HEYO! SORRY IT TOOK THIS LONG! Oh! and if there's problems with the video I'm sorry I'll put a link at the end of the chapter so the one's that can't hear it will have an idea of what it is about.

Anyway there will be important news at the bottom so be prepared! Bai!

Song: Confrontation (I can't find the original song so I will do the one I do know :P)

Oh! There is some gore scenes I'll put a sign like this '^' to show where it begins and ends.



Zane's POV:

As we all headed back to the dining room, us 'maidens' sat in four seats on a row so we didn't have to suffer being 'held' by our masters.

So apparently they didn't like that.

Ein lifted me off my chair as I gave out a small yelp as he did so. As I was in the air he sat down where I was sitting and pulled me down to his lap.

Let's just say. That my face was just as red as a tomato.

All the other masters did the same with their maidens. Some like Aph and Dottie tried to make a run for it until they were basically forced to give up. Others like me and Daniel were just blushing bright red and tried to avoid eye contact with everyone.

"Haaaaa. Now isn't that better?~" Ein asked his lips just brushing against my ear. I gave a small whimper and a shy little nod, while he smirked his ass off.

"Now sir? I must ask. Where did you get to meet our little maidens?" Rollan asked looking at Ein and resting his chin in Daniel's shoulder.

'I wish I could do something for Daniel....' I thought looking at the green haired wearwolf who has just staring at his empty plate waiting for food to be served, he was not really showing any emotion, just one that anyone with a brain could see. Nostalgia. I couldn't say I didn't remember that very familiar feeling. '........ he just looks so miserable' I looked at him with sympathy. If we weren't out here in public I would cry from just seeing the look on his face.

"Puppet?" That one word pulled me away from my thoughts as I reluctantly turned my head to face him.

"Y-yes master?" I asked in a hushed tone looking any part of him except his light gray eyes.

"Are you alright? You seemed to have been in deep thought....." Ein explained trying to get look into my eye, just for me to declain his gaze again.

"Yes I'm fine master. But thanks for your worry" I felt like an idiot by just saying this while I returned to fix my gaze on the empty plate in front of me.

He sighed and let a small 'ok' before going back to his conversation with Rollan.

'Why was he being so gentle with me? Why didn't he just forced me to look at him like he has done before? Why did he seemed disappointed when I didn't tell him what was running through my mind?' the questions I thought were just piling up in my mind. When suddenly all of them were interrupted by trays filled with food being placed on the table. It was delicious.


After we finished eating the table was completely tidy, it was as shiny as the sun.

'If I ever get to see it again...' I thought remembering the yellow warm rays from the sun, even though it always caused me painful sunburns.

"Welp! I think these maids are more than satisfied now~" Boomed Rollan's voice through the entire dinning hall. Ein's friends laughing along with him.

"Indeed! I don't think there will be any leftovers for the next breakfast!" Rider laughed holding Dottie's hips as he did so.

"Alright everybody, silence!" Ein roared so everybody could hear him, let's just say my eardrums may have stopped working. As everybody stopped talking he continued. "So as you know we'll try to keep in touch with our maids, so we'll have to show them around-" Rollan groaned. "-unfortunately I will have to be assisting a meeting, with, you know who-" Ein said as he winked to the other 'masters', and continued. "-so you all will be showing your own maids around, but I suggest you don't get distracted." Ein said in a firm tone eyeing at each of the other wearwolves (not Daniel or Dottie) suspiciously, while the other wearwolves groaned.

As they finished whining, Jax wanted to ask a question, so he leaned on his chair to speak to Ein, who leaned in his chair the same way. "Ein I must ask, what will happen to your maid then?"

Ein pondered for a moment and had a serious face, until he's face lit up. "I got the perfect person, or should I say hybrid~" I looked confused at him for a few seconds until he shout out again. "PHOENIX!!!"

Finn (<-- my friends and readers please call me this) came into the room again, but this time she had a worried and anxious expression on her face. "Y-yes master?" She asked panting and bowing a bit.

"You are in charge to show puppet around-" She had a confused look on her face to who he was referring to. "- Oh right! Um this little Kitty I have on my lap is puppet, but his real name is Zane Ro'Meave, anyway show him around the place so he knows where I will normally be."

Finn looked uncertain, yet she hesitantly noded and went up to me to take her hand. I slowly put my palm on hers. Oh Irene this girls hand is freezing!

I stood up only to be janked down by my waist again. Ein hold me down for sometime just to kiss my left cheek and finally letting me go. My face looked like a freakin' volcano in middle of eruption.

