Chapter 2.
On the other side of the world in a the darkest parks of the forest in the place called Transylvania there was silent and it was absolutely quiet until a speeding car that was from the ancient times was driving really fast and not making and stops while behind it were monsters with suitcases and were heading towards the direction of where the speeding car was heading.
Then soon the car was heading down a secret pass and it was leading to a giant look a like castle but it wasn't an ordinary castle it was a hotel, a hotel for monsters only and only monsters from all different races and they were heading towards the place with many bags and stuff that brought with them as well as friends and family. The hotel was known other than Hotel Transylvania.
Once inside the place there were many monsters and beats walking around the area as well as servants who are nothing more than zombies who look like they were falling apart piece by piece from carrying the monsters luggage then when all of the monsters were gathered in the hotel while more and more were coming in, a tall looking man dressed in all black and had pointed ears, blue eyes, straight hair, as well as fangs was know other than the person who is in charge of the hotel that was know other than Count Dracula prince of darkness and son of Vlad Dracula.
Dracula: Welcome to Hotel Transylvania!(Dracula saids to all the monsters in the hotel)
Admittedly the prince of darkness went down to greet his fellow monsters while handing out some cards because starting soon in the hotel is going to be a special day for certain someone Dracula knows and loves and was getting ready for that day to come.
Dracula: Human free since 1898, your safest destination take an itinerary. I have personally designed this spectacular schedule of events all leading to my daughter's birthday extravaganza.(Dracula saids to the monsters while handing out the schedules to them)
Knight armor: Sir! Sir!, we have an urgent plumbing issue.
Dracula: Plumbing on it, Mr.Ghoul!(Dracula saids as a zombie comes in with a toilet clogger)
Knight Amor: There is a clogged toilet in room three forty eight.(Armor saids to the zombie in which him along with the armor and Dracula look up at the giant monster next to them know as BigFoot)
BigFoot: Roar?!
Dracula: It is ok we all get stomachaches Mr.Bigfoot.
Then out of no where hundreds of tiny werewolf pups were charging into the hotel and causing trouble lots of trouble in which the guest were trying to keep calm as well as away from the pups because their out of control until their parents came in and try to stop or try to and their names are Wayne and Wanda
Wayne: Hey kids reel it in you're only supposed to make mom and dad miserable.
Dracula: Now, now is that anyway to behave this is a hotel not a cemetery.(Dracula saids to the wolf pup who was chewing on his cape)
Wolf pup: Sorry uncle Drac.(Wolf pup apologizes and goes with the other wolf children)
Wayne: Drac!, how are ya!
Dracula: Wayne my old friend!
Wayne: Couldn't wait for this weekend always great to be out of the shadows for a couple of days.
Dracula: The family looks beautiful let me just clean up their filth. Housekeeping!(Dracula saids and have the witches on brooms clean up the wolf pups messes to make the hotel spotless again)
Then when the witches finished cleaning the wolf pups messes all of sudden they knocked over some boxes and inside them was body parts body not ordinary body parts, those part belong to the one and only Frankenstein or Frank for short.
Frank: Whoah....OO...ah...ow!(Frank saids while his head and only head was rolling and bouncing on the floor until Dracula caught him)
Dracula: Franky my boy look at you still traveling by mail Mr.Cheap huh!
Frank: It is not a money thing I have a plane phobia ok I mean at any moment now those engines could catch.
Wayne: Fire!, yeah yeah fire bad! we know.(Wayne saids while mocking Frank in which made Dracula giggle and Frank pout until Dracula saw that the zombies were not putting Franks body the right way)
Dracula: Adjust the parts come on does that look like Frankensteins head?!
Wayne: Hey Drac buddy what is going on with your cape there?
Dracula: What do you mean?(Dracula saids until someone pitch him and turned around and saw no one)
Dracula: Ow!, who pinched me?(Dracula saids and saw a pare of floating glasses which known other than the invisible man named Griffin)
Griffin: Guilty, your are irresistible.
Dracula: Yes very amusing invisible man, hello great to see you.(Dracula saids in which made him and his friends laugh then Griffin took off his glasses and slapped Dracula in the face and tries to hit Griffin but misses each time)
Griffin: You missed me, miss me miss me!
Dracula: Ok you win hold this bacon.
Griffin: Why am I holding this.......AHH!!!(Grffin saids then gets attacked by the wolf pups who want the bacon)
Soon the laughing stop for Dracula, Frank and Wayne as a blizzard of sand was coming inside of the hotel and created a huge sand hill in which on top was a chubby mummy with green eyes and a big smile and was friends of Dracula and he goes by Murray The Mummy.
Murray: He comes the party!!
Dracula: Hello Murray!
