Chapter 7.

Tonight was the night for Mavis's party in which every monster was getting ready for an awesome and totally great night in which Drac was also getting ready for his daughters party in which he brought her the gift that her mother wanted to give her before she died and wanted it to be a surprise, Drac also made sure that her daughter wasn't in the room so that she can open her gift later on. Before he came into the room Mavis was also getting ready for the party in which she took all of her clothes and put them together to make a cape for herself while also wearing the necklace that Jason let her hang on to in which worked perfectly with the outfit she had on. Speaking of Jason he already picked out the outfit he is going to wear for the party but before he goes to the party tonight he has to do his research on who Vlad Dracula the second was thanks to the journal he found in the secret room behind the library bookshelf.

Jason: Alright lets see who you are Vlad Dracula the second.(Jason saids as he takes the key and then uses it to unlock the lock on the journal and took a deep breath then opened the journal to read about this Dracula brother of Count Dracula and uncle to Mavis)

Jason began to read about this person in which he read that his full name is Vladimir(Vlad) Dracula who was born fourteen twenty seven and was the older brother of Count Dracula as well as the son of the first vampire Vlad Dracula Sr and unknown mother in which Jason couldn't find anything about who the mother was so he shrugged it off for now and kept on reading about Vlad the second. Jason read and discovered that Vlad the second was the first born child of Vlad the first and he was his true blood son who did the most incredible things that would make his father very proud like any vampire of the family would even his unknown mother was proud of her son of what he has accomplished while growing up with his parents but that all changed when he discovered that he was going to be an older brother which meant that his mother was pregnant with a second child in which Jason knew it would mean that the second child was Count Dracula. Jason read that when Vlad the second found out that he was going to be a brother he was filled with joy that he wasn't going to be an only child and wanted to protect his little brother and do so many things together which Jason thought about Count said that him and his brother got a long quite well when they were kids but what puzzled him why did he meant that he was ruthless did something happened all those centuries ago. Jason soon read when time was passing Vlad the second was becoming more stronger then any vampire in his family while Count was still training while getting the love and respect by his parents in which Vlad the second was starting to grow with jealousy that his little brother was getting all the attention he needed and was being annoyed by his parents. Vlad the second started to change all of sudden in which he was no longer the same boy that his father, mother and brother never knew in which he became so strong and powerful with his vampire self that he things out of question like he burned down so many human villages in which he exposed himself to the world, killed monsters who were once his closest friends as well started wars between other monsters that cause trouble and blamed it on Vlad the first for raising a complete psycho path who nearly destroyed everything in his path and to make sure that Vlad the first kept his wife and other son safe, he banished Vlad the second from ever returning in which the first born son didn't care at all because all he wants now is power and his taste for destruction. Jason stop for a minute and thought about what was Vlad the second doing in which he read that he was once kind and sweet like any vampire but became over realm with jealousy and hatred because his parents liked his younger brother more than him in which drove him to madness and became corrupted. Then Jason went back to reading and found something that caught his attention in which he read that after Vlad the second was banished from his home for his corruption and madness he started to cause problems all around the world in which ended with many monsters and as well as their families to fall under his feet in which he started slaughtering them because they were a group of family monsters in which drove him completely insane after what his family did to him or he did it to himself. Jason started to get upset as well as angry that Vlad would do something so cruel to other monsters just because they all had families together and it doesn't seem right to him that wants to get rid of them all because he was jealous that his parents favored his younger brother more than him. Jason continued to read on more about what Vlad the second did in which the journal was starting to come to an end in which doesn't say what happened to him after words or how he died or what he did before his passing.

Jason: That can't be it? There has to be more about him but where is it?(Jason saids while checking the journal for the missing pieces about Vlad the second but couldn't find it)

Jason was starting to get frustrated of finding the missing piece to find more about Vlad the second until he felt something from behind the journal that felt like a secret compartment in which he turned the book over and found out the there were pages inside of it which meant that these pages were the missing pieces that he was looking for and took them out and found something that dropped out of them that looked like photo or an old drawing and went to pick it up and once he saw the picture his eyes went wide with horror and shock that what he was seeing with his own eyes was a picture of the place he grew up with his family and friends before it was attacked by the monsters who killed everyone he cared about.

