Chapter 8.
After the whole incident that happened when Jason finding out what happened to his family and who was the one responsible for their deaths along with his kind, the hybrid made his decision to leave the hotel as well as the country because he can not stand to stay with the brother of his families killer even if it made the girl that he likes upset even if he did want to stay with her; Jason couldn't bare to be around Mavis's father who lied to her including him about what happened to the hybrids and for blaming the humans that they were the ones who killed off the hybrids and not Vlad Dracula the second. Then when Jason revealed to what he truly was to all the monsters they took note to what Jason meant that humans have changed and no longer hate monsters in which they will go out into the world and see for themselves but also feeling bad for the guy who lost everything in his life and was the last hybrid on earth. Mavis was the most heart broken when Jason told her that he can not stay or be with her because of her father being a lier and from keeping the truth in which Mavis begged Jason to stay with her because he was her Zing but the choice was made and Jason now leaving the hotel with a broken heart just like Mavis has decided to never return to Transylvania or encounter and other monsters because he just wants to be alone for the rest of his life. For Dracula he was shattered as well as sad for not telling anyone the truth and felt really bad for what his brother has done to Jason and his family but most importantly his daughter Mavis because after she blamed him and her uncle for the horrible things that they both did, Drac decided to go out and find his daughter and explain to why he never told about his brother and what he has done since he couldn't explain it to Jason after he revealed himself as a hybrid and tried to kill Drac for not saying anything about what happened all those years ago.
Dracula: Mavis!(Dracula saids while in bat form and flying around the hotel to find his daughter until he spotted her on top of the roof of the hotel sad and broken)
Mavis: 😢sniff............(Mavis sitting down while crying over what happened with Jason)
When Dracula saw his daughter all broken and didn't say a word or even look at him, he decided to go over and try to explain to her about his side of the story in which he moved towards her and sat down with Mavis while they both didn't look at each other in the eye until Mavis spoke while between angry and sad at the same time.
Mavis: Dad....can you do me a favor.......
Dracula: Yes....yes of course darling anything?
Mavis: Can you erase my I can forget everything and I mean everything.(Mavis saids while broken in which Dracula looked sad for what his daughter said)
Dracula: will not do that, there is too much I want you to remember.
Mavis: 😢sniff.....why....why didn't you tell me about uncle Vlad why did he do such horrible things.....why.....why.....did you keep this from me....everyone....and.....and...🤧sniff...even Jason...please tell why.(Mavis saids while breaking down into tears)
Dracula: The reason is why I kept the truth about what he did is because if I told anyone about what he has done, he would of killed everyone that I cared about my friends, your mother, even you Mavis.(Dracula saids in which Mavis looked up and saw the sadness in her fathers eyes)
Mavis: mean.......he.....he would...of....
Dracula: Yes......he would of killed you if I told anyone about the destruction and chaos he has caused to all monsters as well as human kind alike which included the hybrids in which he made me tell everyone lies and that those who died because of what my brother did were the fault of somebody else.
Mavis: 😢sniff....he forced you to tell everyone even me these awful lies and if you told anyone about the truth then all of us including me would ended up the same way as those monsters, humans, and Jason's family.
Dracula: Yes....then after I found out that what he did to the hybrids it broke my heart because my father and the leader of the hybrids were good friends with each other in which he wanted to introduce me to them since they treated your grandfather with such kindness but after I got word that they were all killed by my brother along with his followers and those werewolves I couldn't bare to tell the truth because if I told the truth then everything that I worked for including the love of my family and friends will all be gone.
Mavis: But.....he is dead now....why didn't you tell us then?
Dracula: Your uncle had many followers in his group, and if they found out that I told the truth to everyone I knew they would of followed what my brother started after his death in which they would hunt down and kill those closest to my heart and I couldn't bare to loose anymore of my family not even you Mavis.
