(Picture above does not belong to me)

Hey guys! Finn here and alive!!! Sorry if this took me too long to poste. But it's done!!!! Anyway there is lemon in this part, so if you don't like lemon I'll put a sign where is begins and where it ends. Oh and this is a LONG chapter so yeah. Anyway because I don't want to keep you... LET'S BEGIN!!


Zane's POV:

My head pounded. I woke up with my wrists chained to the wall, and only with my boxers on. I turned to my right to see a struggling and chained Aaron.

"A-aron?" I managed to say in a raspy voice, he quickly turned to face me with soft, worried and sad eyes.

"Zane? Are you okay? How are you feeling?"

"Right now I feel like in hell! My voice and body hurt" I said my voice more clear than before.

"I think that's normal because it's exacly how I felt, when I woke up." I nodded.

"Do you know how long was I out? and are we the only ones here?" I asked still in pain to move.

"No, I woke up not longer than you and yes we are the only ones here, wherever here is.." I nodded in understanding, then I had a first glance to the room. Well not much of a room more of a, great security jail cell. With a great metal door in front of us.

'I don't think that we are going to make it out of this one...' those were my last thoughts while drifting off to a dreamless sleep.

<<<<<<TIME SKIP TO 5 MIN>>>>>>>>

I woke up again to the sound of a loud clanging metal sound. Me and Aaron winced at the pain of the loudness it caused, and made our ears go flat. The brightness of outside caused a blurriness of the person standing at the door, but his voice was unmistakable, it was Ein.

3rd person POV:

"HAHAHAHAHA! Well, don't tell me that I have awoken you two from your nap, I just wanted to bring you some friends~" Ein said stepping into the room keeping a sly smirk on his face. The only thing Aaron and Zane did was growl. Ein ploppled down two more people each one next to Zane. Zane and Aaron instantly recognized the two other that were brought into the cell. It was Blaze and Garroth.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM? WHERE ARE WE? I SWEAR WHEN I GET FREE I'LL-" Aaron started, but was cut off by Ein.

"You'll what? Sure if you get to escape it will make a problem. But where will you go? Because right now we are not technically on Starlight.~" Ein knelt next to Aaron and cooed in his ear. "So tell me Aaron~ If you get out what will you do? Where will you go~" Aaron stared at the ground not knowing what to say. Seeing Aaron in this state made Ein chuckle. "That's right, you don't know what you'll do because your afraid, you'll never leave this cell because if you do you'll never know where to go. So stop trying, and let your fear take over. Because you know if you leave your worst fears, and their worst fears, WILL come true~" Aaron felt himself tearing up, he tried to look away, not letting his friends and worst enemy see how weak he was.

"Don't listen to him Aaron!!!" Garroth said as loud as he could. (Garroth and Blaze woke up while Ein was being a bastard to Aaron).

"YEAH ALPHA! DON'T LET THIS SON OF A BITCH HURT YOU!!" Blaze shouted so he could be heard.

"QUIET!!" Ein yelled at them and slapped Garroth and Blaze across their face.

"LEAVE THEM ALONE!!" Zane shouted and struggled against the chains trying to hit Ein in the process. Ein leans over to Zane, and grabs his chin hard enough to leave a mark, Ein leaned in to Zane's face.

'This is too close for comfort' Zane thought, as Ein let his hot breath on Zane's face. ' This has been going long enough' Zane thought again as he tried to pull away from Ein. But Ein's grip was much more stronger than him. At this reaction Ein only chuckled and leaned in more, only to were his lips were brushing on the raven haired man's ear (Zane is still a meif'wa by the way).

"You know~ It's cute seeing you trying to fight back~ you know your the weakest in this room, yet you deside to fight back. You really are an amazing little puppet~" Ein looks up and sees that everyone is staring at them, then Ein countinued to whisper in Zane's ear. "I think I am just that lucky, seeing that I'm not straight~" Ein cooed in Zane's ear, then Ein let go of Zane's face and starting to head towards the door.

'W-why w-w-was h-he? wa-asn't s-straight?' Zane thought as he lowered his face, looking at the ground, eye(s) wide as in fear.