Jason: home.........(Jason saids with horror then all of sudden the flashback started to come back again)


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! THATS IT KILL EVERY ONE OF THEM MAKE THEM PAY FOR WHAT THEY DID TO YOUR LEADER!!!!! SHOW THEM NO MERCY!!!!!(The same vampire from the flashback saids to the brutal monsters known as werewolves started to slaughter and kill so many of the people Jason knew and loved in which some vampires who followed their leader joined in and killed so many lives while young Jason who was hiding in the forest trees saw his entire home being destroyed and his people killed before his eyes)

Young Jason: please be alright please.......(Young Jason saids while showing tears of horror and sadness)

Then soon when Jason was watching his home and his people being taken down by vampires and werewolves all of sudden the werewolves were acting up from some reason in which they started to attack the vampires and slaughtering them as did the vampires and their leader was furious of what was happening in which he too was starting to get attacked by the werewolves was trying to fend them off but there was too many of them in which all the werewolves and vampires together and their leader were all torn to pieces and blood was everywhere which meant none of them survived not even their leader who was wiped apart piece by piece and his face was torn off which also meant that Jason was the only last survivor and went down from the trees and walks back into his home and found so many of his friends and neighbors all dead along with the vampires and werewolves that caused so much pain and death.

Young Jason: Mom!.......Dad!.......Mom! Dad! where are you!!(Young Jason called out to his parents but none was heard and Jason continued to walk around the destroyed area that was his home)

Young Jason kept on walking around the destroyed area and looked around for his parents until he came upon his own home that was completely destroyed and decided to run towards it and go inside to find out that if his parents were still alive in which he went inside his home and found it completely destroyed from the vampires and werewolves in which he was starting to grow in fear and sadness as well as scared of what he will find. Then soon he started to walk up the steps and continue to look for his parents until he saw blood on the top steps and there was a lot of it on the ground in which made Jason pale like paler than any vampire would but he was not a vampire but a hybrid in which he started to walk slowly towards of where the blood was coming from in which was coming from his parents bedroom and then when he open the door what he saw in front of his eyes was pure horror, it was his parents who were laying on the ground in their own blood with so many cuts as well as stabs from the vampires and werewolves in which Jason was brought into tears and began to cry with all of his might that his family was killed and he was now left alone and the last of his kind.

Young Jason: Mommy.......Dad........😢!!😭

End Of Flashback

Jason: ARRRRRRGGGGAAAHHH!!!!(Jason scream in anger then throws his bed into the wall breaking it into pieces while remembering what happened that day)

Jason started to breath heavily and trying to calm himself down in which after a while now his anger started to dye down and went back to look at the missing pieces about Vlad the second in which they were hand written by himself in which Jason began to read what Vlad has written.

