Chapter 13- Fun Night With Friends
We where walking to the Mall. But I remembered what had happened today,
"Silver, it might be closed, there was a huge explosion earlier today. I came home early, remember?" I stopped.
"Oh yeah, then lets go for a walk to Amy's, its not far." He reassured me.
"Okay, you think they will have pasta?" I asked.
"They should, Amy always has everything."
"Cool, well, what are we waiting for? Lets go!" I started running, "Wait, where do they live?"
"Just over there, we aren't far." Silver pointed towards a house.
"That's their house?"
"Yep, come on, now we can run."
I started running, super speed, I loved it. I beat Silver to Amy's house, and knocked on her door. Silver came and stood beside me, panting.
Amy opened the door and surprise filled her features, "Haven! Silver! What are you guys doing here?"
"We....... Just need....... Some pasta." Silver wheezed out.
Amy looked worried so I added, "We ran here, like a race, I beat him."
She happily gave us some pasta and told us to stay out of trouble, we thanked her and walked back.
We got back and Silver finished making spaghetti, it was yummy. He washed up again, and I just sat on the couch, looking through my phone.
"So, what's so interesting on that phone of yours?" Silver walked out to join me.
"Oh, just some games, pictures and...... The internet." I replied.
"Haha, you love the internet?"
"Yeah, I love watching things and reading books."
"Watching things?" Silver looked confused.
"Yeah, it's call Youtube." I stated.
"And reading books?"
"Um, there are a few things, but I mainly go on......... Wattpad."
"Um, yeah....... It's a long story, like to explain."
"Ah, I see."
"So, what are we gonna do now?" I asked, we had both had dinner and I had a shower.
"I guess I will go for a shower, then we can sort out what there is to do." Silver disappeared down the hall.
I just continued on Wattpad, hehehe, I love Wattpad. I had just published another part to the story when Silver came out.
"So what are you doing now?" He asked.
"Publishing something."
"What! How?" He ran over, wonder in his eyes.
"On Wattpad, it's what you do, you write books and publish them chapter by chapter. People all around the world read them." I explained.
"Wow, really? I will have to join some day....." He stared off, thinking.
There was a knock at the door, jolting Silver out of his mind.
"I wonder who that could be?" He walked over to the door.
"I wonder who to." I mumbled.
Silver walked back, with Espio following, oh yeah, Espio and I where suppose to catch up, and I have been a little busy with the mall yesterday.
"Hello Haven." he greeted
"Hey Espio, sorry, I wasn't expecting you." I stood up, surprised.
He chuckled, "It's okay, I can see."
I realized I was still in my pajamas, oops.
"Yeah, well we wern't really expecting anyone, that's all." Silver pipped in. Obviously noticing the redness on my face. Why was I embarrassed? It's just my pajamas, nothing bad. Oh well, even I confuse myself.
"We can stay, if that's okay with you." Espio turned to face Silver.
"It's fine, we had nothing planned anyway." I stated.
"Okay, well, now what are we gonna do?" Espio asked.
"Um, well, let's talk, I want to know more about you. And you can learn more about me." I sat back on the couch, "You can play to Silver, if you want."
"Yeah, I'll play." Silver shrugged.
"Sounds good, let's play." Espio nodded.
They both came and sat on either side of me. We started the game with Espio,
"Well, you both know I'm a ninja. I am the same age as Sonic..."
"Okay, I didn't know that." I admitted, I never really thought about age,
"Anyway and my favorite food is apples."
"Yeah, I didn't know that." Silver pointed out.
"Neither did I." I agreed.
"Okay, your turn." Espio nodded to me.
My eyes widened, "Um, okay..... Um, well I'm only 14 and my favorite colour is hot pink. I loves Archery and um....... My favorite animal, well I have a few."
"Wait, your fourteen?" Silver asked.
"Um, yeah..... Why?"
"No reason, I'm just 14 that's all."
Espio agreed, "And I am 16, like Sonic."
I continued, " Okay, well I don't really have a favorite food, besides chocolate and ice-cream, who doesn't love them?"
"Yeah, I have to agree with you there." Silver laughed.
"Now it's YOUR turn." I smiled innocently at Silver.
He went quiet, "Um, well, I like cookies, and in my spare time, like when I have absolutly nothing to do, I hang out with Shadow, he doesn't really mind either."
"Whats your favorite colour?" I asked.
"Yellow." Silver stated proudly.
"Cool, well, now what do we do?" I asked.
"Hm..... Why not....." Espio thought for a moment, "Truth or Dare, but, simple things, nothing silly or weird, just simple dares and questions."
"Yeah okay." I shrugged, didn't sound bad.
"Why not?" Silver also shrugged.
"Okay, you can go first Haven, truth or dare?" Espio turned to me.
"I choose truth." I stated.
"Okay, tell me, do you like it here? In Mobious?" He asked.
"Yes! I love it!" I exclaimed, I turned to Silver, "Truth or Dare?"
"Hm, let's be devilish and go, dare."
I smiled, "Do the chicken dance."