"You know what?~" Ein said when he met the door and slowly turned around, making everybodies eyes (also Zane) to go on him. "I want a little prize for my entertainment tonight~" Ein said, and with no other word he dashed towards Zane, unchained him quickly and threw him over his shoulder, like a bag full of potatoes. (Oh no! Aphmau's family!!!).

As soon as Zane was lifted up the floor he started to struggle and shout. "W-WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?! PUT ME DOWN!!" Zane yelled at Ein while punching his back.

"Oh I'll put you down alright~ I'll put you down on my bed~" Ein replied keeping a smug smirk on his face.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE YOU RAPIST!!!" Garroth yelled from the top of his lungs.


"LET HIM GO EIN!! HE DOESN'T DESERVE IT!!" They all pleaded for Ein to let Zane go.

But only made his pants get tight. (I'm cringing so much right now)

"Sorry gentlemen, but I must leave I've got..." Ein dropped Zane on his feet, but took a tight grip on his arms so he couldn't run away. ".... important buisness to atend to~" Ein said smirking, putting his chin on Zane's shoulder and slightly grinding on Zane. Zane's face flushed, and it was visible because of his mask gone. Zane's throat started to ache as he hold in the moans, dropps of sweat were starting to drop his face, but he didn't want to give Ein to see him like just a toy, he wanted to seem strong. Zane shut his eyes tight as Ein grinded on him harder. "Come on little puppet~" Ein cooed on his right ear. " We all know you can't hide those beautiful sounds from me~" Ein's hot breath spreaded in Zane's neck.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!! HE IS OBVIOUSLY NOT PLEASURED BY YOU PITTY TOUCHES!!" Garroth yelled gaining the attention of Ein and of a panting and flushed Zane.

"Hmmmm..." Ein said as if he were in a deep thought. "Your right...." Ein stated looking at Garroth, who as everyone else but Ein was shocked by his words. ".... but as soon as we start the real fun, he won't see anything but pleasure~" Ein said snuggling closer to Zane's neck, then Ein threw Zane over his shoulder again and walked towards the door, grabing it's handle and turning it opening the door.

Ein ignored all the pleading from Aaron, Blaze and Garroth that had tears falling down his eyes. Ein closed the door shut and walked down the hallway. Silence was all that was heard, except from the sobbing of Zane. Ein then opened a door that was sure to be his room, because of all of the security gaurding the door. Ein opened the door and slowly stepped in, to begin the bigger fun~.

First I'm describing the room so ye.

The room had dark blue coloured walls, a king sized bed straight a head of the door with enough pillows to fit a hole pack of wearwolfs, oak nightstand with yellow handles, another door that leads to the bathroom, a closet and a black carpet.


Oh my god guys u have NO idea what I had to do, to come up with this part :( LET'S BEGIN WITH THIS WEIRD SHIT

LET THE AWKWARDNESS BEGIN!!!! (its still 3rd person pov by the way)

As Ein entered the room, he threw Zane across the room, making him land on his back. Zane quickly sat up only to see Ein just closing and locking the door. Ein turned to the raven haired boy who was slowly backing up to the head of the bed, Ein chuckled at his action and slowly got on the bed, slowly getting near the raven haired boy, like a wild animal going for him like it's his pray. Zane hit the head of the bed (<--I don't know if that made sense) Ein the launched himself at him, like an animal, and pinned Zane's wrists above his head, making Zane yelp as his back hit the mattress roughly.

"Heh, you really are lucky~" Ein said while stroking Zane's left cheek (HIS FACE PEOPLE). Zane was breathing heavily trying to slow the beating of his heart.

'I-I don't k-know w-w-what t-t-t-to do-o, I'-m a-fr-aid of-f w-w-hat h-he c-c-could d-do. W-WHAT I-IS H-H-HE GO-I-I-I-ING T-T-TO D-DO?!' Zane thought while Ein held both of his arms with only one arm, and stroking Zane's cheek with the other.

"Not a lot of people get out of here unharmed~..." Ein cooed on Zane's ear and cut himself off. "....What am I saying? NON of them were unharmed! HAHAHA!" Zane was shaking at thins point, he new what Ein could do and he knew that, whenever he wanted something he wouldn't stop until he got it, and this thought TERREFIED Zane.