Vlad The Second words: After my parents banished me from my home in favor of my little brother I decided to continue on my destiny to become the most powerful monster there is in which no other monster can out match me not even my own kind. So I travel the globe searching for monsters that can offer me a good fight so I can over power them and become something far more greater in which I took down so many monsters and killed half of them because they didn't have what it takes to defeat me in which I then got word of another monster that was far more powerful then any monster including a vampire. When I found out about the monsters I traveled to their location in which they lived in a small village that was untouched by man for many centuries in which I went to their village to ask who was the strongest monster in which I would like to defeat and become the most powerful monster there is in which the leader came out of the village and behind was his wife and his young son that looked around twelve years old but I pay no attention to them but to the leader himself. Once I looked upon the leader of the village he looked like a normal man but when I looked into his eyes I saw something different it was like he had the yes of a vampire but as well as the eyes of a werewolf in which got me wondering what kind on monsters are these people. The leader then spoke to me saying that they do not want any trouble in their village and ask of me to leave and never return in which I encore his words and decided to fight instead in which I charged at the leader with speed and try to punch him but all of sudden he caught my fist in a second which made me wonder how can a monster like these people have such incredible speed in which the leader then punched me so hard that I landed on the solid ground while my own blood was coming down my nose. Then when the leader spoke to me that was warning that I must leave and never come back in which I didn't listen again and started to attack him again and again but he was too fast for me and too strong in which I couldn't believe the words that came out of my mouth. Then after trying to find a way to beat him, I looked towards his family and smiled and got the idea to attack them in which the leader saw what I was going to do and thats when everything changed, the leader started to change into something that looked like a werewolf but was far more different then any werewolf I ever seen before in which it was a black wolf but with the eyes of a vampire in which got me the idea that these monsters were not like any monster I ever seen or heard of; which got me to realize what they truly are they are monsters that are from two different species half vampire and half werewolf which dubbed the name Hybrids which were stronger than both vampire and werewolf put together. The leader now fully transformed grabbed me by my neck and choked me until I couldn't breathe and then used his claws to claw my face in which I felt so much pain coming from my face in which he threw me out of his village and left me broken and his village called me the one word I hate the most weak. Then after that humiliating defeat by their leader, I decided that I was not going to let them make fool out of me in which I came up with an idea to get rid of them once and for all and see how they like it when their own kind dies before my hand. So I traveled north and came upon a ground of vampires who leader had died years ago in which I offer them to become my personal soldiers in help me riding the world of my newest enemy in which they agreed to join me but they said they there were not many of them to fight against whatever they are facing in which I came up with another idea of which I found a group of werewolves that were not like the ones I knew back home in which I did the unthinkable and killed their leader and blamed it on the Hybrids of which the wolves were now angry and furious that they think that hybrids killed their leader but it was actually me of which myself along with my vampires and the werewolves banded together to fight the Hybrids who I told them they were humans who killed so many of our kind and it was best to destroy them all in which I gave them the location of where their village is and were getting ready to move out. Soon night has come and everyone in that village was asleep in which it was time to make our attack of which I had all the vampires and werewolves charge into the village and attack everyone while they let their guard down and were being slaughtered by my vampires as well as the werewolves in which made me very happy to see the leaders people scream and die by what I was doing until that all changed when the werewolves found out that the hybrids were not the ones responsible for their leaders death but it was me in which they turned against us and killed so many of my vampires and then attacked me and left me to die in which I was able to do what I did and to make sure that no one knows about what happened I hidden this pieces of my history in my journal that no one can ever find it not even my brother or father.

When Jason finished reading what he has read, he grew with so much anger and hatred that Vlad the second the older brother of Count Dracula was responsible for his kind deaths including his parents in which he started to loose control of himself and started destroying his entire room and leaving claw marks all over the place and then broke down into tears of sadness as well as heart broken that Mavis's uncle was the cause of his pain in which he realized that he can no longer stay in Transylvania anymore because he is with the brother of the one who killed his family and his people but he will feel so bad that he has to leave Mavis because he doesn't like to see her upset but he has no choice as soon as the party is over, he will take his leave and never return which means he will never see the monsters who made his life great as well as Mavis who was so much fun to be around with but also he grew with a vengeance hatred now towards Count Dracula for what his brother did to him and his family in which he can no longer be around him any more and can no longer trust him. Then he started to remember something from his past that during in the village where he grew up in his father encountered a strange looking man that looked like a vampire and was challenging him to fight him to become strong in which Jason's father was stronger and beat the crap out of the vampire until he was gone from their sites and then it hit him the vampire who his father defeated was the same vampire who killed his parents and his race.

Jason: IT WAS HIM ALL THIS TIME........I swear if he was still alive I would of killed him myself.(Jason saids with venom in force while thinking if Vlad the second was still alive and Jason was the one who wanted to kill him)

Then Soon after a while now Jason put the journal into his outfit the he is going to wear for the party and slammed the door hard while holding onto his glare but will let it go once he gets to the party and it will be his last night in Hotel Transylvania and soon he will leave and never come back even it means that he has to cut himself from the rest of the monsters who befriended him.

Meanwhile with the party everyone who was in the hotel gathered in the hall where Jason and Drac were putting together and they were having a blast with Frank, Wayne, Griffin, and Murray playing their music on stage and they were doing awesome together thanks to Jason expiring them to make their music a whole lot better than ever.

Lyrics: (Where Did The Time Go, Girl?)