Murray: Drac whats up buddy!
Dracula: The sand Murray, the sand always with the sand!
Murray: Wolfie, Wanda! Frank!!!
Frank: RAAAAAA!!!!
Murray: RAAAAAA!!!, hehehe I love this guy you're always bringing it full to and you are looking skinny too now that you are just a head.
Frank: Hehehe, ok you will pay for that.(Frank saids as the zombies took his head and put him on his body but on the different side in which he didn't look like himself)
Murray: So whats up Drac, hotel is looking off the hook, by the way you were right about those directions.
Dracula: Oh good good!
Murray: Yea I took the tigers through the nile and there was absolutely no traffic.(Murray saids while behind him was Franks butt and it let out a fart)
Fart!!!(Franks butt farts behind Murray in which got Dracula glaring at Murray thinking he did that)
Dracula: You are kidding me right in my lobby.
Murray: Drac I swear man I don't run like that.
Dracula: HouseKeeping!(Dracula saids as the witches come back and took the fart gas and put into the fire in which a big blast came out)
Murray: I swear I was not the cause of that.(Murray saids to the female mummy and just walks away from Murray while his friends were laughing none stop)
Spider: Excuse me sir were ready!(Spider saids to Dracula in which he looked up and saw the sign that saids happy birthday Mavis)
Wanda: If only Martha was here to see this.(Wand saids while looking at the birthday sign)
Dracula: She is always here to see this she is always here Wanda.(Dracula saids while thinking of the person known as Martha then went to discuss something with the other monsters)
Dracula: Ok friends I am so glad you are here to celebrate another birthday for my sweet little Mavis and another successful year of refuge from them!(Dracula saids as a zombie plays a video screen showing humans)
Dracula: These are recent human images our surveillance has uncovered they are getting fatter so as to overpower us and they are less clothing allowing more movement to strangle us or cut open our heads and put candy in them. But they will never find us here evil villain you will never win! Okey-dokey the fun starts in thirty minutes right now I have to see my little girl.
Frank: She is no so little anymore!
Dracula: YES SHE IS!(Dracula saids and shows them his scary monster face before he is calm again)
What is going out there? Are we at the hotel Frank did you book us for a tandem massage did you get us a table at hunchbacks did you do anything!(Franks wife saids until she was pushed back into the box by Griffin)
Griffin: I didn't hear anything did you?
Meanwhile in a bedroom a girl with black hair, blue eyes, and looked gothic as well has fangs like Count Dracula was talking to herself so that she can say it to her father when he comes to see her and her name is Mavis Dracula daughter of Count Dracula.
Mavis: Dad, you told me that when I was one hundred and eighteen I could go out and see the world like any adult that gets to come and go from this hotel..but Mavy-Wavy it is not safe bleh bleh!(Mavis saids to herself while imitating her father)
Mavis: Dad, thirty years ago you promised I remember we were both eating mice and you specifically said that you would gave me your word.(Mavis saids while walking on top of her room while talking to herself)
Dracula: Good morning Mavy-Wavy!, happy birthday my little mouse!
Mavis: Thank you dad I know it is my birthday.
Dracula: I have so much fun planned Whoo-Hoo! but first we go catch some scorpions together just the two of us yes.
Mavis: Dad please let me speak there is something we have to talk about.
Dracula: You want to go out into the world you can.
Mavis: Aha!, I knew you were going to say that but dad you gave me your word and you know that I know that Dracula's word is scared that our trust is the core of our....wait what?
Dracula: I said you can go.
Mavis: You are just playing with me.
Dracula: No no, your are old enough to drive a hearse now and your old enough to make your own choices you can go.
Mavis: HOLY RABIES! HOLY RABIES!(Mavis saids with excitement and hugs her father and comes back with a packed up bag and Hawaii shirt)
Dracula: Whoah whoah stop wait a second sweet fangs where are you going?
Mavis: Oh well I am going to paradise and this is some stuff that I thought I would need.
Dracula: Paradise?
Mavis: Yea you know it is that place out there where you and mom met, Auntie Wanda says you two were just like zing.
Dracula: I don't know from zing where did you find that card?
Mavis: In one of your drawers why won't you ever tell me about how you met?
Dracula: It is actually Hawaii.
Mavis: How what what?
Dracula: Look honey, I know you are excited but everyone has gone to great lanes to come see you on your birthday.
Mavis: I know they always do aren't I getting a little old for these parties. I love them but I really want to see new things maybe meet somebody my age.(Mavis saids and turns into a bat while looking sad in which got Dracula's attention)
Dracula: Come on, no no no don't do that don't give me the pouty bat face. Ok there is a human village just a little way past the cemetery you can go there and be back in like thirty minutes or so it should be plenty for your first time.
