Chapter 5.

The next activity on the list that Dracula had was the pool in which everyone was getting into their swimwear and start to relax while some of them are talking amongst themselves while Dracula was making sure this event will not go down fall after what Jason did to the others but everyone liked Jason's idea's better because they were fun and exciting even Mavis loved them if only her dad could see it.

Fly: Ok pull it back then up and push and twist and back and up and twist and push.(Fly saids while showing the swimmers some exercises in which they were doing just fine except for some who looked bored and not having a good time)

Then soon when the fly was coughing up some fly vomit everyone tried to the same until the Fly told them not to do what he just did and then went back to his swimming exercises. Then on the other side Frank was at the food table deciding on what he wants to eat in which he looked bored as well and waited for his food to be brought to him while the others like Mavis, Murray, Wayne, Griffin, and Eunice were having a conversation together and Mavis wanted to know where Jason went because she couldn't find him anywhere.

Mavis: Hey have any of you seen Jason anywhere I thought he came with us?

Murray: Haven't seen him probably still get ready I think?(Murray saids while eating his food)

Griffin: I got to say I like having him around, I mean all the fun things he doing in the hotel are fare more fun then what Drac has am I right.

Wayne: I like the kid, we should have him do the party planing I mean just look at what he did for us. I never knew a vampire like him can do the most fun things ever.

Murray: You said it!, and that voice of his man that Vamp can really sing who knew he had it in him.

Eunice: Especially when he is playing monster basketball, I remember me and Frank used to play that game years ago and it still the most popular monster sport in the world.

Mavis: Yea he sure is something......(Mavis saids in thought while thinking about Jason in her mind until a male voice came from out of no where which belong to Jason)

Jason: Hey guys sorry I am late just had to do a couple of things!

Mavis: Jason! glad you made it we didn't get to finish her sentence because when she turned and looked at Jason her eyes went wide like dinner plates and her heart was thumping rapidly which was causing her to blush a lot of what she was looking at which was a totally ripped and very attractive Jason with no shirt with black pants and the necklace he wore around his neck)

Mavis: Oh my.....(Mavis saids while blushing)

Jason: Oh you guys save me a seat thanks, so what you guys talking about?(Jason saids and takes his seat next to Mavis in which she couldn't stop staring at Jason and his amazing ripped body)

Murray: Whoah Underworld I didn't you work out?

Jason: Huh? Oh yea I like to work a lot and stay in good shape.

Griffin: I got to say I quite jealous I mean I wish had a bod like that am I right.(Griffin whispers to Wayne in which he also agrees as well)

Eunice: Say Jason sweetie you should help Frank get into shape because if he had a figure like that I would fall apart like literally.

Jason: Hehehe well if I ever get the chance sure I will be happy to have some work out buddies what about you guys interested?

Griffin: I am down for that I could loose some of weight anyway.

Wayne: I could use some weight lifting to help get back into shape I mean after having so many kids in the family I could use a break and a quick work out.

Murray: I'm in!, I mean can you imagined what I would look like if I had a figure like Jason here the mummy ladies will be all over me in a matter of minutes.(Murray saids to himself in which everyone giggles and roll their eyes of what he said while Mavis still looked at Jason)

Jason: They it is decided were pick a day so all of us can do some work outs say should we invite Drac in this because it looks like he could use some muscle as well.(Jason saids in which Murray, Griffin, and Wayne smirked of the thought of Drac working on)

Mavis: Wow.......he is so muscular and those WAIT A MINUTE WHAT WAS I JUST THINKING JUST NOW?!!!!(Mavis saids in thought then snaps out of dreamland in which Jason looked at her in confusion)

Jason: Mavis you ok?

Mavis: Huh oh yea I am just fine just got lost in thought for a while but now I am now ok, so tell us what is like to travel around the world after you left England.

Jason: Well let me tell you..........

Jason began to tell everyone at the table about his travels after he left England and visit so many places around each country in which everyone was surprised that Jason went to the most popular places and never in their lives they never thought of going to those places and when he told them that he been in the human world and saw so many places and without being seen they were shocked that Jason actually went to the human world without being seen by humans. He told them that he went to a place called Paris which Eunice and Mavis were amazed that he went to the most romantic cities in the human world in which most monsters go to spend time together while hiding in the shadows.

Eunice: Wow Jason you been to Paris the city of lights.

Murray: Come on no monster has ever been too that place before without being seen?

Mavis: Man I wish I could go there what is it like Jason.

