Chapter 4.
Jason was in his room settling in just fine and was still amazed that he gets to live in the hotel and met other vampires in which he never met before, he has to admit Count Dracula sounded like a good man but when he is around other monsters he can be a little over worked but thats just mean he just trying to make sure that the hotel and the guest are well and taken care of. But Jason also was thinking about that girl he bumped into after she almost fell to the ground if he wasn't there and helped her; he couldn't help but think about how beautiful she was and with those lovely eyes and black hair but he decided to shrug it off for now and just relax for a while and read one of his books that he got in the human world in which he found it quite interesting to read. Then when he stopped at a couple of pages, he closed the book and took off his jacket and went into the bathroom to freshen up a bit because he was planing on walking around the hotel and see how big the place looked.
Jason: Well might as well check out this place, since it is going to be my new home. Though it is quite big so I probably should ask for directions.(Jason saids then opens up his bedroom door and locked and took the key with him and proceeded to walk into the hallways)
Jason was walking around the halls and bumped into other monsters in which Jason found them to be quite interesting and way more scarier than the ones back home and while walking around the halls some of the female monsters were eyeing Jason because they found him to be the most attractive and handsome vampire they ever seen but Jason didn't pay no mind to them because he wanted to look around the hotel while also adjusting to his new life in Transylvania. Jason was continuing walking around the halls and he realized he couldn't find his way around until someone called his name from behind and it was Dracula.
Dracula: Jason!, What brings you out of your room at a time like this?
Jason: Oh Dracula sorry I didn't see you there, I was just settling just fine until I decided I wanted to have a look around the hotel and see what it is like.
Dracula: Oh of course since this is your new home after all it would be wise to have a look around and please you may call me Drac a lot of my monster friends do.
Jason: Good to know and thanks, though I kind of gotten lost a couple times I mean not to sound rude but this is a really big hotel in the shape of castle.
Dracula: Don't worry your not the only one we had the sort of problem all the time. You best stick with me because my friends are causing trouble somewhere and I have to find where they are.
Jason: I think that would be the best since you are the owner of this hotel and clearly you might know more about this place they anyone.(Jason saids to Drac in which both of them walked together to find out where the monsters that Drac said are located)
Both Dracula and Jason wondered around the hotel and discovered something they both thought, they were lost and were walking through every part of the hotel including the dungeons in which there were many traps along with secret passages ways while pulling on the levers of the lanterns. Dracula kept on pulling each lantern that was in the hotel and made a mistake on some of them like the one where a female skeleton was in the shower and the husband came in very angry and hit Dracula in the face with a sponge while Jason looked away because he knows to give women their privacy. Then soon both of them continued to travel around the hotel areas until Dracula came to the last lantern.
Jason: Didn't your construction workers put in maps of the place so that everyone can see where they are going and where they might be?
Dracula: You know what, no they didn't I have to make sure next time they come by and put maps for the hotel because this is ridiculous. Alright third times up?(Dracula saids and then pulls the lantern in which both him and Jason say monsters who are attacking zombies)
Jason: Uh? I take that these are the friends you are talking about?(Jason saids while looking at Frank, Wayne, and Murray attacking zombies which left Jason confused of what they are doing)
Dracula: Argh.....yes they are mind waiting here while I see what the commotion is all about.
Jason: Not at all take your time, I'll wait right here if you need anything.(Jason saids in which Drac liked Jasons attitude and respectfulness and turns to walk towards the monsters)
Frank: Drac!, hey buddy what you been doing?
Dracula: Never mind that! What are you have been doing?
Wayne: Well we wanted to practice our big number for Mavis's party and then these losers wouldn't get off the bandstand.(Wayne saids while pointing at the zombies)
Jason: Huh so thats why they were attacking them very odd and yet so weird at the same time?(Jason saids in thought while listening to the conversation)
Dracula: Ok I think I get it now would you put down zombie Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven this instant and did you get to rehearse at all zombie Mozart.(Dracula saids as his friends put down the zombie group as well as talk to zombie Mozart in which his shrugs meaning no he did not rehearse)
Wayne: Listen Drac, we wanted to play something like old times and we even thought maybe you would sing with us.
