Chapter 12- I Learn to Cook Chillidogs and Call Home
Oh and guys, just to make this clear..... If it seems that a few character's have a crush on Haven.... that's not true, it's just how it turned out, just in case your wondering, yes it does seem like it but its not, okay? Sorry, I just felt like you guys would be thinking that after the Mall incident with Manic and the earrings, no, just friends. Thanks bye for now!
"So, what aer we gonna have?" I asked Silver.
"Well, your helping me and you wanted to learn how to cook chillidogs, so why not tonight?" He looked at me.
"Yeah, okay." I agreed.
There was a knock at the door, Silver put his hand up to stop me from answering, "I will answer this one."
"Okay, okay, fine." I rolled my eyes as he walked to the door.
He opened it and walked out, not coming in for a few minutes, I started getting worried. That was, until Silver walked back inside with Sonic behind him.
"Hey Sonic." I greeted, a little surprised.
"Hey Haven, you okay? I heard about Scourge and the mall." He stated.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I told him.
"Okay, hey, so your going to learn how to cook chillidogs? Silver is a great teacher." He complimented.
"Thanks Sonic." Silver thanked the blue hedgehog.
"Yeah, and let me guess, you wanna try some?" I guessed.
"Yep." Sonic nodded his head.
"Well you will have to wait, we haven't even started yet." Silver said, matter-of-factly.
"Oh, well can I watch TV?" Sonic turned to Silver.
He sighed, "I guess, just don't break anything."
"Don't worry Silv, I won't" Sonic ran into the lounge room.
"And don't call me that!" Silver called out.
"Come on, the Kirbster needs hurry up." I laughed.
"Haha your so funny." Silver said, sarcastically.
"Well, you don't like being called Silv so I thought why not?" I turned to look at him.
"Good point."
"Exactly." I winked at him.
He took me through the basics, then explained how to add the chilli, it was actually quiet easy. We where done and had made ten in under ten minutes.
"Are they done yet? Mmm, they smell good." Sonic called out.
Silver rolled his eyes and I laughed, "Yes."
Sonic ran into the kitchen, "Good, because I'm hungry." He reached for one, but I pulled them away.
"Ah ah ah, say please." I shook me finger at him.
Silver chuckled and Sonic pouted, "Fine, may I PLEASE have one?"
"With a cherry on top?" I asked.
"Yes! With a cherry on top! PLEASE!" He reached for one and I let him grab one.
"Hey, you guys know it's nearly Easter right?" Silver asked.
"What! Already?" I exclaimed turning to him.
"Yeah, in a week." Sonic looked shocked, "Don't worry you haven't been here that long."
"Like, two days." Silver confirmed.
"Yeah, but guys, this is another planet, wouldn't time go faster or something?" I asked.
"Oh..... Oops." Sonic scratched the back of his head, "Wait, I will be right back." He ran out the door.
I walked into the lounge room and sat down, my head in my hands, "What if it's been two months? Or two years! Mum must be worried sick."
"Hey, it's okay, I'm sure it hasn't been THAT long." Silver walked over and sat next to me.
"But what if it has?" I faced him.
"Well..." He was quiet for a few seconds, "If it has, Ally would have thought of something, right?"
"Ha, yeah, like mum would believe that for two years." I scoffed, sitting back in the couch.
There was a knock at the door, "Sonic must be back." Silver stood up, walking to the door.
He opened the door and Sonic walked in, followed by Tails, he was smiling.
"Tails, what are you doing here?" I stood up.
"Well, Sonic told me you where worried about the time difference here and on Earth. Do you want to know?" He was holding something in his hands, but I'm not sure what.
"Yes! Can you tell me?" I was walking over to him now, excitement in my eyes.
"No, but Ally can." He handed me the thing in his hands, my phone!
"Wait, you really fixed it? Screen and all?" Yes, I was excited, I had my phone back!
"Yep, and you can call and text people on Earth to, try it." Tails stood back, a smile on his face, he seemed proud of himself, I can't blame him.
I turned my phone on and texted the first person that came to mine, Ally
Hey girl... How r things??
After a few minutes, I got a reply,
OMG Haven is that you? Wow, how has it been, whats going on! tell me tell me tell me!
I laughed, she seemed excited,
thing r good, tell me, how long have I been away 4?
There was a moment silence, then another message,
2 weeks... Y?
Two weeks? That was still long... so a Mobian day, is an Earth week? Great.
Wow, it's been 2 days here O.o
"So how long has it been?" Silver asked, concern in his face.
"Two weeks." I shook my head, I decided to call her, she picked up straight away,
"Hey Haven, what's going on? Yeah, it's been two weeks, but how has it been? Where are you staying?"
I laughed and put her on speaker,
"Things are great, and I'm staying at Silver's house. Has mum returned yet?"
"Not yet, but when she does, I'm trying to think of something, how can you do this? Call me and text me?"
I handed the phone to Tails, still on speaker,
"I'll let Tails explain."
"OMG OMG OMG, Hi Tails!" She started going spastic, making everyone laugh, "Wait, am I on speaker?"