I can't believe it's your big night

Seems like only yesterday you were eating mosquitoes

But now you're eating frogs and mice

Scarfing them down like Doritos

Tell me

Where did the time go, girl?


Seems like 2 days ago, you were eating scorpions, snakes and birds

Then, you're sucking the blood from out the cow

Gulping up like Diet Coke

So, tell me

Where did the time go, girl?



Please, don't eat garlic..

Because they will poison you to death..

and eventually, a week ago, you were spanking some flies

Then you eat them..

Chomping them up like French Fries

Oohh... Tell me

Darling Girl

Where did the time go,...


Girl, you are now turning 118

Seems like today you will go to the human village

But it did not, i mean do not exist

Why won't you tell me

Where did the time go, girl?

Tell, tell, tell, tell, tell

I say, tell me...

Where did the time go?....


All the monsters were dancing and having a good time then soon Jason came into the party room and let go of his glare for now and was looking around and seeing everyone having a good time while wearing his outfit that he picked out in which the monsters looked at him in awes and wow that he looked awesome in his getup in which Jason smiled and thanked them for their compliments then he stopped in his tracks and looked behind him and saw Mavis in her fancy black cape as well as the necklace that Jason let her wear.

Mavis: Hi Jason.........(Mavis saids while blushing at Jason because he looked so handsome and amazing in his outfit in which Jason smiled at Mavis)

(Edit done by me: 95nicholanm)

Jason: You look very beautiful Mavis, like the cape it works for you.(Jason saids in which made Mavis blush again and smile)

Mavis: Thanks you look absolute amazing in your outfit I like it and thanks for the party I really love it.

Jason: Your welcome and I added some touches to it as well.(Jason saids as Mavis looks behind her and saw the light bugs making images of the places that Jason has been to in which made Mavis in awe and happy of what she is looking at)

Mavis: This is the greatest site I have ever seen.....(Mavis saids then looks back at Jason then walks towards him and takes his hand and drags him to the dance floor while smiling)

Jason: It seems like you wanna dance.

Mavis: Yea I mean if you want to....(Mavis saids while blushing and playing with her hair)

Jason: I would love to lets dance.(Jason saids and takes Mavis's hands in which made her heart thump as well as blush while smiling)

Then soon both Jason and Mavis started dancing together in which they were both having fun together while the others were doing the same thing as well as Drac who just came in the room to greet his fellow monsters to see that they are having actual fun for once thanks to what Jason said to him to try something new for a change. Then soon while Mavis and Jason were continuing dancing and having fun Mavis stopped dancing and looked at Jason with a smile on his face in which Jason stopped what he was doing as well and looked at Mavis to see why she stopped dancing.

Jason: Mavis? Are you ok is something the matter?

Mavis: Everything is fine Jason....its just that....after spending so much time with you and getting to know you and you did so much for me and giving me such an awesome party I want to give you something in return.

Jason: What would that be Mavis?

Mavis started to walk towards Jason very slowly while smiling as well as blushing in which Jason didn't move an inch or muscle and then all of sudden Mavis placed her hands on Jason's cheeks in which she moved her face closer to his and then out of the ordinary Jason felt a pair of soft lips touching his meaning Mavis was kissing him and it was his first in which made his heart thump as well and blushed a little in which he gave in and kissed her back which made Mavis heart thump more and made her very happy but it all stopped when Drac saw it and rushes towards them and glared at Jason for what he did in which Jason glared back as well because he still has that grudge against Dracs brother and him.

Drac: How could you after I shared my pain with you!

Jason: I suggest you back away before I cut your throat....(Jason saids with venom while in whisper which got Drac off guard of what Jason just said while showing a mean deadly glare)

Mavis: Dad relax it was just a kiss.

Drac: No your not aloud to kiss!

Mavis: Dad I am aloud to do things, I am not eighty three anymore I am aloud to like people and go see the world again.

Drac: What you saw it, you said you didn't like it!

Mavis: Maybe I want to give the village another chance, I just need to learn and how roll with it like Jason does.