I looked at Finn and asked her. "Can we go now?" It seemed so quiet that it almost seemed telepathic.

She smiled sweetly and noded her head. Taking my hand once again as we boltted out the room.

>>>>>THE HALLWAY<<<<<

"Alright, we should go to the library first. It's one of his favourite places to be." Finn suggested as we were still walking through the endless hallways, and still holding hands. But, her hands were not cold at all. It was as if there wasn't any before. "Zane?" Finn questioned when I didn't answer.

"Oh uh yeah." I said trailing off as I went back to my thoughts, though they were not the ones I hoped for. 'What has happened to the others? Aaron, Blaze, Kawaii~Chan, Rylan,Lucinda, Kim and Ghost and Garroth.' I just couldn't bare with the thought with any of my friends or families in any harm. I felt tears prick at my eyes, before Finn saw them I harshly wiped at my eyes so they didn't drip. Apparently that didn't work.

"Hey Zane? Are you ok?" Finn asked as she squeezed my hand in reasurance. "You know we're friends you can tell me anything if your willing to." She said as she stared into my left eye.

"I-I just miss my friends and family." I said as I came to a halt and looked at my feet.

"You know what..." She said as she hesitated before continuing. "... I can take you to your friends jail cell." She wispered to me keeping her stance with pride.

My eye widen as I brought her into a hug, I felt her stiffen for a moment before she melted into the hug. As we pulled away tears were streaming down my cheeks. "Thank you, t-thank you so much!" I said shakly said as some sobs escaped my mouth.

Finn placed her hand on my cheek caressing my left cheek, as I leaned into her touch. "Sh sh sh. No need to cry sweety, you'll see them soon."

I smiled and placed my hand on top of hers that was still on my cheek.

>>>>>>>>>>TIMESKIP TO THE JAIL CELL<<<<<<<<<<

3rd person POV:

Zane and Finn quickly made their way to the jail cells. Finn put the key on the lock (Don't ask where I got it from) and they went in.

The room was dark as Zane remembered it, if not darker. They went into the room and what Zane saw was worse than his constant nightmares.

Aaron, Blaze and Garroth were beaten to the bone.

Aaron had a bruised lip, cut cheeks, bleeding knees, a broken arm and scratched stomach.

Blaze had a burned ear, a black eye, cut abs, bleeding lip and a cut eyebrow.

Garroth had a bruised head, a nosebleed (me everytime w/ fanfiction), a brief cut on his neck and claw marks on his left arm.

As soon as Zane saw them he rushed to his brother and gave him the tightest hug he knew he'll ever give his brother, as soon as Zane came in contact with his brother waterfalls were pouring out of his eyes followed with quiet sobs.

"Z-zane? Baby brother is that you???" Garroth sounded desperate for an answer, as he tried to hold his younger brother only to be restrained by the cuffs bounding him to the wall.

"G-garroth! I was so scared! I-i should've stayed and *hiccup* try to help you guys! B-b-but I only make matters worse!!!" Zane yelled still holding onto his brother for dear life, afraid that if he let go, he would never see Garroth again.

"Sh sh sh sh sh. It's not your fault Zane. He ripped apart our family. He is the reason we're here. He is why we have been beaten to the bone in only one night!" Garroth spat and almost throwing up at the thought of Ein.

"Yeah scarffy dude you don't gotta worry, he may have beaten us but we're still here. And it is not your fault, it's not even close to our fault either! But we have to move on. And when we have a plan to escape. We will." The words that Blaze spoke were as stern as when he gave up his place as the Alpha male in highscool, it brought a certain warmth to Zane, and made him feel safe.

"Sorry but who are you?" Finn asked from the door.

'I actually forgot that she was still here....' Zane thought, as he reluctantly unwrapped his delicate and pale arms around his brother.

Going to her Zane stood next to the shorter girl and looked at his friends and brother.

"The blonde one is my older brother Garroth, the red haired wearwolf is Blaze a distant friend of mine and the black eared wearwolf is named Aaron, he is the fiance of Aphmau, the black haired girl you met." I looked at my friends who lookes shocked on how easily he'd given up their names. "Oh! And this is Phoenix, she goes Finn for short, and she's a fellow rebel that's trying to seek a way out of this place." Zane said as he felt a spark of confidence grow in his heart.

