Chapter 14- Training with Shadow

I woke up, this time a sweet sent filling my nose. And it wasn't pancakes..... Eggs? And bacon? Nice, it looks like another easy day, well, I hope anyway.

"Morning!" I heard Silver call from the kitchen.

"Morning." I yawned back. I rubbed my eyes, no dreams..... Good. I stood up and stretched, then walked into the kitchen.

"You still look tired." Silver pointed out.

"Really? I thought I was super energetic, bouncing off the walls like that." I rolled my eyes, making him laugh.

He set a plate on the table and I sat down, suddenly hungry.

He looked at me, "Any nightmares?"

"Nope, I'm amazed." I admitted.

"Yeah, my sleep was clear to, I actually had a good dream." Silver smiled, bringing his plate over.

"Oh yeah? What did you dream about?"

He stopped what he was doing, "What did I dream about?"

"Yeah. It sounds good."

"Um." He looked really nervous, "Um."

"Oh come on, I won't judge." I insisted, "You can trust me."

He cleared his throat, "So you like bacon and eggs?" Changing the subject much?

"Hm, yeah. I do." I started eating, giving Silver a weary look.

He started eating to, in silence, it was awkward, and trust me, I have been in awkward situations, but this tops them off. What did he dream about?

When we where both done, I got dressed while he cleaned up, like usual. When there was a knock at the door I yelled,

"I'll get it!" I ran to the door and opened it.

Shadow was standing there, "Hey, I heard you where taken my Scourge? Twice yesterday?"

"Good to see you to." I joked, Silver walked up to the door.

"Oh, hey Shadow."

"Hey Silver." Shadow greeted.

"So why are you here?" I asked.

He looked at me, "Rude much?"

"Just asking." I shrugged.

"Well I also heard you gave him a black eye, and I nearly broken jaw."

I smiled, "Yep, that was me."

He nodded, "Can I teach you how to fight?"

I stared at him, amazed, "You want to teach me? Wow, this day keeps getting weirder and weirder."

"What?" He asked.

"You hardly ever help people, so this was unexpected." I stated again.

He nodded his head, "Good point. But is that really what you think of me?"


He gave me a glare, "We start in half an hour, at my place." He walked off.

"Um, i'm gonna say this now, I don't think he likes me." I turned to Silver.

"Nope, he doesn't." He agreed.

We both walked inside, "What to do for half an hour?" I asked.

"Well... We could get to know each other a little bit more?" Silver offered.

"Yeah, I guess." I sat on the couch, "And I can point out the obvious for us both, I'm really good at that."

"You probably are." Silver sat on the other end, "So, what do you want to know about me?"

I thought for a moment, "What was your dream last night?"

He stopped, hesitating, "Let's not go there, what about you?"

I looked at him, he was hiding something, and I wanted to know, "I didn't really have a dream."

"Oh come on, everyone has a dream every night! It's impossible not to."

"Well then all I dreamed about was darkness and the colour black."

"Like Shadow?"

I laughed, "Yeah, but more welcoming and kind."

Silver gave a small chuckle, making me smile, "Yeah, defiantly not Shadow."

I leaned forward, "There, I told you my dream, what was yours?"

He stopped again, staring into my eyes... Or was he? I don't know, but he was staring,

"You know, I like your eyes gold, they are much more......." He stopped again, turning red, "Better than when your eyes where brown."

I felt my face warm up, along with my chest, "Really?"

"Yeah." He smiled, then looked at the clock, his smile turning into a frown, "We should go, the  you can get there on time."

"Your coming with me?"

"Yep, just in case Shadow goes to hard, he can be a bit rough sometimes, just ask Rouge."

I laughed again, "Yep, sounds like Shadow."

I stood up, same did Silver, then walked outside, the warmth of the day hitting my face. I stretched and started walking, Silver right behind,

"I don't even feel like fighting to be honest." I admitted.

"Yeah, well you might want to, Shadow is serious about teaching you. It's like a once in a lifetime opportunity to be taught by him." Silver explained.