Jason: Oh you mean that fake village that your father built to trick you thinking that humans were bad and that his zombies were actually dressed up as humans to make you think that they were still bad in which I can tell something was a fake a mile away.(Jason saids while crossing his arms in which the entire room went silent even the music stopped playing in which made Drac shocked as well as Mavis)

Mavis: Jason....what do you mean it was fake.....

Drac: Jason what are you doing!(Drac saids in whisper to Jason who glared at him in which he looked startled)

Jason: Oh I am just revealing the truth about what you kept from everyone here including your daughter Drac.

Frank: Drac what the heck is Jason talking about and what truth.(Frank saids as him along with his wife, Wayne, Griffin, Murray, and Wanda)

Drac: Nothing absolutely nothing he just messing around!

Jason: Shut your trap!, he lied to all of you thinking that humans were still bad but they are not they change and no longer hate monsters.(Jason saids to everyone even Mavis who looked shocked and stunned of what they heard)

Mavis: Dad is Jason saying is true?

Drac: I....I

Murray: Jason how do you know that humans have changed and not try to kill you or bite off your toes?

Jason: Let me guess you heard all of that from this guy right here and never went to see if humans are evil or not and the reason why I know they are not is because I interacted with them even revealed myself as a monster.

Everyone even Mavis: WHAT?!!!!!

Everyone in the room started yelling and panicking as well protesting in which got Jason on his nerves and decided to shut them up by yelling to keep their mouths shut.

Jason: ALL OF YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!(Jason screams in which got everyone startled even Mavis that she looked stunned of Jason's outburst)

Wayne: Jason you interacted with humans but you said you staid close to the the shadows without being seen was that a lie?

Jason: No that was half of the truth, and yes I interacted with humans in which they were great actually and better than the humans you all knew centuries ago. They no longer hate monsters, I went to a place called a monster festival and I had a lot of fun there and the humans all wanted to be around me and tell me what it is like being a monster.(Jason saids with a smile in which everyone can see that he was telling the truth even Mavis)

Griffin: Monster Festival whats a Monster Festival?

Jason: It is like an event where the humans like to dress up as their favorite monster in which I saw a lot of humans dressed up as many different monster like vampires, werewolves, mummies and do such incredible fun games that I played while I was there in which was the most fun I had in years.

Frank: But Drac said......Drac did everything you said to all of us was lie do you even know that humans are bad anymore?(Frank saids in which all the monsters and Mavis looked upon Drac with question as well as glare)

Drac: Yes I did not know that humans are bad anymore, and yes I built the town in which the staff put it all together and I had the zombies dressed up as the towns people.

Mavis: could you......(Mavis saids with disappointment)

Drac: Please, if you really went out there if something happened to you I just couldn't live with myself.

Mavis: But you can live with this, lying to me, tricking me keeping me here forever and you knew my dream was to go.(Mavis saids while looking upset)

Jason: You should of check to see if humans were bad anymore but instead you lied to your daughter and to your friends.

Drac: Why would you reveal the truth in front of everyone even Mavis what happened.

Jason: Because I also found another hidden truth and it is about your so called brother VLAD DRACULA THE SECOND......(Jason saids with a deadly glare in which scared Drac as well as Mavis even the other monsters while they were thinking since when did Drac had a brother)

Murray: Wait Drac has a brother? How come we don't know about this unless you kept that from us as well Drac.(Murray saids in which glared at Drac as well as did everyone else)

Mavis: Jason...what is this about my uncle that made you so angry?

Jason: Why don't you ask your father who kept this hidden from you about your uncle for being the most hatted monster in history for not only killing humans, but also monsters alike in which drove him to madness and became corrupted.(Jason saids and takes out the journal that saids Vlad Dracula the second in which made Drac frighten that Jason found the journal about his brother and what he did)

Frank: Wait a minute you mean to tell us that Dracs brother that we don't know about killed humans and monsters why?

Jason: Because he grew jealous of his younger brother for getting a lot of attention in which drove him into craziness and went on a killing spree and murdered so many monsters even monsters with families.(Jason saids in which made the monsters and Mavis pale and shiver down their spines that Drac's brother did such a thing)

Mavis: Jason let me see the journal please.(Mavis saids to Jason in which he handed the book to her and she open it and began to read everything that her uncle did in which after she was done reading it she dropped the journal and was left horrified of what she read then Dracs friends picked up the journal as well as looked to see what Vlad the second has done in which they grew shocked and horror as well as angry that someone like Vlad the second would do such horrible things even to their own kind)

Eunice: Drac what the heck did your brother do!!!!!