"Then it's a pleasure. We are sorry for not meeting you in a finer state, but what's done is done." Aaron sighed as he looked at Finn with caring eye's, probably wondering what kind of torture Finn went through. (Guess what? u ain't gettin' that answer until futher on)

"Don't worry it's fine." Finn said as she flashed them a smile which everyone returned.

"Guys we have to make a plan to escape. I don't know how much time either of us will survive if we stay here." Garroth said as he looked around the room for any way to escape.

"Your right. All we need is a good enough distraction that will get us out of he-" Aaron began as he was interuppted by a new dark and sinister voice they all knew.

"Well now I'm prepared! What is going to be the distraction Aaron?~" Ein said cockyly from the door way, hands behinde his back and with an amused and devilish grin.

"H-how?" asked the voice of a frightened Zane with shaking knees and hands.

"Isn't it obvious pupet? I put video cameras on each of the maids and Finn's clothes." As Ein finished his eyes grew a new dangerous and darker colour. He slowly turn towards Finn with eyes full of fury, while Finn was terrified, lip trembling in fear. " Got anything to say Finn?" his voice seenimg vemon as he questioned the young girl.

"I-i'm sorry m-master." Finn stuttered as she tried to cower away from the piercing glare Ein was sending to her. Still glaring he stepped to her making her tremble even more.


Finn had a red hand mark on her cheek with a few tears running down her pale face. She slowly reached up to when Ein had slapped her and flinched at the sting it caused.

"I will take care of you later. Leave!" Ein roared at Finn almost making her knees give up under her weight.

Not even a second later she bowed her head to Ein and walked towards the door, sparing a glance at Zane and his friends.

'I'm so sorry....' Finn said in her mind as she didn't have the force of speaking out loud. And left the room.

Ein turned back to Zane with the same glare he had given Finn, yet somehow it seemed harsher. "Did you really think that you would escape?" Ein asked taking a step towards Zane as he took a step back. "Thought that maybe this would get better?" Step foward. Step back. "Did you think that someone would actually come to save you?" Step. Step. "Think that someone else would care for you?" Step. "Well they won't." Step. Ste- wall.


Ein slammed both hands on the wall behind Zane right next to his head. Looking down at the shorter male he saw that he was shaking, had glittered tears around his only visible eye, paler that usual and small little sniffles and whimpers coming out of his throat.

'I thought he would stay.... Accept me through a simple way.... the court was right..... the only way is through the pain of others.'

Ein reached for some small cuffs that were dandling above Zane and cuffed the polystyrene tiny wrists above the shorter males head.

Zane started to struggle. Trying to rip his wrists from the cool metal that made him shiver. Out of the corner of his working eye he saw Ein go towards a big wooden chest that was sitting on the ground. He heard his friends stiffen besides him, making him even more anxious. As Ein came back from the chest his eyes widen with terror. He had a whip in his hand. He walked to Aaron but keeping his glare at Zane at all times.


"Now puppet~ watch what happens-" He reached for Aarons hair. "-to others-" Ein yanked Aarons to him then bend Aaron's upper body to the floor chaining his neck to the floor. "-when you don't-" Ein raised his hand with the whip on it."-obey me!" He brought the whip down harshly onto Aaron's back. The sound of the whip cracking and a piercing scream filled the room.

"N-no! STOP!" Zane screamed for the sake of his friend. But that only angered Ein more.

"Ok! We are going to count to ten! Count with me~" He raised the whip once again.

"One..." Scream

"Two..." Blood

"Three..." Coughs

"Four..." Chokes

"Five..." Tears

"Six..." Numb

"Seven..." Cries

"Eight..." Pain

"Nine..." Begs

"...Ten" Fear

As Ein finished counting Aaron's upper beaten body had given up under his own weight his face crashing into the stone cold floor. Great gashes covered his back, smudged wish blood.


"Y-you! You monster! How could you?!" Zane yelled out of the top of his lungs while having tears streaming like waterfalls through his puffy red eye.

"Why puppet? That was all your fault~" Ein said with a little innocent voice. "All the pain him and their in is because of you. By you coming here, you made them get hurt. By you coming here, they'll be in pain! By you coming here, is why they will never forgive you!!!" Ein shouted at the poor raiven boy, yet stopped at hearing the soft cries, whimpers and sniffles the other was giving.

'W-what have I done?' Ein thought to himself. Slowly he reached over to Zane, guilt pouring over him like he never thought. His hand reaching to Zane's pale cuffed wrists, un-bounding his wrists with a small key and letting the smaller boy fall to his knees with a thum.

"Say your last goodbyes, and quickly. You have five minutes." With that Ein left the room, not sparing a second glance."

