Meeting who?
(Picture and video above does not belong to me! ZU~ZU LOOKS SO CUTE!!!!)
AHHHHHHH! ZU~ZU IS SO KAWAII!!!! *ahem* Guys sorry if I can't update, but I just entered school, making it super hard!!! Anyway have a great day guys, bye~!!!
Oh and before I forget!
Zane's POV:
I woke up by the feeling of two strong arms wrap around my waist, I groaned with my eye(s?) still closed not wanting to get up at........ whatever time it is.
"Come on little puppet~" I heard a voice I wished I could forget, cooed in my ear. My eyes snapped open and filled with fear. All the memories of last night flowed my brain, I fearfully looked over my shoulder to see his horrid face with a sly smirk.
"Morning puppet~" He said looking with his eyelids half open and his smirk only growing bigger.
"H-hello m-master" I managed to say between stuttering and half fear.
"Good boy~" He said lifting my chin and kissing my forehead. I blushed wildly and he just chuckled. "It's good to know that you understand what happens if you disobey master~" He said planting a passionate kiss on my lips.
"Y-yes m-master...." I said quietly almost inaudible.
"Now let's go for breakfast shall we~" He said hopping out of bed, exposing his whole naked body to me. I blushed and looked away slightly nodding. "Alright I'll give you your clothes"
"C-clothes?" I asked meeting his gaze again. While I've been looking away from him he put on a robe. I was a bit sad at this, but why?
"Well you have to wear clothes puppet...." He said chuckilng. "Of course I wouldn't mind, if you didn't wear any~" He said his smirk returning to his face. I frantickly shook my head a no and started to blush more, if that was even possible. "Good, besides I'm not the only one that is bi or gay in this place...." I stared wide eyed at him. ".....I would hate any of my 'friends' to look at you in places only I am aloud too" He said making his voice darker as he spoke.
"I un-nderstand m-master" I said loud enough for him to hear.
He turned to face me and with a sly smirk he said. "Good~Let me go and get them now~." He said as he left the room.
'I guess that I will have to wait.....' I think to myself until Ein returns.
-------------------Time skip to where the asshole returns------------------- (Oh and if you wondered why Zane keeps saying 'him' to Ein *cringes for saying Ein**cringes again* well Zane doesn't want to say his name so yeah, don't judge)
He came back to the room, being fully clothed and had a maid outfit on his hand. Wait. What????
"Here you go puppet~....." He said plopping the black drees along with some high black thighs, black flats, black panties, a white crown (the thingy on his head) and the white apron. I looked up at him confused, he just chuckled. ".....Well you see puppet~ As I discovered I was bi just some days ago I desided that whatever gender I would go for would have to wear a dress....." He said getting closer and closer, until his lips were brushing against my ear. "..... So this is only one of your daily routine dresses, so go and get changed puppet~" He said against my ear making shivers go down my spine.
I nodded and started to get up, but just as I got up from bed I felt pain as I tried to walk and fell down face first, slowly getting on my hands and knees. 'Son of a.... DID HE FUCK ME THAT HARD?!?!?!' I yelled asked myself, I heard a chuckle behind me, and felt a hand squeez my butt. Hard. I moaned, and as soon as I realized I tried to cover my mouth with my hand.
Key word: Tried
He grabbed my wrist before my hand got to my mouth, and pinned it besides my head along with my other hand, he put his leg between both of mine pushing against my crotch, making me moan.
"I'm not actually sure if I am hungry for food, or you~" he breathed against my neck making shivers go down my spine and make my blush go to my ears. He was about to bite down when there was a knock at the door.
Ein grunted in frustration and I sighed in relif. "Puppet go and change, we will pick up where we left off later~" I nodded and carefylly limbed towards the bathroom door. After I closed the door I heard voices, but I didn't even bother to listen in on their converstsion, I just started a bath.
As the water filled the tub with it's warmth, I got in. I began to bathe myself cleaning my soft raven hair along with my body. As I cleaned near my rear I felt pain rush through my body.
'Don't worry after the bath the pain will ease...' I said to myself in my head. I continued to wash myself, feeling slight bits of pain in certain areas, but soon all the pain faded away.
I felt so relaxed for a second, then remembered that I had to go to breakfast. With him. I grunted in frustration. But none the less still got out of the tub.
The water began to go down the sink and I dried myself. Slowly I changed into the maid outfit. And I will admit I didn't look bad. As I opened the bathroom door, I saw him laying on his already made bed staring at the ceiling. He must've heard me close the door, because after carefuly closing it, he turned his head my direction faster than light.
"My, my puppet~" He said getting off bed and walking my direction wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. "You look so sexy in that maid outfit~" As he said this he pulled me closer making me put my hands on his chest. I then felt a hand wrap around my left thigh, making me yelp. He only chuckled at this, making me glare him daggers.
"Awwww~ is wittle puppet uppset because I had too much fun last night?~" He said making a baby voice, wich normaly would make me think it was cute, but coming from him, never.
"Let's just go have breakfast master...." I said in a rather low voice, showing my frustration.