Wayne: How could you kept this from us all these centuries and not told us that your brother became such cruel tyrant and try to kill us!

Mavis: Dad how could you and grandpa Vlad let him do such awful things?!!!

Drac: Vlad my brother wasn't always like that he was kind and gentle and he always like being around me but I didn't know he grew up with such jealously that my parents loved me more than him.

Jason: Really is that the other reason why you and your father banished him without trying to tell him that you loved him as well so that he wouldn't come down with the madness but instead let him cause carnage around the globe and attacking as well as killing everyone who thinks they can over power him.

Drac: Jason please be reasonable but why do you have a certain anger towards him anyway what did he do to you?

Jason: I WILL TELL YOU WHAT THAT BASTARD DID TO ME HE IS THE REASON WHY MY KIND IS ALL DEAD AND MY PARENTS SLAUGHTERED AND THE REASON I SPENT CENTURIES ALONE IN THAT FOREST IN ENGLAND!!!!(Jason saids with anger in which made Drac scared as well as Mavis who looked horrified and the others stunned and shocked)

Mavis: Dad what did uncle Vlad do tell me!!!(Mavis saids while glaring at her father in which he looked away)

Wanda: Jason what did he do to you.....

Jason: I read some hidden pages from the back of the journal and they were written in Vlads own writing in which I found out that after his banishment and travel the globe taking down monsters and becoming strong he came across a village where he met a group of monsters that were far more powerful they he was in which was my kind and the leader of the village was my father who stood against Vlad and defeated him in which he.....did something that made me wanted to kill him myself.

Mavis: Jason......

Jason: He started a war in which he gathered a group of vampires who lost their leader years ago and told them they he wants to take down a group of people in a village that caused him so much pain but they found out that there wasn't that many of them in which he traveled and found a group of werewolves that were nothing like Wayne or Wanda but these were raging monsters unable to control their nature in which Vlad did the unthinkable and killed their leader and blamed it on my kind in which a war broke out that Vlad led an army of vampires and werewolves to hunt down and kill my kind in which my entire village was burned to the ground and my race was killed including my mother and father which made me the last of my kind but when the werewolves found out that my kind wasn't responsible for their leaders death but Vlads they turned against the vampires and killed each other in which ended Vlads life for good but I was left alone for many centuries without a family or anyone at that matter.(Jason saids with between anger and sadness in which made everyone in the room silent and Mavis was brought to tears and gasp in horror while Drac looked ashamed of what his brother did while everyone else felt so bad for Jason then glared at Drac for what his brother did to Jason)

Griffin: Now that that is just wrong........

Frank: Drac!, you seriously let me him do all that are you kidding me!!!(Frank yelled at Drac in which he looked down in shame)

Wanda: Oh you poor that means you were the last vampire of your village.

Jason: Sigh....thats something else I should to tell you all, you see I am not exactly a full vampire but half vampire.(Jason saids in which got everyones attention even Mavis)

Murray: Half vampire then whats the other half?

Jason: The other half is werewolf...(Jason saids in which shocked everyone in the room even Mavis and Drac)

Wayne: Wait a minute you mean to tell us that your half vampire, half werewolf hows is that possible?

Jason: Because I am from a powerful monster race that is far more powerful than both put together the truth is I am a Hybrid so is my mother and father as well as the people who lived in my village.

Everyone: YOUR A HYBRID!!!!!!

Mavis: Jason is a hybrid......(Mavis saids in thought while looking at Jason in shock and awe)

Griffin: Wait a minute weren't hybrids just a myth from what I heard?

Murray: From what I heard they were just a monsters fantasy story they was told for centuries.

Frank: Wait I heard something Drac telling some of us that humans were responsible for the hybrids extinction.(Frank saids in which got Jason's attention in which he looked Drac with deadly glare and hatred)

Jason: YOU TOLD THEM WHAT NOW!!!!!!(Jason in anger and moves towards Drac)

Drac: Jason...I can explain......