Dracula: Hehehe come on fellas you know that I haven't sung in public since Martha.....(Drac saids to his friends in which got Jason's attention)
Jason: I take that this Martha was his wife I guess he too has loss someone he cared about.(Jason saids in thought while feeling bad for Drac)
Frank: But we just thought that how much you know Mavis would love it.
Dracula: I SAID NO!!!, DON'T ASK ME AGAIN!!! Ok now lets hug the zombies and make up.(Dracula saids in anger and shows his monster side in which kept his friends quite)
Jason: Wow that was harsh?(Jason saids while crossing his arms and feeling bad for the monsters and didn't like how Drac said that to them)
Hey its you!!!(A female voice saids from above in which gotten Jason's attention in which he turned around and saw the girl from before and the girl was Mavis)
Jason: Hey it is you again from the lobby.
Mavis: Yea, you saved me from falling thank you by the way for the help.(Mavis saids while rubbing her arm and looking a little shy because she had to admit that Jason was quite handsome to be a vampire)
Jason: Hey it was no problem just watch yourself of where you are walking next time and there wont be any accidents.
Mavis: Thanks I will keep that mind, so your the new guy around here. I have to admit I never met a vampire like you around here before my dad saids you moved here from England is that correct.
Jason: Yea that is correct and I take that your Mavis, Count Dracula's daughter, that is a beautiful name for a vampire girl like yourself.(Jason saids in which made Mavis blush and smile at the same time)
Mavis: Hehehe thanks my mom picked it, so are you going to tell me your name.
Jason: My name is Jason, Jason Underworld it is a pleasure to meet you Mavis Dracula.
Mavis: Jason Underworld thats a cool name so it is just you here or is your family around?
Jason: No I am the last of my family they died years ago and I was only twelve when they were killed.(Jason saids while looking upset in which Mavis felt sorry for him)
Mavis: Oh I am so sorry is that why my dad offer you to stay at the hotel because of what happened to you.
Jason: Yea and to also help me forget about my dark past and start a brand new life here in Transylvania.
Mavis: Well I can tell you are going to love it here but tell me something how old are you because I am one hundred and eighteen.
Jason: I know your dad told me about it after I saw the birthday sign made of spider webs and for your question I am one hundred and nineteen just turn about a month ago.(Jason saids to Mavis who looked amazed that she found someone around her age)
Mavis: Holy rabies! you're my age!!!
Jason: Hehehe thats right and I am surprised to see other vampires because for me and my family we never made any contact with other vampires we usually just keep to ourselves in the dark forest of England but I wanted to travel the world and see places that I never been to and meet other monsters as well as vampires.
Mavis: You been out there, as in like the human world!!!
Jason: Sure lots of times though sometimes I like to keep to the shadows and stay a distance but that wouldn't stop me from seeing some really cool places in the human world.
Mavis: Wow he is amazing....(Mavis saids in thought while admiring Jason)
Frank: Hey Drac whose the new guy talking to Mavis?(Frank saids as Drac looks behind him and saw Jason and Mavis having a conversation)
Dracula: Oh excuse me for one minute.(Drac saids and walks over towards Mavis and Jason)
Jason: Hey Drac is something the matter?(Jason saids in which got Mavis attention)
Dracula: Oh no no my friends want to meet you if that is not too much trouble.
Jason: Oh sure not at all, Mavis we can pick up our conversation another time if that is alright with you.
Mavis: Sure Jason that would be fine.(Mavis saids as she watches Jason and her father walk over to the monsters)
Dracula: Fellas this here is Jason Underworld he just moved here from the dark forest of England and is planning on starting a new life here in Hotel Transylvania. Jason these are my friends Wayne, Frank, Griffin and Murray.
Jason: Hey guys pleasure to meet other monsters like myself.
Murray: Hey Underworld whats-up, got to say never expected to see another vampire in the hotel besides Drac my main man and Mavis.
Jason: I had the same exact feeling as well of meeting other vampires besides the ones that are back home in England.
Wayne: Ah England haven't been there in years got to say I heard the open fields spread far and wide across the border and the dark forest is haunted not even humans would dare venture in there.