"Um, yeah Ally.... You are." Sonic piped up, she was silent for a bit,
"Dang you Haven." I laughed as she said that, "Wait, is Silver there? I mean, if it's his house, he is there right?"
"Yeah, I'm here." Silver FINALLY spoke.
"Cool, Hey Silver, and Sonic." She called through the phone.
"Anyway." Tails took her off speaker and started talking.
I turned to Sonic, "We have some more chillidogs if you want anymore."
Sonic lightened up, "Awesome." He ran into the kitchen.
I rolled my eyes, "Boy..."
"Yeah, so..... Ally seems excited, two weeks, wow." Silver clasped his hands together, "It's not two months, and its not two years."
I playfully pushed him, "But it could have been."
"Mm hm, it could have been." Sonic walked back to us, chillidog all over his face.
"Hey guys, Ally wants to know if she can get a photo af us all." Tails walked over, swinging the phone around.
"I'm cool with it." Sonic stated.
"Really? With all that food all over your face?" I turned to him, smiling.
"I love photos!" Silver exclaimed.
"Great, now who will take the photo?" Sonic asked, leaving the food on his face, making me roll my eyes, again.
"It can take a photo itself, it's got a timer on it." Tails exclaimed, putting the phone down.
"Everybody bunch up!" I yelled, pulling Sonic and Silver right next to me, "Tails come on!"
"Okay okay!" Tails set the phone on it's timer, than ran in front of me, "Everyone say Mobious!"
"Mobious!" We all yelled as the flash went off, blinding us all for a second.
I looked at the photo, it was perfect! Except Sonic was sticking his tongue out and Silver had the bunny ears behind my head, oh well.
"I'm gonna send it!" I yelled, sending Ally the photo.
"Now I want one of each of you." I turned to face all three boys.
Sonic shrugged, "Sure."
"Oh, I'm not that good in photos." Tails took a step back.
"It's okay, you just need to smile and look at my phone." I pointed out.
"I wanna go first!" Silver yelled, acting like a little kid.
I laughed, "Okay Silver, you first."
He struck a pose, placing one hand on his hip and the other on his head. Everyone was laughing.
"Wow, Silver's a model!" Sonic yelled out, making Silver blush.
"Shut up, you go next."
Sonic shrugged again and put a thumbs up at the phone, just as it flashed, he stuck his tongue out again.
"Sonic!" I yelled, "Whatever, I'm sending these to Ally anyway."
Sonic's eyes widened, but he said nothing, just walked over to Silver and Tails.
"Come on Tails, your turn." Sonic pushed the little fox forward.
"Okay, but I'm not good at posing, I will try though." He walked in front of the phone and held his hand up like a wave, smiling with his eyes closed.
"Oh my gosh! Ally will love that one! It's so cute!" I exclaimed, jumping up and down.
Tails blushed, "Um, thanks."
"Okay, I sent them to her." I told everyone.
"Cool, well we better be going, thanks for the chillidogs!" Sonic ran out, leaving Tails behind.
"Yeah, have fun with your phone!" Tails sighed, walking out.
"I will, now, go catch Sonic, and beat him home." I called to Tails.
"Okay!" He yelled back, then started running.
I shook my head smiling, then closed the door.
"Well, that was interesting." Silver sat on the couch.
"Yeah, great posing by the way." I teased, "You could possible be a model."
"yeah, well that was the first thing that came to mind." He laughed.
"Yeah." I sat next to him, "So what are we gonna watch?"
"No idea, i'm just flicking through the channels." Silver stared at the screen, flicking through the channels.
"Okay, well," I smiled, "Whats for dinner?"
"You like spaghetti?" He asked, not looking at me.
"Yeah, I love spaghetti."
"You love a lot of things." He pointed out.
Again, that weird, warm feeling returned, I had no idea why, but it just appeared. I sat down next to him. Watching the channels zoom by, How can he know what's on? He's going so fast through the channels.
He finally stopped, "I will start dinner." He got up and walked into the kitchen.
I stared blankly at the screen, not even watching whatever was on. I was just lost, in thought..... Until I heard a crash coming from the kitchen.
"You okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine, but this glass isn't." I walk to the door way, where Silver stopped me, "There might be glass everywhere."
"Why where you holding a glass?" I was a little confused.
"I was looking for the pasta, you can't have spaghetti without pasta."
I nodded, "That is so true. So you don't have pasta?"
"I guess not, time for a walk now. But first, let me clean this up." He picked up the big parts of broken glass, then swept the floor.
Me on the other hand, was getting ready for a walk, just what I wanted.
"You ready to go?" Silver asked, walking to the door.
"Yep," I walked over, and ran out the door, before Silver could even walk out.
"Someones excited." He said, locking the door.
"Sorry, it's been so long since I went for an evening walk, I use to do it every night, or MOST nights." I pouted at the memory, left on Earth.
"Well, here you go, an evening walk." He gestured around the place.
"Yay!" I cheered, walking next to Silver, "To the Mall?"
"To the Mall."
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