"Fair enough puppet, I'm starving!" He exclaimed reaching out for the door, but stopped only a few inches away. "Ooops! silly me I forgot something!" He said going back to the cubbort, pulling out a collar and a leash. "Now puppet~ be a good boy and hold still~." I hesitated before standing completly still. He clipped the collar to my neck attaching the leash to it. "There, ready to go puppet?~" He asked.
"Y-yes master...." I said.
3rd person POV:
Both Ein and Zane exited the room, making some of the guards turn their way. Some guards liked their lips hungryly as they saw Zane in the maid outfit. Even though Ein had already claimed Zane, it didn't mean that he wasn't fairly attractive, he had a hour-glass figure making him swing wis hips as he walked (Making ma way down town~ sorry XD)
As they walked down the hallway, Ein occasionally tugged on the leash making Zane trip foward, yelp and send death glares to Ein. Wich he always played off with a playful and sly smirk. Eventually the pair got to the dining room. It was a long wooden table, that had places for more that 20 people! (Pretty big) Only three of those seats were occupied, there were only wearwolfs at the table, each of them had their maid. Jax had Aphmau (Nuuuuu! Not the shipping partner) with a beautiful purple dress that went to her knees.
Rider had Dottie, who was in a bearly longer dress that Aphmau, it was sky blue, had a v-neck that almost revealed her chest.
There was a wearwolf that had blonde hair, red eye's, sharp teeth and a split chin holiding a leash on his left hand. The leash was connected to a green collar and the colar was attached to Daniel ((T0T) I'M SORRY FOR THIS MY CHILD), he had a maid outfit on with a green laced silk around his waist, long white socks and green flats. His ears were down and he had teared stained cheeks.
'Oh my Irene....' Zane thought as he stared wide eyed at Daniel. '.....What have they done to you?'
Ein pulls him arm out behinde Zane and pulls Zane by his waist, making poor Zane yelp and he put his hands on Ein's chest.
Everyone on the dinning table turn their heads to them, Zane blushed in embarrassment and Ein just played a playful smirk.
"Good morning gentlemen~ Are you having a pleasant time with your new maids?~" Ein asked keeping a smug look in his face.
"Am I EVER!!!" Said the red boold eye wearwolf, tugging on the leash, making Daniel lean down harshly.
"It's fun to have toys~" Said Jax having the same playfull smirk as Ein.
"It's nice to have someone to toy around with" Said Rider as pulling Dottie to him by her waist.
"Marvellous~" Ein said taking a seat next to everyone, at the head of the table. "Now let's introduce~....." As Ein said this he signalized Jax to star us off.
Zane's POV:
A wearwlof of who's name I didn't know (Zu~zu knows no one of the wearwolfs but Daniel and Dottie) he sat up and yanked Aphmau by his side.
"My name is Jax, I am the second in command in these headquarters. My little slave's name is Aphmau-" Ein scoffed as he heard her name. "-but will be changed to 'Kitty'~" (Poor Aph highschool memories) Out of the corner of my eye I could see Aphmau gritted her teeth at the nickname.
'Right..... highschool....' I thought.
I was pulled off of my thoughts by another voice. "My name is Rider, I am the third in command-" The reddish haired wearwolf stood up pulling Dottie along with him."-and this maaaaaaayy be known as Dottie, but her new name is 'Flowy'-" Rider was cut off by Ein.
"Flowy? As in Undertale Flowy?" Ein asked.
The weawolf known as Rider nodded. "Yup! She can look cute and innocent at first, but then she becomes a full on rage monster!" Rider exclaimed grabbing Dottie by her shoulders.
"Nice~" Ein cooed, pulling me closer to him and holding my hips.
'Get away from me you mutt!' I wanted to say those words out loud to him, but new that me or our friends would get hurt if I did.
(I needed names so I made some up, sorry if your name appears here!!!)
"My name is Rollan-" said the blood red eyed wearwolf as he stood up, pulling the leash with him, making porr Daniel to stand on his tippy toes up to his master so he wouldn't choke. "-and this is my maid, he's known as Daniel-" he paused as if he were deep in thought, before continuing "-but will be adressed as 'Cubby'~" Rollan finished and licked Daniel's cheek. Making the weaker wearwolf blush a crisom red.
"Excellent~" Ein said as he stood up pulling me by the waist to him, making my ears go flat and blush embarrassment. "This is my maid, he's name is Zane, he and I have history together since we were at the lodge~ But seeing as he was the first one I had to enchant, so I could get to Aphmau-" Before Ein continued I noticed the bitterness in his tone when he said Aphmau. "-he's name with you all will be 'puppet'~. Ein then made me go on my tippy toes and gave me a peck on the cheek, making my face blush at least 50 more shades.
"Awwww! He's adorable~" said the male I pressume was Rollan squeaked pulling poor Daniel with him.
"Already-" Ein said as he let go of me letting me touch the floor completely. "-so as you all are new to being our maids, you all will have to perform a show for us so you can eat~" He said with that disgraceful smirk on his face.
YAY IM BACK! Anywho sorry for not being so available these past days, but school is really putting me in a hard time. I HOPE U GUYS ENJOY!
Bye bye my little Firefighters~
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