Frank: I got to say Jason I never seen a vampire like you around why is that?
Jason: My family and I spent centuries in the dark forest and we barley made any contact with other vampires so we just like to keep our distance.
Frank: Understable your one of those monsters who don't like to get out much just stay in the dark avoiding the dangers out there.
Jason: Pretty much and there isn't really that many monsters there and it got kind of boring so that is why I moved to Transylvania to see more monsters as well as more of my kind.
Griffin: Well that is good news to hear, so what brings you here besides what you just said?
Jason: Well I am also here because I am the last of my family because they were killed a long time ago and I spent centuries alone in the dark forest until I heard from other monsters about this hotel and thought about starting my new life here and try to forget about my dark past.
Griffin: Whoah buddy that is rough and harsh.
Frank: Sorry for your loss Jason.
Jason: It quite alright guys thanks for that so what was going on just now and why were you guys you know trying to tare these zombies apart?
Wayne: Ok Jason here is the thing, Mr.Tight Coffin over here was planning to have these powdered losers play at Mavis's party.(Wayne saids to Jason and got Dracula's attention in which he looked at the zombies in which they looked bummed out)
Jason: I see, and you guys want to do it instead of them since they could just mess up no affiance guys.(Jason saids to Drac's friends then the zombies in which they said no big)
Frank: Exactly!, and we thought we could liven things up a bit!
Jason: You all play together well hows about we check you guys out and see for ourselves.(Jason saids to the guys in which they smiled and got up on stage with their instruments and started playing and singing)
Admittedly Frank along with Wayne, Murray and Griffin started playing their music together in which Jason thought the music was ok but kind of slow and steady and while looking at Mavis she can tell this is definitely something that she wouldn't want to hear at the party even Dracula was thinking the same thing and thought of using the zombies instead until Jason told the guys to stop playing.
Jason: Uh guys ok I think that is enough, I mean the song is great and kind of groovy to listen to as well as steady.
Dracula: See Jason gets it thank you.
Jason: The thing is that your missing passion and excitement and thrill I allow me to show you guys what I mean.(Jason saids and got on stage and hands the guys his music notes in which they were amazed by what they were looking at)
Murray: Wow these are some music notes you got here Underworld!, you wrote these yourself.
Jason: Sure did music is my passion.
Griffin: Got to say I am impressed very impressed.(Griffin saids while reading the notes)
Frank: How long did it take you to write notes like these?
Jason: Years Frank and if you guys want to improve your music I will be more than happy to assist you.(Jason saids and goes microphone to get ready)
Wayne: Hmm...not a bad idea Jason I like it, so what song are we doing?
Jason: It is called Shadows page thirty three and it is my best song I sung to the monsters back home.(Jason saids in which the guys turned the page and found notes in which they was amazed by this song and got ready to await Jasons cue)
Mavis: I never knew Jason could sing I wonder what he sounds like?(Mavis saids in thought while her father looked to see for himself)
Jason: Alright Shadow monsters!, 3....2....1 hit it!(Jason saids and gave the cue to the monsters in which they started playing the music)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The night is calling, there's something different in the air
I'm wide awake,
the tension builds but I don't care
There's something in my blood, running
through my veins
A catalyst of proportions I cant explain
A plan in motion,
I've gone this far no point in stopping
Anything that I've started now, too
many variables to even figure out
No time for analyzing the choice, so start
listening to the voices
Give in, to the shadows that keep
calling for you tonight
Obey the shadows cry
Give in, to temptation that
keeps following you tonight
Obey the shadows cry
Jason sang the song in which every monster came to see him singing while Dracula jaw was opened wide in shock while Mavis was blushing and smiling at how amazing Jason is singing that made her heart thump like crazy.