"Awww, don't be scared little puppet~....." Ein said using his index finger and thumb to grab Zane's chin, and making the poor raven boy face him. ".... I'll make it as pleasurable as possible~" Ein said with a smirk.

Ein then kissed Zane on the lips, Zane's eyes were wide with shock. Ein passed his tounge on Zane's bottom lip asking for entrance. Zane still in shock didn't react and kept his mouth shut. Ein noticed this, he pulled away from the kiss and slapped Zane across the face. (I feel so bad for writing how this doosh is hurting ma child!!)

"I TOLD YOU!! DO NOT DENY ME WHAT I WANT OR THERE WILL BE SEVER CONSEQUENCES!!!" Ein yelled at Zane grabbing his face and forcing him to look at him.

"DID I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!" Ein yelles again bringing his and Zane's face closer to each other.

"C-cristal" Zane said, his voice shaky from the pain and fear he was feeling.

"Good" Ein said letting go of Zane's face. "Now where were we?~" Ein asked moving his hand to the back of Zane's neck. Bringing his head upwards, Ein kissed him again, Ein passed his tounge against Zane's bottom lip, this time Zane hesitantly opened his mouth. Ein's tounge entered the Ro'Meave's mouth and not leaving a spot untouched.

They pulled away, Ein smirked as he saw Zane blush like a mad man. Ein chuckled at Zane's state, and went lower to attack his neck. As Ein began to kiss, suck and bite, Zane was trying to hold in the tear of pain, when Ein's fangs clunched in his pale white skin. (CHALLENGE: WHO CAN TELL ME IN WHAT MINIGAME EPISODE GARROTH SAID THIS?!?!?!)

After a bit Zane let out a soft moan, Ein noticed this and smirked against his skin, attacking that spot, Zane let out a louder moan. Ein bit that spot so hard that it was drawing blood. When Ein pulled away from the raven boys neck, he saw that Zane had tears stained in his cheeks. Ein felt pain in his chest seeing Zane in his current state, he lowered himself so that his nose was touching Zane's, and began to lick Zane's teary cheeks. When Ein pulled away he saw Zane blush as red as a tomato, and chuckled.

Ein then began to put butterfly kisses in Zane's chest. Zane was trying his best to not let any noises come out of his mouth. Ein noticed this and thought of a way to make Zane moan, Ein's left hand went down Zane's back and roughly gripped Zane's ass. Zane let a loud moan escape his lips, when Zane noticed the sound he made he looked away from Ein blushing another darker shade of red if it was even possible.

"Don't look away from your master puppet~...." Ein said trying to get Zane to face him again, but Zane refused and kept staring at the pillow beneath him. "....Oh~ so you want master to punish you?~..." Ein askes Zane and licked his cheek (face), Zane only blushed but didn't move a muscle. "....you want to make this the hard way?" Ein asked grabbing Zane's hair and making him face him, Zane hissed in pain and tried to move away, but it only increased the pain. "We will make this the hard way!!!" (<-- I thought about my little pony while writing this).

Ein pushed Zane on the bed harshly so he couldn't escape, Ein pulled out hand cuffs from the oak cubbort and cuffed Zane's wrists to the bed posts. Ein then started to tease th hem of Zane's boxers, Zane didn't want to admit it but he wanted Ein to hurry up.

Ein then ripped Zane's boxers from him making Zane gasp and squirm not wanting to go any further than this.

"I TOLD YOU TO NOT DISOBEY ME!!" Ein growled making Zane shake with fear. "NOW I WILL ONLY FOCUSE ON PLEAUSURING MYSELF! So say goodbye to your virginity, dignity and freedom, because once I mark you. YOU'LL BE MINE FOREVER! AND NOT EVEN THE MOST POWERFUL WIZARD WILL SAVE YOU! HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Ein said taking all his hate, frustration and happiness on Zane.

As Zane heard Ein laughing like a maniac he shut his eyes close as he was scared of what Ein would do next. He then felt a wave of pleasure go over him.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH~" Zane screamed in pleasure as Ein deepthroated him. "P-p-pl-e-e-a-se s-s-s-St-o-o-p!!" Zane begged arching his back against the bed.