Mavis: Why didn't you tell this to Jason!, did you realize how broken he was when he found out about the truth of what happened to his family and his kind!!! Dad for once in my life I actually found a person who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and he showed me such wonders as well as gave me the life I couldn't ask for but now that......😢 that he is gone I don't know if I can ever be myself again or even feel loved.(Mavis saids while in anger then cried in sadness)
Dracula: Sweetheart, there are so many honorable monsters out there you are so young.....(Dracula saids then stops when he sees crying more while holding the gift from her mother)
Mavis: I....I......don't want any monster....I....I wanted to be with Jason.....and he....he that he will always love me........and I....I......I loved him.(Mavis saids in thought while thinking of Jason about what he said in the party room while he was in in wolf form)
Dracula: What is that you are reading?.......(Dracula saids to Mavis who hands him the book that saids True Love by Mom in which Dracula opened the book and saw the words that were his wife's handwriting)
Martha's words:
Martha: Two lonely bats crashed in the night.
They felt a Zing love at first site.
They knew right then they would be husband and wife.
For a Zing only happens once in your life.
Your Zing will come my love.
Cherish it.
Love, Mommy
After Dracula finished reading the words that belonged to his wife, he felt sad as well heart broken that why Mavis felt for Jason was real and how both Martha and him were just the same but now that Jason is gone Mavis no longer feels the connection anymore.
Mavis: Me and Jason Zing dad..........
Dracula: You and Jason...........
Mavis: I guess it was only me since he didn't know what it meant even after I explained to him but you should be happy dad because there is no reason for me to leave and I have no more dreams and I will never see Jason ever again; I am just like you.(Mavis saids while looking upset while her father felt so bad for what has happened)
Then soon after Mavis got up from her spot and turned back into a bat and flew back into her room and closed the window and turned the lights off because now all she wants to do is be alone just like Jason after what happened today while Dracula remained in the spot he was while holding the book that his wife made for Mavis. Dracula then looked towards next to him and saw the paper that said Paradise in which was about to fly away in which Dracula caught it and looked at it once again after so long while remembering Martha.
Dracula: Martha what have I what has my brother and myself done.(Dracula saids to himself while also blaming himself including his brother)
Then soon the sun was almost about to come out in which morning was almost upon the hotel and Jason who packed everything he had has left the hotel but he made sure to say goodbye to all the monsters he had met in the hotel and he couldn't say goodbye to Mavis because he would just hurt her more. Jason did felt quite bad for scaring them when he turned into his werewolf form and almost killed someone but he also felt bad of what he did to Dracula and for what he said to him in which he wasn't himself and it was his anger who got the best of him. Then after he was gone, all the monsters were all gathered around the front desk because they were thinking of leaving as well because of what Dracula kept from them all these centuries as well as having a brother who killed so many monsters all because he was jealous of his younger brother and wanted power. When Dracula flew down in his bat form and saw everything he needed to stop what is going on and ask to help look for Jason.
Dracula: Friend please stop!
Murray: It is too late rat bat!! I cannot believe you lied to all of us including Mavis and not to mention you have psychotic brother who nearly tried to kill us all?!!!!(Murray saids in anger in which everyone else screamed and yelled at Dracula in agreement)
Dracula: Please I am begging you, I need you to help me find Jason!
Wayne: Oh so you can kill him like your murderer brother did to his family and his kind I don't think so!!!! And I was actually surprised that he was almost about to rip you apart after you lied to him and deceived him just like Mavis.
Murray: Yea! and not to mention that you had a brother who became a killer who nearly destroyed everything all because he was jealous of his little rat bat brother!!!
Griffin: What he did to Jason was the unthinkable you should be ashamed of yourself and tried to stop your idiot brother from causing so much destruction not cool Drac not cool!!!
Dracula: I....I know I lied about everything but the reason I lied to you all about what I did and what Vlad did was because my brother forced me to tell you all these lies in which if I told the truth then he along with his followers would of killed everyone that I cared about my friends, Martha, and even Mavis.(Dracula saids to everyone in which they looked at Dracula in shock that he was forced to tell the lies or have everything he loved taken away from him)
Murray: What?......