(Edit done by me:95nicholasnm)
In your eyes I see
burning curiosity
(don't lie) and say you've never thought about it
lie) and say you've never thought about the possibilities
Or why if its so
wrong does it feel so right
Faceless bodies moving through the
Ignoring the consequences
Secrets hidden beneath the light
A violent
collision of senses
No time for for hesitation, no time to fight
With the
angel on your left or the devil on your right
Give in, to the shadows that
keep calling for you tonight
Obey the shadows cry
Give in, to temptation that
keeps following you tonight
Obey the shadows cry
We move like ghosts in
the night, avoiding the light
Only witnessed by the eyes of the dead
We ask
the devil to dance, proving the chance
To free the skeletons we keep in our
Give in, to the shadows that
keep calling for you tonight
Obey the shadows cry
Give in, to temptation that
keeps following you tonight
Obey the shadows cry
Song Ended
(Song by: Tragedy Machine)
Once the music was over everyone was silent even the Jason as well as Frank, Wayne, Griffin, and Murray until the monsters started to uproar at the most incredible music ever played.
Monsters: THAT WAS AWESOME?!!!!!!!
Jason: Thank you Hotel Transylvania were be here all week thank you!(Jason saids while the monsters cheered and clapped for Jasons music)
Mavis: HOLLY RABIES!!!! I am so blown away right now that was amazing Jason!!!(Mavis saids while in so much excitement and joy)
Murray: Got to say Underworld you got the voice!!
Wayne: And the notes for good music ever think of joining a monster band.
Jason: Thats not a bad idea Wayne and thanks Murray.
Griffin: And that name you called us has an awesome vive to it Shadow Monsters, I think we just found our monster band name!
Frank: I think this vampire is gonna make this the best party ever!!!!!(Frank saids as everyone gathered around Jason including Mavis who was still amazed of Jason's singing voice)
Murray: Yea! maybe he can maybe he can be part of our group! He will make a great addition to us hows about Underworld wanna join our band.
Dracula was shocked of what Jason did and when he looked at Mavis he can tell that she was making the look towards Jason in which he got protective of her and even though Jason is a vampire just like him and Mavis he can not take the risk so he decided to call off what everyone had planed and focus on what he wanted to do.
Jason: Well Murray after what you guys can do on stage the answer is.....
Dracula: We're not doing any of that! We've got to stay on schedule alright.
Mavis: Alright dad alright but Jason can you come to my party as well because you were amazing on stage!!!
Jason: Sure I will be there and yes Murray I will like to join the band.(Jason saids to Mavis in which she squealed as did Murray because Jason is joining the band)
Dracula frowned at this and decided to keep a closer eye on Jason for now on so that nothing goes wrong even though he let him live in the hotel he still needs to know the rules of the hotel since Dracula created it in the first place. While everyone was enjoying themselves of what Jason did, Jason decided to get drink after the sining he did until he stopped and looked at a picture and thought the person in looked cool but then when he looked closer and closer he started to remember something from his past.
Jason looked at picture in front of him and started to have a panic in which flashbacks from his past were starting to come back to him and they were haunting him while remembering the one responsible for his kind destruction.
Jason: saids while crushing his head while the flashbacks were showing inside his head)
Young Jason: MOM!!!! WHATS GOING ON?!!!!
Young Jason: MOM WHAT IS!!!!!.........(Young Jason didn't finish as explosions and voices crying in death were heard)
Mother: JASON THIS NOT THE TIME DO AS I SAY NOW GO!!!!(Young Jason's mother said in which Jason got up and ran into the deep parts of the dark forest while hearing and seeing an evil voice in which was enjoying what it was doing and it looked like a vampire)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! KILL THEM ALL LEAVE NONE ALIVE SHOW THEM NO MERCY!!!!!(The vampire saids in evil laugh while some of his vampires and the werewolves who were brute savages attack them and Jason's kind in which they didn't care what they did and were destroying everything and killing everything in their path even Jason's own kind)
Young Jason:
End of Flashback
Jason: Dah!......path....path.....path...path......(Jason panicked and came out of his flashback and back into reality in which Mavis saw and went to see what was wrong with him)
Mavis: Jason? Are you ok?
Jason: Path......yea Mavis I am alright sorry I was just lost in thought thats all.
Mavis: Are you sure you looked like you just seen a ghost?
Jason: Mavis I am alright I guess the singing got me a little worked up thats all nothing to worry about.
Mavis: Well ok if you say so?
Jason: Say can I ask you something.
Mavis: Sure what is it?