Jason: Oh it is one the most incredible places to go to even when it is dark out it gets even more amazing and Murray there have been monsters wondering around in Paris but you have to check the caves and the forest because there every monster likes to have a good time to themselves and spend with the ones they love and it is the same place where my grandparents went to before they moved to England and stayed in the dark forest.

Murray: Wow, I never knew that how do you get around without being seen by humans?

Jason: Easy I put on a human disguise and some make up and dye my hair as well as wear fake teeth so that they can not see that I am a vampire and it works like charm but I only do when it is night time since you know the sun can.

Wayne: Oh yea Vampires can not be out in the sun otherwise they will burn and turn into ash.

Mavis: Still it is amazing you got to see human cities without being notice by them and you got to see the most amazing place in their world.

Jason: Hehehe yea my life full of surprises.(Jason saids in which Mavis was starting to be amazed of Jason even more)

Wanda: Well as long as you keep your distance and don't show your monster self then you will be alright.

Jason: Thats what I been doing for years now, keeping my distance and staying close to the shadows while hiding my monstrous self.(Jason saids to himself in which some of the stuff he is saying were half the truth because he knows that the humans have change and no longer hate monsters but he will tell them when the time is right so that they know)

Mavis: So how did you deal with the mobs?

Jason: Well it gets a little crazy ever year with them so I usually avoid them instantly so I don't get involved of what they are doing and if things get to intense I just have to roll with it.

Wayne: Hehehe he just rolls that is cool when you roll.(Wayne saids in which everyone even Jason giggled at the thought until Dracula made his appearance)

Dracula: Yes yes that is cool and hey look love droppings I brought you a bagel with your favorite scream cheese.(Dracula saids and hands Mavis a bagel with cheese that screams)

Mavis: Holly rabies thanks dad, hey Jason try some scream cheese it is awesome!(Mavis saids and hands Jason the bagel)

Jason: Huh never had scream cheese before might as well try it the first time.(Jason saids and takes a bite out of the scream cheese bagel in which he found it delicious)

Mavis: Well what you think Jason.

Jason: Wow that is awesomely delicious!, thanks Mavis.(Jason saids to Mavis and hands her the bagel back in which she smiles and blushes a little in which Drac saw and pouted at how his daughter was acting towards Jason)

Dracula: Yes yes it is delicious, say Jason can I talk to you for a moment it is important.(Drac saids to Jason in which he nods and gets up from the table in which Mavis looked confused then takes a bite out of the bagel)

Mavis: What was that all about?(Mavis saids in thought while watching Jason and her dad walk away)

Jason: Is there something wrong Drac?

Dracula: No no it is just that I don't want you to get too close to my daughter because she is all I have left in the world and I don't want anything happening to her.

Jason: Whoah whoah hold on me and Mavis are not like that she and I are just friends nothing more just like how I am friends with your friends. You have nothing to worry about Drac there is nothing  going on between me and your daughter  I swear to you.

Dracula: Oh well thanks for being understandable it is just that every since what to.....

Jason: Martha? I heard you said her name I can she meant something to you and Mavis and I understand if you don't want to talk about it since it is personal.

Dracula: Sigh.....yes it is and I think it is best we both don't speak about ever again.

Jason: Fare enough is there anything else you want to talk about?

Dracula: No that will be it, why don't try the water it is very relaxing.

Jason: I might as well do that carry on what you are doing and I will do the same.(Jason saids to Drac in which he nods and goes back to doing what he is doing and keeping everyone in check while Jason tried out the pool)

Admittedly Jason jumped into the pool and found the water to be quite relaxing and when he came up out of the water many monster girls even Mavis saw him and started to blush of how he looked so attractive in water in which Mavis decided to get up from her seat and head towards the pool and hang with Jason.

Mavis: How you liking the water Jason.(Mavis saids as she got into the water and swam next to Jason in which he liked the water)

Jason: Feel great, I mean I swam in all different bodies of water but this one feels so much better.

Mavis: That is great to hear so what were you and my dad talking about?

Jason: He just wanted to know how I am adjusting to the hotel and getting along with you and his friends in which I find the hotel along with you guys to be awesome and very cool to be around.(Jason saids in which made Mavis smile that he thinks she is awesome and cool to be around)

Mavis: Say Jason I am not doing anything after a while now and I was wondering you want to......(Mavis didn't get to finish as Murray jumped into the pool and landed on Jason's back)

Murray: WHOO-HOOO!!! I'm on your back!(Murray said in which Jason laughs including Mavis)

Jason: Oh I see where this is going!