Dracula: My brother forced me to tell all of you lies and if something would of slipped up then he would of killed you all just like he did with the other monsters along with their families and even the humans in which I also don't know if the humans are even bad anymore.(Dracula saids in sadness in which everyone can see that he was speaking the truth)
Wanda: If that is true why didn't you tell Jason about this in the first place?
Dracula: I didn't know that Jason was something that my father loved, you see my father was actually close friends with the hybrids and they treated him with such kindness and respect; I always wanted to meet them in person but after I found out what my brother did to them and I have searched day and night to see if any survived but sadly I couldn't find anyone until I met Jason who lived in the village of where my brother destroyed it and where I found his journal with everything he did in his life time even after his death. I thought Jason was a vampire just like me and Mavis but now that I know he is actually a hybrid and the last of his kind I want to make it up to him for all the bad things that my brother caused him. Jason is a good man and he doesn't deserve to be alone after what happened to him, and I can not bare to see a fellow monster who spent centuries alone with no one there to be by his side.
Griffin: He was a great guy and I really liked having him around.
Murray: Even though he is the last hybrid I don't think it is good for someone like him to be all alone again without someone or anybody to around him.
Dracula: Frank buddy you understand right.(Dracula saids to Frank who was in the box along with his wife who are in pieces until Franks head popped out of the box)
Frank: I really liked Jason, he was amazing singer, he made everyone here feel special as well as give us a great time. But he also made Mavis very happy in which I never seen her so much happy in a life time.
Dracula: I know because she told me that Jason and her Zinged.(Dracula saids in which everyone was shocked that Mavis and Jason Zinged)
Wanda and Wayne: They Zinged!
Dracula: But the truth of my brother and for what happened to the hybrids as well as me got in the way.
Frank: You only Zing once in your life!(Frank saids while sadden by what Dracula said)
Griffin: Well what are we waiting for lets go find Jason come on!(Griffin saids in which everyone started to agree in which made Dracula smile and he hopes Jason hasn't gone too far)
Then soon both Dracula along with Murray, Wayne, Frank and Griffin ran out of the hotel together and got into the car and drove away from the hotel to see if they can catch up to Jason and tell him everything what Dracula has said.
Griffin: Ok..ok so where am I going?(Griffin saids while driving the car)
Dracula: If I know Jason he is probably in the human world by now, he must be heading to that place called the air port and if we don't catch up to him in time then he will be lost forever.
Murray: Uh Drac not to take this lightly but what about the sun?(Murray saids in which everyone even Dracula looked at the sun that is coming out)
Dracula: I don't know without that necklace that Jason let Mavis wear I can not go out into the open so I just have to roll with it.
Wayne: He just rolls great....
After words everyone began to drive towards the human world in which they had some dead ends manly speaking sheep and lots of sheep blocking their way until Wayne who acted out and ate them all in which made his friends really disgusted of what their friend did to the sheep while watching him eat every last one of them but it was clear that Wayne needed to eat them all so that there is nothing blocking the road in which there wasn't anymore but his friends were still disgusted of what Wayne did. Then while they were driving on the road they came upon a human who was dressed like vampire in which made Dracula along with his friends very confused.
Human: Welcome to Transylvania AWOOOOOO!!!!(Human saids while howling)
Frank: Ok I have to admit that was kind of trippy?(Frank saids while everyone looked towards the front of the car and saw a town with a sign that saids Monster Festival just like Jason said in his stories)
Griffin: Hey check out the sign it saids Monster Festival?