Zane, wasting no time, got a set of keys with the tag 'neck chains' connected to the key chain. After trying at least three different keys the chain around Aaron's neck came loose. Zane as gently as he could moved Aaron to a sitting position, he looked through the wounds slightly touching one which received a wince from the Ultima.

"I-it's all my fault!" Zane yelled through his tears, he harshly dried them away before standing upon his little feet and went to the door. "M-master?" His voice sounded so broken, pained, frightened.

"Hmmm?" Ein hummed without looking at the raven boy.

"C-could I-I treat his... wounds?" Zane asked with such softness in his voice it almost seemed as he didn't speak at all.

"..... Fine." He disappeared into the hallway for a second, then came back with oinment, pices of cotton and bandages. "Don't take long." His voice sinister and cold as he threw the items to Zane, who luckily caught them, and went to rest his back against the opposite wall to the cell. Zane nodded his head and went back in the cell.

"Ok ok Aaron I need you to stay still while I treat your wounds. Ok?" Zane asked as he knelt to the ground behind Aaron's back.

"How did you-" Aaron began before Zane cut him off.

"I asked him for them." Zane said calmly as he uncapped the oinment bottle.

"He actually gave them to you?"

"I guess..... Aaron I need you to hold my hand while I apply the oinment, it's going to sting."

"Ok." Aaron said hesitantly grabbed (<- *snort* inside joke) the porcelain wrist in his own bigger and colder hand. Zane began to clean the wounds, apologizing to Aaron everytime he hissed or winced in pain.


After Zane was done patching Aaron up the door opened revealing Ein.

"Quick we are going back to the room where we'll 'chat'." Ein came to Zane and harshly pulled his arm to the door, Zane trashed around at the sudden unwilling movement and tried to pray his arm from Ein's grasp.

"W-WAIT PLEASE! I JUST FINISHED PATCHING AARON UP! CAN'T YOU WAIT A LITTLE LONGER? PLEASE!!!" Zane pleaded continuing to go back inside the room.

"I gave you time. It's your fault for not using it corectly." Ein growled at Zane before tightening his grasp against the smallers wrist.

"P-please! Just one minute!" Zane pleaded falling to his knees and cried, one hand trying to muffle the sobs yet a few escaped through the gaps between his fingers.

"Fine. Only a minute, anymore and I'll lock you in here with them." Ein glared harshly through Zane's soul.

Zane just nodded and quickly made his way to his brother, hugging the life out of him. "I love you Big brother." Zane whispered against Garroth's ear.

"I-I love you too Baby brother." Garroth said with a sob erupting from his throat.

40 seconds left

Zane made his way to Blaze and gently hugged him. "Thank you for everything Blaze." He whispered to the wearwolf.

Who just chuckled and said. "Your brave Zane, take care of yourself." A tear making its way down his cheek, Zane whipped it away before mumbling a small 'thank you'.

20 seconds left

He then made his way to Aaron and gave him the softest hug. "I'll tell Aphmau that your still alive, but I'm sorry that I-I caused all this." Zane said feeling his throat ache.

"It's not your fault Zane, but thank you please tell her that I love her." Aaron gave Zane a small simle before saying 'goodbye'.

5 seconds le-

Zane came to the door and walked through it, not sparing a glance at Ein who was behind him fumming with anger.

Yet Zane couldn't bring himself to care. He just moved ahead.

Finn's POV (<- When I left the room):

I made my way down the halls of this prison and went to the theater, this was the only place I felt safe since Ein keeps guards by my room.

'I wonder why since this morning's breakfast he hasn't come back?' I wondered to myself as I walked towards the backstage of the theater. 'M-maybe he's gone for good, but there's only one way to know for certain.'

I opened the door to backstage, I waisted no time and headed towards the mirror (you know how the celebrity mirrors look like? Yeah it's something like that only smaller) I had there and began to do something that I haven't done since I left my home....

.... I started to sing.

(Me: Italics

Demon/He: Bold & italics)

I put my hands on top of the drawer in front of the mirror and stared at my own reflection.

"It's over now, I know inside. No one will ever know, the sorry tale of Phoenix. And those who died, no one must ever know~" I sang softly my eyes becoming darker as I continued to sing.

"They only see the tragedy, they not see my intempt, the shadow of night evil, will forever kill the good that I have made~. Am I a good girl? Am I a mad girl?" I sighed as I turned my gaze to the surface of the drawer. "It's such a fine line, between a good girl and I!~" Tiny tears whelmed my eyes as I was about to sing the next verse, but a 'special' voice beat me to it.

