulling me into a hug.
"I'm sorry Haven, I wish I could do something. Is there anything you want me to do?" Silver asked.
I shook my head, letting him hug me, "No..... There is nothing....... You can do."
Someone else walked and stood on the other side of me, "Haven, I thought it would be best you know, I'm sorry."
I looked up to see Tails standing there, "It's okay....... You just wanted me to........ Know."
"Come on, lets go have breakfast." Silver stood up, helping me up.
"Okay, I guess I could eat." I agreed.
It was a long walk back, or, it felt like it was. When we got back, Tails said he had to leave, I thanked him for his visit, and he gave me a small smile, before heading off.
I sighed as I sat on the couch, when my phone went off, I didn't pick it up, I just left it where it was, watching the news, as they explained what they think happened in the crash. Finally I read the message,
Hey girl, I'm sorry about what happened to your mum, I hope you are okay.
I smiled, it was from Ally, she must have just found out.
"Who was that from?" Silver asked, joining me on the couch.
"Ally." I replied.
"What did she say?"
"She just said she was sorry about what happened to my..... Mum." I sighed.
"Hey, it's okay....." Silver tried to say, until I cut him off.
"How can it be okay? My mum died in a car crash, and I will never get to see her again!" I placed my head in my hands, "How can it be okay?"
"That's not what I meant, what I meant was that everything will turn out okay, trust me, I know it will." He gave me a smile, which I returned.
"But how can you know?"
"I just do, you can trust me." He stood up, "Now, what would you like for breakfast?"
"Hm." I though for a minute, "Can you do toast?"
"Yeah, I can."
I laughed, making him blush, "Not like that!"
"I know, I'm just being mean." I gave him a small punch on the arm.
"Okay, just give me a minute." He walked into the kitchen. I silently watched TV, as the News continued on with the painful news.
Then, I caught me breath, "Uh, Silver."
"Come look at this." My eyes never left the screen.
What's wro- Oh." He started staring at the screen to.
The news lady had started talking about a missing girl about the age of fourteen, last seen running to the abandoned warehouse, followed by a huge robot,
"As there was a huge explosion, the girl has been no where in sight, authorities are still searching for the girl but have no trace of her where abouts." The lady explained, as a picture of me, when I was human, showed on the screen.
"Wow." Silver gasped, "Your famous."
"Yeah, for the wrong reason. What else can go wrong?"
Suddenly, the power went out, making me sigh,
"That?" Silver asked.
I looked at him, luckily it was morning, so the sun was out, shining through the window.
"So, what's for breakfast now?" I asked.
"Um." Silver thought for a moment, "Let me have a look." He disappeared into the kitchen again.
I laid back on the couch, what now? My mother has died and now I'm apparently missing. Great, I miss home.
I was staring of in the distance when Silver walked back in, clearing his throat, "I have left over pizza, it's not old, I had it when you went with Rouge to the shops."
I sat up, "Pizza?"
He chuckled, "Yep, but we can't heat it up."
"That's okay, I like it cold anyway, hehe." I admitted.
"Don't judge me."
"I'm not, it's just that... I like it cold."
I stared at him, "Your kidding?"
"So that's what we are having for breakfast, pizza, nice. Today isn't looking all that bad, I'm sure nothing else can go wrong, right?" I questioned.
"Hm, well besides the bad things earlier this morning, yeah, it's can't really get much worse. We could always go for a walk, or to the beach, or see if the Mall it open again."
I smiled at him, "Sounds fun. Oh wait, I have training again today, remember?"
"Oh yeah..... Dang, after?"
"Yeah, totally."
"So, you gonna come again?" I asked, I didn't ant to go alone again, "Want another rematch?"
He gave me a challenging smile, "Totally."
So after breakfast, we got ready and headed to Sonic's house again. When we got there, Shadow lead us to the backyard and this time he taught me how to really fight, and that yesterday was just a starter.
At one point I started panting, Shadow had punched me and kicked me, but I never gave up, making him fight harder. By this time, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles had come out to watch us, it was a hard battle.
"Come on Haven, you need to be ready, with the way your going, I could have kidnapped you ages ago." Shadow taunted me.
I growled, "It's hard when you keep coming at me, punching, kicking and all that."