Murray: Wait a minute Jason said he went to a place called a monster festival in the human world could this be something like that?(Murray saids to everyone in which they all looked and saw all the monsters signs showing that the humans love monsters in which they stopped and saw so many humans dressed up in all different kinds of monsters in which a female mummy past by and winked at Murray in which he got excited)
Frank: It is just like Jason said they like us...they really like us really.(Frank saids while looking around him and saw the giant ballon version of himself)
Dracula: Excuse me do you know the best way to the airport?(Dracula saids to a human dressed like Dracula)
Human Dracula: Yes fellow Dracula there is only one way Blah Blah Blah.(The human saids while pointing to the sign that leads to the airport by it was all blocked off)
Dracula: But it is all blocked up were never make it in time!
Human Dracula: Should have left earlier Blah Blah Blah.
Dracula: I do not say Blah Blah Blah!(Dracula saids while being anode by the human dressed like him)
Dracula: Alright lets just run through it!(Dracula saids to his friends in which he ran out of the car while the sun is still out with his friends following him behind)
Then soon Dracula still trying to avoid the sun in which was burning him until Frank gave him a human hat to wear to protect him from the sun while Dracula was trying to forget about that human who did that thing with his mouth the whole blah blah blah.
Frank: Imagined that guy was talking to the real Drac he would have run for the hills.
Murray: Hold it now I think I got an idea, the only way they know the real us if we show the real us just like Jason did when he entered the human world.
Dracula: That could work?
Frank: You mean like scare them, we haven't scared people in centuries and I don't think I have it in me anymore...Grrr.grr....I got nothing I really got nothing.
Griffin: Lets just move this along..(Griffin saids while holding a match with a flame and held in front of Franks face in which he started to panic and started to act like his monster self)
Frank: AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!......GRRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!...FIRE FIRE BAD!!!(Frank who acted like his former self began yelling and acting like a monster in which he started moving around the area then climbed on top of the ballon version of him and screamed with all of his might in which the humans covered their ears)
Humans: WHOOO-HOOOO!!!!(The humans cheering for Frank in which he looked at them confused and thought he would scare them but it didn't)
Frank: I am trying to scare you, the real Frankenstein?!
Human male: We know we love you!
Human: Woman: Can you sign my torch!(Human woman saids in which made Frank confused more until he spoke again)
Frank: Listen before anything else, down there is the real Dracula!(Frank saids while pointing to Dracula in which a human wants proof)
Human Male: Prove it!(Human said in which Dracula used his mind control to have the human hit himself with his own cup in which he did)
Human Male: Alight continue?
Frank: Drac's daughter is in love and he has to get to the airport so that he can find the person his daughter loves before he leaves and never sees him again! but he can't do that because of this crowd!
Human Frankenstein: Why doesn't he fly?
Human Vampire: The sun you idiot he is a vampire.
Frank: Thats right thank you monster nerd!, people are you really are our friends clear a path for the man!
Human Vampire: Okay all Dracula's line up Blah Blah Blah!, everyone else lift the caps to protect our friend Blah Blah Blah.(The human saids in which everyone dressed like Dracula lined up as all the other humans lifted the capes up to protect the real Dracula from the sun so he can get to the airport to find Jason)
Frank: It is all for you buddy.(Frank saids to Dracula in which he smiles and looks towards all the humans who cheered him on meaning that the humans really have change and that they no longer hate monsters)
Then soon after Dracula ran all the ray until he came to a halt and saw that he was near the airport and then used his vampire site and saw that Jason was on board the plane while looking upset in which Dracula needed to catch up to the plane even it meant that he has to go into the one thing that could hurt him in which any case was the burning sun.
Dracula: There is no choice!(Dracula saids as he ran after the plane that was taking off with Jason on board then changed into his bat form while also being baked in the sun)
Meanwhile with Jason who on board the plane heading to who knows where he really felt bad for leaving everyone including Mavis in which he probably regrets everything that he said to Dracula as well as making Mavis very upset for not staying with her.