"Did you really think that I would ever let you go?~" He sang, I turned my head towards the mirrors reflection and saw myself with pitch black eyes, crossed armed and smirking at me. "Did you really think that I would set you free? If you do I'm sad to say, that simply isn't so. You will never get away from me~"

Hatred filled my eyes as I sang back to the reflection. "All that you are is a face in a mirror! I close eyes and you disappear~"

"I watch your face while your facing the mirror! Long as you live I will still be here!~"

"All that you are is the end of a nightmare! All that you are is a dying scream! After tonight I shall end this demon dream!~" I sang as I started to activate my magic.

"THIS IS NOT A DREAM MY DEAR! And it will never end!~" He said as he canceled the spell I was about to cast. "This one is the nightmare that goes on! I am here to stay no matter what you may pretend! It will not be long until your gone!~"

"Soon you will die and the silence will hide you! You cannot choose but to loose control!~" I yelled through my singing trying to bargain with him.

"You can't control me I live deep inside you! Each day you feel me DEVOUR your soul!~" His eyes glew red as he stared at me.

"I don't need you to survive as you need me~" I sang cockyly to him. "I'll become whole as you dance with death! It won't be long till you breathe your final breath!~" As I finished the verse I heared his laughter ringing through my ears.

"I LIVE INSIDE YOU FOREVER!" His skin became darker and horns came out of his head.

"NO!" I yelled trying to get him out of my mind.

"THE DARKNESS! IT'S ALL BY MY SIDE!" His canines became longer as he sang.

"NO!" I yelled in distress holding my head in my hands.

"AND YOU KNOW KNOW THAT NOW AND FOREVER! YOU'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO SEPARATE A PHOENIX FROM FLAMES!~" He sang with full force as jet black crow wings sprouted out of his back. "Can't you see it?~" He sang in a much softer voice trying to convince me to join his side, the bad side.

'No...' I thought. '... I'll fight him to my last breath'. "No I won't! It's time to die!~"

"I won't die, only you!~" He said pointing at me.

"If I die, you die too~" I said failing to keep myself afaid of him.

"You'll die first! I'll be you!~" He put a mischievous smile on his- my reflections face.

"Please demon! Leave me be~" I begged as I softly cried.

"Can't you see?! You are me!~"

"NO! Deep inside~" Tears flowed down my face as I sang

"I am you! You are flames~"

"No. NEVER!" I screamed at the reflection.

"YES! FOREVER!" He yelled back.


"I'll see you there Finn~" He said cockyly with a smirk pulling his mouth.

"NEVER!!!" I yelled again feeling a little light headed as I heared him laugh like a maniac once more.

The world was spinning around me, until it finally stopped.

Ein's POV (After him and Zane left the jail cells):

Me and Zane made our way back to my room. Zane had a broken and sad face yet his eyes held so much hurt emotion. 'Did it hurt him that bad? Did I hurt him that bad?' I questioned myself as we passed by the theater.

"NEVER!!!" I heared someone yell, it seemed Zane heard it too because he turned towards the door with wide and fearfull eyes.

"Stay here." I whispered to Zane, he nodded softly trying to not make a sound.


I made my way to the backstage door, opening it softly to almost scream at the sight of Finn on the floor as a shadowy figure drank blood from her neck. I quickly ran to her and kicked the crature off her, it screeched as it fell to the ground and scurried away into the shadows. I turned back to Finn as she layed on the ground.


"N-no, let me be." She said softly stuggling against an invisible force.

I picked her up bridal style and hurried to the door.

"O-oh my Irene! F-finn?" Zane asked wide eyed as he saw Finn as she layed on my arms blood covered with blood.

"She'll get better, I'll take her to the infirmary. Do you want to come with?" I asked him in the softest voice I could master to calm him down.

"Y-yes." He whispered with teary eyes it was obvious he was trying not to cry.

"Come on then don't fall behind, she'll need a friend when she wakes up." I said to him sorrow taking over me as I stared into his glossy eyes.

He hurried behind me and stayed by my side as we went to the infirmary. I looked back at Zane to see some tears leak out of his visible eye rolling down his beautiful freckled covered cheek.

'I have to make it up to him, somehow.....' I thought as we speed walked down the seeming endless hallway.

Do not question me


I still cringe at writing trying to write this book yet failing miserably.

Oh well I know y'all hate my guts so i'm just gonna say bye.

Bye bye my little Firefighters~

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