"It's for your training, be lucky I'm training you at all." He came at me again, ready for another kick to the head.
My super sensing came in and I grabbed his leg, swinging him over my shoulder and slamming him into the ground. I had defiantly caught him off guard, as he didn't get up straight away. When he did, he swung his fist at me, but i caught it and twisted his hand, until he eventually yelled out.
I smiled, "I'm not as weak as you think, am I?"
I twisted his arm even more, until he fell to the ground, after, I grabbed his other arm and pinned both behind his back.
"Enough!" He yelled, making me let go.
He stood up, rubbing his wrist, "Training is over for today." He walked inside and disappeared.
"Wimp." I mocked.
"Haven? That was awesome!" Sonic exclaimed, jumping up and down, "No one can beat Shadow like that and just expect to get away with it!"
"But, when she has training next, Shadow might not go so lightly." Tails added, making Sonic's face fall,
"Oh, but that was still awesome!" He smiled giving me the thumbs up.
"And a little out of character, what happened Haven? You didn't seem like yourself?" Knuckles asked, impressed.
"I haven to agree with Knuckles, When you had Shadow your grip, you didn't stop straight away, you kept going, that's not like you." Silver walked over, joining Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and I.
"Yeah, I have know idea, just a moment you think?" I was a little confused, I wouldn't have done anything to hurt Shadow, but it seems I did.
"Maybe, let's hope." Sonic agreed.
"So you guys know about the party?" I asked, hoping to change the subject.
"What party?" Knuckles looked at me.
I rolled my eyes, "Sonic was suppose to tell you, I guess he didn't?" I turned to him.
"Hehe, must have left my mind." Sonic shrugged.
I sighed, "Well in four days we are having a party, and everyone is invited."
"Sweet, where?" Tails asked, excited.
"Hm, I haven't--" I was cut off,
"Just at my place." Silver stated.
"Nice, so in four days.... what time?" Knuckles gripped the rails, as if to keep him from pouncing on someone.
"Um, we haven't figured--" Again, Silver cut me off.
"About midday."
"Okay, so midday at Silver's place in four days? Got it." Sonic counted of his fingers.
We left they're place after we got it sorted and walked home, when we got home I told Silver I would be in soon, I just wanted to catch up and think about what has happened today.
"Okay, but don't be to long." Silver warned, walking inside.
I sat down, thinking about everything that had happened today, my mother's death, which bought tears to my eyes, me apparently 'missing' and the fact that when I was fighting Shadow, my personality changed and I could have snapped his wrist.
"Hello again Haven." I heard a familiar voice.k
I moaned, "Would you leave me alone?"
Mephiles appeared in front of me, "I told you your mum wasn't doing good."
"Yeah, well she isn't doing anything!" I snapped, suddenly awear of my mood.
"Careful, you don't want to get angry. No one likes it when people get angry." Mephiles waved his finger.
I smirked, "Except you perhaps."
He looked at me, "You know so much about me, so, when is this party?"
I stopped, surprised, "What party?"
"You know, the one you are going to throw, for all your friends. When is it?"
I knew what he was talking about, but I didn't want him to come, "Your not invited, so why do you care?"
"Oh come on Haven, I have to be, I'm your friend right?"
I gave him another smile, "Yeah, as much of a friend as you are Sonic's!" I crossed my arms, "Please leave me alone? It hasn't even been 24 hours and your already back to annoy me."
"Oh but I just want to talk, but your always surrounded by someone, mainly Silver. Have you even told him that we have been talking?"
I stopped, no I hadn't, should I?
"Just keep it a secret, you and me." Mephiles placed a hand under my chin.
I moved back, "Creep."
"Come on Haven, it's just being friendly." There was a hint of a smile in his voice, if he could smile.
"Just leave me alone, your not invited to any party and your not my friend. Now good bye." I stood up.
"Okay, fine. Just remember, I know where the party will be, and I know your weaknesses, I have been watching." He disappeared.
I shivered as I walked inside, man, I HATE Mephiles, and what he just said gave me the creeps eve more. The rest of the night flew bye, as did the next few days.
I know XD SO LOOOOONG, Good, just what I wanted, and just a little warning, the next chapter has skipped a few days, and now there is only one day till the party, has everyone got the invites yet? They should by now, well BYE FOR NOW!!! Haven out.....
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