Mavis: Dad! why would you say that!!! Makes me wonder if you knew about this!!! Wait....did you know about what happened to Jasons kind...

Drac: I....I.....

Jason: DID.YOU.KNOW.ABOUT.MY.KINDS.DEATH...ANSWER ME DAM YOU!!!!(Jason said while loosing his tempter and anger towards Drac)

Drac: I did know.........(Drac saids in which shocked everyone in the room while Jason looked upon Drac in horror and then all sudden something inside him has awoken)

Jason: He knew......he knew.......

Mavis: Dad!!!!

Jason: GRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!(Jason screams in anger then all of sudden rips off his shirt that got everyone even Mavis attention of what is happening to Jason in which his body changing into something fall more terrifying)

Mavis: Oh my god Jason...........(Mavis gasp in shock of what she is seeing including everyone else)

Jasons body was starting to change into the monster within himself in which his skin was being pilled off as a black fur was coming out of him and then he grew bigger with larger muscles as well as claws, fangs, long snout, pointed ears as well as mean roar that scared everyone in the room which meant that Jason turned into his werewolf form.

Everyone in the room was now frighten of the beast that Jason has become while Mavis just stood there looking at what Jason has become in which this was her first time seeing an actual hybrid in person while Drac on the other hand was shaking and was trying to find a way to leave but couldn't because Jason now in his werewolf form was staring directly at him in which Jason wants to rip him apart piece by piece. Jason then looked towards Dracula then tracked his claws out and sharpen them so that Drac knows that Jason is pissed off.

Murray: Ok....I did not see that coming.....but you have to admit he does look kind of cool like this even thought he is going to rip Drac apart.

Wayne: I am kind of jealous I mean sure I am a werewolf in all but Jason on the other hand looks more werewolf I mean check him out I like this version of him.

Griffin: Ok as much I want to say that Jason looks awesome in this monster look what do we do in the mean time?

Frank: Well it is clearly obvious that Jason is going to rip Drac to shreds I suggest we all run for our lives and not get caught in this situation.

Murray: I like that plan!(Murray saids as he along with everyone else except for Mavis and Drac run for their lives while Jason moves towards Drac with such anger and vengeance)

All the monsters in the party room begin to run for their lives and do not want to get in the way of what Jason is about to do because they found out that if someone gets in a hybrids way bad things would happened in which they run for their lives while Mavis just stood still looking at Jason in his werewolf form while thinking how horrible things have happened to him while Drac was starting to panic and try to reason with Jason who was moving closer and closer to Drac.

Drac: Jason! please I can explain if you only just.......(Drac didn't finish as Jason let our a growl in which scared Drac to his core)

GRRRRRAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!(Jason growls at Drac while showing his huge fangs and claws as well as a terrifying beast glare)

Drac: Ok I understand your angry and upset but please let me tell you my side of the......GULP!(Drac saids and then all of sudden Jason grabs him by the neck and lifts him up in the air while growling with hatred)

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GRRRRRRAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!(Jason growls and lifts up Drac and then shows his claws to strike down Drac just like he wanted to strike down his brother who killed his kind and his parents)

Mavis looked at Jason in horror now that he was going to kill her father even though she is angry with him of not telling the truth or about her uncle she can not bare to loose another member of the family or see Jason like this she wanted the Jason she knew, the one who made her life very happy and showed her so many things in which she meant that she is in love with him and has to snap him out it otherwise he will be no different from her uncle.

Mavis: JASON STOP!!!!!(Mavis screams in which Jason looked behind him with Drac still in his grasp and saw Mavis who looked sad and hurt in which Jason started to come back to his senses and let go of Drac and walked towards Mavis.

Drac: Cough!.....cough! cough!(Drac trying to catch his breathe while watching Jason moving towards Mavis)

Mavis: Jason........

Jason(Werewolf form): Ma.......Mavis(Jason saids in thought then moves towards Mavis who looked upon him with such sad eyes while Jason looked down at her as well while looking away of what he truly is)

The two of them stood there for a while now while Jason looked away and Mavis looked shocked of what Jason really was and decided to speak while placing her hand on Jason's face trying to make him look at her in the eyes.