Griffin: Hey Mavis get on my back!

Mavis: Hehehe let's do it!

Jason: Oh yea here we go chicken fight everybody push them off!

Monsters: CHICKEN FIGHT!!!!

Mavis: We got you Jason you are going down!(Mavis saids as she and Griffin are about to push and knock over Jason and Murray)

Jason: Oh yea like that is going to happened Mavy-Wavy let's show them Murray!

Murray: Oh yea Mummy and Vampire power baby!!(Murray saids and he tries to push off Mavis while Jason was trying knock over Griffin

Everyone once again was having another blast all except Dracula who was seeing this and looked unhappy of how everyone was acting in the pool and try to put a stop to it but so far nothing seems to be working at all because they just either didn't hear him or just didn't want listen to him and his dum rules.

Dracula: Ok calm down with the fight chickens everyone stop the rough housing?!(Drac saids to everyone but they still didn't listen to him at all in which he was starting to get irritated)

The monsters were enjoying themselves in the pool including Mavis and Jason and then while in the pool a giant tentacle while swimming past everyone in which turned into a diving board that stood storied tall in which Frank was on the very top of it and did a cannon ball and landed in the pool without getting hurt except his body parts came apart in which his wife got into the pool and collected all the pieces and try to put him back together. Then Wayne was about to pull a prank on Griffin in which he snuck up behind him when no one was looking and pulled down his swim trunks in which everyone began to laugh while Wayne was saying his kids did it and not him which was classic.

Jason: Ok now this is starting to get fun by the minute.(Jason saids in thought while swimming in the water with Mavis until Drac saw that he was close to his daughter but he doesn't know that Jason and Mavis are just having fun thats all)

Dracula: Ok Underworld I think that is enough fun for one night now I want you and Mavis to come out of the pool and........(Drac saids then all of sudden he falls into the pool while everyone saw what happened even Mavis and Jason)

Jason: Whoah looked like he a rough day and decided to go for a swim.(Jason saids in which everyone started to laugh while underwater Drac heard it and started to scream like a maniac which was pretty funny to see how he reacted)

Dracula couldn't take it anymore of this so he did the next thing, he swam to the bottom of the pool and pulled the plug holding the water in the pool and once he pulled it all the water started to go down the drain until Jason was on top of the tentacle and jumped off it to hit the water in which he looked and saw the water being drained.

Jason: Oh you have got to be kidding me right now.(Jason saids while looking to see the water completely gone and then looked to see the monster know as Blobby and got an idea that could work so that he doesn't hit the ground)

When Jason was falling, he used some of his vampire abilities to move him towards the other direction in which he started to land towards where Blobby is and once he was near the direction Blobby is he landed on top of him in which Jason landed inside of him which was a very slimy and yet soft landing and got out and thanked the jelly monsters for the landing.

Jason: Thanks for the soft landing Blobby really appreciated.(Jason saids and rubs the monsters head in which he enjoyed it)

Mavis: Jason are you ok!

Jason: Yea I am alright Mavis thanks for asking and if it wasn't for Blobby here I wouldn't landed on something very soft and slimy instead solid ground.

Mavis: Thank goodness and thanks Blobby for helping him really appreciated.(Mavis saids to Blobby in which he bounces around meaning your welcome)

Dracula: Say Jason after everyone gets ready and can do their own things I want us to take a walk together to discuss some things just between us vampires.(Drac saids to Jason who looked at him in question meaning something was off)

Jason: Uh sure Drac whatever you say?

Dracula: Great meet me in the graveyard next to the hotel and we can talk.(Drac saids to Jason then leaves)

Jason: Ok something is definitely off with him and I think I know why.(Jason saids in thought)

Mavis: What was that all about Jason?

Jason: I have no idea I might as well see what he wants to talk about hopefully it isn't something bad.

Mavis: He probably wants to talk about the party plans maybe he will let you come up with surprises for my party.

Jason: Maybe I am not sure until I meet him at the graveyard. I am going to head back to my room and get ready to speak with him and we can talk later ok.

Mavis: Alright and I will be waiting if you want to do stuff together.

Jason: Sure see you later Mavis.

Mavis: Bye Jason

After Jason left the pool and went back to his room and got freshen up again, he left the hotel and went towards the graveyard that Drac has instructed him to go towards and waited until he shows up to talk to Jason about some things that need to be discussed.