Jason: Maybe I made a mistake, maybe I should of staid with Mavis and I should of never said those horrible words to Dracula, I was just all caught up in the past and for what his brother did I didn't realize the pain I have caused him including Mavis.(Jason saids in thought while feeling bad about both Dracula and Mavis for what has happened)
Back with Dracula who was still in his bat form was trying to catch up to the plane while his back was burning due to the sun in which he managed to catch up to the plane and landed on the wheel part of the plane because under it was shade that would protect him from the sun for now until the wheels went back up inside and Dracula changed back into his bat form and tried to catch up to the plane once again. Then soon when he was close enough he made towards the window of which Jason was near by while still hanging onto the window side as well as still smoking from the sun hurting him.
Dracula tried to talk to Jason from the window while he was outside but it looked like he couldn't hear him and then when he looked to see what Jason was reading which was a vampire romance novel it made Dracula realize that this is what made represented in which they were reduce to romance novels but he shrugged it off and continue to talk to Jason through the glass window the plane. Then soon when Jason turned towards the window he saw the bat hanging from the side of the window trying to talk to him.
Jason: bat?...wait a minute what is a bat doing all the way up......Drac is that you?!!!(Jason saids in shock that Dracula is outside of the hotel and in his bat form as well as being burned to a crisp by the sun)
When Dracula couldn't hear what Jason was saying from inside the plane he decided to fly towards the front of the vehicle to see if he can try something else in which Jason got up from his seat and went towards the pilots seat area and looked towards the bat who was on the planes window while Dracula on the other hand was taking control of the pilot in which trying to talk to Jason.
Jason: Drac what the hell are you doing outside of the hotel? And why are you here anyway?(Jason saids with a question look on his face until Dracula spoke while controlling the human)
Dracula(Human control): Jason please listen to me, I need to tell you of what happened and the reason why I kept the truth from both you and Mavis.
Jason: I already know that truth Dracula, you lied to everyone in the hotel and your brother is the one who killed my kind and left me alone for centuries what is there to tell about.(Jason saids with a glare in which Dracula spoke again)
Dracula(Human control): Jason the reason why I never told you or Mavis is because I was forced to tell everyone lies about what my brother did in order to protect them from ending up like the other monsters who were killed by him and if he and his followers would of found out about that I told the truth my brother would hunt down and destroy everyone I cared about including my fiends and even Mavis.(Dracula saids in which Jason was shocked of what information he was getting from Dracula)
Jason: What........
Dracula(Human control): Jason I tried to stop my brother from doing those awful things but he was too strong in which he threaten my family if I ever got in his way but to tell you the truth I never knew you were a hybrid in which I thought you were another vampire just like me and Mavis but I was wrong I should of told you the truth from the beginning and I should of know that if humans were bad anymore in which I found out that they like us monsters they really like us Jason just you said they would. Jason I am so sorry for what my brother did you and your kind, I blame myself for not seeing what kind of monster he has become and I can not forgive myself for not seeing that everything I did was wrong.(Dracula saids to Jason in which the hybrid was starting to see the picture now, Dracula was only trying to protect those who cared for him and the person he loved which was his daughter and it reminded of how Jason's parents protected him from those who attacked his village and sacrificed themselves so that Jason could live on)
Jason: So you were lying to them to protect them from your brother and his followers if the truth ever got out and they would hurt them even Mavis, kind of reminds me of how my parents sacrificed themselves to keep me safe from the werewolves and vampires that attacked our village which Vlad the second ordered them to attack us.
Dracula(Human Control): Jason I am sorry for everything but you have to come back Mavis is in so pain and she needs you because you are her Zing Jason Underworld.
Jason: Mavis.......
Dracula(Human Control): She loves you Jason she really does and I know that you love her as well makes me how I loved Martha.