Mavis: it true are you a hybrid and the last of your kind?(Mavis saids while looking at Jason in his eyes in which Jason lowered his head to meet Mavis's eyes and spoke)

Jason(Werewolf form): Yes........I am I am so sorry I never told you I just didn't want anyone else to know about what I am.(Jason saids and looks away from Mavis in which she hugged Jason which surprised him)

Mavis: I don't care what you are I still want to be with you!!, I want to be with the Jason I met who showed me a great time who shared so much about what he is and what he does because.....your my zing Jason!!!(Mavis saids to Jason while still hugging him)

Jason(Werewolf form): Zing........

Mavis: It is something for monsters it is kind of like love at first site...

Jason(Werewolf form): I think I understand Mavis.

Mavis: You do!

Jason(Werewolf form): Yes.....but.....(Jason saids and looks away in which got Mavis worried)

Mavis: But what....Jason what is it?

Jason(Werewolf form): I can not be with is not that I like you is just I can not forgive what your uncle did to me and your father for lying about what he was keeping so I can not be with you anymore....I am sorry but I am actually planning on leaving and I will not be coming back ever again.(Jason saids in which made Mavis heart broken and started to panic as well as tears coming down her eyes)

Mavis: No....😢 can not be happening..(Mavis saids in thought while tears coming down her face as well as feeling her heart has been shattered into pieces)

Jason then soon let go of the hug and went towards Drac who looked frighten now while Mavis was on verge of breaking down into sadness and once Jason was near Drac he glared at him and grabbed him by the collar and spoke.

Jason(Werewolf form): IF I EVER SEE YOU AGAIN I WILL KILL YOU........(Jasons saids with venom in which Drac looked at Jason in sadness as well as broken then lets go of him and walks towards Dracs friends who looked at Jason with sad looks)

Murray: Jason your leaving......but what about Mavis?

Jason(Werewolf form): I am sorry but I can no longer stay here with a place that is filled with lies, but I really enjoyed meeting you all and Wayne I am sorry that I brought up your kind.

Wayne: Hey don't worry about it Jason some of us werewolves don't get along with others anyway but I have to admit you really look good this way.(Wayne saids to Jason in which he nods for the thanks)

Wanda: Where would you go Jason?

Jason(Werewolf form): Somewhere far away from here even if I have to cut myself away from other monsters so beat it.

Frank: Jason you don't have to leave...I mean sure Drac lied to you and his brother did such horrible things.

Jason(Werewolf form): Frank I made my decision it is my decision nobody else's.

Eunice: We understand Jason and it really nice having you around even though it was only a few days.

Jason(Werewolf form): Thank you

Griffin: Take care of yourself buddy and never forget us alright.

Jason(Werewolf form): I will not forget any of you

Murray: Jason tell us did humans really change and they no longer hate monsters.

Jason(Werewolf form): You will have to just go out into the world and you will see for yourselves.(Jason saids to Murray in which him along with everyone else nods in agreement until Mavis came running towards Jason with tears in her eyes)

Mavis: JASON WAIT!!!!......please don't leave Jason....stay....😢sniff...(Mavis saids with sadness and tears in her eyes in which Jason bent down and held his paw up and placed it on Mavis's cheek)

Jason(Werewolf form): I will always think of you and I will always love you Mavis Dracula.(Jason saids to Mavis in which her eyes widen as more tears came down her face then Jason let go of her and changed back into his normal self while looking back at all the monsters who look sadden as well as Mavis who is now on the verge of crying)

Jason: Goodbye.......(Jason saids and closes the door leaving everyone in silent while Mavis was crying as well as holding onto the necklace that was Jason's and her father went to comfort her until she turned around with anger and tears)

Mavis: THIS IS ALL YOURS AND UNCLE VLADS FAULT!!!!!!!(Mavis saids and changes into a bat and leaves while still crying and the other monsters glared at Drac and leave the room in which. Drac looked up at Mavis with such sadness and loneliness)

Drac: What have I done and what has Vlad done........

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