Jason: Sigh....well here I am, I wonder where he could be?(Jason saids to himself until he saw a bat flying towards him and then transforms in which turned into Drac who had a stern look on his face which Jason can tell something was wrong)

Dracula: Good you made it now we can discuss what happened during the activities I had scheduled.

Jason: What about them?

Dracula: Oh you know what I mean Underworld all that stuff you were doing in which everyone was acting like crazy and not listening anything I say!(Drac saids while glaring at what Jason has done in which Jason raised an eyebrow)

Jason: What you mean like all of them actually having a good time and actually having fun for once that was far more better than what you had planed and the way I saw them they looked bored out of their misery and I thought I could lighten up the mood and give them a real fun time.(Jason saids while crossing his arms while not showing any signs of fear from Drac)

Dracula: Oh that!, that was not fun everyone running, jumping, swimming with no order that was the opposite of fun!

Jason: Heh like you know what fun is Count Dracula and what I can tell is that everyone was having a blast even your daughter who was smiling the entire time when I showed her how to have real fun.(Jason saids with a smirk in which Drac glared again)

Dracula: Hey I invented fun and the way my daughter was acting around you was out of the question!

Jason: Like you know how to show her a good time if it bit you on the back side. The way you were showing her and your friends was something that happened hundreds of years ago in which can get boring at the time and it wouldn't hurt to try something new for a change.(Jason saids to Drac who was about to say something but stops and thought about what Jason meant)

Dracula: So you are saying if I did something like you did during the activities things could get interesting for everyone?

Jason: Yes absolutely and it could show Mavis that you are showing her a great time in which she will start to appreciate you more for giving her a much greater time. If you do something like I just did then Mavis will love you more not just as the being a great party planer but an awesome father just give it some thought and try it.

Dracula: Hmmm......well I do like seeing my daughter happy and give her the best birthday ever and if I do what you attended then she will see a better side of me and we love me even more. Ok Jason I will give it some thought for now, in the mean time you may continue what you want to do when I go spend some time with my friends in the hotel.

Jason: See was that so hard and enjoy your time with your friends your deserve some relaxation.(Jason saids to Drac in which he nods then changes back into a bat and flies away leaving Jason alone in the graveyard)

Jason soon went for a walk around the graveyard and found it to be quite scarier then the ones back home which he liked then all of sudden he sees another bat flying towards him but it looked like a female in which it turned into Mavis and she landed on a tomb stone.

Mavis: Hey Jason

Jason: Hey Mavis hows it going.

Mavis: Great come on I want to show you something really awesome.(Mavis saids and takes Jasons hand and took him into a tunnel which leads to a secret passage way)

Then after many hours later Mavis took Jason back to the hotel except it was still the outside of the hotel but on the very top of the hotel in which Jason got a really awesome view of the entire landscape and forest district which made Mavis smile that Jason looked amazed of what he was seeing with his own eyes.

Jason: Wow the view up here looks amazing I can probably almost see the mostly everything fro up here.(Jason saids while checking out the view from on top of the hotel)

Mavis: Hehehe glad you like it Jason, but tell me something do you know a place called Haw what what.

Jason: Huh? oh you mean the place called Hawaii yea I heard of that place but never been to it before I heard it is the most amazing tropical island paradise in the world, I heard monsters from all over the place go there to relax and be themselves while checking out some of the parties there.

Mavis: You mean like human parties?

Jason: Sure humans parties are great once you get to see them.

Mavis: So when you went into the human world did they bite your toes and shove garlic bread in your face?(Mavis saids in which Jason looked at her in confusion)

Jason: Whoah back up who was the idiot who told you about that nonsense?

Mavis: It was my dad ever since he told me about humans and I went to a village a couple miles where the hotel is I never knew they could be so cruel.

Jason: Ok I can tell these guys don't know that humans have changed and did Dracula ever see that they no longer hate humans, something was definitely not right and that village I went to was so fake and the zombies dressed up as humans was pathetic wait did Drac had something to do with that.(Jason saids in thought while thinking what Mavis's dad told her about humans)

Jason: Ok Mavis I am going clear something up, humans sure they could be cruel like you and your dad said but they do not bite off your toes and shove garlic bread down your throats all they do is carry pitch forks, fire and drive you out of their villages and so on because humans biting monster toes sounds really disgusting even they think it would be gross.

Mavis: Huh I guess when you put that way I guess it would be kind of gross to see a human biting off a monsters toes, but tell me have you been to mostly every place around the world.