Jason: Sigh.....Drac even though I cannot forgive for what your brother did to me and my kind but I cannot be mad at you and I am sorry for almost trying to kill you I was just filled with rage and hatred but now that I know the full truth, I can see why you were just trying to protect those closes to you. And you are right about one thing I do love Mavis, she is very special to me and I like being with her and I hate myself for what I said to her and I want to make things right with her because even though I don't know that much about the Zing thing I realize that Mavis is my Zing; I want to be with her and I want to spend the rest of my life with her and see everyone at the hotel again and Drac I forgive you and only you.(Jason saids with a smile in which Dracula smiled back in which he decided to talk to the people on the plane saying that he would be turning the plane around)
Dracula(Human control): Ok folks we are going to make a quick turn around to refuel and then we will be back on our way.(Dracula saids in which everyone on the plane started to complain while Jason laughed and watches Dracula who was controlling the humans turning the plane around and heading back to the airport)
Back at the hotel Mavis who was in her room still upset after what has happened last night had her face into her knees and not showing her face to anyone until something that was covered in smoke crashed into her room in which was her father who was burned and was starting to heal from the sun.
BOOM!(Dracula crashed into Mavis's room)
Dracula: I am fine just little sunburn, honey I always thought the worst thing ever would be seeing you go but the worst is seeing you unhappy and just maybe I want you to live your life.
Mavis: Sigh....I don't know how I am suppose to do that?(Mavis saids while looking away in sadness)
Dracula: You know your mommy already gave you her birthday present can I now give you mine.
Mavis: I guess...what is it?(Mavis saids until she heard a voice)
Someone who wants to be with you for the rest of his life Mavis.(The voice saids from behind Dracula in which Mavis knew who that voice was in which was making her heart beat fast while showing emotions until Dracula moved aside and the person behind him was known other than Jason Underworld himself who was smiling at Mavis)
Mavis: (GASP!)...........JJ...Jason......(Mavis saids in shock as well as on the verge of tears)
Jason: Hehehe hello Mavis.(Jason saids and moves towards Mavis with a smile on his face)
Mavis: Why...are you back?
Jason: Because I just realize something Mavis, your my Zing.
Mavis: your Zing?, but I thought you were never coming back and you didn't want to stay or be with me what changed your mind.
Jason: After your father told me the truth I came to realize he was doing to protect you from his brother in which it reminded me of how my parents protected me when I was very young in which I forgave him and we made admins but I cannot forgive his brother for what he did to me but I can forgive your father and the other thing I am sorry that I said those things to you I should have never said it in the first because I came to realize something else Mavis.
Mavis: And what would that be Jason?
Jason: I love you Mavis Dracula I always loved you and I would love to spend the rest of my monster life with you till end of the century.
When those words came out of Jasons mouth, all of sudden Mavis's heart began to thump so fast in which caused the vampire girl to blush as well as made her eyes water which caused her to cry in tears but not in sadness but in happiness and love in which Mavis spoke to Jason that got both him and her father very happy.
Mavis: 😢sniff......I...I love you too Jason....😢sniff....I missed you so much never leave like that again!!!(Mavis saids and hugs Jason in which he hugged her back which made Dracula smile at his daughter being happy)
Jason: I will never leave you again Mavis I promise and so will your father isn't that right Drac.
Dracula: Indeed I will Jason because I love my daughter with all my heart.
Mavis: 😢 you really mean it dad?(Mavis saids as her father hands her the paradise card back to her with him smiling at his daughter)
Dracula: Go and make your own paradise.
Mavis: Thanks dad and Jason.
Jason: Yes Mavis.
Mavis: You think we can try that kiss again like last time.
Jason: I don't see why not but first, Drac I know you have some anger in there so just let it out and get it over with.(Jason saids to Dracula in which he let out his anger by showing his fangs and red aura to both Jason and Mavis and then calmed down)
Jason: Better?
Dracula: Yea sorry about that I am still trying to get used to that, I'll just go and let you do your thing while I step away for a bit.(Dracula saids while leaving Jason and Mavis together)
Jason: Ok now that is over it where were we.
Mavis: Hehehe come here my very handsome and strong hybrid.
Jason and Mavis: 😚 💋(Both Mavis and Jason kissed each other on the lips showing their new found love to each other while Dracula watches his daughter in happiness while thinking Martha would be proud to see her daughter all grown up and in love)
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