Jason: Um who is that is in the picture there because I never seen a vampire like him before?(Jason while lying because he remembers seeing that vampire when his kind was killed along with his parents)
Mavis: Oh him well thats um.......I think his name?(Mavis was trying to say something until Drac decided to speak)
Dracula: Oh that is Mavis's uncle and my older brother Vlad Dracula the second he was named after my father and was the ruthless Dracula of the family.(Drac saids to the two in which Jason looked at the picture in shock and horror that the vampire who killed his race and started a war between the vampires and werewolves was Mavis's uncle and the brother of Dracula)
Jason: Were....were you two close?
Dracula: When we were kids we were but when time past he changed completely in which is the reason why he and I never spoken to each other in hundreds of years even my father himself.
Jason: So Drac never knew that his own brother killed my kind and started a war?(Jason saids in thought while glaring at the picture of Vlad the second with hatred)
Jason: Whatever happened to him?
Dracula: Well many years ago there was this big fight happening somewhere and he died during it and is the reason why myself along with Mavis never saw him again but luckily me and my father never liked him because he was too corruptive and too violent so we moved on with our lives from the day and never spoke about him in years.
Mavis: I am wondering what the fight was all about but the knowledge was lost through history.
Jason: Yea but I know what happened and if he was still alive I would have ripped his head off for what he has done to my kind and my parents.(Jason saids in thought and in anger)
Dracula: You might be able to find stuff about him in the library since we keep all the Dracula family history there.
Jason: Does anyone know about your brother besides me?
Dracula: No we kept it secret from the other monsters and they wouldn't understand but for now let's forget about it and carry on with the schedule.(Drac saids to Mavis and Jason in both nod and then he leaves with the other monsters following behind)
Jason: So the monster from my past is the brother of Count Dracula and uncle to Mavis but Drac said he never got along with him and Mavis never knew him so they never knew what happened to the hybrids or my family so I can not blame them for what happened.(Jason saids in thought until Mavis snapped him out of his thoughts)
Mavis: Come on Jason we must as well see what events dad has planned!
Jason: Right right I am coming!(Jason saids as he follows Mavis and the other monsters)
Jason: Soon I will have to go into the library and found out more about Vlad Dracula the second and see what he did years ago and know more about the truth about him.(Jason saids in thought while walking with Mavis and the other monsters to go to the events)
Then after a while now everyone were doing the events that Dracula has instructed in which everyone played a game of bingo that was pretty boring and Jason didn't really find this amusing in which he still had to do it even Mavis was agreeing with him while Dracula on the other hand was enjoying himself and smiling but as for the other monsters not so much. Then soon there was another boring activity that was taking place which was charade and so far mostly half of the monsters including Jason were asleep and not having a good time and Mavis was sleeping on Jason's shoulder was trying to avoid the activity taking place.
Jason: Yawn!.......this is so not what I pictured of having a good time.(Jason saids in whisper while waking up from his nap in which Mavis started to wake up next to Jason)
Mavis: Yawn!!......what...what is going on?
Jason: Oh hey sleepy nothing really just more boring stuff as usual.(Jason saids in which Mavis sees everyone looking bored as well and not doing much)
Mavis: Oh yea I see.......(Mavis saids while looking border)
Jason was on the verge of boredom until something caught his eye in which was a basketball that the humans play for sports but this one had eye balls in which looked like it took looked bored and wanted to do something and that is when Jason had an idea.
Jason: Hmm...I think I know how to make this day better with a good game of monster basketball just like sports game I played with the monsters during my travels after I left home.(Jason saids in thought then gets up from his seat in which Mavis looked to where Jason was going)
Mavis: Where is he going?(Mavis saids as she looks to where Jason is walking to)
When Jason got to where the basketball with the eyeballs was he picked it up and talked to it in which it understood what Jason wants to do in which the ball was glad that it gets to do something for once.
Jason: Hey little guy wanna play some monster basketball to help lighten up the boredom.(Jason saids to the ball in which it shake itself meaning yes it wants to play)
Jason: I take that as a yes and you already know how the game works I bounce you and toss you into the hoop and the others do the same.(Jason saids to the ball in which it nods again meaning yes and it got Jason smiling)
All the monsters in the room were starting to get even border even Mavis until they started to hear a noise in which sounded like a ball dropping on the ground.