Jason: I been to a lot of places and probably still want to check out the rest of the world soon in due time and maybe visit Hawaii for my summer vacation there.

Mavis: If you do travel around the world again like you did after you left your home, would it be alright if I tag along because even though I told my dad I want to stay in the hotel with him after my incident in the village maybe I could give the outside world another chance.

Jason: Well if you do make a decision to travel the world then sure I wouldn't mind having someone to tag along even someone as beautiful as you Mavis.(Jason saids in which made Mavis blush again and smile)

Mavis: He thinks I am beautiful......(Mavis saids in thought while playing around with her hair and looking away and smiling)

Jason: And besides I am only going to be one hundred and nineteen once right you got to live it up you know.

Mavis: Yea........(Mavis saids then Jason looked towards his right and saw the sun coming out which means it was sunrise)

Jason: I got to say watching the sunrise from the top of hotel is quite something to look upon.(Jason saids as the light hits Mavis's feet in which it hurts her)

Mavis: Ow!..........

Jason: Huh...oh right vampires can not stay in the light and I guess you never seen a sunrise before have you Mavis?

Mavis: No not really why?

Jason: Well would like to know about something that my mother gave to me before she died.

Mavis: Sure what is it?

Jason: This necklace that I am wearing around me neck belonged to her and she said that if a vampire wears around them it can protect them from sun which means that they can walk around while the sun is out while wearing this necklace.(Jason saids and shows her his mothers necklace in which she found it to be quite beautiful)

Mavis: Wow Jason it looks beautiful and does it really protect vampires from the sun once you put it on?

Jason: Try it for yourself.(Jason saids as he takes off the necklace and puts it on Mavis then helds it in her hands which she couldn't help but stare at blue gem stone that sparkles like her eyes)

Mavis: I really like the design of it Jason and the this blue gem but why is there a wolf on it?

Jason: Well because my family were close friends with the wolves in which we live in the same forest together for many centuries until they moved away because they had families to visit in other places.(Jason saids as a lie because the necklace represents his kind the hybrids)

Mavis: I see so how does it work?

Jason: Come on follow me and I will show you.(Jason saids and takes Mavis's hand and they both looked towards where the sun was coming up)

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Jason took Mavis to see the sunrise and when she looked towards where the mountains are she couldn't help but stare and the most beautiful site that she was looking at even Jason still enjoyed watching the sunrise when he was a kid.

Jason: Now step into the light itself and you will see for yourself.(Jason saids to Mavis in which she looked scared but when she looked at Jason he can tell that it is alright in which Mavis smiles and nods then takes a deep breath and closes her eyes and walks out of the shadows and into the light)

When Mavis walked out the shadows and into the light where the sun is out, she felt nothing but a warmness on her skin but it wasn't hurting her or setting her on fire in which she didn't turned into dust then when she opened her eyes she looked at herself and saw that she wasn't hurt or burned from the sun but completely fine and was shocked that the necklace that Jason put on her actually worked and protected her from the sun.

Mavis: Holly rabies.....Holly Rabies!!! Jason it is working I don't feel any pain from the sun the necklace protected me and the sun itself looks absolutely beautiful.

Jason: See I told but don't stare into the sun too much you will go blind and it hurts trust me a lot of monsters had the same problem when they looked at the sun too much.

Mavis: Oh thanks for the reminded I will probably make sure to wear sun eye protectors if that ever happens.

Jason: Make sure you do.

Mavis: This is the most incredible thing I have ever seen....thanks for showing me something very beautiful Jason.

Jason: Your welcome Mavis

Mavis: You wanna hang here for a while before we go back inside I still like to watch the sunrise.

Jason: Sure that would be just fine and thanks to the ring that belong to my father I took cannot get hurt from the sun.(Jason saids and shows her the wolf ring in which looked awesome)

Mavis: Is that made of silver because my uncle Wayne doesn't like anything silver.

Jason: No it is made a bronze so it will not hurt him or his family.

Mavis: Ok that great, thanks for spending this day with me Jason it was really fun to get to see another one of my kind who can show me how to have actual fun for once.

Jason: You are welcome Mavis I am glad you enjoyed yourself including me.

Jason and Mavis continued to stay outside and watch the sunrise together but Jason was feeling quite bad that he was keeping his secret of being a hybrid from Mavis along with her friends and the other monsters even Dracula but he also had to find out the truth about that Vlad Dracula the second and see what went down hundreds of years ago and what made him kill his kind and start a war between the vampires and werewolves.

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