"Yeah, and he will push you, just to get a simple punch right." I confirmed, "That's what I know anyway."

"Mm hm, and trust me, he tried training me. But........."

"But what?"

"I don't know, he just gave up? Either that or I suck at fighting." He looked at the ground.

"I don't think so, I bet your a great fighter." I reassured him, making him smile,

"Sure, next thing you know your saying I'm not a gullible idiot that fell for Mephiles' trap just to kill Sonic."

"Well, I would have fallen for it to."

He looked at me, "Really?"

"Yeah, I mean, if my future, or the world was at stake, I would have believed anything to save it. Even a complete stranger who sounds like they're telling the truth."

He sighed, "I guess, but I should have seen the signs."

"What signs?" I asked.

"Just these little signs proving Sonic was innocent."

"But he wasn't."

Silver's face showed confusion, and disbelief, "What do you mean?"

"He wasn't innocent, but he was, it was because of his death that.... Elise cried, because he died, she was upset. I'm not saying Sonic was bad or anything, but he isn't fully innocent."

Silver laughed, "Yeah, and it was also Elise's fault for crying in the end."

"And Mephiles' for killing Sonic."

"So basically, Mephiles was right? When he told me that Sonic was the Iblis Trigger, he was right?"

"To an extent, yes." I agreed.

"Wow,  I would like to see you tell Sonic this." Silver shook his head, "A shocker it would be."

"That's why I'm not telling him." We had just arrived, I knocked on the door, it was actually really quiet inside, so I was a little curious as to what was going on. Sudden;y the door swung open, revealing Knuckles at the door,

"Haven? Silver? What's up?" He asked, a little surprised.

"Is Shadow home? He told me to meet here, for training." I asked.

Knuckles closed the door, then there was yelling inside the house, although I couldn't understand it. Again the door opened, this time Shadow standing there.

"I didn't think you would come." He hastily crossed his arms, "Come in."

I had only been in his house once, and he shared it with Sonic, Knuckles and Tails. Sonic was sitting on the couch, Knuckles was reading a book, which surprised me, and Tails was no where to be seen.

"Hey Haven." Sonic greeted, "Silver."

Silver nodded his head, "Hey Sonic."

I gave the blue hedgehog a wave, "Long time no see."

Sonic laughed, "Yeah, how long has it been?"

I rolled my eyes, "A day."

"And a half." Sonic added.

Shadow lead me outside, Silver followed, but sat in the grass, just a by stander, watching me get a beat down from Shadow, great.

"Okay, so what I want to teach you first, is the upper-cut." Shadow made the swinging motion with his fist, "Because that's going to help you a lot, especially if you want to stun your opponent."

I nodded, so far so good, I think.

He gave me a small smirk, "Show me what you've got." He lunged at me, totally unexpected, and tackled me within seconds.

I tried to punch him, but he grabbed both my hands and pinned them behind my back, pain shooting through my arms. I yelled out, and he let go,

"Humph, your weak."

I shot him a glare, "I wasn't ready."

"You wern't suppose to be, you have to expect the unexpected, remember that." He cacked his knuckles.

"Okay, so, what now?" I was ready, I had a feeling he was going to attack again, and I was right.

This time, he swung his fist at me, I barely dodged it. I felt his fist whip through my hair, and I took my chance, swinging my fist up to give him a clean upper-cut. I hit him smack bang on the jaw, then grabbed the hand that had just missed me earlier and pinned it behind his back.

"Wow, fast learner." I heard Silver clapping. Sonic came out to see what was going on, and started laughing,

"Oh man, Shadow is being beaten by a girl!"

I let go of Shadow and turned to Sonic, "So? What's wrong with that?"

"Well, your a girl." Sonic explained.


"And...... um....." Sonic was speechless.

"Come on, fight me, let's see if a girl can beat you." I stood in a fighting stance, making Sonic smile.

"Sure, but remember, I have speed on my side."