"Oh come on puppet, it's clear that you enjoy my magic~" Ein said parting away slightly so that he could speak to Zane. "So shut your mouth! And let me continue~" Ein said as he continued to deepthroat him. Zane moaned loudly in pleasure, hating himself for doing so.

'Zane Ro'Meave! HA! You can't even live up to the name! Letting your friends greatest enemy 'pleasure' you? Pathetic' Zane thought through moans, trying his best to stay quiet.

Zane felt a knot on his stomach, he was cumming. But just at the last second Ein stopped sucking, making Zane feel pain as his knot preserved.

"Ngh!" Was the only thing Zane was able to say.

"Told you that if you disobeyed master, I would have to hurt you~" Ein cooed in his left ear, slightly licking it, making Zane shudder against his wet tongue. "Now to let the pain resume~" Ein said as taking his own clothes off.

When Ein took off his shirt, Zane couldn't help but stare into Eins well built and tanned chest.

'Damn....' was the only thing Zane was able to think.

"See something you like?~" Ein said, when Zane heard Ein speak he flushed and looked away. But Ein was not letting it be so easy, so he grabbed Zane's face ans said in a sexy, slow and deep tone. " Nuh uh uh puppet~ you have to watch as master works or I'll make it as hard and painful until you bleed~ Got it?" Zane fearfully nodded his head yes, making Ein force his grip on his face making it hurt. "I didn't hear you say yes~"

"Y-yes" Zane said on a soft and quite tone.

"Yes what?~" Ein asked, cocking and eyebrow up.

"Y-yes m-m-master" Zane answered. Ein then eased the grip on his face and stroked his cheek.

"Good puppet~" Ein said, and pushed his  whole length into Zane.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Zane screamed as I pushed my length inside him, I looked down to see blood oozing out of his entrance. "P-p-p-p-please! P-p-pull i-it OUT!!!" Zane beged, Zane's beging was music for my ears.

"What if I don't want to?~" I cooed in his ear. I turned to face Zane, his eyes filled with tears trying to take deep breaths to calm down but only coming out shakily. 'Pathetic' I thought.

"I-I-I w-w-will ob-bey, p-p-please!" Zane sobbed, it made my heart ache, but me being the cold being that I am will reject the feeling.

"Hmmmmmmm~" I hummed pretending to be deep in thought tapping a finger on my chin. "Maybe later but first, your punishment~" As I said this words I started to move not letting adjust anymore. 

"PLEASE STOP!!! IT HURTS!!!" Zane screamed from the top of his lungs, before I enjoyed it, but now I think he'll leave me deaf.

I went to the dark oak cubbort and pulled out a log rubber cloth (<----- Dont know if that made sence) and tied it at Zane's mouth. It muffeled his cries and it was quiet enough to make me keep going.

Zane's POV: 

The pain, the pain I was feeling was unbearable, I feel like I can't even think. Ein keeps thrusting into me, I moan in pain and a slight hint of pleasure, but of course it's muffled because of the gag. Tears stream down my cheeks as I feel blood run down my thighs. Right now I wish I was dead.

3rd POV: (Sorry for changing it so much)

Ein starts to pump Zane's member as he felt a knot build in his stomach. 'He is so fucking good, mmmm, so tight~' Ein thought as he did one more thrust and they both came.

"So did you learnd your lesson puppet~" Ein asked a sly smirk plastered in his face as he took off the gag from Zane's mouth.

"Y-y-y-y-y-yes m-mas-s-s-ster" Zane said in a raspy voice that was barely audible.

"Good~you may rest~" Ein said unchaining Zane, and pulling him towards his chest. 'Even if I sleep in, he will be in too much pain to even move a muscle~' Ein thought and chuckled to himself.

Zane's vision became blurry, but before he passed out he heard Ein say. "I loved being inside you puppet~" He blushed one last time, and then let darkness consume him.


Soooooooooooo. Uh that was my first time writing a lemon, so if its bad I'm sorry, anyway thank you guys so much for waiting for me! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

Bye bye my little Firefighters~

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