Mavis: Sigh....Well it is not Hawi but I guess it is still technically out there okay okay!(Mavis saids and changes back and puts away her stuff)
Mavis: Thanks for trusting me.(Mavis saids and hugs her father)
Dracula: Of course my little one I gave you my word.(Dracula saids to Mavis until his friends came in and greeted Mavis)
Everyone: HEY!!!
Frank: You excited about tomorrow!
Mavis: Not as excited as I am right now, you are not going to believe this but dad is letting me go out on my own to see a human village!
Everyone except Dracula and Mavis: WHAT?!!!!(Everyone saids until Franks wife Eunice comes in and putted together)
Eunice: Excuse me Drac have you lost it letting your own daughter out there with those horrible humans you always tell us about! Thats why you built this place they hate us, they're vicious and they are very loud!
Mavis: Auntie Eunice maybe they have changed I am just going to fly down the street and see how it goes.
Wanda: Ok honey be safe bring warm clothes and a sword.
Griffin: And look out for pitchforks.
Murray: Don't let anyone scoop up your brains out either.
Wayne: Maybe stay in the shadows it is more fun to just observe from under a house.
Frank: Guys guys she can handle it she is a Dracula for Pete's sake but seriously watch out for bad.
Mavis then walked towards her window and let out a breath but before turning back to see her family with smiles except for Dracula.
Mavis: Bye everyone WHOOO-HOO!!!(Mavis saids and jumps out of the window and falls then changes into her bat form and flies towards the direction where the human village is)
Frank: Drac I cannot believe how calm you are about her leaving her I am proud of you...Drac?(Frank saids and looks behind him and sees that Dracula wasn't around or with everyone else)
Outside of the hotel a bat with red eyes was flying around until he spotted another bat with blue eyes and was flying around the cemetery area and the bat who was following it was Dracula who was following his daughter towards the human village he talked about.
Mavis: WHOO-HOO! this is awesome there is the cemetery just like dad said!(Mavis saids and flies where the cemetery is with Dracula spying on her from behind)
Then soon Mavis left with Dracula following her behind in which they both came across the village that Dracula told his daughter about in which they was no one around.
Dracula landed in the village unnoticed and saw his daughter from on top of the building and hid himself so that she will not see him while she has a look around the village for the first time and what she can tell was that she was amazed by what she was looking at but doesn't realize that all of this is something else in which her father knows about.
Mavis: Uh hello? anybody out there? (Mavis saids as she looks around to see if anyone was around until she spotted a clothes store with beautiful dresses)
While Mavis was admiring the dresses inside the store, a human came out of no where with fire with an angry look along with another human wearing the dress.
Mavis: Oh hi humans.(Mavis saids to the humans in which Dracula saw and did something and used powers to turn off the lights until it was pitch black)
Mavis: Uh everything ok? my name is Mavis Dracula and I.....
Human: Vampire.........
Mavis: Fully clothed really?
Human: Vampire we eat your candy......
Mavis: I'm friendly, I really am um calm down now. I just wanted to say hi.(Mavis saids as more humans were coming with fire and pitchforks until one of them looses their head and it turned out to be a zombie wearing human like clothes like the rest of them which means all of this was a scam by Dracula who got the zombie head and placed it back on the body with the human fake mask on and hide himself again to watch what would happened)
Mavis: Please I never hurt anyone, I'm homeschooled.(Mavis saids then sees what the humans have were garlic, fire, pitchforks in which one of them hit the other in which made Mavis flinch while Dracula slapped himself in the face for what the zombie did)
Then all of sudden the zombie dressed as a human holding the fire fell over and the fire lit up all of the zombies dressed like humans and created a huge flame.
Mavis: Holy rabies you are on fire, did I do anything can I help you? Dad was right, dad is right.(Mavis saids in which got Dracula's attention and then after a while now Mavis turned into a bat and flew away from the village)
Dracula: It worked, now my baby will be safe forever. Alright everybody get back to work.(Dracula saids to the zombies who took off their human costumes and begin to take down the fake village that was built then changes back into a bat and flew away)
After Dracula left the fake village and the zombie were taking down the village, from above the forest grounds stood a the hybrid known as Jason Underworld who was looking at the village from on top and saw what looked like zombies who were taking down a village that looked completely fake to his eyes and thought it would be a good idea to follow them to see where they were heading.
Jason: Hmmm....maybe those guys know where Hotel Transylvania is located might as well follow them while keeping my distance.(Jason saids as he gets up from his spot with his bad over his shoulders and heads down to follow the zombies to the hotel before taking down the fake village)
Jason: Next stop Hotel Transylvania!
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