I ran up to him, withing a millisecond, surprising him, "So do I."

He swung at me, but I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back, tripping him over and slamming him into the ground.

"Okay okay, you win! Now get off me."

I smiled, letting him go, Silver was laughing his head off,

"You wanna fight to?" I asked, a smile on my lips.

He stopped, giving me a little smirk, "Okay, but I have telekinesis, remember that."

I nodded my head, "Let's go."

He charged, I don't even think he will use his powers, but he defiantly was smarter than Sonic, and he had seen me take Shadow down, so he knows what to expect, or does he?

He tried to tackle me, and I was a little dumbfounded for a split second, giving him the chance to grab me, but not able to push me down. I used my strength and threw him off he, he hit the ground, but sprang up again. This time his fist flew for my stomach, I jumped out of the way, grabbing it, and twisting it behind his back, making him yell out.

"Had enough?" I asked.

"Hardly." He panted, grabbing my other arm and somehow turning the tables, now he had my arm pinned behind my back. I stomped on his foot and, grabbing both his arms, slammed him into the ground. I was panting, and so was he.

"Now?" I asked.

"Yeah." he said, standing up.

"Good fight." I stuck my hand out.

He shook it, "Yeah, we will have to try another time, I was going easy."

"Oh, sure you where." I patted his back, turning to Shadow,

"We do this again tomorrow, same time." He nodded going inside.

Sonic was just staring at me with wide eyes, "How did you do that?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, I just acted on instinct, and one thing lead to another."

He turned to Silver, "And how did you do that? She took both me and Shadow down easy, how not you?"

I wanted to know that to...

"Easy, after watching how Haven works, I learned a few things about her attacks, like when she pinned both yours and Shadow's arms behind your backs, and how she was expecting a hit? I tried to surprise her, but she got me in the end."

I stared wide eyed at him, both Sonic and me, stunned.

"What?" Silver looked confused.

Knuckles and Tails both came walking out, "What did we miss?"

I smiled, "Three awesome fights."

Sonic continued, "Haven and Shadow, Haven won. Haven and me, Haven won. Then Haven and Silver, it was nearly a tie, but Haven JUST won."

Knuckles looked at me, "You beat Shadow?"

"Not really, just pinned his arm behind his back. Same as Sonic."

"What about Silver?" Tails asked.

I laughed, "I... er, slammed him into the ground."

Silver nodded, "It's true."

Knuckles laughed, "Makes sense."

Silver shot him a glare, "I was going easy."

I rolled my eyes, "Sure you are. Look, I'm really good because I have super sensing, another power, I just found out. That's why." It was true, I just figured it out.

"Wow." Tails was staring in disbelief.

I sighed, "We should get back home, I'm really tired and I need to rest for tomorrow, plus, I have a party to plan."

"What party?" Sonic asked.

I facepalmed, "I forgot to tell you, next week, in like..... Five days, I plan on having a party. Espio was suppose to get the news around, I guess it hasn't reached here yet."

"Are we invited?" Sonic asked.

"Yes, you all are." I nodded.

"Okay well, I guess you better go? If you need to rest that is." Knuckles stated.

"Yeah, okay." I agreed.

We walked through the house again, to the front door. We said good bye and started walking home, in silence, it was strange. 

We where nearly home, when Silver broke the silence, "So, did you have fun?"

"What? Beating you three in a fight? A little, I mean, it was cool, but I didn't really enjoy it, I was more protecting myself then fighting."

"Really? I thought you where fighting? What was wrong about it?"

"It was you guys.. I mean like, give me Eggman or Mephiles or Scourge any day, but you three? No."

"Yeah, it was pretty weird, but it was also good, now we know what your capable of. Sort of."

I yawned, "Yeah, wow, I'm really tired."

"Can you stay awake for dinner?"

I nodded, "I think so." But even though we where walking my eyes started closing, and I nearly fell over.

"Look out!" Silver caught me, "I guess not."

He picked me up, carrying me home, but I blacked out.

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