Everyone including Mavis even Dracula looked to the ground and saw Jason bouncing a monster ball on the ground while doing some tricks with the ball in which the monster looked amazed of Jasons movements and turns while using the ball and then all of sudden he ran and slammed the ball into the hoop and the ball landed on the ground with Jason catching it.
(Reference of tossing the ball into the hoop)
Jason: Hey any of you up for a game of monster basketball?(Jason saids with a smile in which got all the monsters except Dracula's attention because that sport was their absolute favorite game)
Monsters: YEAH!!!!!!!!
Jason: Alright get into teams so we can start!, Murray, Skeleton Man, Griffin, Mavis, Wolf pups your with me!(Jason saids as Murray, the Skeleton Man, Griffin, Mavis and the Wolf pups come together to form the team while Frank, Wayne, and some other monsters formed their own team)
Once Jason and his team got ready and came up with a plan they all got into formation and await for the other team to get ready in which Frank teams was ready to game on.
Frank: You guys ready to get creamed vampire boy!
Jason: Bring it on stitches!(Jason saids with a smirk in which earned smirks from the other monsters even Franks wife)
Frank: Well then let the monster basketball game begin!(Frank saids as a fly dressed like a referee blows the whistle and the game begins)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Theme for Basketball game)
The game was starting out great and everyone for once is having a blast while the others were cheering on opposite teams to see who would win in which Jason's team was getting the upper hand and moving fast while Franks team was falling behind and only barley scoring a point while Jason's was scoring a lot thanks to Mavis as well as the wolf pups for being fast and quick. Dracula on the other hand was dumbstruck that everyone was acting the way they wanted and not what he wanted in which he couldn't do anything but watch and see what was happening even his own daughter looked like she was doing whatever she wanted and who can blame her she was having a blast and the most fun she had in years. Then soon the game came to an end and Jason's team won by twenty five to twelve in which Frank and his team were not upset or anything but they for once had a great time and enjoyed themselves just like Jason and his team who were celebrating their win.
Jason: Nice team work guys! You got game.
Murray: Man that was so fun we should do this more often!
Griffin: I agree it is so much better than watching someone do charades am I right.
Jason: I am happy you guys like it as well even me and you guys the unstoppable wolf pack you guys were awesome!(Jason saids to Murray and Griffin as well as the wolf pups)
Wolf Pups: AWHOOOO!!!!!!(All howled in joy which earned a smile on Jasons face)
Jason: And you V-girl were totally radical! Give me five!(Jason saids to Mavis in which she smiles and high fives Jason)
Mavis: Oh that was so much fun!!! Let's do it again sometime like Murray said.
Jason: I would like that, and Frank, Wayne you guys were great as well great game.
Frank: Oh shucks you guys were awesome as well, man how I missed playing this game.
Wayne: Yea it was it one of our favorite sports to play and it still is thanks for bringing up Jason you really know how to make us monsters excited.
Jason: Thanks Wayne and no problem.
Dracula: Yes yes that was fun and all but for now let us continue with the rest of the schedule and no mistakes alright because I want this to be special am I clear.(Drac saids to everyone in which they all shrug meaning whatever and then soon Drac and the monsters left the room and continue to do the rest of the schedule)
Mavis: Hey Jason, for what it is worth this was the most incredible fun time I ever had thanks for making it happened.
Jason: Hehehe no problem Mavis I am glad you enjoy yourself.(Jason saids and rubs Mavis's hair in which caused her to blush and giggle)
Mavis: Hehehe.....I don't understand why my dad can not do what you do.
Jason: Well maybe because he likes to follow the old ways but it wouldn't hurt to try something new for a change and if he did that then maybe you will see that he can be fun as well.
Mavis: Yea I guess your right about that Jason.
Jason: Come Mavy-Wavy let's see what the next activity would be Bleh Bleh!(Jason saids while acting like her father in which made Mavis laugh and smile)
Mavis: Ok ok and that was a good impression of my dad Jason.
Jason: Why thank you shall we head off.
Mavis: Lets!
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