"But how, I don't have the song." Silver stood up.
I shook my phone, "Yeah, but I do."
Espio laughed, "Oh boy."
I played the song and Silver started dancing, it was funny. When the duo part came up I stood up and danced with him, as a joke. In the end, all three of us where dancing, laughing as we sat down.
An idea came to mind, "That's what we should do!"
"What?" Silver asked, a smile still on his face.
"We should have a disco, just a fun night where everyone comes around and we just dance and have fun!" I started getting really excited, I had never been to a disco before.
"So, like a party?" Espio asked.
"Yeah, just a fun get together party." I added.
"Doesn't sound bad." Silver thought about it, "We can have it here. In a week?"
I agreed, "Yes, we can have it in a week."
"Well, I better go, I can spread it around. To Vector and Charmy of cause and to anyone I see on the way back." Espio stood up and walked towards the door.
"Wait Espio!" I called.
"Yeah?" I turned to face me.
"Truth or Dare?"
"Hm, truth."
"Okay, did you enjoy tonight?" I asked.
He smiled, "Yes, it was a great night. I got to hang out with two of my other friends, besides Vector and Charmy."
"Cool, see ya round Espio." Silver waved.
"Bye guys." Espio walked out the door, closing it behind him.
"Well that was fun." Silver laid back on the couch.
"Yeah, and to think it has only been two days! So much can happen." I sighed.
"Mm hm, First you get here, that's the first day. Now you go to the mall, get kidnapped twice my Scourge, punch him three times, we go for a walk to get pasta for dinner and Espio comes over."
"AND I got my phone back." I added.
"Yes, and you got your phone back." Silver smiled, "Anything else?"
I realized I was still in my old, torn clothes, "I could put on a fashion parade, I still have to show you what I got."
"Okay, I will sit here, you go and get ready." Silver waved his hand, gesturing me to go get ready.
I rolled my eyes and walked into the spare room, the one that didn't have a bed, I got changed into the green cameo crop top and baggy pants. I pulled my hair into a pony tail and walked out. Waiting for Silver to notice.
He finally turned his head, his eyes widening, "Wow Haven, that looks good."
I blushed, "Thanks."
"You got anymore?"
"Yeah, one more outfit, hold on." I walked back to the room, he liked it. I quickly changed into my pink outfit, I personally liked this one better, and I redid my hair. I walked out again, Silver already waiting.
"Wow, I like that one better." He stated, smiling.
"Really? Personally, I do to, it's my favorite colour." I walked off, to change back into my pajamas, when I came out Silver was watching TV.
"So what ya watching?" I asked, walking over to the couch.
"Nothing really, just adds, and more adds, and more adds."
I laughed, "What else is there to watch?"
"I have lots of movies, you wanna watch one?"
"Yeah, why not?" I shrugged, sitting down.
"Okay, what movie?"
"Um........ A scary one?"
"Okay, let's watch Wolf Creek."
I started getting excited, "I haven't seen that one yet."
Silver gave me an evil smile, "It's creepy, you might like it."
So we watched the movie, and yes, it WAS scary! I was shaking the whole way, even when it wasn't scary. At one point during the movie Silver went to get a blanket, because it was getting a little chilly, I was watching the movie when he scared me.
"Rah!" He yelled, grabbing my shoulders.
I nearly jumped off the seat, "Silver! Don't do that, I hate being scared."
"Sorry, I couldn't help myself." He smiled as he sat down, "Got ya a blanket, if your cold."
He handed it to me and I took it, thankfully, "Thanks."
We continued watching the movie, by the end i was shaking and my head was in the blanket. It was more scary than I thought it would be.
"Well, that was an interesting movie." I heard Silver say.
"Yeah, if you like that sort of stuff." I replied.
"Are you okay?" He asked my, placing a hand on my back.
"Yeah, just a little scared....... And tired." I admitted.
"It's okay, the movie isn't real, like the Human Centipede, except that was just weird and gross." He pointed out.
"Yeah, I have to agree with you there." I stuck my finger in my mouth and pretended to be sick, "That was gross, but this was just plain scary!"
"Does the Hug Monster want a hug?"
I laughed, "Yes, and if I have to, I will steal one!"
"Nope, you don't need to steal any for now." He gave me a quick hug
"For now?" I asked, raising my brow.
"Yeah, for now, soon you might have to steal them."
I laid back, "That will be easy."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah really." I gave him an evil look, earning a small laugh.
"Try then, lets see if you can steal a hug."
I tackled him, "See? Easy."
"That was a tackle, not a hug."
I rolled my eyes, "Fine then." I gave him a big hug, as tight as I could.
"Hey..... I can't........ Breathe!" He gasped.
"That's the point." I laughed, letting him go.
"So, you where trying to kill me?"
"No, just making your life difficult."
"Well, your failing." He confirmed.
"Really? Well then, I will think of something." I laid back on the couch.
"Okay, well good night I guess."
"Yeah....... Good night." I closed my eyes, falling into a deep sleep.
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